Celebratory Festivities

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#3 of Random ideas that may become part of a longer series

In this story, a tribe of foxes has an orgy in celebration of two momentous occasions. A young vulpine is eager for the event ever since he becomes an adult, looking forward to enjoying the festivites with his father in a tent of horny vixens, but he may be in over his head.

Chapter length: 8,476 words

Warning: This content contains watersports, gangbang, and possibly cuckolding.

Celebratory Festivities

A mosquito buzzed as it landed on an anthropomorphic fox's arm. Its long, acicular mouth was prepared to engorge on sweet, sweet cruor and inject its malefic concoction into the bloodstream. The tip just caressed the skin, creating a pygmy dent as it almost perforated the organ when the vulpine suddenly shortened its ephemeral lifespan to even more fugacious.

"Damn mosquito," Tatu irascibility articulated in his native tongue, wiping the guts on his pilose figure while in a recumbent position against a tree trunk.

The fox was with more of his kind and gender, and everyone was pococurante about being naked around each other, also being perfunctory towards several members masturbating and ejaculating. They were in the woods because Tatu was in the process of entering adulthood. His objective at this stage was to kill a buck by himself. All the other males accompanied him on this trip for protection detail since there was a rumor of another tribe roaming dangerously close to their territory, and he was the head elder's scion, who was also one of the masculine members of the party. He just needed an all-clear from one of the best outriders that went further ahead to reconnoiter the land, and he was permitted one individual to come with him, although he must do everything singlehandedly. The lookout emerged from the bottom of the hill.

"Any danger?" Kokuo, Tatu's begetter, inquired in the tribe's language. He stood taller than the vast majority of his tribe, only matched by a bantam handful of warriors.

The scout and one of Tatu's best friends, Hararoto, shook his head. "No sign of hostile neighbors trespassing on our turf. I discerned signs of bear activity, but those are at least a week old." His wiry, light physique was a massive largess for his ability to ferret.

Kokuo turned to Tatu. "Ready, son?"

"I am, father," Tatu replied.

"Who do you want to accompany you?"


Bakkamu was Tatu's second best friend back when they were kits. It was natural for Tatu to select him since he was a masterly warrior and a personal bodyguard to Kokuo's family. Of course, he was popular among the vixens he had the proclivity to copulate with, being as tall as Kokuo and incredibly husky.

Kokuo gave his progeny a hug, releasing him seconds later. "You have until sundown to complete your journey." He looks up to the welkin. "That should give you five tilts."

"Alright," Tatu responded.

Kokuo osculated Tatu's forehead. "May our ancestors guide you and the Eidols bless protection on you and Bakkamu."

"Thank you, father."

Tatu looked at one of his favorite companions as Bakkamu had just started ejaculating insouciantly. "Ready, Bakkamu?"

"Ahhhh," Bakkamu exhaled with relief from the orgasm. "I am now," he answered in the same parlance. He stood up and ambulated till he was adjoining Tatu, grinning at him. "It's your time to shine."

Bakkamu and Tatu went down the acclivity, with the latter in the lead. Tatu scoured the land for any signs of deer: tracks, disturbed verdure, and cicatrixes on trees from the buck's antlers. It was the cervine's breeding season, meaning he had quite the task ahead of him, so his first place to investigate was a nearby field where many members of his clan had success harvesting plenty of does.

The Eidols blessed Tatu with a herd of twenty does of various sizes masticating on tall grass. Exploiting a tip from Hararoto, he picked up a couple of leaves, crumbled them, and released the fragments, confirming the wind was in his favor. Then, the Eidols graced him with a huge buck, a 12-point. He and Bakkamu observed the buck walk to the group of female deer, displaying signs on his neck that he was horny. They stealthily crept through the field, utilizing the foliage to adumbrate themselves. Once they were within range to shoot a bow, Tatu drew an arrow from his quiver and notched it right as the buck mounted a doe, humping her, and Bakkamu placed a hand on his chest.

"What?" Tatu asked with a scintilla of petulance since his friend was thwarting his opportunity, lowering his weapon.

"We're supposed to let life reproduce before extermination, so allow him to complete one of his duties before you negatively effectuate his vitality," Bakkamu replied.

Tatu returned his gaze to the two deer that were mating. "I say he accomplished his goal plenty of times."

"Plus, it's bad juju to give a male blue balls without giving him a chance of relief, and you're about to kill a buck before he climaxes. I don't know about your ancestors, but mine would castrate me if I stymied some dude's orgasm by eliminating him right at the cusp of it."


Tatu eased the tension on the string but kept the projectile attached to it, watching the buck mate with the doe. The coitus was short, and he quickly drew and released the arrow as soon as the sounds of orgasm evanesced. It was a perfect hit. The virile deer bolted approximately a hundred feet before succumbing to the wound, and the doe herd scattered. He and Bakkamu jogged to the fresh cadaver, and he pulled the arrow out.

"Nice kill," Bakkamu felicitated.

Pride coursed through Tatu's blood, creating a distinct warmth inside him. He was officially an adult in his tribe despite his maturity already making him more than a kit. The haul was too evanescent as he and Bakkamu descried an abominable creature with their ears, causing their hearts to palpitate violently. Bodies quavering and having horripilation, they turned around, observing a hulking grizzly bear snarling at them from a fair distance.

