Form and Function 01

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Art - HimeragoldTail

Writing/Valencia - Runa

Ezra - TrashyPanda

Sequel to

Ezra tries out his new parts and finds a strangely medical obsession with self-discovery.


Form and Function

Ezra's trip back home after the barbecue was full of self reflection and existential dread. Everything in life seemed so surreal that he didn't know if it was real or not. For all he knew, given what was said to him, it could have all been an illusion, a spell meant to trick him into accepting an alternate reality or submitting himself to their control.

But as he wrapped his hand around his door knob and gave it a squeeze, the distinct chill of the metal on his palm and fingers, he was convinced it was all real. He could still see, feel, smell, taste, and hear everything with a clarity that didn't come alongside dreams. His surrounding world was not blurred around the edges or ethereal in its presentation. Aside from him being a little fatigued and exhausted from all that had happened, everything felt normal.

Better than normal, actually. The whole ordeal had opened his mind in many ways but it was his body that felt better than it ever had. Ezra was fit and athletic, a slim and well-toned gentleman, but he never felt truly 'himself' in his body. And that was because of a unique form of gender dysphoria. He wasn't miserable as a male, but there was something missing in the form of a delicious, plump spade. While he didn't hate anything about himself, he wasn't complete until that weekend at the barbecue. There, everything came together in a glorious, poetic sense of self-satisfaction.

Of course, getting to that point was quite a surreal but detailed series of events. First, Ezra chose to interview Ceylon, the gryphon CEO of NoThEn Labs and a contributor to the Klyneth Academy of Science and Magic. Through his investigation that helped him concoct a series of appropriate questions and a sense of general logic and rationale, Ezra got to the bottom of the truth. The reality of Ceylon was that the gryphon was no mere mortal but one of the gods, an eternal mage that had come to trancend time and death, reliving lives and guiding history as they went.

That was why Ceylon was so powerful and capable of feats impossible to the average person. Ceylon enchanted potions far more potent than any other provider, featuring blends of spells and effects that were nigh impossible for the average citizen. Transformation magic was one of the gryphon's specialties, the most complicated and dangerous of magic. Yet, Ceylon had mastered it with ease.

So, having discovered their true identity, something Ezra never outright asked but was able to get across with a series of questions that made Ceylon reveal the truth, it was decided that Ceylon would offer the leggy boy a bit of a gift in exchange for discretion. The gift of truth, in a manner of speaking. It was a poetic gift, but one that certainly worked in Ezra's favour. Of course, Ceylon didn't have to offer a gift at all, as they had the power to wipe minds at will if they desired. But as it turned out, they didn't work that way.

'They' being the Dalonian Gods themselves and a handful of their eternal allies - folks they brought forward through time as friends throughout the eras. The dozen of them all worked together and were in the same place for the first time in years. A barbecue just outside of Klyneth. That same barbecue that Ezra was invited to join.

Of course there were hesitations. At the time he wondered if maybe this was a ploy to tie him down and alchemically wipe his brain or something, but it was nothing of the sort. It was just a barbecue. One where he was to be bestowed the greatest gift Ceylon could give. A true form gifted via Transformation magic. Ceylon literally took Ezra into her womb and rebirthed him, now with both male and female parts to play with.

This was something Ezra had desired for the entire of his adult life and a decent portion of his adolescence. Growing up he never loathed his body, his genitals, or his position in life; yet he felt it wasn't quite right. Something was missing. Something crucial was lacking in his life. Fortunately for him, Ceylon was able to use her psychic abilities to discern exactly what that was without the need for lengthy dissertations or journalistic expression. Ceylon found what Ezra wanted most and gave it to him. A spade. A cookie. A pussy.

Ezra didn't hate his cock by any means. He didn't want to swap genders or physical sexes. He just wanted both. He felt comfortable on all ends of the spectrum and was far happier being able to express himself however he felt. Some days he wanted to top, using his knot to tie with partners. Some days he wanted to see what it felt like to be a bitch and have someone's knot lock inside him. Anal was fine. Not ideal, but a fine substitute. It was not the same as properly being mounted and having his flesh tugged upon by a swelling, massive knot or engorged, spongy equine flare.

So, after going headfirst up Ceylon's pussy to be deposited in the gryphon's womb and being rebirthed by means of an egg that contained the transformation magic, Ezra emerged all slimy and messy to realize that not only did he possess both cock and pussy, but that his female parts had been pierced with iron siphoned from his blood and ademane. It was such a strange and unique thing to be gifted, something Ceylon specifically chose to include in the transformation.

As Ceylon explained upon Ezra's awakening, that piercing was literally constructed by taking minerals from his body and shaping it into a barbell that couldn't be removed without stretching the hole. The jewelry was also infused with ademane - the fluid responsible for magic found in all living beings - to ensure that it was nigh indestructible and gave a bit of extra fun to his loins.

This was all too much, a gift that nearly made Ezra cry. But that wasn't all.

It turned out that being reborn as an adult with new parts put Ezra into his first female heat. Estrus. A needy desire he fantasized about and imagined but had never felt himself. It was almost too much to handle without help, so Ceylon and Ilorek - another one of the gods - helped Ezra try out his new parts for the first time. This left him in an exhausted mess, sharing the bed with both the gryphon and hippogryph deities until morning.

Once they were done with him, having come to an accord about keeping his mouth shut about their intentions in exchange for his new body, Ezra was taken back home. With the sun just coming up and his body stumbling all over, he was able to wobble his way to bed and collapse.

Exhausted beyond belief thanks to the physical toll that transformation magic took on the bodies of both the caster and recipient, Ezra passed out before his face touched the pillow. Passed out, but not completely inert. His mind was exhausted and his body was tired as can be, but his libido was still in high gear, churning away in his loins.

Ezra learned a thing or two about the differences between male arousal and female arousal that night. The subtle differences between how they feel and experience desire and the difference between orgasms. He'd already discovered what an internal orgasm felt like and it was heaven. Arousal worked in much the same way.

With his male parts, the tingle of desire and the burst of sensation that came with orgasm were both very superficial. Very localized to the groin and almost exclusively felt on the surface. It was a wonderful, sharp pleasure that made his cock swell and his balls twitch, but it wasn't something that he felt deeply or through the rest of his form.

