Daughter of the Claw - Chapter 7

Story by Tallish on SoFurry

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The sixth chapter (of many?) in an on-going story following Tallish--an Anthro canine male and his daughter.

Your comments mean the world to me. Please, if you read the whole chapter, take a moment to let me know what you think of my work. I appreciate constructive criticism as well.

Menia woke with a start and sat bolt upright. She was soaking with sweat, her hair was stuck to her face, and her sheets were a wadded mess. What the hell? She sat for a minute, breathing, smelling, listening. Had it been a bad dream? If so there was no memory of it, no lingering terror. On the contrary she felt good, fuzzy. Then she noticed how open and wet she was between her legs. Her pussy was thrumming, with each gulp a little more moisture leaked out. She moved a hand down between her legs and in doing so felt how warm her stomach was.

Focusing her attention there she realized how full she was. It was a thing she'd never known before, this feeling was brand new and wonderful. She felt whole, totally embraced. Every cell of her body giggled with delight, every part of herself was in a state of pleasure. She could have eaten the best meal of her life, had her every want and whim handled, and it wouldn't have felt half this good.

Is it his cum doing this? Rava's? She wondered. Begolin and she had met a little after one thirty and he'd given her a hundred, rounding up and calling it five hours of work. He'd thanked her and said he'd let her know in a day or two if he was interested in hiring her for walking. She checked her phone hoping, begging fate, that Begolin had sent her a message. She wanted to see Rava again.

No new messages.


The word was an explosion, a spark set to kindling that became a raging bonfire at the speed of thought. But how? How was she supposed to do that, anything, with him? Her mind reeled as she began to formulate a plan. A dozen came and went.

I should probably get up and change my sheets. Would that work as an excuse to get in bed with him? It'd been years since she'd slept in his bed. The last time was after the earthquake, she'd been terrified of dying in her sleep and had shared his bed for a week. She'd been six years younger then. Did it still make sense for her to be upset enough to share his bed? No, she didn't think that would work. Okay, something else. My sheets are all nasty and I don't feel like changing them?

Huh. Shit. That was almost so easy. Too easy? It was the truth. Sure, she was wide awake now, but changing her sheets would take a few minutes. A few minutes she didn't feel like taking. And, besides, it was a really good excuse.

She stripped her shirt off and changed out of her drenched panties inta cheeky pair of white ones. Within moments they too had a wet patch. Whatever, Menia smiled, I'm not going to change again. So what if he smells me?

Tallish had woken a couple minutes ago when he heard Menia moving around and smelled an obscene amount of sweat. He focused his attention toward her room across the hall to determine whether or not she was okay. He sniffed the air and got the scent of her. She was ... excited? That was unexpected.

He lay in bed trying to find a comfortable position and continued to aim his senses toward Menia. She was moving around now, was out of bed, doing something with her clothing or bed. No, not her bed. She was changing. What was she up to?

Her door creaked open and he fully expected her to head to the bathroom to either wash up or even take a shower, but neither of those things happened. Instead it was his door handle that turned, and his daughter pushed the door open with gentle apprehension.

Menia paused and listened. "Dad?" She whispered.

What the ... What's she doing? He drew a full breath in through his nose and tasted every notion of it. She wasn't scared or upset. No, she was thrilled, her heart was racing, and she was dripping wet. Sweat, a little, yes, but her pussy ... Fucking fifth dragon damnit, that damn smell of hers was going to drive him insane.

He kept his eyes closed and tried to still his breathing, too fast and she would know he was awake. Her hearing was damn good, and that nose of hers told her plenty.

I'm just going to climb into bed with him? She swallowed the gush of saliva that filled her mouth. I mean, that is why I came in here. Heh, "came". She stifled a giggle at her unintentional pun. She turned the door's handle again, pulling the latch all the way into the door, put a hand on the wood, pushed the door close, and eased the handle back to the closed.

Why's she coming in here? The hell is going on, and why is she so damn excited? Tallish felt a shiver coming over him and turned from his side to his back, then mumbled a soft incoherent nothing. The sort of thing he assumed he might do if he were actually asleep.

