Hot New App (Vore Story)

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This story was released 3 days early for my Patrons! Wanna see all my stories early, see WIPs and play early versions of my games, along with other cool benefits? Check out my Patreon!Like my writing? Want to support my work? Buy me a snack! | Want to get a notification whenever I upload?  Join my Telegram channel! - 

A Patreon reward done for Pilar. The dragon checks out a new phone app named Voredar, but gets quite enamored with his predator in the process...

"Hey. You want to see something cool?"

At first, Pilar didn't even register that he was being spoken to. The dragon was incredibly tired after a long day, and he was just looking to get home so that he could enjoy the rest of his evening. It took a leg stuck out from the alleyway that Pilar was walking past to get him to stop, the yellow-winged reptilian almost taking a tumble to the ground before stopping himself and turning towards the stranger who had attempted to trip him with a searing look of annoyance on his face. "Do you *mind*?" the dragon asked incredulously, immediately starting to look back at the phone he was fiddling around with before the strange alley man replied.

"I guess I don't. I thought you were chill, but if you're going to be like that, then I guess I don't have to show you..."

Pilar rolled his eyes a little bit as he stopped in his tracks, stepping back as the shadowy figure walked just far enough into the light of the streetlamp that Pilar could make out who he was talking to. His new friend was some kind of canine creature, wolf and husky and whatever else tossed into a blender and then given some black fur highlights and a six pack to boot...that was it for normal features, though. This guy's hands were freakishly big, with long, red nails jetting out of every one of his fingers, but most out of place: a huge pair of wings jutting out from his backside! Blue feather roots gave way to red wings with black tips, which seemed to dwarf the rest of the canine's body even as he retracted them behind himself. "You interested in a vore app? You can just download it on your phone. It's kind of like Grindr, but for preds and prey. A tasty thing like you heading out of *that* bar could probably use something like it..."

The strange canine emphasized that point in his sentence with a look over to where the dragon had come from, catching Pilar in the act, so to speak. Yes, that particular establishment did have a reputation for being a place where two people entered and one left, so to speak! And, well, Pilar wasn't exactly *not* interested in what the canine was offering, even if he had a rather strange and unnerving way of going about it.

"...all right, you got me. Weird-ass guerilla marketers. Anyway, what's it called, I'll look it up when I get home." Pilar asked, expressing interest, but still trying to extricate himself from the situation in as delicate of a way as possible. Instead of answering him, though, the stranger just held out his hand, almost poking Pilar in the chest with those excessively long nails! "Give me your phone, I'll do it for you free of charge."

Pilar was pretty wary about giving some stranger he had just met in an alleyway his phone, but, well...he was a bit too deep in the weeds to just say no no, wasn't he? So, with a bit of hesitation, Pilar dug into his pockets and pulled the brick out, handing it over to the stranger while also looking around to make sure that there were witnesses in case things went a little bit sour! The dragon watched as the canine creature pulled up a website, downloading something called "Voredar"...huh. it seemed real enough, though more than a bit scuffed; and even in this weird back alley, it didn't take that long to download. A few more taps, and the stranger was brought to a login screen, after which he handed the phone back to Pilar.

"There you go. Just register an account, turn on your location, and you'll be able to find anybody local who's hungry, tasty, or both." the canine said simply as he placed the phone back into Pilar's head. The dragon looked down to the screen, finding it completely black except for the word "Voredar" in bluish-green letters at the top and a couple of menu buttons, wondering if he was really going to go through with this. He could always use a fake name and a throwaway email or whatever else he needed for registration, but his actual location? Hrmmmmhhh...and yet, the thought was also so enticing. Being able to access a pred whenever he wanted to...maybe there was a way to make it a little less personal.

"Hey, is there like a setting I can turn on so that - " Pilar said as he looked back up to where the stranger was, only to cut himself off when he realized that the canine had completely disappeared! Fuck, that sudden absence shook the dragon quite a bit, but he soon regained his composure and started to walk back home. It would make more sense to start exploring the app from a place he would be at more frequently. Or maybe he'd go home and find that the thing didn't work, or that it was just some kind of elaborate joke app. Either way, best to do it at home.

A few minutes later, and the dragon was sprawled out on his couch, swiping and tapping his way through various menus until he finally had all of the registration work done and could actually start exploring the app. He expected it to be pretty empty around this time of night, especially in the area where he lived...but, sure enough, there were a few little markers for people in his area. One of them was actually rather close; close enough and tempting enough to get the dragon back on his feet and walking towards his door. It was so almost felt like he was watching this happen from within his own body. Like he wasn't in control of his own actions. There was just something calling him to that spot, something telling him that he needed to be there!

