Fight Night

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#91 of Commissions

Isabelle is enjoying a night out with her boyfriend when a big bad wolf comes knocking for trouble. Someone has to teach a gal a lesson about who the baddest bitch is.

This is a commissioned piece. If you'd like to get some work done from me, please consider checking out my Linktree.

This was based on artwork by embrybel, commissioned by admiralstone for (and starring) IsabelleNymph

Posted using PostyBirb

It had started quickly enough. Isabelle and her boyfriend were out and about on the town, minding their business at the trendiest club. They sat at a table together, sharing it with a few regulars, including a horned gal and a little pink lizard.

"I'll go get us some more drinks!" Isabelle offers, but when she comes back, what she sees makes her heart run cool, and her blood boils.

Her beau sits uncomfortably in the booth, squishing back into the seat with a bright red blush on his face.

A busty and bulgy wolf leans in, her claws scraping the table as she grins down at him.

"Hey, what's going on here!?" Isabelle says, a growl in her throat.

The wolf spins around, her tail smacking Isabelle on the chest, sending wine all over her dress.

"Gah, the fuck!?"

"Watch where you're standin' and stop getting into a lady's business!" The wolf says, snarling as she steps up, pushing her chest against Isabelle's.

The kitsune growls back, stomping forward. "Oh yeah? Doesn't seem lady-like to be shaking down my guy. Now, you going to pay for this?"

"Fuck that!" the wolf snickers. "You get your drunk ass out of my face before I do something you'll regret."

Isabelle grabs the wolf by the hair. "Uh-huh, yeah, you wanna talk a big game, but you're not willing to put out, are ya?"

The wolf slaps Isabelle's cheek, knocking her face to the side. Her wide-mouthed shock quickly melts into a growling grimace.

The kitsune tugs at the wolf's hair, making the lupine lady growl before she lets go, causing her to stumble back and fall onto the table.

Isabelle rolls her shoulders, smirking. "Now then. Why don't we end this amicably, and we can let cooler heads prevail."

"The fuck!? You grabbed me first, bitch!"

Sighing, Isabelle says, "I'm afraid I get a tad possessive when it comes to my partner. I'm sure you understand."

"Understand this!" the wolf pushes herself up, thrusting her elbow into Isabelle's stomach.

The kitsune coughs out, doubling over but seeing red as the pain swells through her body. She snarls and tackles the wolf, the two crashing into the table.

The guests all hop out of the way as the table shatters underneath the two ladies, Isabelle grabbing the wolf's dress strap and the wolf clawing at the side of Isabelle's dress. Fabric tears as they roll on the ground, kicking and scratching at each other, tugging at hair and fur, and otherwise just being a blur of fur and cloth that rips up and tumbles down along the floor.

The two soon roll their way against a rail, with Isabelle's back against it. She uses it as leverage as she kicks her feet up and slams them into the wolf's stomach and crotch. Isabelle's heel makes contact with the bulge beneath the wolf's dress and the wolf yelps and whines as she's struck square in the balls.

Soon, Isabelle pulls herself up, looking over her shoulder. Behind her is the dance floor, yet to be opened, but with spotlights all over it.

The wolf is up and rushes her. Isabelle hops over the rail and steps back, pulling the strap of her dress up and curling her finger.

"You're on, bitch!" the wolf snarls, hopping over the rail. Her dress strap gives way, leaving her tits fully exposed as she stares Isabelle down, narrowing her eyes.

A moment passes, and she rushes Isabelle. The kitsune is ready, grabbing onto her again and tearing off the clothing like wrapping paper.

The wolf stumbles forward in her panties and turns around. "You wanna humiliate me? Let me see how you'd like it if I did that to you."

"You were saying?" asks the kitsune.

"What game are you playing?" The wolf asks, covering her chest with her hands.

"I figure if we are to have a contest, we should codify it with some rules," Isabelle admits. "Angry fighting with no clear goal is no way to solve a situation. Shall we make our dispute interesting?"

The wolf narrows her eyes as Isabelle hooks her thumbs into her panties, pulling them down. Now, all her colorations and markings on her fur are fully displayed, showing off her body that is quite the work of art.

"Heh... okay, maybe that would work. Ya kicked me in the dick, you know. How about we make it even for my cock. First to orgasm admits the other is the winner."

"It seems we can agree on something. If I win, I want to know what you were doing, and I want you to stay away from my boyfriend."

"If I win," snarls the wolf, "your boy toy is coming with me with no questions asked!" She steps out of her own panties, her dick dangling down. "Now, then... Imma fill you up good, bitch!"

"We shall see about that," Isabelle says, her tails swishing around in an almost hypnotic pattern.

The wolf rushes forward, but Isabelle is ready to crash into her as well, tits mashing up against tits and hands moving to get to each other, but Isabelle winds up lacing fingers together, leaving her and the wolf to struggle against one another, pushing tit against tit and pressing nose against the nose.

Everyone watches, first with a bit of concern but soon with loud cheers and boisterous calls.

The entertainment for the evening has been found.

Isabelle clashes with the wolf and the two women become the center of attention at the club. Her boyfriend grabs onto the ropes on one side, watching with intensity through his glasses. At the same time, their new acquaintances bounce excitedly from the other side.

