Malfunction [PTRN]

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#47 of Patreon Stories

Monthly Patreon story from December 2022!

A solo mission for a certain Sirian turns erotic as a malfunction in his Portal Morpher leaves the Shadow Ranger in a big dilemma with only one way to deal with it~


General Benaag - the bane of Commander Anubis Cruger's existence. He'd been hot on the tail of the bastard for quite some time now after the complete destruction of his home planet, as well as the death of his beloved wife. For too long he'd been keeping his feelings held tightly to his chest, to the point of total emotional exhaustion a number of times, but now found himself one step closer to having sweet vengeance against the man who utterly ruined his life.

Intel had tracked the Troobian to a location a ways away from where the Space Patrol Delta Base Headquarters was situated, in a bit of a valley adjacent to a sheer cliff face. His exact whereabouts were unknown, as were his intentions for being there. Nevertheless, it was decided that the S.P.D. needed to determine precisely what his game was.

And that's where Doggie Cruger came in. He opted to take on the job himself, having a score to settle with the vile being who had taken everything from him. Yes, he genuinely understood everyone else's concerns that he shouldn't take matters into his own hands if things got hairy, however, no one else had a connection to the general like he did. He was the best man for the job, and that was final.

Which is why he was currently in the process of scoping out the entire valley from the safety of the cliff, not wanting to draw any uninvited attention his way. Lips pursed, his eyes were trained squarely on the basin below him, waiting to see if there was any trouble brewing down there. The mountain range behind him served as an excellent backdrop as the moonlit sky casted a grand shadow across the land he trudged along, keeping him well out of sight of the intruders.

He watched like a hawk for any signs of motion. Carefully he scanned the canyon as he slowly meandered along the ledge, ready to strike at the first indication of activity, though the only things observed were local wildlife going about their nightly business. Hmm, this wouldn't do. Was Delta Base sure this was the right place to be at? It certainly didn't seem like--

There they were! Right as he started doubting himself they showed themselves, though what they were up to he couldn't be sure. Still, he knew it important to keep calm and plan out his attack several moves in advance - he wouldn't want to be caught before he even had a chance to strike.

What _were_they doing though? Try as he might, he couldn't quite make out their scheme from all the way up on the cliff face, making him curse that he had nothing to help him in his endeavour. It made him wonder if he should go ahead and make his presence known, potentially putting a stop to whatever foul plan they were certainly cooking up, while also possibly walking right into a trap. It appeared things weren't as cut and dry as he'd hoped.

That raised the question of whether or not he should proceed on his own. Sure, he could wait for backup before advancing on the alien troops, but that could mean waiting ages for the others to arrive, giving the grunts ample time to dissipate before then. On the other hand he could go it alone as he was already there and ready to attack, though he had no alternate strategy to employ should he find himself captured in some capacity. What should he do...

The decision was obvious and made almost immediately.

Knowing that those troops could leave at any second, Doggie thought it best to strike while the iron was hot and make this an entire solo mission. He couldn't risk standing back and hoping that B-Squad Power Rangers would get there in time. This was an S.P.D. emergency.

Whipping out his Patrol Morpher, he activated it and was immediately bathed in a brilliant display of light, covering his entire body. He ripped off his current attire in one fell swoop and instantly felt his Shadow Ranger jumpsuit materialize on his body. A cool confidence flowed through him as the light disappeared, replacing the uncertainty bubbling up inside him before. He felt ready and powerful, able to take on whatever was thrown his way. He was the Shadow Ranger, and he'd have his revenge.

As soon as his mind recentred on the mission at hand he sprung into action... and just about tumbled face-first to the ground below. That wasn't exactly the most graceful start he'd ever had... Ugh, he practically winded himself doing that. What was the issue - did he suddenly have shoelaces that he'd tripped over or something? Maybe he was just too overzealous in his actions and missed a rock in his path. Whatever it was, he wasn't about to let it--

Hey wait, why could he see the area so clearly? Huh, for some reason his jumpsuit materialized without his helmet. That struck him as particularly strange given that he'd done this exact transformation multiple times in the past and never had this occur. It really boggled his mind as to why this happened _now_of all times. Regardless, he had a job to do, and he intended to do his absolute best at completing it.