The two foxes took off, with Bakkamu easily in the lead. He quickly realized he was alone, turning around to see Tatu dragging the fresh carrion, and the bear rapidly gained ground at them. The result would absolutely be a bloodbath for them once it caught up.

"Let the corpse go," Bakkamu suggested. "Clearly the bear wants it."

"And ruin my chance at being an adult?" Tatu responded, looking up from the ground. "Not a chance."

"Your ancestors will mock you for being an old child in the afterlife very shortly if you don't drop that carcass."

Eidols damn his fate, Bakkamu thought. He had a tendency to prove his sinew at every chance he got and be pococurante at rushing in, and he dreamed about landing the fatal blow on a grizzly one day. However, he was smart enough to know when to back off, and fighting a bear solo was a death sentence. Even combating one with a team still had a decent chance of resulting in a hecatomb for his kinsmen.

Whereas Bakkamu was prone to paroxysms and accepted most challenges, Tatu had a predilection for being pertinacious. Capitulation was a foreign concept to him, and sometimes his body had to override his will's fixity. Today was no incongruity since he yearned to ascend to adulthood the second he was allowed to, and his survival instincts kicked in again as the bear got closer, impelling him to drop the deer. He almost caught up to Bakkamu until he tripped on his feet.

The grizzly was on top of Tatu, standing on its hind legs. He looked at the mountainous mass of death with presentiment in his eyes, fumbling around as he attempted to load an arrow.

Bakkamu interposed between the bear and Tatu, pointing the spear at it. He thrust the weapon at it, hoping the gesture and shouts would dragoon it to leave them alone. At worst, he supplicated to the All-Knowing and Eidols that he would buy Tatu enough time to extricate himself. It appeared more likely to be the latter as the ursine stood its ground, howling gutturally and exposing its laniary before being on all-fours.

Bakkamu barely lacerated the hulking bear on its right forepaw before dodging a swipe. At least, he accomplished his primary objective: to distract it for Tatu's protection as the harbinger of death shifted its focus on him. Celerity and alacrity were crucial for his survival. One strike would almost mean certain death as the bear demonstrated its strength by shaking the earth. He was faster and more nimble than it, although he wasn't as quick or agile as other members of the tribe. He stabbed the grizzly again, except the subsequent tremble in the ground caused him to fall on his fundament.

Tatu observed the bear about to extirpate his best friend with his mucronate claws. Sure, it was climacteric for him to survive since he was the head elder's posterity, and Bakkamu's purpose was to shield him, but he couldn't conceptualize a future without Bakkamu. So, he pulled the string and released an arrow, shooting the sinewy, pilose blob in the back, and all the attack did was rankle it. He was preparing another projectile when another figure appeared at his side.

"Father!" Tatu sounded excited and alarmed simultaneously, and he noticed his entire entourage was there.

"Stand back, son," Kokuo commanded, snarling at the bear while wielding a spear.

"How'd you know I was in danger?"

"We espied on you from afar. By the way-- congrats on the kill." Kokuo looked at his armed men. "Don't let fear get to you. We've faced warriors from the Myuri and Powatano tribes. Our goal is to convince the bear to go away. If it results in its death, then that's the Eidols' will."

Kokuo and his warriors circumscribed around the bear mostly, leaving it a means of escape. They took inspiration from witnessing wild wolves harassing and even killing grizzlies from exploiting the pack's size. One or two soldiers would rapidly inflict minor injuries on it and run around to distract it, creating an opening for more warriors to attack. They hoped the bear would realize it wasn't worth the frustration of continuing its assault and retreat.

Bakkamu was mortified as he beheld one fighter temporarily circumnavigating the ground from the bear swatting him. "Dad!"

Kokuo watched Appatak, his lifelong friend and Bakkamu's sire, land on the tall grass with the grizzly about to maul him. Going against his own ukase, he hopped on its back, ascending the hirsute mountain while his men tried to distract it. The bear was more concerned and incensed by the insect climbing it, trying to shake him off. His grip tightened, stymieing his ascent until he arrived at its neck. Fueled by adrenaline, he lifted his spear, plunging the acicular weapon into the bear's neck. The cuspate edge went deep enough to sunder the grizzly's brainstem, dealing the fatal blow. It vociferated one final wail before knocking him off as it stood on its hind legs before its eidolon left the world.

It was a miracle no one died during the attack. Usually, the anthropomorphic foxes would lose a few members when they were forced to hunt a grizzly bear. In those instances, the one who dealt the killing blow would be highly respected in the tribe, and there would be a celebration in felicitation.

"Dad!" Bakkamu shouted while charging at him, embracing him.

"Oof," Appatak exhaled from the sudden collision with his brawny scion just as he got up, feeling achy from the bear, and his necklace of acuminate claws almost came off his neck. "Easy, son; I don't need you to mimic the bear on me." The fox also spoke in the exact argot as his tribe. He looked at the head elder. "I guess I'm not the only with the title, Strong Like Bear, anymore."

"Probably not," Kokuo replied, turning to Tatu. "You ok, son?"

"I'm fine, father," Tatu replied, appearing crestfallen from chagrin with his head pointing at his feet. "Sorry for putting the tribe in danger."

Kokuo placed his left hand on Tatu's right shoulder. "At least the Eidols and All-Knowing blessed us with no casualties. We'll talk about this later. Right now, there are two celebrations worth throwing festivities for.

Tatu's ears perked up, and he lifted his head. "Two?" He believed the ceremony for his father killing a bear was the only one.

