A Different Kind of Bonding; Part 2

Story by Xianyu on SoFurry

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#2 of A Different Kind of Bonding

A Different Kind of Bonding Part 2

Colin's eyes opened slowly, and he gave a faint yawn, groaning and stretching slowly, sitting up and rubbing his eyes, just as he heard the key sliding into the lock, and the front door opening. He gave a start, and peered around.

The coffee table was overturned, he was only wearing a pair of shorts, cards were strewn across the floor, and Syrana was half-in her Lucario clothes, looking like she'd just been in a Gym Battle.

His father opened the door, and his brows furrowing. "What the hell happened here?" he asked immediately.

Colin lifted his head, cheeks flushing faintly, glad he's thought to put his shorts back on before falling asleep.

Syrana opened her eyes, blinking a few times, sleepily, not quite understanding, rolling to her knees and rubbed her eyes, before self-consciously adjusting her shorts. "W-well...n-nothing happened master." she said, cheeks flushing.

"It certainly looks like something happened." he said flatly, eyes narrowing, setting down his breifcase. "Now are you going to tell me, or am I going to have to go get your Pokéball?" he asked calmly.

"Okay! Okay!" she said hurriedly, her cheeks flushing again...she really didn't like the Pokéball. "Me and Colin well...we...--"

"We had a fight, okay, you crotchety old bastard?" Colin said with a huff, crossing his arms and looking away. "Your bitch Pokémon hit me!" he claimed, glaring across at her.

Syrana looked hurt for a moment at the accusation, but then cottoned on, her brows furrowing. "Well, if you weren't such a whiny, insolent little asshole then I--"

"Enough!" Colins father said in a firm tone, his voice carrying a sense of finality to it. "Colin, clean up this mess, and then go to your room. You're grounded for a week for talking back at your father. Syrana, you--"

Colin muttered something insolently, and then stood, moving to go to his room.

"--What did you say?" his father asked in a low hiss.

"I said: If mom was here, she'd put your bitch-ass in its place." he said flatly.


The backhand sent Colin reeling backwards, off balance, sending him falling hard onto the upturned coffee table, rolling off and holding his side, coughing convulsively, feet kicking reflexively at the ground.

Syrana immediately crouched down at his upper half, putting a paw on his shoulder, and then raising her gaze to his father, eyes narrowing.

Colin panted hard, and put a hand on her knee, shaking his head up at her.

"You will not talk to me like that, Colin." his father spat.

"And why not?!" Colin asked in a flat tone, wincing faintly as Syrana helped him to his feet. "Because you say so? What if I don't care what you say?!" he asked, holding his injured ribs with one hand, but stepping closer to his father with each word, until they were almost face-to-face, "I'm fucking sick of you! You leave for days on end, and then you come back and treat me like property! I hate you!"

This time, Colin was ready for the backhand, and managed to lean back far enough that it merely glanced off his cheek, stinging and smarting, but other wise not hurting him.

And then, his left hand snaked out, snatching his fathers wrist and holding it down over his right arm, so he couldn't bring it up to defend himself, and then, he stepped into the blow, and punched his father, hard, in the face.

The man went down like a ton of bricks, eyelids flicking closed while Colin stood there clutching his wrist and working his fingers. "Fuck! Goddamn that hurt." he said, shaking his hand repeatedly and wincing.

"You just...christ..." Syrana murmured, eyes wide.

Colin harrumphed back over his shoulder at her. "I'm leaving." he stated, and then peered down at his father, kicking his thigh a moment. A faint groan answered him.

"I'm leaving you old prick." he spat, and then turned on his heel, ignoring the weak grasping hand that tried to catch his ankle, resisting the urge to stomp it into the ground, and heading to his room. He was in there for maybe two minutes, gathering his clothes and his laptop, the Pokédex he had so joyfully bought back when he was ten, and the single Pokéball he had saved up to buy, intending on catching his first Pokémon.

His father was sitting up when he entered the loungroom again, and he held up a hand, for him to stop, shaking his head experimentally. "Son, wait...I'm sorry." he said, eyes downcast.

"You don't get to apologize!" he almost screeched, lifting his laptop case as though he was about to smash the older man in the head with it, thinking better of it and just waving a hand dismissively. "I'm gone. Don't bother trying to find me. You won't."

