Day 3) Hunt

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#3 of Voretober

This story features good friend of mine JudasWolf as Judas a wolf who got lost in the wrong part of the woods. Some can be so clumsy and stumble across a demonic entity smh my head.

Cw: Oral vore, Graphic digestion, Horrorific imagery ,Demon, Gore ,Bones, Unwilling, Prey

Onto the horror ~

"Dream oh glorious dream. What realities you weave for me. What form, what shape. Oh dream oh beautiful dream. How you sing to me. How your eyes shape something quite intriguing. Oh lonesome wolf you were never meant for my domain." An unknown voice murmured into the black pit of night. A musing rumble, a deep whirl. A creeping chill. A humble whisper.

Judas in the midst of the dark of the night, hearing the deep rumblings of something he couldn't describe. A voice all around him yet right in his ear like a delicate whisper. The gray furred wolf clutched to himself as a thick mist loomed through the trees. That deep sense of something idly waiting for him to move made the wolf want to stand still. However, Judas knew he needed to venture forward into the darkness.

"This place gives me the creeps, I can't believe I agreed to meet my friends out here. Where the hell are they anyway?" A soft mutter shook through his voice. Body quivering he could barely stand straight as he walked through the misty forest. The dense trees seemed to span outwardly forever. His dim flashlight he had clutched to him didn't do him many favors. Finally he spotted it, a stairway! But the deep dark hue of the night made it impossible to check if it was the correct building. "This has got to be the place." Judas wishfully thought to himself as he hesitantly climbed the wooden steps. Something felt odd, as if every step he took was not ascending nor descending. It felt as if he was moving in place. The wolf paid no mind to it. "I must be tired, I've gotta keep going. They are waiting for me." He kept his thoughts clutched tightly around his mind as he headed up what seemed like infinitely ascending stairs. No matter how far he dragged his bulky frame it didn't seem to make a lick of progress. Judas looked down for a moment.

An abyss, a black gulch of nothingness, a steep spiral suddenly luminated by an orange glow. The vast pit made the wolf rub his eyes in disbelief. Eyes, a ceaseless sea of red eyes staring at him. All fixated, a dark upside down cross within each eye. They spanned everywhere Judas looked. For a moment, terror had struck through his entire body. Something was after him! Or perhaps he was already within its clutches!

After having turned around he saw...grass. Nothing more, nothing less just a wide open field. Judas didn't have time to question what was going on, his body bolted through the grass. Pumped with adrenaline his heartbeat played like an ecstatic drummer. The once quiet forest filled with the sound of murmuring whispers. "Hellllo!? Anyone!? Someone!? Help me!" Judas cried out into the spanning field as his body stumbled over his hurried feet. Falling flat on his face he collapsed into the ground.

His head peered up to see a fox. "Oh fucking finally! Listen there were these eyes and these whispers and..." The fox was doused in a thick liquid and he watched in horror as the stranger was reduced to bones in moments. "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Horrified hollers escape the wolf's jaws as he watches the fox get quickly reduced to a lump of bones. "What the FUCK!?" His mind completely short circuited as he failed to comprehend what he just witnessed. Out from the inky black night, a pair of hooves, silky black fur that had a radiant orange aura. Those red eyes gazed into the terrified wolf.

"Oh poor soul. Oh lost sinner. Your paradise, so foolish. You rest your weary mind in the twisted confines of what is and isn't real. Your eyes deceive you. Yet you believe your vision with such naivety. Here you lay before me, before my domain. It was far too easy. You didn't even bother to escape.Every last warning, you ignored. I do not pity you." Its voice echoed and boomed with dark demand. Judas's body contorted and formed to bow down before the might of such an unearthly creature. "Who...what the hell are you!?" A weak whimper ached out. The wolf's lips quivered. It felt almost wrong to even address the THING before him! "Alzarious Weaver, at your displeasure. You may call me, Sir. A runt like you has no right to address me directly. Only my servants get to utter my name. The closest ones can shorten it." Its voice had a growl so fierce it made a wolf's growl sound more like a pathetic whimper. The reverberating tone sunk into Judas's mind. The wolf's body continued to tremble. "Y-yes, sir. I am sorry, sir. Please let me go, sir. I had no intention of making you mad!" Judas couldn't believe his own words, despite speaking them with all his heart. It was like it was forced out of his lips. "Aww that's a GOOD boy! Who's a good little wolf? Haha, incredibly well said, but I am not angry! No! No! No! No! Silly! I want to eat you! I send cuties like you straight to hell! ~ <3" The creature snapped its fingers and revealed a dark red flame that engulfed the surrounding area.