"You did kill the deer, didn't you, or were the Eidols playing tricks on my eyes?" Kokuo noticed his son beaming at his grin, and he patted his shoulder. "In fact, we might as well throw one massive conviviality instead of three separate parties." He started to assist his men with the cadavers. "Come on. The sooner we come home-- the faster we celebrate."


Three days passed for the settlement to be prepared for the saturnalia. All the naked vulpine gathered at Kokuo's and Tatu's domicile to commence the ceremony, igniting a campfire. The oldest fox presided over the initial stage. He wasn't the leader anymore, but he still had significant influence over the tribe, so he was the only one worthy of honoring the current regnant fox and the only one with habiliments.

"You done our ancestors, the Eidols, and All-Knowing proud, Kokuo," the oldest vulpine uttered in the same language, placing marks on Kokuo's right shoulder with viscid cruor, matching Appatak's design in the exact location. The added symbol ennobled Kokuo's prominence in the tribe.

"It was thanks to our warriors, father," Kokuo replied.

"Nevertheless, you accomplished a tremendous feat. I only recall doing this one other time, and that was many rotations ago. There was hardly a handful of other instances way before my existence, so don't be so diffident tonight. You earned it." Kokuo's father looked at the starry sky above the trees, rubbing his chin. "Let's see. It would not make sense to call you Strong Like Bear." He received a necklace with fresh bear claws. "How about Wrestled With Bear?"

Kokuo gave an obsequious obeisance. "It would be my honor." He felt the necklace go around his neck.

"Then it is settled. From this rotation forward, you will carry the title, Wrestled With Bear. You may cease your bow." Kokuo stood upright. "Now, I believe the rest is up to you." Kokuo's father went to sit on a stump, feeling jubilant about not sitting up anymore.

Kokuo took his progenitor's place, staring at his tribe briefly before looking at his only posterity. "Come forward, son." Tatu stood in front of him and genuflected reverentially. "Today is a special occasion for you. You were on a path since the very first rotation of your life, one that all men must travel. You did your duties and absorbed knowledge from your elders. Now, your journey is almost at the end, and you'll stand among those in the tribe, like Bakkamu, as actual equals." He gesticulates to a male member to bring him the dead deer's heart, holding it in his hands and presenting it to Tatu. "Once you eat this heart, you'll finally be recognized as an adult, and a new path will open up to you, one that you and only you can decide where it goes. Rise, Tatu." Tatu surceased the flexure on his physique, and he handed Tatu the heart. "Consume, and you'll finally achieve what you dreamt about for so long."

Tatu realized the heart was still raw and bloody, having a bit of an urge to gag. Trepidation gradually settled inside him since he assumed all the other hearts were cooked when he witnessed the ascendancies to adulthood. However, his resolve was still more puissant, and he brought it to his maw albeit slowly. It was tough, requiring much strength to tear it with his incisors, and each chew brought out the bloody, metallic taste. To finish the task, he had to subject himself to the flavor and texture. He licked his muzzle once he ingurgitated the muscular organ, waiting and wondering if the rumbles in his omphalos were a sign his stomach was about to reject the highly bloody meat.

Just a little longer, _Tatu thought. He conjectured that he would be in the clear once his latest primogenitor declared him a man. The wait was agonizingly longer than he foreknew. _Fuuuuckk.

"It's official, Tatu; you can now join your brothers," Kokuo uttered, and Tatu was exultant as he placed the third line on Tatu's left chest. He focused his attention on the legion of stark naked foxes. "Some of you are probably wondering why we went through the trouble of setting up the grand party for two especial occasions. Well, there is one more. We suffered no casualties when we killed the bear attacking us. In light of the All-Knowing blessing us with this once-in-a-lifetime benefaction, I decided to expand the recipients to everybody in the tribe. We will eat and party for several rotations. For the maturer members, you are free to have an orgy anywhere in the camp, including the relaxation tent with your spouses or anyone else in your age group for the same duration. I gave our warriors a schedule to rotate their guarding shifts by. Without further ado, let the orgy commence!"

Immediately, several adult vulpines partnered up with each other and started their intercourses. Some began with females fellating penises. A few males prepped their feminine partners with cunnilingus. The rest got straight to business while the remainders went elsewhere for sex or got comestibles. The masculine foxes with more marks typically got more of a harem than their virile counterparts.

Tatu sensed a hand on his right shoulder, turning around to see his father. "Shall we go?" Kokuo inquired.

"Go where?" Tatu catechized.

"To the relaxation tent, and bring Bakkamu too. The three of us definitely deserve it."

Tatu's eyes lit up with excitement. "Alright!"

Kokuo went into his home, returning back with three herbal salmagundis in pellucid containers. "Drink one, son."

"You mean?"

Kokuo imbibed the aphrodisiac. "Yes, Tatu. I don't know about you, but I definitely want to relax." He looked over to his wife, who was the cynosure of a gangbang, and she permitted him with a gesture while all three of her orifices were filled with penises and surrounded by more horny studs, giving two of them a handjob. Even though he and she partook in the tribal praxis of open relationships, he didn't want to increase the zenana in his household, leaving the males the opportunity to create their harems.

Tatu, his begetter, and Bakkamu ambulated through the camp as the bacchanal and the fetor of coitus suffused throughout the settlement. The guards that had the short end of the stick had raging boners from inhaling the scent of sex through their nostrils. They arrived at the second largest tent close to the camp's hem.

