Between the Doe-Taur and Her Lover (part two of three)

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Before they head out to get the last bits done before their big move, Alyssa and Sandor get a little time to enjoy their love, the romance - and the heat of their bodies coming together...

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

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Between the Doe-Taur & Her Lover

Part two of three

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Adagiodajiang

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The next morning, Alyssa woke more refreshed than she could have expected to be, considering that she had had to get up for a little stroll in the moonlight to settle her nerves. But that meant that she could be slyer than normal, the doe-taur slipping from bed with a soft smile on her lips, all so that she didn't wake Sandor at the same time.

Breakfast. That was the best way to start the day and she clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth as she cracked some eggs into a bowl and mixed them with the last of the milk that they had gotten from the farm a couple of days before. It was good that she had used that up, at least: they wouldn't have wanted to take too much fresh food along with them. Who knew when they would have been able to use it all up during the move? Dinner at the inn was most likely to happen, though that was not a bad thing at all.

Her ears twitched as she looked up, smiling faintly at the ukulele on the wall, hanging on a couple of hooks that balanced it perfectly. Alyssa tilted her head, the eggs in the pan and the toast grilling over the open flame in the kitchen hearth, toasting perfectly. She would have to make sure that the instrument was packaged up well when they travelled, for she wouldn't have wanted it to get damaged.

"Hey, sweetheart."

Sandor wrapped his arms around Alyssa from behind, standing slightly to the side of her as he kissed the back of her neck. She shivered. Even the light touch of his lips on her skin, before the natural cut and fall of her short-trimmed hair, had her quivering, attuned to him like she never thought she could be ever again, not to anyone.

But that was alright. She didn't want to be with anyone else.

"I thought you would sleep a little longer," she said, turning to kiss him, the moment light and comfortable between them, as natural as breathing. "Sit, sit, darling. I'm making breakfast, it's almost done."

He chuckled, doing as she asked.

"Okay, okay - you have big plans today then, I see!"

"Yes, of course," she shot back, one hand on her hip, though it was at the join of her human body to her deer half. "We've got a lot to get done today!"

Still, he seated himself as she served up a simple breakfast of scrambled eggs on toast with bacon for him too and two tall glasses of milk to use up all that was left. There was coffee too, heating over the magical flame in the hearth, though she was told that there was a new magical cooking device that she could use at the new place. That would certainly take some getting used to!

"Are you bringing the guitar with us today?" He asked, pausing with a bite of eggs on his fork. "Or are you having the others pack it up to come along later, on the mail cart?"

Alyssa shook her head.

"Oh, no, that's the only thing, I believe, that I have left of my mother, rest her soul. That must come today, of course."

She wouldn't have been so firm, years ago, with Sandor, but things had changed between them since making their relationship official - as it should have. It was the right way for things to be between them, neither afraid to voice their opinion. The fox smiled. Even he, with all the distractions of his projects and mage training, always looking ahead, appreciated how much she had grown.

"Oh, I didn't know that," he said, ears splaying faintly, in case he had forgotten and she had, in fact, told him before. "You don't talk about her that much, honey. You should tell me about her, when you're happy and ready to do so."

Alyssa chuckled.

"I could almost get used to you not being so cheeky," she teased him lightly, poking him with a hoof under the round wooden table. "But I don't have much to say about her. It's almost as if she has passed away and, really, that's how I think about it. Mother knew where I was, but I think that she left me to be a playmate in your household because she knew that that was what was best for me."

Sandor considered that. He saw how the other taurs were treated around town and could only hope that he continued to make strides in the equalisation of their rights. It would take a lot more talking to Alyssa, however, for him to truly do what he needed to there. Sometimes, an eye on the inside was what was best needed.

Alyssa, however, still had a look of contemplation in her eye, as if she wasn't quite there in the moment.

She didn't want to say it yet, not right then, but...not all the vague memories of her mother were happy ones. Of course, there was the notion of keeping the forward motion, as she leaned on, keeping one hoof in front of the other at all times, but the strongest memory she had was shrouded in darkness.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart... My precious little one... I never meant for... No, this was not... I'm sorry, so sorry... You didn't deserve this, none of this."

_ _

"But I'm going to...right. you. Always, by you. I promise, I'm sorry, so very sorry... I'm sorry..."

_ _

Those words may have only been in a memory, but, well, there was only so much that Alyssa could look back on when it came to her mother. Those words were ones that she held close to her heart, all in the memory of her voice, how it had soothed her. She couldn't remember, quite honestly, what her mother looked like, but at least she had those words of comfort to keep her calm and to keep her safe, to remind her where her values lay in life.