He vigourously pushed himself to his feet... only to nearly tumble back in the other direction. Alright, was he actually okay? Maybe it was the area he'd found himself in affecting him in ways he didn't realize could happen, which might make some sense as to why Benaag's grunts set up shop in the valley. But then couldn't be right - he'd have been notified that something like that was going on in the basin and that he should take extra precaution, and the fact that nothing like that occurred led him to believe that something else was at fault. But what?

It didn't take any time after that to discover the true culprit of his unexpected clumsiness. To his absolute horror, a simple look down provided the most baffling sight of his entire life - his body had become bloated with dense musculature. How did this happen?! He knew for a fact he wasn't like this mere moments ago, that he was certain of, so how did he gain all this now? His physiology was a subject he'd studied a to a fair extent back on his home planet, so he understood this wasn't a thing Sirians like him could naturally do, and he wagered that he'd have discovered that the Earth had properties to blow his body up like a muscular balloon when he first stepped foot here.

The only thing that made sense to him was morphing into the Shadow Ranger - it had to be! What other possible explanation was there for spontaneous bulking? It wasn't as if he could absorb the matter around him to enhance his physique; humans would've taken advantage of that discovery ages ago and built entire civilizations around it, he was sure of it.

And yet it really seemed like that was what happened to Doggie, who preoccupied himself by poking a swollen pectoral with a finger, amazed that the sensation of the muscle flexing from the touch was something he actually felt. That was him, alright.

So what caused him to undergo this mysterious transformation then? His Patrol Morpher looked the same as it ever did on the outside, but what about under the hood? Was it possible that someone had intentionally messed with the guts of his device? He couldn't think of who would want to do that to him, but the thought intrigued.

Or maybe - just maybe - his device actually malfunctioned. Yes, that sounded far more plausible than anything else. No one would willing want to tamper with the equipment he used, right? It had to be because the Morpher had taken beating after beating from his various encounters with all the numerous foes he'd fought, tumbling around in his pocket and feeling the brunt of every impact with solid ground. Truthfully, he should've gotten it checked out at some point, which he would do as soon as he got back to S.P.D. Headquarters.

Alright, well, he'd grown bigger than he previously was. Fine; he could get used to that. Should he chance taking on Benaag's grunts while he was here? There didn't seem to be anything else happening to him, so perhaps that was the best course of action. Heh, it might even give him the upper hand should a fight occur! Yeah, he'd take down that entire squad in no time flat.

That's what he would've done had he not just felt a tingle race up his spine. A sharp gasp escaped his throat, feeling the odd sensation ripple through his body. He was a little embarrassed to admit it, but he couldn't deny how good it actually felt. His bicep tensed as the feeling soothed his arms, the bunched-up muscle appearing bigger than his own head! The structural integrity of his attire amazed him.

He gave the other parts of his body exploratory flexes, starting with his other arm. Instead of pulling it towards his form he actually pushed it in the opposite direction, noting how his tricep alone seemed thicker than what his legs used to be. It was an odd development to be sure, but one that generated some pleasure as he observed himself further.

The material of his jumpsuit had quite a bit of give to it, moreso than initially realized. That was abundantly clear when he shifted his arms to his sides and puffed out his chest, admiring how his pectorals seemed to jump up in size. It got him to gasp in amazement that he got to experience something like this up close and personal.

And it was only going to get closer as his pecs jutted out even further from his chest without warning. He gasped in surprise, his nostrils flared as he struggled to maintain his balance. What was that about?! He couldn't tell if that was just a trick of the moonlight on his eyes, but a cursory feel of his chest indicated that, no, it was entirely real. Somehow, someway, his pectorals had gained mass out of thin air. Now this might be a problem.

But it wasn't just his front that felt the additional mass accumulate - his back, too, had delicious beef pile onto it, forcing the fabric of his outfit to contour around his burgeoning physique. Thicker he grew in all directions, his lats pushing out under his arms and his traps beginning to rival his head for room above his shoulders. He'd be lying if he said it didn't feel nice, but that wasn't exactly the first thing that popped into his head.

And then there was his arms, which greatly benefited from the increase in heft. He thought his triceps were bigger than his legs were before? Now they'd surged larger than his waist, making his limbs a pair of brawny pillars able to take down multiple grunts with a single swing. It had him conflicted in that he'd make for a far superior fighter with this newly acquired mass - probably - but he still didn't know why this was happening to him in the first place, nor how to make it stop.

