Sean part 6: the birthday

Story by Valt on SoFurry

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#6 of Sean (old)

I was woken up to clinks on my window; I yawned and rubbed my eyes when I heard the clink again. I went over to my window and looked out I saw Sean throwing little stones, I lifted the window

"Sean, what is it" I asked tiredly

"I'm really sorry Dan but I was wondering if I could stay the night" He said and I could tell from his voice he had been crying, I just couldn't say no to him after how great he has been to me, "yer sure go the front door" I said and shut the window. I went down the stairs silently so I wouldn't wake up Jason or Carol, I padded down to the door and opened it, When it was open Sean flung his arms around me, he was crying, I put my arms around him and shut the door quietly. I held him as he cried, I felt his tears fall onto me but I didn't care, he needed me and I was there for him.

Sean and I had been standing there for a while when the light was flicked on, Sean and I looked over to see Carol and Jason, they saw Sean soaked fur and red eyes and they rushed over

"Sean what's wrong" Carol asked, Sean sniffed and wiped his eyes

"It's my parents their fighting again" Sean sniffed "I just had to get out of there, I'm sorry it so early" Sean apologized, I shook my head

"Don't be sorry, you obviously needed to leave so don't be sorry" I said, Sean smiled a little

"So you need a place to stay then" Jason asked, Sean nodded

"I'll take the couch if I'm aloud to stay that is" Sean said

"Oh sweetie your welcome here anytime but I forbid you to stay on the uncomfortable couch, Daniels bed is a king double I'm sure there is plenty of room" Carol said, I was jumping for joy on the inside but I still felt bad for him, Sean thanked us for our kindness then I took his paw and took him upstairs. When I got in our room I shut the door and when I turned around Sean was taking his shirt off, His body was as amazing as his gorgeous face, His body had muscle and a lot of it, His body had a bulging eight pack, his shoulders were massive and his arms were as thick as tree trunks, his top was perfect, Sean looked at me then blushed

"Sorry" He said

"For what, I don't mind, If you want I have boxers" I offered, He smiled a bit then slipped his pants off to show his blue and black boxers, but I wasn't looking at them, my eyes were looking at his strong legs

"I already have a pair" He said, I was lucky it was dark otherwise he would have seen the drool on my maw, I wiped it away and walked over to the bed, Sean got on first and I followed him, I lay down with my back to him so it didn't look weird. I felt his soft paw on my back travelling up and down my back, "I wanna thank you Daniel, You have been so nice to me and now your letting me sleep In your bed so thank you so much" He said, I turned around

"Sean I couldn't let you freeze out there, you're always welcome here and this is nothing compared to what you have done for me, you have been my first actual friend, you have been there for me over the past week or so and well I'm so grateful for that so I just..." I was interrupted by Sean's maw being pressed up against mine, It took me by surprise but I settled down after a bit and kissed him back, soon his tongue was up against mine and they danced in the warmth of our maws, softly rubbing up against each other, soon the kiss broke and we just lay their my paws around his neck and his big muscular arms around my waist, I closed my eyes put my head in between his neck

"Hay turn around" Sean said, I didn't ask questions I did as I was told and I'm glad I did, His soft paws went around my stomach and he held me with his abs pressed against my back I could hear him purr as he held me, I smiled and closed my eyes

"Good night" Sean whispered

"Goodnight" I said back and I drifted off to sleep with Sean lying beside me. The night was peaceful and calm, a slow breeze blew and the moon was halved but the best thing about this night was that I was in the same bed as Sean and that was utterly perfect. I woke up when the sun hit my eyes, I blocked it out with my paw and rolled over to get it out of my face completely but when I rolled over it wasn't onto a hot lion, it was on a piece of paper, I grabbed it and I picked it up

Happy birthday you silly husky

Still can't believe you didn't tell me about it >=3

I laughed as I saw the face, then kept reading

Sorry I'm not their but I go for runs every morning at around 3 or 4 and I didn't think you would want to be woken that early, so tonight your choosing the place to eat and the movie

See you at six


I smiled and put the note on my bed side table then sat up, I yawned and rubbed my eyes. I swung my legs out of the bed, stood up, stretched then walked out of my room, as I walked out of my room I hear a rustle from underneath my hind paw, I looked down to see another note, I bent down and picked it up

Good morning buddy and HAPPY BIRTHDAY

Hope you slept well but I'm guessing it was awesome >.^

Carol and I are out at the shops getting some things BUT

You cannot eat anything or go anywhere till we get back sorry

See you at 10


I smiled then went for a little tour of the big house, looking through the house I was now living in. I started with the lounge room, it had a grey, leather couch that ran from wall to wall, a wooden coffee table in front of it a massive plasma screen on a glass cabinet with shelves and in the shelves was a DVD player, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Blu ray and massive speakers that surrounded the entire room, I then padded into the kitchen looking at the white walls, black marble kitchen bench and the white cupboards with black handles that were up on the wall and underneath them was a stainless steel stove and oven.

