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Supported by my Patrons

There is an old Australian tradition that to find one's self, one must go on a journey. In an effort to do just that, Michael will ascend the Absolution mountains accompanied by a donkey guide. So far removed from society, Michael finds that he is drawn towards a very different way of life and towards the one that has accompanied him on this journey, proving that sometimes it isn't about the destination - it's about the company.

This story was created thanks to the amazing generosity of my patrons. They helped guide the content in both polls and a patreon discord and enjoyed up to a year of early access. If you are interested in helping to create stories like this or ensuring other ongoing series continue, please check out my Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/LeoTodrius or you can send a one time gift with http://ko-fi.com/leotodrius

Once again, thank you to everyone that made this possible!


Written by Leo_Todrius

Supported by my Patrons

There came a point where one could be so removed from nature that they lost touch with themselves - or so Michael had come to believe as he stood in the foothills of the Absolution Mountains. It was as if everything had become nothing more than metrics, about deadlines and numbers, about his day being digested into fifteen minute increments with each one accounted for and it would continue that way until he died... Michael was thankful that the life he'd been leading already felt so far away as he listened to the slightest breeze blowing through the wild mint and sunflowers, rustling the branches of the trees and carrying the faintest zest of spring snow down from the summit.

Michael closed his eyes and let the sun warm his freckle dappled face, his earthy brown hair just starting to look slightly unkempt after years of rigorous upkeep. He breathed in and out and heard the distant bird calls, an unfamiliar species. There was nowhere to be, nothing to do, no agenda, no deadlines. Well, most of that was true. He had come here with a specific goal in mind. His type A personality couldn't let go entirely, but that was okay. He was already miles away from the nearest cell phone tower. It wouldn't be too long until he was out of range of any signals entirely.

As Michael finally opened his eyes again, the sun caught the brown in his iris and made it look like molten honey. Despite the fact that Michael was pushing towards the age of thirty and he'd worn down from the job, there was still some vitality left in him. Still, it was hard not to look at his guide and feel a bit of envy for his lost youth. His guide, Casey, looked like he was barely out of his sophomore year of College. The would-be-mountain guide was six foot one with a mullet of brownish sun bleached hair and sideburns that bordered on the line of being mutton chops. He was shirtless, extremely well tanned, and one of the first hybrids that Michael had ever met in person. His furry donkey ears stood proudly above his head on either side of the mullet, a patch of grayish brown fur formed a diamond on his otherwise naked chest, and the legs coming out of his overloaded cargo shorts were covered with brown fur and tipped in hooves. A tasseled tail hung down over the back of his pants, twitching out of the way as he moved around.

While Michael felt it was a bit of cheating on walkabout to hire someone to carry his things, realistically he was new to the outdoors and the service existed for a reason. As Casey pulled on the hiking pack and clicked the straps into place over his shoulders, Michael couldn't help but admire his physical perfection a little more. Casey grabbed two heavy canteens, clicking them onto belt loops on either side of his hips, loaded down like a true pack mule. He double checked one last time that base camp was secure before he moved over to where Michael had been standing.

"Looks like you're all set and already enjoying the scenery." Casey asked genially. Michael nodded a little, his eyes still adjusting to the bright natural light after so much time cooped up indoors. He nodded a bit.

"Oh yes, I'm enjoying it all. Do, uh, we have everything?" he asked, feeling a little guilty at just how many pounds Casey had loaded onto his back. Then again it was a very broad, strong back...

"Double and triple checked. The whole checklist. My family has been doing this since long before the great evolution" Casey reassured Michael. Michael smiled at that and nodded.

"Then I'm in good hands." Michael said, though he did look down at Casey's hooves for a moment. They were a little scuffed here and there, but for the most part sturdy and in good shape. Michael nodded one last time for his own benefit before he tightened the straps on his own, more modest, backpack. "Time to see the world from a new perspective." he declared before he turned and started out. Casey merely smiled and followed after, content to do his part.


Without a watch or cellphone, one moment flowed fluidly into the next. There were several points where Michael had to remind himself not to think about time. He was detoxifying himself from everything that had been ingrained in him at work. Instead, he looked around, keeping a steady pace on their ascent. The sunflowers were such a rich golden yellow on the grassy slopes, while the rest of the terrain was a melange of greenery. However much time had passed, though, it was enough for Michael to start to feel the strain. His cheeks felt both overly hot from the sun and uncomfortably cool from the wind. His legs were stiff in the joints and gelatin in between. A blush started to cross Michael's face.

