Millie's Auditions

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#162 of Commissions

Commission for TheRockMan

Millie wants more excitement in her life so she decides to hold auditions to find someone who fit her needs.


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Millie may have married Moxie for better or for worse, but as if late their sex life had become rather dull for the female imp. Even pegging her husband lost its charm. She was open with Moxie about this and he tried his best to spice things up. They tried different positions, new toys, and even tried things out with food. Millie appreciated the other imp's efforts but it had done nothing to make things better for her.

She talked to her friends about it and they suggested that the problem was Moxie, not her. There was only so much that "spicing things up" could make up for. Being as polite and gentle as they could be, they asked if Moxie was perhaps lacking down there. Millie was dodgy when answering. Moxie's size wasn't incredibly small but as far as imps went it wouldn't be hard to find someone bigger. But she loved Moxie and was sure that was enough. But with more time passing and her need for more growing ever stronger, she eventually came up with a bold idea.

"Are you sure about this?" Moxie asked.

"Come on, Moxie. We've already talked about this. You're not being replaced. It's just a little something on the side," Millie said as she continued typing up an ad. The other imp nodded but was still uncertain about all of this.

The ad was finished and it was a listing for a "bull." Millie was in search of a male that could bring her satisfaction and had it open for any male in hell that wanted to try their hand at an "audition." Millie was already dressed in a seductive manner, a sight that appealed to Moxie but he still felt weird knowing that the look wasn't for him.

The ad was answered sooner than expected. Millie got a call and it was from their boss, Blitz. "What is it, boss? It's our day off."

"Yeah, no shit. I'm calling about the ad. If you needed someone to cuck Moxie then you could have just asked," the other imp said over the phone.

"That's not what this is about."

"Sure it isn't. I'm on my way there now and I expect the both of you to be ready for me," Blitz said just before hanging up.

Millie told Moxie about Blitz being the first to answer the ad and him being on his way there. The other male imp wasn't surprised. Their boss was never subtle about wanting to have a threeway with his employees, something that had been waived off by them until now. But now their boss was capitalizing on the opportunity.

As they were told, the two got themselves ready for Blitz's and weren't left waiting for long. Their boss strolled right into the home, finding Millie dressed in a scanty way and Moxie standing by, looking rather timid.

"Well, well, well. I knew that it was only a matter of time," Blitz said as he looked them over. "I knew the moment I laid eyes on Moxie. He's a natural born cuck."

Moxie blushed, being unable to say anything in protest to this.

"There's no shame in it. Some of us gotta carry the short stick," Blitz teased. "And it's a good thing for me. I finally get to live out one of my fantasies."

He wasted no time undressing and that included exposing his cock to the other imps. Mille was quick to gasp. Even in a flaccid state, her boss outdid Moxie substantially. Moxie couldn't help but gawk at it as well. It was a morbid sort of curiosity that took hold. Blitz had always talked about how he wanted to fuck them both and just proved himself capable. Packing something both lengthy and thick, the hardening cock was still dangling between Blitz's legs. He was grinning, soaking up the attention that both continued to give him. His cock soon grew to its full size, looking even. It stood out and throbbed idly. Having her eyes still on it, Millie felt her mouth watering.

"Let's get right to it. Time for you to experience a real man..." Blitz said while approaching the female. Moxie was still close by, watching as his wife repositioned herself, getting on the edge of the bed. Being lined up with Blitz's cock, she kept her mouth open and let his fat meat slide into her mouth. She was already moaning as it slid it, likely reacting to the taste of it.

With wide eyes, Moxie watched as Blitz began moving his hips, placing his hand on top og Millie's head in between her horns. "Ooh. That desperate, huh? I almost feel bad. I wonder how long you've deprived yourself of this..."

Millie responded but her words were muffled around Blitz's cock. It took up a lot of space, having her lips wrapped around the girth. The better male was already putting a bit more effort into his actions, grunting as he felt his cock gliding over her smooth tongue. She could already taste his precum and began to swallow the substance down. Wanting more, Millie moved her tongue in time with the shaft moving back and forth in her mouth. Those grinds and twirls got a bigger reaction out of Blitz; his moans deepening and more precum leaking from the thick tip.

Moxie just stood by, watching the action closely. He couldn't help but get aroused from what was happening. Someone else was using his wife and yet he was growing hard from it. His own cock twitched and was quick to become erect. A small sound came from him that caught Blitz's attention. He looked down at the other imp and smirked. "Like what you see?"