Next to that was two massive white doors with black detail dots that held behind it the pantry, then next to the pantry was a huge silver fridge with an ice and cold water dispenser, I then made my way into a room I hadn't been in before. It had dark greyish with a mixture of brown coloured walls with red and white detail of swirly shapes and dots, the room must have been a music room for it had a piano, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass guitar and electronic drums. I knew how to play all of them thanks to listening in school but I only enjoyed two. Piano and acoustic guitar. I sat down and plugged the acoustic guitar into the speaker and started strumming away to what I remembered to Mona Lisa by the all American rejects. I sung along to keep me in time, I finished the song when I heard clapping behind me I turned around to see Carol and James smiling

"And we only hear about you being able to play guitar now why" James asked

"Never came up" I said

"Well you told us you could play piano" Carol reminded me

"Oh yer" I said remembering,

"Ha-ha-ha you're a goose" James joked, James walked in and picked up the guitar "Know any linkin park songs" he asked

"I know new divide on drums" I said, James eye widened then he smiled

"Why am I only hearing about your music skill now" James asked, I blushed

"I dunno" I said walking over to the drums and picked up the sticks and gave a pad a tap "Shall we" I asked

"We shall" he said "One two three four" He said and I started playing through it. Jason shredded that guitar as if there was no tomorrow, he played really well he must have practise this song over and over again, When we stopped Carol cheered and clapped while me and Jason panted after playing so hard, I smiled as he looked over he held his paw out and I gave the high five where your thumbs are wrapped around each other "that was awesome Dan" he complemented

"Yer it was what did you think carol" I asked leaning to the side

"You should start a band" Carol said walking over to Jason "you look really sexy with a guitar" she whispered into Jason's ear, Jason giggled

"Oh really" Jason asked giving Carols ear a lick, Carol giggled then gave Jason a kiss then looked over to me

"Happy birthday" Carol said giving me a hug "Now you're probably starving" Carol said grabbing my paw and bringing me into the kitchen and sitting me on the stool, Jason soon followed and when he was behind me he gave my shoulder a squeeze then joined his lover in the kitchen and started making me breakfast.

Carol soon placed a plate of mini pancakes that were all shaped as letters to spell


I smiled

"Thank you" I said looking up at the two people who took me into their lives

"No problem sweetie" Carol said resting against the bench then Jason hugged her from behind smiling, I smiled at the two, they had been so lovely to me, taking me in, cooking for me, cleaning for me, driving me places and what have I done for them, nothing. I felt really bad but my stomach growled when the aroma of hot pancakes with maple syrup and ice-cream hit my nose, Carol giggled "Well are you going to toucher yourself any longer, dig in" Carol said

I didn't argue I dug in as if this had been my first ever meal, They were so creamy yet crispy, the ice-cream melted slowly but I was able to eat all my letters before it melted completely, I finished then I leaned up against the back rest of the stool, Carol grabbed my plate then I grabbed her paw she looked at me

"I'll clean it you have done enough already' I offered, Carol smiled then she leaned over and kissed my forehead

"Daniel it's your birthday, this is the time where you have to let people do things for you whether you like it or not" She giggled, I let her paw go reluctantly and she walked over to the sink and cleaned my plate then she put it on the drying rack

"OK now time for birthday presents" Jason said smiling

"Wait what" I asked "you didn't have to, letting me live with you is all I need, getting me away from my so called father is the best present anybody could have ever given me and I can't thank you two enough for doing that" I said, Carol was nearly in tears, she came up and gave me a hug and Jason joined.

"You will never ever have to go through that pain again hun, you're a Jenkans and that ass-hole is rotting in prison right now. Now Daniel there are rules we have in this house" Carol said

"Yer" I asked

"On your birthday you get treated like royalty" Jason said lifting me up and putting me on his shoulders, I laughed having to grip onto his neck to stay balanced and not fall backwards, We walked into the living room and placed on the coffee table was six wrapped gifts, Jason put me down on the couch then sat on the place next to me while Carol sat on the other free spot next to me.

"Oh and another rule we have, there is no undoing presents, only ripping them open" Carol said smiling

"Oh okay" I agreed, Carol then got an envelope and handed it to me, I got my claw out and ripped the top open then pulled the card out, it had in giant letters 17 and underneath written "to bad it ain't 18 eh?" I laughed. I then opened the card and read the inside

Happy birthday Pal

Hope your day is filled with happiness but hay I'm

In it so of course it's going to be ^^ ha ha. Daniel

I'm so happy you said yes, I'm so happy you're my son

And Carol is too we love you so much Daniel and I

Know it's only been a couple of days but in that time I

Have really gotten to know you and I'm so proud

Of you for taking this so well, but if you ever need to talk

I'm right their okay

Love Jason

I had to wipe my eyes after reading what he wrote, I then leaned over and gave him a hug

"Thanks D-Dad" I said, I heard Jason sniff

"That's okay son" Jason sniffed then there was a flash, I looked over and I saw Carol with a red digital camera, I smiled then I sat back and continued reading the card.

Happy birthday Hun

And just like Jason said I am so proud of you for

Taking the entire thing so maturely and well, We

Love you so much sweetheart and we want you to

Be happy with living with us, we will love you, be

Here for you and treat you like the amazing fur

You are, I am so proud to call you my adopted

Son Daniel never think I don't

With love Carol xoxox

Again my eyes watered as I gave carol a hug

"Thank you mum" I cried happily, Carols paw went around me then to her eyes, she nodded

"Okay" Jason sniffed "Time for the good stuff" Jason joked grabbing a purple and red wrapped rectangular present "this is from Carol" I took it from Jason and then it bent so it couldn't have been that expensive which was good. I was about to undo one of the tape tabs when Jason whispered in my ear

"No undoing ripping only" I giggled then tore it open "Good pup" Jason said patting me on the back, I smiled then looked down at what Carol had gotten me. There was about twenty piano, guitar and drum's music books inside

"Jason was going to teach you guitar and drums but it looks like you're going to be fine" Carol said, I smiled as looked through them, they had everything, the fray, linkin park, nickelback everything I gave Carol a huge hug

"I love them Carol thank you so much" I said murring as she held me.

