In the Shadow of Moonlight - Ch. 18

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#18 of In the Shadow of Moonlight

A young woman becomes a werewolf and finds she strongly identifies with her wolf side. Eventually she must choose between the human world and the wild.

Sophia continues to grapple with her changes.

Feel free to leave constructive criticism, ideas or other comments! I welcome and appreciate any feedback given!

Chapter 18


Cleaning up didn't take as long as Sophia feared. The majority of the smell dissipated as soon as she had thrown her ruined clothes in the garbage bag and tied it tightly. Stripping her bedding and rolling it up took care of nearly all of the rest. She carefully folded the soiled sheets where they couldn't be seen from the door.

That should do until I have a chance to wash it, she eyed the piles of clothes she had pulled from her dresser. I need to get my work clothes done.

Steeling herself, she breathed through her mouth as best she could as she sorted out the clothes she'd need for work and the evening. After assembling an assortment she thought she could wash and dry in a reasonable amount of time, she picked up the small pile and grabbed her phone. Carefully working her way out into the hall, she continued to breathe through her mouth. It didn't completely suppress the stench of alcohol, but it got her to the washing machine.

The scents in the small laundry alcove were a different matter entirely. Chlorine, artificial scents and myriad other cleaning chemicals burned her nose with every breath she took. Coughing, she dropped her clothes into the open washing machine and pinched her nose with her free hand. It took all of her willpower to suppress the strong urge to turn around and get as far from the laundry room as possible.

Gah, why does everything have to smell so awful? Setting her phone down on the corner of the washer, Sophia looked at the cleaning supplies on top of the washer and her heart dropped. I'll have to pick up some fragrance-free detergent today if I can afford it.

Deftly using one hand, she spread her clothes, closed the lid and started the machine. Flipping open her phone, she set a timer.

Hopefully, that gets rid of the smell, as the washer began its cycle, a new sensation of emptiness in her stomach joined the ache in her abdomen.

Sophia had been so focused on taking care of any evidence of her wild night, she hadn't noticed just how empty her stomach was. In fact, she was starting to tremble a bit from low blood sugar.

Was a deer seriously not enough? Scowling slightly, she shuffled towards the kitchen.

As soon as she was clear of the laundry area, she gladly released her nose. She inhaled sharply and immediately regretted it. The stench of alcohol streamed through her nostrils, and she stumbled as her gait faltered. Reflexively, she cupped her hand back over her nose before shifting back to breathing through her mouth. Unfortunately, the odious smell just got stronger as she entered the kitchen.

It wasn't long before her eyes found the source of the smell. A partially drunk glass sat on the kitchen table next to an empty bottle of whiskey. Already irritable from hunger and the smell, rage surged through her, red hot. Grabbing the bottle and glass, she stomped over to the back door and viciously slid it open before throwing both the bottle and glass out of the house. The glass managed to clear the deck stairs and disappeared into the snow in the yard, while the bottle hit the railing with a satisfying clank before flipping over it into the snow below. Sophia was about to close the door when something caught her eye.

On the deck were two pairs of footprints. One was from a set of boots that led away from the house... and the other looked like someone running on their bare forefeet to the door. Where the prints from the latter overlapped with the former, she could make out the impressions of lupine pads and claws. Panicking, she started kicking the snow with her bare feet, attempting to cover the tracks.

"Sophia? What are you doing?" her father's voice came behind her.

Sophia jumped, her blood running cold. Looking behind her, she saw her dad standing at the entrance of the hallway, a puzzled look on his face.

"Uh," Sophia stammered as she stepped back into the house and slid the door shut, her face flushing with embarrassment. "I was just feeling a little warm inside."

As warm air displaced the remaining cold, she couldn't help flaring her nostrils and sniffing. After the crisp outside air, the scents inside the house were especially strong. Her lip twitched a bit at the distinctive aroma of her dad's shampoo and aftershave - which couldn't cover up the whiskey on his breath. A discoloration on the floor under the table caught her eye and she saw her father had managed to spill a fair bit of his drink the previous night. Seizing the anger the sight and smell provoked, she straightened her stance and met her father's glassy-eyed gaze, daring him to call her on it.

"Are you feeling okay?" her father asked, concerned. "You look awful."

Well, let's see, last night was a full moon, I ate a deer, didn't change back completely and now my foot is wet. Meanwhile, you can't stay sober for five minutes.

"I'm fine," she lied. "I just didn't sleep well last night."

"Oh," her father shrugged and then switched topics, his speech slightly slurred. "Was that you outside last night? I thought I heard you out here."

Sophia felt her stomach tighten, "uh, yeah, I thought going outside would help me fall asleep."

"Are you sure, you're..." her dad started.