His female parts, however, seemed to be more directly connected to everything from his neck to his knees. The arousal he felt wasn't fully localized to the groin, but seemed to course throughout his torso, tickling his upper thighs and cascading beyond the base of his tail. Likewise, when Ilorek's equine flare pressed out against his anterior wall (the roof of his pussy canal) it not only hit him like a sledgehammer to the crotch - in a good way, of course, there was only mild discomfort as he adapted to having his virginity smashed by such an endowed partner - but lingered in his loins for ages after.

Arousal had a similar, full-bodied sensation coursing through his body. It wasn't just his sheath or cock or lips that tingled, it was a sensation that filled up everything inside him. He needed to take care of it and it wasn't something he could just jerk off and ignore until morning. Which was a pretty significant problem since he lacked the energy to satisfy his pussy's needs.

Instead, he just groaned on the bed, idly grinding his hips down on a pillow as his semi-lucid mind drifted in and out of consciousness. His dreams were a mishmash of patchwork fantasies interspersed with various kinks and desires he didn't even know he had. And since he wasn't just staying asleep and dreaming, none of his nocturnal hallucinations followed any sort of logic or story.

In one he was the size of a mouse, crawling up into a cat-sized Ceylon to once again return to the womb and be reborn. In another he was the size of a dog while Ceylon was the size of a cat trying to enter him. Seems unbirth was on his mind after having it done to him. Other fantasies involved fisting, folks literally grabbing his prostate or using his pussy to stimulate it from within, and entering his urethra to do the same thing.

One dream in particular had Valencia going down on him, her tongue probing his depths and exploring every inch of his new anatomy. Valencia was one of the gods and was Ilorek's wife, a tiny bat-canine hybrid that was the first telepath to really delve into Ezra's mind to get to the bottom of what he wanted and to verify that he had no intention of betraying their trust. They had to be careful.

After that fantasy, he was noticing that Valencia was appearing in more and more of the images that flashed by his mind. She sat on his face to give him an upfront and close anatomy lesson, she got out a speculum to show him more, he got a speculum and a mirror to look inside himself, and she even went so far as to show him on a blackboard what his anatomy looked like now with male and female systems stacked atop one another with his bladder and prostate in the middle. An interesting little quirk was that now there were so many layers of flesh between his anal cavity an his prostate that there was little to no reason to go that route to satisfy him anymore.

All of this was peculiar in how medical it seemed, a point that was just enough to get him to wake up and roll over in his bed in the fetal position. One hand was between his legs, finger buried to the knuckle inside himself. Somehow, despite being wet and tender, his cock was still fully sheathed aside from just the very tip poking out. He was aroused and horny, but not exposed. Worth a note.

Of course he couldn't just ignore it. Just barely conscious enough to mentally comprehend the dreams dissipating in the back of his mind, he tried to hold onto the image of a fist kneading his prostate through his pussy while rubbing himself. His fingertip slid around the triangular lips of his vulva, up one side, down the other, and across the peritoneal ridge in a rhythmic motion, collecting bits of his fluid on every pass to ensure he kept his flesh wet. However, since he was only partially awake he couldn't quite muster the concentration to keep at it for long and he slowed back down to nothing.

Ezra laid there with his cheek on the pillow, tongue out and ears flopped. Completely spent. His fingertip remained resting between his plump spade lips, only occasionally twitching when he grew alert enough to remember what he was doing. Being tired and trying to masturbate was difficult.

Before long he felt back into a slumber, lost to his dreams with more fantasies of being ravaged by a lineup of the folks from the barbecue. Ilorek filled him with seed, followed by Oceris the draft stallion and then even Vaulix used the cummy lube from the first two to deposit an egg deep inside him. The egg was so big that it made Ezra look pregnant, but his anatomy didn't let it go deeper than just inside his pussy lips, resting where a knot would just beyond the opening. It was very sexy, especially when a reflection of his own form seen in the gentle ripples of the pond showed that the egg was perpetually cresting, like he was about to lay it despite it not moving.

In the dream, it felt like hours passed as he enjoyed the rest of the barbecue with the egg inside him, the anxiety of not knowing when it was due impacting his ability to converse and making him feel awkward. This only lasted until once again Valencia returned to his fantasies, pressing her cookie to his and sucking the egg out of him. Weird, but it relieved a bunch of tension from him and made him feel hollow, empty, and in desperate need to fill himself back up with something, anything. Perhaps a knot.

He got a good close look into Valencia's eyes as she took the egg from him, her irises glowing blue, green, and yellow before he woke up again, this time on his belly with rump up and cheek smashed against his pillow. He was drooling all over the pillow case but he didn't care. He had nobody to impress and he was too tired to register what was even happening.

While his eyes were still closed and his mind was barely processing his surroundings, he reached out to his nearby bedside drawer to open it up and pick out a dildo he liked to use. Canine in nature with a knot that was tapered at the top for ease of insertion and abrupt at the base for a better tie. He almost dropped the toy due to how slick his fingers were, thanks to having spent the last few hours in dreamland with his hand between his thighs.

Once he got control of the toy he forced the tip up towards his pussy, bypassing his sheath and rump entirely. The tapered end of it slipped between his folds with ease and he slowly pushed it up into himself. There, it slid all the way in to the knot, which he lacked the strength to force beyond his lips. He idly thrust the toy, haphazardly angling it every time. Ezra was way too tired to get any sort of rhythm going and couldn't quite get that knot to pop in.

Like before, the more he tried the more energy he lost. Before long, he was once again snoring on his pillow, rump up and tail flipped over his back. The moment he lost himself to his dreams for only a split second, his wrist weakened and dropped the toy. Though he was only in his dreams for a second or two, he already found himself returning to the dream from before with Valencia. She was asking for help laying the egg she took from him. He woke the moment the toy came out of him with a wet plop that replicated itself in his dreams as the egg escaped Valencia.

Again, he found himself too fatigued to do much at all. This time he rolled onto his back and fumbled around his bedsheets to see if he could find the toy once more, this time deliberately spreading his lips to expose more of his mauve insides, hoping to not have his external lips create too much friction on the toy. This worked at first as he was able to slip the toy in all the way to the knot and even started grinding the knot against his opening. It felt like it was just about to pop in when the sounds of birds chirping outside distracted him and made him open his eyes.

