Infiltration - Second Strike

Story by Inja on SoFurry

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#40 of Shorts

URSIS has gotten their hands on two mobile ICBM launchers in conjunction with taking over a chemical weapons research facility. All while on Russian soil in the Aleutian Islands. Unable to send in the full might of the US army, SEAL team 13 is selected to carry out clandestine operations to resolve the threat. With URSIS secret agents targeting SEAL team 13 family members on US soil, it's a race against the clock to succeed.

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are of legal and consenting age, likewise if you are reading this story you should be of legal age in your respective country.

All characters are my own creation, any resemblance to existing characters is purely coincidental and not intentional, please do not use them without permission. If you would like to use them in a story, please feel free to send me a PM either as Inja on SoFurry or TheRealInja on FA. As always I am open to new story ideas or situations with existing characters as well.

Special thanks to Firepisser for their input, inspiration and motivation in getting this story written.


Gameboy could feel the tension the moment he and Dietrich entered the briefing room, as serious as their first operation against URSIS had been, this felt different and more real somehow. There was an overpowering sense of dread in the air, the stern looks on the joint members faces combined with the array of departments involved spoke volumes to the nature of this mission.

"Gentlemen, let me cut to the chase. Varvara while a dangerous individual before has become our number one priority as of midnight. The old bruin has managed to get his hands on a pair of mobile ICBM launchers" the old greying around the muzzle mastiff General said, nodding to the CIA operative Gameboy recognized all too well from their debriefing a few days prior. Brief flashes of their encounter bringing unwanted warmth and color to the Commanders cheeks. The black panther tapped a few keys on his system before pulling up series of images on the display behind the general which showed the arrival of the two MZKT-79221 mobile launchers on Kanaga Island along with the mobile SAM systems.

"Currently these MZKT's are protected by a mobile SAM system each so an aerial attack is not possible at this time. Regardless, this facility is on Russian soil so we are not able to send in the full might of the US army without risking all-out war due to an act of aggression. Varvara knows this and chose this location specifically, the old bruin is as crafty as ever," the panther said with a note of admiration that earned him a stern disapproving glare from the mastiff general.

"Yes, well anyway we can't sit back and let Varvara do as he pleases. Aside from the imminent threat of ICBMs so close and directed at US soil, we have learned that the facility on Kanaga Island is a chemical weapons research location, headed up by one Pyotr Armfeldt. Doctor Armfeldt has a notorious reputation for flaunting ethical standards, if he is working with Varvara, you can be certain whatever concoctions he is cooking up will be unconventional and highly likely to be dangerous to not only the US, but the world as a whole," The Navy Commander, a large monochrome orca spoke up in a somber tone. His voice deep and calm, despite the words of warning he spoke.

"Teams will launch from the US Navy Port in Adak, twenty-five clicks from Kanaga Island. Alpha team lead by Dietrich will disable or capture the mobile SAM sites and neutralize the enemies MZKT mobile launchers. Bravo team lead by Keen will infiltrate the chemical weapons research base and capture or neutralize Dr.Armfeldt. Secondary objective is to eliminate Varvara; supplemental is to eliminate General Alexeyevich if possible. Commander, I know you have a personal score to settle with Alexeyevich, but this situation is too important to let personal rivalries get in the way," The mastiff general said with a stern tone, staring unwavering at Gameboy whom nodded just once in understanding and confirmation.

"The terrain where Alpha squad lands is pretty barren without much cover, as such Alpha squad will have to wear ghillie suits and slowly approach their targets with coordinated strikes to capture the enemy assets. This will cause considerable delay with the operation, but we need this to go off without a hitch, gentlemen. We can't afford to let Varvara slip through our fingers again," the Navy CO chimed in once more.

"As previously mentioned the base is on Russian territory, the US is not able to send in a full incursion team or they risk an international incident which could be seen as an act of aggression and a prelude to war. This means there will be no rescue possible this time, we got lucky the last time that the Russian's looked the other way. If the teams are successful, the operation could go unnoticed, as Russia would not want to admit to illegal chemical weapons testing so close to US soil. But if we drop the ball this time, you can be damned sure they'll play it up for leverage on the international stage," The General spoke again after his Navy counterpart.

"Counter-intelligence informs us there are URSIS agents within the US, as noted in the debriefing after the failure on Chirinkotan Island. We're aware URSIS is targeting SEAL team 13 assets and are taking the necessary precautions." The black panther noted, looking pointedly at Gameboy.


After the tense meeting with his superiors, the Commander made his way back to his team's barracks to prepare for their upcoming mission. He'd been informed along the way of a new arrival that was to be Vasquez's replacement, though with the stories he'd already heard of his new recruit Gameboy feared there was bound to be a big ego to contend with.

"Commander, this is the newest member of our team. I'd like you to meet Daithi McDermot, call sign Gaelic...the second most handsome horse in team thirteen" Hudson joked, patting the new guy on the shoulder harder than was really required. Gameboy stopped himself from grinning when Gaelic barely flinched under the rough shoulder swats from Hudson, causing the Teke's expression to sour.

"Please just call me David..." The large white stallion grinned, rolling his eyes at Hudson. "Yer butchering me name, sounds like ye had ah stroke or summin."

