Simba's Growing Pride Part 3

Story by Dreamous on SoFurry

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#8 of Simba's Growing Pride

The final part of my collaboration with :klotzzillaicon:! This is the third story, and Klotzzilla has already done the illustrations!

This is the section where Simba finally gets his much needed bolster to his pride. There is some post-TF reformation, but otherwise, mostly TLK sex stuff ahead! If you want to see the art, or the finalized PDF, check out our Patreons! (below).

The focus of this series is Simba getting a little discouraged about his little... well, I don't want to give away too much! There are also other alts, including no cock transformation, added musk alt and added smegma alt, which can be found on my Patreon! There is also a version with no cock transformation. Those will be public-posted soon!

If you want to go see the second part of the collab, it is now posted up on my patreon: as well as the no TF, musk, and extreme musk alts.

If you'd like to see the collab, and get high-res uncropped versions of the art, check out Klotzzilla's patreon:

I hope you all enjoy!

Simba sauntered past resting lionesses and lions, past the cubs. Making his way to the deeper areas of pride rock. His chest felt full and hot, his head held high, his balls having an extra sway behind him.

He had smelled it outside. His daughter's heat and Kovu's excitement. The caves were drenched in it, as happened to any lioness and lion during a heat cycle. But it didn't intimidate him as it had for days at this point. It excited him, made his heart speed up. He felt a dribble from his sheath as he walked, and his shaft tip poked free.

When he entered the area Kovu and Kiara rested, he found his daughter and the dark lion at it once again. Kiara was down, crouched to the stone floor, tail root lifted and tail off to the side. Mating position. But Kovu was not atop her. He rested behind her, on a lower portion of the stone floor. His muzzle was under her tail again, nose pressed to her anus, lips and tongue eagerly working at her sex.

"Seems a good night to join." Simba chimed, a proud rumble in his chest as he prowled closer to the two. "Kiara does seem so needy tonight. The peak of her heat, and all." Simba rumbled, sitting before Kiara. Her eyes were glossy and pupils dilated, a low 'mrow' coming from her every minute or so. Her gaze focused on Simba's sheath, the lioness licking her lips.

Kovu sat up from behind Kiara, panting heavily. His muzzle was soaked in her fluids. His shaft was hard as it always seemed the last few days. He nodded, licking over his damp chin and lips.

"Of course, your majesty." Kovu panted out, smiling up to Simba. "What do you wish to do?"

Simba flicked his tail, smiling down at the younger lion. He rumbled, "Well..." as he watched Kovu closely. The darker lion's eyes drifted lower, and lower... then paused. Eyelids opening further, eyes widening at the pink poking free of Simba's sheath. Exactly the reaction Simba had craved.

"I was thinking I could teach you some pointers. A lioness in heat can be quite demanding, and breeding can be clumsy the first few times, if you just follow instincts. However... I thought you might help me... prepare." Simba suggested, a toothy grin on his muzzle. "To show loyalty to your king, as it were."

"Of course!" Kovu quickly accepted, lifting himself. Kovu showed no hesitation or intimidating, despite the size that throbbed before him. Kovu walked from behind Kiara, moving up onto the stone space beside Simba. He sat once more, the dark length proudly showing itself off, not too much smaller than the king's.

"What would you have of me, my king?" Kovu asked, tail tip swishing about.

"So eager... You make me more and more proud, Kovu." Simba rumbled, leaning in. Their nose pads rubbed together for a moment before Simba sat up proper, once again showing how much larger he was than Kovu. "Someday, when you are king... the demands of lionesses can be quite overwhelming, and you will build up to satisfying those needs. But a king often must make peace with other lions... it is best to avoid fighting, but there are other options."

Kovu nodded a little, though the expression on his face betrayed that he wasn't sure what was about to happen.

"Assume the mating position." Simba finished by gesturing over to Kiara, how she was positioned. The lioness rowled lowly, watching with those lustful, hazy eyes.