To his chagrin, he was laying in his bed at just the wrong angle so that the evening sun shone in and stabbed him in the retinas. He woke right up instantly and clenched his whole body in protest, forcing the toy out in a gooey mess onto his bed. By shielding his eyes with his forearm he was able to get a bit of reprieve only to groan loudly at himself.

"Ugh! What time is it?" He rolled over to check his alarm clock, seeing that it was only 7 PM. Still pretty early, but enough that he got some sleep amidst the bouts of sexy dreams and failed masturbation attempts. Finally, he was on the verge of accepting defeat when he decided to maybe try falling back on something a bit more familiar. It wasn't what he wanted, but maybe a good old stroke and squeeze would help him. His cock wasn't his focus at the time, but it may have been a reprieve.

He kept one hand clenched around his sheath and balls, a single finger hooked inside his pussy while his other slipped into his sheath and pulled out his member. Both hands were messy as could be, so he had no issues gripping his member and stroking its sensitive dark purple flesh. His palm slid up and down his length, his fingers squeezing his member while his other hand clenched tight around the base of his growing knot.

The sensation of knot lobes pressing out against his palm and tightening at the entrance of his sheath mixed with the lingering horniness from his dreams quickly brought him to climax. With little effort, he bucked his hips up into his own grip as a series of thin, slimy strands erupted from his tip and landed in webs on his thighs and belly. The mess went everywhere, a copious volume built up over hours of accidental edging over the course of the day.

Finally spent, he collapsed on himself and massaged his sheath to let his member slide back inside, ensuring it didn't dry out in the open air. Once he was content with that, he rubbed the mess from his belly with his other hand, capturing some of it between thumb and forefinger. He licked it off his hand, but then when he went to collect more he realized it had started to dry on his fur and get all sticky. Not entirely gross, but not really clean either.

With a groan, he glanced back over to his clock again to see it was half-past seven PM. It was only then, as he took a moment to think about what that meant that he realized that he'd literally slept all day and it was almost evening already. Most people would have defaulted to assuming that was a bad thing, but it was the weekend. He didn't have any work to do. Part of him considered rolling back over and just sleeping in his own sticky mess now that his needs were mostly satisfied.

That wasn't really an option. The moment he curled up on his side to get a bit more rest, to maybe nap and catch up, he felt a deep tingle that coursed through his body emanating from deep within his loins. His other part wasn't satisfied yet. Was this going to be an ongoing problem? Having to pleasure both parts any time he was horny? The kinky side of him hoped so while the rational side desperately hoped that wasn't the case,

Either way, the tingling lust in his loins kept him from getting a bit of a nap so he rolled over and leaned over the side of the bed, stretching before getting up and heading to the bathroom. It was late. He was messy. It was shower time. If nothing else, he'd get clean and it'd help wake him up.

Ezra rubbed the sleep from his eyes and made his way to the shower, turning on the water and waiting for it to heat up before switching it from the basic tap to the shower head. While it was warming up, he casually slipped a hand between his legs and tapped on his pussy lips, eliciting a reaction that immediately demanded he do something about it. The lust remained, so he quickly dashed out of the bathroom to grab the toy that was lost somewhere in his sheets. Once he found it, he returned to the bathroom and switched the water to the shower head.

And of course he'd been on the internet so he knew exactly what it was he intended to do with this new potential. He knew what he had to try. So, with dildo in hand he slipped into the shower and let the water cascade over his body. He buried his head under the faucet, covered his ears so it didn't irritate him, and waited until he was soaked to carry on with his lewd ideas. He did smell like wet dog, so he wasted no time rinsing out as much as he could before indulging himself.

He angled the shower head down so it was out of the way and splashing off the wall opposite the curtain, raised one leg up onto the tub's edge, pushed the curtain away so it didn't interfere, and partially squatted so that his thighs parted and his spade was exposed under his balls. With knotted toy in hand he was about to rub the tip along his lips when he realized that the water had already washed away most of his natural lubricant. Sure, those parts were naturally lubricated, but water still could flush it out and away. Same as his cock or sheath insides.

Fortunately for him, he always left a bottle of lube in the rack just outside the shower. He grabbed it, laid it down on the tub's rim, and pumped a few globules of it out onto his fingers, cradling it and smearing it around the toy before using the rest to smear all over his cookie. With the help of his long neck and limber spine he was able to crane himself down to get a look, seeing that his lips were plump and the mauve flesh of his insides were somewhat exposed.

A single drip of the lube rolled off his one lip and swung between his legs to soak into his thigh fur, even though he was actively trying to spread his legs. After dismissing this, he grabbed his balls to tug them up and out of the way while using his other hand to stroke the toy on the tub's rim, soaking it in lube and preparing it. He extended a pair of fingers on the paw cradling his balls to spread his pussy lips but found the mix of water trickling down from his soaked fur and the thick lube made that nearly impossible. A bit of a disappointment to not get a good view of the spread, but no matter.

Once the toy was all lubed up he wrapped his hand around the base and aimed the tapered tip at his own spade, parting his lips and teasing his flesh before slowly sinking it into himself all the way to the bulge of the knot lobes.

This felt different for some reason. Ezra had already been teasing himself, fingering himself, and enjoying himself as both Ilorek and Ceylon had tested his limits, but this twas different. Maybe it was the water soaked into his fur, or maybe it was the bathroom setting. All he knew was that he felt every last bit of that toy grinding against his flesh, jerking its way deeper a bit at a time. It felt so much more intense than it had before, so much bigger.

Such intensity urged him to push it up against himself, head arched back and maw agape as he whimpered gently, the knot lobes of the toy grinding against his lips. He wanted more, so he kept pushing and grinding, squatting down to widen his stance and adjust his posture so that he could get more leverage only to find that the toy just wasn't moving anymore.

Eventually he had to pull the toy out to get a few more strokes, only to find that the shaft seemed to grip his flesh and tug on him from inside. The lube had completely been washed away, leaving him without any slick fun remaining. Once the toy popped out of him he lubed it back up and angled himself so none of the shower water reflected off the wall to hit him and tried again, this time with a bit more intensity and more focused intentions.

This time he slammed the toy all the way in, as deep as it would go. The lobes of the knot dilated his opening and stretched his lips while it rotated to find the best angle with the least amount of resistance. He pulled it out and pushed it back in, stroking himself from within a bit deeper and a bit harder each time, eagerly testing his limits.