"What's the regular point people usually take breaks while climbing?" he asked finally with a hint of shame. A grin crossed Casey's face, betraying his unusually flat teeth.

"Whenever they need one." Casey said, "You're not up against anyone else but yourself, and we're not going high enough that even nightfall would be much of a problem even if we were going that slow." he said, reaching up to rub one of his donkey ears, "Besides, it's important to rehydrate." he said, pulling the canteen from his right hip before offering it to Michael. The human nodded in thanks, unscrewing the lid before tipping it back. His Adam's apple bobbed as he took several gulps. While Michael drank from his, Casey took the other canteen and opened it, squirting a milky looking liquid into his mouth for some refreshment. Michael wiped his lips, his brow furrowing a little.

"What is that?" he asked. Casey smiled a little.

"Oat milk. Want some?" he offered. Casey shook his head.

"I don't want to deprive you." Michael said, trying to remember where he'd heard that donkeys had diets high in fiber while low in protein, sugar and carbohydrates.

Even the momentary rest seemed to be helping as his temperature felt a little more in check and his lungs felt better, although his legs felt like if he stopped for too long he might be stopped for good. Caset clipped his own canteen back to his hip as Michael started moving again. Michael looked up ahead as the plants gradually grew more spare, leaving rocky crags and gullies. Boulders offered refuge to rest against here and there, but it was clear that Casey's hooves were going to be digging in deeper to keep his footing.

"You said your family has been doing this for a long time. Did you grow up around here?" Michael asked, making small talk as he tried to fall into stride with his guide. Casey idly scratched his thick fingernails through the diamond of fur on his chest as he contemplated.

"Yeah, there's a community in the valley but it's not big enough for a high school. Barely graduated because I went through my 'Pleasure Island' phase. Managed to get into a real college but got kicked out in my Freshman year after I turned my frat into donkey bros..." Casey said. Michael's jaw dropped a bit in surprise at that.

"You changed all of them?" he asked in wonder. This time it was Casey's turn to blush, though most of the reddened cheeks were hidden beneath his thick sideburns.

"Well, I mean, once I started the ball rolling it spread pretty quick." he murmured, "They certainly had no complaints, but affecting that many people... The school board kicked me out pretty fast. Still, I can't really say I'm too ashamed. They were some great times." he said. Michael's shoulders drooped a little as he compared his imagined version of Casey's past to his own.

"I think I missed out on the... 'pleasure island' phase." he smirked, though the smile was tinged by regret, "I was so focused on getting good grades, and good internships, and good job postings. Everything was a goal to reach.... I was just trying to be the good boy, and then a good man." Michael explained. Casey nodded a little, one of his donkey ears twitching a little.

"Sounds like we could have probably learned from one another." he said. Casey felt a little more reassured at that. Despite their age difference, it was quite true. Michael puffed out his chest a little more.

"Well, maybe now is my chance to learn from you. You're my guide after all." Michael grinned. Casey held up his hands.

"Woah, woah, I may be a mountain guide but I'm not sure I got the skills to be some kind of life coach." he said, eliciting laughter from both of them.

"Well, how about just making sure I don't get too lost inside my own head." Michael said. Casey gave a resolute nod.

"I can do that much." he said confidently. For the next few minutes, neither man spoke. There was just the steady crunch of hooves and sneakers sinking into the rock, giving them the foundation they needed to press on. Base camp had shrunk away well behind them, seeming almost impossibly far away now at an angle that was surprisingly steep, but for Michael, his attention was focused on the path ahead. They weren't headed toward the summit, but there was a region that plateaued out and looked across the vast stretches of land around them and at least half of the territory. Michael knew he wouldn't be able to see his future unfold ahead of him literally, but he just might be able to see it figuratively.


Ambition and reality were sometimes very different things. While Michael was too tired to put the thought into quite so many words, it was something he felt as his lungs burned, his legs ached, and even his arms felt a bit hollow... but after all the effort and all the climbing, they were nearly at their destination. The incline had finally flattened out nearly to the point of being a plateau, though one last little hill stood in the distance. What caught Michael off guard was the grove of trees off to the left surrounding what appeared to be a freshwater pond. The water glittered like molten fire beneath the citrine light of the setting sun. As beautiful as the pond was, Michael had come for a very different view.

