Weak to Dragon-types (commission for Aldrat)

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#30 of Commissions

This one's for Aldrat (https://twitter.com/Aldrath1), who is an even bigger Pokémon nerd than I am.

I had always wondered how the stuff I usually write about would fit into a classic Pokémon videogame battle... and finally, I had the chance to try it out. Hope you guys enjoy it!

Leon had played every Pokémon game through and through.

The lynx considered himself one of the biggest Pokémon nerds around - he could brag about knowing the effect of every single movement, ability and nature in the games, as well as recognizing most of the cries you could hear when a pokémon came out to battle. He was also familiar with all the plotlines, the characters, the events and the criticism to each game. The only area in which his knowledge was lacking was merchandising, but he intended to fix that soon.

It had taken a while to meet someone who knew a bit more than he did.

At first, Leon had thought their common friends were exaggerating. There was no way anybody could match his amount of playtime hours and stored knowledge. Sure, there had to be someone out there, but the possibility of both of them meeting had always seemed unlikely. It hadn't been until Leon had met Aldrat that he'd realized his friends had been right.

And also, that Pokémon strategies when playing competitively could be much more frustrating that he had always imagined. His opinion on that regard had never been particularly positive, but Aldrat had taken that to a completely new level. The shenanigans that dragon could come up with in order to win a game were beyond anything Leon had seen until then.

But now Aldrat had asked Leon for a different kind of pokémon battle. The lynx had no idea what that meant, and when he'd asked, the dragon had simply answered he could go with "any kind of Pokémon he wanted, no worries". Leon had gathered his best team and prepared for the worst, since he already knew whenever his friend said something like that, it meant he'd been building up a Nasty Plot of his own.

Now, sitting next to the bigger dragon, Leon could only imagine what he had in store for him.

"Oh, a monotype team?" the lynx asked once all their pokémon were revealed in the pre-battle screen. "You should have told me and I would have built one."

The dragon had picked his favorite Dragon-type pokémon - Leon, on the other hand, had picked some of his favorite creatures but had also made sure to add a few stronger monsters that could end his opponent's team in case things got really ugly.

"Nah, don't worry," the dragon reassured him, a wide grin on his face. "It's not like it'll give you an advantage."

"You sure?" Leon asked, raising an eyebrow. "I can, like, build one right now."

"It's okay, really. Come on, pick your first."

There was something about that sentence that made Leon shiver. He could tell Aldrat had a few ideas in mind, but not being able to tell what the dragon had planned prevented him from making any smart moves. Oh well, he thought to himself. I guess I'll just pick one and see what I do from there.

He brought his Lucario out. Aldrat responded by calling his Flygon to battle, chuckling softly.

"What's so funny?" the lynx asked. "Please, don't say you've already won."

"Hmm. Well, maybe if you'd picked a faster, Ice-typed pokémon you'd been able to deal some damage. But you see, Lucario is slower than Flygon, which means you've already lost."

We'll see about that, Leon thought.

His Lucario knew Ice Punch, which meant a single strike could be enough to freeze Aldrat's grin once and for all. Unfortunately, the dragon was right - Lucario was out-speeded by Flygon, so if the other pokémon used Earthquake, he wouldn't even get a chance to attack. What should I do then? Change to another Pokémon? the lynx thought. He didn't like the idea of switching monsters in the first turn. It always felt a bit cowardly to him, even if it turned out to be a wise move.

Besides, he didn't have any Pokémon that was immune to Earthquake - and the movement would hit hard anyway - so he decided to stay with Lucario and use Extreme Speed, which would out-speed Flygon. Plus, the Life Orb he had attached to it would make sure his Lucario hit hard.

He picked that move and watched as the Flygon's HP meter went down. It stopped more or less halfway through the bar, which made Leon groan. He had caused some damage, but it wouldn't be enough to guarantee a kill next turn. Additionally, his Lucario lost some HP because of the Life Orb.

And then, Flygon used Hypnosis.

"Huh." Leon shook his head, watching as his Lucario fell asleep on the screen. "I didn't know we were playing with hackmons."

"We're not. Flygon can learn Hypnosis as an egg-move."

"What?" The lynx raised an eyebrow. "That can't be right. I think I'd know."

"You would, wouldn't you?"

Now he's teasing me, Leon thought, grabbing his phone and frowning. He opened his web browser, searched for Flygon's moveset and began reading. There it was, just like Aldrat had said - Hypnosis was one of Flygon's egg moves.

"Okay, looks like you're right," he admitted, his ears falling flat on his head. "When did this happen? Is it an 8thgen thing?"


Leon was curious to learn which pokémon Flygon had to breed with in order to pass the move to its offspring, but decided he would check it later, when he wasn't battling the monstrous dragon next to him.

There wasn't much he could do with a sleeping Lucario, the lynx thought, but changing his pokémon now was risky. Aldrat could use Hypnosis again and put another member of his team to sleep - after all, they weren't playing with any rules and the Sleep Clause, which prevented someone from putting two different pokémon to sleep at the same time in the same battle, didn't apply.

But Hypnosis wasn't very accurate. It had 60 accuracy, which meant it would miss often enough for him to take a chance. Okay, let's do that, the lynx decided.

He changed his Lucario for his Zoroark, who was disguised as a Klinklang. With a bit of luck, Hypnosis would miss and then the Flygon would use Earthquake, which was a move his Zoroark could take. He'd see how to fight back from there.

But Flygon's Hypnosis didn't miss. His Klinklang-looking Zoroark immediately fell asleep like a baby.

"Uh, that's lucky," the lynx complained. "Two Hypnosis hitting in a row."

"You know that movement never misses when a Dragon uses it, right?" Aldrat asked, winking an eye at him.

Leon nodded. Then he frowned.