Her mother must have been in a very difficult situation. Whether she had passed away or not, Alyssa would always be ready to receive her if she ever came to find her. She only hoped, in a small way, that she was still alive, that her mother had found some light and softness in life, a better time than had come to pass when she had had to leave Alyssa with a family that, perhaps, her mother had not even known.

Alyssa didn't know. She could only assume, her mind instinctively wanting to fill in the gaps in her memory. Minds were funny like that.

Sandor allowed her the peace she needed. Not everything had to be spilt instantly, but it would be shared, all in time.

"Here, Sandor," she said, taking the plates from the table to the sink. "I'll wash everything up quickly and then we can carry on packing and preparing. We must make sure the cart is loaded too! I'll trot down to the horse stables and make sure that they've got a good draft horse to pull it this time."

Sandor grinned, running his hand down the back of her deer half. Alyssa squeaked and jumped and swatted him away, though there was only play in the flick of her hooves.

"If only we had fewer things, I could have pulled it! But you wanted to bring so much of the furniture along that I would have to be a lot taller and more muscular to even think_of doing such a thing! And would you really want your _partner doing all the physical work all the time?"

She bumped him with her hip, the fox grinning back at her.

"No, only when it is light enough," he said, drawing her into a brief hug. "But you're still stronger than me there."

She smiled. It was good to know, even from him, that he saw her strengths there. But they had a lot to do as they started in the kitchen, moving the boxes and crates outside that they had already packed so that they could be loaded straight away. Alyssa took a quick jog into town, after sorting the dishes and setting them aside to dry, her hooves clip-clopping down the road, though she was careful to avoid sharp stones along her way. Getting a bruise in her hoof was not what she wanted on a day when they had so much to do especially.

The horse, thankfully, was ready and the driver booked to take their belongings on ahead. It looked like they would have to spend a night at the inn before following along behind the next day, though that was not a bad thing. More time with Sandor, particularly after the rush of everything, could only be a good thing and she already found herself looking forward to taking the time to relax and settle with him.

Everything had to go, leaving the furniture outside on a thankfully dry day, so that it could be loaded, though they did not take everything. Some was set aside for sale, a separate cart due to collect that as arranged, but she did wrap the ukulele carefully in soft cloth, old rags that were no longer needed. Anything to cushion it, still placing it safely and securely in a wooden box, cradled as if it was a precious child.

And yet it was needed, something that they wanted to keep safe and protected, Alyssa glad that Sandor understood, even then, why it was so important to her. She still did not quite see how he had come to understand so much about her when he had never lived in her hooves, so to speak, never walked a day in her life. She supposed that she was more fortunate than many to have someone who was willing to take the time to understand her in that way, day by day. In time, they would take even greater strides together, big steps forward.

"Phew..." She groaned, wiping her hand across her forehead, her forehead wrinkling in distaste at the light layer of sweat that was found there. "I didn't think it would all still be so much work! Have we still got much on the first floor, upstairs, to bring down?"

Sandor grunted, trying not to show just how much the labour was getting to him. Thankfully for the fox, he could use his magic, channelling it a little more through his staff so that he didn't have to keep his concentration so much. His magic and training had been more focused on healing and fighting, his fire and plant affinities, but that meant that, sometimes, more domestic tasks were a little more difficult for him. A mage could train in many aspects, but they could only be masters of some. He intended to be a master of as many as he possibly could.

"Yes, there are a few things," he said. "Maybe we should bring them down together?"

The staircase, after all, was a little narrow and they had to work together to get the bedframe down, for it was old, well-made, solid wood. It came apart into three pieces, but they still had to angle themselves and work to get it down, huffing and puffing the whole time.

"Unff..." Sandor grunted, though the fox didn't want to show how much labour it was for him. "Hm... Maybe a little to the left?"

Alyssa growled lightly under her breath, walking backwards down the stairs - a hard enough task all by itself for her!

"Yeah... Yes! Okay!"

She tried, helping, tipping it, though anyone would have had trouble with it, to be fair. Finally, they got the biggest part of the bed down, which meant that, at the very least, everything else would be easier. That was something that helped spur them on, finding a big of fun in everything, Alyssa giggling as she bounced half into Sandor, lighter and more agile than him.

"Come on, Sandor! Be quick about it!"

