Week Off (Part 2)

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#2 of Week Off

Fiz finds himself under heavy bondage as he is subjected to more hypnotic brainwashing by K.

Part 2 of my 3-part story!

Let me know what you think :3

Fiz blinked.

His eyes stared into the darkness unable to register any shapes that he could recognize. He tried to move his head, then his arms, then his feet. None of them moved. He was standing upright, and his limbs spread eagle. Hands and arms out at an angle leaving every inch of him exposed. He tried to get a look at what was holding him in the position but every which way his eyes turned were met with darkness. Was he blindfolded? His senses told him he was not. There was nothing covering his eyes, but he did feel something pressed around the edges of his head. He squinted his eyes and with enough concentration was able to recognize the gear on his face. A gas mask with a visor extending the length of his face. Through the visor, he couldn't see anything in the room beyond. The lights must have been turned off. He tested his restraints again trying to identify what exactly held him in place. His paws were mitted, his feet shoved in boots, and his skin was still inside of a latex suit. Outside of that, he couldn't ascertain why none of his limbs could move.

He shifted his hips slightly and felt something prod his prostate. He gave a surprised moan at the realization that he was plugged with a toy in his ass. He smiled and started to buck his hips in a small attempt to feel pleasure in his bound state. He felt his member slide out of his sheath but as his erection rose it nudged against a cold fabric. He froze expecting something to begin torturing it, but nothing happened. He shifted again and the material fell away from his member. At this moment his brain noticed something; his suit was now heavier than before. It felt baggier to wear yet was still tight around his chest and limbs. He shifted his hips again and made sense of his new gear; the suit was double-layered. The inner layer was much like any latex suit which clung to his skin in a tight fashion. The outside layer hung loose in a baggy fashion as it had much more excess material than any suit he had seen. Why? What was he wearing?

Okay, what's going on? He thought to himself in the darkness. How did I get here?

He ventured into his mind trying to access his memories and was immediately hit with resistance. Hypnotic coils which had laid resting in his mind suddenly flared to life and attacked his consciousness. Memories accompanied them.

Oh shit! The game!

He remembered K's promise to push him into obedience. How he was going to break his mind down with each orgasm he made. He remembered being suited up, teased, and then....

Did I...cum? He searched his mind for the answer. Fuck! I can't remember

The memories of the end of his previous scene with K were simply not emerging. Everywhere he looked inside his head hypnotic coils waited. They flocked to his presence yet kept their distance. He sized them up trying to ascertain their purpose. Over the times he had been under it he had begun to identify how K's hypnosis worked inside his head. The process of soothing and controlling his mind came in the form of waves and coils. The waves focused on relaxing his mind, soothing anxiety and filling him up with bubbling happiness. The coils restricted his thoughts blocking him from thinking negative emotions and pointed his mind in directions as they saw fit. In other words, the coils tended to do most of the heavy lifting keeping him in the waves like a baby getting forced to take a bath. Except with his previous experiences the waves nor the coils remained in his head after he broke eye contact with the snake. Yet here they were blocking access to his memories.

He shivered inside his suit remembering how with every orgasm they would become stronger. Did he cum already? Is that why they are still here? Was losing his memory a part of that process? Dread crept up inside his stomach at the thought of him turning into a mindless pup who had no memories of his former life made to serve K for all eternity. And yet the image made his cock bounce and filled him with horny desire. This was the game; he was battling himself as much as he was K at this point. His somewhat pompous grip on his sense of self and control versus K who was using his horny foxy submissiveness to make him so eager to bend over and present every inch of him in the name of pleasure and bliss. He wondered what his Sir had in store for him this round.

A hiss underneath his right ear cut off his train of thought. He instinctively gasped and inhaled a chemical that caused his lungs to burn. He coughed as his system impulsively tried to rid itself of the foreign compound. His cock suddenly pulsed, and his mind raced as a new wave of lust coursed through his veins. The coils in his mind shifted in response.