"Well Hudson, looks like you're no longer the biggest pony in the pack" Gameboy looked up at the large imposing figure before him, the white stallion with his broad chest and thick arms looked like a force to be reckoned with. Brief flashes of his encounter with Ivan came unbidden, causing Gameboy to blush briefly at the memory. Gaelic's arms went from snow white at the shoulder and upper arm, shifting to light grey to almost black at his fingertips in a darkening gradient that looked like tendrils of smoke had been trapped in his coat and formed a curious pattern. His mane done up in tight braids along with his long tail, almost like a dressage show pony and secured with bright green bands. He seemed like a friendly sort at least, the slight Irish accent did make him feel more approachable and friendly than was the case. Looking over Gaelic's service record made Gameboy's brows raise, what information wasn't redacted made the smaller by comparison canine glad to be fighting alongside the stallion rather than against him.

The commander gathered his men around and began to lay out the details of the operation and the plan for their entry. With the details laid out and the team having run through the pan multiple times to ensure they each knew their role, Drake thought it'd be a good time to break the tension and began to play some appropriate music for his fellow team thirteen members. The wise cracking antelope grinning as his mobile phone started to play the "Mission Impossible" theme music followed by a series of groans and curses from all around, random objects being tossed and aimed at Drake's head.


As Gameboy and his team propelled themselves with the aid of specially modified sea scooters through the inky blackness of the deep water a couple of clicks west of Kanaga island, he began weighing up his desire for revenge against the perilous entry plan they were about to undertake. With every hiss and click of his rebreather cycling his air supply, Gameboy could feel his heart beating faster and faster knowing he was getting closer to their entry point. While Dietrich's team was going to be crawling painfully slow through the cold brush in their ghillie's, Gameboy's team would be making a treacherous entrance through a lava tunnel that ran parallel to a section of the facilities' underground passages. With the volcanos fumarolic activity there were deadly levels of Sulphur dioxide and carbon dioxide along their path. Along with the heat of passing so close to an active volcano, they were on a tight schedule to achieve entry into the facility, all while doing so unnoticed.

This was where the newest member of their team came in, Gaelic was a demolitions expert second to none, with his special brand of C4 shaped charges he would be invaluable on this mission and Gameboy was glad to have him along. With the facility being powered by geothermal energy from the nearby Kanaga volcano there was no way to shut down power to the facility from external means.

Already Gameboy could feel the waters increase in temperature, very soon things were about to get uncomfortable and the clock would be counting down against them. Though the plan was undoubtedly the most dangerous option to infiltrate the base, it was calculated to be the most likely to succeed. The enemy would not be expecting them to be crazy enough to try enter through an active volcano and intel had suggested the lava tubes and vents were not monitored due to the erratic activity. However, one bit of bad luck would end their operation before it even began if the volcano decided to spew magma or even vent excess heat through the passage they were in at the wrong time.

The sonar on his modified sea scooter pinged, the small screen indicating he was approaching the sea floor and the GPS indicated they were almost on top of the entrance to the lava tube that would lead them to their destination. The opening to the tube was too small to permit their full scuba gear, with their equipment load they were only able to equip two small mini scuba tanks, at most they would have just under an hour to get inside the facility as soon as they'd ditched their rebreathers. Gameboy waited for his team to gather and gestured at the entrance, he would go in first followed by Gaelic. The rest would follow close behind and bring up the rear.

Gameboy unclipped and shrugged out of his rebreather, quickly popping his first spare air into his mouth before swimming into the opening below, being careful not to snag his rifle strapped to his back on anything along the way. The temperature started to increase rapidly the further in he went until the shaft angled up sharply, slowing his progress despite his best efforts. Though the water was no longer present, even breathing from the mini scuba tank left a harsh taste in his mouth and nose from the toxic air present in the tunnel. The heat became almost unbearable, threatening to sap his strength and leave him helpless to cook inside his own hide within the dark passage, but Gameboy forced his protesting limbs to move forward while hoping his team would be able to do the same. Crouching low and crawling through the almost pitch black darkness save for the small LED glove mounted lights, his hands brushed along the rugged walls as he searched for their entrance point until finally he touched a smooth section that was clearly man made. Breathing a sigh of relief as he felt the smooth wall just as his first mini tank wheezed the last of its air into his lungs before making the switch to his second spare air, having pushed his first to the limit with his lungs screaming for fresh air most of his climb up. Looking back behind him at Gaelic crawling along on his knees, the Commander indicated the spot he'd found as the location for the Irish Draught to make their entrance.

Gaelic moved up alongside Gameboy, already breathing heavy from his second spare air and by the look of it, he was almost out. Gameboy watched on with almost awe as the large stallion remained calm despite his predicament, barely a twitch in his fingers as he set the charges with practiced skill. Bravo team retreated a few feet around a slight bend in the passage before Gaelic detonated the charges with a deep "THUMP!" and a burst of light suddenly appearing through the new opening. Gameboy lay on his belly with his men arranged behind him, weapons drawn and aimed at the opening for a tense moment as they waited to confirm their entry had not been detected. When no alarms or shouts were heard, they made their way through the opening into a small room that appeared to be a supply closet of sorts. Metal shelves lined with various items, everything from cleaning supplies to gauze bandages filled the room with the flickering florescent light overhead.

"Wier and Meyer, see if you can find the power plant for this place. If we can't capture it, maybe we can at least slow them down and make them rethink about trying to operate here. Wait for my signal before you pop the cork" Gameboy directed the large croc and elk, both men nodded and grinned at each other.

"About time we get to blow something up" Wier said to Meyer as they exited the room after making sure the way was clear, heading further down into the facility and closer to the center of the volcano where the building plans indicated the Geothermal energy was being harnessed.