With a burst of renewed strength, Michael dropped his pack and sped up the last rise, pushing against the strain and the burn with every ounce of stamina he had left, rising up to the summit of their particular path. If the climb hadn't done it already, the view that stretched out before him would have surely taken his breath away. There were a few different peaks in the Absolution Mountains and Michael stood at a far lower point between them, but it was still enough to look out and see farmlands, towns, and even the distant city. The chaos and bustle of life seemed small and neat and orderly. The minutia were too far away to make out and all Michael could see was the big picture. The only sounds were the wind blowing up the mountainside and the soft scrabble of Casey's hooves behind.

While Casey had maintained an appreciation for the natural splendor of the mountains, his enjoyment came vicariously through those he was a beast of burden for. Seeing their eyes light up, their breath taken away, it brought back some of his fondest memories of youth. He knew better than to interrupt Michael while he was taking it all in so he unfastened the camping pack from his shoulders and set it down on the ground. To most the clearing would have seemed like an untouched natural wonderland, but Casey knew the best place to erect their shelter, to build a campfire, and he'd even hidden a stash of firewood in the grove for easy access.

Steadily the burning ebbed in Michael's lungs, the coppery stinging tinge of each breath becoming colder and wetter before finally coming back to something more normal... but the hard part was behind them. A slight huff of satisfaction left Michael's lips as he turned around to face his guide again, opening his mouth to ask a question but pausing as he watched Casey suckle more oat milk from his canteen. Everything about him was perfect; his tall, distinctive donkey ears, his handsome face, that diamond of dust colored fur that would make a perfect pillow between his pecs, even the way his tassel tipped tail swished back and forth across his donkey legs. Michael swallowed hard to bring himself back into focus.

"So, time to set up the shelter?" he asked. Casey returned his canteen to his hip, always keeping the load balanced before he gave a nod.

"You got it, boss man." Casey said with an easy to please grin as he started to open up the heavy pack he'd lugged up the mountain. As he leaned over it, Michael nearly started drooling all over again seeing how broad his shoulders were, how defined his muscles were. He could only imagine what his ass might look like beneath those shorts. Michael blushed furiously, the pink on his cheeks made all the more distinctive since the wind chill had drained the rest of the color. He'd been going through life on a constant push forward and now that he was finally looking around, there was a lot to see.

"I want to learn, can you show me how it goes?" Michael asked, pushing his embarrassment aside as he moved over. He didn't know enough to help yet, but hopefully he was a quick study. Casey smiled, appreciating the curiosity of the other and he rotated a little, making sure Michael had a clear line of sight.

"Most of these things are pretty foolproof, the important thing is not to get overwhelmed by the pieces and stuff." Casey said, smiling up at Michael from where he knelt down. Michael smiled again, his heart fluttering before he focused back on the task at hand.


As Michael listened to the tent rippling in the wind, a sound barely louder than his chattering teeth were making, it was hard to escape the thought that he might have bitten off more than he could chew. He had run away from his life and wandered up a mountain where the only idea worse than freezing to death was the fact that it would be even more treacherous to wander down in the middle of the night. Then again, he was likely exaggerating the severity... Michael had enjoyed a rustic bourbon and bean dinner around a campfire before gazing up at the stars. It wasn't even the fact that he hadn't truly seen them before, but there had been so many more than he could have ever imagined. It was as if the heavens themselves had been redefined.

Michael lay on the thin spongy yoga-mat like cushion, bundled up in a sleeping bag that just didn't seem to be cutting it. His forehead was creased with concern as he tried to will himself to sleep while at the same time wondering if he did if he would ever wake up again. It seemed his restlessness was a distraction to more than just himself. A hand gently brushed Michael's shoulder, forcing his eyes to snap open and gaze into Casey's earthy brown eyes. The guide had rolled over to face Michael, draped in a well worn quilt rather than a sleeping bag.

"Hey, come here. I'll keep you warm." he said softly, his voice still a little hoarse from sleep. Michael looked at the fuzzy hunk before him, too cold to let his thoughts or emotions clash. He merely obeyed and slunk closer. Casey reached down to unzip Michael's sleeping bag, though he knew it would probably raise some alarm so he shook his head, "It just works better if there's contact." he explained. Michael nodded numbly at that.

