Minerva and Tik Tik

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#10 of The Adventures of Tik Tik

Tik Tik travels to ancient ruins to delve into secret lore, but she's not the only one searching for secrets. What will Tik Tik do when she comes face-to-face with Minerva the Erotificer?

This is a collaboration written by myself and WhiteFeather#2931 on DiscordPlease support me on SubscribestarThe Adventures of Tik Tik is a fantasy erotica series starring a cute kobold wizard out to make new friends! The readers fund its development. Those who support get early access to stories and rough drafts, the ability to vote and make poll options for monthly bonus stories, and able to produce and direct the plot with other top-tier supporters! Not only that but the more that I'm supported, the more of these stories Check out more of my work through my Linktree

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Tik Tik pulls her hood over her head, tying the cape around her neck and giving the strings a quick tug to ensure they are nice and snug. The wizard kobold stands before the grand portal in her tower, watching the cute twink she has locked away to power the device.

The kobold says, "Take care of place while I'm away." She waves her hand in a circular motion, following the runes she meticulously etched over the threshold stone. When her hand passes over each symbol, she causes each to light up.

The femboy energy source writhes in his battery prison, delighted in the magic pumping through him.

With Tik Tik's teleportation device powered by the lustful energy of the boy toy, the kobold sees the darkened ruin before her and smiles, taking her first steps toward the portal.

But the kobold stops, and she sniffs, scratching the side of her nose.

"S... something the matter, mistress?" the naked circuit asks, his breath coming in heavy, needy huffs.

"Nope!" Tik Tik responds, bouncing on her toes. "Just an itch. Nothing more!"

And so, she steps through the portal--ready for her next adventure.


'This isn't it, either.' A portal swirls within the gilded frames of a mirror. The edge of the glass curves as it elongates and spirals into the rift. An indigo finger, slick and slender, raises itself to the glass. Fuchsia magic drips off the tip like water before being sucked into the mirror. The depicted image of ruins in sunken sands snaps away in the blink of an eye, leaving only stars in its wake. The hand waves, and the stars shift aside like paper across the table. Once, twice, three times, they shift, now brush strokes of light in the darkness. Then, it stops--a single orange flicker caught in the center as if by a web. A garbled hum sounds from the black, and the hand pinches the glass and spreads outwards, zooming in on the speck, which rapidly wells to size. With a flash, another image appears. More ruins, buried underground, it seems. 'Another human relic fallen to time's unending flow. How typical. Let's see what they left behind.'


If it wasn't for her teleporter, Tik Tik would never be able to afford an expedition to discover these ruins, let alone travel to them.

Even so, making her way inside the building wouldn't be possible without the map she procured from a friend in exchange for some service. She pulls out the old thing, her nose wrinkling when she looks over the frayed page. Her claw pokes at the "X", and she stares up at the overgrown vines and weeds to find the shape of a small cylindrical tube.

The lock is simple enough, with only a little knowledge from her trap builder days allowing her to pop the grate open and allow her to crawl along inside.

Many underground societies use tunnels to keep their air fresh or remove poisonous gasses. Tik Tik wonders what this system was designed for before this facility was abandoned. Deposits of dust and choking vines along the walls and fan blades prove this machine would never run its purpose again.

It is a shame because the air here is musty and filled with dust, tickling the back of the kobold's throat as she delves deeper.


A precursory examination shows this facility was made when humans discovered elemental alchemy, clumsily using metal and acids to bend electricity to their will. 'The lesser species strive to achieve the wonders of magic... so foolish.' A warbled chuckle sounds out, and a pulse of light from the mirror reveals a set of tentacles mirthfully wriggling in the dark. The image shifts again and now focuses on a statue. The lesser details had eroded with time, but the vague figure is reminiscent of several deities that this library cataloged, specifically those associated with fertility, strength, and virility. Now, this was promising. A quick detection of magic shows a concentration atop the altar at its feet. A figurine on a dias? It is too difficult to see from the mirror's sight... but no matter. She had gathered enough information. It is time to begin the retrieval. Another hand joins the first, both pinching the air. Fuchsia waves ripple in the air as two spectral tentacles materialize, wrapping themselves around the portal's edge. With a soft, feminine grunt, the arms fly back; the tentacles tear back similarly. The scrying magic forcefully rips outwards, uniting the two spaces simultaneously.

The portal is massive, practically consuming the frame itself. The pulsing magic is vibrant and illuminates the dark, revealing its master. The figure is tall and slender, easily over six feet without counting a few inches of levitation. Their skin glows in the light, and their smooth indigo thighs are framed by white. Soft leather boots adorn their feet, giving way to that slender skin surface before a robe swallows it. Plump ridges of fabric that stack themselves much like the carapace of a shell bug snugly hug the skin. A deeper purple than the arms leave the sleeveless bodice. It flares up with a sharp collar around the neck and a long drape of cloth beneath the spine. The front tightly contains a pair of perky soft breasts, while her back bears a formidable derrière. The fabric catches on the plump cheeks, ruffling down like a waterfall.

Topping this sorcerous lady's body is a cephalic head, though that isn't quite right. The shape is more humanoid, yet still egg-like in the back. Instead of a mouth, eight tentacles of varying lengths absentmindedly dance in the air. And her eyes... black voids of emptiness that sparkle like galaxies. Sheer nothingness inside shines the brightest and most beautiful stars a mortal will ever see for the rest of their life, however short that may be.

For she is Minerva, Eromancer, accomplished Erotificer, and powerful Sorceress. Any who meet her mental might will succumb or submit, whichever comes first. And she is on the hunt. With one last swish of her robes, she floats inside the portal, the light snapping shut behind her.