"According to the schematics we should be a couple floors below the laboratories, there looks to be holding cells of some sort between us and there. I'm not sure what we'll encounter, so stay sharp and keep your wits about you" Gameboy spoke in hushed tones to the remainder of his team before moving out. The floor they were on appeared deserted, he supposed this was because there was no outside access to this level, at least until now.

Slowly bravo team made their way along the hallways and up the first stairwell, checking corners and advancing room to room without encountering any enemy resistance. The facility was eerily quiet up until the moment when they finally entered the hallway to the holding cells. The cacophony of sounds and smells assaulted their senses the moment they stepped through the doorway and into the hall beyond.

Bravo team entered the detention hall; a large square corridor lined either side with prison like cells and a center row of larger pens. As bravo team fanned out and made their way along either side of the central cells, the reason quickly became apparent for the requirement of the holding cells existence, inside there appeared to be the subjects or perhaps even victims of doctor Armfeldt's experiments.

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing, Commander?" came Frosts voice filled with uncertainty over the short-range commlink as he made his way along the far side of the central cells.

"You mean the prisoners fucking like rabid animals? Sure..." Crowe responded.

"What the fuck are they researching here?" Hudson chimed in as he stood beside a cell that housed a large lion and smaller rabbit; the rabbit whom currently had the lion pinned to the ground with his arms twisted painfully behind his back appeared oblivious to their presence. The rabbits hips a blur of motion as they slapped noisily against the bigger felines rear, while the lion growled out in a mixture of anger and pleasure.

"The good doctor is a specialist in chemical and biological warfare, but we all know what kind of a deviant Alexeyevich is. Put those two together and I think what we're looking at here is a successful application of the 'gay bomb' our government researched back in '94" Gameboy scowled, seeing a similar scene of a slender mouse ravaging a howling jackal.

"At least it's not anthrax or something even more deadly" Frost said over the commlink again.

"That we know of, look how emaciated these prisoners are. It's like they're not interested in anything other than getting their rocks off..." Crowe noted as he saw how pronounced the mouse and jackals ribs were despite trays of food situated just inside their cell door that had begun to rot without being touched.

"We can think about the ethicacy of what they're doing here later, right now we have a mad man and a potentially evil scientist to stop" Gameboy reminded his men, the comms falling silent as they proceeded deeper into the facility.

The next stairwell up lead to an open corridor with walkways above on either side, there was nothing in between the door on their side all the way to the far end. Being so exposed with no line of sight on the floor above made the hair at the back of Gameboy's neck stand on end. Despite there being no sign of camera surveillance along their path so far, the Commander couldn't shake the feeling they were being watched somehow.

As his men pushed forward, staying close to either side of the hall and keeping an eye on the walkways above, bravo team worked their way further along. With every step he took, Gameboy senses screamed louder for him to stop and retreat back the way he'd come, but his sense of honor demanded he see the mission through.

"I don't like this, Commander. It's too quiet..." Crowe hissed to Gameboy as he flanked past on their next movement.

"I know, I feel it too. This is far too passive for the infamous Iron Wolf..." Gameboy began to say when an unknown but familiar voice came across their comms.

"How perceptive of you Kommander" the raspy voice intoned.

"Shit, our comms have been compromised!" Crowe growled, staring wide eyed at the Commander.

"Ah, Mister nice of you to join us! You are correct, it was a parting gift from your fallen komrade last time we met" Andrei replied mockingly, just as the door behind bravo team slammed shut with a heavy mechanical "Thunk" sound and cut off their only means of escape. Boots stomped across the walkway above, the sound of dozens of rifles being cocked and aimed filled the room as bravo squad stared up at the until now hidden URSIS forces.

"Drop your weapons or my men will open fire" Andrei smirked down at Gameboy from above while the Malinois glared and growled back up at him from below, lowering his weapon reluctantly.


Gameboy and his team were marched at gunpoint through the twisting corridors and up another couple of floors until there was sunlight visible through windows. The early morning sun low over the horizon painting the sky brilliant shades of pink and orange, it would almost be beautiful if he didn't have an AK47 muzzle jammed between his shoulders Gameboy thought to himself.

Bravo team was directed into a large oval room overlooking a wide hallway below with screens mounted at various points along the walls and a large display screen made of multiple smaller monitors at the far end, along with cameras placed at random intervals around the room in seemingly disorganized array. Standing at the far end before a low table was a slender twitchy ferret dressed in a white lab coat, nervously wringing his hands as he spoke with the other person. Gameboy surmised the nervous looking rodent must be the infamous doctor they were here to capture or perhaps eliminate, at least he didn't look like he'd be much of a physical threat if it came down to it. He was talking to a large figure facing a wall of screens, all of which were currently turned off except for one that looked back behind the imposing figure at the approaching captives. Gameboy only caught hints of what was being said, but it was enough to chill him to the bone. Their earlier suspicions were correct, the doctor had been working on a pheromone bomb similar to the infamous "gay bomb" others had researched, only if what was going on in the holding cells below, he'd gotten it to work, albeit with disastrous side effects. With a wave of the bear's left hand the ferret scampered from the room, back to whatever hole he usually hid in, pausing briefly to grin at Gameboy and his men.

"The infamous Commander Keen, or shall I call you Gameboy?" the large ursine asked without turning around to face his enemies.

"It's Commander you damned Ruskie" Crowe began to growl out, but was quickly cut short by General Alexeyevich gripping him about the throat before choke slamming him down onto a nearby table.

"Commander Keen will do fine" Gameboy responded, barely containing his growl.