"Anytime and just so you know what your holding is the cheapest present which leads me to our next rule" She said leaning back and looking into my eyes "you must accept every present no matter how bad or expensive they may be" Carol said, then I got worried how much did they spend on me, I didn't want them to spend a lot but I also don't want to hurt their feelings by saying I didn't want to accept their gift. I nodded in agreement then Jason handed me a smaller rectangular box that was kinda heavy "this ones from me" Jason said so I ripped it open and saw a red 32 gig IPod nano, my eyes widened and I jumped onto Jason

"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU JASON" I yelled happily hugging him but really I felt bad he spent so much on me but I had to go by the rules so I just let my selfishness free

"Ha-ha-ha it's okay" Jason said hugging me back then putting me back on the seat, Carol then grabbed the next one "This is from me" Carol said placing it in my lap, it was kinda heavy so I was a bit worried but still excited as I ran my claw through the wrapping paper and tour the paper apart

"NO" I said looking down at my new apple notebook "YOUR THE BEST" I said hugging Carol tightly, Carol giggled and hugged me back

"You're just full of hugs today" Carol said happily

"HOW COULD I NOT" I yelled happily, Jason then tapped me on the shoulder with my fourth present

"This one and the next two are from the both of us" Jason said handing me a small envelope I opened it there was a note inside

For some new clothes

I smiled and saw a five hundred gift voucher for any store that sold clothes, I smiled

"Thank-you you two, I really appreciate it" I said, they nodded smiling. Jason handed me the next two they were both in blue envelopes, I opened them up the first one was a five hundred gift card for any book store and the other was a five hundred gift card to any store to decorate my room. I then leaned over and gave Carol then Jason a hug.

"I love everything thank-you so much" I said wiping my eyes. Carol and Jason hugged me back saying it was okay and that they were glad I liked what they got me, Jason helped me put my stuff in my room then I gave him another hug

"Thanks again Dad" I said, Jason smiled and wrapped his arms around me

"It's okay pal it was our pleasure" He said letting me go

"But I just have to ask" I said "Why so much all this is easily over two thousand dollars" I said and he raised his hoof

"Dan do you know what I do for a living" He asked, I shook my head

"You know the McDonalds add theme tune" He asked, I nodded "I wrote that for them I write jingles for adds and sometimes T.V shows" He said "McDonalds payed me so much I still have money left over from all those years ago so money isn't an issue in this family okay buddy" He said smiling, I nodded

"I was just wondering" I said looking down

"Aww come now, It's okay your curious and your only worried but don't worry okay buddy" Jason said putting his hoof on my shoulder and giving it a squeeze, I smiled and nodded "Come on lets all watch a movie" Jason said, we walked down stairs to the living room and put a movie on, while we sat their my eyes began to droop and soon I fell asleep happy and safe.

"Daniel" I heard waking me from the sleep that held me from reality "Hay, buddy you gotta wake up" I heard and my eyes cracked open to see Jason's smiling face "Well good you're up" Jason said sitting down next to me, I slowly sat up and saw I was in my room

"How did I get here" I asked, remembering falling asleep watching the matrix

"Well the movie finished and you had fallen asleep so I carried you up here" Jason explained giving my hair a tussle "Now its five o'clock so I suggest you start getting ready" Jason explained, my eyes widened, I had an hour till my date was coming to collect me

"Okay thanks" I said getting out of bed the rushing into my bathroom, I ripped my shirt off then undid my belt then shot my pants and underwear off. I started the flow of water and waited for the hot water to catch up with the cold water then I got in, the hot water ran down my fur drenching me deeply, I ran my paws all over myself just to start then I added some shampoo to my paw and rubbed it everywhere, all over myself I saw the white foam of soap that had been rubbed into me I then stood underneath the water flow and let the water clean me.

I grabbed the conditioner bottle and put some into my paw then repeated the steps I used with the shampoo, I soon had clean and silky fur so I turned the shower off and shook dry, I stepped out of the shower then ran a brush through my fur, I then wrapped a towel around myself then went into my room went to my dresser and pulled out some underwear then I turned around and saw Sean sitting on my bed blushing deeply

"WOAH" I yelled in surprise and embarrassment, I feel down with a loud thud then I made sure I was covered

"S-sorry" he said still blushing, his cheeks almost looked like coke cans, I stood back up

"What are you doing here its only" I said looking at my phone I had left on my dresser "Five thirty" I said

"W-well I wanted t-to see w-what you got f-for your bir-birthday" He stuttered, I giggled then I walked over to him grabbed his paw then walked him to the door

"Well as soon as I'm dressed I will show you, see you in a sec" I said shutting the door softly. I smiled and then took my towel off and my tail was going crazy going side to side, I got my underwear on then opened my dresser and the only pants I could find were way to small for me, great now what was I going to do, I have no pants and no mon... wait I do. I went over and got the gift voucher for clothes and I smiled "Hey Sean" I asked

"Yer" he said, it sounded as if he was right up against the door

"Do we have time to stop at just jeans by any chance" I asked

"Yer heaps" he replied

"Sweet" I said putting the towel around me then walking out "Sorry" I said with a blush then going into the bathroom and grabbing the pants I had worn for the past three days, I put them on then put the shirt that was laying next to it. I walked out of the bathroom to see Sean leaning against the banister, arms folded head down and eyes closed. I walked over and he opened his eyes, looked over and smiled

