Do As The Mons Do

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Another TF story! And expanding on some head canon ideas regarding gender and Pokémon breeding. Educational AND raunchy, what more could you want?

The gender stuff isn't just random fluff, though - I'm coming around to starting to think about gender in general that way. It's still an 'oversimplification' but this is more of a starting point or foundation than a final draft. Essentially, though, it's a trifactor model of gender, with three aspects which can be one of two archetype endpoints or an intermediary (this is a bit more elaborate than what's presented in the story, but it's not like the Pokémon have studied this in-depth). This means that there are quite a significant number of valid combinations (and that's without getting into the nitty gritty) which could make up an individual's gender identity. I'm still thinking on this more, but I'd like to think that this makes more sense than the way I've seen it packaged (which is...not really very well packaged at all, if I'm being honest).

OBLIGATORY CONTENT WARNING: This story contains sexual acts between two males, transformation, gender transformation (male to V-male), rough sex, impregnation, and novel perspectives on gender.

"All right, Max. We're just about ready...if you're going to change your mind, this is your last chance." The research tech in his clean white coat was looking over a paper on a clipboard as he was checking the machine Max was laying in. The top was currently open, but wouldn't be for much longer, unless Max said something to stop it.

He wasn't going to. "I think I'm ready. A little nervous, but they said I would be. It's a new experience, right?"

"A very new experience for most. Transformation into a Pokémon is not something everyone gets to experience. Not that people aren't trying, of course." Max was well aware of that, there were a bunch of labs independently trying to develop machines and processes for such transformations. Lots of them trying similar yet distinct ways, with inconsistent results...naturally, it was a complicated thing with a lot of associated challenges. Those who were transformed were in a weak state, needing time and experience to have the prowess of a natural Pokémon, and only smaller forms could be taken - bigger and stronger forms simply couldn't be sustained at this point, not without the ability to imbue some power at the moment of the transformation. Inconsistency in the results of the transformation were another frequent bugbear, as the templates were hard to predict thanks to the enormous fluidity of Pokémon. And perhaps most troublingly, a lot of places were ending up with transformations that seemingly couldn't be reversed for any of a wide number of reasons. At least being a Pokémon was usually considered not a terrible fate, particularly by those who were willing to volunteer for such a thing anyway, but it still make for a challenge in trying to perfect the process.

Max wasn't so sure he'd want to be locked in forever, but he wasn't averse to the idea of being a Pokémon at least for a little while. He'd always envied their strength, resilience, and self-reliance - even trained Pokémon could handle themselves very well, as he knew from experience with his own buddy, a Gabite named Karch. It impressed Max how well Karch could get along without needing to rely on anyone else, particularly considering he didn't really have very functional hands. It was maybe the biggest thing Max thought about, as someone who did NOT have a good history of self-reliance - it had only been a year since he had even left home to live on his own, several years into his adulthood, and he felt quite overwhelmed by the independence. Karch almost did more for him than he did for himself...he was hoping that the change would give him some confidence to be his own person and do his own thing, without needing to be constantly asking for help. Though there would be a curve for that, since he'd need to get stronger before he could really stand on his own...Karch was eager to help with that, though, and seemed to have all sorts of ideas about what they could do once Max had changed. It sort of surprised him how eager his Pokémon was to have his trainer transform, but at least it meant he'd have some form of stability.

"I'm as ready as I will be, I'm pretty sure. Uh, this cushioning is fireproof, right?"

"It's many-things-proof, trust me, we've accounted for that issue a long time ago," chuckled the tech. "Your change into a Charmeleon will not result in a sudden bonfire, I promise. The flames will be low-potency right out of the gate anyway."

"Okay. Then I don't think there's anything else...we've been over all the risks and I'm aware of what could happen. I'd kinda just like to get it over with and start feeling it more than just wondering about it."

"Well, everything's in order, so we can go ahead and get you there. Lay back and allow me to close the chamber. You'll only be semi-conscious during the process, but based on the experience of others, it shouldn't be painful...perhaps it will feel strange, but it's usually stranger if they take a shape that isn't bipedal, so it should be a lower risk for you. Any last questions?"

Laying back, Max rocked his head side to side. "Nope. Let's do it."

"All right. One moment." A couple seconds later, a clear cover slid over the top of the chamber. The sounds were muted now, very little coming in, nothing but his own thoughts to distract Max. The big metal walls surrounding him on all sides but the top were cold and sterile...aesthetics clearly hadn't been a consideration. But Max would only be in here for a short while, so it probably didn't he heard a hum rise up around him, his eyes closed, and he tried to settle himself. It was starting.

