Daddy Dog & Junior Dog's Knotty Birthday Bash - Chapter 2

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Over the years, David had gartered quite the reputation online as Daddy Dog, the infamous adult entertainer who tantalized many curious viewers on stage and video alike. However, only the closest friends in David's personal life were aware of a secret he had been keeping from his fans: Daddy Dog actually was a Dad. Or at least, he had a biological son before leaving his old life to embrace his true self.

But as of recently, that same son had grown up to be an equally independent and strong canine of his own. After escaping the same home-life his Father had done over a decade ago, Joshua was able to reconnect with his Father and live with him full-time. Despite David's background and occupation, he took him in without question; but at the same time, he had no idea just how close he and his son could become. That was, until the day Joshua turned eighteen...

Behind the thick curtains separating the club from the backstage, the thumping house music was much more manageable as muffled bass-beats that vibrated the ground. Away from the stage, there happened to be a large backroom meant for staff and invited guests alike. Unlike the main area of the building, which was usually either pitch-black or flooded with strobe-lights and horny guys, the lounge area felt much more isolated and laid-back in comparison. Large wrap-around couches were placed around a couple corners of the room, while a fancy flatscreen hanging from the wall played some ambient music to drown out the bass outside. The vibes definitely felt less intense, especially when nobody else was in the room to bother the two post-coitus performers who just entered together...

"Nnnnghhh!! F-Fuck you're tight!"

"GAH! D-Don't pull so hard, Dad!"

David and Joshua awkwardly stumbled their way into the lounge in feeble steps, making sure not to make things too uncomfortable while nestled tightly together. Since David's knot was still swollen and locked inside his son, they struggled with trying to come down from such an exhilarating session back on stage. In fact, even with his Dad's thick knot and cumshot sloshing around inside of him, Joshua's cock was still standing fully rigid and twitching hard. But alas, he and his Dad were still groaning from the shared strain as they tried to take a seat.

"Mmmphhhh..." David and Joshua had to carefully lean down sideways against one of the couches, until the two were spooning across the cushions like a night of Petflix and Chill. After a little readjusting, David was able to sit down properly on the couch while his son was firmly nestled atop his lap. The younger canine quivered a little with a bitten lip, and groaned when he reached down and felt his Dad's cock through the bulge protruding from his stomach. He closed his eyes and reeled his head back with a weak, lingering sigh while his cock twitched freely. As for his Dad, the tight trembling he felt around his knot was satisfying enough to make him groan with a smirk. "Damn, son! You keep clenching like that, I don't think I can get my knot out."

"Mnnnphhhh... Y-Yeah~" Joshua may have already came harder than he ever did back on stage, but it was hard to come down from such a lustful high when the knot he dreamt about for years was still pulsating inside of him. But at the same time, the pup tried his best to relax himself as he closed his eyes and took a few calming breaths. His tailhole only slightly loosened around his Dad's knot, but not nearly enough for it to slip out. Fortunately for Joshua, David seemed used to such a predicament as he sat and sighed casually. He reached for the nearby remote, and changed the channel so his son could try settling down.

"Mmmmmm..." While his eyes were closed, Joshua savored each pulsation he felt from his Dad's slowly softening knot. It certainly helped when David started to play some chill Lo-Fi music from one of the TV's streaming apps, which Joshua used to help relax his muscles. Neither of them were sure how long they sat with the son atop David's lap, but they seemed quite content with themselves by the time the doors reopened again. This time, Jax entered the backroom with a haughty grin while the sounds of cheering guys and club music were blasting behind him. But much to David and Josh's surprise, he wasn't the only one to check up on them.

"Alright, Adrian! Pick up the pace!" Jax was holding a bright red leash in his paw, but the other end was dangling outside the doorway without touching the ground. He gave it a harsh tug, which caused a familiar-looking buck to crawl into the room on all fours. He was wearing a red pup-hood over his face, but both Joshua and David had met the herbivore before. He was notably chubbier back when he first joined the club and its community, but aside from a little pudge along the sides, Adrian seemed much healthier nowadays with a leather harness wrapped around his slender chest. His horns were also absent so soon after winter, so only a couple fresh nubs were visible from the openings at the top of his mask. Even with the reveal of Daddy and Junior Dog already present, the deer crawled in with a blushed smile as he followed Jax's commands.

"Therrrreeee you go..." Jax made sure to slam the door behind them, before reaching down to smack Adrian right across one of his bare cheeks. Aside from a muffled yelp through his hood, he was still clearly into it as judged by his tented pink jockstrap. Joshua and David could see the thick glob of precum seeping through the deer's codpiece, which darkened the fabric and helped to highlight his arousal. With another hard tug of his leash, Adrian shivered elatedly as he sat upright on the floor beside Jax's boots. Meanwhile, the goat was holding the leash confidently and smiling at the gawked stares from both canines.