He yelped and tried to swat at her, but the light-footed doe-taur was simply too swift for him, dancing out of reach. At least they could still have their fun even while there was still so much to do.

There was work to do, though they managed it in only an hour, waiting on the sales market car to arrive, onto which they would have to check the right items were being loaded. Alyssa had taught the fox the importance of being thorough, even if efficiency and organisation should have been part of his early mage training. Sometimes those things did not, however, translate into domesticity.

"One, two, three, four... Goodness, why do we have so many things?"

Alyssa chuckled and rubbed the back of her neck, counting their mugs. But Sandor had something else in mind, sneaking up behind her, just out of the doe-taur's line of sight. His eyes, after all, were fixed on her little bobbing tail, the white of the underside catching his attention, as pure as the white of his own fur.

"I think we have just the right amount of things, sweetheart..."

Alyssa made as if to turn, but the fox was too quick for her, not giving her the chance to ask what he meant, as his hand was already on her backside. As she squealed, his fingers slid under her tail and lower still to her pussy, easing a digit and then a second into her as the doe-taur quivered and shuddered away. Not because she didn't want it, of course, but because it was such a surprise!

"Oh, Sandor!" She wiggled back and forth as if caught by indecision, not quite knowing how she wanted to respond that time. "Why are you... You don't always have to be so naughty! And always when I'm doing something!"

He grinned, working his fingers back and forth inside her lightly, curling them up against her G-spot. That was a very important spot within her and one that the fox took care to pay special attention to, even if the doe-taur did tend to say that he was "naughty" or "cheeky". Of course, between them, that was only ever meant playfully, even if he knew too that he could push for things when Alyssa wasn't expecting them. That was part of the fun, for him, in surprising her.

"Mmm, but you look so cute when you're busy...counting," he said, playing his words out, though it was hard for even him to focus when his fingers were curled into her succulent wetness. "I don't think you could concentrate for much longer anyway, with me doing this..."

She whimpered and shook her head, panting lightly as her lips parted. However, Alyssa did not move away, her hind legs splaying a little as her tail flicked up, quivering all the while, even higher than it had been before.

"Mmm, no, I could...keep going..." Alyssa whined. "Can't you wait until I'm done with things...ah...until sex?"

But Sandor was not to be dissuaded, not when his sweet doe-taur was grinding back on his hand so sweetly, both knowing exactly what it was, either way, that they wanted. Sometimes the time was simply too perfect for things like that, Alyssa dropping the pencil and paper that she had been marking things off on to the floor with a clatter and a rustle.


She couldn't help herself, as her body folded lightly to the floor, her forelegs going first and then her hind end, her body quivering delightfully. Even then, her body knew more what it wanted from him, the fox growling lustfully, licking his lips as he withdrew his fingers from her wet pussy, strings of moisture clinging to them.

"Mmm..." He paused, rubbing his fingers against each other, eyes on her back, her body perfectly poised and ready for him. "I can't resist when you look so sweet...but there's a dirty doe under there too, isn't there? One that wants to ask for my cock even though you're not usually that forward. Isn't that right, Alyssa?"

Alyssa shivered. Sandor had been getting more and more forceful with her, almost aggressive in a way that made her legs quiver. That was hot, though she didn't know how to put into words how that rough, coarse tone made her feel, how it made her want to throw herself at his feet, begging him and not even asking him to take her. Not even to make love to her either - but to fuck her.

And that was a dirty thing indeed for a little doe-taur to think, even if he did make her mind go to weird and wonderful places. They were all things, kinks and new likes, for them to explore, of course, but not everything had to be understood all at once, if they had clear and open lines of communication between them.

"Mmmph, I..." She blushed, heat racing to her cheeks, even tinting the edge of her ears. "Sandor, that's...too much..."

"Is it? Or are you just holding back from what you really want?" He said, resting his hand on her back, his fingers curling possessively around her hip. "You don't have to hold back with me, Alyssa... You can be a dirty doe-taur as much as you like too."

She moaned and gasped, licking her lips, though there did not feel as if there was enough moisture left in her mouth for that. What was he doing to her? They were dirty words, words that she should have been surprised to hear coming from her sweet fox's mouth, and yet they were so very right too. Her body prickled with wanton heat, as if she could not possibly keep it all inside her, rocking her hips back, again and again, as if that alone would be enough to get him to mount her.

For she did indeed need his cock, the hot length inside her, spearing deep, stretching her open... It was finding the words, in her case, that was the problem.