"I've heard that before, yeah." he replied. In another moment he could feel Casey's warm stomach pressing against his ribs and each inch they drew closer brought more peaty, musky smells from that patch of fur that covered Casey's chest.

Michael inhaled deeply before using it as a pillow just as he'd imagined before. He let out a slow sigh as his chattering fell away and he closed his eyes, snuggling against Casey. Some small part of him wanted to ask how many of his guests wound up like this, but he didn't really want an answer to that. He just wanted to rest, to heal, to exist in the moment. That, after all, was the reason for his walkabout, wasn't it? He was here to rediscover himself. Michael closed his eyes and nuzzled a little more, feeling as if he was using the softest, silkiest fur pillow of his life. Casey let Michael get comfortable before he draped the quilt over both of them, pulling Michael in with one muscled arm. In another few moments, both had passed out despite the sound of the wind whipping against the tent.


A short stab of pain halted through the small of Michael's back, wrenching him from his dreams before bashing him with the aching, sore, stiff reality of his body's protest. His face had contorted into an unpleasant sneer before he'd even opened his eyes. He blinked a few times to clear the sleep from them as his brain rebooted. He elected to open one eye first, seeing a hazy amber glow filtering through the otherwise orange material of the tent. It took another moment for Michael to realize he was alone.

The quilt and sleeping bag fell away as Michael sat upright, wincing and hissing a little. Still, it was no time to nurse his lactic acid. Michael threw off the covers and grabbed for his shoes, tugging them back on. He'd kept every other layer of clothing he had in order to stay warm. In moments he trundled out of the tent, stumbling a little on the loose terrain before righting himself. Michael's eyes scanned the slope. There was more wood set next to the campfire, though it hadn't been lit yet. More wood... They hadn't brought up any wood with them on the hike...

"The pond!" Michael murmured in realization. If Casey was used to retrieving supplies from the pond, it might have taken him more than one trip.Maybe there was still a chance for Michael to be useful and pull his own weight after all. There was a sense of relief going down even the slightest slope towards the grove of trees. It was confirmation that going down the mountain would at least be half way easier when the time came, but there was a renewed conviction that came with the cool snap of morning air.

As Michael approached the pond, it was once again glittering with the light of the sun, only this time it was the morning light of dawn. Michael pressed on through the narrow ring of trees that surrounded the pond before slowing. He saw the water ripple, disturbed by something. Could there be fish this high up a mountain? Somehow that seemed impossible, although as the water broke, Michael gasped.

Rising from beneath the surface, the water beaded and sparkled on the soft grayish brown fur that had been submerged but moments ago. Casey's dark mullet stood up taller and prouder, nearly a mohawk... but it wasn't just the ears and the sideburns, nor was it just the furry legs and hooves, but Casey's entire body was covered in fur. His face had distended into a muzzle, his nose had gone leathery and large. He looked like a full donkey that somehow knew how to stand upright... and he was buck naked.

Michael's jaw dropped as he realized that the object bobbing along the water's surface before him was not a floating log nor a mountain eel but instead was fourteen inches of blunt equine dick. It was rooted in a nest of fit and firm muscles along his groin, as well developed as his fit and firm arms. Only then did Michael start to truly picture it. He hadn't just turned a frat into donkey boys, he had turned them into complete asses... an entire Greek organization of furry, meaty, sexy, horny donkeys... A moan escaped Michael's lips before he could capture it, apparently enough to catch Casey's attention. Casey let out a snort from his wide nostrils and started to wade toward shore.

"N-no, don't-" Michael called out. Casey froze.

"I won't hurt you..." He murmured. Michael shook his head quickly.

"No, I mean, you don't have to... um, you don't have to do anything on my account. Change back or whatever. I just was worried when you weren't there when I got up." Michael aid as he started to slowly close the distance, walking down to the shore line. Casey had bent his knees a little to sink down lower into the water.

"I figured I'd catch a quick bath. I wasn't sure you'd want to keep on smelling me after last night." Casey said with a smile - one that shaped across his long muzzle. Michael moved to crouch down at the water's edge, reaching out slowly to touch it. If he'd been that cold during the night, how cold was the pond? To his surprise, while chilly, it wasn't much worse than a public swimming pool early in the morning before the heaters snapped on.

"Actually, I really liked how you smell." Michael said without a hint of embarrassment, "I liked everything about it.." he said a little quieter. Casey grinned a bit more at that.