"Ah good, you're awake." The voice of K sounded behind him. A light clicked on revealing a couch in front of him and a control panel with wires and tubes extending toward his feet. He tried to look down to see where they went or to get a better look at his suit, but this was to no avail. His mask was fixed frustratingly forwards and slightly up preventing him from looking in any direction but forwards. His dom slithered into view and took a seat letting his coils amass beneath him. He eyed the controls and pressed a button. Another hiss poured more of the gas into his mask and Fiz instinctively coughed again but then moaned as another wave of pleasure replaced the dry burn in his lungs. He bucked his hips in frustration trying to feel stimulation in either his prostate or cock. But neither the loose outer layer of the suit nor the plug in his rump provided anything close to relief. The hypnosis pulsed briefly in his eyes, and he felt the coils in his mind lurking out of the shadows to slowly restrict his thoughts.

"As you can see this gas acts as an aphrodisiac," K began to explain with a smile on his lips, "But much like the drink you consumed earlier it is also a psychic dampener. It'll make you much more susceptible to my commands. For instance..."

No sooner did he finish speaking, the yellow eyes of the snake flashed searing through Fiz's weakened mind. A word came through with the hypnotic ripples.


The waves appeared and began to suddenly soothe all worries from his subconscious then playfully began to stimulate his sex drive in tandem with the gas. The fox howled a moan as his desire was driven further, his mind helplessly demanding he receive any form of pleasure immediately. He began to pant rapidly to vent out some of the gas to reduce the aphrodisiac plaguing his system. K quietly flipped a switch on his controls in response. A click sounded on the front of his gas mask and Fiz's outtake valve was abruptly cut off. His eyes bulged in surprise as he suddenly found himself unable to exhale. A new flash of hypnosis entered his mind from the naga.


The fox's lungs were caught trying to exhale causing his diaphragm to give a quick spasm. It strained a few times trying to complete its designed routine exhale before relaxing slightly causing him to inhale. The breath brought more gas which compiled itself onto used air in his lungs causing a dry burn to erupt in his chest. He strained his muscles in a wild attempt to free himself from the pain, but it was suddenly accompanied by a new wave of horny lust which spilled into his body. His hips thrusted uncontrollably as the subby subconscious buried in the hypnosis and the aphrodisiac began to overtake his body's frantic spasms. The control exerted on him aroused a strange squeak from his throat as he tried to moan with no air to do so. His back arched and he gave one final strain on his restraints as his lungs began to scorch. He eyed the snake with desperate eyes.

"Please." He mouthed to him. "Please Sir". Another flash came in response.


A switch was flipped, and a click sounded in his mask. Air exploded out of his mask as he expelled the burning gas from his lungs. Fiz held his breath for a short moment once his lungs were empty before hesitantly inhaling. To his surprise cool fresh air entered his lungs, freezing away the charred pain of the gas. The sensation caused his hair to stand on end as he let out a small gasp and shivered slightly. He slowly relaxed over the course of several breaths, his diaphragm finding its rhythmic pattern once again. However, as he calmed down, he began to realize that while the gas may have no longer been in his lungs its effects were still present. His cock was still hard, occasionally twitching and begging for release. His mind was ablaze with activity that he could barely comprehend.

Smooth waves of pleasure and bliss accompanied by controlling coils swarmed his head. The hypnosis began showing him all sorts of embarrassing things as it used his own memories to tease him. He remembered how he asked and begged to be played with by K, pleading with him in texts over the weeks to be coiled up and made immobile. He saw him being put in pink gear for the first time by the snake only to be forced to admit under hypnosis how it made him feel delicate. He remembered their previous scene from the night in which K edged him relentlessly while Fiz tried desperately to hold back cumming to not lose the game. His mind paused, just for a moment, dwelling on that memory unable to ascertain once again if he had already cum and lost or not. But then pleasure washed away the uncertainty and his thoughts flowed with the waves once again. Words began to sound in his mind echoing off imaginary walls.


