Escape from Zootopia - Chapter 5 (BBW, Vore)

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#5 of Escape from Zootopia

Judy Hopps and Madame President have quadrupled in weight, but they are almost home free. Can they escape from Zootopia before The Alpha's hungry maw swallows them up?

In the distance, a low sun painted the sky deep red. Everyone had cleared out of the Savannah Central town square, save for Judy, Nick, and the President.

Judy and Nick removed their gas masks. The noxious aroma of the President's flatulence had receded to a tolerable level, although the scent of rotten eggs still hung in the air.

Judy Hopps assessed her prospects. She had found and secured the President. Now, she needed to haul the hefty heifer back to the outside world.

Of course, Judy herself weighed much more than just 12 hours prior. Her long rabbit feet, now thickened with pudge, supported a good deal of weight.

For starters, her calves billowed past her ankles and brushed the ground. The compound rolls on the backside of her calves squished into each other as they buttressed her thighs. Those thighs jammed together at her middle, widening her stance by pushing her legs apart with overflowing flesh. At her front, their superfluous fat plopped heavy over her knees. Her hips blimped even broader, and Judy could only reach their top rolls. Below that, her hips expanded beyond her fingertips. Judy had always been a little hippy, but this was ridiculous. Her ass was only more ridiculous, jutting behind her in two blubbery shelves fit to hold trays of food. Those cheeks slapped against her calves, and they gathered in fleshy bulges past her hips. Her panties held on, although they dug deep between her fleshy cheeks and gripped tight between her legs.

Plenty of fat had pumped into her stomach, as well. Its lowest roll formed a ponderous sack of blubber that weighed heavy against her legs and down past her knees. Her waist bloomed far wider than her shoulders, yet still not as wide as her hips. Her elbows rest in the flabby creases of her sides, and her forepaws slacked against a meaty shelf where her belly apron undergirded her beach ball upper belly. Her tits inflated with flesh, too, as billowing blimps that overhung her belly. Her tank top now strained to cover a fraction of her massive rack.

Her chin filled out with so much flab that her juicy lower lip could feel it. Her swollen cheeks encroached on either side of her mouth, too. Plus, her eyepatch strap dug into some new pudge on the back of her head.

The top of the food chain felt cushy.

She watched the President a moment as she came to terms with her own weight gain. The cow was about three times as tall as Judy.

The President sat on fat legs sprawled along the ground. Each thigh oozed as wide as Judy was tall, and their black-splotched hide was bare after her recent and sudden gain. The President's panties were nigh invisible under her massive belly, in the crook of her vast hips, under the hood of her mudslide love handles, and in the depths of her ass crack.

That ass fanned even broader than her legs. Its bottom spread thick with plump dimples. Her rump stacked high, as well, with adipose that piled inward in two rounded mountaintops at the center of her backside. Leaning back, the President's arms could just brush the outer rims of her pert upper ass, but her arms fell short of the cottage cheese edges of her butt, whether reaching behind her or to her sides. Her tail looked miniscule in her lengthy butt cleavage.

Not that her arms had any more luck with her stomach. Her middle rolled out over her knees. Its bottom swelled in a thick roll. She could hug most of her stomach, but her navel sat out of her reach. The belly button, broader than a fist, laid in a puffy recess where her upper gut rolled inward just as her lower roll bounced outward. Her abs hid under an obese awning of breast flesh. Those ballooned boobs pulled her blouse taut. The two globes sat as high as her snout and sloped down her sides, nearly to her thighs.

Even her face had blimped, giving her a scarf of neck lard and blubbery cheeks that pushed up against her eyes.

Judy, Nick, and the President were alone--that is, aside from The Alpha, who laid on his back, conked out. His belly rose high over him, it swelled out to his sides past his hips, and it reached as low as his shins, all in a green-scaled semisphere of fat and foodstuffs.

Elephant, on the other hand, had just pulled into the square in her yellow cab. Her long, chubby neck leaned out of the window, and she clenched her wingtip over her beak's nostrils.

Nick snapped his fingers. "Elephant? About time you showed up!"

Elephant said, "Yeah, when I saw the stampede, I drove over to see what everyone was running from!"

Nick slapped his forehead. "And yet you turned tail when The Alpha came around?!"

Judy tugged on the President's forehoof. "Hrrngh! Stuff it, Nick. Elephant, we need you to drive us to the northern city limits."

Elephant nervously eyed The Alpha. "I'd love to, but, ah..."

Judy waved her hand. "C'mon, he's out cold."

Elephant gulped. "Alright." She stepped out. The ostrich's height matched the President's. Her stocky legs filled out black slacks, while her potbelly peeked out under a yellow oxford. Her pudgy wings pulled her short sleeves tight.