It felt less momentous than it probably looked. Max's body suddenly felt frozen and numb, like a big lump that just existed as it was pumped full of that nebulous energy that would deliver him to his new state. He could barely feel anything, just a whole lot of undefined shape...maybe for the best, as his brain needed to be rewired for his new body, if he was feeling something that probably meant something wasn't going right.

From the top, cameras observed the change. The nude form of the human was occluded in a brightness, making it hard to make out fine features, but the gross features could be clearly seen as they slowly distorted into the destined form. The human torso shrinking down, slimming and shaping more to favor the lower end. Legs becoming shorter and stubbier and splaying out a bit, arms becoming leaner, the digits on his hands and feet also shortening and thickening, some of them fusing together to give him three on each. From his backside, a tail pushed out, taking a tapering reptilian shape; at the end of the tail, a small channel was forming and pushing deeper in, creating a passage for the flammable gases that would ignite the characteristic flame of a Charmeleon. Max's head was changing shape as well, taking on the snout of a Charmeleon, and the horn-like crest pushing out of the top.

Max could feel none of this in great detail in the moment; he could tell shifting was happening, but his disconnected mind wasn't quite grasping how things were changing. But he could feel some of the internal changes, particularly the new heat budding in his core, churning up more and more as the changes progressed, giving him the capacity to unleash those potent flames. This part did feel somewhat uncomfortable at first, the heat getting more intense than he was ready for, but as the rest of his body was slowly converted to a more thermophilic state, the sensation turned from uncomfortable to desirable. And the hotter it got, the better it felt.

Slowly the numbness faded, and Max's mind reconnected with his body - a newly-reshaped body that felt very different from his original, but clicked with his reformatted brain perfectly. His eyes blinked open, and he angled his head up to see a cream-colored belly and red-orange scales along his limbs, as well as the lightly burning flame off of the tip of his tail. It was done...he was changed, he had become a Charmeleon. And even though it wasn't quite how he had imagined it, it still felt quite good...and it could only get better as he got more adjusted to it and gained the strength a Pokémon was capable of gaining.

The cover slid off of the machine, and the tech from before looked down at him. "Welcome back, Max! How do you feel?"

"...Hot." Not a bad thing, as far as Max was concerned, as he sat up properly. The machine around him looked a whole lot larger than it had been before...of course, that was just because he was a lot smaller, at least two feet shorter than he had been. "It really worked...I'm a Charmeleon now. And I feel fine."

"Good! Still, we're going to have to examine you, make sure everything is what it should be. So if you don't mind, let's get you out of here and onto the exam table." The tech waited for Max to get to his feet and then took hold and lifted him out of the chamber - something that made Max feel slightly embarrassed, that he could be picked up so easily and carried around, as much as the fact that he sort of had to be. But he shook it off, it was best that they took charge of most things here, he was just seconds into being a completely different creature after all.

On the exam table, Max lay back and let the tech and another person look him over. The other was a medical professional who had done exams on him leading up to the event, making sure he was in good health - a transformation was a strain on the system and they wanted to be sure, particularly for the return trip, that he wasn't likely to suddenly keel over. There was a good bit of poking and prodding, not the most comfortable thing, but for the most part just annoying, and something Max had to put up with as necessary.

That is, until the medic started to poke at the opening in his groin. "Eep! H-hey, careful!"

"Max, please stay still," came the firm voice of the medic. "We do need to check this."

"Is that really-ah!" Max squirmed a bit as that finger pushed in, rubbing around. It wasn't a gentle touch, definitely not designed just to mess with him, which he was trying to keep in mind as a flush entered his face. But he was starting to get a weird feeling...his knowledge of Pokémon anatomy was limited, particularly in that domain, but he was pretty sure he should have been equipped much like Karch was, with his dick tucked inside its little hiding place until it was ready to be used. And that finger did NOT seem to be touching anything like that...

And the medic was certainly thinking the same thing. "Hm. As I thought...make a note of this. Unexpected gender non-conformance."

The tech looked at the medic, as did Max. "Again? This is the third in the last 20 tests. We've been checking this stuff religiously!"

"I think you'll have to check your sources. Variability is a lot higher in Pokémon. Particularly for the off-ratio species, and Chars are one."

"What are you talking about?" Max's voice was a very un-Char-like squeak. "What's going on?"

"It's all right, Max, you're not in any danger," the tech tried to reassure him. "It's just an issue that's been coming, uh, that is, your physical makeup isn't...what you would define as prototypically male..."

"Gah! Are you saying that's not a slit?!"

"It's not," reported the medic. "You have the ovarian phenotype. Do not be alarmed, it shouldn't affect you upon your return."

"But what about my NOW? I'm not a girl! I don't want to be a girl!" It was maybe a little bit excessive of a protest, but Max's mind was not coming to terms with things well.