As predicted, the portal drops her off in midair. A fatal mistake for other beings but not for her. No, she casually glides to one of the overlooking balconies. Tracing a moist finger just above the dust as her eyes scour the room. 'Now then... were they smart enough to-'

"ACHOO!" The sneeze reverberates around the room, echoing out into the distant halls. It catches Minerva so off-guard that she jumps, almost stumbling over the railing, floundering for stability before suddenly remembering that she can, levitate. 'I... ugh. Who else dares to traverse these halls?'


Tik Tik sniffles, wiping her nose with the edge of her cape. After all that time, that sneeze finally came out. Instead of providing relief, it only opens the floodgates of her agitation. She pulls out her journal and notes, "see if these people discovered allergy medication." Punctuating that final note, she stuffs her paper away and steps up the large, looming statue before her. It's undoubtedly an abstract shape, yet it towers high. She scratches her nose, trying to catch an itch she cannot get to. While mulling over the problem, she gets both hands up, growling as she stomps in frustration, clawing at her scales.

Minerva glides noiselessly along the balcony, eyes glinting in the dark. The lack of light means only something used to vision in the darkness can hope to locate her, so she doesn't bother attempting to hide. She is far from worried about what seems to be a lizardkin scuttling about below. 'How did you get in here, I wonder... are the doors gaping open, or are there cracks in the seems? ...No matter. I doubt you'll give me much trouble.' Focusing on this intruder below, she overlooks the leftover scraps that had fallen from the scaffolding above. Nonchalantly, she glides her foot into a steel bar, kicking it into the stone with a dull clunk. This brings her to a sharp stop. 'Shit.'

Tik Tik stops her scratching, her eyes wide and predatory, her head turning around. Was that clang of metal on the stone just air pressure and wind creaking the old structure? Or is she not entirely alone?

She shrugs and approaches the altar, raising her hand and producing a magical spell upon her fingertips. It should be easy enough to crack the lock of his magical totem with her applied magecraft, just as opening the lock with her trap-making skills is simple. She allows the mana to flow through her as she recalls her study and the practical movements, sounds and focuses of all arcane spellcasting. With a dramatic thrust, she winds up for a pitch, and at the moment of the throw, she says the last of the magic words.

"Abra Ka-acCHOO!"

A fastball lock spell turns into a corkscrewing missle that whips around the tower and shoots upward towards scaffolding that the kobold hadn't noticed before. While it whirls and whizzes, she falls on her butt and stares up, watching in horror as the light manifests something lurking in the far-off darkness where her kobold eyes cannot see.

Eyes wide, Minerva holds herself steady. She watches the stray bold arc over her shoulder before detonating against the stone. For the briefest of moments, she is certain they had made eye contact. The excess light from the magic illuminates her figure. She doesn't breathe, doesn't move. She lets nature's shadow drape heavy on her shoulders, obscuring her sight. Her time would come.

Tik Tik frowns, sniffling. She wipes her nose with her cloak and stares up at the darkness. "Just a trick of the light," the explorer says as she approaches the locked altar. The wizard takes a deep breath and commands the essence of the magic to flow through her body to her fingertips, intoning the great words of power, and then... and then...

'Now!' Minerva extends her arm, and the magic drips free again, dribbling into an invisible bowl to form a swirling orb of energy before firing off sharply.


This sneeze has more petite but is still sharp enough to make Tik Tik bend over from the force just as a blast of magical energy flows over her head.

This time, the wizard pauses, her eyes wide, her mouth agape. She spins around, producing magical slinging spells that she fires into the darkness. They slam into the scaffolding, each flash briefly illuminating the monstrous figure.

Minerva can only sigh, one hand flexing in irritation. 'Damn, sneezing. Damn it in its entirety.' She fires several more missiles below, but Tik Tik dodges them and rushes along the path. Each of Minerva's blasts struggles to catch the mousy lizard, who manages to throw a few shots of her own, enough to provide herself cover as she scurries behind a pillar.

The kobold takes a few quick breaths, reaching under her cloak and working through some of her tools upon her belt, gathering the ingredients for a bit of a surprise.

Minerva, noticing her target is hiding from view, can only smirk. 'How foolish. Thinking they can hide. I do love surprising them.' As one would unzip another's coat, Minerva casually opens a portal before her, stepping through and vanishing in the blink of an eye.

Tik Tik pops out form the cover, but the balcony above is empty. The mysterious assailant disappears without a trace. She huffs and tucks back behind her hiding spot, only to be greeted by the sight of a magical portal closing in the air. The towering blue entity, having fully stepped out and looking down, tentacled mouth wriggling unnervingly. Her hands glow with magic, and her form has an unmistakable look of pride. A warbled sound pulses like some demented laugh as she believes she's cornered the kobold at last.

Tik Tik yips in surprise before suddenly throwing her held spell straight at the eldritch mage. A brilliant flash of cobalt coils sends her stumbling back, face tentacles squirming as she screams in a sound almost human behind an unearthly warbling. The offset tone echoes throughout the entirety of her mind.

Tik Tik watches this creature, her fear changing to curiosity over the garments and the body. Not only is there an otherworldly attractiveness to her slender frame and wide hips, but the clothes holding onto the frame are well made. Whomever she just triumphed over is sophisticated enough, but unfortunately for them, they crossed the path of Tik Tik. She smirks, tapping her nose as she turns and scurries towards the altar. "Sorry squishy mage, but the ingredient is mine!"

Ingredient? Minerva shuffles in her haze, the spell's effects rapidly surging through her body. Everything grows hot and sensitive. The fabric rubbing against her chest is now sultry in its grasp, skin pulsing as heated blood rushes to fill her. She doesn't have the accuracy to play around anymore... so it seems she needs to rely on a trump card. Quickly dipping a finger into a side pocket of her robes, she pulls out a seed. The brown lump has several wiggling strands of plant fiber growing out of it, ready to receive energy. She flicks it toward the escaping kobold before sniping it with a quick magic dart.