And so, another couple of minutes later, Pilar found himself at the edge of a road just a few blocks down from his house. There was a little bit of a problem, though. This road led to a bridge, and according to the marker on his phone, whoever this was seemed to be directly out in the river ahead of him! That...obviously didn't make sense, but it was so strange that it somewhat enticed the dragon to explore further. He crouched down and walked along the little slope of the road towards the underside of the bridge; maybe they were hanging out under there? The dragon was really going for it now, but he was also feeling more and more sketched out by the whole thing. These two antithetical feelings battled for dominance in the dragon's head, until Pilar eventually turned around and prepared to head home, annoyed that he had wasted so much time on something that was so obviously some kind of joke or scam...

And that was the last thing Pilar saw before it all went black.

Black, slimy, and steamy, specifically. Something had lunged out of the darkness and snatched the dragon right up, wrapping his chest tied with two strong, muscular arms and clamping down on his head with an open mouth at the exact same time! Pilar could barely bring his hands to his head to feel what was happening before he was lifted up off the ground, the horns and spines on top of his head proving useless in terms of actually stopping anyone from guzzling him right down. In a matter of seconds, Pilar's head was deep in his mysterious assailant's throat, the dragon forced to bend backwards as he was chugged down maddeningly quickly by whomever it was that had put their marker here! Whoever or whatever it was, though, they were obviously starved...

With Pilar firmly in his grasp and hoisted up in the air, the shadowy predator receded back underneath the darkness of the bridge to finish his meal in as much privacy as he could get. Pilar found his arms bound to his shoulders in just a few more seconds as the beast just shoved the dragon right down his throat, barely taking time to swallow; more just shoving the dragon right into his stomach! Those strong hands slid their way down the big lizard's body, gripping his calves tight before another push engulfed the dragon's waist in slick, hungry throat flesh. In a matter of seconds, Pilar had become just a dangling pair of legs hanging out of his predator's mouth, and a quickly-descending bulge in their throat. It's not like Pilar didn't expect his little excursion to end like this in some way, though he was looking for a bit more foreplay forehand, honestly...!

The bubbling cauldron of this unknown predator's stomach burbled and sizzled expectantly as he starved down Pilar, the beast tipping his head back and allowing the last of the dragon's yellow body to just slide cleanly down the waterfall that was his throat. Just a few minutes later, Pilar was shoved into the hungry, caustic chamber, the stomach nearly hitting the ground with the intensity of the swallow and the gravity that came with it! That impact dazed the dragon a little bit, making it even harder to find his footing as he couldn't tell up from down, awkwardly curled up inside of the slimy belly as his captor let out a proud, satisfied *uuuUuuUuurrrppphhhh...*! That noise bounced around under the bridge he had been hiding under sort of giving his position away, though now he was more than willing to crawl out from underneath it and start strutting around with his heavy gut...!

", I didn't really think someone would actually download that app around here..." The sated predator commented as he started to make his way back home, more than content with the catch he had scooped up on Voredar today...! Pilar was having a much more intense experience himself, though, being bumped around with every step that his captor took inside of the already crushingly-tight chamber. Mixed up with the thick digestive slime that was more than activated inside of here, which all contributed to a tingling that was starting to form underneath the dragon's yellow scales. They were holding strong for now, but with the constant exposure to all those hungry enzymes, it would only be a matter of time.

In fact, by the time that his predator got back to wherever it was that he called home, Pilar was already pretty much claimed. The dragon could barely move now, all of his energy drained by the aggressive environment he had been dumped into, whatever room he had continuing to be encroached upon by the tight, hungry walls that surrounded him from every angle. This was it, he was going to be digested, and by someone or something that he didn't even know! There was...something hot about that thought, though. Being used as food by something that didn't even care enough to introduce themselves to him. You didn't say hi to your food before you ate it, right? It just sort of made sense, honestly. Like it was where he should be. And those thoughts stayed with him as he gradually lost the energy he needed to stay awake, drifting off into a sort of pleasant digestive dreamland...