That last part was important as the rest of his body joined in on the fun. His legs had developed into veritable tree trunks with how much densely-packed musculature piled on underneath his blue-scaled pelt, pushing the material of his suit to its limits as it struggled to maintain its constitution. All over his body his outfit looked practically painted on, the fabric now starting to limit his movements as pushed himself upright. Erf, this was shaping up to be a pretty massive problem.

Fortunately, depending on how he looked at it, that issue was in the process of being solved. It was slight at first, but eventually he heard a tiny rip take place somewhere along his swelling body, followed by a much louder shred when he tried looking for it. That whipped his attention back around and got him to look at the substantial tear that now dominated his front, showing off that white-scaled underbelly for the world to see. Panic was all he felt at the sight, the sensation getting stronger knowing that anything he did only served to make the problem worse.

The suit failed along his arms as well, both the seams and the fabric itself giving up the ghost as it all but abandoned the idea of attempting to contain his growing beef. Split-peak biceps sheared through the material like tissue paper, flexing uncontrollably as he tried in vain to halt his expansion. Ah, this wouldn't do!

His back made its presence known as the magnitude of holes that had developed on account of the overwhelming amount of muscle mass in the area conjoined to create a much larger one that tore down the length of his spine. The cool night air immediately inundated his traps, which emerged from the suit as if the outfit was a cocoon, followed by his lats bursting through the sides and displaying themselves for all to see, if anyone were around to witness his unexpected expansion.

Just as soon as he anticipated his legs to be the sole holdout on his body they instantaneously punched through the material in much the same fashion, linear tears forming along their lengths as his swollen quads escaped their confines. In all honesty it made sense given that his thighs had begun fighting for the room between his legs, but the fact he had no control over how much he grew left him worried.

With everything else freeing itself, it grew time for his ample package to do the same, erupting out of its fabric prison and joining the rest of his engorged form in the buff. Truth be told that made him rather relieved as that was just about the only place on his body where the constraints felt the most uncomfortable. The same was said for his swollen ass, those globular cheeks forcing the material to give way and surrender its stability in favour of more Sirian muscle mass.

It seemed like Doggie barely had any time to process the situation before it ended with him in the buff, dazed and trying to comprehend how all this took place in a matter of moments. His prodigious chest heaved with every alarmed breath taken, his engorged pectorals rising and falling in his peripheral vision. It was all so intense, so completely insane to think about this occurring on anyone, let alone himself. How could he even deal with being several times larger than what he used to be?

In all honesty, his natural resourcefulness led him to believe that he'd make do with the inconceivable amount of bulk he'd accepted out of nowhere, perhaps taking some time to formulate a course of action beforehand. Clearly he could stand and walk around, making him think that fighting was still on the table in his future. That meant he'd obviously need a baggier wardrobe to cover his immensity, and likely an upgrade to his living quarters was necessary now. Hmm, he'd need bigger portions during meals for sure, which might spell some problems, but he'd make sure to iron those out.

But all of that got pushed to the back of his brain as his eyes wandered down to his form, inspecting his newly acquired gains. He surprisingly didn't hate the idea of being this muscular considering no one else on the planet looked like he did. There were those people who honed their bodies in gyms for personal reasons, sure, but not a single one of them could ever hope to attain the level of muscularity that he now possessed. Yeah, he could get used to this, so long as he didn't get any larger, of course.

Which is precisely what happened. When he least expected it, his physique jumped in size again, though he realized right away that his body would quickly run out of room at this pace. It amazed him then that the issue apparently never existed in the first place as he felt his frame creak larger with every passing second. Mild discomfort was felt as his bones snapped apart, only to reform longer and denser, able to carry more weight per square inch. Mmf, the sensation was unlike anything he'd ever felt in his life.

More and more his form surged in size, packing on heft like a shortage was imminent. Every single one of his dimensions took advantage of his growth, tacking on inches all around as he more than quadrupled his weight in minutes. Arms that used to struggle changing a tire on a vehicle now surpassed them in diameter, potentially able to render them unrecognizable with some added force. Legs that resembled the skinniest twigs on a branch could now kick an entire tree to pulp. The transformation from a regular person into a veritable mass monster was an odd one to be sure, but a pleasurable one, no doubt.