Then, she opened the back door. She walked over to the President and bent forward, offering her wings. "How's about you get me one-a those pardons for this?"

The President took Elephant's wing. "For valor in service of your country, certainly." First, she tugged herself sideways, rolling off of her loveseat ass and onto her corpulent hip. Her stomach clapped to the ground, while her butt stacked up behind her like two hefty sandbags. She raised her upper knee. Even with her breasts and belly slumped partially off of her lap, her leg shoved the side of her belly up, pumping her tit up against her chin. Her dangling thigh smothered the back of her calf, and her hindhoof accidentally stepped on the underside of her ass, pursing its dimples. She extended her leg to get her hindhoof to the ground.

Elephant clenched her beak as she pulled back, giving the President a counterweight.

The President grunted as she leaned forward. Slowly, she rolled enough weight onto her one hindhoof to put her other hindhoof to the ground. Her underbelly now slacked in front of her, while her ass draped to the ground behind her. "Pull harder!"

Sweat dotted Elephant's wings. "I'm pulling as hard as I can here!"

Judy planted her forepaws in the President's right ass cheek. Judy leaned forward, scraping her own bare gut against the cobblestone and projecting her bulbous ass out behind her. Her forepaws sunk into the fatty cheek, and her breasts smooshed against it. "Rnnngh! Nick, you get the other one!"

Nick blushed. His ears poked straight up. "Anything you need!" He skipped to the President's left ass cheek and pushed into it. Its fat molded around his grip, and he sank into it until his muzzle brushed her hide.

With their help, the President slowly rose higher. Her legs quivered, jiggling their obesity.

Judy kept pushing. "Madame President, you've got some physical therapy in your future. You've gained a massive amount of weight in a short time. Your muscles will need help to catch up."

Nick chuckled. "What about you, Carrots? You got a little thicker yourself."

Judy narrowed her eye. "I'm not having an easy time, no. But it's much worse for her, given her height."

Finally, the President's ass departed the ground. Even as she stood straight, though, her rump swaddled as low as her calves.

Judy stepped back.

Nick's forepaws remained buried in the President's rump.

Judy cleared her throat. "Nick?"

Nick jumped back. "Aha! She's alright now, I see!"

* * * * *

Elephant wrapped one of the President's blobby arms over her back. "Let's get you in my cab so I can get my pardon."

While the wide women waddled, Judy hopped over to the open cab door. From the ground, her eyes were just below the top of the seats.

Nick slipped past her with a swift leap into the cab. From inside, he stood a bit taller than the seat cushion. He leaned out and offered a forepaw.

Judy felt a defiant burning in her chest, and she opened her mouth. Then, she looked behind her, over her massive rump, and ran her chubby forepaw over its rotund peaks. She looked back at Nick and took his paw. "Thanks." She lifted her right leg. On its own, the leg was heavy enough, now stockpiled with so much adipose that it was heavier than her entire body had been yesterday. But, on top of that, her stomach pressed down the length of her thigh as a sweeping apron of flesh. She faced the twin challenges of lifting her lardaceous leg and pushing her ponderous paunch. Her knee raised her draping underbelly into the cab, and her hindpaw made it onto the interior carpet.

She pulled on Nick's grip and pumped her right thigh to lift her left hindpaw off of the ground. This feat meant raising her entire body, not just her leg, and so tested her power even more. Her quad burned, but with Nick's help, she hauled her fat ass up into the cab. Her fat didn't stop there, though, and her belly and breasts toppled into Nick. She slammed onto the floor. Her stomach cushioned her knees, her bust caught her head, and both flattened Nick.

He gasped for air as his face dug into her squashed cleavage.

Judy planted her forepaws to the floor. She began pushing herself up when she felt a jabbing baton in her belly button. "That better be a pistol you have jammed in my navel."

Nick jerked his head aside. "You've got a funny way of saying, 'Thank you.'"

Judy leaned back onto her broad ass. She reached back a ways until her forepaws could find the floor past her immense backside. Her thighs covered over Nick's legs while her belly swallowed up her lap.

Nick pulled his legs out from under her and quickly closed his trench coat. He hopped up and scurried his way onto the car seat.

Before Judy could contemplate her path upward, the cab rocked with a squealing clash. She looked to the open door behind her, and it was sealed by the President's girth.

Madame President's ample ass jammed the back third of the doorway. Her fat rump folded against the seat and bit into the back of the doorframe. Her leg, thick as it was, had managed to step into the cab. Its mercurial hide sprawled over an entire third of the back seat. Her belly couldn't muster the same feat. A meaty portion of it had snuck into the cab, but then its volume inflated so thick that it caught fast between the seat under her and the doorframe in front of her. Her upper body leaned out, so her breasts hadn't even attempted the challenge yet. "Oh my. I might need to modify the limo after this!"

