Minerva and Tik Tik 6

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#125 of Tik Tik's Tower

Tik Tik was once a kobold, but now she is on the prowl, and her target is Minerva!

This is a collaboration written by myself and WhiteFeather#2931 on DiscordPlease support me on SubscribestarThe Adventures of Tik Tik is a fantasy erotica series starring a cute kobold wizard out to make new friends! The readers fund its development. Those who support get early access to stories and rough drafts, the ability to vote and make poll options for monthly bonus stories, and able to produce and direct the plot with other top-tier supporters! Not only that but the more that I'm supported, the more of these stories Check out more of my work through my Linktree

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Tik Tik screams in ecstasy from the emergence of a draconic cock from between her legs. Tik Tik breathes slowly and with control, lowering her gaze as her ametrine eyes disappear under half-lids as she peers straight down towards the cocky sorceress who had used her. A wicked grin of salacious fangs spread across her cheeks as she announces, "Say 'Aaaah!"

As Minerva looks up into the eyes of the superior predator standing above her, she realizes two things: The first is that she had vastly underestimated the results of this experiment. The kobold's natural magical affinities have synergized too well with the concoction, resulting in the apex now standing before her. Her chances of successfully overpowering this beast are now vastly scattered as dandelion seeds in a summer breeze.

That ties into the second thing she realizes--the unmistakable leakage of arousal along the inside of her thigh. Whether it is the byproduct of the transformation, leftovers from the earlier spell, or just her depraved mind, Minerva is soaked so thoroughly that she feels the dripping between her legs. Hearing that commanding and rumbling growl was almost enough to make her fall to her knees.

But that isn't her style. She is never one to lie down and let herself be taken. No... she preferred being hunted down and made to serve. Her only response to the dragon's command is a flashbang.

An explosion of light bursts forth from her hands as she jumps backward and runs. She heads down the steps and turns into one of the adjacent hallways, taking long magical strides to get as much space between her and her pursuer as possible.

Tik Tik's draconic transformation gifts the once-kobold with multiple new benefits besides pure might and matter. It also comes with, among other things, heightened senses. The bright light that bursts before her causes her to raise her arms instinctively. But there is no pain and no stinging blindness. Her newly honed reflexes and calculating mind realize that her eyes must also have changed, undamaged as they are by the scattered light.

She jerks her head toward where Minerva was, but the sorceress was long gone. Tik TIk clicks her tongue in annoyance. With a huff, her nostrils flare. The scents in the air are as sharp as neon lights are bright, and they are lines she can trace with her eyes closed. They are the scents of the alien flesh and the fear that pools in her sweat.

Wait... no... not fear.

Tik Tik chuckles, a rough grinding rumbling down from her breast. She quickly hops on all fours, her new arched limbs and elongated stature making it a prime form for tracking. It is such a fantastic opportunity now to put her new animal instincts to the test, which she does with sheer delight. Bounding through the ruins, her claws carve into the ancient pathways like butter, bringing her even closer to her prey.

Minerva dives around another corner, panting heavily. Is it fear? Excitement? She doesn't know. All she can tell is that her heart is pounding as she finds herself in yet another passageway.

But wait! A beam of light near the end! It can lead to freedom! Like a blue blur, she flings herself down the hallway as the sound of Tik Tik clawing across walls rapidly gains on her.

The dragon pounces over obstacles, running along the ceiling, leaping through the air, and ringing the walls with her ferocious bellowing roar.

Minerva turns just in time for Tik TIk to pounce her face. Time slows to a crawl as she gathers her fuchsia energy in her hand. The words of the repulsion spell process rapidly through her brain. Her writing draws up to blast a shockwave as Tik Tik slams straight into the eldritch being.

Fanged mouth salivating and enraged cock dripping thick globs of precum, her scythe-like claws grab Minerva's wrist and interrupt the spell.

'I never stood a chance~," Minerva thinks as she's pinned firmly beneath Tik Tik's claws. Panting with excitement, her cheeks flush red as she grabs at the wrist holding her down. Her feet kick and squirm as she warbles at her captor, watching Tik Tik crawl forward and drag that heavy shaft up to her face. Already too lost to her inhibitions to escape properly, she only moans as that draconian cock plunges down her throat.

Tik Tik's groin slams into Minerva's face as she bottoms out, the flayer's throat spreading from the thickness of the dick, the whole thing making the sorceress spasm and shake.

Minerva's mouth tentacles writhe in the air from shock before firmly latching themselves to Tik Tik's hips. More sloppy gurgles leak out around the pillar of fuckmeat firmly lodged inside her esophagus. The bulbous base stretches out her cheeks, one hand shaking and slipping up to feel the ridges through her throat as they scrape her walls.

'Fucking... thick~..."

With her prey captured, Tik Tik finally lets loose. A salacious sigh rumbles out as her tongue flops free, her hips rocking with reckless abandon, plunging and smacking into Minerva's tight wet throat without empathy. The lashing of the slick tendrils along the newly grown monster of a dick is an experience of heavenly delight for the erotic mage. This, combined with her draconic form's power and unique sexual experience, spurs her to claim Minerva, use her, and fuck her orifices for all they are worth.

During their intercourse, that raw bestial fucking of her new toy's airway, Tik Tik finally sputters some words. The waves of pleasure rock her body, washing over the top of her spirit, mental clarity briefly resurfacing. "F-Fuck! Yes! That's it! Like it, want it, love it! Take it! WORSHIP IT!"

Tik Tik's commands are absolute, ringing out with the aggressive overbearing superiority of a being who has achieved indescribable power, the feeling of becoming a god--a god who enjoys the epitome of physical delight and sensual pleasure.

Minerva and Tik Tik 7

With every plunge, Minerva's tight squishy throat stretches open, accepting that beautiful dragon cock to the base. Her tendrils coil and stroke along Tik Tik's body, caressing her loose lips and the edge of her clit. Then, when she pulls back, Minerva...

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Minerva and Tik Tik 5

Tik Tik gulps with a large lump in her throat, swallowing a payload from Minerva's thick tongue-like appendage. Tik Tik's eyes widen as she proceeds to swallow the spit-coated mixture of herbs again and again. Finally, the tentacle slips into her...

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Bee Stories 7

I was taken aback by the brazenness of these drones. There they were, in the middle of this castle of constant work. They all were relaxing, improving themselves, enjoying food, and comparing dick sizes. And there I was, thinking I knew everything...

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