A Nice Catch

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Another fairly sizable story constructed off of a one-line prompt. I don't make those much anymore, usually they're much more fully formed...but there's quite a few of the short ones still there from back in the day!

OBLIGATORY CONTENT WARNING: This story contains sexual acts between a male and an intersex male, size difference, rough sex, bondage, rape, magic shenanigans, and failed adventures in thievery.

SEQUEL POLL: I've got a new poll up! I would definitely appreciate it if you offered your input! It's changed to be a little simpler this time, so it shouldn't be as challenging to complete. Check out https://www.sofurry.com/view/1940335 for more information, or https://forms.gle/x93HRyG7gCSVRhr19 to just go to the survey itself!

Denlin knew it was probably a bad idea to embrace a life of thievery. That didn't mean he didn't want to do it anyway.

The fox was playing perhaps a bit to an unfortunate stereotype, but what could he say? It was the hand life had dealt him. He didn't have many particularly marketable talents - no affinity for magic, no patience for study or crafting, and certainly not for serving people as a clerk or servant, no special martial skill or athletic prowess. What he had was a nimble figure with a light step that could slip into tight spaces without a sound, a steady hand that could lift purses or pick locks with aplomb, agility and dexterity to get in and out of a heist in an instant, and a thrill-seeking personality that really didn't have many thrills to seek other than larceny. Fate had given him these cards to play with, and it wasn't a game where you could change the rules.

So he was a thief. A bit of a rascal, at that, though he was careful not to be too rascally and draw too much attention to himself, since that was sort of counter to the point. But Denlin wasn't keen on holding his tongue when he saw someone he didn't like. And while he never outright threatened, because again there was risky and then there was stupid, often people he didn't like were his preferred targets. Whether they had ample means or not, he'd find something to swipe that meant something to them. Riches were not the target, nor did Denlin have any illusions that he'd life the high life off of anything he took - if it was valuable enough to fetch a kingly sum, it'd have all the attention of a king on it, impossible to pawn off. In fact, the fact that he wasn't outright impoverished was quite the testament to his level of success.

The opportunity before him seemed a good one for filling his coffers, though. And sometimes you needed to make sure they were filled, so why pass up an opportunity like that?

The town of Winglen had an ugly baron and an uglier aesthetic, with brown all over the place. A lot of dirt and mud, not a lot of flora about. Denlin wasn't keen on staying long, but he wanted to hit one place before he hightailed it. Apart from the baron's fortress-like domicile, there was one noteworthy building in the whole town - a much more colorful manor a short ways away from most of the residences, the home of a magic scholar who provided a multitude of random services for a fee, for residents and passers-through alike. Denlin had done a bit of digging on the scholar, whose name was Tarak, and come up with a surprising figure - a monitor lizard of considerable size, looking more at home as a commander of a royal army than a student of magic. A daunting opponent to go up against...fortunately, Denlin's craft was one that favored non-confrontation anyway.

The manor itself was more important for him to learn about, but of course there was a lot less known about its defenses. Just about anything could have been in place...when one was dealing with magic, trying to make predictions was a challenge even if you were an expert, and Denlin was decidedly not one. Which meant winging it...well, that happened sometimes. It wasn't like he wasn't without his own tricks, either...he was taking a chance, but he did that every time. And the most important thing was, there were supposedly a LOT of magical items in there, as well as a fair bit of coin - Tarak reportedly did good business but did not live a lavish lifestyle, so ostensibly a good bit of his take was somewhere within the manor. Denlin didn't know where exactly, but that was something he could suss out while there, there were usually some obvious locations.

So, as prepped as he was going to be, he made his move. It was late at night when he made the trek to the manor - sadly, that didn't give him an opportunity to appreciate the change in scenery much, but at least there was grass underfoot over there that he could feel as he walked, a nice change from the tacky mud that made up most of the roadways in Winglen. It was a good chance to wipe his paws a bit, which was definitely a good idea - tracking in mud would have very much undermined his goals of stealth. Quietly he slunk towards his destination, that ornate building standing as innocently as it could, trying not to betray its secrets to him. Denlin would find them, though - no building was entirely impregnable, and if the protections here were magic-focused, it was perhaps even more poorly-defended than one would have thought.