"We're not going to treat you as a female if that's not what you want," the tech replied, trying to settle the squirming Charmeleon down. "Please calm down, Max! This is all part of the growing pains of transformative technology. And we're prepared to fix it. You'll just need to wait a little bit."

Hearing 'fix' did help settle Max down a bit. " can fix it?"

"Well, it's going to require reversing the transformation and then redoing it after we've figured out what happened. But we can and will do that. We are going to need you to wait about 10 days before we can return you, though...your body's natural energies need to replenish, or else the transformation could have severe deleterious effects."

Max winced a bit. He knew that, of course, that was part of the warnings he'd gotten at the start of things. But it was something, and surely he could handle a short period of this. "O...okay. Okay...let's, uh, let's make...all the arrangements we can now, so...we can take care of it as easily as possible."

"Right." The tech finally let go of Max, who was able to sit up. Looking down, he couldn't see much, but then again, he didn't know Charmeleon anatomy that well. Still, it was disconcerting to know that he wasn't how he had expected to be...yes, he'd been warned that things could happen that were unexpected, but they hadn't specifically mentioned THIS.

"I haven't seen anything to indicate any other issues," reported the medic. "Max should be cleared to go until the next check-in period, which I suppose will be his appointment to get things undone."

"Correct. We'll get that set up now. Come with me, Max. Don't worry, we'll get this all sorted out, and you'll be able to look back on it as a funny story later on."

Max sure hoped the techs were right about it being a funny story in the future. It didn't feel so funny now.

The long ride and then walk home had him feeling frustrated. He was supposed to have been looking forward to this, happy to stay the way he he needed to come back in ten days and turn back, and then start the whole thing over again. He knew he was being a bit unfair, he'd been told about the potential for problems, he was aware of it, but he'd just really been hoping it wouldn't happen to HIM. But it had, and there was no help for it. He just needed to get through this transient period and then get to a more normal state...maybe it would even serve as a little bit of practice. Trying to find those silver linings was helpful.

Still, his mood wasn't the greatest as he got back to his house. It felt like a whole lot of mess that he just didn't need to deal with. But, that was the problem with futzing with new technology. If he was unwilling to grin and bear it, he shouldn't have tried in the first place. It could have been a lot worse, his whole body could have fallen apart, he might have been turned into something completely different species-wise, he could have come face-to-face with wasn't the end of the world, just an inconvenience. If only that actually fought off the doldrums...

"Well, hello there." Max jumped a bit hearing the voice, and looked over to see his Karch walking towards him. His heart skipped a beat...WOW, he was big. Of course, it made sense, Gabites were bigger than Charmeleons, it was just weird actually seeing it from that perspective. "What's a cute stranger like you doing around here?"

"Karch, please, not the time for jokes."

"Aw, why not? I've got so many of them I've been saving up!" Karch folded his fins and grinned down at Max. "Hah, I could get used to being the bigger of the two of us."

Max let out a smoky sigh. "Don't get too used to it, it's probably not going to last."

"Ey, what's all this? I thought you'd be over the moon making one of your dreams come true finally. What's with the glum, chum?"

"Well...something went, uh, wrong..." Max wasn't sure he really wanted to tell Karch the details, they were a bit embarrassing.

"Heh, doesn't look like anything went wrong to me, you look and smell like a Charmeleon to me." Karch put an arm around Max and led him around the house to the back. "Whatever it is can't be THAT bad. Unless you're annoyed that you seem about as weak as a hatchling, but that's nothing a little training won't get you over."

"Karch...I, uh, appreciate the effort, but there IS something wrong. There was an...abnormality when I was changed. It's not something that you can immediately see."

"It can't be THAT bad. If it was they wouldn'ta let you leave."

There was no help for it, Karch didn't understand. Max huffed a bit as he resigned himself to the truth. "Karch, I'm not...male. I got the wrong equipment, it''s female instead."

"Hm. Still waiting for that problem you were talking about."

"That...wait, what? That was it, I just told you."

Karch snorted in laughter. "What, THAT? Paha, that's such a nothing thing! You should really relax, Max!"

Max couldn't believe it. Why wasn't Karch taking this seriously? It was a transformation error, it was something that was a problem and needed to be fixed...what, did the Gabite WANT him to be female? Max hoped not, there were implications there he didn't want to visit. "Take this seriously, Karch! They even said there was an error! And I didn't want to be female!"

"You're not, though. If you don't think you are, then you don't have to be." Behind the house was their house porch, looking out over the woods; on the porch, there were some chairs for Max's normal state, and just off the back was a bench that was more suited for Karch's smaller stature. The Gabite helped Max onto it, probing a little at the Charmeleon's crotch, much to Max's chagrin. "Yeah, I can smell ya down there, but it doesn't mean anything."

