Dragon's Retribution

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#88 of Commissions

A Dragon sorceress has captured a dragon sorcerer and teases him for years, taunting him that he could never breed her, but this time, his resolve is resolute.

This is a commissioned piece. If you'd like to get some work done from me, please consider checking out my Linktree.

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For the draconic sorcerer, the world had been dark for quite some time. He lays in his chamber, chained up with his wrists over his head, stretched out with all his armaments and coverings removed. He can only endure the tortures given to him and the indignities of life chained up, forced food through kobold servants, and unable to leave.

Like many other days, a stone wall melts away on this day, revealing a passageway into the lair beyond his living tomb. Standing on the other end of the passage is his tormentor.

She smirks, running her clawed fingers over her maw, her eyes sparkling with malicious glee as she looks at the dragon chained up before her. He is her prize, and she, wearing a colorful dress of the scales of others who had crossed her, is the owner of the award.

"How is the mighty and fertile sorcerer today," the dragoness coos, her blue scales brilliant. As she steps through the threshold, her servants scurry away, leaving him with a bit of food drizzling over the corner of his mouth.

"Terrible, as always," he growls, looking toward her voluptuous form.

"That's no good," she says, frowning, reaching to her shoulder. She pulls a strap down over her shoulder and then moves to the next one. The dress slips down her body, over her ample breasts, and down past her wide hips. She steps out of the clothing, standing naked before her prize. "After all, it's time again to satisfy me."

He grits his teeth, shifting around, growling, but he cannot do anything about it. His naked manhood lies between his legs, always in a state of half-arousal due to the ring wrapped around the base. When its mistress approaches him, it glows to a magical life, humming enough to raise his member to the impressive mast it has been.

"I'll... I'll get out of here," he says, shifting around in his restraints. "You'll see.

"Oh, sure you will," she says, stepping up with her feet on either side of him, hovering above that cock of his. "Just like how you will be able to defeat me and claim me as your own?" She laughs, holding a hand down, palm up.

Scampering from outside the chamber comes to a few kobolds presenting a potion bubbling and fizzing in a glass to their mistress.

She snatches it from them, lifting it up and shaking it in front of the dragon's face. "On time, just as usual." She grins and tilts her head back, downing the drink in a few gulps, letting some of it roll off her cheek, chin, and chest. She sighs, wiping her mouth clean and tossing the vessel.

"What did you say to me all those years ago when you were a younger and more foolish man?"

He looks away as best as he can, huffing, his chest rising and falling in seething arrogance.

"That's right. You were going to raid my lair, steal my virginity, and make me the mother of your children, was that it?"

"I can still do at least one of those things," he snarls.

"Oh, I think not." She says, lowering herself now, squatting before him. She pats his cheek as her womanhood rests right onto the tip of his cock, squishing against it, teasing the head with her warm and soft entrance.

"Oooh, I can feel the potion kicking in," she says, rolling her eyes back and placing her hands on his chest. She curls her fingers, scratching him as she rocks her hips against him, letting the head penetrate, disappearing into her. "It's stimulating my ovaries. I'm going to form eggs if even a single sperm makes its way inside of me. I know it! With the power of that mighty brew, I'd expand to full-term in seconds~."

She looks at him with a sadistic sneer upon her face, her eyes flashing with manic glee, "But you're never going to lay seed in me. You'll never make this flat tummy of mine swollen with your children. Oh yes!" she says this, pressing down upon him, swallowing up more of his staff. "If only you could break that magical cock ring, you'd be able to finally escape. But that will never, ever happen!"

"F... fuck you...!" he growls, rocking against her.

"That's it," she cackles, practically bouncing on him. "You are the perfect dildo, you beaten and broken man! You are mine to tease and fuck forever without care! I doubt I'd be flat ever again if you were to escape from here. How does it feel, knowing that you'll never have that?"

"It's... ngh... the same... song and... ah! Dance!" he groans, shifting and writhing around. Years of punishment for her body slamming into him repeatedly had not diminished his spirit. Life had been this torturous hell every day, satisfying her unceasing lust on his body--a body unable to ever expel its seed in all of these years.

"One ... of these... days...!" he threatens.

"Keep telling, mmmm, yourself, ahh ... that!" she screams, throwing her head back. "Fuck, this newest position makes me so fucking horny. I need to breed, but you will never be able to breed me!"

As he lays under her, enduring the bouncing on his body and the taunts that never seem to stop, the sorcerer works as he always does, plumbing the depths of the magic and learning of her own magic. Little by little, he understands more and more, and today, he discovers something. Was it something that was always there, or was it something that had developed over years of neglect in the magical seals?

"Aah, yes, I'm... I'm almost... I'm almost there!" the dragoness gasps, "I... I'm gonna, gonna... ah?"

A break and a shift happen inside her. She frowns and slowly lifts herself off of him, his cock slick with her vaginal juices, and as she looks down, she sees that the ring has broken.