He tried not to be daunted at the size of it - getting up close gave him a better sense of scale, there were at least three stories to this building, if not more - who knew what could be hiding under the earth, or whether some space-shifting shenanigans were taking place inside? All of that would make navigation tougher, but Denlin wasn't cowed - he just had to find one way to one place that had enough for him. He crept around the manor, looking for a good way in. The starting point was almost always the most important one, because it was often the exit point as well - you didn't want to chance going in and out in different areas, because you never knew what kind of hazards you would run into and a cleared path was always the safest path. Besides, he had a bag on him, and he didn't want to leave that behind.

There was no overarching rule for the best way to infiltrate a building - too many buildings with too many different designs and too many other factors to state anything with such definitiveness that it couldn't be argued. Some thieves favored the front door, simply because many wouldn't expect a thief to be so brazen and were more focused on threats in other areas; Denlin tended to disagree because front doors typically had more obstacles than other access points. Others would go for a higher floor over anything else every time, because the less accessible it was, the less people tended to worry about security; Denlin was dubious of this because flight wasn't exactly an aberration. For him, while one had to take into account as much as they could, he tended to have one favored target: the kitchen. Kitchens tended to be large and relatively open, and were often quite a distance away from bedrooms, which made them especially useful for night entry. And because kitchens didn't tend to be a place where high-value items were stored, there tended to be less security on their windows. So when he saw one window that led directly into the kitchen, he knew he had his choice.

Step two was preparing himself, and that was one he was good at. He set down his bag and opened it up, pulling out a few useful tools and implements that would be vital to his success. Before setting himself up with them, though, he had to take care of one other thing, shucking off his clothing and stowing it away in the bag - all apart from one garment, a snugly-fitting sneak suit made of a thin yet dark material that was probably his most prized possession. Denlin may not have been adept with magic, but that didn't mean he didn't take advantage of it how he could, and the sneak suit was a masterwork of that - a special silky fabric that clung tightly to him, minimizing the spread of his fur and dampening the sounds he made. Even better, it was a special make that could split apart and return to full integrity without any issue - putting it on and taking it off pretty much constituted ripping it apart and letting it knit itself together, but it ensured that it was absolutely snug and secure on his body, no chance of making any mistakes with it. And it covered nearly all of him, even his bushy tail - only his head, hands, and feet were uncovered, acceptable risks for the benefits that conferred.

Said benefits included use of the other implements he'd pulled out. One special ring on each toe made his footsteps essentially mute, making it so there was actually a magic cushion between foot and floor - he still felt the surface underneath but it wouldn't register any pressure, so he didn't risk triggering pressure plates either. A special crystal stud in his right ear enhanced his vision and hearing, making it easier to navigate and pick up on threats; a different gem in his left quieted external magic sources off his person, reducing the effectiveness of magic alarms and making it less likely for him to get people running for him. And lastly, a ring on each hand, which gave him a special ability to create a 'mirror' of his hand, extremely useful for opening locks from the inside - such as with the window in front of him. He also had an enchanted wire lock pick slipped into the snug space between fur and suit on his wrist, just in case...some locks were harder to finesse with magic.

All set up, there was nothing to it but to do it. He approached the kitchen window, using his mirror hand to slip open the lock as quietly as possible, and then slowly lifting the window open; it moved about as silently as Denlin could have hoped for, no creaking or squeaking, just a soft slide. He clambered inside, coming in relatively unobstructed - there was a table near the window, but no sink or stove, which was a typical risk of this kind of entry. And Denlin had no issues stepping on a table, particularly one as sturdy as this one was, it was pretty heavy. It took but a few seconds for him to slip all the way inside, and he left the window in its open state - if he needed to make a quick escape, extra seconds to open it again would be unacceptable, and he doubted Tarak, as big as he was, would easily follow through.