Moxie didn't respond directly but his body language gave his boss an answer. As if the fully hard state of his cock wasn't already obvious. Moxie and Millie's bond had always been strong and they had been nothing but faithful to each other. All the same, the small cocked imp had secretly feared that Millie would eventually grow tired with him and step out. Her doing these things with Blitz of all people should have hurt him but instead, Moxie felt a newfound sense of arousal. Watching Millie suck Blitz off up close was making his heart pound and his body was feeling hot, let alone the now strong throbs of his cock that was too much for him to ignore.

"Getting off to it, cuck?" Blitz asked. "Don't worry. I got enough dick for the both of you."

Moxie gulped but nodded, putting his focus into his wife having her mouth stuffed full of another imp's maleness. It was pumping back and forth with more speed and effort. Blitz was making more noise, making sure that Moxie knew how much he was enjoying this. He stuffed more of himself down the wanting female's throat, making it visibly bulge. She gagged around his cock but still looked pleased as it plunged in and out of her oral depths. Blitz felt how tight she was and bit his lip, enjoying every moment of it.

"Fuck yeah! Keep sucking my dick down. It's not so easy, huh?" Blitz asked. He could imagine how easy it was for Millie to take Moxie's small cock, if it could even reach into her throat...

Rocking his hips faster and keeping Millie's head steady, Blitz's groans grew deeper. Now focused on his approaching climax. Millie continued to gag around him but still looked pleased to have her throat stuffed with so much. Feeling how thick and hot it was, having plenty of precum to drink down, she kept a smile on her face and made muffled sounds for more. Moxie couldn't help but grip and stroke himself, knowing that the other male was getting close as well.

"Yeah, I'm about to blow a huge load in her mouth. Watch and learn, ya little cuck-imp!" Blitz announced. Leading by example, he groaned and thrust roughly into the female imp's throat. After that strong push further down, he came hard. Millie's throat swelled further in a matter of seconds. She was caught off guard by the sheer amount of seed that was being pumped from Blitz's cock. He continued to hold in her place with a rougher hold. Falling in line and doing her best to endure it, she began to take big gulps of the hot and sticky stuff. There was so much of it. Millie found herself melting from how satisfying it was. She just barely managed to drink all of it down, gulping the last down rope of cum as the cock was tugged free.

Blitz was still hard when he tugged his cock free from Millie's mouth, having several thick strings of seed still connecting the tip and Millie's lips. "How did you like that?" he asked. Millie told him how good it was and he snickered.

"Enjoying yourself, Mox?" Blitz asked, giving his attention to the other male imp. Moxie nodded and groaned as he squeezed his cock.

"Good, cause you're cleaning up the mess." Blitz then pointed his messy cock directly at the other male. Moxie looked upon it with wide eyes but didn't protest or try to get away from it. As the cock came closer, the smaller-cocked imp caved and opened his mouth, receiving his boss' shaft into his mouth. He groaned as the tip and following inches slid in, forcing his lips and mouth further than it ever had been.

A groan and gag came from him after that. Blitz wasn't going easy on him, pumping his hips and thrusting more of his inches down the other male's virgin windpipe. Blitz was again groaning from the pleasure that he felt, rocking his hips to really stretch out of the tight and wet space. "Not bad but you can do better. If you're going to be a proper cuck, you're gonna learn how to do it right."

Moxie felt his heart beating faster. He was still struggling to handle the other male's size but Blitz was more or less forcing him to take all of it. With another rough thrust, more of his cock was stuffed down into Moxie's windpipe. Hearing the other male moan brought a strange feeling, along with the cock's heat and the steady pulses that came from the large flesh. The surface was slathered in Blitz's own cum and it was getting all over Moxie's own tongue and throat. Groaning at first from the taste, he had no choice but to endure it and doing so got him oddly used to the flavor and consistency.

Blitz humped his employee's mouth for a while longer but suddenly pulled his cock free, leaving Moxie's throat feeling stretched and messy. Moxie was actually confused about Blitz pulling his cock free, expecting the other male to keep going until he came again.

"Eh, I just needed you to clean me up before we got to the good stuff," Blitz said. "I also wanted to see if you would at least stand up for yourself but..." The other imp didn't finish his sentence, having already made his point clear. Moxie couldn't have done anything to convince Blitz otherwise. He had already submitted and sucked the other male off, proving that he wasn't going to stand up for himself or stop the other imp from taking things further.

With a smug look and chuckle, Blitz put his attention on Millie yet again. Having the female lying on her back and him pulling her panties off and away, he got in between her legs and pressed his wet cock into her sex. They both reacted in different ways. A dominant growl from Blitz and Millie was already clutching the sheets, feeling his cock reaching deep without hesitation. After pushing all of his inches inside, Blitz was just as quick and eager to pull his inches back. Another moan came from the lady imp, feeling those inches further stretching out her pussy. Being so used to taking Moxie, Millie's insides were completely unprepared for what her boss packed.