"So you want to stay long enough for breakfast?" he offered. Michael was quiet for a long moment. He wasn't sure why or how the question had struck him so deeply, but when he looked back up again, his eyes looked almost pained.

"What happened-" Michael cut himself off, deciding to take a different approach to his question, "What happens to someone when they become a donkey later in life?" he asked finally. Casey had to admit, he had been a bit surprised by the question. He thought about it, cupping some of the pond water in his hand, bringing it up to rub through the fur on his shoulders.

"I'm not the best expert, I was born a donkey, but I guess if you're thinking about the frat... Some probably kept on with their own lives, a lot became farm hands across the midwest. There are colonies and cloisters here and there." Casey said, though he wasn't sure he was answering Michael's question. Michael ran his hand back and forth in the water until he took a deep breath, unzipped his jacket and tossed it off. He wriggled free of his shirt next, his pale skin looking almost silver in the morning light. One boot toppled to the ground, then the other. Socks were tugged off, then his pants, and finally his underwear. Casey watched as Michael sloshed his way into the pond, nearly yelping at the temperature as it reached his midsection. Even with the cold, he waded his way out to where the donkey was. They looked at each other eye to eye.

"You're really amazing to me, Casey. You're calm and cool and collected, you know what you're doing. You go with the flow. You're down to Earth but you can appreciate the stars. You have an amazing soul, and you're fucking hot..." Michael blurted.

"I'm sure I just seem that way 'cause I'm different to what you're used to. It isn't really anything that special." Casey murmured, sounding as if he might have been blushing beneath that layer of fur. Michael looked up into Casey's eyes, seeing the soul sparkling within them.

"I may have come up here to find myself, but I found something far better. I found you." Michael said softly before finally breaking eye contact, "But I mean, you probably don't even like me in that way. We just met and you had to do all the heavy lifting and-" Michael cut off as he felt Casey's hand find his cheek, turning his gaze back.

"Do you always talk this much?" he asked with a grin. Michael smiled sheepishly.

"More than I used to." he admitted.

"Ah..." Casey said before he tilted his head and leaned in. Their lips met and soon Michael had a wriggling donkey tongue plunging in and out of his mouth, slathering over his teeth and wrestling his own. It was sexy enough that his already hard nipples hardened further and his manhood began to fight back against the cold water of the pond, though it was also awkward enough that he broke the kiss with a nervous chuckle.

"I'm going to have to learn to kiss someone with a muzzle." Michael said. Casey slid a little closer, making Michael gasp as he felt the other's huge, thick donkey dick sliding between his legs.

"What if you had a muzzle of your own?" Casey whispered, "That's what you were hinting at when you asked about the frat boys, right?" he asked, his leg twitching in the water. Michael was breathing far harder than he had been before.

"I don't want to be sent away to some colony somewhere... I want to stay with you." Michael replied. Casey purred a little, sliding his hand up to trace his fingers across Michael's chest, petting the skin that would no doubt be growing fur soon.

"I'm gonna make a country boy out of you, get you used to the mountain, roughing it with me..." Casey said. Michael moaned, moving forward and back, letting his own erection slide along the topside of Casey's.

"You can be as rough with me as you want to be." Michael whispered. Casey grinned at that and leaned in, using his blunt teeth to nibble at Michael's neck, making the city boy moan and gasp. His back arched and he shuddered, breathing hard. Casey's hands roamed Michael's body, feeling the tender flesh, already knowing what a corruptive influence he was going to be. Sometimes he felt a little bad about those he'd turned in the past, but between the joys they'd gone on to share and the heady rush of pleasure overriding all other concerns, it was hard not to be exhilarated by it. He knew Michael had come to the mountains to find himself, to find a new path, and he was the perfect guide to set him down a new course.

Clouds raced by high over head, the sun filtering around them in splotches of light and darkness. Michael knew he should have felt cold, but the water wasn't that bad and his blood was boiling hot. No longer trying to hide himself, Casey rose back to his full height, using one hand to scoop down and lift up his tree limb of a cock. Michael's eyes widened in wonder as he studied the blunt, almost perfectly flat tip and the tapered ridged around the outer edge. He gazed upon the symmetrical cylinder, then the medial ring that bisected it part way down. He saw the pulsing veins of blood feeding the engorged monster and thought to himself how much pinker it was than Casey's normal well tanned skin. Michael reached out, first with one hand and then with two. He helped Casey in bringing it upright, pausing for a moment as he grinned. In experiment, he leaned the cock all the way upright, discovering that it rested right in the middle of that diamond shaped tuft of extra plush chest fur. Michael licked his lips a little, looking up at the donkey before him.