His ears twitched, trying to pick up any sounds from within to warn him about potential alerts. His magic device dampening stud was good, but hardly perfect, and there was always a chance of an alarm going off that was extremely subtle. Even those usually had some kind of buzz to them, though, and he wasn't picking up on anything. Perfect...he slunk forward, getting onto the floor and moving slowly, hunched down as much as he could be. The darkness hid his body well, even if someone saw him it would be hard to identify him, which was just as important - he could make a getaway even after being spotted if no one knew who he was. Still, that wouldn't be ideal - better to not get caught at all.

He made his way through the kitchen and into a hallway, treading as cautiously as possible. Looking and listening for anything hazardous, as well as anything in line with his goals. Someone who worked with magical items as Taran must have had a storehouse of some sort, as well as a workspace...either one of those was likely to yield some loot. Where his money was was a harder tell, but some folks kept any physical coin in a safe of some sort, others kept them in less secure containers but inside more secure rooms. Denlin wouldn't know unless he stumbled upon it, but he had some exploring to do anyway.

The first floor, it seemed, was a bust. There was what looked like a waiting area of some sort, maybe for customers who came to Tarak for services rather than goods; a study area that looked like it was for personal use, but didn't have anything especially interested within; a library that was pretty packed full, but books were too large and heavy to be a good haul unless they were magic themselves, and even then, Denlin doubted it was worth the trouble of poring through them to figure out which ones were. The entryway was relatively nondescript, a closet and coat stands and a bit of a desk or something similar which Tarak probably used to meet customers. There was a door behind that, though...but as he reached his hand for it, he sensed something from it and pulled away. Magic. It's probably enchanted to his touch...that seems like it could lead to a basement, but it's too risky to try to get there. Dang, I'll bet that's a workspace, too...

Not all was lost, though - this manor was too large to have nothing going for it. To the side of the entryway was a set of stairs which curled around and above the closet area, leading up to the second floor. He stepped lightly up them, keeping low to make himself as hard to see as possible, slowly rising up them into a somewhat darker hallway...he was very glad for the vision enhancements now, it would be almost impossible to see here without them. How Tarak managed to get through here...he must have had lights on him when he did, there was no way he could do so easily unenhanced, even as familiar as he was with it.

At the top of the stairs, Denlin was met with another hallway with a variety of ways to go, including up another floor. But he stuck to the second, heading towards the rear of the building, where there were doorways on either side of the hallway. He paused by each one, listening for any sounds of life inside. The left one didn't have anything of note...the right was a different story. Not the sounds of a person, but a very faint, almost imperceptible buzz. I know that sound...that's ambient magical energy. There MUST be something in here!

Excited though he was, Denlin forced himself to remain steady. The door was locked, but there was no magic on the doorknob this time - instead he was faced with a deadbolt and a chain. Neither of which was any trouble for his mirror hand, he used that magic touch to slip the chain off and turn the deadbolt, allowing him access. I want to know how he got that chain attached, though...maybe he uses mirror hand as well, expecting to foil thieves who think they can just pick the lock. Deadbolts are hard but not impossible to pick, but that chain would be so discouraging after they went to all the trouble, they might just give up.

He opened the door, keeping it slow as there was a slight creak to it, but it was worth the risk for the payoff as his eyes widened. There was a veritable treasure trove of magic items in there! Mostly small wearable trinkets, rings and amulets and bracelets, and Denlin didn't know what they did but they clearly conferred some kind of benefits. There were also some raw gemstones in there, both magical and non-magical - probably some of them were there to be imbued with magic of some sort, Denlin knew that was a process though he didn't know the details. And the best part was, most of it was fairly accessible - some things were in cases but there were quite a few of the objects just sitting free. He could have a field day with them...

Denlin kept himself judicious, though. He hadn't brought a sack to put things in - in his eyes, that was too greedy, it invited a desire to fill up beyond what was wise. A firm handful of these would rake in quite a bit, that was all he needed...he acted quickly, gathering up all the rings and gems he could from one stand, probably a couple dozen items all told; his hand was a bit full, but not so much that he was inviting that much risk. Now all that remained was to leave the way he came...

His ears twitched again, his heart skipping a beat as he heard a faint buzz. SHIT! Alarm! Dammit! Gotta fly!