"Andrei has told me a lot about you, Commander Keen" Finally the large brown bear turned around to reveal a jagged scar which ran from the right side of his jaw and up across his right eye. Most of his right ear was missing, along with a fair bit of his fur as well, no doubt from some sort of explosion that failed to kill the bastard. Despite these flaws, the bear was still an intimidating figure. Beneath his uniform it was plain to see he was well built and strong, but the way he carried himself was a dead giveaway that he knew how to fight. Varvara stared at Gameboy with a quiet confidence, knowing he'd bested his opponent without so much as lifting a finger. Though there was something in the way the bear looked at Gameboy that made his skin crawl, he could only imagine the things Andrei had relayed after their previous encounter.

Varvara made his way around the table to lean back against it while grinning at Gameboy lecherously. Holding out a piece of paper to the Commander, he shook it once when the smaller canine made no move to take it. The bear looking even more imposing now without anything between them the Commander noted.

"What's this?" Gameboy asked as he scanned the document, a manifesto for URSIS demanding the US cease all actions against them immediately, along with a condemnation of what the US had already done towards the URSIS army. "I'm not reading this!" Gameboy spat out, growling up at Varvara.

"I thought you might say that, Commander" The bear continued to grin, picking up a remote from the table and pressing a button to turn on the wall of screens behind him. Multiple familiar images began to pop up, people Gameboy and his team new, friends and family members alike. "Our sources informed us your team would be coming back for another attempt on my life, so I prepared a little surprise for you all. You will all do as we tell you or your loved ones will pay the consequences."

Bravo team began to shout and curse almost as one, seeing their loved ones within arm's reach of the URSIS agents assigned to them. Though any movement they made was met with resistance and a painful jab of a weapon muzzle or firm strike with the butt of the weapon to remind them just how futile their situation was until eventually their anger was contained enough for quiet to return to the room.

"I'm not a monster, Commander. I only want what is best for my people, but your government is meddling in affairs they have no right to. I do not wish to harm innocents, but make no mistake, I will do whatever it takes to protect my country" Varvara spoke while he slowly undid the front of his trousers with a leer at the Commander. "Now, before we begin with our broadcast, why don't you show your men how obedient you can be, hmm? What is it you American's love to say...lead by example."

Gameboy growled, wanting nothing more than to kick the bear square in the junk, but just over his shoulder was a screen of an obviously hidden camera trained on his wife's lovely and innocent face. The agent was well within arms distance of her as she sat talking with a friend at a café somewhere back home, completely unaware of what was happening to her husband.

The Commander reluctantly got down onto his knees before the large smirking bear, his hands reaching out to fish the ursine's thick member from his trousers. His muzzle leaning forward as he began to lick along the slowly swelling and throbbing shaft until it began to stiffen and raise of its own accord. Gameboy wrapped his lips around the thick blunt tip and began to suck, wrinkling his nose at the taste before he forced himself deeper onto Varvara's cock. All the while behind him he could feel his team watching as he was made to service the very man they were sent to kill.

When Gameboy took too long to pleasure Varvara, one of the bears large hands gripped him roughly behind the ears, his claws digging into the sensitive flesh there as he used his grip to start face fucking the Commander. Gameboy could do nothing but grip at the bear's hips, futilely fighting to stop him going too deep, but Varvara was just too strong. Gameboy began to gag and choke on the bears cock as it filled his maw and throat, but the look on Varvara's face said it all, he was enjoying making the infamous soldier choke on his cock like a common whore. At least it played into Gameboy's favor, exciting the bear enough that he hit his peak earlier than expected. Unfortunately for the Commander the bruin was not quite done humiliating him just yet, pulling out of the panting canine's maw to stroke himself the rest of the way to his finish, aiming for Gameboy's face and snout as he did so. Hot sticky strands of messy cum marked Gameboy's muzzle and face, his hands being slapped away when he tried to clean it off, Varvara wanted to send a message of dominance by showing the infiltrator bearing the mark of his victory.

Grabbing Gameboy by the scruff, Varvara hauled him to his feet and back around the desk to face the camera. The first broadcast was set to be transmitted to the US military and chiefs of staff according to the fox operating the equipment, giving the thumbs up as the red light on the camera illuminated, showing they were on air.

"Read...or else" Varvara growled from behind Gameboy.

The Commander did as told, picking up the piece of paper and began reading the manifesto, all while trying to ignore the sticky telltale mess all over his face now being broadcast to who knew how many people, people that were his superiors and higher up the chain of command no less. The first part of the letter was relatively easy to get through, nothing every other extremist group hadn't already said before. What was tough to read aloud was denouncing his own countries actions against URSIS and their allies, but the Commander managed to get through it, staring at the red light on the camera and waiting for it to switch off and the broadcast to be over once he'd finished reading the letter, but it wasn't.

"You will cease hostilities towards me and my people, or my ICBMs will do to your country what I am about to do to your soldier" Varvara almost laughed behind a shocked looking Gameboy. "Commander, drop your pants and bend over. Raise your tail like a good obedient pup."

Gameboy growled, knowing Varvara had played him. The screens behind him had been switched to footage of combat between the US and URSIS forces, there was no sign of their loved ones being threatened. For all intents and purposes, on camera it would appear as though he was willingly submitting to Varvara's orders, those people watching would have no idea that he had no choice.