"Hay" I said, as soon as I was in reached Sean leant over and gave me a hug

"Hay, sorry I wasn't here when you woke up" he purred

"Hay that's okay" I said now hugging him back "Your here now and if we wanna get this date going I think we should head to just jeans now" I said

"Aww come on I wanna see what you got for your birthday" he said smiling "And I wanna see you open my gift as well" he said, I smiled then sighed

"You're taking me out Sean you didn't have to get me anything" I said patting his arm

"It's your birthday Dan I'm not going to not get you a present, but first let me see what I have to compete against" He chuckled, I walked into my room followed by Sean who sat on my bed. I got all my presents out and I saw Seans jaw drop

"You got an apple notebook you lucky little dog" Sean said taking it from my paws when I sat down, I laughed as he opened it looking all over it as if he had never seen technology before. Sean looked at all my presents then he pulled out a box from behind him "happy birthday" he said, I smiled and took it, I undid the wrapping and looked at the blue and red dream catcher that I held in my paw

"Sean, this is amazing, I love it" I said staring at the beautiful piece of art that I held in my paw

"Glad you like it, I-I kinda made it myself, been working on it all day" He said blushing a but

"Y-You made this" I asked stunned, Sean nodded I threw my arm around him

"Its incredible thank you so much Sean" I said hugging him, Sean put his arms around me and purred in my ear, I closed my eyes listening to him calming purr

"And you're very welcome" Sean purred "So do you wanna head to just jeans now" Sean asked, I nodded letting him go not wanting to mind you. I stood up then Sean took my paw I stopped then looked down at our paws then up at his face "I-I have one more present for you" Sean said bashfully.

"Oh" I said sitting back down, Seans soft paw left mine and ran up my arm, I blushed wondering what he was going to do, Seans paw when to my neck then to my cheek I looked at him and he was moving in slowly, I eased in my eyes closing slowly then our maws and tongues touched, his tongue went around mine and Sean softly sucked on my tongue while I tasted his soft lips, his paw then went around my waist and pulled me in closer I opened my eyes a little and saw his eyes were closed, I closed my eyes again as our tongues danced while my paws travelled up his chest to his neck where I hugged his neck kissing him back, Sean then lay down pulling me on top of him I opened my eyes in surprised as we hit the bed, Sean opened his eyes then noticed how I looked then pulled away

"I-I'm sorry" He said, he looked so innocent and I felt so bad, I hugged him

"No you don't need to be, this is just my first time is all Sean, you just surprised me" I explained, Sean nodded hugging me back, Sean then sat up me kneeling on his lap

"Come on we better to this movie" He said smiling

"You already chose" I asked

"Yer sorry you okay with the loved ones" He asked

"Oh horror eh" I asked "Not my thing but oh well" I said and Sean smiled, I slid off him and walked to the door closely followed by Sean. Sean and I said good bye then headed to the shops for late night shopping, The trip to sunshine plaza was interesting, Sean put the radio on but it must have been a CD because as soon as the first notes of classical music hit the speakers he flipped out and hit the eject button

"Sean, was that Beethoven's fifth I heard" I said smiling, Sean blushed heaps

"Y-Yer I may look like I like screamo music but no, I like the slow stuff but don't get me wrong I'm all for techno, rock, modern and pop music" Sean said, I smiled and put the CD back into the CD player

"I love Beethoven" I said, the music was beautiful till the next song came on with Ke$ha take it off, I looked at him with a confused look

"What, I like anything with a good beat and Ke$has songs are awesome" He said

"Oh I fully agree it's just that you don't seem like the type..."

"Oh yes cause I have an eight pack and look like I can bring down a building with my bear hands" Sean chuckled, I nodded then he smiled that smile that makes me sigh, I looked at his perfect face, his diamond blue eyes, his amazing smile and his long shaggy brown main. Perfect. Soon we arrived and I got my card out, got out of the car and walked with Sean into the large white building, we found just jeans and we were looking around. I found a pair of black, light blue and dark blue that I liked and were trying them on, I slipped on the black pair on first did the zipper and button up then turned around and did the tail hole up.

"How do they look" Sean asked, I opened the door and stepped out, Sean smiled "They look fantastic" Sean complimented

"That's impossible their on me" I said, Sean folded his arms and raised an eye brow "Okay okay fine they look okay I guess" I huffed

"That's better" Sean said, I turned around then I felt his paw hit my butt "Come on I'm interested to see what the others look like" Sean said, I blushed then tried the rest on, the black ones were defiantly my favourite and I think Sean liked them the most too, I bought all three then went to the shops toilets and put them on. I walked out and Sean was waiting with his arms folded one leg bent resting against the wall, his tight black ACDC shirt showed his abs off nicely and the daggy, black and grey pants he wore were perfect, He smiled as he saw me "mmhm very nice now time to find you a T-shirt" Sean said looking at his watch "We have an hour and a half so we may even fit in a wendys thick shake" Sean smiled, I giggled

"I'd like that" I smiled then we walked onto Jay jay's still with our just jeans bags I walked over and looked over the shirts at fifty dollars, since I still had four hundred forty dollars left I had a lot to spend, I looked over at Sean he was looking at the pile smiling looking at a black one with red detail