Elephant thrust her shoulder into the President's side. "If we don't get moving soon, you won't have to worry about that!"

The President looked backward. "Hmm, I see your point." She sucked in her breath, bulging her cheeks even fuller. With Elephant's help, she thrust inward again, inching her bulbous ass and overflowing gut through the door frame. The cab rocked away from her, then back into her, creaking under her struggling bulk. She pushed opposite the cab's rocking, using its force to her advantage, and her soft swells of flesh gradually compressed inward. She leaned back, and her shoulders met her gelatinous ass. At the same time, her huge tits dragged against the door frame in front of her. She wrapped her duffel bag arms under them and pulled them inward, wrapping their lard around her obese face.

Once her second breast cleared the doorway, her hips covered more than two thirds of the back seat. Her belly filled up the back and hugged the driver's side seat. Her squashed stomach formed a hill upward to the driver's headrest, and her massive breasts slumped off of that hill, against her face and shoulders. She huffed, "Thank, (whoof), heavens, (hurhf), that's, (guhhf), over!"

Elephant clicked her tongue. "You're tellin' me!"

Nick shouted past Madame President's fat gut. "If you're done over there, we could use some help over here." He looked down at Judy and tugged his collar.

Elephant slammed the President's door shut, pumping thick waves through her girth. Then, Elephant walked around and opened the other back seat door. She saw Judy and wiped her brow. "Let's get you situated, too." She leaned down. She was roughly three times' Judy's height, so her wings wrapped easily under the rabbit's rotund rump and her incredible stomach. She lifted with a grunt.

Judy sat back, resting her weight on the wing behind her. She felt like a massive ball of blubber in Elephant's hold.

Elephant eyed Nick. "You gonna--(hurngh)--let me throw my back out, or are you--(mmmgh!)--gonna help?"

Nick leaned forward and held his forepaws down to Judy.

Judy held her arms up, wagging her head-thick biceps.

Nick clutched her forepaws, then leaned back. He gritted his teeth as he drew upward.

Elephant brought Judy level with the seat.

Nick stepped back, bumping into the President's hip behind him.

Elephant threw Judy onto the seat in a heap of wobbles.

Judy's overflowing haunch mashed against Nick's front.

Elephant brushed her wings with claps. "Everyone good? Good." She slammed the door shut.

Nick slumped down, sitting sealed behind Madame President's ass on his left and Judy's ass on his right. His muzzle brushed Madame President's rump cheek, while his right arm rested on Judy's thigh.

Judy stared at Nick's arm, then shot him a glare.

Nick said, "I get it. I get it. But unless you want me to chop my arm off, I don't have much room here."

Judy huffed, and her ears slacked down.

Elephant hopped into the driver's seat, plunged her keys in the ignition, and revved the car to life. As soon as she drove, though, the car whined with an ominous grind, like a bulldozer shoveling tons of scrap.

She said, "This is gonna be rough on my suspension, but I think we can still make it."

The car bounced along. Its passengers sat in silence, even as its guttural groans filled their ears.

Riding over streets and through intersections, Madame President and Judy slished and sloshed, enveloped in deluges of adipose. Their fat hips clapped into each other and crashed into thick, heavy ripples while they pressed back over Nick's body. Judy and the President's bellies both wobbled, and their tits hopped and bopped.

The cab's grinding grew louder and louder.

Elephant slapped the dash. "Yeesh. I take back what I said. I don't know if the poor girl can take this much weight! I'm flooring it, and she can barely do 50."

Judy held her broad arms over her belly-smothering tits, trying to hold them still. "Hopefully we have enough of a head start that it doesn't matter."

Elephant took a breath. "Right, we're headed to the northern city limits. And then what do we do? Are they gonna let us through because we have the President?"

The floor fell with a metallic crumpling. The cab careened over horrible scraping and screeching motors.

Elephant clutched her steering wheel and hunched forward into it, squishing her rotund gut around its faux leather.

The President's blubber undulated, but crammed in as she was, she didn't have much room to move. Her fat lips trembled.

Judy dug her hindpaws into the seat cushion, but the heft of her beach ball butt cheeks helped to hold her in place. Her immense bust bounced chaotically on her broad belly.

Nick, of course, was secured under the plump pressure of the President's ass, along with Judy's. He held onto their cheeks with a sharp grip, digging deep into their fluffy lard.

Finally, the cab slid to a stop. Its body sat directly on the street, wheels overturned.

Elephant loosed a heavy sigh. "I hoped this day would never come." She pet her steering wheel. "Sorry I couldn't take you out with me." She popped open her door. "Madame President, it's time to walk." She got out and pulled open the President's door.