Gameboy hesitated for a moment, his mouth opening and closing a few times as he was tempted to say something. Ultimately he surrendered, he had no cards to play and was completely bested at the moment. With another low growl he did as told, undoing his uniform and trousers to push them down along with his underwear to leave him bare from the waist below. Leaning forward over the table with his chest against the hard surface, his tail rose slowly. Varvara smirked as he gave the Commander's behind a rough demeaning spank before digging his thumbs between the firm cheeks to pry him apart and reveal his tightly clenched star.

"From what Andrei told me of how well you took Ivan's cock, I was expecting something far less tight, I am pleasantly surprised!" Varvara teased, forcing a thick thumb against and then into the Commander's asshole, making him wince and squirm.

Gameboy grit his teeth as Varvara lined his thankfully still spit and cum slick cock up under his raised tail, his eyes meeting Crowe's just as the bear pushed forwards. Again Gameboy refused to cry out or even groan, though his claws did scratch against the table hard enough to leave marks behind. Crowe and Gameboy stared at each other for a long moment, knowing what they were about to be put through again. Considering everything they'd endured the first time URSIS captured them, now they had a chance for revenge on Gameboy and his team so this time was bound to be worse. Drawing strength from Crowe, Gameboy stared straight at his almost brother as Varvara pulled back a bit, only to thrust even deeper inside the smaller canines behind. While the Commander's slender form was jostled and bounced under the rough assault, he would not make a pained sound, ignoring the camera recording the enemy plowing him from behind and instead focusing on his teammate.

Gameboy's gaze briefly lifted from Crowe's when a large form loomed above the snow leopard, it was Andrei and the wolf was grinning hungrily down at the feline. Even as he felt his own clothing being stripped from him, Crowe refused to break eye contact with the Commander. As the large grey wolf behind him gripped the base of his spotted tail to lift it painfully high, Crowe merely snarled but also refused to give the Iron Wolf the satisfaction of a whimper or grunt. Even when the thick red throbbing cock forced its way under his tail, Crowe remained steadfast, the only sign that would show he acknowledged the entry would be the rapid back and forth flick of his tail tip and his own claws digging into the surface of the table before him.

"Nngh, even tighter than your Kommander" Andrei mocked Crowe from behind; he too stared at Gameboy with a victorious smirk. While the canine was pinned beneath the bear as Varvara fucked him hard and rough, so too would Crowe be bounced and jostled under the wolf as his thick knot hammered against the felines already stretched and aching pucker. Every time Crowe bounced forwards from the force of the wolf's thrust, the painful grip about his tail base simply yanked him back onto the waiting cock.

"It's time to show the world how the mighty have fallen, that these American pigs are nothing to be feared" Varvara grumbled, giving a particularly vicious thrust under the Commanders tail. Andrei nodded once and withdrew himself from a relieved looking Crowe before barking orders at his men stationed around the room.

Gameboy watched as his men were lead from the room, gradually appearing on screens up along the walls in what appeared to be individual cells and rooms elsewhere in the facility. His attention briefly distracted when Varvara also withdrew himself from under his tail, only to have the world blur briefly when he was flipped onto his back. A large hand clapped down between his thighs, grasping at his soft furred sack with a firm squeeze just as the ursine sheathed himself back inside the smaller canine.

"You know, considering how you keep charging into my operations, I'd have thought these would be a lot bigger!" Varvara laughed and gave Gameboys orbs another firm squeeze that left him feeling like he'd been punched in the gut, the thick cock briefly withdrawing before bucking back inside him only reinforcing that feeling.

"How does your friend taste on my kock, Kommander?" Andrei asked as he gripped and tilted Gameboys head back before forcing his jaws wide to accept his still stiff and now dripping length. Andrei made sure to thrust in such a way that Gameboy couldn't avoid brushing his tongue against the slick flesh, adding further slickness to the canine maw wrapped about his shaft.

With bravo team escorted from the room and deposited in each of their own personal hells, Varvara and Andrei set about using and abusing Gameboy for their live audience. The fox sitting behind the computer and cameras shamelessly groping at his tented crotch while he operated the live feed that let various parties around the globe receive Varvara's message and enjoy the show.


Gaelic was the first to appear on screen, being lead into a medical room replete with a medical examiners chair. The large Irish stallion didn't go quietly, four URSIS soldiers fought and struggled to get the equine stripped down and strapped into the chair with great effort and a few black eyes and bloody noses for their efforts. Standing beside the chair was the same ferret from earlier, now looking the stallion over with a sadistic leer. His hands brushed over Gaelic's toned and chiseled form, across his chest and down over his belly to his crotch where he palmed a pair of impressive orbs. The ferret laughed at the nicker bursting from the large stallion when he gave Gaelic's orbs a firm uncomfortable grope before reaching into his coat pocket and producing five small glass vials. Four of the vials were handed to the soldiers still present in the room, watching as the doctor cracked the fifth one beneath Gaelic's snout as if using smelling salts to rouse him from slumber, only the faint pink vapor had a far more sadistic purpose.

In an instant the stallion stopped struggling against his bindings, his breathing starting to quicken and his hips raising up to buck against the air as the desire to fuck something, anything grew to an unbearable level within him. All the while his thick mottled pink and black shaft began to spill from his soft leathery sheath against his belly, rising into the air as his precious lifeblood coursed through it. The four soldiers looked back and forth between each other, grinning at the sight before exiting the room with their vials while the doctor got to work.