Part of him was expecting this to hurt, for his new parts to struggle with the intensity and depth of the toy. But nothing like that happened. The more he pressed into himself and the harder he pushed the toy deeper, the more he lost himself to the myriad fantasies that darted around the back of his mind. He remembered Valencia, he thought about Ilorek and the others at The Ranch, and most importantly his mind drifted back to the semi-lucid, dreamlike state he enjoyed back in Ceylon's womb.

Such a memory triggered a realization in him. Returning mentally and sexually to a place where he was surrounded on all sides by soft gryphon womb and pussy flesh, he was able to recall something Ceylon had said to him while he was inside.

Though the exact words were a hallucinogenic jumble of ideas and concepts more than hard prose, Ezra seemed to recall that Ceylon had promised him enhanced durability for the first few weeks to help him with the post-transformation adjustment period. That had the transformation happened without such a buffer zone, his lady parts would essentially be treated as virgin and therefore Ezra would have to go through his own personal puberty again while also breaking the hymen and training his body to adjust to the things he wanted.

By giving this barrier, Ezra was free to do whatever he wanted for a bit, to train his body to handle the sort of things he'd do to it later. This was why both Ceylon and Ilorek were able to fill him up so deeply without any pain. The lingering transformation magic was adapting to his every thrust.

So of course this memory urged him to continue without reservation. Knowing he was not going to tear anything or get deeply hurt like a virgin pussy would, he stepped over the edge of the tub and squatted down. This aimed the toy right on the tub's edge, where he put all his weight down upon it and wiggled to force its knot lobes to twist and squeeze to find the best way into him.

As expected, this didn't take long to force the toy in with a pop loud enough to be heard over the torrential cascading sounds of the shower. A squishy squelch of a splat came from between his groin and the tub's edge as the knot twisted and squished and lurched deep into him, the lobes expanding inside to lock it deep, tying them together.

Ezra's eyes went wide and he bit his lower lip to stifle a howl of discomfort and surprise. This sensation of pressure slowly morphed into pleasure as he felt the toy's bulges pressing out against all the right spots, most specifically the hypersensitive spot right at the entrance end of the looser bit of passage within him meant to house the knot. He knew female canine anatomy, he knew that just inside the vaginal canal there was a bit that wasn't lined by thick muscle and thus more adept at stretching to handle knots, just a bit deeper than the ring of extra tight muscle right at the entrance meant to keep the knot from escaping.

Some called this a knot reservoir, where the flesh was to expand and get comfortable while the deeper passage twitched and squeezed in delight and the tight ring of muscle at the entrance kept all the flesh and fluid from escaping. The toy was comfortably lodged right in there, and it wasn't moving.

Even when Ezra went to stand up and adjust his angle so that the pressure wasn't so intense, the suction cup at the base of the toy got a pretty solid grip on the tub's slick porcelain and tugged on him, giving him a sharp intense sensation of pressure and pleasure that almost instantly put him on the plateau next to a climax.

But then something strange happened. The pleasure remained at that level, coursing through his entire lower body and making him whimper and yelp to himself while also bucking his hips to grind against the toy. It was immensely pleasant but also fully engaging, the sensation of warm delight coursing through every vessel in his body from his knees to his neck.

He clenched his fists, he nearly collapsed out of the tub, and he leaned back to let the toy tug on his pussy, the suction cup keeping it anchored to the tub. While the pleasure wasn't quite as explosive as a male orgasm, with no visible twitch of muscles constricting in waves to pump cum anywhere, he felt a persistent sensation coursing through him akin to the peak of pleasure just before that point, the climax that led to the ejaculation without the release of an eruption of cum.

It was a distinctly different orgasm, one that was both more taxing to his body but not quite as singularly explosive. It was more of a slow burn that kept him at a 9 out of 10 on the pleasure scale for what felt like hours but was more like half a minute. This was different from the 10 out of 10 that he'd feel with an initial climax that lasted all of a couple seconds before dissipating down to a 6 for each subsequent ejaculation. In comparison, his female bits were a slow build and sustained high rate of pleasure, while his male bits were a quick and abrupt peak followed by a series of smaller peaks.

All in all, a unique experience compared to what he was used to, but one worth noting. That was, until he went to stand up off the toy only to have it pop out of him and his knees to buckle, resulting in him falling into the tub face first.

"Ugh." He groaned to himself as the shower head rained down upon him. He wasn't in danger, his cheek was just in a puddle of mixed water and bits of his own fluids forming a cloud.

It didn't take long at all for him to regain the strength he needed to stand back up and finish his shower properly. He used both shampoo and conditioner on all his fur to make himself smell nice before finally rinsing it all out and letting his fur cling to his chest and body. Once he was done, he stepped out and shut the water off before collecting a towel and preparing to dry himself as best his fur would allow.

But as he was about to wrap the towel around his waist, he glanced to the door of the bathroom to see he had a guest. But it was no home invader. It was Valencia, leaning against the door frame with a smug smirk on her face. Not only was she casually glancing up and down at Ezra's sporty, athletic body, but she seemed especially fixated on the hoop he wore that pierced his sheath.

In that brief moment, they each stared at each other, daring the other to speak. Ezra kept a pose that invited her to look at him, his towel draped over his hips but exposing his sheath while she had her arms crossed over her chest. Both were getting a great view of the other. Both were nude. And ironically, Ezra was draped with more fabric despite having just come out of the shower.

"Alright, you win. What's up?" He asked, deliberately letting most of the towel fall to the ground while grabbing a corner of it to start cleaning out any errant water from his ears. "How long were you there?"

She half-cocked a smirk. "Ever since you went to get the dildo." Her voice as peculiarly sultry. Not quite like the domineering, in-command tone she had at the barbecue. In a way it was a show of just how good she was at adapting to her situation and how easily she could blend in. It was like dealing with a completely different person than the one he'd met that weekend.

Ezra took in a deep breath, idly patting down his hips and belly with the towel. Part of him was upset she'd so callously enter his house without permission or without notification but most of him was still enjoying what he assumed to be post-orgasm bliss. A warm tingling coursed through his loins, abdomen, and the base of his tail, a sensation that made him loosen up a bit to her presence. "So were you just watching me or something? Or is there a reason you're here? I mean, I don't want to jump to conclusions or be mean or anything but I don't recall inviting you in. Even if I'd have gladly let you in."

