NNC: Day Seven

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#5 of No Nut Challenge

It is the end of the first week, just a few more weeks to go plus a couple days. And yes there is no day six since I missed a day, if I make any efforts for the pdf for the full month post I'll write the days I missed.

Be sure to vote on the polls if you haven't!https://strawpoll.com/polls/BDyNj79rWyRhttps://www.patreon.com/posts/no-nut-challenge-74094212

Swift was already out of the house and at work by the time you woke up. Making the first few hours you were awake a rather boring and slow affair. Left alone with your thoughts while you tried to pass the time.

On his lunch break he'd fondle his sack and play around with you a bit, possibly checking to see if you were still alive. At first you'd try and get him to waste his lunch break by jerking off but the otter very quickly lost interest. Leaving you to sit there listening to him talk to coworkers while eating real food. Meanwhile you had to continue to eat the only thing available to you, the otter's cum. Least to say you craved real food now more than you ever had previously in your life.

After lunch it was back to the same old work routine with the otter occasionally walking somewhere or shifting around in his seat. No matter how much you fidgeted or rubbed, Swift ignored all of it. Part of you had to imagine he was somewhat used to your movements by now and that he could distract himself from it. That or he had a boner and just hid it as best he could while doing his job. Either way he wasn't going to go through any effort to let you out at this time.

Several more hours later his shift would come to a close and you couldn't wait for him to go home. Even if you weren't able to get out today, at least maybe you'd have a chance to set yourself free. Feeling the rumble of the vehicle he sat down in on the trip to his destination. Making it harder for you not to squirm a little with just how much more intense an engine's vibration felt at this size.

When Swift got out of the vehicle you fully expected him to walk into his home and crash on the couch. Instead he started talking to someone and it caught your interest.

"Hey, it's the end of the first week and I haven't gotten off once. Miss your roommate yet?" Swift said to your roommate or at least you were sure it had to be. The otter was a liar though since he most definitely had gotten off and failed the challenge. Despite that though you were still in there as a sign of his supposed commitment.

"I'm not lying, I really have resisted getting off! You can fondle my balls if you want to feel for them as proof." Well one thing was for certain, he'd resist the urge to get off now more than ever while your roommate was around.

Swift's balls suddenly hung free, he actually dropped his pants for your roommate to inspect. Feeling their hand come in contact with his balls soon after, toying with your body. Making you squirm as they made the pool of cum slosh around you. "Yeah they are still completely whole in there, guess those pills really do help stop it. Usually any I put in there would be gone within hours. Are you sure you don't want me to let them out in case the pills fail?"

This might actually be your chance to get out, your roommate needed you for rent after all. "No I'm not saying it just as an excuse to get off. But fine, suit yourself. Just don't come crying to me if they melt into otter spunk by the end of the month." Hearing that only made you squirm harder knowing there was a chance of melting. "Don't think they liked the sound of that, they are squirming more than usual."

His underwear and pants then came back on, restricting your movements once more. You barely even paid attention at that point, focusing all your energy on squirming for the rest of the day. Determined more than ever before now that you knew there real consequences to this besides being locked up for a month.

There was a plus side to all your squirming however at least for Swift. With how crazily you were moving around in his balls your roommate started to believe that he might not have actually gotten off. He was like an iron wall at the moment, any attack you made to get him to jerk off could not get to him. It was a hard struggle to keep up for long however, each passing minute you could feel your body getting more sore and tired. Until eventually you were panting heavily and barely able to move at all. If you kept this up you might just pass out from exhaustion.

"Looks like they finally tuckered themself out, good thing too, was getting hard to ignore." Swift saying that only made you try and give it another go but you struggled to move. His flesh had always forced you to stay curled up so it took a decent amount of your strength just to stretch out. "Well I should head home, enjoy having the house to yourself for at least a few more weeks."

Now that he was on his way home it felt pointless to try and force him to get off. The small amount of sway back and forth in his sack while he walked him was relaxing in a way. At least until there was a larger motion and you were dunked in his cum completely for a second.

While he walked, you could feel yourself getting sleepier by the second. Your limbs were so sore and you had so little energy in general after the long day followed by the burst of squirming. Swift's flesh felt like it was closing in on you more as you relaxed your limbs. Forcing you to curl up even tighter, his warm flesh holding you snuggly on all sides. Truthfully it was hard not to sleep at times since at least in your dreams you were free and living your life instead of being an otter's toy or challenge. You weren't sure when exactly you passed out but eventually you fell asleep once more.

NNC: Day Eight

You'd wake up before Swift did today to the sound of thunder which if not for your tight confines you'd have jumped out of your bed. It was hard to hear much of anything general in your fleshy prison so the sudden loud noise took you by surprise. The...

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NNC: Day Five

At the dawn of the fifth day you'd wake up at around the same time as him. Though you weren't even sure if you could call it dawn exactly since for all you knew he woke up at noon. It was Saturday now though and there was at least a chance that he...

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NNC: Day Three and Four

On your third day you woke up when he was already up and about. While you could struggle and make things difficult for him in public, it seemed a bit counter productive. You'd expend so much of your energy trying to rile him up when he can't even do...

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