Broken Secrets: Book Two (erotic eBook teaser)

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#2 of Erotic eBooks, teasers and tasters

Fyr hangs out with Carenath a little more, the two anthro dragons getting along like a house on fire. She doesn't know what to make of everything. She got shot down before, crashed and burned in a relationship, does she know that things are going to be alright this time?

She can't know. But one thing that Fyr can do is have a little summer of fun for herself, with her drake boyfriend Carenath.

Between the two of them, they surely can find new things, in romance and flirting, to occupy their attention...can't they?

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Broken Secrets

Book Two

After their first time together, Car and Fyr grew closer and closer, as if they had always been together. What Fyr had thought was just a summer fling, a sunny romance that would come to an end when they moved into Autumn, became so much more than that. It was hard to tell just how much time was passing, feeling as if they had been with each other forever, but, in reality, all it had been was three weeks past that first, devious time out on the island in the middle of the lake.

Soft kisses in the evening when his parents were out. Even though they were more than old enough to be doing what they were doing, in their twenties, it was different still when they both lived at home. Fyr knew that her mom didn't much care what she did, as long as she was safe and happy, but she still had to take into account some things, like her own comfort and that of her mother too. For the first time, she wanted a tiny bit of space and privacy, though still returned home and was around enough for that to be easily accessible to her.

It was not that she wanted to be away from her mother forever, after all. Fyr was just a little infatuated and that was okay too.

Of course, there was still the matter of her brother, Kao, for Car, the blue drake more suspicious than Fyr had been, at least before she'd gotten her innocence broken, her heart shattered. Maybe that meant that something had happened to him that he'd never told Fyr about or maybe it meant something else entirely, but neither were things that she could get out of him. They'd been closer when they'd been younger, but, with all his sports and friends, things had changed, as was the case for so many siblings.

Yet, despite him being her younger brother, Kao still looked Carenath up and down suspiciously, his chin even tilting as if he was trying to make it obvious what he was doing. Fyr scoffed, one paw on her hip.

"Little brother, what on earth are you doing? Say hello!"

It was something that she might have said to a much younger dragon than Kao, never usually referring to him as her brother either (it always came out weirdly), but her brother did not react. He merely carried right on with what he was doing, rocking back on his heels, nostrils flaring in a puff of distrust.

"You'd better not hurt my sister, Carenath," he said, using the drake's full name rather than the nickname that was in common use for him, even around their house. "I've seen guys like you before... I know what you're like!"

Fyr rolled her eyes.

"Alright, alright, that's enough of that. Maybe you can be protective and take care of me when I actually need it, hm, Kao?"

Kao growled as she flapped her paws at him and ushered him from the living room where they'd been standing, his teeth showing - though that was merely part of being a dragon and could not so easily be hidden. With a dragon, they were often on show, regardless of what they were doing or what expression they were making.

"Fyr, come on! You can't be serious, just let me..."

"Let you - what? Kao? Hm? He's my boyfriend, not yours!"

For there was nothing, not really, that a brother could do about a sister's boyfriend unless something went south there (then there was plenty that a caring brother could do about that). He was just puffing up his chest, trying to state what was or was not okay when, really, everything was fine the way it was already.

"Jeez, Car, sorry about that."

She offered the drake a smile and a half-shrug as if to say, "what are you going to do about it?" but Car was already laughing.

"No, it's fine! I've seen Kao around, I'm sure we'll get on. It's sweet that he's so worried, makes me wish I had a sister too."

"And I'm sure she would be as much trouble as you are!"

She slung her arms around his neck, standing up onto the tips of her toes to make herself a little taller again, though they were already well-matched. He laughed and kissed her, taking what was offered, his tongue twisting around and playing up against hers as he deeply and passionately kissed her.

It, perhaps, was not all that much of an appropriate kiss for the length of time that they had been together, but was anyone worrying about something like that? They could do what they liked, the passion of their lips coming together with a light sheen of dampness bringing rise to fresh lust, keen in the cool of the morning. Although things were getting warm for their kind of summer, they didn't want to spend too much time indoors, though the two of them could be persuaded for some certain acts...


Fyr squealed as Carenath used her bodyweight against her, toppling her over the back of the large sofa onto the cushions, bouncing, threatening to topple off, but his tail was quick enough to catch her.

"Got you!"

She laughed, clinging to him, one leg half hanging off, though she could not find it in herself to care when he was so close to her, the heat of him alluring. Fyr had never considered how possible it was for her to feel as attracted to another as she did to Car, but tracing her nails tenderly down his arms, feeling the lines of muscle under his scales, would never get old, not to her. There was always something new to explore with the drake, her heart pounding, something that was becoming very familiar to her thickening at his crotch.