There is a soft "pop" as the seed erupts into a mass of vines. Each one reaches out for Tik Tik. The kobold leaps away from the exploding vines, but she is not fast enough to avoid their groping binding. She falls to her knees before her body quickly tugs about like a ragdoll. Vines coil around her thighs and torso, following her subtle curves, tying her hands back against her ankles as they hoist her tail up. A collar-like growth reaches behind, pulling it to the back of her throat.

Minerva lets a rumble creep up her throat. Like a creature growling from the ocean's depths, the sound reverberates against Tik Tik's ears, making the now-restrained kobold shiver with anxiety and worry.

Had the spell worked? Slowly, Minerva glides forward, ignoring the captured lizard to inspect the totem on the altar instead.

Indeed it had worked, for the craftwork had crumbled to dust, leaving behind a tightly bound scroll of papers and three distinct vials of splotched gray liquid. Hot pink bubbles occasionally rise to the surface of the concoction. She tucks it all safely into her robes before finally rounding on the struggling Tik Tik, peering down at the entwined body of the female kobold.

Tik Tik flashes a bright but nervous smile toward her captor. First impressions are everything, after all. Suddenly, there is a feeling on the edge of her mind. Some other force reaches out, grabbing onto her with a hook. The connection wriggles for a moment before, with a heavy force, a voice bursts into her mind, throbbing into her as a headache before the connection stabilizes. "You have caused me much trouble, kobold. Interrupting my work, blasting me with that spell... you continue to live only by my grace. As such, you can decide how I punish your insolence."

Tik Tik blinks, her anxiety settling back into curiosity as she processes the declaration. This creature surely speaks highly of herself for another spellcaster, but a choice is a choice. The kobold shrugs, smiling. "Why not eat Tik Tik with big slurpy face?"

To say Minerva was surprised is an understatement. Out of all the possible answers she had received in her engagements with her enemies, none of them wanted to have her maw close down upon them. The thought is... exciting. The heat pulsing through Minerva's body grows, a kindled fire roaring to life and beginning to push her into dangerous territory.

She is an Erotificer--a crafter of magical artifacts and sentient toys for sexual satisfaction. Some of them help to relieve stress and others aid in her work. And the last of them, she is just fond of those. One such toy is almost always with her. It is a semi-sentient symbiotic parasite that feeds off sexual release and, in turn, gives it back to the wearer.

The spell that damned little kobold managed to surprise her with doesn't affect just her. A long, bulbous tentacle rises between her robes and thighs, revealing a rich, vibrant purple with glowing greed nodes whose size and shape constantly shift and lengthen. 'Oh, I'll eat you, little kobold, but permit me to thrust the fruits of your magic upon you.'

Tik Tik's eyes widen as that magnificent tentacle wriggles out from under the clothing of the alien sorceress. The kobold holds firm as it immediately rubs itself along her snout. Like a snake slithering towards heat, it wraps and coils around her, inspecting, investigating, and pushing against her closed lips as it senses the hot and moist cavity within.

Minerva shudders and sighs, a hand slowly pulling her robe across her leg.

Tik Tik marvels at those plump and sculpted thighs, slender and smooth as polished shells. Between them, the tentacle cock pulses and throbs, the base firmly burrowed inside Minerva's pussy. At the same time, several tiny tendrils wrap around her clit, massaging it with a teasing touch.

Tik Tik's lower lips ache with need. While this was quite a surprise, the unexpected delight thrums within her. She arches her hips forward and wriggles her brow. "Tik Tik no expect sexy mage here with her. Is pretty squid just going to look look? Or will she -Yip!"

A telekinetic pulse lifts Tik Tik into the air by her tail. Minerva brings her face-to-face as the slithering shaft gently grinds against the kobold's cunt.

'Foolish kobold... do you think you have any say in what happens from here on out? You are nothing but a research subject in need of corrected manners. Now... come and kiss me, as you wished~".

A discordant laugh fills the cave, an unsettling warbling of slurps and glorps from her tentacled maw springing forth. A musical chortle of mirth projects itself, filling Tik Tik's mind with that melodious laughter. The captor leans down. A slender azure finger lifts the kobold's cheek, tentacles opening wide. Squirming and writhing, they slowly curl and grasp onto the kobold's scales as the dark maw inside grows ever closer.

Tik Tik relents to the tentacles on her cheek and snout. Her tongue dances with what she can only assume is Minerva's tongue, the kobold's eyes rolling back as the alien sorceress dances with delight within the kobold's body.

Minerva's appendage is thick and hot, slick and wet. Everywhere it explores with a voracious curiosity, it leaves globs of strange goop-like saliva--sweet and rich like gelatin as it clings to the inside of the kobold's maw.

Minerva grins as the last of her tentacles finally grasps hold of Tik Tik. Her eyes twinkle like starlight, and her hands raise high. Fuschia energy drips down to link with Tik Tik's mind and to see. At the same time, her pseudo-phallus nudges and makes out with the kobold's lower lips, pushing apart her scaled labia and rubbing and prodding at the entrance of those tight insides.

Memories flash around in Tik Tik's mind. The countless times she had made her beautiful creations, her teleportation device, her twink at home, and the many friends she made along her journeys. Oh, there are so many delights to probe inside this mind!