In no mood to talk further, Sophia cut him off sharply, "Really dad, there's nothing to worry about and I have to work at 11."

Before her dad could respond, Sophia stalked away from the door, to the sink. There, she swung open the top cupboard and grabbed a box of frosted cornflakes, doing her best to ignore the myriad scents that greeted her. Box in hand, she hurried past her dumbstruck father towards the relative safety of her room.

As soon as she was back in her room, she eased the door closed and let out a long exhale. She took in long breaths through her nose, trying to clear it. Walking over to her desk, she set the cereal box down.

Crap, I didn't grab a bowl, she glanced around for something to eat it in, seeing nothing. Well, I guess I'll eat dry cereal from the box.

Opening the box and bag, she reflexively sniffed at the now-exposed cereal. The strong aroma of corn and sugar greeted her nose. Mouth watering, she dipped in a hand, Sophia grabbed a few of the frosted flakes. Opening her mouth, she tossed them in. Her brow immediately furrowed as the flakes hit her tongue.

Strange, they taste different somehow, she slowly chewed them, trying to pinpoint why they seemed off. Maybe it's going stale? At least it's food.

Giving in to her hunger, she grabbed a bigger handful and messily ate it. Several pieces fell out of her hand and onto the floor, but she paid them no mind. The first handful was followed by another... and another.

Thirsty, eating dry cereal had managed to strip all moisture from her mouth. Ow, my stomach is really hurting again, and I have nothing to drink here.

Getting up somewhat painfully, she quietly slipped out of her room. Pausing to listen, she could hear the television in the living room and her father setting a glass down on an end table. Satisfied she wouldn't be bothered, she continued towards the bathroom. Entering, she shut the door and let out the breath she had been holding. She immediately made a face at the scent of her dad's shampoo now coming from the shower and the much higher concentration of urine in the air. Glancing at the toilet, she spied a new glistening pool of pee on the floor.

At least try to hit the toilet, Sophia grimaced.

Thirst overcoming her disgust, she grabbed the cup next to the sink and filled it. Draining it in a few gulps, she repeated the process a couple of times. Finally satisfied, she stared at herself in the mirror. Crumbs covered her mouth and wet rivulets ran down her chin. The front of her t-shirt was wet from where water had fallen on it. Reflexively, she wiped her mouth with her hand before clutching her stomach as pain flared.

Within moments, she found herself sitting on the toilet as she expelled the waste she had built up over the last few days. At long last, the nausea in her abdomen was finally receding. After wiping, she stood and was reaching to flush when she noticed something odd in the toilet.

Floating on the water were several small clumps of white fur. Looking even closer, she noticed some of her stool had what looked like small pieces of bone. The whole mess smelled vaguely lupine. Curious, she started to bend towards her waste to better investigate the composition.

Eww! Sophia snapped upright and violently flushed the toilet. What is wrong with me?

Quickly washing her hands, she hastily returned to her bedroom. Crawling onto her still-stripped bed, she sat against the headboard cross-legged. For a moment, she just tried to breathe.

The smells... the urges... they aren't going away, she anxiously stared at her human feet. Why aren't they going away?

She checked herself over again, reassuring herself that everything else was back to the way it should have been. However, her nose was a constant reminder she was... different. Even after stripping the bed, there was a vaguely wolfish smell in the room she couldn't help noticing.

Sophia sniffed her hand. Why did I change so much more last night? Will I be... more wolf next time?

Phantom sensations emanated from above her butt. Idly, she reached behind and rubbed the spot where her tail nub had been. Missing it now felt wrong somehow. A thrill of excitement coursed through her as she imagined it had been not just a nub, but a full-length appendage. An appendage covered in beautiful gray fur that swayed behind her as she bound across the snow on all fours...

A sudden buzzing intruded on the fantasy as her phone signaled it was time to change the laundry over.

Having fur would certainly have its advantages, Sophia steeled herself as she once again pinched her nose and walked towards the washer and dryer.

In the Shadow of Moonlight - Ch. 19

### Chapter 19 Better, not perfect but definitely better, Sophia sniffed her freshly dried work shirt and wrinkled her nose. Still a little citrusy. She had cut it close with the laundry, but the dryer had finished ten minutes before she had to walk...

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In the Shadow of Moonlight - Ch. 17

### Chapter 17 On the line between dreaming and consciousness, Sophia was unsure which feelings or thoughts belonged to which. Images faded in and out, sounds she thought might be real became suddenly silent as she drifted out of sleep. Yet, there was...

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In the Shadow of Moonlight - Ch. 16

### Chapter 16 'I'm a werewolf tonight', really Sophia? That's the first thing you say? Sophia felt her ears flattening themselves against her head, as though they were trying to hide. Okay, keep it together, he's a wolf, not a human. The shock of...

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