The front door slammed closed, and left Colin's father, and his Lucario, sitting awkwardly amid the mess in the lounge room, blood slowly dribbling from the cut lip on his fathers face, a bruise forming on his cheek.

"Syrana...I want you to go with him." he stated firmly. "But...try to convince him to come back first. I don't want him to know that it was my idea." he said, shaking his head and peering down at his lap for a moment. "I'm just gonna...lie here for a while." he murmured weakly. "I expect you to be gone when I wake up..."

And with that, he slumped back, sprawled out and closed his eyes, leaving Syrana kneeling by the overturned coffee table, stricken with her newfound choice.

"Colin, wait!"

Syrana huffed faintly as she jogged up behind him, frowning.

"I'm not going back." he said flatly, not even pausing.

"But your father is sorry." she said tactfully.

"He's sorry now, sure, but what about tomorrow?! He's always sorry! For a single fucking day! I'm. Not. Going. Back." he stated, leaving no room for argument.

"Then I'm coming with you." she said brightly, falling into step besides him.

Colin rubbed his temples with his palms, giving a faint growl of frustration. "I don't even have your Pokéball."

"I do." she said simply, holding it out and grinning at him sideways.

"...You planned this, didn't you?" he asked after a moment of staring at the ball.

"I certainly didnt plan on you hitting your father, which was utterly badass, by the way, but I knew you wouldn't come back with me." she said brightly, dropping the Pokéball into his pocket before he could protest. "So...where are we going, master?" she asked, putting a gentle emphasis on the word, smirking at him.

"Don't call me that...It makes me feel old. And we're equals. I'm not your...master." he said with a faint frown.

"Well, Colin. Are you going to decide where we're going, or are we going to walk in circles all day?" she asked bluntly.

"We're not walking in circles." he said with a huff.

"I asked at that cafe there if they'd seen you walk past. That old man with the walking stick told me you had." she said, voice as sweet as honey.

Colin rolled his eyes and then shrugged. "I...I wanna do the elite four challenge. I know I won't win. But I want the experience. The old coot never let me have the chance."

"Well lets go to Oreburgh and beat up the gym leader then." she said happily, bouncing along besides him.

"We'll need...stuff though." he tried to explain.

Syrana giggled faintly. "Everyone needs stuff. You'll need be more specific, Master."

"I told you not to call me master." he said, changing the subject.

"You're being evasive." she shot back without hesitation. "What 'stuff' are we gonna need?"

"I don't bloody know." he replied, frowning. "Just...stuff. Like, potions, maps, Pokéballs," Syrana cut him off;

"Pokéballs? Whatever would you need them for?"

"For catching other Pokémon." he replied blankly.

"Awww..." she pouted. "Aren't I enough for you? Planning on cheating on me?" she asked, batting her eyes at him and feigning a hurt expression.

Colin swallowed hard, and a rosy blush blossomed on his cheeks. "I-I didn't mean it like that!" he protested.

"You're so cute when you're flustered." she said with a giggle and a mischeivous smirk, turning left and dragging him with her. "Pokémart this way. So we can buy 'stuff'." she said with a sage nod.

"I know where the Pokémart is." he said flatly.

"Coulda fooled me." she replied instantly, bodily dragging him into the Pokémart. "Here. Now go buy your 'stuff'. I'll...watch. And giggle when you mess up." she said sweetly.

Colin grumbled faintly, and then stalked through the shelves, taking a few things here and there that he thought would be useful, dumping them on the counter.

He had money saved up from working random jobs, so he wasn't too worried about the cost of it all.

"Oh good. You didn't screw up." Syrana said sweetly as he exited the store, and she fell into step besides him.

"Why do you keep expecting me to screw up?" he asked with a huff.

"Just setting you up for a massive fail sometime." she replied sweetly, swirling her tail lightly behind her as she walked. "So...are we leaving today?"

"Of course we're leaving today." Colin replied instantly, starting down the road to the east, towards Oreburgh. "I'll be damned if I'm sticking around this town for Father to come find me." he said with a harrumph.