First the doctor applied a soft latex sleeve down over Gaelic's throbbing member, inflating it until it fit snug before turning on the vibrations. The feeling of something finally gripping about his cock spurring the stallion to try buck up into it, trying to get some satisfactory friction going, but with the sleeve gripping his cock so snuggly it wasn't possible and only served to frustrate him more. Next the horse found himself laying back at an incline with his head below his hips while the stirrups his ankles were in spread wide to leave his rear and large balls exposed. The ferret stood between his spread thighs, raising a hand to apply a thick dollop of lubricant under the horse's tail, working two fingers into him before stepping back and retrieving a tray of assorted instruments and toys. Gameboy watched with a mixture of curiosity and shame as the ferret began to test Gaelic's limits with ever increasingly bigger objects, pumping them in and out of the horse until he achieved climax with one object before moving onto the next, which with the effect of whatever drug he'd been exposed to seemed to be fairly easy to do. By the time the doctor was forcing a length thicker than what Gaelic was sporting under his tail, Gameboy swore he could see a visible size difference in the stallions much more empty orbs with how much sticky white mess coated his belly, chest and even his face.

On one of the screens behind the fox, Gameboy could see a live feed being streamed from the facility with an active user count that was rapidly rising. A low growl began again in his chest as he caught a few glimpses of a chat window in which various viewers were commenting on what was happening to himself and his team. His anger at being put on display overrode his embarrassment of knowing already a couple hundred people from who knew where around the world were watching him getting spit roasted by Varvara and Andrei, along with his team in various compromising positions and situations themselves.

Drake found himself being dragged along a passage and summarily tossed bodily into what almost looked like a padded jail cell. His confusion quickly died down when he saw why, inside the room was a familiar large stallion that broke out into a grin at the sight of the smaller male. Drake scrambled to his feet and made for the door, only for the sound of breaking glass to be heard and a faint pink vapor to be blown into his face. Stumbling back a step or two as the door slammed shut before him, the small antelope found himself in Ivan's clutches with a sizeable bulge grinding against his rear.

"Oh fuck, not again..." Drake groaned as the horse began stripping him of his clothing, despite his best efforts the antelope could not fight against the strength of the much larger and eager stallion. The dome camera within the room swiveled and trained on the scene as Ivan almost bent Drake in half, pinning his arms at his sides with his knees up against his chest. The faint electronic whir of the camera zooming in heard just as Drake yelped when Ivan sat back down on the bench, bringing the antelope down with him and sheathing him onto the waiting spire of flesh.

Ivan wasted no time in getting to business, whatever they'd done to the big brute appeared to have removed most of his basic cognitive abilities. Just like the prisoners down below, it seemed all he wanted to do was breed and unfortunately Drake was the only available hole around. The antelope found himself being bounced up and down in the horses lap as he worked his turgid thick member in and out of the nice tight hole he'd been given. Much like the first time, despite his training Drake couldn't help but yelp and whimper with the thick stallion member firmly lodged under his wildly flicking tail. Though unlike last time, whatever they'd blown into his face seemed to be helping with the ache of being so stretched, a few moments of being bounced in Ivan's lap and Drake began to feel the effects of whatever the pink vapor was. While there was an ache from taking Ivan again like this, there was something else as well. Gritting his teeth and fighting as hard as he could, Drake couldn't resist the growing intense heat within his loins, his balls churned with growing heat as they tucked up against his body with an immense need to release his pent up seed. With a defeated bleat he began to climax, his stiff cock bouncing and swaying in time to Ivan's thrusts, firing off strands of his seed uselessly to the floor below. The camera catching every arc of the white mess as it spattered forth again and again, almost as if it would never end.

Hudson was the next to appear on screen, it seemed the URSIS soldiers had not forgotten him and had almost been planning a special and humiliating torture for him. Unlike the rest of bravo team, Hudson was the only solider to appear in clothing, though Gameboy was pretty sure he'd have preferred to be naked considering how he had been dressed. During the URSIS agents monitoring of team thirteen's stateside vulnerabilities, they'd come across Hudson's sister, a few of the URSIS soldiers having commented how they'd love to fuck her, but as that wasn't possible, that Hudson dressed like her would do just as well. So it was that the golden haired stallion found himself humiliated and dressed in a short skirt and low cut top, combined with emasculating stockings. To make matters worse, a large bear had held him down and fitted a cage over his crotch and locked it in place, stating that his "cute little package should be all locked away like a good bitch should be."

Even Gameboy had to admit on camera with Hudson dressed as he was and his hair loose about his shoulders, if he'd not known better he would've thought it was Hudson's sister in the room with at least a dozen leering soldiers. While there was no audio from the camera feed currently, it was plainly obvious Hudson was using every fowl word he knew to curse the URSIS soldiers, at least until one of them walked over and punched him in the gut. As the horse almost doubled over and gasped for breath, the soldier reached into a pocket and withdrew a small glass vial, snapping it right in front of Hudson's gasping mouth.

Much to the gathered soldiers delight, the pretty pony went wide-eyed and began to groan in a far from manly manner, his hands gripping uselessly at his caged cock as he dropped to his knees and slumped forward. Seeing the doctors little experimental drug take effect, the men began to converge on a distracted Hudson. Even Gameboy was surprised to see his teammate submit so easily, grasping at a stiff cock either side of his face while willingly taking another into his maw at the slightest encouragement from the gathered soldiers. A fourth soldier gripping his tail and hoisting him up off his haunches to instead kneel at the right height. Gameboy didn't need audio to know Hudson groaned lewdly as the bull behind him used his grip on the long silky golden tail to draw the shapely equine behind back onto his waiting cock. The men gathered around the spectacle all cheered, most notably the soldier with his member currently being serviced by the horses mouth.