The relaxation tent was the polestar for having unrestrained orgies. Sex out in the open anywhere else isn't taboo to ensure the tribe's survival, but it was there for those that were less lackadaisical about being exhibitionists. The egress didn't provide much cover for those that wandered by insouciantly or observing them. Females that just became mature enough to have coition were there for the males to release semen. As soon as one effeminate vulpine became gravid, the macho fox that climaxed in her uterus last was assumed to be the one that impregnated her, and the duo would be mates. Once that was done, she would be off the table for future husbands regardless if another male fertilizes her ovum later on. Of course, that wouldn't stop any couple from including more members of either gender anywhere, anytime.

Tatu was the last to ingest the concoction as he, Bakkamu, and Kokuo entered the tent, instantly sensing his cock become erect. They weren't the only virile foxes there, observing five decent groups. Nearly instantaneously, a horde of vixens encompassed them, guiding them to empty spots, and they got a distinct paint hue: yellow, blue, and white, respectively. The tinctures were there to help determine who was the father and spouse. He and Bakkamu were dead even with six girls, while Kokuo had ten.

"Have at it, you two. Fill as many women as your testicles and penis desire," Kokuo ordered beatifically, sensing multitudinous tongues on his unit and hands on his balls. Bakkamu needed no further instructions, and he noticed his progeny appeared timorous. "First-time jitters, Tatu?"

"Yes," Tatu answered. He witnessed a cornucopia of coitus in his life, so he knew how sex worked via osmosis, and his parents taught him, complete with demonstrations. Still, it didn't entirely attenuate the dithers within his stomach. The hands-on his genitals were a first for him, slowly breaking the barriers to his virginity.

"Don't worry about it, son. I promise you that sex feels great. Girls, make sure you take extra care on Tatu."

"Oh we will," one of the vixens spoke sultrily in the tribe's common tongue, holding Kokuo's glans near her mouth. She gesticulated to the women around Tatu with her head.

"Gah!" Tatu vociferated, tensing his frame. He perceived sundry tongues on his genitalia: one on each of his gonads and four on his dick. They felt paradisiacal to him.

Kokuo and Bakkamu knew the delights of fellatio as the variegated vixens orally pleasured them, each licking a female's vagina. The sonorities from Tatu indicated the vestal fox definitely relished the technique. Being a total virgin aggrandized the pleasure on Tatu, but they were cognizant of the concoction they engorged earlier also made their nerves hypersensitive. If Tatu thought this was heaven, they conjectured he was in for a treat to learn the diversiform ways of coitus since the amorous session was young and polymorphous.

Tatu's heart palpitated excitedly as he stared at the epicene foxes. Six physiognomies expressed libidinous desires at him while licking his phallus and nuts. At least six vixens were prurient for his semen. Having that many women right at his fingertips lusting for his cock and a fulsome supply of more females being lubricious for his spunk sent him over the sexual precipice, plummeting to the orgasmic abysm. He unleashed an effusion of jizz while in a blissful miasma, the fertile torrent inundating their visages.

"Sounds like Tatu's enjoying himself," Bakkamu uttered, relishing a vixen suck his eight-inch dick. "Speaking of which." He held her in place, emptying his testes down her throat until she couldn't handle his virile, agglutinative exudation. She guided his rod to her womanish companions while more sperm shot from his urethra, giving them an opportunity to savor the sticky seed.

Kokuo heard Tatu experience his inceptive sex life while savoring a feminine fox taking all ten inches of his shaft down her throat. The tight passage was redolent of a muliebria and was sufficient to make him ejaculate. She was a cormorant, being frugal with how much cum she allowed to escape, which caused the rest to be invidious. Another vixen forced her to share the wealth when he ran dry this time, preventing her from swallowing the final load for now, and the second female equally prorated what little salty remnants to the rest of her friends around him.

Once Tatu regained enough consciousness to apperceive, the members of his temporary harem that received the brunt of his payload divvied his spunk to the less fortunate ones instead of being penurious. Watching them share his special treat by their mouths was incredibly erotic to him, making his erection return, still covered in cum. When they exhausted the fecund resource, they gormandized the leftover semen on his penis, still not being parsimonious. He convulsed subtly as he observed a vixen present her wet pussy in front of him. All the observations and tutorage told him that she was ready, prepared to be the one to begrime his continence first.

It was fortuitous for Tatu; the vixens had his father and Bakkamu adjacent to his left and right side, respectively. The two masculine foxes had a female counterpart ready to get her vagina stuffed by their penises, and he was about to lose his sexual abstemiousness.

"Hold up, son," Kokuo ordered.

"What?" Tatu inquired while hiding a slight snarl, his primal instinct not receptive to the abrupt lacuna.

Kokuo began to edify Tatu on pleasuring a female. "Even though the vixens must obey us and tend to our needs, we must be aware of their needs also and ensure they get as much satisfaction as we do during sex. Your mother and I taught you, but that was many rotations ago, and she and I only did rudimentary material."

"So what do I need to know?"

"First, you must do this," Bakkamu replied, returning to his task of giving his transient partner cunnilingus.

Tatu observed the two macho foxes bury their countenances in their ephemeral mates' pussies to recompense them, so he mimicked them, remunerating his transient inamorata. The ambrosial taste of nectar was exquisite to him once he moved on from the fishy taste of piss, impelling him to lick the cunt in broad, long strokes. He heard rapturous intonations from her, so he assumed he was on the right track His tongue took her vulva and labia along fugaciously before leaving them behind and returning to collect them, repeating the cycle and leaving slabber behind.