And then he woke up. Not back in the stomach he was stuck in, but in his bed. In the morning. Completely back to normal, not coated in any kind of digestive slime or food slop. A little bit more sleepy than he usually was when he woke up, but otherwise, completely fine. Was that whole thing a dream? It was something he wanted, and he usually he'd be mad if it was just a dream, but he wasn't. And that just raised even more questions. Drowsily, the dragon fucked around on his nightstand until he finally grabbed his phone, right in the same spot where he would always leave it. Only brought up even more questions.

Pilar scrolled through the pages on his home screen, hesitating for a moment before he flipped to the last one...and there, completely by itself, was that Voredar app. Pilar just kind of stared blankly at it for a few seconds, completely unsure of what to make of the situation. Was he dreaming now? Did he get that app downloaded, go home, and just fall asleep on the couch instead of going out and looking for someone? Nothing made sense to the dragon right now. He clutched his chest as his heart rate started to go up, a bit of panic beginning to set in his mind. He had to figure out what happened. And, in Pilar's mind, there was only one place to go.

An hour or so later, the dragon was back at the dive bar he had been at last night...or, not exactly. To be precise, he was hanging around on the street next to it, loitering a bit and hoping that the stranger from last night showed up once more. A shot in the dark, to be sure, but the dragon didn't really know what else to do, except scroll through the app that let Pilar know that, to an extent, what happened last night was real. The dragon scrolled through a collage of faces and profiles, some familiar, most new, with preferences and personalities and everything that one would find in a traditional dating app. Except, of course, it was all geared towards vore! His own profile was fairly barren, but it made sense, considering he was too busy having an existential crisis to really flesh it out...

"Have a fun night?"

Pilar jumped an inch or two off the ground as he heard that voice from the alley beside him, even if it was what he was hoping for at the end of the day. He turned to face the alley, and just as he had hoped, it was the stranger he had met last night. Pilar immediately pulled out his phone and motioned towards the stranger with it before he even started talking, so thankful that he had somebody to talk about with this. "I-I just downloaded the app, went home, and - there was someone by me. I don't even know who they were, but they snatched me up so quickly, and then...and then I just woke up in my bed-"

"Whoa there! Slow down a bit, boy, you're talking a mile a minute..." the strange hybrid said with a bit of a chuckle, taking the phone he was offered and pulling up the app...he forgot how jarring of an experience it was for first-timers, and it was always a bit funny to see them flounder about as he attempted to explain what had happened to them even if he didn't entirely know what it was himself. Forces higher than he were in charge of all of this, to be sure, and all he could do was be the best guide for these aspiring preds and prey as he could.

"So obviously, you don't know who they were, but where exactly did they pick you up? I tend to know most of their haunts, at the very least." the stranger replied as he scrolled through profile after profile, surprised at just how many people had joined this app since he last took a look! It seemed vore was a bit more popular than people realized around here...just meant more for him at the end of the day, though!

"It's, like, that old white bridge over on the west side of town. By that park."

The hybrid furrowed his brow and stroked along the underside of his muzzle for a few moments, thinking about who he knew that frequented that area. Finally, he landed on one profile in particular, tapping the image before handing the device back to Pilar. "This is probably your man."

Pilar looked down at the screen that had just been given to him. Staring back at him was the face of a long, lanky wolf by the name of Runic. The build checked out at the very least, though that was all that Pilar could really verify with the limited, hazy information he had hanging around in his brain of the events of last night. Still, it was a lead, and he was more than okay with taking a shot in the dark if it meant he could experience...THAT again.

"You said you know him? Where could I find him?"

The stranger raised his eyebrows a bit. " really are a gutslut, aren't you? Well, far be it from me to get between a prey and his pred. Runic hangs out at a place called the Pred Club every night. Now, you walk in there, you'll be eyed up like the piece of meat you are, and if you don't get claimed by someone fast you'll have to fend off a bunch of growling bellies all at once. My advice is to message him beforehand and have him sit at the front if y'all try to meet up."

Pilar took a moment to organize the info dump he just received in his head. At least the stranger left his phone right on Runic's profile, making it easier for him to decide if he was really going to go through with this. "So like, where is this club at exac-"

The dragon found himself cut off once more as he looked back up to find the stranger had disappeared again. "God. I hate when he does that." Pilar said under his breath as he slumped against the brick wall of a building behind him, clawed finger hovering over the "message" button on Runic's profile. He could just say hey, right? If the vibes were off, he could just bail. Leave all of this weirdness behind and just move on with his life...