"What if someone walks in on us, Sandor?"

Desperately, Alyssa clutched at straws, the words that she so anxiously wanted to fling forth clutched in the back of her throat. The fox only smiled, unbuckling his belt and sliding down his cloth trousers, exposing his erection as it swelled out into his hand. He stroked the length lightly, teasingly, her eyes fixed on it as a moan rose from her.

"Ohhhh, Sandor..."

"No one will walk in on us," he assured her, his white ears pricked confidently. "The door is locked, people will knock. For us, there is nothing to worry about, my sweet doe-taur... But I'm only going to give you what you want if you ask for it nicely."

Alyssa whimpered, shaking her head.

"I want..." Oh, why was it so hard for her to say it? "I"

His eyes glinted.

"No, be clear. Be specific, Alyssa. Or maybe we don't have to do this at all..."

He would never have denied her sex, of course, but it was all in play, Alyssa squirming delightedly in place on the bare living room floor, nothing but the floorboards under her, warming to the heat of her body. If she moved so deliciously when all he was doing was teasing her, Sandor thought to himself that he would have to do it more often...

"I want..." She blushed even more heavily, her head turning, not able to quite look at her lover while she said it, though the weight of his length lightly pressed against her backside in promise. "I want you... I want your...cock."

She used the same phrasing as him, whining aloud, hoping it would be enough. For the doe-taur it was more than enough as he pressed into her, his shaft dropping to find her pussy and sinking deep in a single thrust.


She cried out, her heart surging, head spinning, though Alyssa could have hardly expected for that to be the direction that the day was going to take. Sandor dropped to his knees behind her for a better angle with which to thrust, even though the hard floorboards were quite unforgiving against his knees. In the throes of passion, neither doe-taur nor fox cared at all, the fox leaning hungrily over her as he licked his lips, all as if Alyssa had abruptly become a delicious treat that he could devour.

Sex was not only about love and sweetness and romance, after all, but something more that the two were discovering, day by day and bit by bit. Perhaps it had been the magical, evil tree that had influenced him, the magic of it running through his veins and empowering him in ways that he would never have thought possible - yet he still had much work to do so that he could properly and fully grasp the full use of that magic. As with what he had trained in, it was intended for greater feats that the soft and the gentle, not everyday domesticity.

But that was alright. There was time and a gift could be taken forward as he pleased, even if the trial with the tree had nearly killed them both. He grunted throatily as he leaned over her, running his hands back and forth over her brown fur, over her deer back, though they always went back to her rump, the tight round of her hindquarters.

"Mmm, there's so muscle..." He grunted. "Here... Mmm... Alyssa..."

He growled, lips pulling briefly back from his teeth, and Alyssa moaned.

"Oh, Sandor - you're! You're fiercer than - ah! - I've ever...seen!"

But she couldn't get all the words out that she wanted to as he took her more roughly, the softness between them dropping away. The bond was still there, but it was more carnal than before as he ground into her body, sinking the full length of his aching prick into her tight wetness with every stroke. Alyssa would have been shoved forward across the ground if she had been standing, hardly even able to brace herself, though lying down with her legs folded under her, submissively exposed to her lover, helped her stay in place a little more. His hands on her hips, dragging her back whenever she was jostled a little too much helped even more.

"Ah! Sandor... Mmm... Higher..."

She directed him a little, even if it no longer felt like it was her place to direct him in how to make her feel good, wanting him to take what he wanted from her. But he would cum inside her either way, she was sure, so why shouldn't she have her pleasure too? Being submissive was not something, officially, that they had explored yet, though Alyssa would learn more about why she almost didn't feel like she needed to climax anymore, not as long as she made sure to please her sweet fox.

"Mmm... Yes..." He panted heavily, his pink tongue hanging out of his muzzle as he leaned over her, hips slapping hard into her rump with every thrust. "Unff, you feel so good, Alyssa... You're even wetter than usual!"

He growled as he leaned over her, though the fox could only drag his long tongue back into his mouth only briefly. He just needed to pant, to heave and to grasp at all the breath that he could, tail proudly lifted, a little stiff as he ground into her. It would not usually wag, not in his case, but it still conveyed important information.

His desire stood out through his tail, even as Alyssa moaned, letting her hands fall forward to balance her. She tried desperately to rock back against him, her tail lifted too as if she was trying to put her body even more on show to him, but the doe-taur needed it, craved it, panted for it, whimpering as if it had been months since they had last physically come together.