"Better take a deep breath," Blitz warned, doing so before he thrust in again with extra force. Millie yelled out again, being unable to control her voice. From there her body was being rocked by the thrusting that came after. Keeping a good hold on her, the stud imp repeatedly shoved his cock as far as it would go, resulting in a noticeable bulge that would distend and sink in time with the rocks of Blitz's hips.

Moxie was watching all of this as he had before. But watching his wife suck someone off and watching her be fucked were two different things entirely. Hearing Millie moan in ways that she never had before. The expressions on her face were those of raw pleasure that couldn't be faced. It made Moxie's cock throb harder than it usually would. Being compelled to stroke himself faster, feeling himself getting close to his own climax.

"Hey, Mox. Make yourself useful and get over here. I like to be rimmed while I fuck married people," Blitz said, keeping his attention on Millie the entire time. Hearing this put Moxie's attention on the other imp's moving backside. Watching it go up and down, his interest towards the other male steadily increased.

Biting the bullet and letting himself be told what to do, Moxie got up from the bed and approached Blitz from behind. He was a bit nervous to start but more moans from the others encouraged him to come in even closer. Getting behind Blitz and putting his hands on the other male's rump, Moxie did as he was told and began to lick at the rim, moving his head along with the humps that Blitz was making.

This was all new for him and it felt oddly arousing to tease the other male's hole with his tongue. He rimmed Millie often enough and knew that to do. Tracing all over the rim, getting it wet with his own saliva to start, he could hear Blitz's moans getting even louder. Feeling emboldened by doing a good job, he began to lick with more force, pressing his tongue down on the smooth surface.

"Mmph! Fuck yeah. Now get in there," Blitz said. He focused on Millie still, moving his lower half with more speed. She was still so tight around his fat cock. Her sex was dripping juices heavily, making his own cock slicker and warmer as time passed. The feeling of her tight and wet pussy caused him to start throbbing again. And then there was the first push of Moxie's tongue spreading his hole. The warm and soft muscle carefully slid inside of him. It brought an added pleasure and he continued to grind his cock into Millie's depths while feeling Moxie starting to rim him directly, running and grinding his tongue along the soft walls.

"Goddamn! This is better than I fantasized..." Blitz said, fully basking in the pleasure that the couple was giving him.

From both ends, the dominant imp was being stimulated. While thrusting away, Moxie continued to cling to his backside. He made small moans while having his tongue deep inside of the other male's soft hole. Moxie felt himself getting further lost as he kept rimming his boss, wanting more of his warm and smooth insides. They were clenching down on his moving oral muscle and this worked as a sort of motivator. Trembling and letting out a deep sigh, Moxie let his remaining reluctance fall away. This allowed him to finally shove the full length of his tongue inside.

At the same time, Millie was still reacting to Blitz's actions. She was being fucked by her boss in a way that Moxie never had before and she wasn't sure how to respond to it. Her body wouldn't stop shaking and her sex was left throbbing and clenching around the stud's fat dick. More of her juices kept that length coated and it was easy for Blitz to keep pumping away at her deepest parts, forcing them to spread while he deposited steady drips and small spurts of precum that made Mille feel messy from deep inside. With the speed picking up even more and the throbs of Blitz's cock were becoming stronger as well.

"Fuck yeah. Keep it up, Mox. I'm about to cum hard in your wife!" Blitz announced. Moxie made a muffled sound in response to this news. Whether it was a sound of excitement or protest, Blitz couldn't tell and he didn't really care anyways.

Getting a proper holding Mille and moving his body with even more speed and with even power to make the entire bed rock. Moxie continued to keep up with him, still licking deep inside of his boss. His own body was trembling and without being touched, his smaller cock was twitching and leaking rather heavily. He wasn't entirely on board with Millie being cum inside of but the idea also brought out a strange sort of curiosity and heightened arousal. While having his tongue in as far as it could reach, Moxie listened to their moans getting louder. The squeezes around his tongue were getting stronger and him licking Blitz's prostate brought out more intense feelings for his boss as well.

Another direct press of the warm tongue did the trick. Blitz growled and humped in deep for a final time. Keeping his cock there, the superior imp kept himself in place. Having another orgasm taking hold of him, Blitz rode it out with the added pleasure of still having Moxie's tongue in his ass. This time, he came directly into Millie's pussy, seeding the passage from its deepest parts from the start. Millie could feel the heat and stickiness gushing directly into her pussy this time. The feeling was too much for her to endure this time and she ended up cumming as well, mixing her own ejaculate with Blitz's.