The sorceress pauses as she sits upon her captive's cock, blinking a moment before the realization dawns upon her face like a sloppy wet slime drenches itself over her. She chuckles and presses her hands upon him, and she pushes herself slowly upward. "I, uh, gotta get going, I think. Much to do in the evil lair and dark machinations and all that, you know?"

"I've been waiting a long time," the captive dragon says, a growl in his voice as the smile on his face creeps up along his maw. "For that magic in your pathetic little ring to finally wear out."

"Wear out!? Ha, as if! I'm tired and need a rest after a long day and, aaiiyep!"

With a concentrated manly effort, the dragon tenses up all his muscles and expands, ripping his arms in two different directions and shattering the chains holding him to the wall. An errant link smacks the sorceress in the head, making her stumble back a moment, and that bit of a distraction is enough for the sorcerer.

He hops up, throwing her down to the floor onto her shoulders, and grabs onto her legs, lifting them up over his shoulders. He squats in front of her, newly free and renewed, a malicious gleam in his eye as he stares down at her body, so fit and beautiful.

"You've held me for years, you bitch! Now, I'm going to RUIN you!"

"N-no-now, it's just a game, a joke, a k-kink, no need to get hasty and, eeaaah!?"

His cock plunges into the dragoness, delving deeper into her than it had ever done before. This time, he fucks of his own volition and not because she uses him as a pole for her to play on.

Her tits bounce, and her shoulders grind into the ground as she throws her head back, gritting her teeth and drooling with the sheer decadent might of his big fat cock filling her up. She reaches up towards him and grabs his side, trying to push him away. "N...n nuuuh...." She protests, but there's nothing that will deter him now. The feeling of her moist womanhood around his shaft is satisfaction personified, even though he's felt it. Invading her, taking her, claiming her. This is what he truly wanted after all these years.

And she's invaded, claimed, compromised, fucked deeper than she'd ever want. "Pu... puleasshe!" the evil sorceress claims, holding a hand out toward him, channeling magic as mightily as she can with her mind becoming addled by the mating desire that flows through her now, "please don't cu... cuuum in... muh... aahaa!"

He leans in and nips at her neck, his growl louder, his possession much more potent as he rocks his hips deep into her, slapping and connecting to her. Hence, he's balls fucking deep into her, penetrating into the deepest recesses, right where he can deposit his sperm.

Her whole world goes white as she screams, feeling the warm goo shoot out like white-hot flames inside of her, coating her insides, filling her up, and destroying the sanctity of her childless womb, sending millions of tiny proto-dragon cells deep inside to her burgeoning egg.

The dragon gives her a few more thrusts. They are weak compared to his mounting pleasure from before, followed by soft and tired grunts with each of them before he pulls out, his cock still oozing onto the floor, staining it white with the runoff that comes out of her snatch. He drops her and stumbles to his feet, rolling his shoulders and snorting.

The sorceress lays there, feeling the warmth in her body, moving her hands down to her stomach and groaning. "Muh... my po... potion...?"

She screams, arching her back as a feeling jolts through her body. Suddenly, the swirling mixture of baby batter within her bubbles and churns within her. Her perky tits swell and sag against her body, her hips spread wide. Her perfectly preserved abdominals disintegrate, wholly replaced with the full and round belly of a mother nearly expecting her newest baby, her navel popping out. She clutches onto herself, tears rolling down her eyes as she finds herself very close to the time of laying eggs.

"Wuh... what's wrong?" she asks herself as something stirs inside her, kicking and bumping against her. "What's... what's this!?"

He chuckles, cracking his knuckles. "What's the matter? I thought you were some kind of genius sorceress. The women of my clan give live birth, didn't you know? Tch, wallow in the trap you put yourself in," he says, spitting next to her. "You chose to play with fire; you've only yourself to blame for getting burned."

"Live... birth...?" she groans, rubbing her stomach.

"Yeah. No easy eggs for you. Looks like you got all nice and fecund, didn't ya?" he says, squatting beside her, licking his lips. "Look at you, all swollen and delightful. Fuck, if I didn't hate ya, I'd fall in love." He reaches down, placing a hand on her cheek. He then slides it down over her body, one sensitive breast, and that kicking and squirming stomach. "And it looks like your potion made this one almost ready to pop out.

"Don't... don't you dare put a hand on me. You took my body and my beauty and made me a freak!"

He tuts her, tapping the side of the stomach, where the little one kicks. "Heh, seems our kid likes me."

She bites her lip, looking downward, but unable to pick herself up. The sudden transformation is so sore and so strange.

The sorcerer leans over her, growling as he smiles down at her. "Now that I got you right where I want you, I might as well enjoy the spoils, right? You'll have plenty of time to get used to this, but you'll need to learn how to deal with all this milk!"

"Huh? What are you, ah!?"

She gasps when he grabs handfuls of her tits, letting her nipples poke out between his fingers. Streams of milk squirt out and land on his hands, rolling down his scales and onto hers.