Caution and patience were out the window - he needed to rush, use all that swiftness he was born with to make his escape before Tarak responded to the alarm. Out he went, into the hallway, down the stairs, stepping only as carefully as he needed to to avoid taking a flying header and potentially ending up losing more than just they heist. A ring slipped from his grip and clinked down the stairs - he ignored it, a far too acceptable sacrifice for escape. He wasn't far now, and he remembered his way out, he just needed to hurry up and-

Denlin wasn't at all prepared for it. Without warning, something shot through the floor underneath him, making him yelp as he was snared completely. His bounty flew from his hand, clattering all over the floor as he fought to escape from the glowing tendrils of magic, completely unaffected by his dampener. They were moving around him, slowly binding him further...one around each wrist, slipping around tightly and refusing to budge; a couple around his chest and midsection; one around each ankle. Suddenly they shifted around, flipping him over, the tendrils crossing over each other without any difficulty or conflict whatsoever, and Denlin found himself hanging face up, his limbs stretched and unable to reach any other part of him to even make an effort to free himself.

Shit. I had no idea there was a trap like this in here...that's the peril of going into a place like this with little info. There's no way I'm getting out of this unscathed...I just have to hope Tarak is in a good mood.

The sound of footsteps down the stairs told Denlin the confrontation wouldn't be long in coming...and he didn't like how HEAVY those footfalls were. Big was one thing to know, another to KNOW, and he was feeling more nervous about being actually confronted with it. It wasn't exactly in a rush, though - even stopping for a moment, during which time Denlin was almost sure he was picking up that dropped ring. He's not worried about me escaping at all...that gives me a good idea about how much confidence he has in this trap.

Finally the lizard rounded the corner, and Denlin winced. Yep, he was BIG - probably a good two feet if not more taller than Denlin, and broad enough for three of the fox. He wore nothing, not that that was unexpected, and he had a bit of a smug grin on his face, that forked tongue flicking out of his mouth in what appeared to be amusement. "Hmhm. Nice try, little foxy. But cleverer thieves than you have helped me test my security...willingly and unwillingly. Perhaps if you'd asked around first, you would've known this was a fool's errand."

Denlin didn't respond at first, not sure what he was going to say. Plead for mercy? He didn't want to start there, Tarak had too many advantages already. He didn't want to piss the lizard off, especially when he seemed to be relatively unperturbed at the moment...as he was contemplating this, though, Tarak passed by him, pushing him out of the way a bit and making him swing around. He could hear some scraping and clinking behind him now. "Wh...what..."

"What do you think? I'm picking up after you, foxy. Don't want to just leave these laying around."

Denlin blinked. This was...not the behavior he had expected. Most would have focused on punishing the thief first and foremost. He thought maybe it was a ruse, that he was to be ambushed or something...but no, Tarak gathered up all the items Denlin had swiped, moved past him once more, and headed back up the stairs. He's not...really just going to put everything back where it was while leaving me hanging here? How the hell confident IS he that he's got the better of me? Surely there's some way out of these...

If there was, though, Denlin wasn't finding it, even afforded a relative abundance of time. If he tried to reach either of his arms beyond a certain point, the tendrils would tauten up, keeping him secure and unable to do anything to free himself. His mirror hand didn't even interact with them, rendering that option useless. Trying to pull on them amounted to nothing other than wearing himself out. And that was about the limit of what he could actually do...he didn't even know what he was dealing with, knowing how to get out of it was even further beyond the pale. There was no helping it, he was at Tarak's mercy.

Those footsteps down the stairs again, and Tarak came around again, arms folded as he approached. "Now then, foxy...that's your mess cleaned up. And now we get to the point where you're going to be paying me back for this little intrusion. And I have a few things in mind for you...but I think first things first, we're going to take a little collateral."