"Oh, ohhh, oh!" She moaned, half-glancing back, her eyes hooded with pleasure. "Oh, Sandor... Why... You feel even bigger than usual!"

And he did, though perhaps it was the position that they were in, for they never usually had sex on the hard floor. All she could think about was how tight she felt around him, his cock plunging deep with every stroke, filling her completely. There was no spot of her pussy that he did not hit as he slammed in, taking her roughly, ferally, as if he had forgotten everything there was to being an anthro, the softness and romanticism that had before been present between them.

"Mmm, that's right, keep talking to me like that," he growled, eyes glinting. "I like when you say that, my sweetly dirty doe..."

Alyssa whimpered.

"Mmm, yes, you feel so big inside me, so thick..." She panted, one hand trying to come up, trying to touch her breasts, though she was still wearing a blouse, laced at the front. "I feel like...mmm...I'm going to..."

But the words would not come, even though that was quite alright. There was a truly salacious moan to slip from her lips instead, so dirty that she might as well have been a lady of pleasure in a brothel. And yet that was not the sort of thing that Alyssa would ever see, even if the sentiment was there, her fox hammering into her. The lewd, wet sound of her pussy squelching around his hot length filled the air with every stroke of his cock, pounding brutally into her with such a bestial fashion that she could barely even catch her breath.

Still, there was that tightness inside her, the ripple and pull of muscles that she could only partially control. At the point of orgasm, she couldn't even clench around him, losing control of her body completely and utterly, though it was in such a way that she felt completely safe too, surrendering herself and everything she was to Sandor, the love of her life.

Heat prickled through her as the force of his thrusts sped up and up, as if he was losing control, needing to fuck her so badly that the fox couldn't possibly think of anything else, nothing else at all. He had to have her and it was in such a feral way, his cock throbbing, pulsing inside her, need coursing through with every beat of his heart sending blood around his body, to all the right places that needed it the most.

And yet her orgasm came right before his, the doe-taur tensing suddenly as she cried out, rocking back against him, though there was little movement afforded to her when she was lying down with her hind legs tucked under her. Alyssa panted heavily, a hand on her chest, her other arm quivering as she tried her best to support herself. Yet there was too little she could do as her body ached and shuddered, her pussy tightening around him. There was nothing she could do, nor that she wanted to do, not as lust swamped her, her pussy slick around him, milking him of his cum to soon be spilt into her.

At the sudden rush of her juices and arousal, Sandor could not hold back anymore, letting out a broken yelp as passion overcame him. The tightness of her and the feel of her twitching cunny was too much for him, not that he needed to hold back at all, aching deeply, his tail suddenly softening and swaying from one side to the other as he finally gave in. Spurt after spurt of hot, creamy seed filled his lover, his cock driven as deeply up into her as it could possibly go.

There was nothing dirtier, to him, than cumming inside her, curved over her back as if he was trying to bore into her even more deeply, panting heavily, his tongue hanging out. He didn't need to be calm or controlled or even put together in that moment, just carnal and feral, letting his needs rule him. His cock ached and twitched inside her, swollen at that raw point of need, though he couldn't do any more than allow every dripping spurt of seed to flow from him, pouring into her hot, needy pussy.

His doe. His doe-taur. Only his.

And he would only need her until the end of his days.

"Mmm... You feel as good as ever, dear."

His words may have been sweet, but there was a teasing edge to them that made her cheeks heat up even more than they had been already. Being reduced, in a way, to sexual charm and the ability of her body... It made her skin prickle and tingle as if she was going to orgasm all over again - and the doe-taur was still catching her breath!

"Mmm, I'm, uh...glad, Sandor," she said, fumbling with her words. "I... Um, what are you doing?"

The fox withdrew his length from her pussy, dripping wet with a delicious combination of her juices and his cream, a potion that only they, together, could create. He didn't say anything, not even as his lips stretched into a wide grin - not until he was directly in front of her, standing with his knees ever so slightly bent. It put his cock at just the right height from her lips, even as the doe-taur turned blushing from him.

"Oh, Sandor..."

The fox grinned even more widely, tongue flicking out against the side of his muzzle. There was something so sexual about that small act alone that she shuddered where she laid, submissively seated.

I hope he does that again...

_ _

"Lick it clean!" He said, the words coming out with the sharp bark of command in them. "You wouldn't want to leave my dick like that, would you?"