Menia froze, held her breath, and stood in perfect stillness for a full minute while telling herself to just move, damnit. Come on, Menia, just get into bed. If he says something, tell him what you planned. I woke up dripping in sweat--no idea why, no I feel fine--and didn't want to change my sheets.

It took another few moments to break the spell holding her feet to the floor, but finally she lifted one, then the other, and took three steps to the left side of her dad's knee-high bed. She half turned, and sat with her side facing him, then lifted her right leg up and slipped it under his thin blanket. He liked to keep his window open, even during the dead of winter when there was snow outside. It wasn't half that cold tonight, but it was cool enough that she knew she'd need more than his blanket to keep her warm.

Okay, this is getting odd, Tallish thought. He'd been thinking maybe she was sleep walking. She'd never done it before, but that didn't mean much.

Without giving it any thought he grumbled, a soft rumbling "humm" deep in his throat, asked: "Menia?"

Her heart was already racing, the anticipation of this very thing had been wreaking havoc on her nerves. Hearing him speak, oddly enough, calmed her. All that build up, all those unknowns, led to this. "Hey. Hi, um. Can I sleep here with you?"

"Why? You okay?" He made a point to sniff the air loud enough for her to hear. "What's wrong? You're covered in sweat." He turned from his back to his side and pushed up to his elbow.

"I'm fine, I'm not sure what happened."

"Do you want some help?"

"I just want to go to sleep. Do you want me to lay on the floor?"

"No. No, it's fine. You're sure you're okay?"

"Mhmm, yeah."

Tallish lay back and stared into the back of his closed eyelids. Alright, this is fine. Of course she's tired, it's been a long day for her. An image of Rava came to mind. Huh, could that be what caused her to wake in a sweat? The one thing that refused to leave his attention was the smell drifting up from between her legs. He knew that's where it was coming from because there was nothing else that smelled that way.

Menia smiled to herself, pulled her dad's blanket up close to her chin and made a point to shiver. It was only half real. There was quite a fair bit of warmth coming from her dad, even being a few inches away from him. Those few inches were what she wanted to close and did so with a single gyrating wiggle of her hips and shoulders. She scooched almost close enough to him and spread her legs open at the same time. Oh ... shit, she thought and froze. No, that was no good. She forced herself to breathe and sigh. The sound that came from her crotch when she pulled her legs apart was loud enough for her to hear so she knew for certain it'd be unmistakable to her dad's keen hearing. The sound was of soft flesh coated with stickiness opening, much like how honey coated fingers might sound. Only this had been kinder, more inviting, warmer ... arousing.

Fifth dragon damnit. What the fucking hell is she do--? Oh, fuck. Before Tallish could finish his thought the back of Menia's right hand landed low on his stomach. Low enough that if he moved up a little or she moved her hand down an inch, two at most, she would be touching the bulge of his sheath. The sheath that was starting to fail its task of containment.

What am I supposed to do? Tallish begged anything, anyone, any of the four known long and lost dragons and the unknown fifth, fate itself for guidance.

Didn't you want this? A voice asked.

No, what ... I ... No.

Oh? Really? Re-e-e-ally? What about the other day when you passed her room, mm? And her scent?

Oh fuck me, the smell of her was a drug that did things to his mind that were never meant to happen. They warped his sense of--

Of what? Hm? Did it really? Are you going to seriously try and convince yourself it's the smell of her wetness that's doing this to you?

He saw the image that had been burned into his memory.

No, don't put the responsibility of that on the image.

Point taken. A smile formed his lips that felt as though it was so big every one of his teeth would have been revealed, when in truth it was a fraction of a grin.

Then his cock, refusing to remain within his scabbard of skin and fur, crept out of his sheath and skin met skin. His against the edge of her hand.

Menia's heart pounded so hard she was certain beyond a doubt her dad could hear, and if somehow he hadn't noticed that he most certainly could smell her. There was far, far too much for him not to. She could smell herself, for crying out loud. It was, even to her, a lovely scent.

For Tallish it was utterly intoxicating. He wanted to ... No, no.

Menia felt him grow. The tip crawled up and into the palm of her hand, its slickness made her tingle with glee and it took every ounce of self control not to close her hand around it. Then every ounce failed her and she tapped into reserves she never knew she had.