"How can you say that? It means something to me!"

"That's because you're thinking like a human, and humans are silly. There's nothing wrong with you! You're a male who can lay eggs, that's all."

Max stared at Karch in disbelief. "How can you...just say that like it was normal?"

Karch rolled his eyes. "Maybe because it is? Like I said, you humans are silly. Whoever heard of deciding gender based on whether you've got a cock or a cunt? It ignores, like, everything else."

This was all very new to Max, who'd never heard anyone bring this up before. "What do you mean? Are you...saying Pokémon have different ways of doing things?"

"Uh, yeah? It's called the better way. There's a bunch of different gender mixes. How you feel in your head is one part - do you feel more male or more female or in between or what? It's usually based on how you relate to other Pokémon, Pokémon usually connect differently to other Pokémon based on their genders, so that's how you make the decision. It's a bit fuzzy but we make it work."

"'re saying I'm still male because I think I'm a male?"

"Yep! And then the second part is your whole body. Masc and fem Pokémon sometimes have different features based on gender, you know, like I'm 'masc' I've got a notch in my fin but a 'fem' Gabite fin doesn't. But there are other ways of telling, too, like scent. And this isn't always an A or B type of thing, there's lots of degrees and such, but usually if most other Pokémon would class your body as masc, you're considered masc. Ditto for fem."

"I guess it's not easy to tell with me, since Charmeleons don't have anything more obvious."

"Eh, you smell masc enough for me. And the last part is your nads. This one's easier - you're a seeder or a breeder." Karch gave Max a cheeky grin. "I hope I don't need to explain THAT difference to you!"

"I think I got it, thanks," Max replied drolly. "So I'm...a breeder...but you still consider that male?"

"Sure! A masc male breeder. Ain't nothing wrong with that."

"I...never realized it was so different for Pokémon. You never mentioned that before."

"Eh, humans don't tend to 'get it' so we just tend to use 'male' and 'female' just so they don't get all confused. I mean, I guess it's because their biology works differently, but still."

"Okay...but then...why did I transform into this?" asked Max. "They said they were trying to change me into something as similar to what I was..."

"Oh, yeah, no real big thing there, either," Karch said with a dismissive fin wave. "Some Pokémon can end up going one way or another depending on whatever. And that's way more likely if it's a type that has a lot fewer 'aligned' females, like Charmeleons. You probably just got a dude who was a seeder in their life but if something specific had happened they woulda become a breeder instead. You might wanna let those guys know about that, I don't think they've done their homework."

"You guys are far too complicated. Aligned?"

"Yeah. 'Aligned' just means the 3 parts match the traditional idea. So a masc male seeder, or a fem female breeder. If it's a 50/50 split for those, then those are generally the most common ones you see, with some number of 'unaligned' mons where one of the two doesn't match the traditional idea. And a smaller number that have other, less common differences, but I'm already clearly too close to confusing you so I won't get inta that right now. But, some Pokémon have it where one of the sets of gender factors don't show up as much, and in those cases, male breeders might be just as or even more common than female breeders. So that there's enough eggs to keep things going, yanno?"

Things were starting to make sense a bit more now for Max. At least he had a better idea what had happened, even if he still wasn't thrilled about it...but knowing it wasn't abnormal for a Pokémon was helping to settle him down somewhat. " I guess that's why things went weird. I'll have to let them know for when I go to change back."

"Change back? You're gonna abandon being a Pokémon that fast? Just 'cuz you don't have a dick?"

"Well, I kind of WANT one, you know? That's how I've always been and I've never wanted otherwise."

"Well, I wouldn't mind trying to convince you to rethink that," snickered Karch. "C'mon, you gotta try it at least once. It's not gonna make you less of a seeder, trust me."

"You...want to..." Max looked blankly at the Gabite, who started cracking up.

"Are you kidding me? You seriously thought you were going to turn into a Pokémon and getting you laid wasn't the first thing I was gonna try to do? You've got some warped priorities, Max!"

Max had a different opinion on whose priorities were warped. "Karch! I didn't transform just to fuck!"

"I know, but if you were gonna transform, you might as well! That's part of the fun of being in a new body, getting to experience what the new body can feel! C'mon, you'll enjoy it, I've got the type advantage, you'll be super sensitive and it feels awesome!" Karch leaned in, pulling Max closer to him. "And I guarantee, no mon fucks like a Dragon-type."

"I'll take your word for it." It was a more hesitant response than Max intended to give - mainly because there was a distracting scent in the air. Karch's musk...he'd smelled it as a human, but right now it felt like the first time he was ACTUALLY smelling it, for the effect it was having on him. He was squirming a bit as he felt an unfamiliar tingle in his loins...was the Gabite actually turning him on like that? "I...don't really know if I want to..."