Valencia chuckled a bit to herself then pushed way from the door frame. "Sorry, sorry. I wanted to knock on the door to have you come get me but I could feel that you either wouldn't have heard me or wouldn't bother answering." She was a psychic, after all. "I am here for a reason, though. And I think you could probably figure out what that reason is."

"Follow-up survey to ask how I'm liking my new parts without giving me enough time to actually learn the ins and outs? You know, like any other online purchase that hopes to get a good review before the product has had time to break?" He was being sarcastic but there was an air of truth to his gripes. That was such a common problem, to get an email asking for a review only one or two days after you get your order. Barely had time to open it, let alone give it time to break down. This was not the case for his spade but it was still funny to think about.

Funny enough that Valencia laughed a bit, the jewellery on the end of her many braided locks clinking and ringing off each other. "No, not quite. You want to finish drying up so we can chat or do you wanna just talk here?"

"No reason we can't talk here. You've seen me nude. You're nude now. Not a big deal. Plus I know you can read my mind so why bother waiting?"

"Can. Yes. I can read your mind. I actively try not to. I feel emotions and can read feelings but I really don't like invading privacy if it isn't necessary. And it's not necessary here. I already delved into your mind before Ceylon gave you your gift. No need to do it again." She stepped up close to him, showing the vast differences in their height. She was only up to the underside of his chest, the top of her head right at nipple height. "But if you're curious, I'm here to sort of help you, actually."

He raised an eyebrow while folding up the towel to gingerly drape it over the rack. "Help me? In what regard?"

"After you left The Ranch, Ceylon politely requested I give you a bit of a follow-up since they couldn't stay in Klyneth for long. They have helped many people with transformations over the years and one thing they know to be true in virtually all instances is that you're gonna need therapy to adapt to your new body parts. Instinct and fantasy only take you so far. There's a lot more to what happens inside and out and I want to help you figure out how to best deal with it." She paused for a moment to reach out, cradling his balls and lifting them up to expose his spade lips. "I saw you struggling. It's not going to be easy to adapt. No harm in asking for help."

"Do I need help, though? Pretty sure I just had a heck of an orgasm. Not that I'd decline the offer but I think I've done quite well. Ilorek and Ceylon both worked me in fairly well last night. I'm doing pretty good, I think." He held his chest out, proud of his progress until he noticed Valencia slowly shaking her head. "What?"

She cradled his hand in hers. "If you think that was a 'heck of an orgasm' have I got some good and bad news for you. You came, sure, but that was pretty mild. I told you, I'm an empath, I felt what you felt while I was waiting for you to finish. That was a decent orgasm, I guess. Nothing mind blowing. Satisfying but not memorable. The only thing special about it was that it was your first. Well, your first un-aided one. They helped you a lot last night."

He narrowed his eyes. "So you're saying that was mild? Huh. Man, I guess my desire to have female parts is well justified. Alright, then what's the plan?" He stepped past her and guided her out of the bathroom. It was a potentially sexy place but he felt a more formal locale would be ideal.

"Like I said, I just want to help. Dicks are fun but they're pretty basic. Ya stroke them a bit or give them a proper squeeze if there's a knot or flare, you cum, and you collapse. Easy. You can tell when you've cum and your energy is spent. But pussies are a whole different situation. Just like cocks, cunts have vastly different shapes based on species. But they also change and adapt based on experiences. Mare pussies are usually more uniform in tightness and how snug they are, but Talba has had so many knots and bulges and flares in her that her insides are rippled, with dozens of potential places for knots and ridges and flares to swell."

"Yeah, I knew about that and definitely noticed when fingering myself and using the toy. Tight right near the opening, stretchy and sorta loose just inside, then snug all the way to the end. Perfect for holding a knot in place. That's nothing special." He continued guiding her to his dining room and kitchen, where he started the kettle so he could make some tea. He didn't remember everything about the barbecue but vaguely recalled most folks there seemed to enjoy tea.

Valencia hopped up on a chair and perched on the back rest; she was tiny compared to him so her weight didn't make the chair tilt. "Glad to hear you did your research. Not a lot of people do. They fantasize about what they want without ever actually knowing what was going to happen to them. Like, I know it's gross and you probably don't want to hear it but if the transformation magic worked properly you're going to have a menstrual cycle and cramps. Nobody likes them but in order to have the most realistic and genuine experience, it comes with the package. Without the hormones and cycle that come with it, it wouldn't be the same. Means that you are going to get more intense highs but it also means you are going to have to deal with the parts people don't think about like the cramps and blood."

"Yeah, but people are trans and get reassignment surgery, even without Ceylon's rebirth magic, right? They live happy and fulfilling lives without all that, and-" He didn't know where he was going with that line of thought, it was just the first thing that came to mind and he blurted it out.

This made Valencia reach out to him with a finger up, her wing folded tightly to her wrist and forearm. "Shhh. Stop. I know you mean well but it's not that simple. And for the record, in case you were curious, we generally use the term intersex, not herm. I know you didn't say that, but I do know you were thinking it." She raised a finger again to stop him from interrupting, knowing he was going to make a comment about her not reading his mind. "But this line of thinking is not ideal. What Ceylon has gifted you is something medical science cannot do yet. Or perhaps ever. It's a magic so deep and powerful that we actively do what we can to ensure nobody else has the power for fear of them throwing off the delicate balance of the world we've curated."

"Wait, what?" He interjected quickly before she could silence him.

She just sighed. "What you have been is reborn. You were not altered in the traditional sense. Surgery does its best to accurately represent on the outside what a person truly is on the inside, but I don't think it can replicate every one of the delicate systems at play. A trans person, though absolutely their true self, doesn't necessarily have the same body functions as a person born that sex. So while a trans woman is absolutely valid, they don't menstruate. It's a weirdly contentious issue for some people, but it shouldn't be. There are limitations to what medical science can attain, limitations that Ceylon does not have. That's what you're going to experience. You weren't just given a vagina, you were reborn with both sets of genitals. Fully functioning."

"I know that, I just-"

Valencia hushed him again. "I know you know, but it's important to explain. What Ceylon does, what we do to those we offer gifts to, it's something else entirely. What a trans person does or does not experience is not relevant to what you are experiencing. It's similar but different, distinct but equally valid. There are pros and cons to both." She took in a deep breath, realizing she was ranting a bit. Once she calmed down, she slowly nodded. "There's a reason Ceylon has been travelling a lot, helping people where medical science cannot."