Pilar almost immediately stuffed his phone back into his pocket after sending that message; that nervous tick people sometimes did when they weren't sure if they wanted to get a response or not. But his phone decided for him just a minute later when it vibrated away inside of his jeans, a bit of haptic feedback that was difficult for the dragon to ignore as he thought about all of the possibilities for what he was about to read. At some point, he just decided to take the plunge...

"You squirmed real good last night :9"

If te dragon was walking when he read that, he almost certainly would have stumbled and taken a fall right to the concrete, so taken aback by this development. That one sentence conveyed so much: that what happened last night was real, that this was the person that did it to him, and that they were more than happy to swallow him down again if he was so inclined...and, well, that was the whole deal, wasn't it? Deep down, of course the dragon wanted this, even if he felt so unsure about it all the outside. That's why he was here. And that's why he ended up sending a reply.

"Are you at the club?"

Silence, at least at first.

"Which one?" he replied facetiously. The both of them knew exactly what was going down, but it was just a confirmation of sorts. Still, it did make the dragon's eyes roll as he replied.

"Pred Club. Where is it?"

Runic texted back an address just a few minutes later. It was pretty close to this bar; close enough that he could walk there if he wanted. Close enough for him to do it. Pilar moved without any thought, the deepest recesses of his instincts guiding every move he made until he found himself standing outside of the entrance to a small bar. Tucked away into a tiny, dark alley, it was almost completely impossible for someone who didn't understand what the place was about to walk in. AKA, the perfect place for such a thing to occur. Pilar took a cursory glance around his surroundings to make sure that he wasn't being followed before slipping into the foyer of the little club. There he stood for another moment, gathering himself and remembering the advice that the stranger gave him before opening the door and walking through.

Pilar's eyes quickly scanned the room he walked into before seeing the bar that was mentioned earlier, stomping on over to it like he knew where he was going, even though he was really just scanning the seats as fast as he could. And there, sitting right at the edge of the bar, was the man that he was looking for. Seeing Runic look up and lock eyes with him expectedly almost made the dragon trip over himself once more, but he managed to retain at least a morsel of his composure as he made his way over to the wolf. Runic's deeply-orange eyes stared at him with a powerful intent, almost as if they were what was pulling the dragon to this spot, to this place, to go through it all once more; this time, for real, and forever.

"Gotta admit, didn't think you'd have the balls to show up." Runic said smugly in a deep, gravely voice as Pilar took the open seat next to him, the dragon doing a commendable job of appearing far less nervous than he felt sitting just a few inches away from the tall, handsome wolf that had somehow swallowed him up last night. Though, he still didn't really know what to say in response to that, outside of a chuckle and a nervous neck-rub. "Yeah, I was just...really enjoyable. After the shock wore off, at least."

The two of them discussed a few things over drinks, got to know each other, et cetera. Runic was a construction worker - really putting that lanky, yet muscular build to use - and he had apparently eaten about 10 people through this app before. The fact surprised Pilar with what the wolf looked like, but he guessed that Runic had plenty of time to work off his meals on the job...! Eventually, those drinks did start to get to Pilar a little bit, loosening the dragon's lips and encouraging the horniness that was sort of lingering in the back of his mind. "H...hey, is there anywhere around here we could get a little bit more...personal?"

Runic smirked, just a little bit. "They got private rooms right here in the club, actually..."

Five minutes later, and the two of them had made their way into one of those private rooms. They were pretty sparse, about half the size of a regular hotel room, but they contained everything that one would need to get "personal" with another...which, in reality, pretty much just entailed a bed and some condoms tucked into a small nightstand behind it! "Come on and show me how much of a pred you are~" Pilar said drunkenly as he splayed out on top of the bed, yellow tail parting to reveal the goods in their entirety: a thick, pink, human-like shaft, and then what Runic was probably more interested in, that same pinkness contained in a flexing pucker hidden between the dragon's spread yellow cheeks. The wolf growled in an inebriated fashion as he soon braced his hands on either side of Pilar on top of the bed, his own canine shaft twitching and bobbing as it slid out of his bouncing sheath. The tall, lean wolf made no attempt to disguise how primal and hunger-fueled his lust was, jowls dribbling warm saliva down onto Pilar's midriff as the two of them stared into each other's eyes. "You know exactly what I'm going to do with you after this, don't you?"