Denlin wasn't sure what that meant at first, but it became clear as Tarak took hold of his foot and pulled the ring off his toe. His jaw clenched tensely - Tarak was taking his magic items! Now HE was the one being stolen from! That was more a wound to his pride than anything - he'd never had a heist fail so badly that he came out with LESS than he came in with! But he couldn't do a thing about it - trying to flex his other toes didn't work, Taran's touch made them relax and relinquish their bounty, and then the monitor lizard went for his hands, deftly plucking either of the mirror hand rings off of his fingers. By the time he reached Denlin's head, the fox had given up - there wasn't any way to protect his ears anyway. Things got darker and his hearing less acute as the one stud was removed, and the dampener was soon to join. Tarak stepped back around him, setting his pilfered goods on the entry desk, and then tapped something that made the hallway light up a bit - though from what source, Denlin couldn't see.

"Hm...now this is an interesting garment." Tarak seemed even bigger in better light, Denlin could see the greenish hue of his scales more clearly, as well as the bulk that he possessed. There was no distinct tone to the monitor lizard's muscle, he was just BIG. "I can sense sonic dampening effects and fur trapping...and...is that form memory? Goodness, this must have been expensive. I doubt you couldn't have stolen this one, to fit your body the way it does...impressively fitting around the groin, I must say. Well, you have two choices...you can try to escape without it, or you can repay me how I want and get it back when I'm through with you, along with the rest of your goods." The lizard smirked as Denlin's eyes widened, the fox suddenly realizing there was not going to be a quick escape tonight. "I'll let your actions reveal your decision...for now, let's get THIS off."

Denlin's hands clenched as the monitor's grip tightened on his sneak suit. For a moment he hoped it would hold, against all odds, but a sharp tug and the fabric rent as it was meant to, splitting from behind and snapping up along with that jerked part, leaving Denlin utterly bare to the world. And he felt heat rise in his face as he saw Tarak's eyes widen a bit in curiosity and clear interest...when it became obvious why the sneak suit was so 'impressively fitting around the groin.' That was because there was simply no sheath or testes to accommodate. "Well! A crossborn! Your type don't typically put yourself into such risky situations...you must be bolder even than I thought."

"Don't remind me..." Denlin was looking away a bit, steaming under his fur. Crossborn - one born with the physical body of one gender but bearing the reproductive pieces of another. A significant part of the reason he was the way he was - crossborn males tended to be shorter and slenderer, females tended to be larger and bulkier. And Tarak was right, they didn't usually do such risky things, because some had a rather unfortunate habit of taking advantage of their peculiarities - many laws tended to have blind spots that could conveniently be used to escape punishment for transgressing against them in such ways. Not that Tarak needed the excuse - the law provided a LOT of latitude for dealing with an intruder however he wanted, Denlin knew that all too well. And the way Tarak was looking at him, he had the feeling that the monitor lizard was going to take full advantage of that latitude.

Indeed, after setting Denlin's sneak suit aside to knit itself back together, Tarak approached the helpless fox once again, a devious look on his face as he stepped between those outstretched legs, his claws coming up to lightly scratch along Denlin's thigh. "So, little crossborn foxy. What do you think's going to happen now? You're nice and helpless, and I'm interested in you providing me a little...restitution for your unwelcome intrusion into my home. Any ideas for what I might do about that?"

Denlin gave Tarak a dour look. "Is this where I'm supposed to pretend you actually have any other thoughts that what you're so...subtly hinting at? I know what happens to us when we get caught..."

"Oh, let's not be misled here...I was going to do this either way. You being crossborn just makes it more interesting..." Those clawed fingers slid up Denlin's thigh, and danced around his lower lips a little bit before two of them pushed in, making the fox inhale sharply. There was a warmth to that touch, almost an unnatural one...he wasn't sure what that meant, and wasn't entirely sure if he wanted to know. It was certainly not the first contact he'd ever had there - Denlin had experience, both wanted and unwanted, and given what he did for a living, it was one of those things that he had to accept as a possible outcome. At this point, he would rather have just taken it than had the build-up.