She whimpered and shook her head, though parted her lips for him, the fox caressing her face briefly as he put his dick up to her lips. It was up to her, however, to show what she wanted, sucking him into her mouth with a rosy tint to her cheeks.

It was easy for the doe-taur to relax into giving him head, though his fingers did pause to comb softly through her hair, reminding her a little more of the fox that she was more used to than the rough and ready fox who... Oh, he was so commanding, so fierce! It was all new, so much so that it was all the doe-taur could do not to swoon at his feet, but even that was something that she was sure he would have loved. Maybe that too was something that the two of them could come to try in time.

But there was enough for them to be getting on with for one day as she cleaned off his hard shaft, which only softened a little. Sometimes the fox's stamina surprised her, a little shuddering tremor running through him as he grunted and rolled his hips forward, making her take a little more of his shaft into her mouth.


"That's it, my beautiful doe," he moaned, eyes half-closed and fixed on her. "Deeper... Make it nice and clean."

There was a warmth there, a sense of love pouring through his tone like warm mead served on a cold winter night, though something new. Something that excited her, something that not even Alyssa had seen quite like that before. Maybe it was the encounter with the tree? That had changed them both, in a way that they could never return to the time before. And maybe that was for the better, even if the doe-taur would have much preferred they had never had to go through that horrendous, magical experience at all.

His shaft was warm inside her mouth, the tip where his cream laid still cooler where it had been exposed, briefly, to the air. But she took it all in as if she was trying her very best to please him, always doing her best, as she always did.

It was less cleaning off his cock, in the end, and more giving him a blowjob, bobbing her head slowly, hardly looking at what she was doing even as her hands came up to brace on his thighs. They were stronger legs too than they had been, allowing her to hold herself up. Not quite tree trunk thighs, not firm with that much muscle, though the mental comparison made her shake with repressed delight, a slight smile pulling at her lips even around the length of his cock.

"Mmmm... Mmmph?"

Alyssa didn't know for how long she should go, even as he held her head, firmly keeping her in place. Well, that was what she would have to lean into then, all she could lean into. She had to place her focus on the fox and him alone, all her trust in him so that not a drop of worry or fear remained.

Sandor would always lead her right. That was one of many reasons that she loved him so much.

Together, they would go forward. Together.

"Mmm, your mouth feels even better than your pussy," he teased her, watching and loving how the heat rose even more to her cheeks, the puffing out of her cheeks as he shoved his dick a little too deeply. "Use your tongue too... I want you to make sure it's all cleaned up!"

It was a tease and a play, but it was one that his sweet doe-taur was keen to go along with, her eyes alight with love as she looked up at him as much as she could with his cock in her mouth. The taste was unique, even for her, bobbing her head more and more urgently, even then wondering just how much it would take for her to get him to cum, how much to get him to spill over the edge where he simply couldn't hold it for a single moment more.

Alas, for her, even though it was not such a bad thing, after all, his stamina was up the second time around, his cock harder than ever and rock solid, aching for even more attention. Sandor might have been a little more sensitive than usual around the head of his length, but he was still ready to go, keen to step into the next chapter of his life and future with his darling doe-taur.

"Unnff! Mm-hmm-mmph!"

Her eyes watered. It was a little too much for her as her lover thrust, though he took his time, keeping an eye on her to make sure that he wasn't hitting the back of her throat and making her gag, even if he was being rougher. The fox, after all, was a little calmer after the first round, even if they should have been getting on with other house-related activities, making sure that the last things were ready. Ultimately, there was only so much to be done and they were, to be fair to them, waiting for the sales cart too for the larger items before Alyssa and he could head into town and the market to take the smaller items that they could carry and rid themselves of themselves.

After all that, Sandor was rather wishing that he had arranged for the salesperson to take everything in one load, even though it meant that they would not get as much money for it. Her mouth and lips around his cock were simply too alluring, suckling on his cock, her eyes softly cast downward in utter devotion to him. Even if things were changing between them, there was still more to come and, well, his devotion was merely becoming something stronger, something even more passionate than before.

"Unff... Nnnngggghhhhh, yes, oh, yes..."

Sandor panted heavily, rolling his hips, pausing her bobbing as he held her head in place, his fingers roughly twisted into her hair behind her left ear. His other hand rested on her cheek, soothing her and reminding Alyssa that he was still there for her, coming together in rampant, powerful thrust after thrust. He'd never fucked her face with such passion before, yet the fox didn't think he could have stopped himself unless Alyssa had told him to, checking in with her, even as her cheeks hollowed, suckling on his shaft.

