Cock around the Clock: Stallion Lust (erotic eBook teaser)

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#719 of Erotic eBooks, teasers and tasters

David is a Gypsy Vanner stallion and, well, he is quite the catch at his dorm, seen as the guy to get by all the ladies. The problem is that he swings more to the male persuasion, preferring males over females, even if not everything is out in the open yet.

He doesn't have to spill it all, just enjoying his time there. Especially with his roommate, Sam, a wolf who he's gotten rather close to.

And they have a fun night planned, just the two of them, a little pill of Viagra begging their attention. As Sam nuzzles in, adoring the long, equine spire, David downs the pills. Not that he needed any help, after all, to get it up, but going all night with a hard-on that just won't quit? That's something else entirely!

Cock around the clock? That's only the beginning as lust swells and the fun between anthros begins!

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Cock around the Clock

Stallion Lust

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

The stallion snorted softly, blowing his forelock out of his eyes, the black and white draft horse reminiscent of his Vanner heritage, though a typical cob would not have grown as large as he was. His huge, dinnerplate-sized hooves hung off the end of the college dorm bed, though they, for once, had the place to themselves, his boyfriend's roommate out of town for the weekend, visiting family.

Having single-sex dorms for college, adults tasting their first lick of freedom after being in the parental nest for so many years, was a good idea in practice - less so when sexualities other than heterosexual were considered. Yet that was just one place in which those that liked the same sex triumphed (or those that were bi or similar) while straights had to sneak off around campus and off campus just to get a grope and a feel. Of course, the opposite sex was not permitted to be in the dorms themselves, though that didn't stop many that were so inclined from sneaking partners in.

David stretched out on the bed, half-naked with his chest bare, his wolf partner, Samuel or Sam for short, splayed out over his back. The size difference between the wolf and the horse was laughable sometimes, with the wolf being more on the diminutive, effeminate side, though Sam didn't mind that at all. It was just how he was and his sassy flair and confidence had gained him a lot of friends at college so far, living and thriving in dorm life more than some. The horse, however, had not settled as quickly until he'd found him, hooking up for the first time at a party that they really should not have been drinking at, but, oh well. Things like that happened at college and a raging hangover in someone else's bed was merely just one of many rites of passage.

"Hm?" Sam nuzzled the back of his neck, sharp teeth playfully catching at his black mane. "What? Don't you think it'll be fun?"

David blushed and shook his head, the little packet of pills tucked in the palm of his large hand.

"Well... It's Viagra, yeah?" He said, stalling for a moment. "But I don't really need help getting it up, you know... We don't have any issues there."

"Yeahhhh," Sam said, dragging out the word as he slipped off the horse's back to sprawl on the bed. "But it's know, that keeps you going too. You know what I mean? You can get it over the counter at the drugstore."

Still, David looked dubious, his ears twitching back and forth while his tail tucked down over his rump, though he was most usually not the one being penetrated, so he had no real reason to demurely hide.

"I mean... They said it's safe, right?"

"Absolutely," Sam said with a typical, wide, toothy wolf grin. "Of course... C'mon, David, I'm not going to give you anything that would be bad for you, you know that."

Of course, David did know that, but things with a guy like Sam with soft fur and a wicked gleam in his eye, always up for another round or something more akin to mischief, were still new to him. Yet in a way that made everything with the grey wolf even more exciting than it could have been if he had been a more seasoned, experienced lover, something that David did not mind in the slightest.

Undoubtedly, they were both there at college to study, but the relaxation in the infatuation of Sam's lips, the wolf shrugging out of his vest top, sleeveless, of course, and kissing him warmly, tangling with him on top of the bedsheets... Mmm... There was something about that, something that kept the draft horse coming back for more, his protests softening and slipping away with a needy nicker.

He didn't need it, but the wolf's hand groped and massaged his sheath through his jeans anyway, hands fumbling, teasing, the edge of inexperience still floating between them. Whereas they were both in the prime of their sexual lives, there was only so much experience that could be safely gained so quickly and it was all something that they wanted to take their time with, just to have fun. They were boyfriends, more than that had been said.

Clothes left bodies hardened with lust, the wolf's shaft easing too from his sheath, David's head swirling with passion. It did that when all the blood in his body seemed to rush from his brain to far more alluring parts, his thick cock throbbing, fleshing up and out in a fat spill of stallion flesh.

"Mmmm..." Sam dropped, naked on the bed with him, nuzzling the base of the horse's cock and running his tongue up and over the medial ring, tasting him. "You're so fucking hot... Go on, take it... I want to really see you destroy my ass tonight."

David winced, though he couldn't help the tiniest of smirks. Damn that wolf... Was he ever not randy? He swore Sam could go all night and go again, while he, to be fair, often wanted to crash out after a couple of rounds, which was, for most, par for the course. He could still cum like a fire hydrant - or at least that was how the wolf often described it - but sometimes that wasn't enough for a partner. The spice of life was something like that, the horse thought.