"You having fun" I asked

"Yer heaps" Sean said smiling at me

"You have fun shopping" I asked, Sean giggled then lend over to my ear

"Well I'm gay aren't I, but that's not why I'm having fun, you're here that's why" Sean whispered into my ear causing me to blush and nearly drop the shirt I was holding, Sean giggled then continued looking while I stood frozen unable to move or think, Sean ended up having to clap in front of my face to bring me back "you okay" he asked

"Y-yer" I said shaking my head then started looking for shirts again "Hay what's the time" I asked

"It is six seventeen we have an hour and twenty three minutes" Sean said, I nodded then kept looking around, soon I found a white shirt that had black lines going all over it

"Oh that's awesome" I said, Sean looked over and smiled

"Crap good find, oh and it goes with your jeans" Sean said, I giggled then nodded "Try it on man" Sean said

"Yer okay" I said smiling then I walked over to the change rooms, I slipped my shirt off smiling and put the white with black detail shirt on. I looked in the mirror and smiled

"Am I going to see you anytime soon" Sean asked

"Oh sorry" I said opening the door, Seans eyes widened as I exited

"Wow, y-you look amazing" Sean said, I looked down at my shirt

"You think" I asked, Sean nodded quickly

"Oh wait" Sean said walking off to the sun glasses pulling off a pair of black and yellow sunnies "add these" Sean said, I slid the glasses on and Sean wolf whistled

"Oh stop" I said bashfully

"You look like a model" Sean said, I blushed then giggled "You gotta buy them" Sean said pointing to the shirt and the glasses, I looked in the mirror and I had to say, it's the best I had seen myself in years, A huge smile on my face, new clothes, sun glasses and with a friend but I hoped maybe it was more than that. I turned around and I say Sean was holding a shirt

"Is that another one I need to try on" I asked, Sean nodded

"Yer I thought it looked kinda cool" Sean said opening it up, I looked at the black shirt with a white paint splatter effect on the top right then on the bottom left a red paint splatter effect , I took it from his paws and smiled

"Yer I'll try it on now" I said turning around and shutting the door, I slipped the other shirt off and tried the shirt that Sean got me on. It felt good against my fur very cottony, it fit well and it gave me some room to grow

"How is it" Sean asked, I opened the door and he smiled nodding "Yer you need to buy that" he said, I smiled and looked in the mirror again and still I liked the way it looked. I went back into the change rooms, got my T-shirt on then went and paid for the two shirts, Sean and I went back to the toilets and I got into the Shirt that Sean picked out, as I walked out Sean smiled

"Hot" He giggled, I rolled my eyes

"I wish" I said, Sean chuckled then got me into a head lock and gave me noogie "HAY" I said

"HA-HA" Sean said letting me go I gave him a bit of a push causing him to go off balance but not that he fell over, Sean and I laughed as we walked out, Sean and I found wendys ordered a large chocolate thick shake and sat down on a bench. Sean and I talked about school work for a while then we got on the convocation on music again

"So what do you like in music" Sean asked taking a sip from the straw

"Well I don't exactly know, I haven't heard much music in the last five years" I sighed, Sean put his paw on my shoulder

"You didn't deserve any of it okay, you did nothing wrong and If I ever get the chance im going to tear him a new ass-hole" Sean said wiping away a tear that had fallen

"Okay, but I need to be updated in music I guess" I said, Sean smiled

"Well you have a new IPod right" Sean asked, I nodded

"Well you'll have to come over to my place and I can set you up with the good shit" Sean chuckled, I smiled and took another sip of my drink, Sean and I had finished our thick shake and had where just talking then Sean looked at his watch

"OH CRAP we gotta go movies in three minutes" Sean said standing up, throwing our empty drink cup out then grabbing my wrist and running through the crowd, we were moving all over the place having to doge various species till we got to the movies, Sean walked up the red carpet and I followed, we walked up to the desk where a vixen sat smiling looking at us

"Hi what name is your reservation under" She asked

"Sean Jameson" Sean said pulling his wallet out and getting a twenty and a five dollar note out

"That will be twenty-four fifty" She said handing us our tickets Sean thanked her then we walked to the walk way to our right were a wolf stood

"Tickets please" He said, Sean hand him the two tickets and the wolf ripped the ends of them "Cinema twelve"

"Thanks" Sean said, I walked next to him and soon we were in the cinema just waiting while the elevator kinda music played. Sean pulled his phone out and turned it off "You gonna turn your phone off" Sean asked

"Why" I asked

"Because do you want your phone going off in the middle of the movie and plus people hate it" Sean said, I reached into my pocket and pulled my IPhone out and turned it off. Soon the movie started and Sean and I sat watching, at so many points I flipped out and hid my face on Seans shoulders

"It's just a movie" Sean whispered after I hid my face seeing a nail go through the guy's foot

"I know but it scares the hell out of me" I whispered back and Sean giggled

"Do you want to leave" Sean asked, I shook my head

"No, you wanna see it and plus gives me the opportunity to do what I'm doing" I whispered Sean giggled then he Sean put his arm around my shoulders, luckily their wasn't many people in the theatre so I rested my head on his shoulder and watched the movie, I may have jumped at a lot of times but every time Sean gave me a squeeze just to say 'it's okay, I'm not going to let anything happen to you'.

