Kobold Wrestling

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#140 of Tik Tik's Tower

We go back to the Dragon's Heir tribe to watch a battle for the tribe's future between their chosen champion Prakibak and a nefarious outsider and heel. Who shall win this epic bout?

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Every month, those who support me at 5USD or more get a chance to vote on a bonus story. Those who support at 10USD or more get to suggest a poll option for the vote and get to vote twice. And anyone who supports at 1USD or more gets to see the story one whole year before I release it for the public. If you'd like to see a year's worth of bonus content, consider backing me on one of my support sites.

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Quiquan stands in the center of the arena that was built by her fellow kobolds of the Dragon's Heir tribe. The blue kobold holds a cone to her mouth, projecting her voice to everyone. "Welcome, one and all, to the Dragon's Heir super special bout. In this corner, we have the Dig Boss Prakibak. Big and strong kobold man! Rubbing his shoulders is Dalisk, his boyfriend!

Prakibak grumbles, sitting on the corner of the roped-off ring. "He's not my boyfriend."

"Keep telling yourself that," the plumed kobold says, giving him a press of a nose against his cheek.

Quiquan motions to the opposite corner. "And today we have a new fighter among us, coming from the tribe of Los Rojos, it is La Asesina de los Trasgos!"

On the opposite side is a big kobold gal. She is a ruddy brown color with a broad build, her muscles visible where her outfit doesn't cover them. The material she wears stretches over her face in a mask, and separate pieces of the material cling to her wide hips.

The two approach each other, with the two on nearly equal footing in terms of size and presence.

"Let's have a good fight!" Quiquan says. "And, begin!"

Prakibrak grabs at Asesina's shoulders, and she does the same for him. The two of them threaten to push each other down in a show of strength, but Asesina swipes her tail, wrapping the tip around Prakibak's leg. She pulls him off of his balance, sending him sprawling back, but instead of pushing him down, she dips in, grabbing him by the side and lifting him over her head.

The crowd gasps as their dig boss slams against the mat with a loud "thomp!"

Prakibak growls, shaking his head, blinking the bleariness out of his eyes, just to see the large kobold gal plummeting towards him from high into the air.

He rolls out of the way, getting back up to his knees. When Asesina crashes to the ground, he crawls atop her. Prakibak grabs from under her arms and gets into a headlock.

"I'm the boss, and you'd better believe I've wrestled before. I've fought bigger gals! I know what I'm doing!"

She flicks her tail, wrapping it around his and tugging, a smirk spreading on her face.

Prakibak yelps as his tail is pulled. He lets go of her, allowing her to throw him off and grab his legs on her own.

Asesina's technique shows how much more skilled she is than the less professional Prakibak. She gets him into a leg lock, applying pressure to his joint.

He claws at the ground, fighting back the urge to scream out in pain and defeat. He is a proud boss of his tribe. He focuses on what he can and scans out among the audience. There he finds a line of kobolds, swarthy and dirty from mining, holding up signs that they scribbled with mushroom ink extolling his virtue as a dig boss. They jump and chant hope for him in their frantic yipping.

His muscles strain, and he fights through the pain, lashing his tail. It wraps around her neck, yanking her down, smashing her snout against the mat, making the ground beneath them shake. Prakibak rolls atop her. He grabs her leg and lays on her thigh, pulling on her thigh.

He stares face-to-face with Asesina, growling his hot breath upon her snout.

She stares back at him and understanding upon her own face

Quiquan hops down, watching the pin with scrutiny. She taps once, twice, and three times before Prakibak lets go of the woman and sits up, arms thrust into the air!

There is a wild cheering from among the kobolds, everyone bouncing and yipping in delight as their hometown hero takes the victory!

"Prak-i-Bak Prak-i-Bak!"


At the hot springs, Prakibak lounges back, sighing and enjoying his relaxation after that fight. His lonely time isn't very long, as Kishke, the guard captain, walks up, naked herself and dipping into the pool.

"Good fight," she says, rubbing her neck. "Didn't think you had it in ya to beat that terrible 'asasina."

He snickers, scratching his nose. "Eh, the others need their heroes to conquer their villains, don't you think? How did such a villain show up in our kingdom under your snout?"

Kishke snickers, shrugging. "Oh, I don't know, but she's been shoved deep into the wardrobe for now. Fugg, you don't know how hard it is to get that dye out of my scales."

"Well, you're the one who figured I should play the hero. But that's because we know I would take you in a fight in real circumstances," Prakibak says.

"Oh, now you're just teasing me," Kishke says.

"Whatcha gonna do about it?" he says, wiggling his brow ridges.

She rolls her eyes. "Well, regardless, the miners seem nice and inspired now to help expand our kingdom. And they're gonna need it, what with the new heir soon to hatch.

He pauses. "Yeah, it's gonna be rough, but that's the social contract we signed, ain't it. Lots of toil for the betterment of the tribe."

"As long as we got good leaders here, the rest of the tribe will prosper," she says, nodding. "And that's really all that matters."

Underneath the water, the two kobolds find their tails, hooking them together in solidarity, tenuously ready to face whatever comes next.

Tik Tik's Taxing Adventure 9

Miss Harrison knocks on the door, but Tik Tik does not abide her. The kobold scurries over to her clothes, slipping them back on, starting with her leggings, then going to her footwraps. As she slides into those, she pauses. What was that? A...

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Tik Tik's Taxing Adventure 8

Tik Tik groans, her eyes watery and her throat sore. She pushes herself under layers of sheets, kicking the blankets off her until she lays sprawled out on the bed, naked, staring at the ceiling. "Urggh... what happened?" she murmurs, rubbing her...

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Tik Tik's Taxing Adventure 4

"A... asexual?" Tik Tik stares at the rabbit before her, the kobold's jaw slack. Miss Harrison crosses her arms under her chest, quirking an eyebrow. "Yes, is that so strange? Not everyone in the world can have the mentality of a character from a...

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