Ezra paused for a bit to take it all in. "I wasn't saying anything negative, I was just trying to say that the menstration stuff could have been left out if it was easier. I don't pretend to be overcoming the same hardships as others, I was just trying to be considerate."

"And I was explaining to you that the magic rebirth granted to you is a wholly different procedure that is pretty much all-or-nothing; We don't get to pick and choose what happens when you're reborn in this image. I'm just trying to explain to you that you will experience all the same hardships as a person born the female sex, except you're going to suffer a half decade of puberty in a few weeks. So you'd best brace yourself. I didn't mean to go off on you, but I'm sure you know better than most just how prickly some people can be about the very existence of trans people. I just wanted to make this clear before we carry on with your, uh, training? Yeah, we'll call it puberty training."

There was an air of discomfort in the room, one that was broken when Ezra poured some tea. "Alright, sounds good. So, uh, what's next then?"

Val took the tea and stirred some sugar up into it. "Well, I've basically volunteered to help with your transition, to get you prepared for what to expect while also being there when Ceylon's magical effects wear off and you go into your female puberty. As I'm sure you recall, you had a pretty explosive orgasm right after being reborn, a lot of that was Ceylon's magic and Ilorek's alchemy emulating a proper climax, not so much a natural one. You'll have to learn how to attain that same level of pleasure on your own. Tell me, do you have vibes?"

He sipped some of his own. "No? Is that a big deal?"

"It's hard to tell, to be honest. You have a canine cunt so you might be okay with focusing on pressure, but most ladies I know find vibrations to be ideal. Or perfectly complimentary. Fortunately for you, I brought one." She reached down between her legs while still in the squatting position on the back of the chair to pull out a tiny little egg-shaped orb from her pussy. It was slightly wet and dripping with her juices. "Don't worry, we can clean it. I get the distinct impression you won't mind swapping."

Ezra just blinked. "Well okay then. Are you going to use that on me?"

"Ideally you'll use it on yourself with my guidance. I want you to have a firm grip on your new body before I abandon you. I want you to know what buttons you have and what things you find unpleasant. Like, did you know that cervix penetration is the worst?"

He just shrugged and shook his head, somewhat confused about her line of questioning.

"Yeah, it actually feels horrible without some sort of potions aid or years of getting used to it. Some folks can handle it, but most find it similar to the sensation of being stabbed in the crotch. Mares can generally handle a bit of it and both avians and saurossins don't generally have a cervix, at least not in the same way mammals do, so they can better handle cock pokin' their wombs. You'd be shocked how many folks fantasize about it despite how agonizing it is. So learn that lesson quick. Do not force it just because it's hot to have a half meter of horse cock in you."

"Should I be writing this down?" He asked, leaning over the dining room table.

She rolled her eyes. "What, are you studying for a test? I'm just letting you know so that when a toy jabs your cervix you don't go cryin' or something. Just keep it in mind, you'll learn first hand what you like and don't like easily enough. I really don't imagine you bent over with a dragon pounding you from behind while your nose is in a book reading notes. Don't be silly." The image was hilarious, and the two had to stifle laughter. "I mean, write it down if you want but I don't think it'll help."

"Fair enough." He downed the rest of his hot tea, eager to wake up now that he was fully cleaned and the lingering sensation of what he thought was a pretty intense orgasm dissipated. "So is this going to be a hands-on demonstration or are you just gonna give me bullet points and then cheer me on from the sidelines when I'm masturbating?"

"Where's the fun in that? No, I tend to take a more hands-on, or more specifically a hands-in approach. If that's alright with you. Physical contact helps, too. Much like what Ceylon did, I can link with you and feel your emotions better that way. Like I said, female bits are far more complicated than male bits and require a whole lot more effort and experimentation to understand. So it's up to you in the end. I can stick around and help out where needed or I can back off and give you my number." She paused to slurp her tea a bit, happily awaiting an answer.

There was no hesitation in Ezra. "Well, if you think you can help, and it's as complicated as you say, I really see no reason not to invite you in. I'm sure I could figure it out on my own - I did decipher your true identity - there's no harm in a helping hand. And even if you don't help, I bet we'd have a tonne of fun either way." He waggled his eyebrow and went to take another sip of tea only to see that it was empty. He looked a little silly but recovered by staring her in the eye with a grin once he put the mug down on the kitchen table.

"I like the way you think. You just let me know when you're feelin' amorous and we can work something out. You want me to stay here in your place in the guest room or like, just stop on by once a day or something? If my experiences and memories serve me well, going through new puberty is a heck of a time, so the closer I am, the better."

He leaned over his table to get in close, chin in his palms. "How about now? I'm still feelin' pretty hot from before and now I'm all clean."

She rolled her eyes but still flicked him on the snout. "I still love how you think. Come on, let's explore a bit, shall we?" She took his hand and guided him back to the bedroom, egg vibe in her other hand. When they slipped into the room, she pounced him with her feet up on his hips, knocking him down onto the bed, pinning him in place while sneering at him, her pointed tongue out. "You know, I was just thinking about what I said earlier, and I need to clarify a thing or two."

"Oh? What do you mean? Is it sexy?" Ezra grabbed her hips and scritched her at the base of her cute little curled tail. "I imagine it is."

"Kinda." She then leaned back, squatted to sit on his lap with her paws gripping his hips and her pussy hovering just over the tip of his sheath. "But also kinda serious. Before we get to the fun."

His eyes narrowed, recognizing the tone. "Uh oh, what did I do?"

She shook her head and flicked him on the snout, her wing-arm stretching out to blanket half his upper torso. "Nothing. You're fine. I just came across a little harsh with all the talk of herm and intersex and all that. Just wanted to apologize for being kinda bitchy about it."

"You were fine. I mean you are right, I always thought that having both sets would make me a herm. Looked it up a lot, fantasized about it a lot, and that's the term that came up. Seemed appropriate to me, you know?"

"And it is. Yeah. A lot of it boils down to intent and inflection. Like, while hermaphrodite is a medical term describing a creature with both male and female genitals, the term 'herm' in porn is often degrading or meant solely as a fetish term. Not a descriptor but a kink. Which is fine for the most part, but it often is used with disrespect so we're trying to move away from it when it comes to transitioning. Except with folks like you, the term is actually medically accurate, and appropriate. It's complicated."