Fluorescent lights blasted through the rear window.

Judy's fur stood on end. "Elephant, don't bail on us now!"

Elephant snatched Madame President's forehoof. "No, I won't leave! I want to try everything!" She yanked back, desperately trying to rip the President's vast haunches out of the car.

Nick asked, "Even though you could fail?"

Judy elbowed Nick.

* * * * *

The President's face glowed red, and she grunted with quivering facial cheeks. Her ass occupied an overwhelming, heaping majority of the back seat, so she strained immensely to drag her bulky behind towards the open door. At her front, her belly flowed around either side of the driver's side seat, and it scrunched into folds as she fought that through the door, too.

Judy hefted her tremendous posterior from the seat. Each glute arced wider than her arm could reach and just as far behind her. She put her ass to the President's chair-bound rump, and she pushed backwards with all her might. Her own adipose smooshed wide against the President's side.

Nick clapped his forepaws into the President's thigh, arms extended, and marched into her pliant leg. His limbs squashed into her fat.

Elephant kept tugging from outside. Her desperate cries were muffled through the seal of the President's flesh in the door. Suddenly, she squawked.

Judy tapped Nick. "This could get serious. I need those digestive pills back."

Nick said, "Alright." He dug into his trench coat and passed her a bottle of pills.

She stashed it away in her deep cleavage, secure between her shirt-bursting breasts. Then, she clutched the President's waist crease and hopped, landing her hindpaws on the President's sweeping hip. Judy's big belly, large enough to cover below her knees, plapped into the concave sweep of fat rolls from President's waist down to her hip. Next, Judy grabbed the neckline of the President's shirt. She pumped her plump biceps and tensed her chunky thighs to raise her ponderous bulk up onto the cow's rack. From there, Judy could see through the door.

The President watched silently with fat, quivering lips.

The Alpha held Elephant's wings in his forepaws.

Elephant yanked herself side to side, jerking her flabby middle, but she couldn't escape The Alpha.

The Alpha's forepaws gripped Elephant's shoulders. With a powerful thrust, he shoved her onto her knees.

Her chubby head--atop its long neck--met his snout.

He opened his jaws wide and lowered them over her head.

Judy lowered her stance, steadying herself against the President's broad, rolling bosom. She bounced off of the President's rack and onto the solid asphalt below, where her fat quaked from the hard landing. "Hold on, Elephant, I'm coming!" Then, she leaned down to scamper on all fours, but her abounding belly reached the ground before her forepaws. She clumsily flopped onto her immense gut like a doughy cushion under her.

The Alpha snickered with Elephant's head stuffed in his maw. He pulled Elephant up by her wings and inhaled her ostrich neck like a noodle.

Judy shouted, "You bastard!" She launched forward, rolling past the curve of her belly and catching her forepaws on the ground. From there, she pushed further to somersault onto her flabby back. She curled her pudgy arms between her bulbous tits and her corpulent gut, and she tucked her enormous legs up against her middle, curling herself into a big ball of bunny blubber. As her ass clapped the ground, she thrust her glutes outward and bounced herself into The Alpha.

Her heft rebounded off of his hanging stomach, stopping her in her tracks. Her fat back rolls clapped the ground, and her tits bobbed over her wobbling gut.

The Alpha teetered backward, but he regained his footing. He lifted a hindpaw over Judy.

She rolled onto her side, tugging her large backside up behind her. Its momentum followed through, flopping through the air as it whirled her into a rolling dodge.

The Alpha's fat hindpaw slammed down. He narrowly missed the lucky rabbit, but the shockwave quaked her fat.

He held tight onto Elephant's chunky hips. His jaws stretched far to fit her belly, which spanned twice as wide as his head. Her feathery fat jammed around his lips, and it rolled over his lips. Yet he sucked in, harder and harder, squashing her adipose into his cheeks. With Elephant's middle entirely inside him, his gullet bulged thicker than his shoulders.

Judy rushed to his backside with hops that slapped her cankles. "Not so fast!" She stepped onto The Alpha's tail.

His tail puffed out under two meaty love handles. That tail draped over two cheeks of lard almost as tall as Judy herself, which were packed into a pair of black jeans. He swatted back at her with one thick arm, but he couldn't reach around his own bulk to get at her.

Judy leaned into the tail. Because of her bloated girth, in order to reach her arms up along him, she had to hug her tits to his tail and grind her belly against it. Her forepaw gripped the top of his tail and pulled. She raised herself up along his backside, rubbing her big gut on his thick tail.

But her weight was too much, and he wobbled backward on one foot.

Judy's forepaws gripped the waistband of his pants, and her hindpaws latched to his tail. She once again tugged her blubber up his lard.