"You do realise we won't make it there tonight, right?" she asked, perking an ear at him slowly. "...It's almost afternoon now, and we'd need an entire day to get there. We'll be spending the night all alone out in the wild, with scary wild Pokémon running around."

"Let's not forget the ones who don't have trainers." he said, giving her a significant sideways glance.

"Touche." she replied with a faint giggle, tailtip swirling slowly behind her, ears perking at him happily. "So you're serious, you're actually leaving?" she asked.

"I am." he said, set, determined, as he paused at the exit of the town. "...this'll probably be the last time I see this place." he said levelly, looking back over his shoulder.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Not even gone and you're getting homesick." Syrana pointed out with a faint snicker.

"I'm not homesick...I'm just...I've never really left before." he said, shrugged, and then turning forwards again and starting to walk.

"What are we doing?" Colin asked, as they walked along a path through the lightly-wooded forest.

"We are walking." Syrana replied, perking an ear sideways at him.

"I know what, but...we're just...gonna travel around and beat up a ton of other trainers Pokémon? To what end?" he asked with a faint frown.

Syrana paused a moment, and canted her head to the side, making a faint sound. "Well, to prove that you're the best?" she offered.

"But we're not." he said with a shake of his head. "Unless I get more Pokémon...and I don't want any more."

The Lucario flushed faintly and peered at him sideways again, tentatively asking, "Why not?"

"Why would I?" he asked, sounding slightly affronted. "I have a sexy, sassy Pokémon already. And unless I got another for type-advantages, none of them could top you." he said with a faint smile.

Her blush deepened, and she peered down at her paws for a moment. "You have a silver tongue." she said after a time.

"Oh come on, you basically raped me back there at home, and made me think it was my idea. You rigged that entire game of Pokér, I'm sure." he accused playfully.

The Lucarios' cheeks flushed slightly more, and, seeing this, he pressed his advatage.

"Wait, you did!" he accused properly this time.

"Well...I wouldn't have won otherwise." she replied drolly.

"So...you rigged a game with the specific intent of getting me into bed?" he asked.

"No, I rigged the game with the specific intent of getting you in me." she whispered huskily at him, and it was his turn to flush deeply.

"Why?" he asked curiously, trying not to seem flustered, mainly faily.

"I dunno...I guess I was frustrated. And I like you." she said with a faint giggle and a grin, bouncing slightly as she stepped.

"I fucked you in the ass." he pointed out flatly.

"Oh yes, I remember." she said, swirling her tail sinuously at him. "It was quite fun, you agree?"

"W-well y-yeah." he admitted, blushing guiltily.

"Why are you looking like you stole cookies from a kid?" she asked of him, perking her ears upwards. "You enjoyed it, and I, personally, loved it, and no one else objected...so there's nothing wrong with it, is there?" she asked innocently.

"Well...I guess..." he said, though the heat in his cheeks didn't recede.

"So...wanna fuck me tonight then?" she asked calmly, peering at him sideways.

"What?" he asked, swallowing hard a moment.

"I asked..." she trailed off, and stepped closer to him, to press her muzzle delicately to his ear, laving her tongue against his ear lobe heatedly for a moment, before whispering huskily "I asked, if you want to strip me off and fuck me tonight? We'll be all alone in the tent, with nothing to do...and I just know you wanna bury that thick cock in my hot cunt again." she murmured, grinning at him, tail elegantly brushing against his legs.

"W-well, I-I..." he said, swallowing hard, eyes wide.

"Oh you're so cute when you're flustered!" she crooned, hugging around him and kissing his cheek delicately. "But don't worry Colin...I'll let you take me any. Way. You. Want." she whispered, punctuating each of her words with a quick lick to his cheek of her warm, soft tongue.

His cheeks just flushed harder at her words, and then they both paused, and Syrana quickly disentangled herself from him as someone stepped onto the path before them.

"'Lo'" he said, waving a hand at them. "You're a trainer, right?"

Colin blinked. "Well, kinda...I guess? Why?" he asked, confused.

"Ursaring, Fury Swipes!"

Completely taken by surprise, Colin just blinked and stared as the lumbering form of a large, brown Pokémon shambled out onto the path, claws slashing towards Syrana's body, glinting in the light.