The stream chat appeared to be going wild, offering money in various currencies for the soldiers to do various things to the "pretty pony" in the group room. The fox manning the computer made eye contact with the Commander and gave a mocking wink before speaking into his headset, having routed his voice through to the room clearly as a few soldiers stopped briefly to listen to him speak. Again more cheering erupted as they did as asked to their prisoner with an almost zealous glee.

Once more Hudson found himself straddling one of the larger soldiers cowgirl style while another brute pinned him from behind, this time Gameboy heard the whinny as two thick shafts filled his teammate after the fox enabled the audio channel. Though the sound was short lived as a mangy looking jackal and a spotted feline of unknown breed forced their own lengths into Hudson's maw soon after.

Frost and Crowe were the last to appear on camera, but by the way they were moving it appeared they'd already been dosed with the same drugs the rest of his team was. Gameboy noticed how sluggish their usual swift movements had become, along with an odd look in their eyes. By the time both men had been stripped down they were sporting erections, Frost would even be starting to drip a little precum from his tapered tip without even having been touched; as if the drug had affected him more than it should've.

Again the fox manning the computers began to relay messages over the loud speaker in the room where his men were, Gameboy watching as the snow leopard and fox were forced to their knees in the middle of a ring of enemy soldiers, their hair roughly gripped and yanked back before the first soldier forced himself inside Crowe's maw. The enemy was far too eager to let the feline and arctic fox bring them to completion before yanking their maw off one length before jamming another one inside. Frustrated soldiers began grinding themselves against the feline and arctic foxes faces, leaving silvered strands in their soft fur in their eagerness.

The longer it went on, the quicker the comments on the screen flew past. Even the fox manning the systems was having a hard time keeping up with them all, but it quickly became evident that he was starting to cherry pick ideas he obviously wanted to see. The way his lips curled into a sadistic grin every time someone suggested something he liked before he spoke over the comms system.

Gameboy was reminded of his own situation when Andrei decided to try force his knot into the smaller canine's maw, almost feeling like he was going to dislocate it. Luckily for the Commander though he was content to just grind himself against the Commander's unwilling mouth while he jerked and bucked through his first climax. The large grey wolf laughing all the while as his cock twitched, firing off thick hot ropes of seed inside the malinois, making him choke as he tried to swallow the obstruction and still be able to breath. Not that Andrei gave him any time to rest before he resumed bucking into his by now aching jaws. But the cock in his maw was soon the least of his worries as Varvara lifted his legs and pinned them together against his chest, his claws scratching deeply against the Commanders hips as he held him firmly in place while beginning to jackhammer into the canine while in the home stretch to his climax. Gameboy closed his eyes tight, trying to ignore the ache the thick ursine cock was delivering to his abused rear, until with a final roar of triumph Varvara too reached his climax. This thick length pulsed and throbbed hard, his large fuzzy orbs tucked up tight against his body with jumps and jerks of every shot of is seed into his prisoner while grinding lewdly against his behind.

Again Gameboy looked over to the screen, trying to distract himself from his own situation by making sure his men were alright. Gaelic was mid-climax again with an almost elephant sized object being slowly forced into him, his length pulsing and firing off another load of white mess across his abdominals and chest to join the obscene amount he'd already produced. Drake's eyes had almost rolled into the back of his skull, the image almost looked like a looped animation on screen with how Ivan was still bouncing the small antelope in his lap and every half dozen strokes or so the small males cock twitched and fired off ever smaller shots of cum to the trail of mess on the floor before him. Hudson was pinned up against the wall, his skirt up about his waist as a large black wolf rutted him from behind, his fingers intertwined with the ponies golden locks and pulling his head back each time he thrust under the flagging tail.

Finally; Frost and Crowe's situation had not improved at all either, when Gameboy found their screen again he could see the two men had been laid back on a table with a camera angled from slightly lower than the level of the table. The reason quickly became clear as the view changed from the two firm and exposed rears to that of an enemy soldier, the view of his men being taken clearly visible as the enemy sheathed themselves into the feline and arctic fox. Gameboy watched as both Crowe and Frost's tails flicked and curled in sharp jerky motions, their toes spreading before clenching tight at each thrust each time a new soldier would claim them, with the audio channel enabled he could her the rapid pace of the soldiers fucking his men in a desperate need to get off. No sooner had they unloaded under their enemies tails were they shifting around to the other side of the table to enjoy their maws as another soldier took their place. Gameboy lost count of how many URSIS soldiers were moving in and out of the camera shot, but looking at the chat window it appeared some enterprising individuals were. Hudson's tally was the highest thanks to being double and triple teamed fairly regularly, but with the pace Frost and Crowe's group was going, they weren't far behind.

Gameboy growled as he knew time was running out, he doubted Varvara and Andrei would give them a chance to escape this time. As soon as they were done humiliating the Commander and his team, they would undoubtedly finish the show with a public execution. His only hope was that Wier and Meyer were in position to blow the geothermal power plant as soon as Dietrich's team had completed their mission. Until then, all he and his men could do was endure their abuse and humiliation.


"Assets secured" Dietrich's voice spoke calmly over the commlink, almost as if he were kneeling beside the spit roasted canine and whispering directly into his ear.

Gameboy managed to push Andrei's hips back far enough so his length slipped free of the pinned canines maw, long enough to growl out "Blow it."