And so Minerva probes further. That plump tendril waltzes with Tik Tik's tongue, suddenly diving past and down her throat, bulging it outwards as the kobold gargles with dazed bliss. At the same time, the tentacle below firmly presses Tik Tik into the air. It is a ram battering at the gates of her flower, caring less about shoving inside and more about the pressure and struggle--that eventual fateful pop! The twin sources of exertion and ecstasy weaken the kobold's mind, and thus Minerva sees further.

There is an ocean, its vast seas, and the undersea temple far below. It is the remains of the last structure of a forgotten fertility goddess. And growing in that lost shrine is the dragon weed, a critical ingredient that ties in almost perfectly with the legends of this place.

Ingredient? Is this connected to the legends of this forgotten rock heap? Well, now this won't do at all. Minerva must see it for herself. Her curiosity sated for the moment; her tentacles slowly extract themselves from Tik Tik's scales. They leave behind impressions, and slick trails as Minerva finally slurps them back into her mouth and out of the kobold's throat.

When Minerva pulls away, Tik Tik gasps, coughing and shuddering. Her body exquisitely burns with lustful heat, swallowing down the last goop left in her throat. Still, she slurps up the stuff over her cheeks greedily, her eyes settling to watch the eldritch creature as she pants for air. "W... what's the matter?" Tik Tik asks, licking her chops. Why, oh why, did it taste so damned good? "Tired of kissing Tik Tik, huh? Thought you'd want more fuck fuck with sexy spell on you-gguyh!?

Minerva flips her upside down with a twirl of her wrist, the magic quickly spinning the kobold about. 'I've had enough of your unique brand of flirting.'

Tik Tik faces the bulbous veined appendage sprouting between Minerva's legs. She cannot close her mouth before the shaft surges past her lips and down her throat.

With the casual air of someone managing a chore, Minerva rocks her hips, thrusting the phallic invader deep into Tik Tik's esophagus. After all, she does her best work when pleasured, and this small lizard is so tight. 'You make a good sleeve for Telx. He greatly enjoys marking hot and tight little orifices like yourself.'

Tik Tik's head bobs along the tentacle cock, feeling the thing bulge her throat and thrust past her collarbone. The only sounds that rise from the eloquent kobold are the gasping glugging groans of a well-studied and powerful mage reduced to nothing but the fuck hole of an alien scholar.

Telx burrows within her again and again eagerly, oozing a bitter liquid that makes her body warm, refusing to pull out of her throat and instead plundering it effortlessly, throbbing and growing stiffer with each pump.

What an efficient fuck hole she is. The tight constrictions of her throat translate quite well into how the tiny tendrils wrap around Minerva's clit and massage the small nub. The magical heat infesting her body soothed at the moment, Minerva levitates over to Tik Tik's pack. Ignoring the dripping entrance of the kobold's sex wiggling right before her eyes, she calmly searches for the ingredient her mental dive had shown her.

And here it is--a small herb, rich emerald green in color, and tiny curls of what seem like forge fire arching through its cells.


A cursory glance of her magical sight and Minerva can tell it has transformative properties. Pulling out one of the gray vials, she sees the air between the two ingredients hum. They long to be together--magical soulmates. How wonderful. She has to see what they do together.

A musical gasp in her mind is Tik Tik's only warning. Her eyes widen as the tentacle that takes up residence inside her throat suddenly bursts cups of thick and hot ooze that pours into her upside-down body, leaking out the corners of her mouth and spurting from her nostrils. Tik TIk gasps and coughs as it withdraws, too busy recovering from reacting to the gunky splooge striking her face, coating her in slimy hot whiteness. Pulse after pulse of tentacle seed paints her scales, dripping onto the ground below. This marks the place of victory where Minerva had made another into her sex toy.

Minerva moans softly and rocks her hips. Her orgasm washes over her, each wave of pleasure flowing through Telx fully transferring over into her sex. With the back of her throat closed, Minerva tosses both ingredients into her mouth, mixing them like an alchemy pot within her cheeks while slowly levitating Tik Tik back upright.

The kobold attempts a few gulping breaths, scooping as much air into her lungs as possible. Yet, as she takes the last breath to say her piece about this abuse, her eyes roll back as the many tentacles cling to her scales.

Tik Tik gulps with a large lump in her throat, swallowing a payload from Minerva's thick tongue-like appendage. Tik Tik's eyes widen as she proceeds to swallow the spit-coated mixture of herbs again and again. Finally, the tentacle slips into her stomach. The effects are nearly instantaneous as Tik Tik groans and growls, tilting her head back, her legs and arms twitching.

Minerva watches with fascination, pulling herself back from Tik Tik, removing her tentacles from the kobold and removing Telx, tucking the living strap-on back between her robes. His leaking tip trickles down her leg, making her luscious blue skin shimmer. She rarely finds conscious test subjects for her concoctions--even rarer to be able to do a live test in the field. But this spontaneous meeting has been exceptionally fortuitous, and now she is in it for the finale. She will record the results, harvest any valuable byproduct from the kobold, and be on her way~

Tik Tik had theorized about the possibilities of the ingredients when used in tandem. A catalytic transformational herb, a hypothesized augmentation serum--but they were never intended to be taken together in such large doses, especially after all the fore play her body had been made to endure.

The kobold's head falls forward, drool and cum oozing out from between her teeth. She falls to the ground, shuddering and struggling, her pupils slitting and her brows furrowing.

The kobold huffs and pants, her body tugging and pulling at the magical plant bonds. Her tail thrashes and wriggles sporadically.

In case this goes south, Minerva gathers restorative magics in her hand, yet she can only watch as Tik Tik pulls her arms free, tearing the vines with a heavy rumbling growl.

Teeth grit, fangs elongate, jaw lengthens. Newly forming muscles bulge and flex, snapping the remaining vines one-by-one. Her now sharp and elongated claws rip apart the vines on her throat, an aggressive growl rumbling out.