Its massive ebony cock, the black chubby figure, the hooves, horns, eyes. Its body looked like a rotund goat. "What the fuck was that!? Less than three!? Huh. No! Okay what the hell is going on!?" Bewilderment brewed in Judas's frightened expression. "Less than three...Oh! You mean an Emoji? You seriously haven't heard of one before? You must be a very sad mortal! :3" The goat grabbed the wolf by the shoulders with ease. "No, no! It was like I saw it, in my head? Like we are in some kind of written work or some shit!?" Judas still fixated on the goat's powers despite Alzarious's fleshy maw going agape. "Mortal I am about to eat you, digest you! You could at least take this a little more seriously :(" The goat didn't look sad despite what he said. no, it was quite the opposite. He looked thrilled despite his glowy maw stretching open. "Thrice you did it not once, nor twice, but thrice! You didn't even end your sentence with a proper pause! Whuh, um wait that's not important! Don't eat me! I taste really good! You goats love eating rubbish right!? I don't taste like rubbish. You'd hate eating my delicious self!" His words sounded more like desperate incomprehensible nonsense to the goat. "Quite subversive, but I love when a meal tastes good! Now shut up!" Alzarious crammed the wolf's head straight into its waiting jaws.

Judas's face filled with raw panic as his world slipped into the depths of darkness. His body slides slickly onto the goat's wide tongue. Alzarious murmured with delight while the wolf tried to hopelessly flail within the goat's grasp. That tight gullet gripped onto Judas's figure and tugged him deeper inside. The muscles maneuvered around his figure so easily. The wolf's body thrashed back and forth continuously until those broad shoulders were sucked inside. Alzarious rubbed the lumps along its gullet as the wolf's figure sluggishly slid. A deep rumble of pleasure massaged its meal on the descent downward.

That upper torso vanished down soon enough. The flailing legs locked together with another wet and reverberating gulp! That outstretched throat pulled the meal even further inside the horrid smelling insides of the goat. Alzarious had enough with his meal. A few rapid gulps later and the wolf splashed into the acidic pit. The goat's stomach bloated with Judas's shape as his imprints pressed outwards. "HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME!" The wolf screamed out as the acidic pit stung his eyes and every orifice of his figure. "Quiet down now dear soul, you're all mine now." The goat softly cooed as its fingers rubbed across his bulging belly! The wolf fought with all of his might against the enzymes as his fur began to fall into the searing pit. Aching agony burned through his body as he pushes, shoves, and whines. "Please I am SORRY! I will let you use your silly emojis! You can show me the greatest fears imaginable! Anything you want!" The wolf's desperate pleas fell on deaf ears. Willingly ignoring its meal the goat merely belched out a heap of fur.

The burning grew worse as his flesh became exposed to the enzymes, his flesh sloughed off to reveal muscle and tissue. "AGHHHHH! OH GOD IT BLLGGGRHH! MMORGP!!" A seeping heap of sludge spewed into Judas's jaws as he engulfed the burning bile. His body is now beginning to burn from the inside as well. "So noisy. :O" The goat sat down and squeezed on his meal. Judas wasn't looking too hot, massive patches of his fur missing, some of his flesh missing but he was still alive through all of it. His breathing was hazy as more of his flesh and fur intertwined with the stewing mixture. "" His incomprehensible words slurred in with the vile secreting liquid and bile. Eyes no longer within his face, body parts becoming more of the stewing soup. Judas suffered through every agonizing hour. Then a few hours later his body has completely digested into a heap of bones in the goat's gut. "There you go dear, you're amongst the dreams now. Your whispers will be part of these woods for now on." Alzarious admired its padded stomach, ass, arms, and legs. That bulky goat is even bigger for its next unfortunate meal.

Day 4) Depths

One can get lost in a trance. Enamoured by a dangerous allure a deeper and yet deeper pit. From which there is no return. CWS: implied vore, implied digestion, hypnosis, bone breaking, fatal, implied sexual penetration, implied blood Elegy belongs to...

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Day 2) Hero

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Day 1) Villian

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