Kovu's eyes went wider at the command. He was quick to act after, though. He crouched down, pressing chest and belly to the floor. He nestled his four legs in close. Making himself into a lion loaf, his hips tilted just barely upward. Kovu glanced to Kiara, making sure he was posed right, before looking up to Simba. The king towered over him, taller than ever. Simba looked down, his brown eyes staring deep into Kovu's green. He looked down along Kovu's body, down to the lion's ass. He stared there, waiting patiently. Suddenly, Kovu's tail lifted and tucked to the side, just as Kiara's was. Presenting the dusky pink tail hole waiting beneath it. Kovu's anus tensed as he anticipated what might befall it.

"Excellent." Simba crooned, looking back down. He couldn't help but let a lustful growl out. "I'm far too big to mate you properly, as one of my subordinates. I would hate to hurt you... damage you." Simba lifted his forepaw and stroked atop Kovu's head, down his neck, and along his spine. "You should practice. Because I will have you lift your tail for me." He teased at the tail base, which hiked higher. "The other lions are smaller... a good place to start. Or have Kiara help. I'm sure you can be inventive, clever as you are."

Simba moved his paw around, a paw digit landing right on Kovu's exposed tail hole. Simba teased it, pushed it, grinding the pad of his toe into it. Kovu was squirming, visibly unsure of this new form of stimulation. Simba could see how nervous the lion was. It satisfied something deep, and dark, inside the king.

"Luckily, your muzzle does not have the same limitations." Simba rumbled, finally relieving Kovu of his fears. Simba gave one final, firm push on the tail pucker. He withdrew his paw and stood, walking around in front of Kovu. He crouched his hips down, his forelegs tucking behind each of Kovu's forelegs. Simba positioned himself with his balls against Kovu's nose pad, his shaft going up from there, up between Kovu's eyes, tip ending at his forehead. The dark lion was cross eyed, staring at the intimidating pink shaft. The expression of shock, and mild distaste, that Kovu wore made Simba sure he hadn't done this sort of thing before.

"Open your muzzle a bit, and stick your tongue out just past your teeth." Simba instructed. All the while he rocked his hips just a little, making sure his shaft rubbed atop Kovu's muzzle and his balls against Kovu's lips. Both spaces became damp with Simba's fluids, marked with his scent.

Once Kovu had complied, Simba went right into it. No further instructions or warnings. His hips moved with the ease experience had awarded him. His shaft slid off of Kovu's muzzle, until the tip dropped free. Just then, a jet of pre splattered onto Kovu's nose pad and nostrils. Simba rumbled, continuing as though he had not done it on purpose. Savoring that Kovu would be smelling it for a good while.

Simba's tips rubbed at furred lips, then slipped past them. He angled his hips forward and down, shaft dragging over Kovu's tongue. Kovu's muzzle wrinkled in a partial snarl, clearly not caring for the sensation or taste, much to Simba's delight.

Simba pushed until he was fully inside, his sheath pushing at Kovu's tongue tip.

"Close your muzzle just a little further." Simba rumbled, hips doing those little thrusts again. Each spurt of pre earned a flinch from the muzzle around his shaft, but Simba trusted Kovu would not bite him. The muzzle closed more, until it pressed on Simba's cock's belly and top.

"Yes... You're a natural. Now hold still." Simba growled over the lion beneath him. He pulled back and thrust forward firmly, like when he mated an experienced lioness. Kovu gagged hard as a spurt of pre shot right down his throat. Simba pulled back and thrust again, then started a rapid rhythm of thrusting against Kovu's tongue. Simba delighted in it, the male's muzzle feeling a bit different than all the lioness's he had. The tongue barbs tangled wonderfully with those on his shaft, making each withdrawal a bliss of little sparks of pleasure.

"You'd be amazed..." Simba rumbled, "How often this can diffuse a situation with another lion. Let loose some seed, bond through it, calm tempers..." he was nearly lecturing as he thrust into Kovu's muzzle, taking no heed of flinches, gags or the claws tapping at the stone beneath them. He continued for a couple minutes, working past Kovu's tastes and sensitivity to the invader. Soon Simba was growling and nosing at the darker lion's spine.

"You really are a natural. You'd be popular with many males I know." He encouraged, rumbling happily. Another shot of pre splattered the younger lion's throat.