Those words awoke something in him. They had a rhythmic pattern which he mulled repeatedly in his head. LUST, he liked that one. The word brought all sorts of thoughts to his mind. His constant horny nature, his submissive personality, and all the things he had repeatedly asked his slithery friend to do to him today. His lust flowed his thoughts to the next word: NEED. He bucked his hips again in frustration feeling the plug in his rump tease his prostate. He grunted in frustration in another fruitless attempt to accompany his horny desire with stimulation. He strained again thinking of other ways he could get off when a thought occurred. With how long he had the plug in his hole it would be rather loose after this ordeal. It would be perfect for a good fuck. OBEDIENCE, like clockwork his brain brought the hypnotic words full circle as he looked up at the snake on the couch. K was smiling at his struggle and using one hand to tease the slit in his tail which kept his cocks hidden. The slit which Fiz was now eyeing eagerly.

"Please....," His voice was weak as he spoke, "Please fuck me Sir."

K stopped teasing himself and perked up at the sound of the fox's voice.

"Oh? I think I will soon." He replied with a devious look forming on his face. "But you are enjoying yourself so much, no? Why should I interrupt your fun, my pet? In fact, let's play with your lungs some more!"

The snake's top portion rose from up and slithered forwards and met the fox eye to eye. From his hand, he produced a small tube that he connected to the left side of Fiz's gas mask. K's eyes began to flicker, and a word was carried with them.


Fiz's lungs froze in fear, suddenly unwilling to expand in fear of inhaling more gas. K responded with a small "tsk", then held up the end of the tube to reveal it was in fact not attached to anything. The snake poised his thumb over the opening. Frightened at the realization of what was to come Fiz tried to inhale a quick breath but was quickly cut off by K's finger.

"Oh, poor foxy," The naga chuckled, "If only you followed my orders without question, you would have more oxygen to breathe. We'll soon fix your stubbornness, however. You'll learn to OBEY."

The word "obey" came coupled with more hypnosis fueling the waves inside his head. The hypnotic commands of "LUST NEED OBEDIENCE" began to sway faster in his mind. The words bellowed deep into his mind accompanied by the colorful waves from K's eyes. The waves flooded his mind creating a storm of bliss. Torrents of happiness cut off his fear, his worries, and his anxiety. A great tension was released throughout his body as his subconsciousness was engulfed by the waves of his horny desire amplified tenfold by the hypnosis and the chemical running throughout his system. The coils came too, and they began to restrict and block his thoughts as they did earlier. Preventing him from averting his gaze. Keeping his mind in the eye of the storm. But they were warmer than usual. Warm like K's beautiful eyes. They no longer felt like they were restraining him, but rather hugging him. A word rippled through his mind.


The waves suddenly crashed down upon him, towing his mind under their influence. But the coils seemed to have a mind of their own. They pulled him upright; kept him semi-conscious under the weight of the submissiveness. In the flurry of activity, his mind was suddenly paralyzed. His lust, the pure sexual energy which he had built up over a week in chastity, began to crush him. The heat wrapped him like a blanket, and made him feel cozy, safe, and happy until finally his conscious mind broke. It stopped fighting the coils and rather let them guide him through the storm in his head. Like a ski pulled behind a boat, the coils began to lead his thoughts along the currents. Directing them from one idea to another. He was horny. He wanted to be played with. He wanted to feel his Sir's coils on his fur again. He wanted K's snake cocks inside of him. He needed.... He needed....

As his mind ran out of air the K stuck his mouth over the end of the tube and blew into it. Expired air filled the fox's lungs forced in by the massive air pressure created by the snake's large lung capacity. Fiz's eyes bulged, and K plugged the tube again before resuming the hypnotic bombardment of his sub's mind.


For a split second, the fox's mind savored the air from the snake's lungs. The dank texture stuck in his mouth sending a flurry of activity along his tongue. Fiz's nose caught whiffs of his Sir's scent adding to his heightened arousal. He moaned out a breath and K filled his lungs again with another exhale into the tube. The fox shook and held the breath in his lungs for another savory moment. As the snake continued to play with the fox's lungs Fiz's mind resumed its earlier train of thought.

He needed to be played with. This treatment, the bondage, the breath play, the hypnosis, he fucking loved it. But right now, he would love nothing more to be fucked. Anything to satisfy the heat in his system. His ass clenched down on the plug and his cock bounced again. But there was only one way he was getting out of this suit.