"Heh, funny, 'cuz I do," cackled Karch, leaning down and sniffing at at Max, making the Charmeleon flush. "Your scent's all hot and bothered, and I can tell you're leaking. Your body knows what it wants, does mine, for that matter."

Max had the distinct feeling that even if he tried to fight it, he was going to end up giving in at some point. Karch would know just how to pierce his defenses and he wouldn't have any idea how to keep him from it. Maybe it wouldn't be THAT bad to just try it once... "O-okay...I guess...I can go inside and grab a condom, and we can try it out."

"Tch, nah, no way," hissed Karch. "Even if it did fit me, which it won't, because human condoms aren't made for spiky dicks like mine, you think it'd come close to surviving in the heat of your pussy? Nah, man, we gotta do as the mons do - right and raw, like nature intended." He gave Max's neck a lick, making a pretty forceful case for his position as Max shuddered in bliss. And Max had to agree, as he saw that pointed, spike-studded, deep red cock standing proudly at attention between Karch's legs, he didn't have anything that would work with that - the spiky spire of flesh was bigger than anything he could imagine what he had was made for Though maybe he was thinking it was a lot bigger than it was, just because...well, from his perspective, it sure as heck SEEMED huge...and some part of him was turned on even more by that.

Still, he hadn't lost himself completely, despite the continued licking of that rough yet satisfying Gabite tongue. "K-karch...I can' of the, the about impregnation. It has effects on the body...that can block transformation. I...if you it..."

"Relaaaaaax~." Karch was upping the ante by rubbing a fin around Max's thighs. "You've got nothing to worry about. Breeders don't get knocked up unless they wanna be."

"That...d-don't try to mislead me..."

"Mislead? Nah, it's totally true. Works different from humans. Didja think we could really be this horny all the time and not be poppin' out eggs all over the place? Breeders get to control when they let eggs get fertilized. If they don't want it, then it doesn't matter how much spunk a seeder pumps into 'em, it'll yield nothing. Yeah, there's a few herbs and such out there that add a little extra insurance, but most of the time, it's nothing but breeder's will." The fin claw slipped into Max's lower lips, causing him to stiffen and gasp a bit - it really DID feel sensitive down there. "And that's definitely for the best, because getting that cream pumped inside is the best part of a proper rutting. Mm, actually, most breeders would take a suggestion of a condom as an insult...either denying them the best part of a breeding or implying that they're too feeble-minded to have autonomy over their own body."

"O-oh...I...I didn't know..."

"Course you didn't, I haven't seen you bedding any breeders. Now, why don't we sate that need that you've got?"

Karch was just too good...Max's defenses had been whittled to nothing. All his assurances had quenched a lot of the anxieties he had, and the need really was having a fierce effect on him. "I...a-all right...I'll do it..."

"Heh, try not to sound so nervous about it, I promise it feels amazing. Well, I might not know what it feels like personally, but every breeder I've ever met has given it rave reviews." Karch pulled Max off the bench with him as they stood up. "C'mon, let's hit the grass, the longer we wait the harder it's gonna be to keep from going crazy with rut."

"W-wait...ah, right, right here? Right out in the open?" Max's heart was pounding hard. "What if someone sees us?"

Karch cocked his head in confusion. "Huh? So what if someone sees us?"

Oh...that's right... Max swallowed hard, feeling a tightness in himself that was unfamiliar; the tingling in his loins was getting stronger by the moment, it felt like. Sex isn't taboo among Pokémon...being seen isn't something they usually mind. Calm down, Max, remember what he said, do as the mons do. I mean, I AM one, at least right now, who's going to judge? "Ah, uh, never mind...yeah, let's, uh, let's get to it. How should I, uh..."

"Hm..." Karch thought for a moment, grinning ever more widely as he did. "Well, I like the idea of you getting your front side nice and low to the ground, and hiking that hindquarters nice and high, so I can mount on top of you and lay right on top of you as I ravage your steaming snatch. How does that sound to you?"

Well, that was outright unfair, because the grungy language was unnecessarily enticing...even Max had to admit that the mental image it conjured was pretty hot, even if it meant him on the underneath side. He nodded and then did as instructed, putting his feet flat on the ground and bringing his chest down as low as he could, his forearms laying on the ground as well. In this position, his pussy was quite clearly presented for anyone who wanted made him flush thinking about such a lewd display, especially for something he wasn't supposed to actually have. It was so vulnerable, so open to be used...and it was starting to sink in to him that he was just accepting Karch's word for it that he couldn't get knocked up if he didn't want to. If the Gabite was messing with him, he was exposing himself to an irreversible alteration, without even a hint of recourse...and it was a little scary that that was just the tiniest bit exciting. It's just because I'm so aroused, don't think too much of it...I trust Karch, he wouldn't mislead me just to convince me to have sex...