The wolf snickers, one hand grabbing Isabelle by her luscious locks.

The kitsune's face scrunches in annoyance as she grips the wolf's fur, tugging her downward. The two yank and pull and stumble, their struggle looking more like an awkward drunken dance than a fight.

The wolf curls her fingers into a fist, throwing them at Isabelle's side, the pain shooting up through the kitsune as she pulls back away from her opponent.

Ignoring the throbbing, she backhands the wolf, sending her spinning, her tits and her dick bouncing around in an almost comical way.

The wolf recovers, rushing forward, her claws ready to swipe, but Isabelle dodges to the side, getting a handful of the wolf's hair and yanking her against her momentum.

The wolf falls to her knees, reaching back, groping and clawing at Isabelle's arm, as her whole naked body is displayed for the gawking crowd.

Despite the little scratches coming from the attempt to make her let go, Isabelle holds onto the hold with poise and dignity, even holding one hand akimbo as she holds onto the flailing wolf.

Isabelle's tails swirl around, catching the wolf's attention for a moment, disorienting her and making her misstep. From that, Isabelle shoves her down, sending her slamming into the floor onto her tits.

"Gah, fuck!" she yelps, pushing herself up, but Isabelle follows up.

"Tch, pathetic," Isabelle says. "Can't even do a proper catfight, can you?" She asks this, landing on the wolf's back, a hand pressed against her head, burying her face against the ground.

With a smug look of superiority, Isabelle smirks down at her opponent and says, "Feeling defeated, baby? This is why I'm the best bitch."

The wolf's fury is evident in her eyes as she reaches to push herself up and buck the self-proclaimed victor. Isabelle isn't ready for that. Her tails swish and swerve while one drags over a pair of panties.

"Oh, no, you don't. Seems I must knock the rest of the fight out of you."

"What are you sayin', MMPH!?"

The kitsune shoves the balled-up undergarment into the wolf's mouth, holding her maw shut with both hands, thumbs over her nose.

Without room to breathe, the wolf inhales the dampened cloth for only a few seconds before she slaps her palm feverishly against the ground, stinging her pads and tearing up in the mix of humiliation and panic.

Isabell relents, and the wolf coughs up the panties, letting them roll out of her mouth as a spit-covered wad. She hardly has a chance to catch her breath when Isabelle stands up, plants her foot under the wolf's side, and flips her over, her cock flopping about as her head lulls side-to-side, defeated and humiliated.

"Now, then, are you ready to call me the big bad bitch around here, bitch?"

"Buh... buuhmmmph!"

Whatever she was going to say, the wolf is once again stopped from doing so as the fluffy fox's thighs press against her cheeks and push her down onto the floor. The wolf pushes her heels and lifts her hips, hands going to Isabelle's butt. Her eyes are wide as she stares at Isabelle, unable to keep her gaze off the kitsune's commanding presence.

It's too late. She's already done and defeated, and she's already given up by tapping out. What's left, then, but to suffer?

The kitsune grinds against her face, biting her lip, chuckling as her gaze goes over her shoulder and to her boyfriend. She kisses him, running a hand over her hair while she holds the other one to the wolf's head, pushing her in. "Come on, bitch. Use that tongue for something better than mouthing off."

The wolf closes her eyes, trying to keep herself away from the sensation when the last humiliation comes to her as the free hand moves down from her head and wraps around that shaft. "That's a good girl. You're my good girl, got it?"


With her tongue delving against Isabelle's thighs and over her button, the wolf arches her hips against the smooth pads of the kitsune's hand. Almost as if rewarding her, Isabelle strokes that intersex cock, her palm playing at the head as her fingers have a firm grip around the shaft.

Precum oozes up from the tip as Isabelle grinds against her face, the sounds of both women getting closer and closer fill the room as the audience leans in, gripping the ropes tightly and watching for that explosive finish!

And with a scream muffled by Isabelle's muff, the wolf's whole lower body shudders and shakes as a geyser of cum shoots up and rolls down the kitsune's fingers.

Feeling that final release, Isabelle throws her head back. She lets out a loud, satisfying moan, clamping her legs around the wolf. As she does, she releases herself, a squirter of the highest caliber simply drenching the lupine face in the warm delight she exudes.

The wolf falls back, her face drenched and clumped, her eyes rolled around, and her tongue lulled out.

Isabelle sighs and pushes herself up, standing and stretching and holding a glistening hand in triumphant victory!

The crowd cheers as she walks back over to her boyfriend, planting a kiss on his cheek. "Shall we go home, dear?"

"What about asking her what she was up to?"

Isabelle shrugs. "You know what? I got everything that matters out of her, already."

Fight Night 2

Isabelle clashes with the wolf and the two women become the center of attention at the club. Her boyfriend grabs onto the ropes on one side, watching with intensity through his glasses. At the same time, their new acquaintances bounce excitedly from...

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Fight Night 1

It had started quickly enough. Isabelle and her boyfriend were out and about on the town, minding their business at the trendiest club. They sat at a table together, sharing it with a few regulars, including a horned gal and a little pink lizard. ...

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Bee Stories 8

Tik Tik I stood beside the magnificent Katadanyatarinya upon a balcony once part of the structure where the bees had built their colony. This balcony overlooked a series of cells in a sprawling cavern untouched by the massive and unending...

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