More, he needed more, so close already, and yet the high and the prelude to it were drawn out even more, where it might only have been seconds in each stage before. That was one of the many benefits of cumming once already, even if he could have been taking care of Alyssa's needs too. Though more of that could come another time, later that night perhaps, perhaps when they were in the inn together, staying overnight. In fact, Sandor had not honestly thought too much about where they were going to spend the night, only that they were going to carry on to their new home once they had wrapped up all the loose ends there.

He'd have to think about that with Alyssa later, though he was sure the doe-taur had something in mind. He grunted, rocking his hips harder and faster, filling her mouth with every stroke. There was barely any time nor any need for the doe-taur to suck on his cock or hollow her cheeks at all, grunting around him as her eyes shot a little wider. That had been a particularly deep thrust, but Sandor couldn't stop, not when her hand shifted up to his hip, desperate with need, holding her lover in place above her as much as he was holding her.

"Mmmph... Mmmph... Mmm-hmmmmmmm!"

Alyssa tried to squeak around his cock, though all that came out were muffled grunts and groans. It was too hard for her and yet she still caught herself wanting to please him, to do better by him, moaning around his hard length as the fox climaxed a second time. It was easy for her to swallow, even though her jaw was a little on the sore side from taking him into her mouth for so long - he was never usually that rough with her. Still, her doe-ears tipped back, splaying out softly, submissively, allowing it all, feeling as if it was right. It may not have been right for her if he had not looked after her as well as he did, but, well...sometimes Alyssa was more than happy to try out new things without understanding them fully. As long as everyone was safe and happy, there was no harm to be had there at all.

The taste was sweet - familiar and yet musky, his cum thick, heady, making her want to swallow it down more and more. She had to swallow quickly to catch every one of his powerful spurts, as if he was trying to fill her mouth with his seed even more than she was ready for, though the doe-taur knew that that was merely just a reflex of his body doing what it needed to do. He was no more in control of his orgasm, when it came, than she ever was of her own.

There was a burning need under her tail, his cream drooling from her pussy, reminding her of what he had done to her, how he had filled her with such raw, bestial power. Alyssa shivered, though had to concentrate, even then, to take down his cream, throat working rapidly.

Gluck, gluck, gluck...

_ _

Her eyes watered a little, dribbles of cream trickling from the corners of her lips where she missed a spurt, though neither minded the mess all that much. It was just another reminder of all they had done together, their lustful interlude, all when their attention should have been on the house. No matter though, no matter at all... She was quite comfortable there where she was, clutching onto her lover's hip as if she was the only thing locking them in place, present in a moment where every tiny little sensation could be called into the forefront of their experience.

From the firm push of his cock into her mouth to the feel of the hard floorboards under her body, though she was quite comfortable, her body naturally allowing her legs to be folded and tucked away. It would have been more awkward for the doe-taur, undoubtedly, if she was an anthro, but Alyssa had never honestly wanted to be anything other than just who she was, suckling on his shaft, cleaning him off, yet again, with long, slow laps of her tongue.

She had to pull back to do her job properly, his shaft softening that time, for not even the fox's stamina lasted that long. That it was potentially magically enhanced since his change was something that had crossed her mind, but, well, it was not something altogether that she had to worry about.

He was still hers, still her Sandor, even if he had grown, just like she had. He smiled down at her with that gentle, loving smile of his, the one that almost seemed to stretch his lips a little too wide, so that he looked kind of goofy and silly, as she suckled down to the base of his shaft and back up again, leaving the hard length sleek with saliva, yet perfectly clean.

"Have you finished with me?" She teased, her fingers brushing his soft length lightly, a twinkle in her eye to match that of her lover's. "Or is there something more I can do for you?"

Sandor chuckled, though even the fox was breathless and more than a little worn out after that kind of physical exertion. There was something about sex that was inherently tiring and, to be fair, probably not the best idea for them on a day like that. Still, what had happened had happened and the warm glow spreading through the fox was not something that he was at all keen to give up, not even if it might have put him in better stead for the day to come still and the next.

He helped Alyssa up, though the drool of his cream dripping from her cunny was alluring to say the very least of it. There was nothing quite like seeing that he had laid and made his mark on her in the cream dripping from her, drooling through the soft fur that came up between her hind legs, a gentle white even though it was not quite as pure as the white of her undertail.

Some things, in times like that, just caught him, and he slipped his fingers into her again, delighting in the squelch of her wet pussy as she blushed and rocked back on him, standing once more.