Fiz's breathing pattern resumed to normal with all the air he drank supplied by K's lungs. A droopy smile formed on his lips as his tongue hung out of his mouth causing him to audibly pant with each breath. The naga hissed, delighted to see the submissive face on his sub. The fox muttered a gasping sentence between breaths.

"Please Sir.... Please fuck me. I want out so we can fuck.... Please"

"Oh hoh!" The snake chuckled. "You'll get out soon. But first I need to push you. Just a little further...."

K reached behind him and pushed a large red button on the console behind him. A motor clicked on, and a hiss erupted around Fiz as air rushed up around his body. He tried to look at what was happening, but his gaze was still fully locked on K's glowing yellow eyes. Instead, his body felt what was occurring around him. Warm air poured in from a hose into the suit he was wearing, inflating the loose outer layer. The material pulled away from the inner layer and stretched away from his body. Soon, the fox looked like a pink and black striped beach ball with just his boots, mitted paws, and gas mask sticking out of the rubber. When the ball suit was finished the pressure inside the suit intensified massaging Fiz's body through the inside layer of the suit. He moaned at the sensation and attempted to move his limbs sending ripples bouncing along the surface of the tight rubber which encased him. To the hypnotized fox he felt like he could float away if he wasn't anchored to the floor. In his mind he imagined himself floating up in the suit; the ball lifting off the ground with him in it. Carrying him higher into this pleasant headspace of bliss. The coils and the waves began to assist his ascent, pulling him higher. The words were there too.




They were no longer commanding him. No longer stirring up a storm in his head. They too were floating like he was. They were pleasant to hear now. Enticing even to listen to them echo through his mind like a whisper in the night. He soon found himself speaking them out loud:

"Lust.... Need.... Obedience"

"Good boy!" K's voice spoke softly as if trying not to wake him. "Very good! Now... BREATH"

His lungs obeyed taking in the strange gas which had suddenly been reintroduced to his air supply. His body was prepared for it to irritate him like before, but no burning came from it this time. It permeated his lungs and hung in his chest making it warm. The warmth flowed into his mind and lifted his subconscious higher into the bliss. Fiz moaned. He breathed again, deeper this time, and shivered as his mind interpreted the gas as a warm updraft raising his balloon suit higher. He began speaking the words faster to fit them in each time he exhaled.

"Lust. Need. Obedience." Inhale, "Lust. Need. Obedience." Inhale

In the distance, he heard K's soft voice speaking to him.

"The more you breathe the lighter you feel. The lighter you are the hornier you'll become. The hornier you are the more you need to play. The needier you get the more you'll obey. The more you obey the more you breathe. That's all you can do now my slut. Just breathe and obey me."

His rise slowly came to a halt in his mind. Fiz floated happily in his headspace above all the anxieties he carried with him every day. He didn't need to worry about them now, all he had to do was rest weightlessly in his mind on top of the warm waves of the spirals from K's eyes. And yet, the coils were still trying to pull him higher. He looked up and saw a pink cloud just out of his reach. Pink, was the color which K chose for him to wear, one that made him feel safe and cute. It made the cloud look so inviting yet no matter how much he willed himself to float higher it remained out of his grasp. He wanted to be enveloped in it, to feel the pleasure that was contained within. He needed it. He needed to....

"Please make me cum Sir"

Did he really say that? He was so deep in his own head that he couldn't really tell what was happening in the room anymore. It was impossible for him to have noticed K adjusting a dial on the console.

A bolt of electricity flew through the plug in Fiz's rump into his prostate causing his whole cock to bounce sending a string of precum shooting from his urethra. Another pulse came shortly after. Then another. The fox moaned loudly and then chuckled in his mask. Finally, he was getting the stimulation he so desperately craved. The sensation worked wonders to his mind. In his headspace, he was finally about to touch the pink cloud which had entranced him. Each electric stimulation of his prostate pulled him closer to it as if he was being led on a leash.