"Un-unhand me!" she shouts, "this is demeaning. This is too much, even for wuh-what I did to you! No, please don't,--- ah!?"

He latches his mouth around her nipple, caressing the breast, rubbing and squeezing it as he pinches his lips against her. He embraces it with the suction, and more of that boob juice squirts out and splashes into his mouth and tongue. He groans, his eyes rolling back in the erotic delight of conquering this dragoness. He growls and chuckles as he sits on her lap, just below that great belly, letting his cock flop down on her again, but not entering her and indeed not touching that sacred mound where a new life was growing.

Meanwhile, she shudders and writhes underneath him, panting and rolling her eyes back, letting out little protesting sounds that melt away with each additional suckle on her swollen tit.

He pulls back, licking his lips, smiling, and letting some milk dribble onto her. "Fuckin' delicious. You're built to be a mother, you know that?'

"S... shut up.." she moans, trying to cover her chest.

"Oh, hey, I'm not done yet. What about your other one?"

Her arms fall to the side, giving him access.

"I knew you liked it" he snickers and then wraps his arms around her back, pushing her up and delving into her other tit like a parched traveler.

She moans, arching her back, wrapping her arms around his head, and pushing him closer. "Oh, by the gods," she gasps. "It feels so wonderful. Drink it... drink it all!"

He pops his lips from her and licks at the sensitive nipple. "Only because I own you, bitch," he snarls. "Not because you want it."

"Y... yuh... yes, own me, please, take it all from the tap. I have been defeated. I am yours forever!"

He suckles upon her, tilting his head back and gulping down the milky goodness. He stands up, wiping his arm over his face, and looks down at her. "Hah... fat fuckin' chance. You made your bed. I, on the other hand, have years of freedom to make up... Freedom you stole from me."

"Wuha...?" she reaches up lazily for him. He turns away from her, stepping out of that chamber that had been his prison for oh-so-long and disappearing into the light of the day beyond. He lets the warmth spread over his body as he spreads his arms and wings wide. With a triumphant roar that only a dragon can muster, he flies off into the air, disappearing over the horizon.

The sorceress lies on the ground. Her body is sticky with milk and sex. Her energy is entirely gone. She groans and rubs her stomach. "So, is this my future? Will I ever recover? D... damn you for leaving me, you... you selfish, selfish man." She sighs, then smiles, bringing herself to sit up with a slow slide, snorting and patting her tummy delicately. "W-well, I guess it can't be all bad, right? You feel... so wonderful in there. I wonder what sort of person you'll be? I guess time will find out, my darling."


The sorceress coos as she walks through the castle hall, cradling the child with its mouth against her breast. It suckles upon her tit as she stops to lull it asleep. Meanwhile, underneath her swollen breasts, her belly is still just as big as the day, only a few days before, when she was pregnant with her first child. "Yes, my child," she says, "Thanks to my potion, you'll have a little sibling very soon. It's all your daddy's fault. Every one of his seeds is inside me. I feel them growing. I'm sure one day, I'll pump out all the children he gave me, and then, sweet angel, I'll find a way to bring daddy back here so I can give him his just desserts again. But that is for another time. As for now, drink... Mommy will take good care of you and your siblings, dear."

She chuckles, kissing the dragonling on the forehead. She steps through her castle, ready to plot and plan for a new day, the excitement welling up in her mind and in her core to have and tease him once more. But first, she stops and stands in her dressing room. A warm fire burns and crackles there, making shadows dance over her gravid form. She clicks up to the mirror and gazes deeply upon it, turning this way and that. The dress she wears plunges low, allowing her to let her little one suckle at her swollen breast. It splits underneath her chest, spreading out to show off her round belly, swollen with abundant joy within. The new arrival kicks and squirms within as if it knew that it was the star of the show in its mommy's tummy. She lowers one hand to stroke the round form, swirling over her popped-out navel. Oh, such a transformation her body has gone through. She cannot hate him for it; he may have ruined her old figure, but this new motherly body has its own allure. Instead, she walks up to the fire, sits down, and cradles her young whelp in her arms, enjoying the warmth that spreads over her round form and penetrates deeply into her.

"One day soon, young ones, I'll bring your daddy back. Mommy will have the last laugh once again."

Dragon's Retribution 3

"Huh? What are you, ah!?" She gasps when he grabs handfuls of her tits, letting her nipples poke out between his fingers. Streams of milk squirt out and land on his hands, rolling down his scales and onto hers. "Un-unhand me!" she shouts, "this is...

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Dragon's Retribution 2

The sorceress pauses as she sits upon her captive's cock, blinking a moment before the realization dawns upon her face like a sloppy wet slime drenches itself over her. She chuckles and presses her hands upon him, and she pushes herself slowly upward....

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Sally and Antoine Midnight Meeting

In the quiet of the Mobotropolis night, Princess Sally lays in her bed. In recent times, sleep has become much easier than it ever had been. With the final freedom against the tyranny and terrorism that bothered her home, she can just be herself,...

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