Moxie was involved but still kept apart from the main action at the same time. Being just able to listen and feeling more of Blitz's hole clenching was enough for him though. Feeling his cock throbbing hard, he could easily imagine his wife being completely flooded with another male's seed. Cum that wasn't his own and with a greater amount than what he could produce...

"I hope you two enjoyed yourselves," Blitz said as he began to pull out. "Cause I got this all on camera!" He pointed over to his phone that had been set up ahead of time. Neither Moxie nor Millie had noticed this until it was pointed out. While Millie didn't seem to mind, Moxie was absolutely mortified by the reveal. Everything he did had been captured and knowing Blitz, it would all be shown off to others.

"Too late to do anything about it now," Blitz pointed out as he pulled out and had Moxie's tongue removed from his ass. "Might as well embrace it."

Millie was left on the bed, she was groaning and leaking Blitz's cum from her thoroughly used pussy. The other imp was still erect and had his focus on Moxie. "Now, how about you clean me up again?"

He was in front of the other male imp and Moxie felt himself falling into a submissive role again despite his actions being caught on camera. Just as the cock was about to go into his mouth, there was the sound of heavy footsteps and someone leaned into the bedroom.

"Uh, I'm here for the ad-thing. Is this the right place?" It was Vortex, the hellhound working for Verosika. But he was alone this time, much to Blitz's relief. He found it interesting that a hellhound came to answer the ad.

"Sure is. She's right there. I got her warmed up for you," Blitz offered. He put his focus back on using Moxie. Having his hands on the other male imp's head, he proceeded to roughly jam his cock into Moxie's mouth, caring not if his employee was ready or not.

Vortex recognized them, being his boss' old ex and his employees or whatever. But her issues weren't his own. He had no qualms with the imp, instead being a bit confused. He had obviously missed some things. Whatever the case, Millie was on the bed waiting for him and the other imps in the room were obviously already...occupied.

"No need to be shy. Come over here, big boy..." Millie encouraged with a seductive tone of voice and look.

Feeling compelled to do just that, the hellhound approached and began to take his pants off. The closer he came, the better he was able to see Millie's freshly used pussy. Being further aroused by the sight, his boxers came off as well. His sheath was revealed and it was quick to expand from the red tip that came sliding out. Groaning and teasing himself, the hellhound brought himself to full mast and Millie couldn't help but marvel at the male's size. His cock was even bigger than Blitz's and was ended with an engorged knot.

Feeling her body trembling from the mere sight, Millie prepared herself as Vortex got down on the bed. With a small growl, he prodded his cock to her sex. Getting it wet with another male's fluids and using it as lube, the canine suddenly pushed his cock inside of the imp. He was very pent up from his girlfriend not putting out so when he saw that ad listing he took a chance in hopes of taking care of this issue.

As soon as he was inside, the large and buff hellhound began to roughly hump the moaning female. Millie was back to crying out right away, feeling her pussy being spread even further than before. His hot and pulsing meat ground firmly against her walls as it slid back and forth. Most of it was kept in the entire time, ensuring that she would continue to feel that overly full feeling. Just as Blitz's had, the hellhound's cock was sliding in deep and caused a visible bulge to rise and sink with each motion of his hips. Going at a steady pace to start, Vortex was already grunting and growling from the pleasure he felt.

Millie's pussy was too tight around his dick, already milking out thick spurts of precum from it. Getting the pleasure he needed from another female, the large canine kept this up. He gained validation from Millie's sounds and reaction. It was obvious that she was enjoying herself, moaning endlessly and clenching her pussy around his large canine erection. She was loving every second of it; the unique shape, throbs, and more spurts of precum that wasn't of the same consistency as Blitz's.

As for Blitz, he was still keeping his cock far down Moxie's throat, even further than it was before. Basking in the pleasure and being in full view of his recording camera, he openly groaned and grunted as he humped smoothly over the tongue and against the smooth lining of the other male's throat. Going from one tight hole to the other, he was enjoying himself more than expected. For a while now he had imagined himself having sex with both Millie and Moxie but the actual thing was much better than predicted. Despite shooting a big load a few minutes ago, his fat dick was back to throbbing and gushing precum from Moxie to drink down.