The Alpha pitched back onto his heel. His huge ass brushed the ground under him, and its weight threatened to pull him further.

Judy jumped back towards safety. She landed right in her cushy rump, which billowed around her sides and fluffed under her legs.

The Alpha fell back like a sequoia of pudge. His legs squashed down against his bulbous ass, and his back pummeled the ground with thick rolls of lard. Tremors echoed through his fat belly, which piled as high as the tips of Judy's raised ears and nearly down to his ankles.

Elephant's plump legs dangled up and out of his mouth, running nowhere. Their fleshy, feathery fat wagged through the air. Her butt bulged against his upper jaw, pursing over his lip.

Judy rocked onto her hindpaws. "Just hang in there, Elephant, we'll have you out in a second!"

The Alpha slurped Elephant down. His stomach jumped a foot outward in all directions, growing even taller and reaching over his hindpaws. He put his palms to the ground and pushed himself upright. His back nudged his glorping belly along the asphalt.

Madame President's hindhoof stomped on his forearm and pinned it to the ground, knocking him back down. Her underbelly flooded over his inflated gut, and she held a cage the size of her stomach.

Beavers, groundhogs, squirrels, and other mammals filled the cage to capacity.

Judy looked to The Alpha's buggy. "That must be his cage of snacks...?"

The President shook the cage over The Alpha. "Who's The Alpha now?!" She unlatched the cage but held it shut.

The Alpha shouted, "GET OFF!" His shoulders rocked, flopping his pudgy pectorals, but he couldn't shake her.

The President asked, "Who's The Alpha now?!"

The Alpha said, "You ar--"

The President shoved the cage's opening down against his open mouth.

The captives along the cage walls clung to its bars. The inner animals, though, fell right into his mouth. Gravity pushed them into each other and through his esophagus.

A skunk plummeted into him and bulged as a new lump in his belly's scaly lining. A mouse plunged into him and made another new lump. A badger sunk into him and poked out as yet another lump. One after another, hapless prey cascaded into his gut, and soon, writhing bulges lined his middle in every direction.

The President shook the cage violently, jerking the remainder off so that they fell into The Alpha's gut. Then, she backed off and dropped the cage.

The Alpha's stomach trembled and groaned. Raw stretch marks pulled apart its scales. It swelled down past his hindpaws. It even billowed up against his chin and held his head against the ground. Now, his belly rose to Madame President's neckline. He wheezed horribly. "I... (whooof)... give! (Hoourf!) You... (ghuuff)... can go!"

Judy tapped his belly with her finger.

He blasted a pressurized belch, "BWOOOURGH!"

Judy said, "We're good to go now, Madame President. C'mon, we can take his buggy."

The President's voice wavered. "No. I'm not finished." She waddled to The Alpha's head, lazily swaying her globular ass from her vast hips.

Judy said, "I'm serious, we don't have time to mess around."

The President laid on her back with her horns by The Alpha's head. First, she looked up, facing her chin towards the sky. Then, she reached up along the ground, and she grabbed his arms in her cleft hooves.

The Alpha pulled his arms weakly with languid torpor. He looked powerless.

The President dragged The Alpha's forepaws into her mouth. She sucked his arms into her throat, tugging his entire body towards her and plumping her neck as thick as a tire. Her forehooves reached up again and plunged into his taut waist.

The Alpha's tongue lolled in a dazed stupor. He loosed a wet hiccup.

The President choked down again, along with the help of her tugging forehooves. She slurped The Alpha's snout into her mouth, and then, his whole head. Her lips met his neck.

His body was a giant, throbbing blimp of green blubber that stuck out of her mouth.

Nick slowly walked to Judy, watching the President in awe. "Do they care if she's in one piece?"

Judy said, "Oh, they care. But I think she's too far gone to care herself. If you can think of a way to get her to stop, be my guest."

The Alpha's moobs hung over the President's mouth, each one bigger than her head. She clenched their pliant fat with her mandible and mashed them inward. Once in her maw, they bloated her cheeks out bigger than watermelons. She sucked those into her gullet and claimed his vast abs in her jaws next.

The Alpha's belly wriggled and thrashed of its own accord. The live prey within it tossed and turned. His belly loomed over her, and it swelled wider than her hips.

Still, the President ate on. Her mandible cranked upward around the large curvature of The Alpha's massive, bloated belly, and her lips stretched wide. She slurped his upper belly into her gullet. Her neck billowed further than her arms could reach, and it squashed against her broad tits.

And then, the President stopped. She uttered muffled barks, and her arms flailed.

Judy said, "Shit. She's choking."

Nick groaned.

Judy moved to The Alpha's underside, opposite the President. "C'mon, help me get him in."

Nick shrugged and ran to Judy's side.