"Hmph~ You two remember Adrian, right?" With the deer sitting beside him in silence like a subservient pet, Jax was able to gently pet the top of his pup-hood. "Yeah, Marzo and Eirjan let me borrow the guy for a little weight-loss regimen, if you catch my drift~"

"Hmph~" Even with his son still wrapped around his cock, David rolled his eyes with a playful scoff. "Jeeze, why am I not surprised you got the piss guy?~"

While Adrian lowered his head with a sheepish grunt, Joshua tried to give him a friendly wave while smiling feebly. "Uhhhh... H-Hey there, Adrian~"

Adrian waved back with a smile of his own, but his eyes were naturally drawn towards that thick bulge protruding from Josh's stomach. With his Dad still buried balls-deep inside, Joshua couldn't blame the deer for staring at both of them so enviously. Of course, Adrian made sure to glance back up at the younger pup and give an approving thumbs-up. "Ummm... G-Great job out there~"

Jax sighed and rolled his eyes, but he didn't punish his bitch for speaking out of line. Joshua seemed to appreciate his friend's compliment, and nodded graciously. "Uhhh, thanks! I, ummm... I'm really glad I got to do it~"

David sighed with a reluctant nod of his own, unable to do much more than agree with his son. It was still a lot to process, since he and Joshua performed an act on stage that'd literally be illegal in several states. Not to mention, unlike many of the guys out on the main floor who didn't know the performers personally, both Jax and Adrian knew for a fact that the incest wasn't just some party act.

"Speaking of which, I got some good news!" Jax pulled out his smartphone, which he had stashed inside his biker cap. "I just checked the numbers, and you two are blowing up online! You already outperformed any of your vids from last year, Daddy Dog~"

"W-What?!" David was quick to scroll through the phone after Jax tossed it to him. As soon as he saw how quickly his Dad's jaw dropped, Joshua tried to lean back and get a glimpse of the screen himself. His gobsmacked expression nearly mimicked his Dad's when they saw the number of viewers their livestreamed session was already getting. There were also a plethora of comments and emojis for the father/son duo, all of which hungrier than a swarm of starving piranha. Jax and Adrian couldn't help chuckling when they saw their reactions, but the goat was the first to speak up while the two were speechless.

"Yeah, you and Joshua definitely made a big splash online! Honestly, I might need to pay Josh overtime so he can revamp our social media and promote the fuck outta you two~"

David groaned with a strong eyeroll, while Joshua merely shrugged with an unoffended smile. "Well, considering how we're still tied," said David before handing back Jax's phone, "maybe we should refrain from talking about business right now."

"Hey, don't worry about that! I was just wanting to brag on your behalf~" After sticking his phone back inside his hat, Jax smirked wide at the two and motioned back down to his bitch. "Besides, I was wanting to ask for something different from your boy after you soften up~"

With the way the old goat perked his brows, David and Joshua's eyes instantly widened in realization. But while the Dad was shooting Jax an incredulous stare, his son began blushing heavily in silence. His eyes could be seen darting between Jax's confident grin, and the leashed deer-pup kneeling beside him with his muzzle already at crotch-level. His belly may have been sloshing with his Daddy's cum, but his erection still hadn't dissipated yet. Of course, neither did David's, which meant that the two were still tightly latched in place.

"Really, dude?" David narrowed his eyes on him with annoyance. "You literally just fucked his mouth on stage, and you already want another turn?"

"Hey, what can I say? He was fucking great out there!" While Joshua tried not to beam from that line of praise, Jax kept his eyes on David when he asked, "You want me to help get you soft?~"

"Pbbt!" David openly scoffed with a disbelieving eyeroll, and he shot him a taunting grin when he wrapped his paws around his son's waist. "You know what, I'm rather comfortable right now. But thanks for asking~"

Joshua winced a little and tried to look back at him. "Daaaadddd..."

"Eh, don't worry about it, kid!" Jax gave a wave of his paw and gave a scoff of his own. "Honestly, with what I was thinking, you might not need to get off that knot just yet..."

Joshua's eyes grew even wider, and he blinked a couple times while trying to process what the goat had planned. Despite how long the two knew each other, it was daunting for Joshua to know this could be his first time with his Dad's friend. However, the old goat made sure to ask Joshua, "Are you still good to go? I can see you're still hard, but I just wanted to ask before assuming anything, y'know?"

"Oh! Ummm... Well..." The pup skewed his muzzle nervously before turning his head around. He tried to face his Dad while still tied to his knot, but even the slightest readjustment made both of their bodies tense up with sharp groans. "Nnnfffff! H-Hey, uhhh... would it be cool if I said yes?"

"Eh... Oh, alright!" David may have not been too keen on seeing his son and best friend going at it again, but he definitely couldn't say much after publicly breeding Joshua. He begrudgingly shrugged and muttered out, "I mean... You are an adult now, so I won't go against any choices you make yourself. Just as long as you know how to handle yourself."

"Thanks, Dad!" He leaned back far enough to plant his lips against David's for a quick kiss. Aside from a split-second moment of panic, David felt surprisingly fine after kissing him back like it was nothing. Joshua took a moment to close his eyes, and he groaned with invigorated pleasure as he nestled his ass tighter against his Dad's crotch. David hissed through his teeth, while his thick knot throbbed more notably inside of him.