"That's the spirit, Tatu," Bakkamu spoke with enthusiasm. "Don't be afraid to go harder; chicks dig it when you go rough at this stage.

"How?" Tatu asked, putting the oral sex on hiatus.

"Like this, and don't forget to shove your tongue deep in her slit."

Tatu observed his best friend dive back into the female's cunt, and he had a clear view of him attached to it. The way Bakkamu moved his maw and the force made him believe Bakkamu was masticating the nether lips, hearing a positive response. He focused back on his vixen, replicating what he beheld. Saccharine honey enveloped his tongue the second he entered her vagina, and he felt the meaty walls implode on his saturated organ and throbs. Bakkamu's advice notwithstanding, he added more force to his licks and gave his jaw a workout.

"You can also flick your tongue rapidly also," Kokuo suggested. "They love that also, especially when you do it on the little bump at the top of their holes."

Taking his masculine procreator's advice, Tatu looked at the top of the vixen's vagina, beholding the clitoris. One flick of his tongue resulted in him harking her audible imprimatur. He exerted the majority of his effort with the tip of his tongue, dichotomizing her folds with his fingers. He wanted to save her pearl for later. More secretions coated his tastebuds, and she quavered faster with excitement.

Tatu was on the precipice of lapping away at one of the female's most erogenous zones when her arousal imbued his face. Initially, he thought she urinated on him without warning, making him livid. The wroth feeling deliquesced once he tasted her essence's natural, sacchariferous flavor and heard his father speak.

"You got it, son," Kokuo praised, and Tatu wagged his tail at the plaudit. "I reckon she's ready now, and Bakkamu and me will demonstrate the intricacies of ensuring your partner has the time of her life." He and Tatu's best companion got their temporary mates in the most vanilla position. "Follow our lead."

Since he had already observed copulation copious amounts of times, Tatu didn't need any advice as he aimed his penis at the vixen's snatch and guided it inside, finally losing his chastity. What came next was the state of absolute jubilation and heaven, and they both moaned concurrently. Her tunnel felt ineffable except for being totally different on his prick than when he had his tongue in there. So warm, so wet, so tight, and he was jocund about being within her. He conjectured she fornicated prior because she didn't connote any throes.

The scrumptious pussy caused Tatu to follow his licentious instincts, transgressing his begetter's and best friend's advice. He wanted to breed. He desired to fuck as many females as possible. He yearned to fill every vagina with sperm until his testicles ran out. That lecherous concupiscence trumped any pronunciamento Kokuo and Bakkamu had for him.

Tatu pulled out and immediately went back into the vixen's cunt. He only had one speed, which was to cum inside her and move to the next female apace. It only took Bakkamu proscribing his thrusts to knock some sense back into him, and even that came in gradually as he struggled against Bakkamu.

"What?" Tatu snarled.

"Your father said to follow his and my leads," Bakkamu replied.

"I was," Tatu whined.

"No, you weren't. You wanted to finish and move to the next woman. Trust me; that's not what a man should do.There are two things that don't make someone a man: not making a woman cum before or during your climax and only ejaculating once for the whole session, particularly if it's an effete crescendo."

"It's actually better to enjoy the journey instead of it being a race to the finish line," Kokuo panted while plowing his partner. Bakkamu went to his harem once Tatu became more halcyon. "There are occasions where your partner wants sex to be rough and fast, but that usually comes after knowing each other for an extended period. Start this time at a slower pace and listen to your mate. She'll let you know how she wants your cock."

Tatu begrudgingly inserted his penis into his vixen's cunt, this time at a slower pace. The new rapidity gave him access to sensations he didn't felt before. Each thrust into her twat felt like the initial perforation that purloined his abstinence. He perceived the fleshy, warm, moist walls latching tightly to his penis this time. He noticed her appear blithe at his movements-- not that he had any anamnesis about what she asseverated when he initially went full throttle.

The paramour had sufficient wherewithal to press her hand on his right cheek, guiding Tatu in for an osculation. An exchange of moans between their lips and saliva, and he tasted the tingling scintillations. He had a quizzical expression when she had his hands on her mammillae.

"She wants you to touch them," Kokuo elucidated, explicating it further by playing with his inamorata's breasts as a demonstration. "Females tend to have more spots on their bodies that are supersensitive than females-- their tits being one such areas. You ought to caress them often while having sex to make them cum at least when you do."

"She also sounds prepared for you to go faster," Bakkamu added. His transitory concubines made it arduous for him to inculcate Tatu with the art of procreation as they caressed and admired his corpulent, burly physique, and he had a tight cavern on his dick.

Possessing the elucidation in his mind, Tatu gave the effeminate fox's plump boobs firm compressions, intensifying his thrusts. Her rejoinder was immediate and indubitably positive. The dyad of bosoms was pillowy on his digits, and he observed Kokuo and Bakkamu sucking on their temporary partners' buxom. Perhaps I should try that, he thought. She took jollity from his attempts to pleasure her, and he took delight in fondling and sucking her breasts.

"Now, slow down, Tatu," Kokuo enunciated to him, having the oh-so-terrible problem of having multifarious women to fuck and pleasure concurrently.