The submissive male imp put up no resistance, moaning around his boss' cock as it continued ramming itself down into his unprepared throat. Its girth forced his oral depths to stretch. Blitz made it clear that would be taking his cock whether he wanted it or not. Moxie did his best to endure but it wasn't all bad for him. Rather, he was gaining a sense of enjoyment from being used like this. And there was also the thick coating of mixed cum, coming from both his wife and Blitz that coated the moving shaft. He couldn't help but run his tongue all over the length, hoping to gather all of the tasty fluid. Having it set on his taste buds made him hum and he began to forget that he was on camera, melting from the pure thrill and becoming even more aroused himself.

Blitz got a good hold on his head, even holding onto the kneeling imp's horns. With a deep breath to start, he tugged his cock back and was quick to shove it back inside. A loud came from Moxie but Blitz paid no mind to that, being too focused on his own growing pleasure. He kept the other imp's head in place as he bucked his hips, unleashing a series of shallow humps. Moxie's head was bounced by the force and he could feel his throat being plugged full by the thickness. More precum was flowing from the tip that Moxie had no choice but to drink.

"Fuck yeah. Taking it good and deep. How does it feel to be fucked by a hellhound?" Vortex asked, all but snarling out the words. He never let up and nearly doubled down, keeping her pussy stuffed full. Moxie had felt depths previously unknown to her being touched and forced to spread before being pummeled by the hammering dog cock. Her enjoyment and want for the pent up canine only increased with more time passing. The force put into his thrusts grew stronger and more speed was put into his actions as well.

"It feels...fucking amazing!" Millie exclaimed. She was unable to hold back after that and found her cumming around another male's cock yet again. Shaking and crying out, she ejaculated harder than ever around Vortex's cock. The intense climax was further heightened by the hellhound still going strong at the same time. Vortex was approaching his own limit but didn't dare slow himself down or ease up, desiring a strong climax that would make up for the long he had been without proper release.

At about the same time, Blitz was putting all the effort he could into fucking Moxie's mouth, getting a sense of satisfaction from cucking the other male but also emasculating him further. And Moxie was doing nothing to stop him, eagerly sucking and licking all over his dick. The juices had been all cleaned up, leaving him spotless save for the new sheen of saliva that now coated his inches.

"Keep swallowing it down. I'm almost there!" Blitz huffed, keeping up his hard thrusts into the snug throat. Moxie obediently kept sucking on his boss' cock and listened to his breathing getting deeper. With the throbs getting stronger as well, he knew that Blitz was very close to cumming. He braced himself for what was to come but was still completely caught off guard by the thrust that came after. It reached even farther than before, making Moxie groan and gag even harder than before.

"Fuck yeah!" Blitz groaned deeply as he came hard into the other male's throat, pumping it full of cum with a series of large spurts. Moxie did his best to keep up with the flow of sed but it was harder than expected. So much of it was rushing out of the tip and Moxie found himself struggling to keep up with the multiple volleys of imp seed from so far down. Blitz forced him to take it all, keeping him stuck in place until he was done and satisfied.

Having the messy cock pulled free from his mouth, Moxie was able to look over and see Vortex still pounding into his wife. That was before he snarled and thrust in with added force. Not only was the rest of his length plunged in but his knot followed as well. Millie cried out from the fat bulb spreading her sex further before it popped in with a loud sound. Right after, the large canine snarled as he came with force inside of Millie, unloading his pent up amount of seed inside of the female he was tied with.

Vortex began to overfill Millie with a flood of his hellhound cum, gushing huge amounts from his cocktip. His pointed tip had already jabbed its way into the womb and the seed pouring from it completely waterboarded the already seeded womb. Millie felt this but the flow of cum wasn't ceasing. As more of it kept coming out, she could see and feel her stomach starting to swell with the excess of canine spunk. Along with her pants and squirms, Vortex was keeping her held down in place. He was snarling and panting hard the entire time, feeling each swell and splurt of his seed shooting out with force.

"Damn, I needed that..." Vortex groaned. After unleashing so much he grunted and forced his knot out with a loud messy sound, making a mess of the bedding from more cum gushing out of Mille's sex. The hellhound took a moment to collect himself, having his sloppy cock still erect and dripping even more.

"Wanna trade?" Blitz asked. Vortex looked at Moxie, his mouth still open and slathered with cum.

"Uh, sure..." the hellhound agreed. He still needed a bit more time to collect himself. So they took a small break and Blitz rewatched what his phone had captured, having the volume on full blast so Moxie could hear all of the things that he had done prior and it also served to catch Vortex up to speed.

After their break, the imp boss and hellhound bodyguard finally switched places and partners. Vortex wasn't used to being with guys but figured it couldn't be that much different. Blitz was teasing Millie with the promise of more cock when there was another guest to the "party." One that nobody would have expected.

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