"Hmph~" Even while wearing a pup-hood, Adrian had to stifle a giggle with a paw over his mouth. Jax nudged him sharply from the side, but he was smirking just as obviously as his bitch. Since Joshua was still too tight to dislodge himself from David's lap, both of them could tell that his newly-popped cherry wouldn't be open again too soon. The goat was still leering at him with a devilish grin to indicate he wasn't deterred in the slightest. As for his leashed buck, his eyes were excitedly darting between Jax and Joshua to see what happened next.

"So, uhhh..." After Joshua turned his head to face Jax again, David leaned over to ask, "What were you actually planning with my son?"

Despite his warning tone, Jax just smirked back at him without any shame. "Well, nothing you wouldn't be familiar with yourself, Daddy Dog~"

David rolled his eyes with a sigh, but he didn't try to speak up to whatever Jax was planning. He might be stuck behind his son, but he didn't need to see Josh's elated face while his knot was still being squeezed rather consistently. Instead, his eyes glanced away from Jax's pervy smile, and towards the deer who was still kneeling beside him.

"Ummm..." Adrian sheepishly raised a paw to catch Jax's attention, before motioning back to Joshua and asking, "D-Do you, uhhh.. Do you need my help, Sir?"

From the way Joshua was staring back at him with a piqued smirk and a raised brow, it seemed like he'd be more than alright with the buck prepping him. However, while still holding onto Adrian's leash, Jax grinned down at him with narrowing eyes. "Well, you certainly can help us out, kiddo... Just not for him~"

Before Adrian could ask for any clarification, he walked straight up to David and Joshua on the couch. A hard tug of his leash prompted Adrian to frantically scurry on all fours behind him with a whimper. Much to the father and son's surprise, Jax kept a confident grin on his face when he stood between Joshua's spread legs, and then knelt down between them. As the old goat got himself in position before Joshua's crotch, which caused the doberman's cock to twitch hard while untouched, Jax turned his head to command the bitch behind him. "ADRIAN! I'm gonna get this pup nice and wet, so you better prep me from behind like a good doe~"

Adrian's pup-hood did nothing to hide his eager smile when he nodded excitedly. "Y-Y-Yes, Sir!" He crawled right up towards Jax's backside, where his fat and sweaty ass was left completely exposed due to the lack of coverage from his chaps or jockstrap. And since the goat was sprawled out on the floor with his legs wide-apart, his petite pink hole could be seen puckering between the two hefty mounds of musky and sweat-matted fur. Nevertheless, Adrian didn't hesitate in the slightest when he grabbed hold of both cheeks, and spread them apart to make that fleshy hole yawn and twitch so invitingly.

"Aaaahhhh!!~" With a primal yelp of dire need, Adrian lunged in face-first with his muzzle wide-open, and his tongue sticking out of the open zipper of his mask. Jax was holding onto Joshua's thighs for leverage, but he paused with a heavy groan as he clenched his eyes and gritted his teeth. Jax had to hold on for a moment while Adrian was latched so tightly to his ass, and devoured his sweaty hole with the ferocity of the first victim of a zombie movie. Between those fat cheeks, Adrian's vice was heavily muffled while moaning from the taste of that musky ring against his tongue. "MmmmMMMmmmphhh..."

"Gnnnghhh!! Fuck yeah..." Jax took another moment to savor the deer's tenacious tongue-lashing, and he relished every ravenous flick while moaning under his breath. Daddy Dog and Junior Dog were left speechless at first, and could only watch in amazement at how hungrily Adrian was eating the old goat out. They could only see the whites in the deer's eyes from the holes in his pup-hood, since they were rolled back so deeply in response to the intensity of Jax's musk. His nostrils were flaring out wildly with every deep breath, undoubtedly filling his lungs with that unwashed scent that was leaving his mouth drooling between his rabid licks. Before he could even think to pull his head back, the tension against his leash was tightened with a strong pull from Jax's arm. "Nnnnffffff... That's right, you little slut! EAT IT!!~"

Adrian didn't need to be told twice, and merely moaned out while doing just that. Even if Jax wasn't holding him by leash, it was unlikely he would try to pull away while gripping both cheeks so tightly. Eventually, the goat was able to adjust well enough to that thrashing tongue to redirect his focus to the two stunned canines right in front of him. Although, since Jax's hot breath was already brushing up against Joshua's exposed and still-throbbing cock, it was standing readily enough to be leaking precum. In fact, an especially thick glob of the clear and gooey substance was lingering right at the pointed tip, just begging to be tasted right from the source.

"Nnnnghhhhh... Here we go~" Jax's body may have been shivering from Adrian's muzzle-work from behind, but it wasn't enough to keep his front half unattended. He leaned in with his eyes wide-open, and staring straight up at Joshua's face when he dragged his tongue against the underside of that candy-red shaft. Joshua let out a brief and startled moan, but his eyes remained half-lidded when he tried to stare back at the goat tasting him for the first time. "Mmmmmmm..."

Jax took his sweet time when it came to stimulating Joshua with his mouth, and he refrained from just deep-throating him like a slut practicing for his scuba license. Instead, his tongue slowly glided up the length of his shaft inch-by-inch, coating every part with his drooling saliva. Joshua was too overwhelmed from the surprisingly tantalizing sensation, and was left quivering in place while relentlessly squeezing his Dad's knot. Meanwhile, the older canine was trying not to hiss from the strain as he grinned down at his friend mischievously.

