Warm Up - 7

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#7 of Daily Warm Ups

Every seventh Warm Up will be something special.

The Realities I have planned are expansive, inclusive, deadly, and outright confusing. @ me if you want to know more.

Enjoy, and thanks for reading! I have a special promo in play, which will be formally announced later: Services regarding the supplementary story for artwork is currently free of charge. One a day, first come first serve.

Warm Up - 7 - Prelude to the Acts

"We are now beginning our descent." The announcer said. "Welcome to Earth. The time on station is one thirty A.M., date is: July second, of twenty-seven, seventy three. This has been Milky Transfers, thank you for choosing our starline service, and we hope you enjoy your stay." It was robotic, Ricky thought.

He was a hybrid, canine and vulpine mix. The specificity of both were still unknown, and alas he hadn't the time to ponder nor search. And there was nothing to his name, even if it was similar to a renowned scientist halfway across the Universe. No, Ricky Furgo was from Manila Bay, New York, that the automated system had designated some world in the upper regions of said Universe.

Truth be told, for you, that he hadn't been there before. That the Great Flash made for a great excuse as how he had found himself on Aerth. Coincidentally the same world that the scientist of the same name was from too. However that other Ricky had raccoons and wolves in his gene pool.

This Ricky became a freelancer- the kind of person you could call upon to do any type of work you needed too, provided it was in his field. With him were the tools of the trade; a fountain pen, a handgun, an extremely comprehensive multi-tool in the shape of a cylindrical gray bar, and a protective onesie for any environmental hazards.

The ship vibrated, and from the window he saw the fire of atmospheric entry. Above his seats the air-conditioning exerted more effort than normal to combat the cabin heat. Truly an experience befitting that of a backwater planet. To further add to that, their approach was towards a dark plane over the sphere, with only bits of light that were scattered and quite distant from each other.

Closer he was to the world, he could make out the micro lights of a spaceport. There were cranes, crates, and small wheeled and legged vehicles that helped with transportation and other logistic operations. And when the entry had been completed, their vessel began to glide towards a long runway that unveiled itself from the ground. A lengthy asphalt-like surface that was far wider than their very narrow vessel.

He felt his entire body rock the moment it touched down, and the rumbling as its wheels rolled to a halt on the runway. Several drones flew beside the slowing vessel; standard procedure for any unnecessary fires.

And since the announcer dinged, it meant that the approach was successful. "We have now landed on Earth, Pangaea Sector Foxtrot. You are now free to move around the cabin. Bar services will only be available for another thirty minutes, and the de-sliming suite for another fifteen minutes. Self-fumigation and smokesuit restoration will be available upon docking, for a premium."

Ricky's face narrowed at that. Despite having been to several Realities, he still found some of these procedures to be alien even to him. While the ship slowly descended with the landing pad, several passengers rushed to avail of its services. A Mercurian human, with their rocky skins, thudded down the aisle holding a fiery yet fragrant glass. Another would be a Jupiterian gas encased in a glass suit, heading in the opposite direction with a wine glass full of stabilized air.

And one that had caught his eye was a metallic dragon, whose wings were inches shorter than the cabin, having turned to him and winked because he had been staring at his ass. Ricky knew he himself was a sly dog, but he wouldn't have enough time to shag one in the bathrooms.

The hybrid reviewed the contents of his only bag, and aside the tools of trade were spare clothing, identification papers, discarded Aerthean snack wrappers, and a purple gem twined together with thick string, rested in an inner pocket. He set out a sigh of relief, tail wagging against the seat as he reminisced what it was: a necklace of power from a far distant past, seven of which existed. The color this one had was of lightning, and he took it knowing it fitted the motif he had been going for. And, finally, he could take it out for a spin.

So it began.

Behind him were two Tiorik Lions from the Interstellar Organization of Celestial Protection and Discipline, or IOCPD for short.

The one sitting closest to the window had an ice-gray long but knotted mane, restlessly awaiting their arrival in the first hangar. He donned a suit, formalwear that was up to Earth's standards. "Can't believe there is a Celestial hiding in this backwater of a planet." Luckily no commoner was familiar with what a 'Celestial' was.

"Easy, Val, no growling," the female one said, enjoying herself a cup of Earthean coffee. Bitter, like her work, befitting especially with two cuboid white crystals added into it. She took a sip before holding his arm, "Just think of it as a work vacation."

Her initial remarks almost made Val growl then and there, claws were almost punched out from his fingers, and he turned to her with such malice but she was unscathed. Smug even, as she took another sip of her drink. He said, "He could be anywhere, Vi."

"Gray-almighty you are dense at times." Vi turned on her mobile device, a strip of metal that had an extendable glass frame on it. On the screen was the face of a lion, brown-black mane, and fur that had been groomed to perfection. She whispered and tilted the phone away from the aisle and to her coworker, "Kerrigan is a peacock. He would show off his partner at every opportunity. Just need to verify that, and we will get reinforcements for the next phase."

Val felt embarrassed. All he had done was research on the lion's accomplishments, dubious deals, origins, and the partner in question. The one thing he often forgot was familiarizing with their digital social platforms, and he sighed out in defeat. "And you didn't tell me this ahead of time?"

"You're too busy researching the parts that made work boring. Come on, live a little." She said to him, offering her drink. "Try some coffay."

"It's coffeeeeee," emphasizing the 'eeeee'. He said after tapping on the top of Vi's phone, the glass disappeared back into its metal strip and went into her pocket after.

Ding! "We have arrived. Please observe proper disembarkation."

There was a thud in the middle cabin, when a Tiorik lion who sat close to the window stood up excitedly and hit his head on the overhead luggage. Val exclaimed, "Ow!" Catching the attention of no one other than Vi, and the bemused canine hybrid of sorts on the seat in front.

The latter said to him, "Are you alright, sir?" His voice was light, nearly feminine, which betrayed the masculine demeanor he had. "Should I call the stewardists?" His hand gestured to a uniformed octopus animan who was directing the passengers to the exit door.

"Oh no need," Vi stood up and patted his arm down, the hybrid rested on top of his own seat. "My partner's just clumsy at times. Thank you for your concern though."

He turned to Val, who gave him a pained nod while rubbing his own head before they all went their way.

Warm Up - 8

**Warm Up - 8** "That will be all, Nicholas." Ricky said to the Prospect. The crocodilian deity nodded after the fulfillment of his task as he faded away to somewhere else. ...

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Warm Up - 6

**Warm Up - 6** A door opened, the shadows moved aside for the cozy honeylight peering into the room. The illumination was a white-yellow mix where stark colors were vibrant with a sweet hue that warmed their fur. Even...

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Importance, One of Five

**Importance, One of Five** "I always dreamt of a place like this, y'know?" I told him. The look on his face was unforgettable. A smile that at first seemed smug, and it mellowed down to something warm, and at last,...