"Is that why it smelled so good?" Michael whispered. Casey grinned.

"You should smell it when it's soaked with my jizz..." Casey said. Michael shook his head, pulling the cock towards him.

"I don't want to waste a drop." he said before he leaned in, his tongue starting to work its way across that wide, flat tip. Casey threw his head back, his tall ears twitching, his tail flicking behind him. His hooves were firmly planted in the silt and sand beneath the water, his furry ass cheeks clenching and unclenching, his furry sack bloated with his big balls. He groaned happily, reaching up to run his fingers up and down through the thick fur on his chest, petting and stroking it, feeling how thick it was. The other hand held on to Michael's shoulder, steadying him and encouraging him.

With a great amount of salivating, working his mouth over the tip like an over eager kid with a giant lollipop, Michael's lips finally popped over the head of Casey's mouth. To his delight, the guide's anatomy made it easy to make a perfect seal, letting his lips close on the recessed shaft behind the plump head. Michael moved forward and back as best he could, but his tongue began seeking out the puffy slit of the donkey's urethra. He teased the raised flesh, batting it to one side and then the other, testing it before he made his next move.

"HAWWW!" Casey brayed out, eyes clenching shut as he felt Michael's tongue slide down into his cock. While it had been challenging for a human to kiss a donkey muzzle, it seemed his tongue was the perfect fit to plunge in and out, sliding deeper and deeper, collecting the musky flavor of an animal as vital and masculine as Casey. Michael was relieved he had interrupted Casey before he'd had more time to bathe. He loved every taste, every smell, everything about his wild lover.

Ripples spread outward from the two, diminishing by the time they got to the edge of the pond but sloshing nevertheless. Michael felt as if his tongue was getting a true workout, straining as it stretched down as far as he could reach. Casey continued to moan, flexing his free arm as his biceps and triceps bulged beneath the fur covered surface, his other hand gripping Michael's shoulder tighter. His ears twitched, his tail swished around the water. His lips curled and he continued to bray louder and louder.

"Haww! Heee-haww! Hee-haww!" He howled, the sounds of his pleasure echoing across the mountaintops. As he brayed out, his fat balls tugged up, his huge cock began to throb. Michael's tongue was pushed free of the donkey's urethra right before he was hit with a hot, thick, sticky glob of donkey jizz. It coated his mouth and in moments his teeth felt warm and tingly. Michael struggled to keep his lips locked around the cock as he was hit with another glob of cum, then another. He gulped them down greedily even as he felt the heat of change work its way into the tips of his ears and his chest.

As much as Casey wanted to watch, his head was lolled back, his eyes rolled into the back of his head as he came and came, involuntarily thrusting a little to work his cock back and forth inside of Michael's mouth. The city boy's eyes were shut in pure bliss, his throat undulating as he let the thick cream flow down his esophagus and gather in his stomach. Every gulp gave more fuel to the change and neither male showed any signs of stopping.

It took so much concentration to keep up with Casey's ejaculation that he didn't have much time to focus on anything else. His chest faintly burned as if he'd been in the snow too long, but the rapid circulation changes were feeding hundreds of new follicles as they formed. Tiny pinpricks of dusty gray fur began to push through his otherwise unblemished virgin skin, growing out like spring's first crop defying a snowfall. It was a light dusting at first, but then grew in thicker. Tiny twists and twirls emerged around his nipples while the space inbetween darkened with the fuzz.

Beneath Michael's arms, it felt like he was starting to sweat profusely, but the moisture didn't come from his glands so much as the new silky tufts of fur growing out of his pits. Even his reddened, irritated ears seemed to gain the treatment as tiny brownish red stubble emerged from his earlobes, covering the sensitive flesh as it began to grow looser, taller, flatter and stronger. A faint tip formed in the lobe, the intricate folds and flaps unfurling into a more uniform and smooth interior. Little by little, Michael's ears climbed taller and taller, brushing past his hair as they climbed skyward.