"Oh god... OoooOOOOHHH!!~" Joshua closed his eyes and squirmed badly atop his Dad's cock, which caused it to twitch hard inside of him and intensify his moaning. Jax was still just using his tongue, but it seemed to be leaving quite an impact on the former virgin. He took a split-second to stare up at Josh's Dad, who just shot him a silent and knowing nod. Jax seemed to know exactly what he wanted him to do, which he reciprocated with a wider grin of his own. The goat took that moment to grab hold of the base of Josh's shaft tightly in his paw, before leaning in and dragging his tongue directly against the pup's sensitive cockhead. "Aahh!! AAHH!! AAAHHH!!!"

A couple surprisingly thick strands of precum spat right out, and hit the back of Jax's tongue to make him instantly swallow it right up. His lips then wrapped around the top of Joshua's shaft, which enveloped the pup's head inside the comforting warmth of Jax's mouth for the first time. The goat closed his eyes contentedly, and he slid down Josh's length a couple inches to give him his first official blowjob. Despite Jax's poor dental-care, all that mattered was the sensation of his soft, dexterous tongue as it swirled around Josh's head and became coated with more precum. His lips hugged the shaft with well-tuned experience, and quickly turned the pup's frantic yelping into more comforting moans of newfound pleasure. "Ohhhhhhh... Oooohhhhhhh..."

David may have been the least active participant so far, but he certainly wasn't going to complain when he could see what his son was dealing with. In fact, the older canine leaned back with his paws behind his head, and he watched with a grin as Jax sucked his son's cock with such vigor. The goat was clearly making sure Josh had a good first time, even as he kept a tight grip on the base and grunted like a starving boar between breaths. It didn't help that Jax's voice was clearly strained in response to Adrian's enthusiastic rimming, which made the goat's muscles visibly twitch through his fur. David didn't say anything, but he made a mental note to ask Jax or Marzo to borrow that bitch's tongue for later.

"AAAHHH!!~" Joshua eventually had to lean back against his father's chest, and caused David to groan from how badly he was clenching around his knot. He could feel himself getting hard inside of his son again, and ensured that his knot wasn't coming out anytime soon. He wasn't sure how long it'd take for his son to cum again, but he could tell he was getting close already. However, Jax's sensual fellatio only lasted for a minute or so before he pulled his mouth back without warning. As soon as David heard the wet pop of Jax's lips breaking free, it was followed by a sharp gasp from his son. "OOOHH!! Aaahh!! Wha... W-What the..."

Joshua was taken aback for a moment, with his expression bordering between surprise and offense while locked around his Daddy's cock. His own member was now completely coated in a thick sheen of Jax's spit, and was throbbing uncontrollably after being titillated so effectively. Jax knew exactly how badly he left the pup on edge, which made him grin up at Josh rather devilishly.

Adrian was still completely lost in pleasure as he lapped up every drop of sweat or musk he could get that was lingering on Jax's hole; but much like his current owner, he instantly stopped the moment the goat turned his head. "Alright, I'm good! Thanks for the spit-shine, you nasty fuck~"

Adrian pulled back with the muzzle of his pup-hood glistening in sweat, but not his own. Even though the thick red leather, his tired and thankful smile was still visible when he nodded graciously. Unlike the buck though, Jax quickly got up from the floor with his cock sticking out of his jockstrap, and the fat and leaky cockhead pointing straight at Joshua's face. The sight of that thick, meaty beast was enough to make him blush profusely, even though Jax was only half-flaccid. But once again, the old goat was quick to surprise Josh when he crawled onto the couch, and right atop the pup's open lap.

"Alright, just a moment here..." He groaned a little when he tried to balance himself on the edge of the couch, but it wasn't easy when he had to spread his legs over two laps underneath him. He ended up standing on the couch, which placed his semi-hard cock mere inches from Joshua's face while he leaned himself against the back wall. Jax grunted to himself in contemplation, and took a moment to stare up at the ceiling. Thick metal support beams could be seen several feet above the goat's head, but a quick-thinking Adrian got an idea before his Owner could.

"H-Here you go!" Since the backroom had a plethora of spare equipment and "specialty items" in storage, it literally took a second for the deer to find a suitably long rope. He tossed it up high enough to wrap over one of the beams, with the other end dropping down within Jax's reach. Adrian quickly tied the other end to a guardrail by one of the exit doors, which allowed Jax to safely hold onto the rope without falling over. He gave it a few hard tugs, and grinned with an approving nod.

"Nicely done, Adrian! I'll be sure to remember that." Jax got a better grip on the rope, and wrapped it around both wrists as he strengthened his stance over Joshua's lap. It took the pup a moment to realize what was happening, but his muzzle was left open with silent gasp when he stared up at Jax's imposing pose. David already knew what the goat was planning, and he grinned in wait while making sure Joshua remained in his "seat" for the duration. Meanwhile, Jax's biceps tensed greatly when he held onto the rope with all his weight, and slowly began to descend with his bare ass lowering towards that twitching canine cock.