Tatu retarded his velocity per his begetter's exhortation, and the vixen traipsed his physique with her fingers. Catching on to what she wanted, he reciprocated identically, discovering she derived titillation on her sides. She wanted to kiss him, although he divagated slightly and went for her neck, unlocking another erogenous zone on her. His right hand peregrinated her lissome figure to her clitoris. If making her reach her lascivious apogee first was preponderant to being a man, then, by the All-Knowing, he would make her cum before he did, even if the other females coveting him made it arduous to restrain his ascent.

At least Tatu had Bakkamu and Kokuo giving him guidance on when to accelerate or decelerate. Being an abecedarian had its drawbacks, namely being clumsy and prematurely pulling his erection out of her vagina. He whimpered at the relatively gelid air on his pecker and was corybantic at shoving his shaft back in. Luckily she had the sophistication to guide it back in.

Tatu heard three stentorian howls, and one came from the submissive fox, sensing his inguinal region suddenly become drenched. He looked at his masculine compatriots for confirmation, and they nodded in avowal. The affirmation was all he needed to impel his thrusts to the max. He was amped from holding back and from the other vixens stimulating him the entire time he went into her pussy. A couple of vixens lapped at his posterior and the orifice associated with it that the whole tribe christened the aperture as Nowahakkun's Cave, named for Nowahakkun, the God of Corruption.

"I'm so close," Tatu huffed, sensing his partner's legs doing their best to hold him in place.

"Do it any point, son," Kokuo said, gritting his teeth from his imminent orgasm. "You deserve it."

"I'm nearly there, too, bro," Bakkamu panted.

Masturbation and the vixens fellating him paled in comparison to stuffing a woman with his cream for the first time. The rapturous surge sequestered him into a rhapsodic cloister where he was the only inhabitant-- it was like bathing in a sea of beatitude. Eventually, the lubricous inebriation melted away, and he discovered himself on the feminine fox, his body feeling lethargic, so he left his penis in the commixture of nectar, precum, and semen in her womb. The refractory period was still capable of producing lassitude puissant enough to beat the aphrodisiac for a short duration, and he noticed it having an effect on Kokuo and Bakkamu.

"By the All-Knowing," Tatu huffed in awe, and the vixen received a mark in the tincture he got from entering the tent. It was to trace who was the last male that painted her uterus with seed should she become pregnant.

Kokuo chortled slightly while on top of his partner, knowing precisely what the afterglow his son was going through. "Did that whet your appetite, Tatu?"

"Boy, did it!"

"Good because we have a long night ahead," Kokuo responded, observing the salacious jubilee ramping up inside and outside the relaxation tent.

The next position Tatu tried was doggystyle, and his subsequent partner was more in the mood for rough sex, so he was glad to oblige, latching onto her buttocks. As far as he knew, the distinct position had minim changes to the gratification he felt through his penis. He found exhilarating the rest of the womanly vulpine feasting on the sperm extravasating from his previous mate's vagina, creating a fecund cataract from it to each of their muzzles.

Partners three, four, and five had Tatu in a decumbent on his back while the vixens straddled his cock. The first had one of them facing away from him, giving him the impression he could relax, which he could get acclimated to occasionally, and he extracted the most felicity from having saliva on his testicles. He found the following one counterproductive at pleasuring a female because she faced him but was far away while caroming on his crotch. The final position was reminiscent of the fourth, except he fretted about being forced to do a split, which his legs were inefficacious at performing. In summation, he perceived zero noticeable alterations in his pleasure and preferred to be in control often.

The number of occupants increased as Appatak, Hararoto, and the senescent fox emerged with conspicuous erections, the last individual creating quite the stir.

"I'm shocked to see you here, father," Kokuo spoke.

"This old fox still has the spirit of a kit inside, and it motivates me to indulge sometimes such as right now," the elder replied.

Tatu encountered the brew's primary side effect, causing an urgent need to evacuate his bladder. "I'll be right back."

The former elder observed Tatu squirming in place, gleaming information that Tatu needed to pee, and he had to, too. "Why bother leaving when all you need is right here."

Tatu tilted his head. "Come again?"

"These women here are supposed to fulfill our every need, and that includes this."

Tatu beheld the antediluvian fox demonstrate his point by grabbing his rigid tool and aiming it at the nearest vixen, who was glad to be the recipient. A Golden stream came forth from his urethra, quickly flowing down her body, and the mephitis of piss became prevalent. He couldn't fathom that someone could nonchalantly urinate on another individual and that said person would gladly be the donee.

To his disbelief, the rest of Tatu's close acquaintances and the nearby virile foxes found their designated vixens and casually micturated on them. He conjectured the aphrodisiacs resulted in a seemingly amaranthine golden, watery jet because he couldn't recall a moment where Bakkamu and Kokuo peed longer than they did, currently surmising the other males ingurgitated the brew. Still, the sounds of urine splashing against the recipients and the ground aroused him, inflaming his need to relieve his bladder.

To his surprise, Tatu found the members of his pygmy harem kneeling before his penis, all enthusiastic about being the recipients of his urine. Might as well see how this goes, he thought. Aiming his pecker at the nearest vixen, he sensed the pleasurable stimulus of releasing the golden, serous excreta from his bladder, sighing with relief, and he made sure to spread the wealth. The notion that he was actually peeing on someone sank in, amplifying his excitement, and he observed the other women take control of their partners' pricks. They manipulated them to direct the streams to their mouths, enclasping the shafts with their lips, and the men showed no signs of surceasing their urinations.