Tallish reached down and put his paw over his cock, embracing it between he and his daughter's hand.

They fell asleep that way, both wanting more. So, so much more, but not truly knowing how this had happened or what it meant.

Breakfast was ... Awkward. Neither Tallish nor Menia had any fucking clue of what to say to each. The former was glad for all the calls he had to take and make, but Menia wished to the fifth dragon she it wasn't Sunday so she would have a reason to be at school. Anywhere but at home.

Tallish was on the phone with the medical center telling them he felt fine, banged up, but fine. No, no headache besides right where the crate had cracked him. No puffiness, no swelling. At least not on his head. No, nowhere else worth mentioning. He felt about as good as he could imagine a couple days after saving a man from seven hundred pounds of wood and freight.

Once his call to the medical center was finished, he started scrolling through his contacts for his work office number.

"Dad?" Menia said.

He looked up. "Mm?"

"I was going to go to the corner store, you want anything?"

"How come?"

"I wanted a drink. Something bubbly."

"I'm alright."

"Okay. Be back in a little bit," she said, then left without another word.

As soon as the front door closed, Tallish groaned and sank into his chair.

Tallish rang up work and his call was answered on the third ring.

"Cablink and Fons shipping services," the voice of Genda was sharp to the point of bordering on shrill. Weasels tended to have hard-edged voices and hers was no exception.

"Genda, hey, it's Tallish. Is Hossef around?"

"Tallish, oh thank the fifth dragon, are you okay? I heard about what--"

"Genda, thank you, I'm sorry, to be short with you. My head kind of hurts and I need to talk to Hossef."

"Of course, of course, I'm so sorry. Let me get him. It might be a few minutes. Is that okay? Last I saw him he was down on thirteen talking to a sub captain--"


"Right, sorry." The phone clicked and music began to play.

Tallish waited on hold for eight minutes and he was still on hold. He hadn't had breakfast yet, that was something he did in the morning, and his stomach grumbled. He got up, headed to the kitchen, and started boiling some water. He was still on hold by the time the kettle was whistling four minutes later.

His tea was done, and as he dunked the strainer into the mug a few times the line clicked live.

"Tallish, you still there?" Hossef said.

"Yep. Busy with a sub captain?"

"Yeah, they just came up from a week venture. How're you?"

"Alright. Sore."

"I should think so. How long do you think you'll need?"

"That's why I called. As of right now I'm not sure. A week? Two? One for sure, but it kind of depends on what the doctors tell me. I know I have some kind of insurance, but I've honestly never looked into how it works. Please don't tell me I have to go through Genda for that." Genda was the entire office staff. Paper work, payroll, anything HR, and Tallish figured that would include insurance too. She was the one he'd given his initial paperwork to all those years back.

"No, it's no one here. She'll have the number you need though."

"Alri--" the front door opened and Menia waved at him. She was holding a paper bag in her other hand. "Alright, Hossef. Do you need anything from me?"

"Yeah, I do actually."

"Sure, what can I do?"

"Rest, Tallish. I need you to rest. That's it. Nothing else. Take it easy, huh? No stress, take a week, take two. If you need a month, take a whole damn month. I'm sure you've got the funds set away for that."

"I don't know about that. My savings isn't--"

"Not your personal savings, Tallish. The emergency fund you pay into every two weeks."

"Oh. Oh? What?"

"I'll get Genda back on, she'll tell you who to call."

Tallish had put the phone to speaker when he was making his tea. Menia was watching him, listening, and her eyes widened when her dad's boss said those last few things.

"Cablink and Fons shipping services," Genda answered. "Oh, wait, this was a transfer. Tallish?"

"Yeah, Hossef said that--"

"Oh my fifth dragon, you were on hold all that time? No. You were talking to Hossef that long? Wait, no. I just saw him go into his office a few minutes ago."

"Genda, please."

"Right, sorry, you're head. Tired. Rest. Sorry. What can I do for you?"

"Hossef said you'd have the number for my emergency fund? I thought I had insurance. Is that the same thing?"

"Oh you have both. Do you want me to explain the differences?"

"Maybe another time. Could you just get me the number for the fund?"