"Nnnnffffff..." Jax groaned deeply as he used his strength to slowly descend by his arms; meanwhile, Adrian got up behind the goat to securely grab onto his waist with both paws. The buck whimpered a little through his mask, but David was able to notice that the bulge in Adrian's jockstrap wasn't nearly as prominent as expected. But at the same time, the older canine's eyes veered back towards his son's before Jax's fat body hid it from view. Joshua tensed up with his eyes tightly shut, and shivered when he felt the goat's hot and smelly breath brush against his fur. He wasn't sure what to expect, but a hefty moan belted out of his muzzle the instant he felt that wet and puckering hole pressing up against his cockhead. Jax let out a cocky chuckle through his groan when he saw how strongly the pup's expression skewed. "Mmmnnnghhhh... Yeah, keep him right there, David! NNNGHH!!~"

Jax loosened the strength from his biceps a little more, and moaned out when he finally allowed gravity to take over. His ripe, sweaty hole quickly grabbed hold of Joshua's head, and relaxed open just enough for the tip to sink its way through with ease. Both of them groaned through their teeth, while David and Adrian both felt how strongly their muscles contorted from their first penetration. While Joshua clenched mercilessly around his Dad's knot, which made David wince and curl his toes from the titillating strain, Jax kept working his way down as his ass hungrily took on that candy-red shaft.

"AAAHHH!!~" Jax's arms may have trembled a bit, but his strength was unfettered while hanging firmly over Josh's crotch. With another guttural groan, the goat leaned back against Adrian's paws while swallowing up a few inches of Joshua's throbbing length. The buck groaned enviously at the welcome sight mere inches from his face, as he got a prime view of Josh's thick shaft opening up Jax and slowly filling him up. If he was able to get a good glimpse of Jax's front, he'd be able to see a couple thick spurts of precum shoot out and splatter across Joshua's chest. The pup didn't seem to notice (or maybe he just didn't care), and he just moaned out feebly while pinned between the two older studs. Eventually, Jax no longer needed to depend on the ropes when his weight settled atop both of the canines below him.

"Aahhhh, here we go!" Jax still held onto the rope with one paw, but his other quickly went down to start stroking himself with a smug grin. He growled with lustful inhibition, and marveled at the sight of Joshua's overwhelmed and blushy face as he moaned uncontrollably. His eyes were still clenched shut as he succumbed to the tightness of Jax's hole, as well as the comforting caress of his Dad's arms wrapping around the front of his chest. Of course, as more of Jax's precum spat out to splatter across Joshua's fur, the heady stench of his sweaty musk was more than enough to overwhelm the pup's senses and make drool seep from his open maw. Meanwhile, Adrian was subtly trying to loom his head in closer to the action with his nostrils flaring; his eyes were already half-lidded as he stared at that meaty doberman cock disappearing between Jax's cheeks.

"GNNNGHHH!! G-GOD DAMMIT!!" David may have been loving the action unfolding right in front of him, but his son was absolutely refusing to let go of his knot. He wasn't able to grow completely soft yet, so he was back to being absolutely rock-hard with his previous load still sloshing around inside. He had no idea how much room he'd have left, but there was nothing to stop him from pulsating and shooting more precum. Joshua was too lost in the shared pleasure he was experiencing from both ends to really pay notice to his Dad's distress; as for Jax, he merely turned his head for a moment before hearing David mutter, "Fuck he's tight as shit, mnnnghhhh..."

Jax chuckled snidely, but he didn't try to give any reprieve to his friend's "woes" regarding that knot. "Hah! What's the matter, can't handle a virgin anymore?"

"Well, he's technically not!" Another sharp grunt escaped David's muzzle while hugging his son's chest even tighter. The pup howled out deeply in pleasure as he reeled against his Dad's sensual embrace, and also felt the distinct clenches of Jax's hole as it slid further down his length. He could barely think while he was pinned between them, and the thickening musk of both of their bodies was leaving his voice drunkenly slurred between moans. By the time Jax was able to lay down his full weight against David and Joshua's laps, all that the pup could do was squirm with a strong quiver as he felt himself sinking balls-deep. As the son groaned and curled his toes from the intensity of Jax's immense warmth, David moaned from the additional pressure around his cock to make him throb more eagerly. "Ooooohhhh... Fuck, I think you got him~"

"Oh, I KNOW I got him!" Jax was grinning all smug as he readjusted himself a little, settling his fat ass tighter against the pup's waist. Joshua nearly came on the spot when he cried out and reeled against them, but the goat's tailhole was clinging to him without any issue. He groaned with a shiver as he felt each and every frantic twitch from Joshua's cock, as well as the distinct pulsations of his warm precum shooting into him unprotected. Since his own cock was still rigid and leaking profusely, Jax kept a tight grip on both Josh's shaft and his own while grinning down at him. "Nnnfffff... Alright, birthday boy! If you want a good present from your Uncle Jax, you better not pull out! I wanna feel every drop of your load in me, understand?~"

