Finding the Line Draft 1 CH 05

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#54 of Once Broken

draft 1 of Book 1 in the inheriting the Line Series.

Denton is simply a police detective looking to catch the bad guys and bed the willing guys. unfortunately for him, the investigation into the quadruple murder of a prominent Denver family leads him to the discovery of a secret society in the midst of a crisis that might be linked to his own existence.

an early morning For Denton and his new friend

if you want to read ahead of everyone else, the complete story is available on my Patreon

or, you can buy the published book on many E-book reseller

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Denton woke up with a start. The dream was already fading, but it had unnerved him.

"You okay?" The wolf next to him asked, then had a jaw breaking yawn.

"Yeah, sorry if I woke you. Just a nightmare," Denton said.

"No worries buddy. What was it about?" William asked.

Denton shook his head. "Don't really remember anymore, just some chanting."

"Like a song? If it was from the Bieber song bird, I can understand why you woke up."

Denton chuckled. "No, chanting, like back in the dark ages."

"That's weird."

Denton sighed.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. It's just that I'm not going to be able to fall back asleep."

"It was that bad?"

"No. It's a side effect of my job. I get woken up at odd hours so often that my body's adapted to it. Once I'm awake I'm good for at least twenty hours. I just don't know what I'm going to do for the next." He looked over the wolf at the clock, "three hours."

The wolf turned on his side. "Well, if it's just that." He ran a blunt claw through Denton's off white chest fur. "If you want to have another go at it, I'm more than willing."

They had a go at it, then another one, and another one.

After that they showered, and almost went at it again.

"You know, I've never come across a guy who can cum like you do. What's it, like magic or something?" William asked.

Denton shook his head. "I have hyperphilia."

William gave him a blank stare.

"It's a medical condition. My refractory period is a lot shorter than normal, as you saw, and my sex drive is higher. I actually have a fairly mild case of it. I've talked with a guy in South Africa who gets hard within a minute of having an orgasm, and if he doesn't cum at least once an hour he feels like his balls are going to explode. He told me that once, when he was younger, he had a party and he had over fifty orgasm within a day."

"You serious?"

"Well, I haven't met the guy, or put his claim to the test. I haven't even actually seen a picture of him. He's had bad experiences with online stalkers because of his condition, so he's a bit paranoid about meeting guys. But I don't see that he'd be lying. I've talked to other guys like him and me, and at least one other told me a similar story. So I consider myself fortunate, I'm just able to have a lot of sex."

They dressed, then Denton made them a quick breakfast, steak and eggs. After that he wrote his number on a paper and handed it to the wolf.

"What's this for?"

"Well, you were willing to spend the night, and you're good company, so I'd like to get to know you better, see if we can be friends, now that we've fucked."

"Sure, buddy, I'd love that," William said.

"Okay, but there's going to have to be one rule."

"What is it?" the wolf's head canted to the side.

"My name is Denton. I'll accept Dent, but none of my friends, absolutely none of them gets to call me 'buddy'."

"Oh, sure b ... Dent. I'm good with that."

"Perfect. Now, am I dropping you off at the Starbucks or do you need to be someplace else."

Denton dropped him off at a commercial design place a few blocks from the precinct, with a promise to call and try to have dinner at some point.

Denton hoped William would be cool with being friends. So few guys were interested in more than having sex, that he cherished finding someone looking for a deeper connection, without wanting a boyfriend.

Finding the Line Draft 1 CH 04

"Evening, Fred," Denton waved to the desk sergeant as he left the precinct. He took out his phone and turned on Prowlr, now that he wasn't on duty anymore. While it was true that as a detective he was never really off duty, when he was allowed to go...

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Finding the Line Draft 1 CH 03

The three bodies were rats, one in his fifties, one in his thirties, and one teens. Their throats had been slit, and the blood formed a pool around them, so that they couldn't get close without stepping in it. "Shit," Flint said. "That's Alistair...

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Finding the Line Draft 1 CH 02

The foyer, because this certainly wasn't an entryway, was majestic. The floors were a brown stone with gold veins running through them. Anywhere else, Denton would just think it was something that looked gold, something golden. But here, he wouldn't be...

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