I'm so close! He thought to himself. Just a little further. Just one more push...

A pulse from K's eyes snapped the room back into focus. In a split second, the fox's mind reprocessed the situation: the gas mask, the suit, K, the pleasure of being on the verge of cumming was all real to him again. But then the hypnosis dislodged something in Fiz's brain, and a memory surfaced. He remembered the game, how K teased and tortured his cock. He remembered the snake pushing him to the brink but then before he blacked out his Sir stopped and congratulated him because he...

Oh shit... The realization hit him like a brick. I didn't cum... I haven't lost yet!

Fiz yelped and began to struggle at the realization; his former self re-emerged as he tried to fight off the impending orgasm. His struggles only rippled through the suit causing the interior pressure to tease his latex-covered fur. He began to pant frantically which only brought more of the warm gas into his lungs. Every action he took only propelled him closer to the orgasm he was so determined to save as long as he could. Finally, the fox began to realize how helpless his situation was. The irony of it all; how he had begged for this, the hypnosis, the bondage, the loss of control, all of it was what he wanted. The thought ignited his subby brain at the same time the final pulse of e-stim needed to push him over the edge entered his swollen prostate. His balls raised upwards slightly, and he took another deep breath of the aphrodisiac. Just before his head was consumed by the pleasure, he caught a message from K's eyes.


Cum shot out of his urethra propelled by swift contractions of his taut muscles. His stream came out hard and hit the stretched rubbed of the suit with a soft "ping". For a few pulses of his cock, he hung there in the moment just bucking his hips; moaning and screaming with delight as his overstimulated prostate spewed a seemingly endless supply of cum. He had experienced hands-free orgasms before, but this was the first time someone had forced an orgasm out of him which he had been holding back. His submissive mind was doing backflips fully swept up by the new adventure K was putting it through. He eventually breathed, taking in a new lungful of chemicals which sent the pleasure skyrocketing.

"Oh FUCK!" Fiz moaned into the gas mask.

He quickly took another breath. The pleasure coursed over his body causing a shake to tremble through his limbs. He took another one, a deeper one. His ear twitched rapidly as the ecstasy of the orgasm was reignited with each intake of the drug. On the fourth breath his mind snapped back out of reality, and he envisioned himself back inside of his floating ball suit. The orgasm plowed into his subconscious smacking his inflated suit upwards as if someone had punched a balloon. He shot through the cloud and emerged out the other side just as quickly. His stomach dropped as his mind lost all sense of orientation. The only reference he could visualize in his head now was the waves and the coils which came from K. The coils began to circle him, and the waves followed suit. They spun around and around him as if they were a beast consuming his prey. They circled him and spread out endlessly in all directions consuming every corner of his mind until he was at the center of the spiral which consumed his entire subconscious.

Fiz let out a small "huff" as the last drop of cum squirted out of his member. His body sagged noticeably in the suit as his limbs began to resign holding up the fox's body. If it weren't for the suit keeping him upright, he would have fallen square on his face. His eyes dropped slightly as they glossed over with a dreamy glaze. The strange hypnotic smile returned to accompany them. K let out another delighted hiss at the look before he finally averted his gaze and let his hood deflate. He eyed one of his coils beneath him, slick goo of pre and reptilian fluids coated a slit located towards the end of his tail. The snake slithered closer to the bound fox and surveyed his pet. His eyes were fluttering, a clear indication that the hypnosis was causing him to space out...again. K sighed and kissed the visor of the gas mask before speaking mostly to himself.

"Now, how about that fuck you so desperately were begging for?" He said with a smile.

Week Off (Part 3)

"_Next time I want to fuck someone I need a bondage scene that's easier to get them out of,"_ K noted, "_Or at least one I can fuck them in."_ Getting Fiz out of the suit had proven to be quite a long endeavor. On top of the ball taking an exorbitant...

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Week Off (Part 1)

"Well, this will be awkward if I got the wrong address," Fiz mused to himself as he knocked on the large wooden doors. Although he knew the possibility was an unlikely one. The large manor house which he found himself in front of was isolated at the...

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