Minerva's head tilts back as the kobold rises up, the changes in Tik Tik's physiology even more apparent. Her scales darken and elongate, going from soft pink to a crimson red. Her bones crack, flesh straining and stretching as they grow. Claws lash outward as her hands explode to three times their size. Toes snap into talons, vicious and strong, quickly digging into the dusty stone floor. She stares face-to-face with Minerva, though Tik Tik hunches over, her shoulders rising and falling. Tik Tik's horns curl and grow into ivory spirals of white majesty. The spikes along her face lengthen into the shape of a crown.

'She must be nearly eight feet tall and growing... by the deep gods, what did I feed her? And what can she do~?'

They say that curiosity kills the cat, but there are more than one species crippled by their need for knowledge. Minerva herself often pays for the price of her own addiction to new experiences... and this situation is heading in the same direction as those others.

The pain of transformation now subsides, and Tik Tik can finally appreciate this change. Her hands run over her body, along her sides. They follow the now powerful and muscular curves of her torso, across her firm abdominals, to her new pair of rocking tits, perfectly plump and perky. Her hands give them a tight squeeze that sends shivers down her core.

A loud "thud" comes from behind her as her tail grows thicker, elongated, and covered in rigged spines. Now, it is a weapon more-than-capable of knocking someone flat.

While Minerva doesn't necessarily have as much of a jaw to drop in surprise, her facial tentacles can still convey emotion quite effectively. In this case, their sporadic wiggling and alluring waves all come to a stop, simply stretched out in disbelief. The small kobold transformed into a dragon, proper and true. She has no wings, but she is undoubtedly powerful.

Minerva takes a step back, dropping the spellwork and ingredients for an antidote.

Tik Tik the Dragon sighs heavily, scattering the dust around her feet with her mighty breath. She takes the time to crack her fingers, smiling but not paying mind to her opponent. Obviously, the herb enhances the slight trace of draconic ancestry locked within her body. It can turn any kobold able to bear the pain into a mighty facsimile of the deific creatures. She glances up toward Minvera, her tongue running along her chops.

As she reaches out for the sorceress, suddenly a jolt hits her core. Her eyes widen in shock as her body trembles. She presses her hands against herself and slowly descends her palms and fingers back down over her body. It feels so good. It is hard to explain, but it is almost as powerful as the buildup before orgasm. That rising pressure of the twisting knot that eventually snaps into waves upon waves of pleasure, except that this time, it's different. It isn't following the same paths it usually does. There is an intense heat upon her core--a burning flame that swelters to grander proportions.

Unable to stop herself as she writhes around, sharp toes clawing marks into the ancient floor, her voice rumbles out in deep moans of delight. With an almost cautious shudder, her palms rest over her wom, pressing slightly against the spot and thrusting her hips forward as instinct takes over.

Minerva yelps when Tik Tik's slit shudders and a long, thick, rigged and tapered cock breaks free from within. The thing could easily be thicker than Minerva's arm, its ridges dripping with delight. Each of those ridges are spread just far enough apart that Minerva knows that each one would tug at her body. Throbbing, glistening with slick wetness from its genesis, it can quickly fulfill its purpose.

Each pulse of Tik Tik's heart causes it to swell until it finally reaches critical mass. A succubus could harness the energy of every virgin who walked into their brothel and still it would pale in comparison to the raw manifestation that rises from the dragon's groin.

Tik Tik screams in ecstasy from the emergence of a draconic cock from between her legs. Tik Tik breathes slowly and with control, lowering her gaze as her ametrine eyes disappear under half-lids as she peers straight down towards the cocky sorceress who had used her. A wicked grin of salacious fangs spread across her cheeks as she announces, "Say 'Aaaah!"

As Minerva looks up into the eyes of the superior predator standing above her, she realizes two things: The first is that she had vastly underestimated the results of this experiment. The kobold's natural magical affinities have synergized too well with the concoction, resulting in the apex now standing before her. Her chances of successfully overpowering this beast are now vastly scattered as dandelion seeds in a summer breeze.

That ties into the second thing she realizes--the unmistakable leakage of arousal along the inside of her thigh. Whether it is the byproduct of the transformation, leftovers from the earlier spell, or just her depraved mind, Minerva is soaked so thoroughly that she feels the dripping between her legs. Hearing that commanding and rumbling growl was almost enough to make her fall to her knees.

But that isn't her style. She is never one to lie down and let herself be taken. No... she preferred being hunted down and made to serve. Her only response to the dragon's command is a flashbang.

An explosion of light bursts forth from her hands as she jumps backward and runs. She heads down the steps and turns into one of the adjacent hallways, taking long magical strides to get as much space between her and her pursuer as possible.

Tik Tik's draconic transformation gifts the once-kobold with multiple new benefits besides pure might and matter. It also comes with, among other things, heightened senses. The bright light that bursts before her causes her to raise her arms instinctively. But there is no pain and no stinging blindness. Her newly honed reflexes and calculating mind realize that her eyes must also have changed, undamaged as they are by the scattered light.

She jerks her head toward where Minerva was, but the sorceress was long gone. Tik TIk clicks her tongue in annoyance. With a huff, her nostrils flare. The scents in the air are as sharp as neon lights are bright, and they are lines she can trace with her eyes closed. They are the scents of the alien flesh and the fear that pools in her sweat.

Wait... no... not fear.

Tik Tik chuckles, a rough grinding rumbling down from her breast. She quickly hops on all fours, her new arched limbs and elongated stature making it a prime form for tracking. It is such a fantastic opportunity now to put her new animal instincts to the test, which she does with sheer delight. Bounding through the ruins, her claws carve into the ancient pathways like butter, bringing her even closer to her prey.