Together, they put their forepaws to The Alpha's underbelly.

His scaly hide had almost no give. Instead, its distended girth maintained a solid, blimped shape. The tips of his toes were barely visible under his colossal gut. As they pushed, his gut echoed wavering groans, it popped with gaseous burbles, and it churned with heavy sloshes. Slowly, it dragged against the ground.

The President's loud slurping carried from the other side of The Alpha.

Sweat glistened along Judy's fat legs, obese gut, and flabby arms. She put her back into it and grunted.

Nick's tongue lolled out, and he panted with effort.

And then, Judy looked up.

Overhead were the President's dull, bovine teeth. Her mandible had finally cleared the bottom rim of The Alpha's gut.

Judy held her breath. "Get back!" She jumped backward, followed by Nick.

The President's jaws slammed shut over The Alpha's gargantuan underbelly, and she shotgunned the crocodile right into her belly. Her stomach burst larger than even The Alpha's. She was larger than the cab at this point.

The President was more stomach than cow. Her head was trapped between her two billowing tits and deep under her crushing gut. Her hooves, all four of them, barely poked out from below her stomach. It formed a giant ball, widening as it rose from the ground, up to Judy's eyes, where it was widest. From there, it rose ever higher, far taller than Judy, as it rounded inward with taut, strained curves. It jerked as the President cracked a fat-muffled belch. The huge mass rocked with oceanic churns.

Judy bent down and found the President's head, lodged under her gut and between her tits. "Madame President?"

The President mooed. "I'm The Alpha!!"

Judy stood back up. "Good enough for me. It's going to be painful rolling her out of Zootopia, though."

Nick held up an index finger. "You think The Alpha didn't have this contingency in mind? No, he knew his minions might have to roll him around some day." He scampered to The Alpha's buggy and hopped up into the driver's seat. He reached to the dashboard and depressed a button.

With mechanical whirs, the back seat folded down, and the back of the buggy opened outward, leading down to the ground so that it formed a ramp.

Nick hopped out. "Now we just have to roll Miss Skin-And-Bones up into the back."

Judy folded her arms over her prodigious chest. "Oh, is that all?"

Nick jogged back over to the bloated bovine. "Look, I just saved us a few days of pushing. Can I get some appreciation here?"

Judy silently moved to the President's waist, and she pushed against it.

Nick joined in.

The President's waist admitted no crease, no fold, no indent. Instead, it formed one solid, gradual contour, truly immense. It could only be compared to a zeppelin. Its hide hummed against Judy's forepaws, signaling the busy digestion within.

First, The Alpha had eaten Elephant. Then, he ate a cage full of people. And finally, the President ate The Alpha. It was a massive, multi-layered stuffing.

Together, Judy and Nick slowly pushed the President onward.

While the President rolled, so too did the contents of her stomach, which tossed with low gurgles and muddy squelches. Soon, her belly rolled off of her hip.

Judy's forepaws moved from the President's taut middle to her squishy butt. While Judy's paws barely dented the President's food-packed gut, her backside was another matter. Judy's palms dug deep into the middle of the President's right ass cheek, and its fat flooded over her arms past her elbows.

Just one cheek was enough to engulf Judy, and then some.

The President rolled along, and Judy found her forepaws at the middle lip of the right ass cheek. Next, the rabbit plunged her arms into the President's butt crack and pushed up, using the deep cleavage as leverage. There was no telling how deep the crevice truly was. After a few lengthy moments of arm-burning strain, the President was high enough that Judy could grasp her left ass cheek and keep rolling.

* * * * *

Judy and Nick loaded the President into the back of the buggy. Her belly distended over either side of the vehicle, and it billowed over the front seats. They couldn't even raise the back of the buggy all of the way, since the President's girth exceeded its bounds. But there she was, laying atop her stomach, with her lardaceous limbs draped uselessly over it. She was a giant balloon with a white-and-black splotched hide, and someone had stapled some limbs on its topside.

Nick got up into the buggy. He stood on the floor by its driver's seat and offered Judy his forepaw.

She grabbed the lip of the car. "I got it this time." She whipped her fat leg up and reached the floor with her pudgy toes. Her leg stretched around her blubbery waist while her hefty gut dangled. With a grunt, she rolled onto her side and into the car. "How do we make this thing go?" She pushed herself up, butt-first, lifting her doughy derriere skyward.

Nick said, "You see, cars have this thing called an 'accelerator,' and--"

Judy held up her forepaw. "Hold that thought." She pulled herself up onto the center console, and then, the driver's seat. Standing in the seat, she reached the steering wheel in front of her with her flabby arms outstretched. Her eyes peered just above the dashboard, so she could make out a smidge of the road. "Hit the gas. I'll tell you when to stop."