Sean and I walked out of the cinema and out to the car

"You hungry" Sean asked

"Oh god yes" I replied, Sean smiled and unlocked the car I got in then Sean pulled me over and hugged me

"Don't worry bud nothings gonna happen to you" Sean giggled; I guess I still looked pale so I hugged him back and nodded. Sean started the car, pulled out of the car park and drove off, soon we came to our destination. Sizzler. I smiled and looked at him

"Are you trying to waist every cent on me" I asked

"Well every cent waisted on you is well waisted" Sean said getting out, my cheeks were still burning as we entered the restaurant, Sean and I walked up to the counter to a lioness

"Welcome to sizzler" She said with a smile

"Hay, I have a reservation for Sean Jameson" Sean said, the lioness tapped her finger against the computer then looked at us

"Yes Mr. Jameson we have you right at the end, what would you two like to drink" the lioness asked

"Umm could I get a lemon lime and bitters please and Dan" Sean asked looking at me

"Ahh I'll have a lemon lime and bitters too please" I asked having no idea what I just ordered but it sounded nice. The lioness took us down the end and sat us down

"Your drinks will be out in about five minutes along with your complementary plate of our famous cheese bread" She said, Sean nodded and thanked her then the lioness left us

"Having fun" Sean asked, I looked over and gave him a huge smile

"Sean this night has been so great, thank you so much" I said, Sean smiled then my phone went off "Oh do you mind" I asked

"Oh no probably a happy birthday call" Sean giggled. I pulled my phone out and answered


Hay buddy its Craig

Craig oh my god hi how are you

Fine hay do me favour and turn around

Yer okay why

I said turning around to see the big old Panther smiling at me and waving, I smiled and walked over to him and hugged him

"Craig oh I've missed you" I said, Craig laughed a bit hugging me

"I have missed you too and there's somebody I want you to meet" Craig said, I smiled and saw his paw was gesturing to a very beautiful arctic fox, she had long white head fur and green piercing eyes, she smiled and held her paw out

"Hi I'm viola" She said her French ascent strong, I smiled

"I'm Daniel" I said taking her paw and shaking it

"So what are you doing here" Craig asked

"I'm here on a date" I explained pointing to Sean who smiled and waved, I waved over to him to come over Sean stood and walked over

"Craig this is Sean my date and Sean this is Craig one of the many policemen who saved me from my father" I said, Sean held his paw out

"It's a pleasure sir and thank you" Sean said

"For what" Craig asked a bit confused and he wasn't alone, I had no idea why he was thanking the cop I should be thanking.

"You saved Dan, If it wasn't for you he would still being abused and..." Sean closed his eyes, put his ears back and exhaled a bit "Yer so thank you" Sean said letting go of Craig's paw

"It was no problem when I got the call from the neighbours that they heard and saw you being abused we left straight away but we had no idea it was..." Craig said and I could see he didn't want to finish his sentence

"Yer I know, its okay you don't have to say it" I said

"UM excuse me sir" a ladies voice came from where we sat "Is this your table" the lioness asked

"Yer thank you" Sean said "Well our drinks and toast is ready see you over their" Sean said smiling giving my back a rub then leaving to get to our table, I smiled then looked back to Craig

"So I'll see you around Craig" I said giving him another hug

"Yep defiantly oh and happy birthday" Craig said, I smiled said good bye to the fox then going back to Sean, as I sat down Sean smiled. Sean and I talked till our toast was done then he took my plate and he went and got me my dinner, I sat and drunk my drink happily then I saw the one person I hoped I never had to see ever again, Gary walked in with his mates, I put my paw up to my face and hid myself.

I pretended to look out the window and acted interested but really I was watching them, watching to see if they knew I was there, they didn't but then I felt my nose hairs tingle, I had to sneeze I tried to hold it in, I held my nose until

"ACHOOO" I sneezed, I sniffled and looked at them they saw me. Fuck. Gary laughed and walked over and sat down

"What's up fag" the pit bull asked, I kept looking out the window hoping Sean would hurry back "you know it's not polite to ignore people" Gary mocked

I laughed "you think you're a person, a person doesn't beat up other people" I said happy that I was finally giving it back "Gary you're not a person, you're a fucking slime ball" I chuckled, Garys eyes went red, his breathing went rapid and he leaned over and pulled me over by the shirt

"What was that you mother fucker" Gary hissed

"You heard me now how about you let me go before you regret it" I said staring him right in the eyes

"Why would I regret beating the shit out of you" Gary said raising his fist, I laughed

"Oh I'm trembling" I said sarcastically having Sean in my view, I saw him put our plates down and grab Gary by his paw and bent it back, Gary yowled

"Haven't I already done this to you before" Sean asked pulling him from the seat and pushing him away from me, Craig saw this and walked over

"Is there a problem" He asked

"If by problem you mean this ass trying to punch Dan in the face then yer, huge" Sean said, Craig looked over to him and I could see Gary was intimidated by two big muscular furs standing in front of him. I could have sworn Gary was shitting himself so He grunted and walked back over to him friends, I smiled as the two furs laughed and looked over to me

"Thanks you two" I giggled, Craig nodded smiling and went back to his date and Sean sat back down with me

"God he's a prick" Sean said, I laughed

"Trust me its well known" I said, Sean giggled then his eyes widened then he stood and got our meals and sat down. Sean and I ate and talked all night then when we had finished our meals we left sizzler then he got me into his car and drove it only took me half an hour to realise we weren't going to my house

"Hay I think we are lost" I said

"No, oh did I forget to tell you, we have one more stop to make" Sean giggled. I smiled as we continued to drive then we came to a dirt road we continued through till we came to a clearing, all you could see was the ocean and the giant full moon. I gasped as I looked at the magnificent scenery I took my IPhone and took a photo

"This is incredible" I said, Sean giggled and put his arm around my shoulders and I rested my head on his. We sat in silence just looking at the beautiful scene we had in front of us till Sean spoke

"Dan" he asked

"Mmm" I said sitting back up, Sean looked really nervous he was sweating and by the feeling of his paws, his palms were sweating.