Syrana, though, was a little bit faster with her reflexes, and leapt nimbly backwards at the first strike, her paws coming up to ward off the second and third, the spikes on her gloves turned outwards to help absorb the impact of the blows, her entire body turning back and forth as she let the strikes turn her instead of trying to turn away all of that velocity.

Colin was opening his mouth to tell the trainer to call his Pokémon off, when Syrana pivoted and delivered an absolutely rib-crushing short-kick with her right foot, slamming it into the Ursarings side and double it over, the larger Pokémon lumbering backwards a few steps and seeming to retch a little.

Pressing her advantage, she planted her right foot, and turned around it, bringing her left down in front of her and rapidly spinning, her right heel flinging out and catching the opposing Pokémon in the chest with her round-house kick, causing it to stagger backwards again, snarling at her angrily. "Ursaring, pound!" the opposing trainer called.

Syrana seemed to grin as the Ursaring brought its paws up high so as to bring them down on her in a double-pawed slam, but she merely turned and leapt, facing away from the brown Pokémon as she kicked up hard with her left heel, right under his jaw, snapping his head upwards and sending him off-balance. His lowering paws caught her across the back though, slamming her hard into the dirt, though she rolled and skidded slightly to transfer the momentum of her movement into a more lateral motion, sliding to her feet and growling low in her throat, a line of marks in her back.

Colin went to order her to do a new attack, but the opposing trainer beat him to the punch, "Quick attack!"

The Ursaring seemed to shiver, and then disappear, as Syrana drew herself up to her full height, a little shorter than Colin, and then slid her paws back to her chest, a flicker of light forming between them as a ball of blue light began to coalesce there, an aura-blast. There was a roar as the Ursaring seemingly burst into existence in front of her, but she completely ignored it, paws moving to her front, holding the ball in front of her face, before she snapped left and slammed her paws into thin air, the blue orb of light exploding with violent intensity, sending the brown Pokémon skidding backwards off its feet, tumbling and rolling helplessly, before it fell in a twitching heap.

Syrana slowly straightened up, and dusted off one of her shoulders casually, before sketching the opposing trainer a sly little salute and turning back to Colin. "We did good." she said with a faint giggle.

"We?" he asked, raising a brow at her slowly. "I barely did anything...I kinda...watched." he stated.

The Lucario giggled at him faintly, as the trainer withdrew his Ursaring and slunk off into the shadows in defeat. "What can I say?...I wanted to impress you." she said with a nod, turning back to the path and beginning to walk, humming happily.

Colin frowned a little bit at her, brow furrowing as he hurried after her. "What's this sudden interest in me?" he asked, raising a single brow at her. "You used to be so...indifferent to me. And now, you want to impress me?" he asked, peering at her.

"I tried playing hard to get." she stated bluntly. "And you didn't even notice. So I decided to be a little bit more...forwards."

"A lot more." Colin replied fervently, casting his mind back to the previous day, and their escapades.

She gave a soft little giggle in reply. "And it worked, rather well, I might say." she added.

"But...how'd you even know that I...you know...like Pokémon?" he asked.

"Alligator3." Syrana stated rather bluntly. "The password used in an episode of Scrubs, also, the password that unlocks your laptop. Naughty boy, you don't clear your browser history." she said in a sweet, innocent little voice, leaning in to lave her tongue against his ear heatedly. "You like watching those Pokémon put their tongues all over their trainers cocks, don't you?" she whispered seductively in his ear, grinning and exhaling hotly, making him blush. "Like to watch cute, innocent little Pokémon get it buried in their willing rumps?" she asked with a little growl, nipping at his ear.

Colin swallowed audibly, and then pushed her away, flushing heatedly. "S-stop it, or I swear I'll drag you into that lake and do things to you that'll give the magikarp heart attacks." he warned.

"Is that a promise?" Syrana asked in a slightly simpering tone, grinning up at him.

"You are incorrigible." he said with a slow shake of his head.

"But you love it." she countered, grinning.

Colin nodded helplessly. "Yeah...I guess I kinda do." he admitted reluctantly.

The Lucario giggled a little bit, and then waved a paw. "I have to get clean anyhow." she said, steering towards the lake Colin had pointed out. Sighing and shaking his head a little, he followed after her.