"Mmm, my beautiful doe..."

Even Sandor caught the predatory lilt to his voice, as if he was a fox like his ancestors, hunting for his living, though he would never, not in a million years, ever have considered hunting Alyssa. Not the light of his life, no - not unless it was merely to attack her from behind and tackle her into bed. He shuddered bodily. That kind of struggle, mmm... That could be very hot for both to engage in, with consensual play at hand at all times.

"Mmm, Sandor, you..." Her breath caught beautifully as he leaned in close, his free hand over her rump, squeezing and rubbing, brushing her brown fur up in the wrong direction. "Mmm... Sandor... We're busy, we have things to do..."

She tried to shake herself off, but he was too insistent, even if Sandor knew also that there was only so much time to be spared in teasing one another. Was that a cart outside? The fox's ears pricked as he groaned, glancing at his soft shaft, clean but still needing to be tucked back away for the sake of modesty, his clothing having dropped lower down his thighs, under both his tail and buttocks.

"I know..."

There was a touch of a whine in his voice that made Alyssa giggle, but he still took all the moments he could in sliding his fingers back and forth through the slick mess of her pussy. He just wanted to feel good and to make her feel good, though Alyssa would have to run to their bathroom to clean up over the lavatory and perhaps the bath too before they carried on with their day. It was a shame their scented oils that could be used to help cover up the smells from such messes had been packed away already, but he was more than confident that Alyssa would be able to make herself decent again. Frankly, the fox would not have cared one little bit if she had not.

"You've made a mess of me," the doe-taur complained good-naturedly, though it was not all that bad, even as he let her go and she grunted, twisting around to see what lay under her tail, heat in her body. "Mmmph... But I don't... It's okay... I'm going to clean up, sweetheart."

It told a tale that she was comfortable telling him what she was going to do rather than asking permission, though that had been a very old habit, due to her status in the wider world, that had been tricky for the doe-taur to break. One thing that had improved with her over the years also was that her body had become more flexible, which she was quite grateful for when it came to ensuring all parts of her body were clean and well-groomed. Self-care was certainly something that Alyssa held in high regard.

Grumbling faintly to herself, the doe-taur gave a light shiver, her tail flicking up as she ran a washcloth, which she had, in fact, set aside, just in case it was needed. It was up to her to consider things like that when Sandor was preoccupied with other things and she had flourished into her role at home as a head of the household like that too, managing the day-to-day things and running the household. For a doe-taur like her, it was something that she had never thought would be her forte, though she had proven very easily that she had an aptitude for getting things done.

Twisting around, she neatly cleaned off her pussy, the soft fur a little damp there, though she at least thought it would dry quickly. Using a dry corner of the cloth that she had not had to damp down, she tidied up the best she could, a little sore from everything that they had done, yet the deeply rooted satisfaction within her was surely all worth it.

"There..." She muttered to only herself. "That will have to do!"

"Okay!" She said, half-trotting back down the stairs, which were not too steep so that she could still move easily down them. "I'm ready! My saddle bags should still be here, let us put those on and then we can make sure that everything we are selling ourselves is in those."

He was quick to help her, laying over some of the things, like some woven blankets with gold thread that had come from his family home but that they had no use of, over her back that would not fit in the bags themselves. Not everything had to be tucked away, after all, not when they were not going all that far. Their new home would be a little further out from the town they were moving to again, giving them even more space and privacy, though neither knew how much that would be wanted when they went. Maybe Alyssa would even have to start trotting practice every day to jog into town for food and other supplies with Sandor was training. The fox, on the other hand, so often travelled on a rolling, twisting vine when he could manage it. When using his plant and nature magic, however, he was not always in tune with how things like that could affect the world around him. After the second time that he had ripped up a main road, Alyssa had had to have a talk with him, for it was causing a lot of trouble for those that had to move around without magic...

The sales cart arrived before they headed off, though they only had to direct the merchant to what was to be loaded up there, everything off their hands and money changed into Sandor's hands. Alyssa smiled. That would be very much needed to furnish their new home - but that would require a visit to the market in the new town, all so that they did not have to transport more large items than necessary. They still had to be sensible with their money, even after all that they had been through.

Between the Doe-Taur and Her Lover (part one of three)

**Between the Doe-Taur & Her Lover** **Part one of three** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Adagiodajiang_ _ _ _ _ Alyssa stayed a step behind her partner and lover, Sandor, the white fox stepping...

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