"I think you're happy to see me," she breathed, eyes alight, though half closed, lips a hair's breadth from his. "Very much so..."

The dragon sucked in a breath, body shuddering. His length hardened, thickening up quickly, though there was only so much room in his underwear and shorts for it to go, the tightness uncomfortable.

"I always am... But we're not alone here."

Fyr muttered something rude under her breath, though it was not something that could be helped as they sat up again, Car taking a little more distance. He couldn't help that he needed to calm down, trying to cross his ankle over his opposite thigh, giving himself room to breathe, though there was not a single position with a hard-on that could ever be comfortable without his length being shoved where it belonged.

But maybe that would have been a little crude to say out loud, heat prickling down his neck, rubbing the back of it, sliding Fyr a look.

"So... What should we do?"

Spending some time inside until things calmed down, for both of them, seemed sensible, so Fyr tugged the living room curtains across a little more to reduce the glare and reflection off the TV screen, the gaming systems already set up. Due to Kao, they had pretty much every modern console imaginable, though Sasha had had to be a little savvy to be able to get them for her kids. She, however, was not about to let them go without anything, even if they could be quite a steep price when purchased new.

That didn't mean either that Fyr did not enjoy playing on them, though Kao, perhaps, was a touch better than her, as he spent more time on them. Her attention had been taken up by studying and, later, working, as busy as she'd ever been, so he had reaped the spoils. But platformers, RPGs, even shooters and driving games - everything was in her wheelhouse, something that she had picked up at some point out of curiosity, though only some had stuck.

"Oh, I haven't played this one in ages!"

Car grabbed an older game with a purple dragon on the front, not the sort of game that Fyr expected him to go for, but she stifled her giggle.

"Sure... Oh, Kao's got the new Fast and Furious, we should try that later!"

But not all games had to be slick and serious, sometimes they could simply be funny, and she would not make a comment about him choosing the only game that was easily accessible with a dragon on it. Some of her older collection was in the loft and Fyr made a mental note to get it down later, though it was not her, in particular, that seemed interested in a touch of nostalgia. But that was more than alright, considering that it meant that they could spend more time together.

It was good too to laugh at old games, cycling through some of the open collection, what was stored on the rack beside the TV, where the games themselves were not digital only editions. Neither Car nor Fyr could agree on what they thought about that, for while the digital editions (no cases) were more convenient, there was something about having the physical disc or, going back further, the cartridge, that was simply satisfying.

And she was happy too to sit there and rest her head on his shoulder, careful of his horns, though she knew well enough how to manage bits like that when she was a dragon herself. It wasn't too bad, not really, laughing with him, his fingers resting on her thigh whenever there was a save screen or loading screen or whatever, which she supposed meant that he had calmed down for the moment. The dragoness wasn't sure whether that was a good thing or not, at that time.

She wanted him there, one way or another, and she had to be focused, to drink in every moment like sips of summer sunshine, sweetness on her lips. So content was Fyr, however, that she didn't hear Kao re-entering the room.

"Hey... What's this?"

Kao peered over the back of the sofa at the TV, though Fyr did not think to ask why he'd been crouching down back there. She would have hissed at him, if that had crossed her mind, but it did not seem as important right then and there, though she still eyed him suspiciously.

"What does it look like we're doing?"

She was a little snappier and snarkier with her brother than she really had to be, but that was simply the way of it, how some things were between siblings. The majority of the quibbles and quarrels were not anything major and that was how Kao ended up sitting down on the other side of Fyr, a controller clasped tightly in his paws. No way was anyone getting that away from him!

"I didn't even know this was a three-player game!"

"Yeah, but it looks a bit weird with three active players, the way they split the screens," Car said with a frown. "It's like they only wanted two or four players with this one... Weird."

"The second one on the Xbox fixed that, I think," Kao said, but he was more focused on controlling his digital car, the collection of pixels on the screen, than being eloquent in conversation. "Something about not always having four players... Everyone's online now these days, but you know. It was a thing back then even."


The games allowed Car and Kao to get a little closer to each other and, afraid to break whatever kind of truce Kao had made with her new boyfriend, she said nothing. She did not have to serve either of them, but everyone took turns grabbing snacks and drinks, though it was her, of course, that had to insist gently that they eat something "proper" and got sandwiches sorted. When she came back, however, she saw that Kao and Car had ever so slightly closed the space between them on the sofa, talking animatedly about some obscure game that, frankly, she'd never got into.

But if what she thought was boring was something that could bring the two of them a little bit closer together, she was not going to complain one bit about that, even if it was kind of funny how easy it had been, in the end, for Car to win over Kao. It was the sort of thing that she thought only happened in movies and the like, or, well...maybe that was just the way Kao was.

End preview.

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