Trapped in a Bunliz's Pants

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Kewney is a lot of fun, but she can be awfully dangerous when she gets horny. And if you're (un)lucky enough to be in her pants when that happens...Inspired by a tweet from the bunliz herself: What if... you were trapped inside my pants~ Tightly squished in between my bulge and the fabric of my pants~ you already have trouble breathing~ just imagine what would happen if something makes me horny now~

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Being trapped inside a bunliz's pants would be quite the experience for any little thing lucky enough to find themselves caught in there. The bulge of a woman her size will strain any pants she tries to squeeze herself into, likely pushing the seams to near their breaking point. If you're going to fit into there at all, you'll have to be awfully tiny. Perhaps you'd be at the kind of size where cock vore is a risk if you were in just the wrong place against that bulge. In any event, you'd be just a tiny thing that might not even add to the bulge visible from the outside.

The darkness brought on by that fabric pressing against your back would be matched by the darkness of her cock against your front. It would be a relentless squeezing, with her shaft moving against your body, grinding 'softly' upon it with her every step. Those movements would barely be worth mentioning to her, but it's all you can experience when you're the one caught at ground zero of a lady's bulge. Your body would be relentlessly ground against hers.

Heat would steadily build throughout the day. You thought she was hot in a figurative sense, but you're quickly learning that she's hot in the literal sense as well. It's the sort of heat that leads to fatigue, then exhaustion as it gradually builds. It's not like she's trying to make this any harder on you than it already is. It's just a perfectly natural consequence of being trapped against something so warm.

Breathing becomes somewhat difficult as well. The pressure isn't that brutal, given the amount of give her flaccid cock has. This isn't like being caught in a trash compactor. Instead, it's like an oversized beanbag upon your chest and its weight seems to gradually settle onto you the longer you're in there. Every time you exhale or slip just a little further down, the next breath becomes more challenging to take.

Once she gets horny, though, all bets regarding your survival are off. If there's just barely any room in her pants to begin with, how do you think it's going to go when she's getting hard? You'd probably notice even before she does, considering that you're in such close proximity to her cock. Her pulse -- which was already a steady drumbeat hammering against your body -- would become more intense as her dick slowly hardens. Any squirming you do can only make things worse; given that you're trapped against such a sensitive part of her body, it's inevitable that your efforts will only turn her on further.

The best way to survive is, quite simply, hope that her clothing fails before your body does. You're squeezed too tightly to move anywhere else on her body, so all you can do is pray. Still, the bubbly bunliz isn't going to really mind -- and perhaps not even notice -- that dangerous drama playing out at her crotch at all. She's just having a grand time while you're realizing that you're in far over your head while your body is trapped against hers.

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