Rare Encounter (Vore Story)

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This story was released 5 days early for my Patrons! Wanna see all my stories early, see WIPs and play early versions of my games, along with other cool benefits? Check out my Patreon!Like my writing? Want to support my work? Buy me a snack! | Want to get a notification whenever I upload?  Join my Telegram channel!-

A commission for Yurii. Dima's been searching for a Scolipede all day, but he ends up getting more than he bargained for in the last encounter of the evening...

"Nope, another fucking Ponyta. Bye..."

Dima grumbled under his breath as he ran from yet another battle. When he decided to try and catch a Scolipede on this route, he knew that the 1% encounter rate would be a pain in the ass to deal with. He really should have seen it coming, but he had now spent the past hour walking through this tall grass with no luck whatsoever. Not even one Scolipede. He knew how powerful the Pokemon was, and seeing it definitely wasn't a guarantee, but just the opportunity would have been nice. He was all geared up for a long session, with timer balls and status effects at the ready, and instead, he was just running from encounter after encounter.

By the time he had seen two more Ponyta and a Bounsweet, the hyena had decided it was time for a break. Making his way out of this patch of grass and back onto the route, though, he ended up running into one more wild Pokemon. It was becoming night, so he couldn't really see what Pokemon it was initially, but the size looked promising...

A flash of light. The grass around the hyena parting to the perfect size for a battle arena. And standing across from him was the creature he had been looking for. A huge, armored cross between a bug and a horse, at least a good two feet taller than the hyena even as he attempted to stand up as straight as he could to intimidate the big bug. The thing was already rearing its front half down though, snorting and scraping its hoof against the dirt as it prepared to strike, so Dima needed to act fast! "Oh shit, he looks pissed..." the hyena said under his breath as he grabbed a Pokeball from his belt...but the bug had already started to charge, blasting forward with blinding speed and rolling its body into a tire shape as it prepared to lay the hyena out right onto the dirt! "Shit, shit, shit-" Dima yelled as he immediately turned tail and started to run, or dive out of the way, or just get away from this monstrous bug who was clearly not willing to play any games right now. But he was too late. As he was running away, he heard the shrill cry of the angry beast, and seconds later, he got blasted in the back by the full weight of the enormous bug, instantly blacking out as soon as he hit the dirt. The Pokeball in his hand clattering to the grass beside him, button in the middle unprimed and the Pokemon inside completely unable to help its trainer...

When the hyena finally came to, the first thing he noticed was an absolutely pounding headache, one that pulsed and throbbed all the way down his spine to the spot where he had been hit in the back by the bug. "Oogh, fuck..." the hyena said, or at least, he thought he said it. As it turned out, he didn't really have the ability to say anything right now, considering that there was a huge, smothering weight on top of his body, making it virtually impossible to move, or at this moment, even to speak! He could still breathe, thankfully, even though it was a bit labored...though after Dima took a lungful of air in, he kind of wished he didn't. Almost instantly, a sweaty, musty odor clogged the hyena's senses, almost causing him a coughing fit with its unexpected spiciness! And just when the yeen thought he would have some time to recover from that attack on his senses, the weight on top of him...started to shift. Back and forth, left and right. It was then that what had presumably just happened to him came rushing back to the unfortunate trainer! Oh god, was he pinned under that beast of a bughorse right now?

As if to confirm the hyena's suspicions, as soon as he thought that, Dima heard a similar noise to the one the Scolipede made before charging him coming from above, though it was much lower pitched and almost...satisfied-sounding. Some kind of chitter or chirp, almost like a bird! If not for the situation the yeen was in, it would almost be a comforting noise to hear. Another breath in, he was eventually forced to take, the stale, musky air filling the hyena's lungs as he started to become a bit more aware of his limited surroundings. Pitch-black, with a heavy weight covering his entire body, though it had a squish and a give to it that...perplexed the trainer a bit, honestly. Where exactly was he under this beast?

