Comfort in Closeness: Transgender Dragons (erotic eBook teaser)

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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#708 of Erotic eBooks, teasers and tasters

Gender and sexuality, well... They are two things that are not all that easy to determine. However, this does not mean that love cannot be found or that everything needs to be worked out right away. Things can come, love can blossom, whether or not one's true gender is found. It might even change, or be fluid.

That's how it is for Sam, a dragon who's not a drake and not a dragoness, though she prefers she/her pronouns - at the moment. That's subject to change for her, but, thankfully, she's come to be with the perfect guy, a dragon born in the wrong body now living his best life as a drake.

But coming together in lust and love is one thing - taking a dating relationship to the next level, beyond kisses and gentle touches, is something more. In the bedroom, Sam is ready, wanting him, loving him, Ryan the only dragon that she can imagine sharing a bed with.

In gentle, comforting exploration, they tease each other's bodies, finding pleasure in new nerve-endings, parts of them that they have not even considered before. For Ryan, as a male, has had both top and bottom surgery, rugged and masculine with a strong jaw: every bit the type of dragon that she always thought she would fall head over heels for.

Luckily for them, it's all come together just as they need it to, warmth building to the crescendo that they both so desperately seek in one another's arms...

Author's note: this story contains an erotic romance between a female to male transgender anthro dragon and a male to genderfluid anthro dragon.

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Comfort in Closeness

Transgender Dragons

She hadn't been "out", like...properly out, for long. It was a strange time, things going on in the country and angry voices rising against those that were only trying to live their truest lives, exactly as they were meant to. She'd never seen it as a bad thing, even before she'd realised that she was, in fact, transgender and moving towards transitioning, the dragon changing her name to Sam. Some had questioned why she hadn't chosen a more feminine name, which was a fair question, but, well...she wasn't just a dragoness either, even if she was comfortable being called one.

They said it was genderfluid, something that could be a part of being transgender or not - it was entirely up to the individual. And even though she had never felt like a guy, not like a drake, she knew that she was not fully a dragoness either, not to the point where she felt that she wanted to present, all the time, as female and feminine. But that was alright too, for there were many ways to identify, and she would decide for herself later, as she did have more of a female and personally feminine leaning, whether she would go ahead and have bottom or top surgery, at some point. That, however, was Sam's choice and her choice alone, something that no one but her, she had determined, was going to have a say in.

Sam hadn't chosen to start hormones, embracing her trans genderfluid-ness, though whether she was called he, she or they... Pronouns did not matter to her, as long as she was addressed respectfully. That was another matter entirely, but she rolled her eyes a little cockily at those that dared say anything about her, muttering behind their hands and paws, anthros of all species, everyone having an opinion. Sam would have thought, honestly, that they would have been more accepting of still being able to use male pronouns for her, as they had for years already, but it had caused quite a stir where she worked in a rather popular English pub and restaurant.

Yet one thing prevailed above all else and that, simply put, was that it was none of their damned business. She could be who she wanted to be, taking supplements that changed her scales so that they were more of a rich auburn colour - not simply orange but a burned, rich shade, like a sunset - dying the claws of her fingers and toes white, wanting that definition, that change. She just wanted to be different from how she had been before, to set the stage for change, to be who she wanted to be. That was not wrong and she had smiled into the carver's mirror as she had her lightly curled, spiralled horns, which rose from her head more like antlers, wings tucked down to her back, marked with the transgender and genderfluid symbols. They would only last, of course, until she shed them in the Autumn, but she was glad to have a mark that she could carry, daily, with pride, however small and discreet it was, on the side of her right horn.

Fun and herself! That was the energy she took with her to her date with Ryan, laughing and enjoying herself in the sunshine. He was a dragon like her, though he had bulked up a little since starting on testosterone a lot earlier than she had uncovered that she was transgender. In all honesty, he had been one of her friends that she hadn't quite known "why" she liked before, but his forwardness, his unabashed way of being himself... It had been intoxicatingly addictive even then, making her want to dig deep, to find that little hidden part of herself that she had kept locked away for too long.

He was about the same height as her at five foot eight, give or take, though his horns made him taller, curved lightly, pointing up as if they were the tips of a bull's horns. With broad shoulders and a strong chest, abdominals defined, Sam would not have been amiss to drool over the practical stud of a drake she had snatched up for herself. His scales were a rich, deep green with lighter plate scales running down from the point at which his jaw connected with his neck, all the way down to his crotch, disappearing into his underwear. She hadn't had the good grace to explore that part of him yet, even if Ryan had gone down on her, sleeping and sharing the same bed when they stayed over. It was one way in which they were more than happy to let their relationship, however it was going to turn out in the end, develop at its own pace. One thing that they had made clear, however, was that it was an exclusive relationship, no other partners allowed currently: if that ever changed, that was something that they would have to talk about.

The dragon was strong and more masculine than her, however, his jaw line strong even without anything being done to it. Even in hindsight, having known Ryan for years, she could never have seen him as a dragoness, for, even then, it had not seemed to suit him. After transitioning fully, surgery on all, top and bottom, hormones and care, the dragon had flung himself whole-heartedly into life.

And that had made her want to go along for the ride with him, to find her own sense of boldness, even though she did not quite think that she could be quite as bold as Ryan. She could still follow his example, however, try new things under his gentle bidding, warming through as he tilted her lips up to his for a kiss, sitting in the park on the edge of the fountain.