The pectorals which swallowed the view directly below him now encroached on more of his vision, popping into forward sight even at rest. They bloated immensely with rock-solid beef, each hand instantly grasping a slab of meat for themselves and feeling them grow, astonished at how little each appendage could really hold. So much musculature was added onto the area that the swollen nature of his chest forced each of his fattening nipples to jut straight down; there was nowhere else for them to go.

But the feeling coaxed a groan of delight out of him, the manhandling he gave himself stimulating the pleasure centre of his brain. As his bulk multiplied, so too did his sensitivity, his nervous system working overtime to provide euphoric bliss across every single one of his body parts. No matter where he touched himself, it all felt good. That could either be a blessing or a curse in his mind.

The formerly lithe canid could hardly believe his spontaneous ascension was even happening, and the constant addition of heft had him swaying in spite of him being able to support anything received without question. A quick flick of his head behind him - while he could still accomplish that feat - revealed a boulder directly in his vicinity. Oh, that was exactly what his predicament called for!

He sighed as the rock took the brunt of his growth, allowing him to relax and actually enjoy the situation he found himself in. His cock turned turgid from the relentless assault of ecstasy pummeling his body and it slithered up his chiseled abs as he fondled his scaly enormity. He could feel the hair on the back of his head begin to get pinched between his burgeoning traps, but that was nothing a single shake of his head couldn't fix. The fact that such a thing was necessary absolutely floored him.

A low moan left his lips as he worked his thick nips like the dials on any Earth vehicle. He twisted and turned them to his heart's desire, thin rivulets of preseed dribbling from the tip of his dick as a result. While he had no problem appreciating his tremendous developments, a growing part of him began to worry if his situation would even stop at all. Truthfully he wasn't sure, especially given how he'd never seen anything like this before. He held out hope for a chance of a reprieve, thinking that there wasn't any possible way that such a thing could continue given how it managed to break practically every law of nature.

Such optimism lasted until he felt his support abruptly give way beneath him. He yelped in surprise as he felt a shift in his posture, his back no longer touching the boulder as he'd somehow grown that much taller than it. That left his only point of contact being his dimpled ass cheeks, which he didn't recognize until literally just then that he'd readjusted himself to put all his weight on the mound of rock. Not used to having a ton of Sirian bulk bearing down on it, it split apart into multiple fragments, each crumpling into smaller pieces as he was sent hurtling unceremoniously to the ground below.

The impact of Doggie's engorged ass on the dirt floor was far more intense than he'd imagined it to be, forcing his face to flush beet-red in response. A loud thud sounded out in his general area, his muscle-inflated cheeks cracking the arid ground and leaving a crater where he sat. He couldn't see any of that, but he could certainly feel it, and the realization of such forced his body into enjoying his size that much more.

And he still wasn't done growing. The way that his back enveloped the space behind him left each muscle group rubbing against one another, fighting for the room immediately next to it and pushing wider if that wasn't possible. It meant his lats led the way in conquering the space around him, with his traps absolutely swallowing the area above his shoulders. It left him a grotesque mass of muscle that positively towered over anyone who'd be fortunate enough to witness him, even while sitting down.

His arms could no longer rest at his sides, having been forced outward at an increasing angle. Still he tried, the outcome being his pecs puffing out in front of him. It made him aware that every single part of him was enormous and effortlessly manipulated everything nearby. He experimented with the idea, rolling his shoulders and feeling how everything moved in sync with one another, something he could only really feel with gobs of bulk enveloping his frame.

Like the rest of him, his crotch rocket kept pace, bloating bigger on its own as it drank in the growth afflicting his entire body. Each beat of his heart pulsed it thicker, throbbing heavily as the stimulation forced more translucent pre to ooze from its head. It all felt so good, so right, and he didn't want it to stop.

The oddest change to befall him - in his honest opinion - was the fact that coarse body hair began to flourish across his growing bulk, completely against his own Sirian biology. Starting at the top of his prodigious pecs, a thick trail of chest fur pushed its way along his front like a shaggy carpet, reaching the base of his cock where it swelled into a musky bush. His pits grew brushes as well, immediately working to create and waft out a pleasing, masculine scent that riled him up even further.

Ugh, it was heavenly! While he couldn't quite reach his pecs with his muzzle - yet - he could still inhale the pleasant aroma, an ambrosial essence that tickled his nostrils and imprinted on his brain. It bewildered him that such a thing could leave that much of an impact on him, but he chalked it up to never having had the chance to experience anything like this.