A few moments later, the hyena had figured out an answer, though again, he kind of wished he was left in the dark. A fat, thick ring of muscle squeezed around his face, the bug seemingly finding the perfect spot with these little movements to squat right down and wedge Dima's face right between his ample rumpcheeks! Yes, the hyena was being sat on right now, and this bug had a pucker big enough to engulf the hyena's entire head, and then some...turned out the air he was breathing was coming from deep in the bug's bowels! Probably not a lot of oxygen content in that, though it was replaced with that spicy, almost intoxicating smell that...started to make Dima want to breathe more of it in. The spice only becoming stronger and more pungent as it replaced the air down here, the big Pokemon on top of him grinding his hips side to side to smear as much of its scent onto the hyena as possible...and it was doing a great job, judging by how smothered and marked Dima was starting to feel! It certainly didn't help that the fleshy donut clenched on his snout every time the hyena took a breath in, drawing Dima in deeper towards the core of that powerful...wonderful...inebriating odor. Before the hyena even knew it, he was opening his mouth as far as it could go and trying to slip his tongue out to get a taste of where that heady smell was coming from! Spicy bug musk instantly met his taste buds, the yeen feeling the shaft in his pants starting to throb against both his clothes and the bug that was on top of him. Oh god, his fat cock was probably somewhere around here as well, wasn't it? Maybe that was the shifting weight he felt pressing down onto his abdomen...geez, that was a hot thought. The Scolipede lazily grinding against the lower half of his body while his upper half messily and unabashedly made out with the thick donut that smothered him so. Fuck, he just wanted to go even deeper, but the purple and red cheeks on either side of him kept the hyena wedged in place, at least for now. Perhaps if the bug felt how eager Dima was to get deeper inside of his ass, he would let up a little bit to allow him inside~

It seemed the Scolipede was content with things where they were right now, though, considering his complete lack of movement outside of grinding and humping his musky bits along the trainer's defeated, smothered body. Ratcheting the heat up down there with his lust, until everything started to feel almost soupy and gooey in their decadent, rich muskiness...or, perhaps there was something else at play here. Perhaps Dima would be doing a lot more than just sliding up inside of that rump, as it squeezed and clenched over his soaked head...! But, for the time being, the hyena was just being stuffed up in there about as normal as the process of being shoved up a giant bug's asshole could be...which is to say, not very normal at all, of course! The tight, slightly purple hole was starting to clench and spread its thick slime over the hyena's squeezed, clenched shoulders, locking the trainer's arms in place and preventing him from really using them to wiggle out of this situation; though with how thick that musk was in his nose and brain now, that wasn't really something that he planned on doing! No, instead, he just happily lapped away at the deeper innards as they steadily came towards him, enjoying the more mature and robust flavors that emanated from the further regions of the bug's rear. The big Scolipede just rudely grinding down on Dima the whole time, eagerly introducing the ass hungry trainer to the thickest, muskiest regions of his hole and bowels...

Soon, nearly half of the hyena was up in the Scoli's ass, a paunchy bulge starting to form in the lower half of the Pokemon's underbelly; one which jiggled and swayed slightly every time either Dima or the bug moved around. If the trainer's arms weren't still stuck at his sides, he would probably be climbing right into this ass by now, regardless of how sweltering and gooey the environment around him was becoming. It was starting to be difficult to tell where his body was in relation to the slick, pulsating walls...almost as if they were becoming part of him, or more accurately, he was becoming part of them...because that's what was happening to the hyena. Not only was he being swallowed up by this bug's giant, insatiable hole, but all of his mass was slowly starting to be absorbed directly into it the deeper that he was sent inside! Those rippling, pulsating clenches both pulling Dima up further inside of the Scolipede, and also squeezing him into the walls that were gradually drinking up his very essence. It was already tough to move in here, but as the trainer's body started to become more and more manipulable, he was beginning to lose the ability to move entirely...! Not like he cared in the moment. The only thing that needed to move was his tongue, and that was still firing on all cylinders, even as that fat donut continued to mercilessly chug him down. Soaking and licking up the thickest, richest bug musk that he could possibly experience, even as his tongue - and the rest of him - was gradually being absorbed and turned into just a little bit of extra heft and spiciness to that scent and taste...

At this point, the Scolipede had already gotten back to his feet and started wandering back into the forest, more than content with the butt meal that it had made out of the aspiring trainer! To anybody who might have been watching, it was quite the goofy sight to see the bug walking around with a pair of wiggling legs sticking out from between his plump, swirl-patterned cheeks like nothing at all was going on. Casually clenching to swallow up another few inches of that future pucker fat, but otherwise, going about...regular bug business. Whatever a giant monster did. Mostly intimidating the other, smaller Pokemon with a preview of what they might end up being if they tried to mess with the Scolipede! At least, one part of the preview. Not even they could experience what was really going on inside the Pokemon's slimy, hungry bowels, see the yeen slowly continuing to merge with the bowel flush around him, his mass steadily being redistributed to add just that little bit of extra heft to the Scolipede's already-impressive rear end...all while a good fourth of his body was still outside of that hole, hyena feet sticking out from between those fat, purple cheeks. Wiggling around every once in a while, perhaps slipping another inch or two deeper as the bug's innards tensed up, serving as a very interesting surprise for anyone that caught a glimpse of the back half of the big bug Pokemon as he lumbered his way through the forest!

