If You Want Something Done Right... [TSR]

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#37 of Patreon Story Teasers

A teaser from a story posted on Patreon. If you like what you read, come read the rest over here!

A smirk stretching from one ear to the other, the copy fiddled with the device in his hands, numbers on the screen changing in the blink of an eye as his laser focus guided him towards what he set out to accomplish. Parameters of all sorts were adjusted as he flipped through many different settings. The look on his face only grew lewder as he imagined what the final outcome would be and huffed in anticipation of getting to experience it for himself.

As soon as he felt he was done he immediately flipped the gizmo towards himself before hitting the activation button, a quick flash of light indicating he was successful. He then flicked his gaze over to the other raccoon, who'd inadvertently started fondling himself in expectation. Both of them knew what was coming next.

Without so much as a warning the duplicate felt the beginning of his plan commence. He gasped when a blanket of warmth wrapped around every part in his body before seeping beneath the flesh, enveloping every single fibre of his being all at once. Not an ounce of pain was present, merely pleasure in all its forms. Many people would pay a high price if they knew what the device was capable of, which ensured no one else would ever find out of its existence.

The warmth then worked its magic on the willing raccoon, massaging his tensing muscles as the stimulation had him slightly bent over, one hand on his knee for support. In seconds he felt his body involuntarily flex - the sensation causing him to huff as the tension puffed his diminutive bulk out as much as it could go - though returning to rest had his musculature remain the same size.

It was exactly as he wanted, his tongue hanging out in lust as he felt his body steadily swell up all over. What was once a chest that no one would've paid attention to now morphed into something more, giving him pectorals that had actual definition that flexed into something with some actual heft to them. A hand managed to find purchase on one as it continued its fantastical growth, inundating him with the validation of how he expected this to feel. Slowly, but surely, the flesh tightened into something much firmer than before, his fingers being pushed back as his hide grew taut. It was everything he'd ever dreamed it'd be.

His arms underwent the same metamorphosis, thickening at a breakneck pace as the peaks of his biceps and triceps grew away from one another. He moaned aloud from the densely-packed heft piling onto his formerly lithe frame, his biceps going from practically non-existent, to visible, to baseball-sized, to even beyond that! They could be felt even without doing anything as keeping them at rest forced them to touch his swelling sides. However, they weren't the most impressive part of his upper limbs as his triceps handily had them beat, bloating well past what he thought was possible, getting bigger than his arms were to start with. Thankfully that was only the beginning of his ascension into being a total muscle monster.

Like his front, his back benefited from his expansion, surging larger as the energy spread across his growing frame. Every roll of his shoulders pressed the inflating muscles together, the feeling of which was pleasurable in its own right. Lats that resembled wings flared out under his bloated arms as traps that became stronger than his whole body used to be climbed up along his neck just shy of the bottom of his ears. More - he craved more.

The rest of his torso followed suit. Needing more space to pack on all that beef required his shoulders to broaden dramatically, not only past what they used to be but to the point where his width and height were just about the same number. The feeling of that alone felt orgasmic, especially when coupled with delts that enlarged to the size of cannonballs. His abs were no different, tightening into bricks that could break anyone's fist if punched. He almost wished he had the opportunity to test that out.

His focus squarely on his upper body almost made him lose sight of his legs experiencing the same thing. While he barely paid any attention to his limbs other than as a means to get around, he now had no choice but to witness their expansion as his quads ballooned to the point that they swallowed all the space between his legs, forcing him to readjust his stance in the process. That was coupled with the bloating of his ass cheeks, his procyonic ringtail unintentionally whipping the dimpled globes as he flexed them against one another, a hand reaching down to feel their newfound might. There wasn't a toy in the galaxy that could withstand these babies anymore!

All of that only served to heighten his libido. Already rock-hard, his shaft lunged forth as the stimulation hit his pelvis, pulsing through the sensitive flesh as it jumped in length by a whole foot to slap him in the middle of his shredded torso; he wasn't a slouch before if looked at proportionally, but he was in an entire league of his own now. Not many people could say they sported a pole thicker than their forearm!

And what masculine raccoon spire was complete without a set of fattened testosterone factories underneath it, supplying it with ample spunk to blast with whenever he got horny? If there wasn't a whole lot of room to work with between his legs before, there was about to be even less as his balls inflated as if connected to a pump, not quite filling with seed at the same time but inducing the need to instead. They'd look comical on someone twice his height, but with the rest of him being hypermuscled he felt they suited him just fine.

While it felt to him like several minutes passing was in fact mere seconds, but that was all that was needed to complete the transformation. There wasn't a single part of him that could be classified as 'small' now.

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