He took stock of his surroundings and realized how tall he'd gotten in such a short amount of time. Already he'd passed his initial height while sitting down - hell, he'd gone and passed the length of the boulder as well, and that thing stood at a little more than double his original height! Any onlookers would instantly consider him to be nothing short of a titan, a behemoth of immense proportions who could do nothing but grow; a worrisome, though exciting, prospect.

That wasn't the only development to pique his curiosity as his massive shoulders started broadening even faster now. It appeared that his gains were happening quicker, and his body couldn't accept it all unless it took action. More and more he widened uncontrollably, his back beginning to encroach on the territory of airport runways with how expansive it grew. It was as if his form wanted to reach a perfect ratio between his height and width, and he wasn't about to stop it from happening.

All that growth began to have a far more noticeable effect on him now as the view in front of him started getting dominated by his chest. It shocked him at first, before he let his hands wander along the bloated muscle groups and immediately felt the raw power radiate through them. So solid were his chest boulders that none of his digits could indent the flesh, a fact he came to thoroughly enjoy.

They found purchase on his nipples once again, instantly recognizing how much thicker they'd grown as the rest of him did. And they were more sensitive to boot! He moaned aloud as he played with them, not caring if anyone heard him, though there wasn't a soul around who could. That suited him just fine as any shame he might've felt about pleasuring himself in public evaporated the hornier he grew.

All over he burgeoned, his quads now resembling not just any tree, but a redwood in particular, and likely able to crush the trunk with his unadulterated strength. He continually had to adjust his posture to provide more room for his legs to grow, with even his calves getting in on the action. Of course, they were monstrous in their size, but even proportionally they commanded respect - it wasn't every day one could witness someone with calves three times as wide as their shins.

Oh, the musk from his chest fluff was getting to him. He huffed in delight as more and more of the heady stench reached his nose, enticing him to get a closer whuff, though his pecs were just out of reach. That wouldn't be the case for much longer, though he was more than okay with waiting if it meant he got to experience his incredible growth.

And as if incensed at being ignored in favour of his other body parts, his cock suddenly made its presence known as it slowly surged past his chest into view. It pressed up against his swollen pectorals, pulsating in sync with his heart beat as slimy precum matted his newly grown body fur. It took on a life of its own as it positively exploded in size, now magnitudes larger than he initially was in many different capacities. Hell, it'd probably outweigh a school bus now!

Every single aspect of him was impressive - from his oversized trunk, to his bloated limbs, to his ballooning ass. Oh yes, he hadn't forgotten about that, he just found it harder to reach thanks to the sheer amount of heft getting in the way. But he could definitely feel it encroaching on his lower back as it blew up in size. The crater in the ground grew as the dirt underneath him compacted, leaving a print that no other living being could produce. It'd be his mark on this planet now and forever.

But it wasn't like that was the only thing to do so as his fattening balls created their own divots. They audibly churned with seed, waiting patiently to release it all in a flood, only his persistent growth kept them from reaching the point of needing to eject his essence. That didn't stop his testosterone factories from providing him with unimaginable amounts of arousal, however, and they only inundated him with pleasure the more they pressed against his impossibly muscular legs.

The boulder was only the first milestone to be passed in Doggie's ascension, now on the brink of usurping other landmarks around him. Any foliage in the area were well and truly surpassed, as were the majority of manmade structures erected - the desert he was situated in wasn't exactly the most densely populated location to visit. But the knowledge of that fueled his rise even further, wanting to see how far he could push his growth now.

Not content with merely eclipsing trees and building, his body kept growing, aiming much, much higher to sizes unimaginable to any normal person. The mountain range that supplied him with an incredible amount of shadow cover now couldn't even shade his lower back with how fast he rose into the sky. There wasn't any way he could tell that was even happening, but he could certainly see the results when his own shadow began blanketing the ground in front of him. It displayed his unnatural size, the inconceivable amount of mass added to his body in such a short amount of time. He wanted to keep going.

And at the centre of his fascination with himself was his turgid shaft, itself now possessing the highest point on his body as the head of his cock continually drooled out copious amounts of pre that flowed down its length. The overwhelming amount of pleasure produced from it smooshing into his overmuscular chest had his libido skyrocketing, begging his hands to touch it, which they did with gusto.