Tarak wasn't giving that option, though, working his fingers in deeper and spreading that mildly disconcerting warmth deep within Denlin. "I can't say I've ever had the pleasure of doing such things with one of you. I've encountered crossborn before, of course...some wanting to change themselves to match what they thought they should be, some wanting to change at someone else's whim...the latter, of course, I would never advise, one should never sacrifice the body they want for only another's happiness. But to change to match your desire is, of course, a wonderful thing...they are hardly the only ones, some males would rather be females, some females would rather be males...why, there are even males and females wishing to be made like the crossborn are. And with the right tweak, a good magic ring can give them their wishes...yet, you'd have to travel far beyond the realms of familiarity to find another who would even consider working such magic to such wholesome ends. It really is a shame, isn't it? That someone with no relevance should demand such authority over the bodies of others..."

On the one hand, it was slight comfort that his status wasn't something that inspired derision or anything similar in Tarak...on other, he was currently being fingered by something that absolutely WAS some kind of magic in the monitor's fingers and being monologued to kill time while that spell was working its way in, and that was about as uncomfortable as it got. Particularly because it was doing something to him...he was feeling a warmth in his loins that wasn't normal, and wasn't sure whether it was the stimulation or the spell that was bringing it about.

"But I suppose I digress a bit. Yes, I've probably seen more of you than just about anyone else has, at least who knows it. They come to me with all sorts of requests...even mundane ones, since they scarcely trust others to treat them right. But there are others...particularly aides to prevent fertility, for those who are...or, for those who aren't, to enable it." Tara's tongue flicked out as Denlin squirmed a bit. "I wonder which one you are, foxy..."

That was a dangerous question...Denlin had enough experience to know that, no, he was not one of the crossborn 'gifted' with natural fertility. He also had enough knowledge to know that, for a sufficiently skilled wizard, that was no obstacle...oh gods, was that what he was doing? If Tarak was planning on putting a child in him, that was going to be as bad for his prospects as it could get. Not only could he do any thieving at all while gravid, there was no way he could keep up that kind of lifestyle with a child...and if Tarak was going to make it happen, he'd also make sure Denlin couldn't do anything about it, either. He really, really hoped that wasn't the lizard's angle...

Those fingers pulled out, but there was a buzz in Denlin's loins that wasn't going away...in fact, it was getting hotter, heavier, making him twitch and itch and leak...he realized vaguely that he was getting pretty wet down there, and there was a feeling of emptiness that was far more potent than he could ever remember it being before. His breaths started getting shaky as he realized that whatever the other effects of the spell, it was doing something to make him much needier...that wasn't a good sign.

"Feel that, foxy? Of course you do. A nice, simple spell, designed to put you into heat...or, at least, give off the simulation of one. And the only relief you'll find from it is to feel my seed inside you...or the seed of other males, but they, I'm afraid, won't be as effective at it. And the duration? Well, I think three days for each piece you tried to remove from my care is only appropriate...and there were a total of twenty-two objects there, I counted quite carefully. Hmhm, consider it a little incentive for you to complete your payback to me, rather than trying to escape...I really do think you're going to want those implements of yours back, but this should serve as a little extra insurance."

Fuuuuck...he really knows how to turn the screws. And the worst part was, Denlin already KNEW it was going to work. He'd only been feeling it for maybe a minute and he already knew it was going to get to the point where he couldn't handle it anymore...and if other males couldn't quell it nearly as effectively, his fate would be sealed as a volunteer brothel whore until it was over, and who knew if he'd ever come back from that. Even if he had to service Tarak two or three times a day, it was better than that fate. At least, that was what he was thinking until he saw what was rising between the reptile's legs...his eyes widened as he saw not one, but TWO beasts of prodigious proportion, each bearing an uneven surface with plenty of fleshy protrusions. "Th-that...that won't...fit..."

"Tsk, you should know better, little foxy," teased Tarak as he leaned down on the bound fox, pressing himself up against that wet entrance. "Magic scoffs at the limits of the mundane. You'll feel every inch and nothing but rapture...should I fail, I'll not only return your belongings, but even bequeath on you what you intended to take from me." It sounded like a lot, which only make Denlin certain that Tarak had absolutely no concerns - and it was hard to know whether he should be reassured by that, or the exact opposite.