"Fuck, that's hot, in every sense of the word." Karch stepped up behind Max, and the new Charmeleon shivered a bit as he felt that rough hide sliding over his scales, scratching in a way that felt almost TOO pleasant to be real. His claws flexed into the dirt as the Gabite dropped onto him, his larger body fitting very nicely against Max's, and his finned arms grabbing on underneath Max's chest. It was a very secure position for Karch, and Max could see why he suggested it - it was easy to keep in position and a tight hold without the benefit of hands. He shivered and twitched as he felt the tip of that cock slipping against his lips, a quiet moan escaping him at the sensation - it was slightly rough, but somehow that just felt absolutely amazing, and that was just brief contact. "Hah, listen to you, you're halfway to begging me for it, I told you you'd love this."

"Nnngh...dammit, Karch..." Was he more annoyed that the Gabite was rubbing it in, or not rubbing IT in quickly enough? Even Max wasn't sure at this point.

"Don't worry...I don't keep a sexy breeder waiting any longer than I have to." The tip of that cock pushed into that dripping Charmeleon entrance, making Max let out a shuddering mewl as he felt the thickness start to pierce him. Oh, that felt WAY too good, Max could feel the grittiness of Karch's fluids, the mild abrasiveness of that cockflesh, the pointiness and protrusion of those spikes, and it all was mind-blowingly good, he couldn't believe it. Was his body really that sensitive? Was that what a type advantage brought to the table? Or was it because he was so unused to those parts, or just being a Pokémon?

No answers came to him - only a sudden shove, and Max squealed out as he orgasmed HARD from Karch shoving deep into him, not quite going all the way in but getting very deep VERY quickly. There was a raging burning sensation throughout his passage from the sudden friction that had raked across it and was only just now being registered. And Max could do nothing but clench, squeeze down on it, squirm under Karch's grip as he gushed his heated liquids all over that intruder, the spasms continuing for a good bit before his body came to rest again. He was panting hard, but seeing stars...he definitely had NOT been ready for that.

"Heh heh...someone enjoyed that..." murred Karch as he rubbed Max's body a bit. "Ain't easy to pull that one off...usually only get the first-stroke climax when they're in heat, but first time doing it is another chance. Can't do THAT without a type advantage...but here's where the real fun starts."

And he wasn't kidding, as Max gasped out as that cock pulled out of him partway, that rugged heat reigniting and those spikes scratching against his sensitive flesh. And then it went spearing back in, making Max cry out loud. He could hear Karch growling in pleasure as he reflexively clenched down on that sensational intruder, feeling full and yet wanting so much more. Deeper, harder, faster, Karch wasn't giving him time to ready himself for ramping it up, not that Max was sure any amount of time would've been enough. But if it wasn't the most aggressive pleasure he'd ever felt, Max sure as hell couldn't remember anything better.

"Rrrr, you feel amazing, Max...absolutely perfect." Karch seemed to approve as well, a very pleased rumble escaping him as he plunged in and dragged out, that cock throbbing and shooting thick, grainy precum into Max that was making him feel even more friction. "Isn't this fun? No inhibitions, no worries about being bred, 'cuz you know you're in control..." A cheeky little growl slipped from the Gabite, as he leaned in a little closer. "Well, now feels like an excellent time to let you know, it's a little bit more complicated than that."

"It...what?" Max breathed. His heart was pounding hard, steam rushing from his face, as he was suddenly thrown for a loop. Karch was inside him now, thrusting with long, steady strokes, bumping against something that was slowly relaxing deep within him. He couldn't physically stop the Gabite if Karch wanted to continue, wasn't so sure he could even try to mentally with how good this felt...and now he was wondering if he'd been played with.

"Oh, don't worry. I wasn't lying to you about breeders having all that control. Not at all, it's all the truth. But..." Karch gave Max a long lick along the back of the neck, tensing and then relaxing the fiery lizard. "There's another part to it, too. The element of risk. The excitement of risk. Because if a breeder doesn't wanna be knocked up, they won't be...but..." A deep growl escaped Karch. "Who says that a breeder always knows what they want?"

Max felt his heart skip a beat, caught off-guard - and that was when Karch took his moment, shoving in harder and driving the rest of his cock deep inside the Charmeleon, making him squeal and shake as he was rocked with another rather fierce climax. His body squirted, gushed over that intruding dick that drove in so deep, rubbing him and scratching him and making him feel so insanely good. Its presence inside of him so raw, so invader he'd let in willingly, but perhaps hadn't realized what it was truly capable of. The words the Gabite had let linger on his ears were at once daunting and thrilling, on a level he hadn't even realized existed.