Nick sighed. "Great. You're going to steer while I work the pedals? Well... strictly speaking, it's not the least intelligent activity I've participated in tonight." He stepped on the gas pedal, which was much longer than his foot, and pressed it to the floor.

The buggy took off.

Judy gripped the wheel and held it steady.

It raced through city streets. The buggy bounced off of debris and dipped through potholes, but its stalwart suspension held up under the strain of its monumental cattle. The rocking vehicle clapped Judy's rotund rump, flopped her corpulent apron gut, and bobbed her melon tits.

The rising sun bled through crumbling skyscrapers to their right.

Judy felt a weight in her chest as she piloted the oversized car through old boroughs. It was more than just her heavy haunches and bulbous arms, though. She wondered if this was truly the last she'd see of her beloved Zootopia. The city's deterioration reflected her own jaded outlook. She saw clearer with one eye than she ever did with two.

She brought the buggy onto Wall Way. A half mile ahead, she spied the wall of rubble. That marked the city limits. A mile further down the highway was the outer wall, which led back to the outside world. She breathed deep.

Once the buggy cleared the inner wall of wreckage, it drove over a highway spanning a bottomless chasm. Its breeze was cool and refreshing after a night of stifling humidity.

The gate approached.

Judy shouted, "Hit the brake!"

The buggy screeched to a halt just outside the towering gate, taller than even the President's mountainous middle. In the morning sun, the gate was sleek, black, and foreboding. It slid open.

A team of ten or so large animals in black tactical gear rushed out. A bison, a falcon, a gorilla, and more charged to the President.

Behind them stood Swinton with a rifle slung over her shoulder. Her pants thinned over hips as wide as she was tall, and her gut bloated out in a taut dome beyond her reach. Her greasy blouse draped over its top half, baring the lower half of her tender, overfed gut. She waddled out to the buggy, wagging her colossal hips. She stood a head taller than Judy. "Nice work out there, Hopps."

Judy glared back a moment. "It's Carrots."

Swinton snorted. "Really, you got to make up yer mind about this name thing."

Judy put her forepaws on her vast hips. "Aren't you at least a little surprised about the President? She can't walk, for crying out loud."

Swinton bit her lower lip. "If I was in Zootopia? Where everyone is up for eating? You bet yer fluffy fucking cotton tail that I'd be twice that size." She reached the buggy and leaned on it.

Judy asked, "Need something?"

Swinton slapped the car. "Yeah. Need you to get out. We can't just let this piece of junk in here." She reached in the buggy and yanked out Nick by the collar, tossing him to the ground. "Or the car, fer that matter." She aimed her rifle at Nick. As her arms held the rifle steady, her bulging biceps squashed her bulbous breasts.

Judy leapt out of the car and landed in front of Nick, slamming her blubbery legs and huge ass. "Hold it. He helped the President escape."

Swinton looked down the sight of her rifle. "Don't matter none to me. Leave the fox in Zootopia, or I shoot."

Judy clutched Nick's sleeve.

A bullet pierced the ground by her foot, scattering a pock of asphalt with an ear-splitting thunderclap.

Nick recoiled. "Cheese and fucking crackers!!"

Swinton oinked. "Next time, I won't miss."

Judy turned to Nick. "End of the line, Nick. You gotta go back to Zootopia."

Nick plunged his face into his hands. "Fuck it. Fuck it all, Judith. I can't go back there! Just put me out of my misery."

Judy's nose twitched. "You sure about this?"

Nick nodded.

Judy spoke slowly to Swinton. "I'm going to eat him."

Swinton lowered her gun. "Can't say I'm not disappointed. But I'd do the same in yer shoes. He's a little slim, but tasty-lookin' all the same."

Judy opened her mouth wide.

Nick extended his forepaws into her mouth.

She grabbed his arms and slurped. Her gluttonous suction vacuumed his head into her maw. She put her tongue past his lips, and they kissed. Then, she pulled his head through her gullet. She lapped at his upper body, discovering the lean muscle on his arms and the lithe contours of his chest. She drank down his hips next. Her upper teeth bit his modest rump, and her tongue lapped at the capable package between his legs. His legs sank down her mouth next, and her lips caressed his toned thighs and calves.

Her lips sealed over his hindpaws. She burped, soulful and deep, "Ghrawwwp."

Her upper belly billowed out before her, extending far past her tits and overhanging her lower stomach apron. It mashed her doughy fat towards the ground. "Happy now?"

Swinton tapped her hindhoof impatiently, swaying her glutted gut from her broad hips. "I wanna see you end him. Take the pill."

Judy's eye twitched. "Alright." She dug between her heavy tits and fished out the bottle of pills. One last time, she popped it open. She caressed her bloated belly, saying goodbye to an old friend. Then, she downed a pill. "There."