Joshua let out another slutty moan, and immediately nodded while looking up at him with a dopey smile. Since he was still carrying what felt like a liter of his Dad's cum inside of him, he wasn't too hesitant about doing the same for Jax. It didn't hurt that the goat's hole felt unbelievably amazing around his shaft, with every sharp clench causing him to throb and tremble between him and David. He tried to close his eyes so he could better savor the feeling of Jax's tight ring, which was slowly sliding back up his length while the goat groaned heavily. However, before he could take a moment to reopen his eyes and see what Jax was doing, he let out a shocked gasp and reeled sharply in place. "NNNGHHH!!!~"

Just underneath Jax's burly ass, and between Joshua's outstretched legs, Adrian decided to insert himself into the action. The buck was grateful his horns hadn't grown in yet, so he was able to nestle his head between their bodies and get his muzzle in contact with Josh's package. The instant his tongue dragged along both of those plump orbs, Joshua belted out that jolted moan to catch the older guys' attention. But instead of pulling back, Adrian pushed in even further so his lips could tenderly wrap around both of his friend's balls. His cheeks puffed out as he tried to cram both of Josh's balls inside of his drooling maw, but was fortunately able to hold both of them without hurting the overwhelmed pup. Adrian's nostrils flawed out as he sucked in an especially deep breath of Jax and Joshua's shared musk at that contact point, and he shivered in absolute delight while slobbering all over those balls.

"Mnnnnfffffff~" Adrian rolled his eyes back as he started to gently suckle on those plump balls, all while his Owner's fat ass was hanging mere inches above his head. Jax was groaning too harshly through his teeth to notice what his bitch was doing, especially while he was gripping that rope with all his strength to hoist himself back up. A long, lumbering moan escaped his lips as he felt Joshua's shaft rubbing hard against his prostate, which caused more of his precum to splatter all over the pup's chest. Of course, his strength could only do so much, and he needed a moment to breathe while over half of Josh's shaft was exposed between them.

David hated to admit it, but seeing his son and best friend fucking on top of him was definitely keeping him hard inside of Josh. He couldn't see much of Adrian's ball-sucking from his perspective, but he could certainly hear the bitch's ravenous slurps as he kept himself nestled between the pup's legs. Even when Jax began to lower himself back down, which intensified his moaning and made his cock leak more than a British-made engine, his hole instinctually relaxed enough so he could swallow the rest of that shaft like it was nothing. The growl that escaped Jax's jagged teeth was intense enough to make Joshua's fur stand on end, as well as to make his cock throb like mad inside of the slutty goat.

"Aaaahhhhhh yeah..." Jax couldn't exactly move at lightning-speed while hanging from the ropes, but he was agile enough to maintain a somewhat-steady pace. Each time he tensed up his arms to lift himself back up, his entire body reeled in titillating pleasure while feeling Joshua's shaft stimulating his prostate. And when he relaxed his muscles enough to slide back down, all that Jax could do was moan out and savor every inch of that rigid cockmeat. Even as sweat began to bead across his brow, Jax tried to keep a strenuous rhythm like he was getting through a hefty workout session. "Nnnfffff!! Yeah, take my ass~"

Joshua couldn't stop moaning feebly against his Father's chest, and was fully locked in place while feeling three different guys all at once. Even with David's thick knot pulsating deep inside of him, as well as Jax's tight hole milking his cock between his hungry moans, Josh was able to also feel the sensual caress of Adrian's lips and tongue around his balls. The horny buck was fully encompassed with his duties, and was sucking up heavy breaths of all three guys' combined musk like an addictive drug he couldn't shake out of his system. His hips were even fidgeting while sprawled on all-fours, like he was trying to dry-hump the air with his jockstrap still on; of course, now that the thick cotton fabric matted down in his sticky pre, the outlines of his metal chastity cage could be seen protruding from underneath the fabric.

"AAAAHHHH!!" Jax was getting more heated the longer he power-bottomed that blushing pup. More of his gushing precum was splattering all over Joshua's chest, as well as David's arms while he held his son firmly in place. His fat ass kept pressing down against the top of Adrian's head each time he pushed himself down; although from the buck's perspective, he was more overwhelmed by the goat's heavy, low-hanging balls repeatedly hitting his snout and causing his nostrils to flare out instinctively. More drool was slobbering out from around Joshua's balls, but Adrian kept sucking on them diligently while listening to the perverted symphony of noises right above his head.

Joshua was obviously the loudest, as his piercing moans echoed off the walls and intensified his writhing motions between the two older studs. Jax wasn't trying to compete with the pup in terms of decibels, but his eager groans between pull-ups were definitely just as audible in comparison. David's heavy breathing began to turn more rapid, as did the sharp pulsations of his cock as it throbbed deep inside of his son. His paws grasped Josh's hips tightly, and he reeled his hips upward so he could press in tighter against that clenching hole. "Nnnngghhh!! F-Fuck, kid!"

"AaaaAAAHHHH!!!~" With his Dad's knot swelling with each eager twitch, and Jax's hole working his shaft with surprising dexterity, he could only reel in place with every muscle in his body constantly tensing up. Due to the building pressure of all that cum still tightly packed behind David's knot, Joshua's prostate was basically being squeezed and left his nerves fraying so mindlessly. And with Jax's fat cock leaking so profusely right in front of his face, the ripe stench of his unwashed musk was just causing Junior to shoot more precum inside the goat's deepest depths.