Minerva dives around another corner, panting heavily. Is it fear? Excitement? She doesn't know. All she can tell is that her heart is pounding as she finds herself in yet another passageway.

But wait! A beam of light near the end! It can lead to freedom! Like a blue blur, she flings herself down the hallway as the sound of Tik Tik clawing across walls rapidly gains on her.

The dragon pounces over obstacles, running along the ceiling, leaping through the air, and ringing the walls with her ferocious bellowing roar.

Minerva turns just in time for Tik TIk to pounce her face. Time slows to a crawl as she gathers her fuchsia energy in her hand. The words of the repulsion spell process rapidly through her brain. Her writing draws up to blast a shockwave as Tik Tik slams straight into the eldritch being.

Fanged mouth salivating and enraged cock dripping thick globs of precum, her scythe-like claws grab Minerva's wrist and interrupt the spell.

'I never stood a chance~," Minerva thinks as she's pinned firmly beneath Tik Tik's claws. Panting with excitement, her cheeks flush red as she grabs at the wrist holding her down. Her feet kick and squirm as she warbles at her captor, watching Tik Tik crawl forward and drag that heavy shaft up to her face. Already too lost to her inhibitions to escape properly, she only moans as that draconian cock plunges down her throat.

Tik Tik's groin slams into Minerva's face as she bottoms out, the flayer's throat spreading from the thickness of the dick, the whole thing making the sorceress spasm and shake.

Minerva's mouth tentacles writhe in the air from shock before firmly latching themselves to Tik Tik's hips. More sloppy gurgles leak out around the pillar of fuckmeat firmly lodged inside her esophagus. The bulbous base stretches out her cheeks, one hand shaking and slipping up to feel the ridges through her throat as they scrape her walls.

'Fucking... thick~..."

With her prey captured, Tik Tik finally lets loose. A salacious sigh rumbles out as her tongue flops free, her hips rocking with reckless abandon, plunging and smacking into Minerva's tight wet throat without empathy. The lashing of the slick tendrils along the newly grown monster of a dick is an experience of heavenly delight for the erotic mage. This, combined with her draconic form's power and unique sexual experience, spurs her to claim Minerva, use her, and fuck her orifices for all they are worth.

During their intercourse, that raw bestial fucking of her new toy's airway, Tik Tik finally sputters some words. The waves of pleasure rock her body, washing over the top of her spirit, mental clarity briefly resurfacing. "F-Fuck! Yes! That's it! Like it, want it, love it! Take it! WORSHIP IT!"

Tik Tik's commands are absolute, ringing out with the aggressive overbearing superiority of a being who has achieved indescribable power, the feeling of becoming a god--a god who enjoys the epitome of physical delight and sensual pleasure.

With every plunge, Minerva's tight squishy throat stretches open, accepting that beautiful dragon cock to the base. Her tendrils coil and stroke along Tik Tik's body, caressing her loose lips and the edge of her clit. Then, when she pulls back, Minerva moans as she feels all those ridges stretching at her throat and tongue, catching on her lips, violating her mouth. She cannot help herself. She loves it. She loves being treated like one of her creations, a tool that exists to serve and provide pleasure. She lays there like an obedient slut letting the dragon fuck her face, eyes rolling back, hands diving into her robes to rub her skin and small chest, plunging to spread open and rubbing her fiery sex, swallowing and sucking on such diligence that her vice-like suction never ceased.

Tik Tik loses herself in this perfect fuck-partner. After all, what other creature has the anatomy to take on this new tool of Tik Tik's? What other being can so perfectly conform and constrict around her swollen member and flood her body with pleasure? The kobold-turned-dragon cannot think of one. From all her travels, Tik Tik has never met someone so capable in the magical field yet equally depraved. So lewd. Just like her.

The excitement of that fact wells up in her mind, transmitting back two-fold into the mind link they share. Another giddy gurgle chokes around her cock, even as her claws grip Minerva's smooth cerulean scalp, tugging it back and forth, slapping her hips into that sopping wet maw with her new-found power and flexibility. Bulbous base to leaking tip pistons in and out, all while her tail thwacks down onto the body below, leaving sharp controlling spanks wherever it lands, slowly covering Minerva in rich purple markings as the welts grow.

"That's it... that's it... just... a little... bit... more!"

Her head throws back; a crimson flame bursts forth as she roars, the pillar lighting up their glistening bodies with vivid clarity. Like a geyser blasting through its cap, her cock explodes. The raging pent-up seed rapidly churns to life inside Tik Tik, now splattering inside Minerva's mouth. Heavy globs of a white splash across them both, coating their skin and scales in sticky residue. Minerva's cheeks and throat bulge as Tik Tik pumps this sexual cephalopod full of her seed.

"BBLGGRRSNSSSSLLGGGGR!!!" Minerva smacks against Tik Tik's legs, attempting to push the dragon off, but to no avail. Her legs clench together and shake as burbling coughs and gags drown out her protesting moans. Tik Tik's heavy orgasm floods her body with such intensity that she just about comes from that alone. Every thick gulp of seed that doesn't splash or leak out the edges of her mouth to mark her face visibly travels down her bulging throat. Cup after cup of heavy draconian seed paints her stomach white. Her back arches and hips are bucking in the air as the stuffing continues. Her eyes roll inside her head as a powerful orgasm shoots through her, legs clapping together as her aquatic juices splatter onto the ground below. Her belly slowly swells larger with every gulp, stopping shortly as Tik Tik drags her cock out of Minerva, the sorceress gasping and moaning with abandon even as layers of heavy seed coat her face.