"Dan I have known you for two weeks or so and I have loved every second of it, You have been so nice and amazing to me and I thank you so much, and I have been thinking I wanna be more than friends, I wanna be the one whose always there when you need them, whose always wants to be near you, the one who gets to hold and kiss you, I-I wanna be your mate" Sean stuttered, I looked at him, This massive lion wants to be my mate, I was speechless I wanted to scream out yes, I wanted to hug him and say yes but I was still in shock.

"Daniel, Will you be my mate" Sean asked looking so nervous,

"YES" I screamed throwing my arms around him

"Really" He said hugging me back

"Yes Sean I want to be your mate" I said leaning back and looking in his eyes "I wanted to be yours for a while" I said, Sean smiled leaning over and kissing me, I smiled looking into his eyes, Seans paw then ran up my arm to my neck, then to my cheek. I smiled as he leaned over and put his lips against mine. Sean purred as he kissed me wrapping our tongues around one another's, Sean then pulled me over on his lap, I murred as I sat on him while he kissed and hugged me, I closed my eyes as he put his seat down and we laid in his car kissing.

Sean had his arm around my waist and one around to the back of my head while mine were wrapped around his neck. Sean then broke the kiss softly and looked into my eyes

"Do you wanna ahh maybe yiff" He asked, my eyes widened when I heard it, then my maw brought a small smile

"Yer I do" I whispered, Sean smiled a bit more gripping my shirt and pulling it softly and slowly towards my head, as it reached my arm pits I put my arms up and Sean then threw it in the back. I then gripped the bottom of his shirt and did as he did then put his shirt with mine. Seans paw travelled softly and slowly up and down my stomach and chest while my left was keeping me up and the other was resting on my body. Seans paw then went up to my cheek and he pulled me in and kissed me softly our maws parted, our tongues together and he ran his paws down to my pants.

Sean gently undid the buttons that kept my jeans on me then slid them off me, I knew what he wanted, I knew he wanted to make me feel loved and wanted, I then took my lips to his neck softly nipping it and running my tongue across his naked fur making Sean to purr in ecstasy, I then got to his chest and made my down to his abs licking everyone, Sean moaned softly every time my warm wet muscle hit his fur and I reached the top of his shorts, I undid his button then with my teeth I got a hold of his zipper and pulled down, Sean rubbed the back of my head

"You sure you wanna do this" Sean asked, I saw the concern in his eyes, he actually cared, he actually wanted me to want it as well, I smiled and nodded softly and Sean smiled weakly then nodded as well, I then pulled his pants and underwear down his legs, I heard him purr as his member was free, the long 9 inch lion member was right in my face, It scent filled my nose and I could feel a tingle in my sheath and soon my member came out from its hiding place and make a massive bulge in my pants, I leaned forward and ran my tongue from the bottom of his member to his tip, Sean moaned out in pleasure as I made his member wet and warm. Sean's member was smooth and made my maw water making me wanting more, I wanted him to explode in my maw; I wanted to taste his cum.

"Oh god Dan that felt good" Sean moaned squirming in the seat, I then ran my tongue up his member again and again he moaned but this time I enveloped his tip and ran my tongue around it, Sean rub the back of my head moaning and squirming as I felt his member pulsate in my maw, I then slowly pushed my head down his member savouring his taste as he pre in my maw a bit.

Sean moaned as I soon had half of his member in my maw whilst I ran my tongue up and down tasting him, I wanted more than to give him a maw job I wanted him inside of me, I wanted him to feel good and I wanted to have a relationship with him, So I ran my tongue all around his member to lube him, making him nice and slick so It wouldn't hurt me went he entered my tail hole.

"F-fuck Dan your amazing" Sean moaned, by this time his throbbing erection was wet, well lubed and extremely hard, I then crawled my way back up to Sean face where I was greeted by a soft kiss and a chest rub, as Sean and I kissed his paw went down my body to my member where he softly ran his big soft paws up and down the 8 inches of husky meat I had, I then sat up and got in line with his member

"You sure" Sean asked, I nodded

"Yer Sean, I'm sure" I said softly, Sean nodded and softly put his paws on my sides

"If it hurts tell me, okay" Sean told me, I couldn't believe what I just heard, Sean didn't care about what happened to him, He just wanted to make sure I was enjoying it to

"Okay" I agreed and slowly sat down his member sliding inside of me, Sean and I moaned as he entered me, he slipped inside of me easily thanks to the maw job he just received, I strained a bit feeling the stretching I needed to take his member, Sean stopped

"Y-you okay" Sean asked, I nodded unable to speak, Sean nodded and sunk me lower and lower onto his nine inched feline member, every inch I went down I moaned louder as he rubbed me on the inside against my prostate causing me to pre on his stomach, I soon had his entire member inside of me, his member felt so soft causing me to moan in ecstasy, I then raised myself up his member then sat back down causing us both to moan, Seans had was back, his eyes were closed and his expression. More.