It was a large, roughly circular body of water, just far enough off of the path to not be frequented by trainers, though various Pokémon were ranged around the edges, sipping and playing in the water. Syrana immediately staked her spot, stripping her gloves off, sliding into the water and sitting down, stretching out a little bit and beginning to rub her fur down with her paws, humming faintly to herself.

Colin stripped down to his boxers, and then sidled up behind her, a potion in his hand. "Now, hold still." he said, as she peered over her shoulder at him.

He slid down into the water with her, sitting in the waist-deep water with her between his thighs, her tail idly rubbing along the length of his left thigh, while he applied the potion liberally to the marks on her back, causing the wounds to slowly begin knitting together, healing themselves. "You really should be more careful." he chided.

"Oh come on, if I had of waited for you to tell me what to do, you'd need a bucket, not a bottle." she scoffed.

Colin laughed faintly and leaned in to kiss her ear gently. "I suppose...but still, I don't wanna see you hurt." he said, tossing the potion onto the edge of the lake and beginning to stroke his fingertips down her back, lightly scrubbing at her fur, helping to get her clean. His hands dipped into the water, lifting up and trickling it down her back and through her fur, making the Lucario give a happy little rumble and lean back against him.

Syrana gave a soft little bit of a purr, letting her paws work down her form, smoothing the fur of her stomach as she crooned at him contentedly, his hands sliding over her paws and holding them as he leaned in to give her a soft little kiss, giving a happy little hum as she not only accepted the kiss, but pressed into it, ears splaying back a little bit, her paws kneading at her own stomach contentedly.

"You're a very dirty girl." Colin said with a sage nod, "We have to get you all clean." he added, sliding a paw slowly down her stomach, to the front of her pants, and then slipped his fingertips under the band of them, wiggling down against the sensitive area of flesh right above her sex.

"What if I'm dirty on the inside?" she asked delicately, breathing the question heatedly into his ear.

"I'm determined to finish my job." he said with a nod, as he pressed his fingertips lower, until he felt them brush over her tight outer lips, his other hand tightening around her middle, pulling her back in tight against his body, and the growing bulge in his pants.

Syrana gave a low rumble and nodded, reflexively parting her thighs and shuddering as his fingertips grazed over her sex, the simple touch sending jolts through her spine as her ears splayed backwards, her sex warming and swelling a little as her arousal began to build. "Put something in me..." she murmured heatedly into his ear, lapping at his ear-lobe slowly with her warm tongue, the rumble causing her tongue to vibrate noticeably against his flesh.

With a grin, he slid his hand lower, to cup her eager cunt, and then pressed his middle finger slowly into her body, delighting in the way her slick folds parted to accept the finger, hungrily drawing it deeper into her willing body, his thumb shifting to rub slowly at her clit while his Lucario lifted her rear and angled her body back a little bit to quite deliberately rub her rump against the forming bulge in his pants.

It was only a few moments of this teasing, and already, he was at full-mast, his erection straining against his boxers, while Syrana slid a paw down to tug it out of his pants, and exposed it to the water proper, even as a second finger joined the first in her tight cunt, spreading her around them both, making her hiss, and her grip to tighten on the base of his length, squeezing him rhythmically before beginning to work him up and down, even as she closed her legs and tugged her shorts down to her knees, beggining to grind her bare rump against the stiff rod of his arousal.

"I bet you want to feel it inside me, don't you?" she asked in a husky, lustful tone, panting into his ear a moment as she angled her body back and tugged his fingertips out of her body, deliberately rubbing her hot, eager cuntlips against the tip of his cock, before sinking down slightly, letting him feel the way her tight outer lips tugged and clenched around the very tip of his aching member.

"Oh god yes." he panted into one of her ears, wrapping his hands around her and then pressing her downwards, shuddering and arching slightly as he felt her luscious folds parting and spreading around his thick length, until it was hilted inside her, her outer lips clasping around the base, the fleshy prison encompassing his length shuddering and clenching as the Lucario quivered and worked against the exquisite sensations deep in her body.