"Ohhhhh fuck!! OOOHHHHH FUCK!!!" Joshua's eyes clenched even tighter, but he tried to keep his muzzle wide-open as more ropes of Jax's pre splattered closer to his face. David was grinning proudly right behind him, and watched with great interest as Jax hopped up and down that shaft for all it was worth. Adrian was swirling his tongue all around the pup's hefty orbs, and could feel the distinct twitches between his lips as Joshua grew closer to his second climax of the night. "Aaahhh!! AAHHHH!!! I'm gon... I'm gonna!! I'M GONNA!!"

"Nnnnghhh, DO IT ALREADY!!!" Jax was sweating like he was in the middle of a church, but he pumped his arms with well-versed strength to keep that canine cock in constant motion against his prostate. His eyes were open the tiniest bit, but that was only to stare down in awe at the moaning mess of a cum-covered pup that Junior Dog had become. He could feel Joshua's incoming orgasm just as well as Adrian, and he threw his head back to pant like a hungry dog in anticipation. "Aaahhhh!! D... D-David, get your son to cum inside of me!"

Daddy Dog was just as eager to shoot another load inside of Joshua before his knot could soften up again. He pulled hard against his son's chest, and pulled back Josh's head so he could whisper into his ear, "If you fill his ass up, I'll let you blow me whenever you ask~"

"GnnnnnNNNNNNAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Joshua was already close, but that was more than enough to make him cry out in pure elation. His hips tried to reel upward against Jax's weight, but David's relentlessly thick knot kept him locked against his Dad's waist. Either way, the moment Jax pressed down with all his night against Joshua's waist, with the pup's knot too swollen to even attempt to take him in, both of them moaned out in near-unison as the birthday boy finally reached his peak. "MNNNNNGHHHHHH!!!~"

Jax threw his head back and moaned in pure contentment, with his fat thighs quivering each time he felt a gushing blast of warmth deep inside of him. Multiple ropes of his thick, gooey cum draped all over Joshua's chest and face, with a couple strands even landing right between those open lips and onto the pup's tongue. Aside from an instinctual lick and swallow, Joshua cried out like a wounded pet as he shot his load and erupted a toe-curlingly intense orgasm against his Dad. His hole gripped David's knot hard enough to instantly make the older canine groan and hug his son tightly. Before Josh was even halfway through his hairraising climax, his muzzle opened even more as he shrieked from his own filling. "AAAAIIIEEEEEE!!~"

David growled like a primal beast through his fangs, but he tried his best to remain in place while filling Joshua with even more of his seed. The sounds of Jax and Josh's combined moaning, as well as the pressure of his son's mercilessly tight hole, were more than enough to make him reach his second climax without the need to unknot. He was fortunate that Joshua was still plugged up, but he could only imagine what that kid underneath Jax's ass was dealing with. "Nnnnnnfffffff!! F-Fuck!"

As for poor Adrian, who was stuck with the aftermath right at the intersection between the three studs, he didn't seem the slightest bit upset with Jax not taking the pup's knot. As soon as Joshua started cumming, thick globs of his milky-white load were quick to dribble out from around Jax's hole like a broken seal. Adrian moaned out muffledly before pulling Josh's balls out of his muzzle with a wet pop. As soon as he reeled his head back with his mouth wide-open, he was met with the instant reward of his friend's gushing load dripping down all over his face. A few drops splattered onto his outstretched tongue, which just sent the buck into a lustful frenzy as he lunged in and licked around Jax's sloppy hole.

"NNNFFFFF!! J-Jesus, kid!" Jax had to lean forward a little and hug Joshua from the front. With his front-end bent over a little, more of the pup's fresh cum was able to seep out while Adrian licked both of them clean. Thick smears of cum were clinging to his mask, but he would've gladly worn it with a badge of pride instead of licking it up if Jax ordered him to. He could also feel the sharp twitches of Josh's cock each time his tongue flicked across the shaft, indicating how sensitive the pup became after his big finish. Eventually, Jax was able to pull out first while shooting a taunting grin down at his bitch. "Heh~ Hope you like your dessert, you little cumslut!"

He groaned heavily and lifted himself up, which made Joshua's cock slip out and fully unplug the torrent of cum he left inside. Adrian couldn't pull away in time, or even gasp in shock before the volley of Junior's load trickled down over the bridge of his muzzle. Most guys would've likely freaked out or cussed up a storm, but that buck was clearly trained right under Jax and Marzo's mentorship. Even with his pup-hood completely matted in cum, he didn't hesitate to loom in and clamp his open maw right between those cheeks. "HAAAHHH!!! Nnnnmmmffff... F-Fuck yeah, kid~"

Adrian was completely lost in pleasure, and totally forgot about Joshua while eating out Jax's freshly-glazed hole. Meanwhile, Joshua and David were panting hard as they tried to come down from that secondary orgasm they were fortunate to experience together. The older canine needed a moment, and didn't say a word while savoring his son's tightness with his eyes closed. As for Joshua, who was now carrying a more swollen belly with two of his Dad's loads sloshing around inside, he didn't even try to pull himself up while basking in the afterglow of such an exhausting ordeal.