Ezra gave a few more booty squeezes while listening to what she had to say. "Does it have to be? Can it wait until after we're had a lesson or two?"

"Sorry babe, gotta get it out early so we don't have to dwell on it. Hard to get aroused when your mind is on detailed semantics surrounding the act." She leaned back farther so that her spade was pressed right up against the tip of his sheath, grinding gently and peeling the flesh back to expose his member while also deliberately grazing his balls and coming to press her lips to his. "There's a mild distinction. Intersex is a more blanket term. It refers to anyone that doesn't fit squarely into either the binary male or female categories."

He let go of her hips and grabbed his sheets, gripping them gently while bucking into her. Despite losing himself to the arousal he was still listening intently. "Mmhmm. That absolutely does apply, yeah. I was male, but now I'm both. So wouldn't that make me herm, then?"

She nodded. "Yeah. And that's why I had to apologize. The concern comes from degrading trans folks by giving their transitional body a fetish or kink name. Whereas you were reborn. Reborn with both male and female parts. Therefore hermaphroditic. But also sort of not. See, true hermaphrodites can actually breed with themselves, but you cannot."

This took Ezra out of kinky curiosity mode. "Wait, what?"

Valencia stared him in the eyes, still idly grinding on his groin. "Yeah. A creature born with both can actually impregnate themselves, using their own material to asexually reproduce. But cannot. Have you ever noticed that when you are horny you generally can't piss? That's because a valve inside you, right at the base of your cock-" She peeled back his sheath with both hands, slipping a fingertip into his urethral opening to emphasize. "-swaps over depending on arousal or relief. A similar mechanism is inside you. Only one of your sets work at a time."

He helped her out by tugging on his orbs, peeling his sheath back more. "I see, so I guess that's good, then? Wait, so you're saying I can be impregnated by someone else?"

"If they're genetically close enough, yeah. I told you, your new parts are going to be fully functional. But since you're a canine and not a slug or something, only one set can 'work' at a given time. Both can climax, both can be aroused, both can be pleasured, but you can't ejaculate if you've got something in your cunt. Or you can but your lady bits will be sealed off. It's complicated and by no means consistent by any means. It's a small concession of your rebirth."

"Works for me." He conceded while crawling backwards on the bed, knees up and vulva exposed. He was ready for Valencia to have a go at him and he knew she understood that he'd taken what she'd said to heart and was being respectful.

Fortunately, Valencia was a very astute partner. Being an empath and a psychic meant she knew exactly what he was feeling and why he was being pushy. He was losing a mental and physical battle to his arousal and was doing all he could to not pounce her. The female part of him was taking over and the needy, estrus-like desires were guiding him. She understood this and happily crawled back so that she was kneeling between his feet, gazing at his loins like she was a gynecologist. She produced the egg vibrator and turned it on, letting it buzz between her thumb and forefinger tips, the only digits of hers not linked to her wing membrane.

Ezra wasn't sure what made him do this but he couldn't help it. He folded up his paws on his chest and whimpered a bit while staring at the toy. Then he noticed what he did and shook it away. "Sorry about that, I wasn't trying to be weird."

"It's fine, you're gonna be a little emotionally unstable for the next month or so. It's not the part about being female, it's the fact that you're going through puberty again. Keep that in mind for your every day interactions and you should be fine. With me, just relax and let me have some fun. We'll find out what works for you and go from there, okay?"

He nodded. "Sure. So do you need anything from me?"

"Just respond accordingly. Whatever you like, let me know. Use your body language. Moan. Grind. Be a little slut, I don't care. Just don't act. Don't play something up because you think I'll get off to it or something. I won't. Just be authentic and sincere and you'll do fine. I'm here to help, so you be your best you and we'll have some fun. Mmkay? That means feel free to moan and make a mess."

He nodded again, then wiggled in place to get comfortable, paws still folded on his chest. He wasn't going to be too active, he'd just respond to the things she did to him. "Aye captain."

With permission laid out and intentions declared, Valencia got to work. She was not interested in wasting any time. She quickly went to press the vibrator along the underside of his sheath, right where it met his balls to tease his member inside. As expected, he twitched a bit in response but didn't move too much. He liked it. It felt nice, but it wasn't blowing his mind. As expected.

She then slid it up his sheath, gently grinding it against his thin short fur until it found the entrance to his sheath where his cock tip was poking out and leaking gently. She let the vibrating egg nestle against the crook between his emerging shaft and the rim of his sheath opening. The vibrations made an audible slapping sound accompanied by a squishy fleshy drone as it touched his cock flesh. Like with the sheath grinding, he twitched and responded but didn't get overwhelmed. As expected.

Curious, Valencia then used a single finger to peel pack his sheath flesh, gaping it open to expose his length while using her other finger from her other hand to force the egg into him, nestled in tight between his fleshy sheath and throbbing cock, creating a visible bulge in his loins. This time he arched his back a bit to grind down into it, kneading his hips with both paws while his toes curled and his midsection shuddered in delight. Within seconds most of his member emerged from its depths to greet her only to have the feelings dissipate a bit.

While he was certainly enjoying it, the vibrations got boring pretty quickly. He'd tried this before, he knew it wasn't his thing. He didn't want to be insulting to her but she did say for him to react accordingly; he relaxed a bit, the vibrations of the egg quickly numbing him.

"As expected." She muttered to herself. She then looked up at him over his sheath and balls. "Vibrations can be nice but they're not anything special for most males. But this will likely feel very different. Watch this." She squeezed his sheath to pop the egg toy out, catching it with one hand and then pressing it against the base of his sheath again, right where it met his ball sack. She then lifted his ball sack and spread his pussy lips underneath with her thumb and forefinger, exposing the mauve flesh inside. With her free hand, she grabbed the vibrating egg and used the crest of its thin tip against the very tip top of Ezra's spade-tipped lips. He twitched a bit but didn't respond beyond that. She was only barely touching him, after all.

But with Ezra appropriately warmed up, she then pressed the egg hard against his spade, letting its entire side grind against his flesh and hit every part of him just short of slipping beyond his tight entrance to get lost in his knot reservoir. He twitched, he grunted, he closed his eyes and looked like he was going over a few things in his mind before eventually relaxing, letting most of his weight press down on the egg.