Tik Tik's breaths are raspy and ragged, spent after giving her all to breeding Minerva's maw. She swallows, her eyes seemingly glowing as she peers at the cum-stained drooling figure beneath her. Seeing Minerva's used and abused body kindles her lust once more. The magic that grants her this new form is more than happy to take the slightest hint of arousal to rekindle itself. Her plump draconian shaft surges back to full strength just from seeing where it left the eromancer's body.

Tik Tik smirks down at Minerva, a sharp-clawed hand grabbing the alien creature by the throat. She pins Minerva back to the floor with a predatory growl as she examines her new toy.

"Flgglllrrl!" 'C-careful! I want to break your cock~ not the dusty floor." Minerva whispers in a sweet, sultry melody. She is far too aroused, far too lustful, far too desperate. Her body begs to be seeded with this perfect specimen's essence. Her robes are disheveled and mostly fallen away, exposing her violet skin, soft and smooth from head to toe. Her ass and thighs are so plump, and squishy one can mistake them for gelatin even through touch. Her warbling call springs free once more as Tik Tik bends her legs back. Her chest rises and falls quickly as the dragon's cock rubs against her labia. So close, so thick, yet so far.

'S-stop teasing me already and just- Aaghh!" Her telepathy cuts out as Tik Tik thrusts inside her. The dragon feels the fantastic sensation of a million tiny tendrils wrapping and constricting around her cock. Minerva's alien insides coil about every inch of the shaft. The minuscule members desperately milk that pole. They never cease as Tik Tik pounds down into that sultry squid's body. The tendrils adapt to her pace and stroke her in tandem. It doesn't matter how fast or slow she goes: Minerva's body keeps up or slows down, constantly wringing and massaging, wanting nothing more than to be flooded full. It only ceases when Tik Tik plunges to the base, stretching Minerva's stomach into a round bulge as the last inch forces itself inside, leaving her stunned and breathless, squeezing down as if to capture her and never letting go.

Tik Tik's rod, deep inside these unknown depths, strikes another chord with the dragon, and she wraps her arms around the creature buried underneath her. The hot ravenous breath rushes down that oily skin as her hips swing back, slamming back down with a heavy drop that plunges fully inside her. Again and again, their hips clap together, engorged cock battering the deepest recesses of Minerva's mine. Her cervix feels like it is starting to submit, somehow bending in and suckling her tapered tip inwards.

Minerva's womanhood is so desperate to be seeded once again.

Tik Tik's claws cannot resist exploring Minerva's sultry body, gliding across the slick skin to her perky and petite chest. Rough-scaled hands easily squish and massage those mounds. Minerva's nipples are a rich purple that stands out well with their sweaty bodies.

The dragon's tongue rolls out, placing itself flat on Minerva's shoulder, taking its time and licking over that well-handled neck, savoring the taste and arousal and submission that permeates from her pores.

Minerva hadn't prepared herself for such a rough fucking this day, but by the deep gods, did she need one. Even as Tik Tik's toned thighs slam into her backside, stuffing her full with that thicker-than-life cock, she can only moan and chirp in elation. Even as her face grinds into the floor or Tik Tik forces her legs behind her head, Minerva continues to sing her siren song of the sexual symphony. Every thrust warps her pitch, mind, and body, singing in sweet bliss as another orgasm spasms through her. Her toes curl, her back arches, and her arms tug around as she shakes. Her sweaty cerulean skin shimmers in the light, fluids dripping onto the floor in thick splotches between her legs.

Tik Tik's tongue trails along until it reaches the tangle of Minerva's mouth, and soon she delves deep. A long, serpentine muscle waltzes through twisting tendrils, coiling around each other before plunging Minerva's throat. The flayer's esophagus bulges down to her collarbone as Tik Tik samples her taste. She senses the remains of the dragon's ejaculate mixed with assorted other sexual effluvia, which creates a weird but not unpleasant taste that leaves her body excited and hungry. It is the sexual appetizer to the main course of breeding this slut full.

And yet, before Minerva knows it, her knot unravels. That ever-tightening feeling in her core twists inwards, threatening to snap. Tik Tik fully pins her breed mate to the ground with a heavy shove, ass raised, head and neck pinned down through oral embrace. Her cunt is stuffed to the hilt by draconian lust as the dragon in question huffs and grunts animalistically. Tik Tik's hips rapidly smack into Minerva's bubbly cheeks as she chases herself even higher. Any words are lost in the air as physical desire takes over.

Regardless of Tik Tik's consciousness, nothing can stop what happens next: a heavy slam, the sharp smack filling the tunnel, two euphoric screams spiraling into each other, hushed with whimpers and growls, a thick, heavy splatter, as Tik Tik's cock explodes forth with magical baby batter, pumping in thick globs that swell her shaft. She travels through Minerva's insides and stretches them open, finally erupting inside the cephalapodic sorceress's womb, coating her walls white with breeding batter in copious amounts.

Who knows what effect the usual fecundity of dragons can have on this situation? How does Minerva sexually reproduce? Would a dragon's lust for future generations override her body to be just an incubator for the reptilian race? Would Tik Tik sire a strange beast from this coupling?

The thought sends shivers down their bodies.

Or, is it something else that triggers the reaction?

Minerva's muffled cry as she and Tik Tik tongue-fuck each others's throats is ear-piercing. Her body goes stiff as a board and levitates slightly, magic bursting and leaking in excessive overload from the extremities as she comes once more. The feeling of that molten hot seed exploding her womb is simply too strong. With each audible splatter of her innermost dents soaking with cum, her hips buck in the air. She is still unable to react even as her gut swells. The ridges and base plugs her hole, not allowing a single drop to leak free, which means it only has one way to go--deeper.