"Mmmmmmmm... Aaaaahhhhhh~" Junior Dog eventually leaned back against his Dad's chest, his semi-flaccid cock twitching tiredly while coated with the remnants of his load. A couple thick droplets of his cum were slowly trickling down the underside of his shaft. However, due to how overwhelmed he felt from Jax's power-bottoming (as well as the additional internal pressure he was now feeling), the pup was too tired to notice another bodily function that needed to be addressed. Fortunately for himself, as well as Adrian and Jax when they pulled away from the father and son, Joshua's heavy sigh was met with only the sound of a distinct trickling just below his legs.


"Hmm? O-OH!" Jax was the first to overhear what was happening, but he was already leaning against the couch when he glanced over and saw Joshua pissing himself. The young guy was so tuckered-out around his Daddy's knot, that he didn't even notice at first when a weak torrent of urine freely shot out from his half-erect cock. His head leaned back even more with a deeper moan, while his bladder emptied out with a halfhearted stream that left a sizeable puddle on the concrete floor. By the time Joshua finally finished peeing, Adrian had taken enough notice to pull back from Jax's ass with a gawked stare.

It was fortunate that there was no carpeting or rugs, so Jax didn't mind the pup's little accident. In fact, seeing that made him huff with a knowing smirk before glancing back at Joshua's Dad. "Hey, David! That remind you of anything?~"

"Hmm? What do you... OH!" David was the last to see what his son did, but he was too tired from his own fun to try and pull himself up. Jax cackled like a pervy hyena, which made David grimace and roll his eyes. "Ugh... Yeah, yeah, laugh it up! You of all guys should know it's hard to keep it in sometimes."

"Hey, sometimes that's not a bad thing~" Despite David's attempt to shame him, Jax just grinned right back with a perk of his brows. Before Adrian could get back to cleaning his Owner's ass, Jax motioned towards Joshua and shouted, "HEY! Help the kid out, will ya?~"

Adrian quickly nodded with a bitten lip, his heavy blush visible though his pup-hood. Before Joshua could fully finish relieving himself, the buck reached in and grasped his friend's cock with a helpful paw. There were still a few drops lingering at the canine's pointed tip, so all that Adrian needed to do was give it a good shake to fling off those droplets and make them splatter against his fur. Of course, Adrian also took that opportunity to lean in and lick the head with an invigorated shiver.

"Yeeeaaahhhh, give him a taste~" Jax let out a lumbering moan as he rolled himself around, and sat right beside David with his fat cock still standing semi-flaccid. A sharp whistle was all he needed to get Adrian's focus back towards him, but the buck was happy to see him grinning jeeringly with a paw clasped around his cock. He was still holding onto Joshua's cock when he leaned back over to get his face within range of Jax's; and as soon as he heard the old goat sigh softly, Adrian closed his eyes and opened his muzzle expectantly wide. Jax didn't even need to ask before closing his eyes as well, which was followed by him overhearing the distinct sound of fluids collecting past a pair of lips. "Aaaaaahhhhh..."

Joshua was still too overwhelmed to pay much attention, but David certainly stared down at Adrian wide-eyed while the buck was indulging so lewdly. He finally let go of Joshua's spent cock, and brought his paw down towards his own crotch while holding Jax's shaft with the other. A strong, gushing torrent of the goat's piss shot out powerfully, nearly hitting the back of Adrian's throat while over a foot away. The buck didn't mind one bit though, and even shuddered with his eyes rolled back while letting the golden stream collect inside of his open muzzle. A generous amount of piss was dribbling out from the corners of his maw, and dripping down his bare chest as he let himself get used as Jax's personal urinal. Adrian couldn't help himself, and he yanked down the front of his jockstrap so he could desperately paw at his chastity cage; but alas, even as Jax's piss trickled over his useless nub, the metal cage was sturdy enough not to give around that member straining inside.

"Mmmmm..." Jax hummed to himself with a truly pleased grin on his face, while David sat beside him with a tired smirk of his own. Joshua was only semi-conscious after being filled twice by his own Dad, but neither of the older guys tried to stir him awake while he was reeling against David's chest. As soon as Jax finished emptying his bladder, which left Adrian's fur more soaked than the floor underneath him, he lunged in to start sucking the goat's cock properly. As Jax groaned and held the slut's head in place, he nudged David with a smile and asked, "So... you think your boy will end up like mine?~"

David took a moment to glance back at the kinky buck, who had his eyes rolled back while lapping up every drop of piss from Jax's crotch. The canine wasn't sure what to think at first, especially when he looked back at his own son who was moaning weakly and still hugging his knot. One of his paws went down to rub at his son's swollen belly, which allowed him to feel just how much cum was still tightly packed inside. He ended up huffing with a bewildered, but still confident smirk when he turned back to Jax and shook his head. "Nahhhh...

"... My son's gonna be a WAY better slut than yours!~"

"Pbbttt! Yeah right!"

Daddy Dog & Junior Dog's Knotty Birthday Bash - Chapter 1

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Private Brady 2: Bent in the Barracks

Usually in the dead of night, even in the most rural or isolated regions of the world, it was next to impossible to find anyplace that could actually be "silent". Whether it be the chirping of crickets in the forest, frogs ribbiting in swampy plains,...

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