With a groan of delight, he pressed up into her, movements languid with the weight of the water around their hips, Syrana bouncing as much as she could with her legs closed like that, her ears splaying back as her maw parted in a lustful groan, her paws resting on her knees as she leant forwards a little to help her movements.

Gritting his teeth in delight, Colin wrapped his hands around her and then slew them around, so she was on her knees and paws at the edge of the water, her shorts around her knees and tail lifted high as he continued to grind himself deep inside her, fucking her doggy-style now, the new position bringing their hips out of the water and letting him actually take her with a pace more to their dual liking, his shaft spreading her open deep inside as he worked, her own moistness beginning to dribble slowly down her inner thighs in league with the water.

Panting faintly, Colin drew back, sliding himself out of her, and then gripping at her legs, tugging at her shorts.

Syrana giggled, and then rolled onto her back, lifting her legs, the Lucario kicking a few times to help get the pants off, and then wrapping her powerful legs around him, pulling him down atop her and wrapping her paws over his shoulder, kissing him heatedly. Colin met her kiss with rivaled passion, groaning into her mouth as he slid himself between her accepting legs and buried his eager cock in her core once more, spreading her tight, moist cuntlips around his rigid length again and again as he fucked her.

Her paws wrapped around him tighter, holding him to her chest as he ground deep inside her, working himself as deep into his Lucario as he could go, feeling her depths twitch and convulse around him, her sweet, soft flesh tugging at his length repeatedly as he ground into her. "Yes Colin, yes!" she groaned into his ears seductively, "Fuck me! Bury that thick cock in me and make me yours..." she trailed off into a groan as she arched and shuddered rapidly, her depths cinching down on him tightly in orgasm as she squirmed and cried out helplessly, her sweet cries just making him hump into her deeper and more lustfully, thick length beginning to twitch inside her...

"No! Not yet!" she breathed against him heatedly as she rolled her powerful body underneath him, forcing him over onto his back, with her in his lap, his tip buried inside her, her paws resting on his chest, red eyes glaring down at him with a smouldering, hot stare. "I want you to cum in me, Colin." she growled, beginning to work her hips up and down, wiggling them slowly in a circular motion so that her tight, gripping inner depths ground and worked around his tip in a massaging, tugging motion, the constant rolling motion of her soft inner walls sending him wild.

"Come on Colin, I know you want to." she giggled, beginning to work her hips a little bit faster, soggy tail brushing against his legs as her hot, tight cunt suckled at his aching length. "let me feel it inside me." she whispered heatedly down at him, closing her eyes and resting her paws on his chest, her pace increasing further as her breathing became stuttered again, her ears twitching as she felt the thick length inside her beginning to throb slowly. "Give it to me, hun." she whispered lustfully, leaning down to breath the words into his ear, her hips continuing to grind against him lustfully, her words becoming breathy as she neared her second peak. "Come on!" she insisted urgently, "Give me a hot, gooey creampie! Make it dribble out of my hot cunt, Colin!" she hissed quietly.

Colin arched under her, gripping her back tightly as his hips surged up against her, and Syrana went a little bit rigid, maw parting in a heated groan as she began to come, feeling the hot splatters of her trainers seed welling up inside her eagerly accepting cunt.

Again and again, the throbbing length burst inside her, gooey spurts of creamy spunk splashing against her inner wall, the warm liquid pooling deep inside her and slowly beginning to seep out, begining squeezed out by the spasmodic contractions of Syrana's tight, sweet cunt rhythmically pulsing around his orgasming shaft, milking him for every drop of seed it could get, beginning to slowly ooze and dribble from around the embedded cock as the Lucario slowly relaxed atop him, twitching a few times.

"Oh god..." she hissed, hugging around him tightly in the afterglow, feeling his length stiffen and pulse inside her a few more times, pouring a little bit more of his warm, gooey essence into her eager cunt, delighting in the sensation of it all drooling out around the quivering shaft, lapping at his nose slowly. "Does it feel good?" she whispered to him, grinning. "...Colin?" she asked, lifting her head and perking an ear. But he was already asleep.

"Teenagers." the Lucario said with a shake of her head, leaning into lick at his nose, making very sure he was asleep, and then whispering, "love you..." before giggling and laying her head on his chest, purring contentedly.

A Different Kind of Bonding Part 3

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