Kovu could only gurgle in response, his lips squeezing briefly around the shaft. Simba finally pulled out, back-stepping until he was standing on all fours and looking down to Kovu.

Simba smiled and rumbled, "You doing alright?"

Kovu nodded in response, sitting up as well. He coughed and licked around his muzzle, swallowing several times.

"It was... more difficult than I had anticipated." Kovu quavered, a bit of confidence and the high of Kiara's heat rattled.

"You'll get used to it. You did remarkably well. Better than I, or any lion I know, has done on their first time." Simba said, still encouraging and affectionate with his tone. He looked over to Kiara, who was rowling and whimpering in need.

"Now... on the day of peak heat, a lioness will need to breed so badly." Simba stated, as though it were not obvious from Kiara's state. "But you have to do it right, or it won't satisfy the need."

Simba made his way atop Kiara, crouching down atop her. His shaft flexed, poking around the base of her tail.

"Now watch." Simba growled as he finished lowering himself. Kiara trembled at the pressure atop her, the fangs teasing at her neck. Simba sunk into her pussy with practiced ease, pushing as much as he could, only to find he hit resistance.

He shivered, chuckling, "Seems I'm a bit too big..." he proudly boasted. "Still works the same, though..." Simba rumbled, looking to Kovu. The younger lion was staring with such desire, such need. Simba pulled back and thrust in, then started to thrust in rapid, short movements. He nibbled and licked at the back of Kiara's neck, growling affectionately to her.

Kiara pressed her hips back into the thrusts, head lifting into the nibbling. She whimpered as the thrusts got a little harder, then snarled out. Claws dug at the stone beneath her as she squeezed around Simba's shaft. The lion growled affectionately, biting down on Kiara's neck. She trembled, then went limp, panting beneath Simba.

"Looks easy, but it can take quite a bit of practice... ideally you'd cum when she did, for the best chance of siring a cub. But..." he looked to Kovu again, licking his muzzle. "I've a bit of a trick that... well, the lionesses adore me for a reason." Simba boasted, puffing his chest as he withdrew from Kiara.

"Roll over for me." He cooed affectionately to Kiara, nuzzling at her back. Kiara was slow, lazy about it. With a little pressure of Simba's paw, she was soon laying on her back, all four paws tucked up against her torso. She breathed slow, heavy, fuzzy eyes staring up at Simba. Simba climbed atop again, his shaft thrusting against Kiara's lower belly and groin. He slowly worked back until he was grinding against her labia. He tilted his hips back, then in, sinking into her once again.

Kiara arched her back, forelegs reaching out and grabbing at Simba's shoulders. Claws dug in against his fur and flesh, Simba snarling in response. He started thrusting again, his hips angled just so. A quick glance showed Kovu was watching, drooling from both his muzzle and shaft.

Simba kept thrusting, as Kiara trembled, claws extending and digging further. She arched and growled, then groaned out again, head laying back against the stone. Simba kept thrusting, a couple seconds later Kiara growling and snarling out again. He kept at it, Kiara orgasming repeatedly, over and over, as he thrust.

"The more you make a lioness orgasm... The more cubs you'll sire..." Simba proudly rumbled. He felt so powerful at that moment. He hadn't lied. Lionesses loved him for how considerate he was, and how focused he was, on their pleasure. Now that was true, and atop it he had a cock that shamed all other lions.

Simba looked over to Kovu, growling lustily. "Obviously you'd have to cum in her... but I'm not going to sire Kiara's cubs. No one is, yet." Simba growled, lifting himself up a bit. He kept thrusting, and Kiara continued to writhe against the stone. "But a king's seed is not to be wasted. Climb atop Kiara. Get a good, close look."

Simba lifted himself off of Kiara, resting on his forelegs and hips, making room for Kovu between them. Kovu pretty much had to mount Kiara's muzzle, crouching, and army crawl his way in. Closer, and closer, until his nose was right there. Seeing Simba's shaft slip in and out of his mate, hearing all the wet sounds of mating, the pungent scent.

