Day 16) Bubble

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#16 of Voretober

This was for day 16 of Voretober featuring a very cute fen friend of mine who gets absolutely destroyed by my dragon this is probably among my more fucked up stories so if you're squeemish probably not a good idea you read this. Anyways, this was a lot of fun to write, I don't often get the opportunity to explore kinks outside of vore so expect more of that this Voretober.

Chaw ©

Augustus © Me

CW: Hyper cum, Hyper cock, Macro/Micro, Anal Sex, Gay, Cum Inflation, Bursting, Blood, Gore, Popping , Destruction, Death, Snuff, Fatal

Chaw was arguably the cutest fen in all the city. His cream colored fur, his little bandana, his thin body, and bright blue eyes. The fennec fox smiled warmly as he explored the city. Enjoying the bright and shiny day. Full of hopes, dreams, aspirations, and joy as he excitedly explored down the sidewalk.

The sky turned a deep dark black, a shadow cast over the peaceful city. Augustus smirked as he looked at all the modern buildings. Plenty to smash for the thirty foot tall emerald scaled dragon. Those deep red eyes scanned across the vastness. That massive body began walking through the city. The pavement broke under every step the massive dragon took. The city shook as his big bulky body left massive paw indents. People, buildings, vehicles, whatever stood in his way crumbled to dust.

People were running for their lives screaming loudly. The massive dragon casually lumbered through the city. The behemoth of a beast seemed completely uninterested in any of the people running around. That was until he found Chaw standing there in front of him.

"Ah, there you are, Chaw. Looks like the tiger that tipped me off was right, you weren't going to run. You've been looking towards this day all your life, haven't you?" The massive dragon's deep voice thrummed and shook the ground. Each word sounded like a growl as Augustus spoke.

Chaw was frozen in absolute terror he knew that Pizza had told him about the dragon. But seeing him, seeing the humongous beast, a titan in comparison to himself. The fennec fox felt like a spec amongst a god. "Ha-ha yeah, so he said you were going to fuck me? How are we gonna make that fit, do you have magic or something?" The fennec looked at the dragon's enormous cock.

That member looked more like a sword than a penis. Its pink sharp tip is like the tip of a blade, the dick like the shaft of one. The dragon's fat juicy meat was at least as wide as a skyscraper and taller than one.

With a concerned glance from the fennec fox the dragon twirled his wrist. "Bend over." That deep voice barreled out with demand. That sheer dominance made Chaw discard his better judgment and faced that cock with his rear pointing to it. "That's a good boy, that tiger knows you well." Augustus murmured with sheer delight before he pushed that massive cock into the fennec's hole. Through some sort of sorcery or the universe's never ending cruelty the gargantuan rod invaded the fennec fox's insides. Chaw yelped in both pain and pleasure. Despite the rushing feeling of being stabbed from the inside, it felt good. "M-morgghhee, sirrggg." The fennec could barely utter a sentence.

That hole would get filled further by the dragon's girth as more of it pushed inside, the line of scales from the dragon's underside a new skyline for the fox to look at while his body expanded. Chaw's figure contorted past what was believably possible as if science itself had abandoned the fennec's body. The entire length somehow fit inside the fennec's stomach. The horrifically large bulge contorted and pierced the fennec fox's insides. That monstrous member thrusts back and forth as Chaw lets out garbled noises inconceivable of any emotion. As if pain and pleasure had interlocked hands and made out in the bulges that protruded from the fennec fox's innards.

The dragon was surprised he could feel the flesh expand around his cock like it was a ginormous condom, somehow, someway, the fennec's figure encompassed that cock. Augustus couldn't utter a complaint of the euphoric figure, his powerful hips rocked back and forth. The shockwaves of his movements broke more surrounding buildings into rubble. The sheer power and momentum at this point would've surely skewered an ordinary critter. However, the fennec fox's tight body continued to clench and grip around his dick. A nice rolling massage. Chaw was utterly speechless, alive but barely, each hump felt like it was draining out his life. That utterly unknowably profound thrusting sent emotions through the fennec. Those emotions couldn't be uttered in phrases or ideas, it was simply felt.

Augustus's orgasm was building up, like all the tides sucking in before a tsunami came. The dragon sucking in the surrounding air, his throat bubbling up. A deep thrum rolled through his scales as a bulging mass of sound ready to scream out. Those hips moved harder, faster, shattering the ground into nothingness.

Chaw was lost in unbelievably obtuse thoughts that he'd survive. That his body contorting like this was merely temporary. Whatever was building up, he thought he could handle it. Reality came slamming down like a fearsome hammer as a geyser of semen began to spew inside his stomach. It happened in the manner of seconds as his stomach and form expanded like a water balloon. Or like a big bubble being blown up. His body creaked and expanded. Chaw's bones somehow remained stable as if they grew in kind to the massive deluge of dragon cum exploding inside. The sloshing spin of fluids pumped into the fennec. He kept growing, the fennec felt like his eyes were about to pop out of his skull. The fox felt like he was going to explode. And, he did, the fennec's body exploded into a red mist. Not a single body part remained. All those hopes, dreams, and aspirations detonated by a single burst of cock batter. Augustus simply smirked and continued to demolish the city into ruin leaving nothing in his wake.

Dear reader, thank you for reading this story. It means a lot to me that you reached the end of this tale. I intend to continue to write more like it in the near future. Stay tuned, stay sharp, and be good. Once again, thank you.

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