Tatu's vixens controlled his dick while his bladder continued giving and giving. He observed them guiding the stream over to each of them, giving them a thorough souse and a drink. Eventually, the nearest one got the kudos of taking his rod in and getting close to the base. The feeling of fellatio while peeing was splendiferous even as a portion of piss escaped her mouth.

The entire tent had the effluvium of urine once all the bladders finally exhausted themselves, and that was when Tatu's primary love interest, Su'kemu, appeared. She was around his height, and her red fur seemed to have effulgence only to his eyes. He surmised his hands were amply large to fully wrap her breasts with them and play with them. They were firm and a bit cuspidate, something he found magnetizing when beholding other females with similar features. Her mom and his mother were friends, and they were the same age. Out of all the options for him to make his zenana, she ranked at the top, and she fortuitously still wore the necklace that signaled she was ripe for the taking to any masculine fox that yearned for her.

"So here's where you are," Su'kemu uttered in the tribe's patois, shaking her head and grunting exasperatedly. "I should've known sooner."

"I-I-I can explain," Tatu replied, trembling.

Su'kemu silenced Tatu with a hand gesture, looking away. "No need, although that's not what I'm irritated about. You told me you had plans on fucking as many females as possible once you completed your trial many rotations ago, but you promised me you save your first for me."

"I can still be your first, Su'kemu."

"That went with the wind awhile ago, Tatu." Su'kemu gently and sensually caressed Appatak's pecs as she stared hungrily at the virile foxes near her. "You're going to sit where you are and observe these fine studs here use me as a kit's toy until I'm just as broken as you are. Judging by what I saw when I came in, you were well-used, so it'll take a few minutes... or more." She looked at the females around Tatu. "Make sure he waits for his turn."

"We will," one of the vixens replied, looking sexually famished as she licked her lips at Tatu's cock.

"You don't have to do this," Tatu spoke urgently. "I was learning how to treat a woman during sex so I could make your moment special."

"Well, these men that taught you can certainly teach me how to take a cock or two... or three... or four... or more." Su'kemu ground her ass on Bakkamu's phallus, holding two more peckers in her metacarpi. "Alright, boys, breed me like there's no tomorrow."

Tatu beheld his love interest straddle his best friend's penis and plummet on it, observing a protuberance form around her viscera and blood from her vagina. She winced and trembled from the stinging agony in her groin, which the other men benevolently created an interregnum for her to recover. They waited until she took the next move and another, and they assumed control, inserting a dong into her mouth.

All Tatu could do was watch the masculine gang have its way with Su'kemu while the horny vixens overwhelmed him with ecstasy. Her delightful sounds inflamed him while arousing him simultaneously. She internally smirked as she saw him appear stupefied with his jaw open.

Su'kemu stroked Kokuo's and Appatak's cocks and sucked the ancient fox's erection. Hararoto and the other men surrounded her, maintaining their boners by themselves. More virile vulpine arrived, bringing the total amount of macho entities to approximately twenty by her count, which brought a smile to her lips. She figured this was the best way to requite Tatu.

Su'kemu winced from Bakkamu pounding away at her muliebria. <Perhaps I was in over my head taking Bakkamu's dick as my first.> That was a common notion the vixens had after experiencing his penis. He had quite the girth on his eight-inch shaft and sinew behind every thrust. The force caused her to bump her nose against the eldest fox's crotch and take all twelve inches down her throat. Having the battering ram stretch her pussy wide open was adequate to make her orgasm not just once or twice but several times in quick succession, another reason why Bakkamu was illustrious with the ladies.

The peckers discharged sperm sequentially. The ones Su'kemu stroked bedaubed her physique with agglutinative seed. She chugged the eldest fox's cum, but Bakkamu took the cake on the amount he ejaculated. Aphrodisiac notwithstanding, he had the output capable of making someone appear parturient with kits. The brew aggrandized his manly ejections, creating a tumescent bulge that made her appear she was heavily enceinte with children and about to commence her parturition.

Tatu observed hopelessly at the males using his primary paramour like a sex toy while dealing with his harem. His father, his two friends, Appatak, the former ruler, and the multifarious masculine foxes took turns plastering Su'kemu's figure or cumming in Su'kemu multiple times, placing their marks on her if they ejaculated in her uterus. Her positions were variegated, sometimes taking a penis in her anus, vagina, and mouth synchronously. Once one of them finally spent their gonads, another would take his place, making the line seemingly endless and the gangbang seemingly amaranthine. He wasn't sure how she was still conscious since she had a cornucopia of climaxes from the horny vulpine, and most tended to not hold back when they had an aperture to perforate.

The line of horny foxes finally started to wane, and Su'kemu lowered herself onto the last dyad of penises anon. She took each and every load from the testicles like a champ, panting once the last ejaculations ran their courses, but the gangbang's damage was done. The jizz besmeared body enough to make her appear she belonged to the friendly tribe in the north. It also disgorged from her snatch and pucker as she walked around, and only Bakkamu, Kokuo, Appatak, the oldest fox, and Hararoto remained in the tent.

Great, Tatu thought furiously, Su'kemu's gonna have kits and be in someone else's harem.

"Learned your lesson, Tatu?" Su'kemu catechized.

"I didn't cum in that many vixens _that _many times," Tatu replied irritably, admitting to himself that it was hot to watch other foxes have their way with her, but not while she was still on the market.

"Sounds like you have."