More virile dragon cum pumps inside her stretching womb, flooding her with seemingly no end. Minerva goes limp and semi-conscious, cumming once more even as she registers her belly swelling as Tik Tik packs it full of lust.

While Tik Tik savors the euphoric bliss of dumping her seed into another, her shakes strengthen from a tremble to a whole-body vibration. Her horns shrink and scales smoothen. The once mighty creature plops on top of the soft Minerva, spent and back to its original form.

Minerva can only groan. She still twitches as her nerves re-fire now and again, phantom tremors of the shaft that had just ravaged her insides pounding away now and then. She slowly shifts her head to eye the once-again small kobold beside her.

'That was... we should... share notes over tea. You can keep the ingredient, and if you don't mind... we should establish how I may assist you in future research.' Her words spill out from her mind. 'In a few weeks, I'm going to need a research session like this now!'

The kobold smiles and presses her snoot up against Minerva's face, rubbing gently. "Sounds nice," she says. "There's much more Tik Tik want know too. Your place or Tik Tik's?"

Minerva giggles and waves her hand. With a flash, the swirling portal of cerulean blues and deep onyx splits apart the air a few feet away from the drained duo.

After spending just a few extra minutes cuddling a little longer, they both climb to their feet. One after another, stepping inside the portal and again leaving the ruins to their solitude. This time with more than a few new stains upon the ground.


The sound pierces through the demesne of Minerva, and while Tik Tik had no idea what to expect from the alien sorceress, she did not expect the comfortable room prepared specially for a cozy cup of tea. Minerva adorned her study with bioluminescent fungi and soft woven patterns of obscure design. The well-tended and comfortable chairs compliment the flayer's smooth skin.

Tik Tik sits across from Minerva, the chair she sits on perfect for her size and made from pleasantly squishy vines.

Neither have to lift a finger as a tentacle lifts the screaming kettle from its charcoal holder.

Oswald, the Molten Octopus, serves as an excellent cooking stand, and he delicately pours the two ladies' cups of freshly brewed tea.

Other tentacles grab spoons, scooping sugar and cream and delicately pouring them into the cups, returning the utensils and setting the cups within reach of both before happily curling in its tendrils and returning to inanimacy.

Minerva leans in, taking her cup with two curled fingers, lifting it slowly to her mouth where her tendrils take hold. Sipping it gently and peacefully, she sets it back on the table. 'Goodness, I still feel some of the effects as an energy byproduct.' She traces her fingers along her slightly swollen stomach before smiling at Tik Tik. 'Quite revitalizing. I feel both exhausted and energized.'

"Ah yes, that is because it is sensual magic," Tik Tik says, "All sensual magic revitalizes. It is the pleasure that powers it." She scuttles forward to grab her cup, sipping it with a happy chirp, her legs swinging. "Much fuck fuck is best, so magic keep participants healthy!"

'And pleasure is certainly what I felt. I don't typically experience orgasms of a size 8 magnitude. A compliment to you and that herb of yours. What was it again?' She takes another sip, and her eyes glint in the light. Her emotions are difficult OT read, but her mental link makes her sound most pleasant, warm, and melodic. It's more than happy to spin around in Tik Tik's mind.

"Dragon Weed!" Tik Tik sets down her cup and rifles through her bag before withdrawing another ember-twinned leaf to show to her newest friend. "Powered by divine magic to use as reagent for transformation magic. By itself, it only make eater more frenzied. Aggressive and horny, used in fertility rites."

"The ruin herbs and mix made it much more powerful and not need magic spell to activate latent sex magic."

'That, or it simply allowed the weed to properly assimilate to your form. Kobolds are not normally such potent spellcasters. I can imagine that's why it was only ever a supplemental sex herb, not a war weapon. The concoction must have aligned your spirit to accept the properties properly and then some with your natural talents. Otherwise, I see no reason you'd become such... a beast~" Minerva giggles, a happy warble that sounds far too humorous and cute for a being like her, making her aquatic alien appearance more adorable than one would expect. 'Do you have any other such items for similar results?'

Tik Tik shakes her head, coat ruffling as she bounces in her chair. "Transformation happen before with spell and weed, but not the getting the dick."

'And the mental adjustments?'

Tik Tik blinks, but then she giggles, her eyes half-lidded. "Oh, Minerva," she rumbles, hopping off of her chair and taking a few sultry steps toward her friend. Placing a hand upon the sorceress's knee, she leans in. She continues, "I believe I couldn't help myself because you're just that irresistible."

Minerva's face turns purple, her tentacles thrashing about, 'Well, we'll have to attempt the experiment again to test that hypothesis, as I cannot believe any being could be so changed without cause.'

Tik Tik chirps, closing her eyes. "Tik Tik ready to experiment whenever Minerva want!"

The two gaze upon each other before they laugh, sharing a joyous moment between two friends. They are both keenly aware of a second mixed dose on the counter, waiting to be imbibed.


Minerva and Tik Tik 9

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" The sound pierces through the demesne of Minerva, and while Tik Tik had no idea what to expect from the alien sorceress, she did not expect the comfortable room prepared specially for a cozy cup of tea. Minerva adorned her study...

, , , ,

Minerva and Tik Tik 8

Minerva's womanhood is so desperate to be seeded once again. Tik Tik's claws cannot resist exploring Minerva's sultry body, gliding across the slick skin to her perky and petite chest. Rough-scaled hands easily squish and massage those mounds....

, , , , , , , , , , ,

Minerva and Tik Tik 7

With every plunge, Minerva's tight squishy throat stretches open, accepting that beautiful dragon cock to the base. Her tendrils coil and stroke along Tik Tik's body, caressing her loose lips and the edge of her clit. Then, when she pulls back, Minerva...

, , , , , , , , , , , ,