At the moment, though, he was feeling nothing but need...and the pressure of those cocks against him was only amplifying that. They were pressed together, probably by magic since he could see both of Tarak's hands on him, but he wasn't pushing in...and that heat was getting a lot stronger a lot quicker, the scent of the lizard in his nose driving it to new heights, that dry and smoky scent that some part of his mind liked far too much, and some part of his body magnitudes more. He knew Tarak could tell he was losing it...suddenly Denlin knew what he needed to do, and he was just in enough of a state that his pride accepted the wound. "Pleaaaase, Tarak...I need your cocks, I need your seed...fuck me, please..."

"Well, since you begged so nicely..." Tarak's hold tightened, and he thrust in, not particularly gently but at least not going in more than a few inches. And Denlin cried out as he felt that stretch, that bizarre rubbing from those bumpy staves, that heat...and it was GLORIOUS. Far too big, yet somehow a perfect fit; an utterly unfamiliar shape, yet somehow stimulating him in the most ideal way. Tarak was indeed a wizard, and he was using that to his advantage, and if this was just the start...

Slowly the reptile pulled back, Denlin feeling every bit of texture on those dicks as they dragged across his flesh, causing him to mewl blissfully. It had never gotten this sharp this quickly...the induced heat was making him hypersensitive, and firing bolts of pleasure into his brain from all of these impositions. The reluctance was rapidly melting away, and Tarak wasn't even going close to what he was surely capable of...forget escape, Denlin was in a fight to keep from breaking, and that was a daunting one in its own right. Particularly as Tarak thrust forward once more, delving in deeper and making him cry out breathlessly as another surge of satisfaction crashed through him. He'd heard some people describe sex glowingly before, but faced with a fuck that was literally magical, no other word seemed to appropriately describe how good it could be at its best.

"That's right, foxy, let's hear you sing..." Tarak's voice was almost a purr, at least as close to one as a monitor lizard could get. He was picking up the pace a bit now, his in-and-out still slow but with much less pause between movements, delving in deeper and deeper with every thrust. Warm bursts deep inside Denlin made the fox moan and shiver as he felt his body part more and more readily for him, going in so much deeper than anyone else ever had and much faster at that. Every inch of those cocks stretching his loins beyond all reason, and somehow it felt even more fantastic the more overwhelming it was. His body was trying to tense down on those invaders, though there wasn't much more he could do to tighten down - he could already see the thickness of those shafts in his body, they were overdoing it something fierce and he couldn't want anything but more.

By now Tarak was practically laying down on him...Denlin could feel that imposing weight, the rub of that scaly hide rubbing against his fur, the flick of that forked tongue under his muzzle. Were he on a table, he might have been risking being crushed, but with nothing under him, it just felt more like he was clinging to Tarak...it probably should have been agony on his arms and legs, but the magic ropes around his torso seemed to be taking some of the edge off of that...it barely even registered to him that Tarak was moving through those lengths as if they didn't even exist, without so much as mildly inconveniencing them. Whatever manner of magic being used here was far more advanced than he'd ever suspected...

He felt Tarak hilt, and suddenly Denlin's body spasmed, his head jerking back and a cry so high and breathless that it barely came out as more than a squeak escaped him to signal his orgasm. His vision blurred as his brain was overloaded with ecstasy, the raw physical sensation being aided by the magic-induced heat, surging to life and amplifying the pleasure to unreasonable levels. He thrashed a bit in his helpless elevation as his cunt gushed all over those thick intruders, making the sounds of their coupling sloppier and louder. Only the two of them to hear it, but they heard all they needed to hear to know what was happening...

Tarak slowed a bit more while Denlin was wracked, clearly reveling in the feeling of that snatch clenching down on him and trying to bring them along for the ride. He was much more composed than Denlin was, though, clearly not ready to be done and weathering that storm adeptly. But the fox wasn't ready for the other side of him...Tarak had proven his magical prowess, now came the physical one. No sooner had Denlin regained his senses from his climax than did Tarak strike, latching on tighter and starting to TRULY go to town on him. Gone were the long and slow strokes from before...he was now ramming in, yanking out with forceful jerks and then driving in with the full force of that impressive body, looking for all the world like he was going to break Denlin's body with his might.