But then, after a few moments of casual contemplation, he quickly grew just as bored of it against his lips as he was with it against his shaft. This actually surprised Valencia.

"Peculiar." She mused to herself. When Ezra raised his head and squinted open an eye to look at her, she elaborated. "Seems you aren't as into vibrations as I expected. Some women don't like it. Bitches usually love it, though. By bitch I mean female canine. I'm a bitch, and your lady parts are bitch parts. I admit I just like saying Bitch."

"So did something go wrong?" He was mildly concerned but still aroused enough to not care.

She laughed. "No, no. Sometimes that happens. Maybe your parts need time to develop - you're still early in your puberty after all - or maybe the fact that you have both means you don't have a clit?" She leaned in close and spread his lips to get a look at his inner folds, doing her best to note what she saw. "No, you have a clit, it's cute and all. I can just barely see it. Maybe it's just, you know, acting much the same way your cock does. It is a little penis, after all. You know how that works, right?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Good, so I don't need to give you a public school biology lesson. Maybe your shy little clit just needs some time to find its own identity. That's fine, though, we got a lot to work with here." She then crawled up over Ezra so her own plump pussy was right in his face and her head was hovering over his groin. From there, she curled her neck down to keep a good look at his pussy while repeatedly grabbing his balls and pushing them to the side so they didn't get in the way.

While in that position, she buried her snout between his legs and extended her tongue into him, tasting his flesh and the juices he was secreting. Her tongue only lashed upon his outer lips but it was enough to sample. "Tart." She joked. "Not the umami flavour I'm used to."

Ezra was thinking about making some silly joke back at her but couldn't help himself with her pussy hovering right over his face. He grabbed her rump, pressing both palms to her thighs with his thumbs inward, and spread her lips apart to reveal her hot red flesh which was accented by a silver barbell with a teal gemstone on the end lanced right through her clit. It was similar to his own, only hers was glowing. He was curious but he was hungrier so he returned the favour and pressed his snout to her lips, his broad tongue slapping her flesh and tugging her piercing in the process.

He immediately learned there was a distinct difference between what he was feeling and what she was feeling. Before long, and after a few vigorous licks, he realized he was feeling what he was doing to her as if his own tongue was slapping his own pussy lips. He pulled away. "Um, Val, are you-"

"Yes." She said in between idle licks to his taint. "Mental link. That way you can feel on your body what you do to me. Won't last long, so have some fun." She spoke briskly then went back to nuzzle his loins once more, her long and pointy tongue probing his depths and caressing between his many inner folds.

It was almost too much for him. He not only felt the thin and tapered tongue of her, a more bat-like appendage than his own, as well as his broad canine tongue, like he and she were both fighting to see who could steal the most of his nectar. Weirdly enough, that thought seemed to trigger something territorial in him and he snarled a bit, teeth exposed and jowls spread as he pressed his nose right up under her tail base. Once he realized this was happening, he pulled away and flopped down. "Sorry!"

"No, I get it. Territorial instincts. Those are gonna need to be dealt with as time goes on. Let it out. Honestly, kinda disappointed you didn't chomp down on me."

"I could if you wan-"

"The opportunity's passed, dear. If you don't do it in the heat of the moment it's not hot. Bite me now and you'll get a hind paw to the face."

"What if I'm into that?"

"Well, I'll make sure you won't be." She grinned over her shoulder while crawling away from him, forcefully hoisting him up so that he was on his knees, rump up and chest to the ground. She grabbed the base of his tail to expose his rump and pussy, his balls hanging between his legs so they were no longer in the way. "There we are. Much, much better. Now I won't have to fight with your balls while I'm trying to give your delicate little flower a little lo-"

"Did you just call it a flower? It's a cookie, dear. Or a spade. Get it right."

She bit him at the base of his tail where his cheeks met just above his tailspade, her sharp teeth piercing his rump fur to snag his flesh. "They're all cunts, shut up, would you?"

He yipped and collapsed away from her, both a little annoyed she'd bit him like that and excited at the sudden and intense sensation so close to his pussy. "Uh, I want to say yes ma'am?"

"Very good boy." She complimented while grabbing the egg from nearby on the bed. She noticed the subtle wag of his tail at being called good boy, so she turned the egg back on and started grinding it against his soaked opening, sliding up and down between his lips to have his flesh slowly envelop it.

Then, all at once, the toy slipped beyond her grasp and got swallowed up, the thickest part of it passing through the tightest muscle at his entrance. It twisted and shifted inside, perfectly resting in his knot reservoir and reverberating deeply the whole time. There was no tether on the egg - it wasn't meant for insertions - but she could still see it inside if she spread his legs. To her it looked like he was on the verge of laying it.

Moreso that his eyes shot wide, his toes began to curl, his back arched, and his entire midsection tensed up, the pressure of the egg filling him in just the right way mixed with the internal vibration making him lose himself to the pleasure.

Not only was he bucking his hips and whimpering and biting the pillow, he was also bobbing back and forth while his passage twitched and quivered in delight. He reached up between his legs to spread his lips and see what he could discern, since it felt like the egg was just barely held inside him. His flesh, the deep mauve of his inner folds, was just barely holding on while the plump outer lips were distended and struggling to handle it all.

Valencia went hands-off to see how he handled this. Observing for later analysis. This didn't last long, however. As Ezra kept shuddering and arching his back, his body twitching and his pussy lips pulsating against the grind of the egg from within and the rub of his fingers from outside, his vocalizations stopped. The whimper got stuck in his throat, he bit down hard enough on his pillow to tear it, and his loins exploded with pleasure.

As the pressure and pleasure built, he found himself lost in time, his vision going sparkly around the edges and every cell in his body from neck to knees exploding in pleasure. His toes curled, his abdominal walls constricted, and after a series of pulsating peaks of pleasure coursed through his depths, the egg burst from his lips and splattered his juices all over Valencia's chin and chest, his cunt passage alternately clenching closed and gaping open to beg for more.

He collapsed on his belly, hand still between his legs to put pressure on his clit while his lips and opening gasped for more, his passage clenching in waves to suck in all it could. If his orgasm in the shower was a 9, this was a 37, a full-bodied cascade of climax that hit him in the groin, did a lap around his midsection, and returned.

"Well, I think we found your first major button, as expected." Valencia spoke, but he did not hear her. He was too busy flopping in pleasure on his bed, lost in the sensation of perpetual bliss.

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