It was hard to think clearly while the wolf took his cock into his maw, well-used to keeping his teeth carefully back and away from his partner's dick. It was not an easy feat and something that had led to scraping and accidents in the earlier days of their relationship, but that was hardly something that David had in mind.

He moaned, scrambling for one of the pills, a little blue round that looked so innocent. Again, even as his dick disappeared hotly into the wet, lashing warmth of the wolf's maw, he checked the packet, but it looked like a normal Viagra, even if it could "make him go all night" as the wolf said. He'd always thought that Viagra was just to help guys get it up, not to fuck for longer, but who was he to say?

"Unff... To hell with it..."

He downed the pill, tossing his head back as he fell to his back on the bed, the old, creaky mattress protesting at such rough treatment. The wolf came right along with him, pushing down on his cock, head bobbing, tail wagging, lifting already like the needy little pup he was. Sam had been teasing at getting David to call him "nastier names", like telling him how slutty he was, but David still couldn't see why at all Sam would want to be demeaned like that. But maybe they'd get there, one day, the wolf's lips so soft, so sweet, so tender on his aching, throbbing hard-on.

He didn't know how long the pill would take to affect him, but that was none of his concern, not as he swallowed, his large hands with hoof-like, rough tips to his fingers landing on the back of Sam's head. The pull of the wolf's throat at the overly sensitive tip of his cock was too intoxicating to pass up, how slick his tongue was over his smooth flesh, the length of his cock more grey than pink but with a fair amount of splotching still. If they had been in a better position, he would have been jacking off the wolf too, making sure that he gave as much as he got, even though Sam liked to devour him more than to actually receive.

"God, Sam," he hissed out through his teeth, gritting them together, still not wanting to cum too quickly. "Fuck... That feels good... So...good..."

David only swore when he was getting head or having sex and, well, he didn't want anyone other than Sam to hear him using such crude language. He rolled his hips up, cock aching, his balls churning, the heaviness of his nuts seeming to make them swell, so fat and so ready, even then. He, of course, knew that was not possible, yet the strain and the pushing feeling of need deep within his gut had to be made sense of one way or another in his mind.

Yet his mind was not working as well as it could have been in that moment, his entire body aching, legs trembling and kicking up the bedsheets as he tried to get his knees up. There was no one quite like Sam to make him weak at the knees, however, the wolf's lips sliding down over his medial ring, sucking lightly, his cheeks even hollowing while his agile, flexible tongue worked over the underside in long, lustful laps.

"Ah... Yes... God..."

David scrabbled, trying to hold onto himself, his ears slipping back, trying not to lose control too quickly, but he couldn't help it. The wolf gulped around the head of his cock, the flare thickening within his mouth, eyes dancing and tail lifting with obvious glee. Yet the horse was in quite the predicament, cock throbbing, every pulse of blood making it harder, closer to the edge, so sensitive that he thought he couldn't hold back for a single moment more.

"Unff... Fuck!" David cursed, heat rushing to his cheeks and ears, creeping hotly down his neck. "Gonna... Fuck, Sam, can't go that hard... Gonna cum..."

But the wolf only took that as a challenge, diving all the way down on his cock, as far as he could go, a fat bulge showing through Sam's throat. He could not swallow everything down, not yet anyway, not with a gag reflex, but he could keep trying, eyes watering, whimpering, whining with pure lust, simply wanting more and more, aching for it. And David was along for the ride, one way or another, the soft, trembling vibrations of the wolf moaning around his cock travelling deep into him.

He couldn't hold it, trying to get his hips up as high as he could and failing dismally, though it did not feel like a failure at all as thick ropes of seed flooded the wolf's muzzle. Like the cock sucking pro Sam had become, the wolf gulped it all down without allowing a single drop to escape, though the case would not be such later in the night, the student nightlife brimming over outside their dorm window.

All David could do was let pleasure wash through him, each throb of cum coming with another wave of pleasure, stronger than ever, though he would still lament that his lust did not last as long as it could. There were things, apparently, that a guy could do to make his orgasm last longer, but David had not looked into them more than hearing that, collapsing back on the bed, his sheath feeling tighter around the base of his cock than it usually did.

Yet, that time, his eyelids did not droop as they would have before, the horse rumbling softly in the back of his throat as if he had become a more predatory species, sitting up a moment later. He was too awake, too invigorated, Sam's eyes wide as he drew back off his cock, the wolf's tail lifting hopefully.

"Did it kick in yet?"

End preview.

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Thank you for reading! This story is available to purchase, worldwide, via Smashwords and!


Thank you for reading!

If you enjoyed this story, please take a look at my website, where similar stories are listed by kink!

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I am also available for custom stories, tailored to your preferred nuances and characters. Please e-mail the following address for further information.

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