"Heh, it's in your head, isn't it? There's always a chance...always that risk that maybe that primal part of your mind doesn't agree with you. That even while you're telling yourself you aren't gonna make an egg, it's rushing to open the hatches at the same time. And you know the best part?" Karch nipped just the slightest bit at Max's head, right where his hidden ear was. "Every single breeder I've ever known...the fact that they might be wrong and their body is preparing to betray's the hottest thing about getting cum into."

Max's voice was breathless, crying out constantly now as he was rut with a ferocity that felt almost savage, which somehow seemed utterly perfect for a Gabite. He could feel the sharkdragon's pre splashing into his depths, mixing with his own wetness to spread around and make that friction ever more potent as it rushed through his passage, adding another thing to scratch against him. Those spikes were still the starkest thing raking against him, but everything was driving him wild, he'd climaxed twice and there was still no diminishing of the raw pleasure Max was getting. He knew he should have been terrified of the risk that had just been presented to him, that that invading dick that was blowing his mind presented a threat that he was helpless against...

Except...the damn Gabite was right. It wasn't terrifying him at, that risk was thrilling him so damn hard. He didn't even know why, shouldn't he have been worried that he was more vulnerable than he thought, that he might not really be in control of himself? It seemed like he should be, and yet, that little bit of doubt in the back of his mind, it was driving up the intensity of his response, that extra bit of adrenaline was making his heart pound faster, the hypervigilant reaction was only adding to the sensitivity and the awareness of just how thoroughly Karch's tool was annihilating him. And far from trying to keep him out or stop him, he was clenching down, trying to get even more contact, more friction, more pleasure, more chance of that spunk gushing into him.

And Karch was milking it almost as much as Max was milking Karch. "Mm, yeah...squeeze me harder...funny, isn't it? How you can have so much control, yet the thing you might be most turned on by is that it slips from your claws. But it's true for so many out there...maybe just about all breeder mons. It's whys many of them enjoy big, strong, intimidating partners, partners that can impose on them...heh, well, there's a few whose thrill is riding unprepared males and making them knock them up, but that's a little different...they're TRYING to get knocked up, after all. But the ones who intend to resist, they always love that chance, however big or small, that they really DO want it. I've known a few who will never use any of those herbs I mentioned, purely because it's not as much fun getting flooded with jizz if there isn't a chance that it'll beat them."

Max could see why - if it felt this good, having that sensation of danger, then why would anyone want to diminish that? And that danger was growing ever more present, he could feel the throb in Karch's shaft that warned him that the Gabite was getting ever closer to going off, to filling him right up...and then it was all down to whether he was really as certain about what he wanted as he thought he was. The doubt was real, and it was making the heat within him even more intense, the desire to find out in the most risky, thrilling way was all he could think about, that melding of his body's desires with his mind's chaos was pushing him so hard...and that was making him push back into Karch, wordlessly betraying his unfettered desire for the Gabite to finish it properly, pump him full of that draconic essence and deliver him to the pinnacle once more.

"Hmhm...don't worry, I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. After all, you don't want to be stuck this way, right? You suggested that yourself." Karch let out a tense hiss, his cock pulsing hard. "So you'll be able to hold yourself back as well as anyone...but I can tell it excites you, just like all the others. That despite all your determination, your vow that you know what you're thrilled by the idea that you just...MIGHT...NOT."

Powerful thrusts punctuated the last three words, and on the last, Karch's word was almost cut off as his maw latched down onto Max's shoulder - and then he was cumming, his thick, gritty, HOT seed pumping into Max's cunt in virile gushes, flooding him rapidly and washing over his heated loins. And then HE was cumming, for the third time, a cry escaping his maw as he twisted and spasmed in the Gabite's grip, fireworks of rapture snapping through his vision as his tongue lolled out. It was easily the most intense climax he'd ever felt, his keyed-up body responding violently to the pressure from the type-advantaged dragon, his steaming fluids gushing out over that spike-studded cock and mixing with those earthen shots, making them spread more quickly through him. It was glorious perfection, causing Max to curl his claws into the ground and arch his back, milking more of that seed out of Karch and into his womb. A womb defended only by his desire...and now he understood on a deep level, the thrill Karch spoke of, the knowledge of that risk only fueling a higher high to his climax, the uncertainty of his will versus the prospect of surrender, the consequences tantalizingly close and all he was doing was working more of that seed into him...would he know if he got bred, before the obvious signs? He had no idea, how could he know the difference on just this one attempt?