It was quite the strange sensation for Dima to still be able to feel the cool air of the night kissing the tips of his toes while the rest of him was stuck inside a sweltering, hungry flesh tunnel...but that confusing mix of sensations would, at the very least, not last too much longer! Not only because he was still gradually slipping inside this bug's bowels, but because of how hungrily they were slurping him up and absorbing him into themselves. If this theoretical forest person watching this happen was able to get close enough to the bug without experiencing the same fate the hyena was, they would even be able to see the bug's sweltering pucker slowly increasing in size and thickness, even as it clenched and squeezed inward on itself to swallow up those wiggling paws. Dima groaning through the bowel flesh he was still vigorously making out with as he felt that tight ring slowly closing over the tips of his toes, one final, tight clench completely locking him inside of the sweltering, skin-tight tunnel that would be his new home for the rest of eternity. The tunnel that was already well on its way to claiming the hyena entirely!

One other benefit of that big, squishy bulge that was now present in the Pokemon's underbelly was that it gave the bug something to hump and thrust against...all that bowel slurping deep inside of his ass was making the Scoli more than a bit horny, so it was quite convenient that he now had something to relieve that energy with~ Every thrust that the Pokemon made also ended up with him clenching his bowels as well, so it just helped to pull the hyena even further inside of him...though, it was quickly becoming apparent that the trainer wasn't going to be going much deeper considering he was steadily being absorbed right into his surroundings. Which, unfortunately, did make the bulge in the Pokemon's underbelly start to shrink a little bit over time as his body did its thing. He was definitely going to take advantage of it while he could, though, the constant back and forth movement rocking the world around Dima and making it even harder for the hyena to ascertain where he was; even if, to his completely bug addled brain, the only thing that mattered is that he was exactly where he wanted to be~

The bug's already-fat pucker was steadily swelling and growing with the mass that Dima was adding to it, the hyena slowly becoming less and less aware of his surroundings inside the bowels and more and more of the outside world as it related to that thick donut. Instead of feeling the clenching and squeezing of the bowels around his body, now Dima was starting to feel as if he himself was being clenched with every hump the bug took...the musk clouding his consciousness until it was practically merged with it! His body was still in the process of being melted and absorbed deep inside the Pokemon's bowels, but his mind had almost completely made the trek at this point...so now, as far as Dima was concerned, he *was* the Pokemon's thick hole. And what a thing to be, honestly. The pucker that had charmed him so, that had smothered and smeared its thick scent all over him before devouring the hyena in such a powerful and lewd fashion...now he would be doing that to other (un?)fortunate trainers! Already, he felt so full on...well, it was his own body, but the body he had left behind to become part of something so much better. Mmgh, better just...nnf...clench that away for a bit, get some more mass to add to this puffy, round cloud of a donut that he now was. Grow, grow, grow, he needed to grow, feel that ring of flesh swell out from between those cheeks...!

The Scolipede was barely aware of all this happening. He knew that Dima was going to end up pucker fat by the end of the night, but he didn't really know or care about the euphoric experience the hyena was having inside his bowels right now. All he really cared about was getting off, the bug bracing himself against the ground so that he could *hump* and thrust against that shrinking gut of his! Thick, purple, pulsating bug cock riding up against the shiny black underbelly, making that tum all noisy and sloshy as the bowels continued to digest and absorb whatever hyena was left inside of it...counterintuitive that the bug's humps were making the stomach shrink even further, but as long as he came soon, it wouldn't matter. And, thankfully, it didn't take too much longer before the Pokemon was spraying ropes of thick bug seed onto the ground, so much pressure coming from the bug's shaft that it was drawing little lines in the dirt...mmh, a horny thought to be sure, but Dima had no need for release as part of the bug's sweaty, musky pucker! Already, he had been thrown into the deep end with that little workout the bug had, and the pucker fat was absolutely in heaven right now after experiencing the extra little bit of sweat and scent that got generated by all that activity...ungh, he was feeling a bit jealous of whatever trainer was going to be smothered under the bug's thick rear next, honestly, but what he was now was so much better!

After that little release session, the Scolipede retired back to his cave, more than satisfied with how today's hunt had gone. A twitchy, huffy layer of extra pucker fat, and a gurgling meal still in his intestines, being steadily absorbed and redistributed as not only pucker pudge, but general nutrition as well...though Dima was only aware of his existence as some extra squish to that hole now, of course. And he was more than okay with it. The trainer was looking to catch a Scolipede today, but it seemed like he ended up getting caught by one instead...~

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