And so help him, Denlin thought that might actually be completely fine, because holy HELL was he losing it. The thief's mental state was about as disheveled as his fur now, flooded with euphoric cascades far beyond what the body alone could have produced...he'd stopped thinking about just about anything other than the moment and the sensations, the feeling of those bumpy and uneven cocks, the raw stretch, the dry musk, the deep reptilian growls, because there was no room for anything else, no time to think, barely enough time to process everything he was feeling. His voice had given out, he was mostly twitching and spasming on reflex, letting his body go through all the motions it wanted - and what it wanted was to milk those massive twins for every drop they had and pump him full enough that he'd look pregnant even if he wasn't. Something that was not far from happening, given the way Tarak's breath was rushing over him in deep and heavy waves...

A roar broke from Tarak's maw, and he slammed in HARD, hilting one last time and unleashing a powerful, potent rush from his balls, that thick spunk splashing deep into Denlin and triggering another cataclysmic barrage from the magic imbued into him, overriding everything else in a command to climax. And Denlin obeyed without thought or hesitation, his jaw held widely slack as he loosed his honey over those dual dicks, providing a modicum of his own contribution to what was currently swelling up his midsection. Whether it was the sheer thickness of the cocks plugging him up or another aspect of the spell working its magic on Denlin, not a single drop of Tarak's seed was leaving him, forcing his body to make space for all that was within him, and it was a LOT. It felt like too much, but all this had been too much, and also been just right at the same time...why would this be any different?

Denlin was pretty sure he'd lost consciousness briefly, or at the very least gotten so hazy that he lost time somehow. Suddenly he was blinking, the world around him registering again...it couldn't have been long, he was still being filled by Tarak, though the flow was definitely nearing its end. The two monumental orgasms had taken their toll on him, he was weary and just wanted to sleep now...but it was hard not to think that if this was how his punishment was going to go, it could be a whole lot worse. Presuming that Tarak knew exactly how to keep up this sort of thing without hurting him, but he'd seen little reason to think otherwise at the moment...

The lizard rose up, relinquishing the weight off of Denlin as he slowly pulled his cocks out of the fox; Denlin could feel his body tightening up as they vacated, and something was holding that pool of spunk deep within him, his body handling it better now that it didn't also need to accommodate a mammoth amount of man meat, but Denlin could swear he could still see some extra girth there. As Tarak moved to his side, his arms went under Denlin, and the fox felt the bonds loosen and pull away from him, his limbs and body freed...freed, but he couldn't do much to take advantage of that, his exhaustion far too great. Would it have mattered anyway? He was far better off working off his penance...

"As fantastic a start as I would have hoped for." Tarak walked with Denlin to the stairs, carrying him up with him. "It's rare that they're as expressive as you...then again, I suppose the spell helps quite a bit with that. Hmhm, we'll see how you fare during your punishment...perhaps by the time it's done, you'll be pleading with me to knock you up. And if you are, hm, don't think I'll hesitate for a second..."

Dimly the arguable threat of that registered in Denlin's mind, but he didn't really have much reaction to it at the moment. If that did happen...well, his thieving days would be over, but it would likely mean he'd have a new role in life. Maybe another one he was well-suited for...he didn't know, wouldn't know for a good long while. His attempted theft had ended with him being what was taken...but of all the ways to be caught, this was turning out to be a VERY nice catch. Maybe one where he wouldn't want to let go...

Used To It By Now

He ran forward, headlong towards the structure in front of him. It was large and slick, it didn't seem like he could clear it in a single jump, even though he had a pretty good leap. But there was a space underneath it that he could crawl...

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The Ass and the Lap Dog

The sound of hammer on nail rang through the air, a rhythmic clanging that repeated over and over for several seconds before coming to a halt. A pause, and then it started again, lasting for a similar amount of time before silence fell once...

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VIP Treatment

Being called into the boss's office was something that always inspired mixed feelings in Lyos. One of these days, he'd have to be informed that he'd completed his service to Mystic Aura Springs, and that was almost certainly going to come from...

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