Swinton guffawed. "That wasn't so hard, now was it? We could use more preds like you."

Judy lifted her leg, scraped it forward, and stomped back down. Her whole body quaked. "Not interested." She lugged her other leg forward and stepped again.

Swinton reached in her hip pocket and yanked out a slip of paper. "Here. Let me know if you ever change your mind."

Judy swatted the paper, wobbling her plump arm. "I won't." She cradled the Nick-sized bulge in her middle and waddled through the gate. This time, her digestion felt painful and sour. Regret burned within her.

To her left was an exit gate with a long, wooden arm and a guardpost. She laboriously waddled though it. Her stomach throbbed and ached, and she stroked it to calm its angry burbles.

On the other side was a road with wilderness on either side. Trees and bushes lined the road to the high security facility.

Once Judy made it outside, her stomach burned. Sweat rolled down her bubbly cheeks. This wasn't emotional distress; something was wrong inside of her. She ducked into a large bush. Her gut spasmed with a thousand piercing jolts. She moaned horribly, "Ouuurgh." She wheezed and heaved, and her stomach pounded inside her. Her gullet forced itself open, and out flew Nick.

He landed with a splash on the grass.

Judy caught her breath. The pain ebbed away. "The pills... You gave me the digestive pills back... But they were the wrong pills."

Nick laid on his back, chuckling deliriously. "Hahaha, yup. Heehee, and it's a good thing I did!"

Judy said, "You are damn lucky I didn't need the real ones."

Nick replied, "Aw, I was there. I would've had your back."

Judy wiped perspiration from her brow.

Nick gazed up at the leafy canopy. "I thought going through your insides would be pretty rough, but I gotta say, that was actually, uhhh..." Nick's face went blank, and his cheeks reddened.

Judy shook her head. "I'm gonna stop you right there before you make things weird."

* * * * *

Alternate Final Scene

* * * * *

Judy opened her mouth wide.

Nick extended his forepaws into her mouth.

She grabbed his arms and slurped. Her gluttonous suction vacuumed his head into her maw. She put her tongue past his lips, and they kissed. Then, she pulled his head through her gullet. She lapped at his upper body, discovering the lean muscle on his arms and the lithe contours of his chest. She drank down his hips next. Her upper teeth bit his modest rump, and her tongue lapped at the capable package between his legs. His legs sank down her mouth next, and her lips caressed his toned legs.

Her lips sealed over his hindpaws. She burped, soulful and deep, "Ghrawwwp."

Her upper belly billowed out before her, extending far past her tits and overhanging her lower stomach apron. It mashed her doughy fat towards the ground. "Happy now?"

Swinton guffawed. "Over the moon. Say, we could use more preds like you."

Judy lifted her leg, scraped it forward, and stomped back down. Her whole body quaked. "Not interested." She lugged her other leg forward and stepped again.

Swinton reached in her hip pocket and yanked out a slip of paper. "Here. Let me know if you ever change your mind."

Judy swatted the paper, wobbling her plump arm. "I won't." She cradled the Nick-sized bulge in her middle and waddled through the gate.

To her left was an exit gate with a long, wooden arm and a guardpost. She laboriously waddled though it.

On the other side was a road with wilderness on either side. Trees and bushes lined the road to the high security facility.

Judy ducked into a large bush. She leaned down, crunching on her midsection. She pumped her abs and hocked her throat.

Nick rocked in her middle, tumbling over.

Judy crunched harder, and she spat Nick out up to his shoulders.

He reached his arms out, clutched her lips, and pushed himself out. He flopped onto the ground with a splash and panted. "I thought that would be pretty rough, but I gotta say, that was actually, uhhh..." Nick's face went blank, and his cheeks reddened.

Judy shook her head. "I'm gonna stop you right there before you make things weird."

Escape from Zootopia - Chapter 4 (BBW, Vore)

Judy sped the hot rod through the torn-up streets of Zootopia. Old Pootsie Roll Pop wrappers littered the hot rod's dashboard. Her right hindpaw, thickened with a layer of pudge, held down on the accelerator. As the car jostled over ill-maintained...

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Escape from Zootopia - Chapter 3 (BBW, Vore)

# At the dead of night, Judy sat back in the worn seat of a cab. She was severely undersized, sitting at half of its height. Her clothes were undersized, too; her thighs strained her camo pant legs and tested their seams. Her fat hips inched her...

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Escape from Zootopia - Chapter 2 (BBW, Vore)

# A long, straight road stretched before Judy, leading over plains and into the city. Debris and ash scattered across the highway, marking where explosive projectiles had impacted it. This was Wall Way, one of the few remaining avenues to downtown...

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