Somewhere in the distance, birds called out, flying from one tree to another across the rippling pond. The sun was climbing higher, the golden water turning to silver and then clear as the light became more direct. In the moment between ripples, the two men making love reflected upwards from the surface. Michael continued to bob his head forward and back, feeling his teeth oddly thick and flat grazing across the surface. His mouth felt looser as well, able to fit more of the cock into it at one time, even daring to let it slide to the back of his throat to fill him up directly.

Casey kept cumming and Michael kept gulping, a perpetual engine of transformation. New tufts of reddish brown fur sprouted from Casey's elbows as the hair on his legs gradually got thicker, longer, and softer. His flat ass was rounding out as fat was redistributed, the cheeks growing meatier and rounder as they pulled apart. His recessed pucker began to push out just a little, darkening and puffing up to a distinctive dark ring. The changed flesh trailed upwards as new hair turned into fur on his ass cheeks, all of the changes focused and culminating on a single point as a new skin stretched out over bones and ligaments that were liberating themselves from Michael's pelvis.

Even though Casey continued to bray and bleat and moan, he managed to bring his head down, his brown eyes half opening as he looked to Michael with glee and wonder. A guilty thrill of pleasure ripped through his body as he saw Casey with donkey ears, his lips distended, fur sprouting all over. The city boy's hair was getting a little bristlier down the center, making it stand up messier and more defiantly. Casey reached down, his dark fingernails plunging into the water. He fished around before he brought Michael's cock up to the surface, presenting them both with the new reality.

While Michael could barely see anything around the cock wedged in his face, the cross-eyed glimpse of his own member was almost as shocking as the fact that he could feel Casey's hand on the middle of it but also so much further away at the same time. Casey closed his fingers around the fleshy rod and began to squeeze and stroke and work at it, tugging and pushing, using a firm grip as if he were kneading clay. Michael let out a muffled moan around the cock in his mouth as he felt his own rod pushing out longer with each stroke, getting fatter, getting bigger and heavier and thicker and needier. It NEEDED to be manhandled, it needed to be used, it needed to fuck! It belonged to an animal in heat, and he was that animal!

It was as if Casey had completed a circuit in that moment. Michael's growing cock butted up against his palm, the mushroom shaped head squishing itself against the firm surface until it flattened and bloated outward, the mass spilling a little over the edge until firming into the familiar equine shape. The flesh firmed and grew more uniform, maintaining one impressive thickness from root to tip, though as Casey's hand frantically worked back and forth over the length, he felt a firm ridge forming around the center that had a pleasant bump to it as he worked forward and back.

Michael's brain was swimming in a pool of warm taffy as his skull softened and shifted, buzzing with heat and life and activity. His jaw stretched forward, as did his face. His nostrils were tugged forward far faster than the bridge of his nose, forcing the defined ridge to broaden and widen, flattening and melding out into the rest of his face. It was so much change all at once that he could barely feel the tingle as that reddish brown fur sprouted across his cheeks, his upper lip, his chin and his throat. It filled in the gaps before unceremoniously slipping across his nose, spreading around his eyes and crossing his brow. In moments the only distinction between his fur and his hairline was the thicker texture of his hair as it sprung upwards into a sort of short mohawk-like mane.

With the head of a donkey sitting atop the neck and shoulders of a man, the changes only accelerated. The patches of fur on his elbows fanned out, spiraling around his arms as it spread both towards his fingertips and his shoulders. The thickening plume of dust colored fur on his chest crept down his stomach before slinking over his shoulders. The fur filled in like pigment spreading through watercolor, slipping down across his flat stomach and over his hips as they rounded and filled out. The reddish brown coloring sprung up like fields of barley as it swept down his legs.

Neither man could see very far beneath the surface of the water. In their reverie they'd kicked up too much of the muddy, silty pond. Little by little, the particulate settled on Michael's new fur coating. The fur had reached his ankles, though the tingling heat of change had worked just a bit faster. The mud between his toes was being pushed out of the way as webs of flesh spread outward, connecting the digits together before anchoring them into position. Soft, tender new flesh toughened up and firmed, growing harrier and healthier even as his toenails seemed to absorb the pond water and soften before, suddenly, they began to spread.