"Open up. Swallow _every_drop." Simba ordered amid snarls, giving Kovu just a second to comply. He could feel himself nearly boiling over, and he truly didn't intend to breed Kiara. He pulled out, lifted just a little, and plunged forward. He hit home, sinking right between Kovu's lips, against his tongue. He felt the lips shut against his sheath as Simba's forepaw landed on Kovu's head, keeping him from escaping. Just before Simba started unloading.

Kovu groaned in disgust as cum filled his muzzle. But, obedient to his king, he swallowed. Simba slumped over Kovu, weight pinning the lion. His free forepaw grabbed Kovu's tail, yanking it up and opposite his muzzle. Simba sniffed eagerly, the scent of Kovu's ass and the spice wafting off his balls suddenly so much more palatable, so much more arousing.

The orgasm seemed to go on far longer than any other Simba had had. By the time he had slipped off of Kovu, the younger lion looked dazed and a tad green. Simba leaned in, licking over Kiara's sex and Kovu's muzzle in one large lick.

"I hope you have learned a lot?" Simba growled happily. Kovu only absently nodded, eyes fuzzy as Kiara's were. Simba rubbed their nose pads and muzzles together, rumbling affectionately. "You're a good lion." He cooed into the cup of Kovu's ear.

"You two continue having fun. Kiara's heat won't be around forever." Simba teased, his tail brushing at Kovu's muzzle, then Kiara's, as he passed.

Simba wasn't sure how long he had been in there. It felt like a long time, and he had no idea how long Timon would stay attached. He quickly left pride rock, making his way down along the steps to the ground. He had only just reached the grassy fields when his sheath started to feel tight, over-stuffed. He shuddered and crouched a little, feeling his shaft slip free. But it didn't feel right coming out, his shaft no longer the conical length it had been.

It was rather uncomfortable, but when the weight dropped free of his sheath, Simba groaned out in relief. He flopped over to his side, looking at what had left his sheath.

Timon was fully formed, his normal meerkat self. He looked just as he usually did, spare that he was drenched in slick slime and cum.

When Timon sat up, Simba felt an intense wave of relief. He sighed and rested his head down against the grass.

Timon took a bit to orientate himself, then stood. He seemed shaky, and his dick stuck out straight from his body, hard as can be. He stumbled his way to Simba's muzzle, then flopped right against it, dick teasing at Simba's lips.

"That... was the craziest shit I've ever heard of. It was like I was getting eaten over and over, shoved in and out of Kovu's muzzle. And I can still taste your cum..." A groan escaped Timon as Simba licked over the small, stiff shaft. "And ... being inside Kiara... I don't care where you stick me. We gotta do this again. I... mmph" Timon grabbed a handful of Simba's whiskers, tensing as a small load of meerkat cum splattered against Simba's lips. He tensed several times before he flopped back down, limp again, though his dick continued to twitch.

"... I can't wait to be in a lioness's pussy again. Stick me in Kovu's ass all you like, just... I gotta get back in there."

Timon shivered as Simba licked him again, still sensitive from orgasming. But he was so turned on and aroused that he turned his hips, prodding the tip at Simba's lips.

"Sounds like we're going to make this a regular thing." Simba chuckled, his lips teasing Timon's length as he spoke. Simba brought a forepaw around, pulling Timon up against his muzzle, hilting his shaft between Simba's lips, while Simba's tongue tip teased against Timon's cock tip.

Simba's Growing Pride Part 1 (extreme musk/smegma alt)

Simba grunted, his breath becoming a faint growl as a jerk woke him. He fought it for one moment, a second, and a few more. But it was useless. Sleep had abandoned him. It had happened yet again. Even after reclaiming Pride Rock. Even after...

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Simba's Growing Pride Part 1 (musk alt)

Simba grunted, his breath becoming a faint growl as a jerk woke him. He fought it for one moment, a second, and a few more. But it was useless. Sleep had abandoned him. It had happened yet again. Even after reclaiming Pride Rock. Even after...

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Simba's Growing Pride Part 2 (Extreme Musk/Smegma alt)

For two days Simba had to endure. Kiara became needier as she approached the peak of her heat. More demanding of Kovu. In turn, the erotic spices and pheromones of her heat drove Kovu with need. The dark lion regularly walked around with his cock out,...

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