He knew only one thing...if Karch had indeed made him give in, he sure as hell had EARNED it.

It felt like the high lasted such a long time, drawn out for an age as he ground against that spiky tool, but it was just his whirling head messing with him - the sun was still high above as he felt that pulsing diminish down to nothing, leaving him wonderfully full and viscerally satisfied like never before. The Gabite unlatched his jaw from Max's shoulder, licking at the impressions in the scaled flesh, nothing bloody but that rasping tongue felt weirdly good. "Mrrr, I don't think I even need to ask if you enjoyed were singing like I've never heard before, and I've made some mons squirm in my time."

"That...that was...i-incredible..." Max's breath was hitching a bit still. "I...I never...knew that sex...could feel like THAT..."

"Tch, you humans must be missing out then. You'd enjoy it so much more with a good type advantage...but I suppose that's just one other reason to do as the mons do. And you especially loved being filled nice and full, I could feel that...A nice thick cream to soothe that heat..." One finned arm rubbed Max's midsection, and the Charmeleon pushed into that rough-skinned stroke. "But don't worry...I'm sure you've got everything under control, no matter how much cum I dump into you."

Max felt himself redden a bit. "Ah...and...wh-what...if I...don't have as much, ah...control as I...thought I did?"

"Well, then..." Karch snickered as he leaned into Max's ear, making the Charmeleon shudder again. "You got exactly what you wanted either way, then, didn't you?"

And Max knew there was no arguing with that. All that waited was to see what it was that he had really wanted...

The phone picked up on the third ring. "Transitions Incorporated, you've reached the transformation tech desk."

"H-hi. Uh, it's Max."

"Oh, Max. Are things going all right? It's only been three days, we can't take you earlier if that's what you're going to ask about."

"No, uh, no, that's not what I was calling about. I, uh..." Max hesitated. "I'd like to, uh...c-cancel the, uh, turn-back thing."

"...Cancel? I...uhm. Are you...quite certain? I remember you being rather...averse to the unexpected results, I didn't think you'd want to change your mind, especially not so quickly."

"Yes...I, uh, do remember that. The, um, the, uh, the...disconnect, I guess, wasn't something that I was...ready for. But...I had a, uh, friend explain it to me, and I didn't realize that it wasn't quite as, uh, unusual as I thought it was. And he...well, he...made a very...compelling case that I really shouldn't, uh, cancel the whole transformation over something as...frivolous as that."

Silence at the other end, but Max could have sworn he could almost FEEL the tech rubbing his head in exasperation. "...You got knocked up, didn't you?"

"Ack!" Even though it was over the phone, Max couldn't help but cover his face in embarrassment. "That...w-was it that obvious? S-sorry, I didn't mean to make things difficult..."

"No,'s's not something I can really...FAULT you for. Just...professionally inconvenient. You're the sixth gender non-conf we've had of your type, and the others reacted a lot like you...but damned if not a single one of them made it a week without getting an egg in them. I really can't wrap my head around how this happens every single time."

"Oh..." Max relaxed a little bit...clearly he wasn't the first to fall into this. "Well, uh...I think I might, um, be able to help you a bit with that. I think the, ah, there's some factors that you might...not be aware of that might explain why it happens and how people can...get turned around a little bit when it comes to the...consequences."

"You can? would you know?"

"My friend...explained it VERY well to me. Maybe I'll bring him with, when I come for my check-up...uh, would the medic be trained in, uh, any egg examinations? It might not be a bad idea to get that...looked at."

"I...would have to ask, but bring it along with anyway if you're interested, if nothing else maybe we can set something up at the closest center. And, uh, yeah, any insights you have, they'd be greatly appreciated, clearly we've been missing something pretty big here and knowing how to deal with it in the future will help a lot. I...well, I guess it's a moot point now, but are you sure you're going to be all right this way?"

"Yeah...I, uh, I'm gonna be fine...I've, uh, seen the...upside." A shy smile formed on Max's face as he took a look back out the door at the Gabite eagerly awaiting him to finish. "I guess when you're a mon, all it takes to get used to things is as the mons do."

Trickery Finds A Way

Experience had taught Grinnon to be very worried about certain things. Any time the floor under his feet started to shift for no known reason, or for a variety of known reasons. Any time a spellcaster started to chant, or had energy start...

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Hot Shift

"Huh...this is it?" Carson rubbed his brown-haired head a bit and covered his brow as he looked up towards the entrance of the cave before him. "Charred doesn't even look that charred. This is what the whole hullabaloo is...

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Arion was grumbling loudly as he flew towards the mountains. The Charizard was getting really tired of having to make this trip over and over. He should have just sent someone else out instead... They were in the land of Ouveram, a...

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