Pilar gulped nervously before nodding slightly. Even in his drunken state, he was still slightly taken aback by everything that was happening to him, but if the stiffness between his legs told him anything, it's that this is exactly what he wanted. It was such a primal desire that it barely registered in his conscious brain, but his subconscious was absolutely raving for it. Runic mounted the horned-up dragon just a few seconds later, Pilar groaning as he felt that thick canine maleness filling up his rectum with relative ease. The dragon already felt so full, but there was so much left of Runic for him to take...and the wolf was going to *make* him take it.

"Is this *nnf* what you wanted, *mmh* you gutslut? To get ravished and then disappear down my gullet again? I'm still not even finished digesting you from last night..." Runic taunted, laying on the teasing thick with every thrust, piercing deeper and deeper with his thickness until he could feel his swelling knot rubbing and poking at the back door. Raw, hardcore, bed-creaking fucking, leaving Pilar a sweaty mess of a hole as Runic loomed over and smothered him in his own damp fluff. And the wolf wasn't bluffing; if Pilar listened hard enough, he swore that he could hear something sloshing back and forth inside of the wolf with every movement he made...or maybe he was just hearing things? It was hard to tell with how hard Runic was going at it.

Laying on the teasing even more thickly, Runic leaned in and opened his mouth just a few inches from Pilar's face, letting some drool dribble down onto the dragon's snout as he looked up and peered into the dark, fleshy void he had slid down last night, and what he was going to be disappearing inside of once more in a few minutes...and it made him bust, right then and there. Embarrassingly so, his shift spraying out globs of warm dragon jism right onto Runic's belly. Something the wolf definitely didn't see coming, and something that made him slow down and chuckle as he looked down at the blushing face of his bottom. "Couldn't even save it for once you were inside, hm? You really are prey..." he joked, giving Pilar just a moment to finish up his little episode before getting back to working up his own load to spill inside of the dragon!

Truth was, though, watching Pilar blow his load so quickly was pretty hot for Runic as well. Hot enough that it only took another few minutes for him to reach his own orgasm, the wolf roaring out in pleasure as he thrust one last time before a hot blast of wolf cum shot right out of the tip of his shaft, immediately flooding Pilar's colon and spreading some truly fabulous warmth all throughout his body. It was an indescribably powerful sensation, and one Pilar had not felt in quite a long time. Though it was pretty obvious that he wasn't going to get to enjoy the feeling for very long, as before the wolf was even done, he had already started to lean forward with his jaws wide open just waiting to snap Pilar up right off of his cock! If the dragon wasn't so overwhelmed by all the weight on top of him, and all the cum currently being emptied out inside of him, he would probably end up leaning into that abyss, honestly! Runic was more than willing to re-introduce the two of them, though.

After he finished up, Runic lunged forward, his muzzle wrapping its way around Pilar's own and once again showing no trouble whatsoever with the spines that ran along the dragon's snout and head. Pilar shivered against the wolf's pelt with that slimy tongue licking all over his face, exploring every last crevice of his scaly snout and making sure none of it went untasted. Hard dragon scales weren't anything to write home about, but Runic didn't generally eat people for their flavor, really. He did it because there wasn't much out there that could fill him up like a squirming, wiggling dragon could!

Runic grunted as he suddenly pulled his knot out of Pilar's backside, bringing his hands inward to grasp at Pilar's shoulders at the same time so he could just shove the dragon forward into his mouth! It was quite the movement, but nothing that Runic hadn't done before. He just needed to get that snout teetering over the back of his throat, and once his gullet sprang to life, it would be so much easier to finish the rest of his meal. In this position, he was still fighting against gravity, even if the meal wanted to be in his stomach perhaps even more than Runic wanted him in there! The wolf was the one in position to make it all work together, to fight back against the force of gravity, so when he finally felt Pilar's chin resting against the back of his tongue, he knew that the hard part was over. *GGg-GLlllkkk~*

Pilar's body was bent into quite the awkward position as Runic's throat suddenly dragged him forward, forcing him upwards as the wolf attempted to pull back and lift what was left of Pilar up into the air all in one quick movement! He didn't quite get there all at once, of course, but what was important was that everything was set in motion - and now his hungry throat could start to pick up some of the slack that was left on the table. Runic dislodged the last of himself from inside Pilar's rear end while continuing to gulp the dragon down, untying them in one way while merging them further in quite a different fashion..! The wolf was willing to take things a bit slower now, get the chance to really enjoy his meal now that he didn't have to just scarf it down in the open. Stroking and groping up Pilar's body as the dragon slipped down his throat, feeling just how squirmy and huffy the dragon was as this all happened to him. It was all he could really do, of course. Runic was very much in charge of everything else!