Sean put his seat up so his abs were against my stomach as I went up and down his still slick member every movement, every time I clenched felt incredible and I think Sean agreed since he was bucking into me, As I went up and down his shaft we moaned then Seans paws went to my cheeks and he pulled me into a kiss, our tongues wrestled in our maws as I took him, Sean moaned loud

"OH Dan I'm so close" Sean moaned

"Me ohhh god too" I was just able to get out, Sean pressed up against my lips again and he moaned, Seans paw went down my body to my throbbing erection and Sean started to stroke it again, his paw was soft and felt good against my sensitive member, each paw stroke cause me to pre and lubed my member well, I tried to hold on to my climax but soon it just became impossible

"OHHHH" I yelled as I shot my hot ropes of husky cum all over Sean's washboard abs

"OH God here I cum" Sean moaned and I felt his cum explode in my tail hole, I moaned as I felt every rope that collided with my insides, soon I felt that Sean had filled me and that went he pulled out it was going to explode all over his car.

"He-he should have used a condom" Sean giggled, I smiled and laid against his chest and I felt his big arms go around me "how was it" Sean asked, I looked up and gave his maw a soft lick.

"Sean that was amazing" I huffed "that has been the most amazing I have ever felt, thank you so much" I said giving his neck a soft kiss

"Thanks Hun" Sean said embracing me, I smiled as I had my new nick name from him, Sean then opened the door

"What are you doing" I asked

"I'm not pulling out in here, Cum will go everywhere" Sean said getting out and holding me up to his chest, I wrapped my legs around him as he walked away from the car a bit then he kissed my cheek and went to my ear "Ready" Sean whispered

"Yer" I said, Sean started to pull himself out of me and all I could do is moan as his slick member slid out of me, Sean moaned softly as his member came out of my tail hole and his cum rushed out and all over the ground. Sean held me and panted as I held on to him so I didn't fall, Sean then went back to his car and I sat on his lap and put out maws together. I didn't know how long it had been since Sean and I had came back to the car and kissed whilst naked but I soon got a wakeup call when my phone went off.


Dan oh thank god Jason and I have been so worried, its one in morning hun

Are you serious

Yes you can stay out I just wanted to know your okay

Sorry carol

No don't be I'm guessing you two are having fun

You could say that

Ha-ha okay well see you when you get back

Okay bye


I hung up and Sean looked down at me and rubbed my chest

"Maybe we should get you home" Sean said, I didn't want to go home but instead of fighting I just nodded, Sean and I got dressed and started driving to my house, I lay up against his muscular shoulder and his arm went around me, I could hear him purring all the way home but soon we came to my house where the lights were still on, Sean pulled up and got out and I followed.

Sean walked up my drive way with his arm around my waist I murred till we got to the door

"I had a great time Dan thanks for tonight" Sean said

"No worries, I had fun to" I said, Sean giggled then he put his paw on my cheek, leaned down and put his maw against mine one last time before he left. Sean rubbed my cheek looking into my eyes

"See you later cub" I said opening the door

"See ya pups" He giggled, I smiled as I shut the door and I rested on it, I closed my eyes and jumped up and down saying "YES" silently, Soon I heard a giggle from up stairs and I looked up to see my two parents

"Looks like you had fun" Jason said, I smiled

"Yer we went sh... oh crap" I opened the door to find Sean just about to knock, he smiled

"Forget something" He giggled handing me my newly bought clothes, I giggled taking them then he kissed me one more time then he turned and left waving and smiling as he did. I felt a hoof on my shoulder and I turned and saw Jason he smiled and waved. Sean waved before I heard him drive down the street; Jason took me into the kitchen where Carol waited with a cup of hot chocolate.

"So did ya have fun sweetie" Carol asked, I smiled and giggled a bit

"Well considering you're looking at Seans new mate yer pretty well" I said, Carol did a bit of a happy shriek and came over and hugged me

"Sweetie that's great" Carol said, Jason smiled at put his hoof on my shoulder. I sat down and drunk my hot chocolate talking about my night (of course I left out Sean and I yiffing in the car) then I said good night and went up to my room, striped to my boxers and lay in my soft bed. I murred and squirmed around rubbing my body against my bed, I was laying down in my bed went I heard my phone, I sat up and went over to it

New message from: Sean

I smiled and opened the message

Hay hun

I had so much fun tonight thank you for making it like that

I hope you sleep well and hope you had fun to

Love Sean

I smiled as I read the message then sent back

I had so much fun tonight thanks ^^ I'll talk tomorrow now I'm

Going to go to bed, goodnight cub

Love Dan

I lay in bed then I heard my phone go off once more

Sleep well Dan, I love you

I read it and murred and hugged my phone then replied

I love you to Sean, good night

I typed then rolled over in my bed and smiled

"I do" I whispered then I closed my eyes and fell asleep, happy and loved.

Sean part 7: sunday

I woke up and opened my eyes to a drumming vibration and beeping, I closed my eyes and rubbed them then I turned over so I was laying on my back, I put my paws on my sides and pushed myself up then raised my arms up and stretched arching my...

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Sean part 5: a good night

It was seven o'clock when I felt my phone vibrate it my pocket, I pulled it out and there was a message from Craig, _Hay buddy how's things and how was school_ _Great I have a date tomorrow_ _Oh Daniel that's...

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Sean: part 4: a new life

Craig got the papers and my suitcase from his car and walked me to the house. "So you like them" He asked "I do they are the nicest couple and I think I will be happy here and plus they are sending me to the same school" I...

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