"Of course."

Menia pulled breakfast burritos from the bag. The first thing Tallish wondered was, 'How much did that cost?' The corner market was spendy, which was the whole reason they didn't usually shop there. Bah, it's fine. Be thankful she got food. It saves me the hassle of making breakfast. Fifth dragon knows Menia can't cook for shit. Alright, that's not fair. She could make a fine sandwich and she made these bowl things, sort of like hearty salads that were pretty damn good too. But those two things, and cereal, was about the extent of her cooking expertise. Although he liked it when she made their tea. He'd never figured out what it was she did, but whatever it was hers tasted better in the morning.

"You're wondering how much this was," Menia tore the bag in half, set three burritos on the make-do plate, and dragged it over the table to her dad. "It wasn't that bad actually, twenty-two and change."

"Just for the burritos? That's pretty expen--"

"I got bubbly water too, and this for you." She handed him a blue glass bottle.

He turned the label around and read, "Houndish. A little this, a little that: delightful." He scoffed. "These marketers, I swear, they write anything and it sells."

"It's a pretty bottle and the ingredients looked good. Says it's got a "playful bite". Thought you might like that after asking me to get tangy jerky the other day. Is it good?"

"It is, yeah." Tallish unwrapped a burrito. Savory meat, eggs, spice, onions, garlic, and cheese smells intensified. He took a bite, chewed, tasted the mixture, and ran a hand over his mouth to catch any errant food bits stuck to his fur. "So is this. Thanks," he said.

"For getting it?"

"Yeah, making"--he air quoted with two clawing digits--"breakfast."

"Oh, of course. I know you love my cooking," she giggled.

"I actually like those bowl things. Rice, meat, veggies," he nodded and took another bite.

Menia took a sip of her bubbly water. "Mm, yeah, those are easy."

I really need to say something about last night. Tallish set his burrito down and the instant he did the mood shifted. A tense cloud fell over the two of them.

Menia wanted to slide out of her skin and crawl away, while at the same time she wanted to have this conversation. Being pulled in two different directions with such force was messing with her head.

"Did you," Tallish paused and cleared the tickle in the back of his throat with a huff. "Did you change your sheets?"

"Uh-huh. Yeah. I'll do a load of laundry later. You want anything washed?"

"I've got a few things to toss in the hamper."


"Was ... mrm, was it--last night. How'd you sleep?"

"Really good," she forced the grin into submission and stared at her dad's chest. The soft blue-gray fur there lifted and fell in time with his breathing. "It's been years since I did that."

"Sleep in my bed? Yeah, last time was after the earthquake I think."


"Little different that time though." He said. Menia nodded. O-okay, how do I bring this up? Tip-toe around or just, fucking ... say it? He formed the start of a dozen sentences in his head, but each failed to capture what he really wanted to say. The words that left his mouth seemed to come of their own accord. "It was nice."

Menia pulled her lower lip into her mouth, nodded, swallowed, said: "I liked it too."

Oh fifth dragon, do I dare? No, I really should leave it alone. But that was never going to happen. "I'd like it if we ... again--would you?" He wasn't exactly sure what he was even asking, but she made a soft sound of agrement.

"Yes. I want to."

"Okay," Tallish said, unsure of what he'd asked and what it was she'd answered. Were they talking about the same thing? Clarification seemed like a really, really damn good idea. But he couldn't find the words.

Daughter of the Claw - Chapter 8

Mrs. Cankson was headed down the hall toward her classroom, talking to a student as she went. The male feline's tail swished back and forth, coming close to tapping Neroli's butt when it swayed to the right. Menia was behind them, waiting for the...

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Daughter of the Claw - Chapter 6

Menia sat in front of the little market on a bench. The smell of coffee, pastries, and breakfast sandwiches rode the morning air out of the shop's open door. The ring and cla-clunk of a cash register sounded here and there, customers came and went....

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Daughter of the Claw - Chapter 5

Mrs. Cankson stood there waiting for her host to tell her where to go, where they could sit and talk. "Are you thirsty? Do you want anything to drink?" "Water's fine. Unless you have tea?" "We have tea. A lot. I can read them?" "Do you have...

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