"Woah..." Michael moaned as his muzzle popped free of Casey's huge cock, wobbling and nearly falling over. Casey caught his shoulders with both strong hands, keeping him upright. Even the escalation had felt weird as Michael worked his tongue over flat donkey teeth in a far fuller donkey muzzle. His new tall ear twitched on one side as he reached up to touch his face, pausing to see brownish-black fingernails thick and tough like little hooflettes. He felt his leathery palms and fingertips, then brushed them through the thick pelt of gray fur on his chest before he moaned out loud; "Hawww.... Hawww..." he brayed before he shuddered and his new equine cock began to erupt with a fountain of cum, sputtering a little before a steady, constant stream of jism lanced out into the pond.

"That's it, donkey stud..." Casey grinned before he leaned in, turning his head and opening his maw. Unlike before, their muzzles fit together like puzzle pieces now, forming a seal that allowed their tongues to easily find each other in a sloppy embrace. The two kissed, Casey still holding Michael upright as his feet were coated in their new hooves. Michael's tail swished around behind him, reddish brown hair sprouting from the tip like an organic paintbrush. The last patches of human flesh disappeared beneath the fur, leaving Michael entirely and completely transformed. Both males stood, kissing and embracing, warmed by the light of the sun and cooled by the breeze of the mountain. Every doubt and hesitation had been expelled from Michael's body just like the copious amount of cum erupting from both of their donkey dicks.


The quiet tranquility of the mountainside wasn't quite as tranquil as usual as the sound of a hammer echoed through the foothills of the mountains, accompanying the bird song and the chatter of the squirrels. The deciduous trees at the base of the mountain were starting to shift after the long summer, taking on warm hues of red, amber and orange. Several of the leaves fell around Casey as he continued to work, a few nails clamped between his blunt donkey teeth as he hammered the boards into place on the roof of the home he would soon share with his fiancé.

Despite the heat of the summer, Michael had grown out a reddish-brown beard that contrasted with his otherwise brunette mane of hair. His arms had thickened with the effort of building a home from scratch and his calf muscles looked as if they contained several tennis balls after doing his best to assist Casey with the job of guiding people up the mountain. Michael took the next nail from his mouth, positioned it carefully and then brought the hammer down, sinking it through the wood and into the frame beneath. He was grateful that his fingernails remained hoof-like even when he was mostly human, protecting him the one or two times the hammer had missed its target.

While Michael worked on the roof, Casey had turned his focus onto the more intricate details on the guard rails fencing off the veranda around the house. The cabin was taking shape well and it felt like they were just ahead of the turn in the weather. When the snows came they'd be bundled up together in their over-sized bed with a tower of DVDs to pass the time. Casey slid off the porch and leaned back, his sweaty chest glistening around the diamond of fur in the middle as he looked up at Michael.

"How you doin, hot stuff?" Casey asked. Michael glanced down with a grin, his tail swinging back and forth over his shorts.

"Just about done. Do you have any oat milk left?" he asked. Casey grinned and grabbed the canteen, moving over to stretch onto his hoof tips as Michael reached down from the roof to grab it. He unscrewed the top and tipped it back, enjoying the mild flavor before he sighed and licked his lips clean, returning the canteen to his lover, "I can't believe I didn't try it sooner." he murmured. Casey shrugged.

"Hey, you said you didn't want to deprive me." Casey grinned, taking a drink from the canteen himself.

"Well, at least now if I deprive you of oat milk, I have ways to make up for it." Michael said happily. Casey grinned at that and moved over to rub his lover's furry leg.

"How about you finish pounding the roof so you can come inside and pound me." Casey murmured. Michael groaned at that, his ears twitching even more.

"Maybe we could take a break and get it out of our systems..." he replied. Casey grinned, reaching up to grope the rather large bulge in Michael's shorts, his hand continuing its work until the bulge was an almost painful tent. Michael moaned, throwing his head back, "Haww! Hee-haww!" he moaned loudly before his donkey dick stretched long enough to slide out of the leg of his shorts. Casey leaned up and gave his lover a teasing lick before dropping back down again. Without saying anything, he opened the door to their new cabin and slipped inside. Michael was left panting hard, blushing beneath his beard before he laboriously climbed down the ladder, landed with a thump of his hooves on the porch and he raced inside after his lover with one swift donkey kick to the front door to swing it shut behind them. In another few moments the sound of moans, groans and riotous humping filtered out through the hole in the unfinished cabin roof, carrying on the swift mountain winds and joining the cheerful bird songs.


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The Rite of Gorgos

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Catching the S Train

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