"Does that mean I can have my turn?"

Su'kemu placed a finger on her lips. "Hmm. Sure, but only after you prep me up first."

"What do you me-"

Su'kemu planted her posterior on Tatu's visage before he finished his question or got up. "Start licking my asshole."

Tatu dragged his tongue across Su'kemu's taint, accumulating the conglomerate blob of masculine essence on it. The only contrasting taste potent enough for him to detect among the briny, viscous mass was her anus's gaminess. A mucilaginous pool formed on both sides as he could not match the semen's velocity and volume coming from her pucker, and thick globs of it driveled off her body onto his frame in long strands.

Something more aqueous came from Su'kemu, spreading quickly on Tatu's body, and he sensed it was warm. So, she's doing that, he thought, feeling a tinge of mortification at being the recipient of a female's piss while also getting a bit aroused from the shame. The watery stream flowed fluidly as he polished her sphincter with his tongue. Then, there was a caesura in the urination as she stood up and faced him. She spread her folds, smirking as she resumed evacuating her bladder. Her nether region swayed parallel to his pilous physique, ensuring she thoroughly imbued his orange and white fur in pee from his genitals to his neck before directing her stream to his muzzle. He darted his mouth in every possible direction to avoid her piss, but he still took a moiety of it, realizing there were chunks of sperm accompanying it.

"Just doing my part of the cleansing," Su'kemu uttered, appearing slightly disappointed that her golden stream went to a trickle and stopped as soon as she spoke. "Damn-- was hoping to savor it longer."

"Does this mean we can go to the main part?"

"Yes." That was the only word Su'kemu spoke as the answer.

Tatu exploded, suddenly reversing his and Su'kemu's positions and pinning her, and he gave her a depredatory grin. "Good because I've been eager for my turn."

Tatu ignored most of the advice he had learned earlier as he shoved his erection into Su'kemu's vagina, conjecturing she was in the mood for rough rutting by how she handled her gangbang and torturing him. Regardless of the vixens he had sex with earlier, he moaned like he lost his virginity as her tunnel devoured his dick-- so silky and warm. And, it was slick from the fecund vestiges and still tight despite taking slathers of cocks, especially some girthy ones, a bunch of times. The sensual sensation stupefied him momentarily instead of immediately going for another hard thrust.

The sonance of balls percussing against Su'kemu's twat pervaded throughout the relaxation tent once Tatu got his rhythm back. He glanced at her physiognomy, surmising that whatever feeling she sensed was indescribable or too robust to form any vocals. She only conveyed her state of mind with one expression, which was consummate felicity.

One piece of his tutelage Tatu kept from Bakkamu and Kokuo was activating as much of a female's erogenous zones as possible during sex, and that was what he did to his primary lover. Her boobs were the easiest to mess with-- that and her neck. So, he fondled her left breast, pinching and twisting her nipple while licking and nibbling her neck, and his free hand wrapped around her. The intimate exploration of their bodies mixed the piss and spunk, evenly distributing the mixture between them. The added show of affection had an effect as he sensed the vaginal grip relax on his penis, allowing him to plow her harder to where his dick smooched her cervix. He didn't care about letting her reach her carnal acme before he did because he still had a plenitude of loads in his scrotum, and the lascivious contrivance waned enough to make him less sensitive, reducing the buildup.

Tatu glanced at the nearby males without ceasing the fornication as if he bestirred them to take Su'kemu from him, noticing them mate with the other womanly foxes. Satisfied that they were listless about her, he went to his preeminent task. The osculations and nips transmigrated to her right bosom, and that was when the sex escalated. She enfolded him with her legs and arms, her fingers discovering the erogenous zones on his hirsute body. Their whiskers tickled each other while the kisses went back to her lips.

Su'kemu must be ready, Tatu thought. Her pussy clenched tighter briefly and got wetter, and she howled for once since they commenced, indicating she had her orgasm. The milking on his penis fluxed the ache in his manly orbs into enraptured brume, the dam imploding in his family jewels as he hilted her. A snarl formed on his lips while vulpine spunk flooded the deepest reaches of her genitalia. The feet became overkill as the sudden tension in his muscle did a superb job of holding him in place to make him pour every drop of jizz into her belly and ensure she carried his kits. The taut fibers abnegated their responsibility to lethargy to keep him on top of her, and she was enervated to hold him tight. He had his prick stew in the sticky cavern, too phlegmatic at dragooning it out.

Soon, two pairs of eyes looked at each other as strength and birr returned to Su'kemu and Tatu. "By the All-Knowing," was all he could enunciate, the awe and afterglow shutting him up.

"Eidols, that was terrific, Tatu," Su'kemu responded warmly.

"Even after taking that many dicks?" Tatu inquired as he replaced the previous mark with his.


Tatu rested on his arms, which were resting on Su'kemu's mammillae. "So, are you satisfied with your revenge?"

Su'kemu nodded. "Yes, but that wasn't the whole reason for taking on multiple men without much pause."

Tatu appeared intrigued, arching an eyebrow. "Oh. What's the other half?"

"First, you must tell me what's your plan for the upcoming rotations."

"Just fucking as many women as possible during the celebration, making sure to include you often."

"Well, the reason for the nearly unending line of cocks is because I want to be yours until I assure the union with your kits. Surely the party would be sufficient for you to knock me up." Su'kemu got a beaming smile and a wagging tail from Tatu for her to piece together how he felt about the offer.

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