His fingers traced along the flesh, feeling every nook and cranny that the road-sized veins produced, ones that throbbed along with his heartbeat. His monolithic pillar was solid blue in colour, barely being obscured by the preseed painting along all its sides. Every twitch of his pelvis caused it to buck slightly, mashing further into his sweaty chest as it flung some of his precum into his furry pec valley. As much as he loved experiencing this firsthand, a part of him wanted to see what something like this looked like in person; if only he'd thought to record this.

The way his swollen orbs pushed his hypermuscular legs out of the way only inundated him with yet more arousal, his cum tanks hammering his prostate with the urge to release his load. It infuriated him that he wasn't quite close enough to do so. The need got him squishing his quads into his balls, hoping and praying to provide enough stimulation to make an eruption happen. He needed it more than anything else in the world.

And so with his mind made up, he stroked his mighty endowment as hard as he could, his rough hands sliding along the tumescent flesh thanks to the ample volume of precum lubricating the surface. The sensation was unbelievable, gliding his fingers along his leviathan python totally indescribable. It edged him on further and further, quickening his pace as his heart almost beat out of his chest. The heat of arousal ignited his very soul and drove his actions from that point on.

He was like a machine, oiled up and moving at maximum efficiency as his appendages bobbed up and down his achingly hard shaft. A growl of need rumbled in his throat, the sound heard for miles around as his growth persisted. He wanted this - no, he needed this! His orbs roiled with the desire to achieve climax, emptying his loins across the landscape. It'd be the most fluid to hit this area in ages.

Helping fuel his arousal was the rest of his body pressing against his increasingly body-sized rod, neither the cockflesh or muscle mass capitulating to the other, just how he liked it. It showed how unfathomably strong every part of his body was, incapable of relenting to anything that would dare try to slow him down. His teeth involuntarily bared as his urges rose, coursing pleasure through his body the closer he got to orgasm. He'd do anything to reach it.

It was only then that he discovered something tickling his nose. Cognizance was in short supply at the moment, but he managed to see it being the one thing he'd hoped it to be - his fluffy chest finally growing enough to reach his muzzle. He moaned in blissful delight, flexing his pecs to envelop his nose in the musky forest of hair. It was everything he'd thought it would be and more.

His manly essence invigorated his pumping, his arms moving faster to get him off as he whuffed his potent scent. Oh, this was heavenly! It almost made it seem like his body was solely made to be a virile monument to Sirian masculinity, a thought he'd found himself proud of as he groaned into his pec valley. So much of him encompassed the area around him now; the way his ass pressed into the mountain range induced a grunt of approval out of him, knowing that his growth hadn't yet abated. He'd gotten so massive already and still wanted more. This would be the mother of all eruptions, and he couldn't wait to let it loose.

Doggie's hands moved like a relative blur as he forced himself to climax as rapidly as he could. He pumped his schlong as fast as possible, his hips bucking to try and aid in his goal. It was the sole thing on his mind at the moment, everything else pushed to the side as none of it gave him the pleasure he sought out. Just about the only other thought that came close to penetrating his brain was the idea of covering the entire area with his bulk, one that he enjoyed the concept of the more it stuck with him. It wouldn't be difficult at this rate - a single one of his imposing orbs was bigger than S.P.D. Headquarters now.

It took him several long moments of stroking his inconceivably towering obelisk to finally feel the effects of all his hard work hit him. The nearer he grew to release, the harder his breathing got, sucking his heady scent into his lungs at a quickening pace. His world became entirely comprised of himself as he worked his body to his highest potential. Every part of him contributed to his imminent explosion, and yet it wasn't enough. Just a few more thrusts...

Like that, his cum tanks had reached their limit and started the process of evacuating everything they'd produced up to that point. He felt barely conscious as he moaned as loud as his lungs would let him, right into the planetoids he called his pecs. His prostate discharged the pressure it'd built up, his throbbing taint finally getting the relief it desperately cried out for.

Unlike anything he'd ever seen before in his life, his cumpipe bulged out and blasted spunk high into the air, the apex of its arc practically hitting the stratosphere before coming back down and showering everything underneath it, including the Sirian behemoth himself. It all felt so good to let his flow jettison from his prick, a wave of cooling relief washing over him as the tension started dissipating. If he wasn't careful he might knock himself out from the pleasure hammering his brain, but his desire to see his record-breaking output kept him conscious and wanting more.