"You shouldn't have taken so long to ask me out," Ryan teased her, poking her side just to make her yelp, her bare thigh touching his, wearing short shorts on her slight frame. "I would have taken you to dinner sooner, had a coffee, gone out to Pride too... But I'm glad you did ask me out in the end, I wouldn't have had any idea that you liked me!"

She blushed and tilted her muzzle away, waving her hand dismissively. Though she wasn't really fooling anyone. It seemed like Ryan knew her too well to get away with things like that, the drake shuffling in a little closer to her with laughter and sunshine in the air, the sound of water falling from the fountain providing a cooling backdrop to the summer heat.

There was a Pride event going on in the park there, which was why Ryan had suggested the location for their date. It was filled with people, even if Sam and he were not overtly part of the group, not currently in any Pride gear or carrying a flag, that made them feel comfortable. There were even children running around, a feline anthro toddler wobbling after the tail of a wolf, though there was only one that was going to win that particular race. With all the colour in the air, the stands for local support groups, LGBTQ+ and transitioning too, specifically, even those selling Pride merchandise for charities, it felt like they were home, surrounded by people, even if they didn't know them, that supported them.

And that was the best of it, Sam's heart warming through, leaning in close, resting her head on Ryan's shoulder. Her tail poked at him, curling around his calf, the drake murmuring something to her that she didn't quite catch.

"Hm?" She lifted her head a little, as if that would let her hear him a little better. "What was that?"

The dragon, to her surprise, blushed and looked away, though his hand snaked comfortingly around her waist, tugging her to him with a little squeak.

"Nothing... You're just looking really cute today. Did you want to head back to my place after this and play Myth? It's that new adventure RPG game that came out a couple of weeks ago, I picked it up as you said you liked one that I think is similar to it."

She smiled.

"Aw... You didn't have to do that - and, yeah, of course!"

He laughed at her enthusiasm, for it was not as if Sam could keep all that much under wraps. Or perhaps it was only to him that she was an open book, though she was more comfortable with Ryan than she honestly had felt with anyone else, whether they were family, friend or a partner that was supposed to be closer to her still.

Perhaps she had just been waiting for the right one. That was okay too, giggling as they walked, swinging back and forth, arms around each other.

Yet Sam didn't think that they were going to make it to the games as her cheeks flushed with heat, pausing by a tree that they had played under when they'd been children, their hands on one another. Their fingers interlocked and they kissed, though the heat of it, oh... Oh, that was surprising. That had not been something that Sam had been expecting at all and yet she leaned into it hungrily, thirstily, as if she had not had sustenance in weeks...

Was it where they were, that they felt so open and accepted there? Perhaps, but it was not something that either dragon was going to go into as Sam whimpered into the kiss, her back gently placed against the old oak with uneven, rounded leaves, the pattern of them unmistakable as anything else. It would grow acorns in autumn and spread them across the land, for children to pick up and play with, but later that year, Sam would take one, just for herself, adding it to her shelf of memories.

For her. For her and for Ryan.

The kiss deepened, his arms around her, her hands sliding up under his T-shirt, light-headed, not knowing what she was doing. But what Sam did know was that she was where she wanted to be, that she didn't want anything else than to be with Ryan, right then and there, if he would have her too. And, of course, Ryan was hardly about to send her away as he broke the kiss only to nuzzle and nip his way down her neck, teeth catching at her scales, bringing a gasp to her lips.

"Heh... Ohhh..." She moaned. "Ryan... Mmm..."

She didn't want to move away from him, though it was too warm, the heat of him encompassing her, wings spreading a little to shield her from the sun. It was not enough to cool her down, but that had something more to do with his tongue snaking across her scales, ever so gently dipping his tongue into her clavicle, right at the base of her neck.

With her heart pounding, need rose within her, aching to be seen, to be devoured - and he felt it too, the arch of her body rolling up against his, not without a tiny edge of desperation.

"Shall we..." He breathed, a smile tugging at his lips, though the drake still clearly needed to ask, to make sure that all was well with her first. "Shall we head back? To my place?"

There was only one answer she could give, with her heart pounding, blood roaring in her ears, lips spreading into a grin so wide that it spoke volumes.

"That would be a good idea!"

They'd never made the walk back to his place so quickly dodging anthros on the street, ignoring their shouts, making a game of it. The summer heat did strange things to anthros and they were just two of many out to enjoy the summer days, the dancing and chasing a kind of foreplay in itself. She chased him, sandals pounding the pavement, but she had to catch up, knowing where she was going, laughing and tumbling into Ryan's arms on the steps up to his flat, the apartment where he lived alone on a side street.

But that day, it was not to be anywhere near as quiet as it usually was, even if the windows were closed and neither dragon was to be disturbed, stumbling in through the front door in each other's arms. They kissed, laughing against one another's lips, though there was nothing there that could drown out the din of their pounding hearts, the ache of need they had for each other.

"Your legs looked so good out there," Ryan growled, scooping her up into his arms with a growl, scales seeming to glow in the dim light of his entrance hallway, as small as it was. "But I'd rather see you on my bed."

She giggled, cocking her head, arms around his neck, leaning in for another kiss, nuzzling down the line of his jaw to his neck, catching his scales in her teeth. Dimly, Sam was aware of him gasping.

Mm, I love that sound...

"I think you're taking me there anyway," she breathed, adoring the little shiver the drake gave, that tiny little groan. "My knight in shining armour, mrow... Hey, don't...hah, don't bump me!"

End preview.

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