"What?" he asked again.

"Yeah! It's one of those hidden things, like Stomp hitting Pokémon that used Minimize twice as hard or Defense Curl making Rollout stronger. If a Dragon-type Pokémon uses Hypnosis, it never misses."

"I'd never heard about that..." Leon muttered, scratching his head.

"Hey, don't worry too much about it. You can't possibly know everything about this game."

Leon scoffed and decided this time he wouldn't change to another Pokémon. Zoroark had a fair chance to wake up - and he didn't want Aldrat to keep on putting all his team to sleep.

Besides, a part of him had learned in the past that it wasn't a good idea to overthink stuff when battling the dragon next to him, for he would probably always be one step ahead. It was better to just go with the flow and follow his instincts, at least until the dragon did something that completely destroyed his team. Winning was... a matter of chance.

So he picked Dark Pulse, hoping it would be enough to take out Flygon's remaining HP in case Zoroark woke up. Besides, Zoroark was a bit faster than Flygon. In any event, he still had a chance to attack.

But Zoroark didn't wake. Instead, it was hit by a Confuse Ray Flygon used on him.

"W... what? Confuse Ray?" Leon asked, bewildered. "How does... You sure this isn't a hackmon?"

"I promise it's not."


Leon tried to think. Could Flygon learn Confuse Ray? He wasn't sure, actually. All he knew was that Flygon's evolution line had a thing about their wings making supersonic noises that could confuse people, so maybe learning moves that confused other pokémon made sense for them? He hadn't trained a Flygon since 3rd gen, so maybe he hadn't had a chance to find out.

Or maybe Aldrat was just messing with him. Since the day he'd told the dragon he was into hypnosis, his friend had been a bit... over-teasing, so to speak.

But that thought didn't last for long in his head. In spite of keeping Flygon on the front row now that it held Leon's Zoroark helpless, Aldrat decided to switch it for his Tyrantrum, who came roaring in the screen.

"Uh, why are you doing that?" Leon asked, a faint smile on his face. Basically, Aldrat had given him an extra turn to wake up.

"Just wanted to switch to Tyrantrum. You'll see why."

Leon scoffed. He had no idea what the dragon intended to do and he was beginning to think he was likely not to find out anytime soon.

He picked Dark Pulse again, but his Zoroark didn't wake up. Agh, he thought, increasingly annoyed. It's hard to win when odds are playing in Aldrat's favor. He expected the Tyrantrum to use a Fighting type move such as Close Combat, which would deal a lot of damage to his Zoroark.

Instead, it used Hypnosis again. And somehow, it didn't miss.

"W-wait," Leon began, confused. "That doesn't make any sense. Tyrantrum doesn't..."

"He can breed with Flygon. They're both Dragons, remember?" Aldrat asked, putting one of his big arms around the lynx's shoulders.

"But... but my Zoroark was already asleep," the puzzled lynx muttered. "You can't put it to sleep if he's already..."

"Unless a Dragon uses it. Remember, buddy?"

Leon didn't.

Suddenly, everything he thought he knew about that game was beginning to lose sense. Aldrat's presence by his side felt slightly intimidating now that he realized there was so much he didn't know. How could he expect to beat him when he hadn't even heard that Dragons can use Hypnosis on sleeping pokémon and never miss?

He picked another move, his mouth still open in disbelief. But Hypnosis hit again.

And then again.

And again.

Aldrat switched to Hydreigon and his Hypnosis kept on hitting. Then after a few turns he switched to his Flygon again. There was nothing Leon could do except wait for the PPs of the move to run out... but his mind wasn't thinking about that anymore. In fact, he'd forgotten moves had PPs. And if he had remembered it, he would have quickly disregarded it as something he thought he knew, but actually didn't. If Aldrat was doing that, if Aldrat was using Hypnosis, it meant that it worked and that it was going to make him win. It only made sense.

Anytime the Hypnosis animation played in the screen in front of him, anytime the screen flashed slightly and that purplish mist surrounded his Zoroark, he felt a bit of it getting into his head, too. It was difficult to think. It wasn't like thinking could help him resist one of Aldrat's stratagems, though - that's why he used to rely on his instincts, but those were failing him too. Leon was trying to reach out for them, but they were getting increasingly silent.

In fact, he wouldn't have been able to say if he was confused, asleep or both.

The lynx simply stared into the screen, selecting the same movement over and over, a movement that his Zoroark would never do because it was too asleep to even try. Aldrat's arm was around his shoulders and kept him close as he stared and stared and stared.

And the Hypnosis animations kept coming. As Aldrat switched to his other Dragon pokémon, they kept on hypnotizing his Zoroark, who remained asleep, more asleep, even more asleep, deeper every time, deeper than deeper...

Leon moaned, drool trickling from his open mouth into Aldrat's chest. The dragon had been holding him against his body for the past few minutes, describing the scenario he'd had in mind - and that now the lynx would have, too - in extreme detail.

It hadn't been hard to put the lynx into a deep state of hypnosis and then tell him what it was that he should be imagining instead of whatever was in his head. Leon had simply needed to be subjected to the powerful gaze of the dragon for a few seconds before his brain had shut off entirely, bound to any suggestions Aldrat wanted to embed into it. Just as easy as winning any battle, the big dragon had thought.

Now, as he whispered words into his ears, the lynx shivered and made all kinds of squirmy noises as he drooled his brains all over Aldrat's chest. Judging by the bulge between Leon's legs, which the dragon could feel as it pressed gently against his own body, his victim was having a really good time thinking about losing that battle against him. And anyway, the lynx had always been weak to dragons. Aldrat had known since the first time he'd met him.

Perhaps Flygon couldn't learn Hypnosis, but Aldrat could.

And it was so much better when used in real life.

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