The sound of the lanky wolf's gut rumbling echoed up his throat to reach Pilar's ears as he was gulped down, his future home making it very obvious just how much it wanted to mulch the dragon down once he arrived! He was about halfway down Runic's throat now, feeling the wolf's sharp teeth occasionally scraping by parts of his chest and midriff as he continued to work his eager, filling meal down...Pilar was doing the best he could to help, wiggling back and forth and trying to get those throat walls to latch tighter onto him to make things go just that tiny bit quicker. It didn't really help things at the end of the day, but feeling the dragon trying to worm his way down his throat amused Runic, at the very least. He was definitely going to enjoy digesting such a willing snack, that was for sure! And now, with more than half of the dragon in his mouth, he could start to get into a more comfortable position by turning around and flopping onto his back, letting his growing stomach ooze out onto the rest of his body. Mmh, so comfy...the food coma was already starting to set in before he even finished Pilar off! At least it was pretty simple for the wolf to complete his meal now...

The wolf spent a few moments licking and slurping on those pads as they hung out of his mouth, taking lackadaisical,short swallows every now and again just to watch those toes and claws sink ever-so-slightly beyond his field of view with every one. Eventually though, the force of gravity and the grip his throat already had forced him to bid adieu to his lovely, willing meal. So, the wolf tipped his head back and took one more final, powerful GLLLllrrrkkkk to send Pilar back down to the gut he loved so much~

"Mmh...finally. Couldn't even stand a day away from my gut, huh? I'm more than happy to reunite the two of ya, though..." Runic teased as he stroked over his swollen, sloshing gut, savoring the feeling of Pilar sliding in and settling into his caustic stomach. "Now, you sure that you want to go all the way this time? Can't come back, of course..." the wolf contemplated as he drummed his fingers above his navel; it was more of a formality than anything at this point, but Runic still wanted to make absolutely sure that Pilar understood what was going to happen to him. That he was going to be churned down into fat and muscle, and forever live on Runic's hips. For real this time; no take-backsies as ass pudge.

Pilar did nothing in response. Partially because he could barely hear what Runic was saying, and partially because, of course, this is how he wanted it to go. This was always how he wanted to go, and right now, there was nothing but bliss in the dragon's heart and mind. The slick, churning sac that surrounded him is now his home, the wall getting quite intimate with the dragon's body. Scales took a lot of time to melt down, of course! Needed to have, mmh, an *intense* grip on the prey, constant contact over a long period of time...

Runic listened to his stomach intently for a few more seconds, trying to discern if Pilar had anything to say over the gurgles of his own digestion...but there was nothing. "Suit yourself~" the wolf said as he started to vigorously massage his stomach, helping the process along as he lay there in bed...he was no stranger to willing meals, but how willing Pilar was to jump down his throat still surprised the wolf somewhat. No matter. He would still digest all the same by the end of the day. Speaking of which...mulching up and absorbing a big meal like this always did make Runic a bit sleepy. This club knew what they were about; they knew that people would sometimes be using these beds to sleep off a food coma, though the wolf had never actually done it himself...yet. And there wouldn't really be a better time to do so!

A new noise was soon introduced to the orchestra of wet, bubbly gurgles that surrounded Pilar soon afterwards: that of deep, satisfied snoring, a powerful rumbling all around the dragon that seemed to shake and stir the thick gunk that he was bathing in. The stomach doubled like a warm soup kettle, the rhythmic motions and the oppressive warmth lulling the dragon into a deep, deep sleep he could already feel his body starting to merge with the wolf's, scales melting off and sizzling into the goo, soon to be directly added to the body that had lured him to come back. And he was absolutely more than okay with this arrangement. However detrimental to his health it might have seemed from the outside~

The wolf's tank of a stomach made quite the racket throughout the night as it worked down Pilar's body, the dragon not lasting much longer in a solid form. He was more like a thick, gloopy soup in there at this point, some of the more melty bits being flushed down deeper into Runic's digestive tract for the job to be finished up. For him to be finished up. A few hours later, and the wolf opened his eyes again to look down at his stomach; finding it much more manageable, though still loud, swollen, and clearly not finished with his job yet. Ah well. He could finish introducing the dragon to his guts once he got back to his own, softer bed...

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