His geysering dick fired out an unprecedented amount of cum, more than every other man could muster in their collective lifetimes combined. It was a load to end all loads, one that only he would get to undergo, and that suited him just fine. The ground soaked up all the seed splattering it, having been dry for what seemed like eons at that point. His canid instincts almost led to him thinking that he'd marked this area of the planet for himself; it certainly wouldn't smell like anything else for a very long time.

The valley below him became saturated with his jizz and started acting like a basin, the level of seed collecting in it rising - slowly at first, but steadily rising. He couldn't see that with how tightly his eyes were screwed shut, however, as well as the fact that his face hadn't left his pecs. The only way he got to go through this was from feeling alone, and boy he felt fucking fantastic.

It seemed like his sac held an endless supply of virile ballbatter with how much they evacuated. More and more creamy spunk rained down on him, pooling in whatever crevice it could find. He'd been at this for what felt to him like eternities and barely seemed like he was slowing down. So much of the landscape had been blanketed by his jism, and yet he still had more to give.

The canyon was practically a fully fledged river by now with how full it'd gotten. Even though his output had been flowing in opposite directions to try and spread out he still kept the level where it was - a testament to his impossible potency that nature itself almost couldn't compete with him. It was as if he was in a league all to his own.

Eventually, though, his flood began to die down, the dam that normally halted his balls starting to win the fight again. His mind was overrun with euphoria, making any motor functions other than the automatic ones futile. That meant his face came free from the grasp his chest had on it, letting him breath fresh air for the first time in a while. Well, as fresh as it could be given how his stench had wafted all around him. It was still enough of a difference to matter to him.

It took him a few moments after that to gradually regain his bearings, which is when he finally got to witness how much he transformed the surrounding area. The first thing he noticed was his astronomically high vantage point, his body now far taller than he ever had the right to be, yet an undeniable fact that he couldn't rebuff. The mountain range was practically an anthill to him at his incomparable size, his bloated ass cheeks smothering them entirely.

Hold on, something was wrong here - he panicked as he attempted to figure out what. Oh yeah, he came to this place for a reason! Hmm, what was it again? Something about Benaag, correct? Uh...

Oh, that's right, he found activity of his henchmen and was staking them out; he couldn't believe he almost forgot that! He'd shake his head in incredulity, but with his traps bulging out kilometers above his head and his pecs pressing against his face his ability of doing so was long behind him. If he could just shift himself so that he could actually get what little of a view he could, then he might be able to see if--

Wait, what happened to the goons working in the valley? Crap, they were nowhere to be seen - none of their equipment had been flushed up from his torrent of cum, and they likely cleared out ages ago before he even got to this point. Ugh, this was a total disaster...

As much as he hated to admit it, the S.P.D. needed to hear about what happened. Letting Benaag's troops get away was a catastrophe in its own right, but the _real_story was everything that occurred to him. He had absolutely no issue with speaking with his superiors about the subject matter, he just, uh, needed to figure out how exactly to explain all of this. Maybe they'd be able to shrink him back down to normal size so he could resume his duties, leaving him with some size to play with in his down time.

Just then he was struck with an absolutely brilliant idea - he could go and do this again when he got back to his regular size. It's not like he knew for _certain_what the cause was, and he could easily pin the blame on one of the grunts using something against him. Yes, then he could find some isolated area to expand across, letting him experience ascension all over again. The thought was too good to pass up.

He'd make sure to record it that time, however. Nights alone in his quarters would be a little less boring after that.

Ample Reward [PTRN]

The forests of Mistwood had become bathed in pale light as the moon blanketed the landscape below it. Dense fog enveloped the forest floor, leaving very little to stir on account of the lack of visibility in the area. Not all who frequented the...

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Emeralds Unleashed [TSR]

The purple gem activated without Shadow even realizing it, imbuing him with its effects as it tapped into his brain to bring to life what he desired. Size was the only thing on his mind, and it would do its best to provide it. Another blast of...

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Just Bros Being Dudes [TSR]

It felt to Don like barely a few seconds had passed, but being overcome by a blinding ray of green made those few moments feel like whole eternities; a little notice would've been appreciated. Fortunately it didn't last forever, though he still needed...

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