The Iron Wolf smirked down at Gameboy, having only heard one side of the conversation and replying with a mocking "Why yes Kommander, you can blow it some more" before he forced his length back inside the Malinois unwilling maw.

A few long agonizing moments passed with nothing more than Varvara and Andrei's panting filling the almost silent room, at least until somewhere in the distance a rumble was heard along with a faint vibration which shook the entire facility.

The room was plunged into an oppressive darkness and startled silence, time seeming to slow down to a crawl; then the screaming began. Flashes of red flared in the darkness to light the passages as the emergency lights came to life, warning sirens blaring and alerting the facilities occupants of a catastrophic fault with the geothermal systems below. The sirens quickly began to be drowned out by screaming and howling rising from floors below which was rapidly getting closer, the sounds of a crowd of people running like distant thunder getting closer.

With the power cut to all but the essential systems allowing escape from the facility, the holding cell doors had sprung open and released a torrent of prisoners whom were now storming the upper levels. Yells and shouts escalating to deafening proportions as prisoners pounced and attacked URSIS soldiers, pinning them to the ground and shredding their uniforms to get at any warm and tight opening they could find.

Varvara cursed and pulled up his trousers as he saw his men falling like dominos on the screens around the room, tucking his softening cock back inside his clothing before zipping up and turning to hurry from the room while shouting orders to Andrei as he left "Kill the Commander, properly this time Andrei!"

Andrei leered down at the panting Malinois left lying on the table after his assailants had finally withdrawn from him, reaching down to his boot to reveal a polished black karambit. As soon as the light hit the blade, Gameboy sprang into action and rolled forwards over and off the table to land on his knees just as Andrei brought the vicious hooked blade down where his neck had just been. With the wolf bent over the table, the Commander lunged and shoved the table back into his midsection, knocking the breath from his lungs and causing the larger wolf to stumble backward a couple of steps.

In the brief moment of confusion, Gameboy took advantage, leaping up onto the table before launching himself atop Andrei and knocking him off balance to land flat on his back. The Commander gripped at the wrist holding the knife, using all his weight to slam that hand down to the ground until the blade clattered across the floor and out of reach. Gameboy was so focused on removing the weapon that he had not noticed Andrei grabbing one of the toppled cameras and swinging it towards the his head. With a heavy crack the flat side of the camera smashed into Gameboy's temple, shattering the glass and plastic of the camera from the force, pain flaring along the right side of his face and the warmth of his own blood felt at his cheek from where his brow had been split.

The smaller canine slumped over onto his side, being shoved over by Andrei. The large wolf growled at the defenseless Commander, giving him a swift kick to the ribs in anger. Reaching down to grab about his throat, lifting him up into the air high enough his feet would barely brush the ground as he tried to gain some sort of leverage but was unable to. With a heave of his shoulders, Andrei slammed Gameboy down onto a table, further stunning the smaller canine into submission. Again pain flared along Gameboy's back and shoulders, his vision blurring as unconsciousness threatened to claim him. The large wolf gripped the Commanders ankles, forcing them up high over his shoulders as he lined his still stiff and throbbing cock up with his vulnerable behind and thrust victoriously into the defeated soldier. Gameboy finally yelped and whined, his mind a fog of pain and confusion as the large wolf loomed over him, thrusting a thick red length under his tail while trying to force his large knot inside the smaller male as if trying to claim victory over him physically and mentally.

Gameboy knew he couldn't let Andrei win, not like this. He couldn't let the wolf finish either, as soon as the Iron Wolf claimed his prize, no doubt he'd end the Commanders life finally. With his head still swimming in pain and confusion, Gameboy peered past Andrei at the large window overlooking the hallway below where the prisoners were currently assaulting his men and he saw his opportunity. With great effort, the determined Malinois shifted his position beneath Andrei, bracing his feet against the wolf's shoulders.

"Yes, that's a good bitch. Submit to your superiors, tell me how much you love being fucked like this" Andrei mocked the smaller canine, seeing him lifting and spreading his legs a little more, allowing the wolfs knot to really batter against his stretched opening.

"The only one fucked you" Gameboy snarled before giving Andrei a hard kick, sending the old wolf stumbling back in confusion before he crashed through the glass and out of sight. Gameboy lay still for a moment to collect his baring's before stumbling to his feet and making his way over to the window; just in time to see Andrei trying to get to his feet too slow to avoid being swarmed by a pack of eager prisoners. A brief moment of glee sparked in Gameboy as he noticed a large equine he'd had the misfortune of encountering before pinning the old wolf down and lining himself up, his haunches flexing as he bucked forward to the sound of a pained cry that was quickly muffled by the growing crowd clambering to get at the trapped wolf.


With Varvara having escaped and the Iron Wolf taken care of, Gameboy set about finding his men and making their way carefully through the facility towards the exit. What few guards that hadn't been assaulted by the prisoners were too busy fleeing to give them any trouble and soon bravo team emerged into the light of day outside the building. The sound of a helicopter began to thrum loudly above them as an old Russian military bird flew overhead and headed eastward away from the Kanaga research facility.

"Commander, what's the sitch on the primary and secondary targets?" Dietrich's voice sounded in the Commander's ear.

"Primary target evaded capture, probably on the chopper currently heading east away from the facility. Along with the Secondary target, over" Gameboy panted in response.

"Varvara is on the chopper?" Dietrich asked more directly.

"Roger, Varvara is on the chopper and getting away..." Gameboy growled low.

There was a brief pause in communication as what Gameboy had said sunk in, they had failed again.

"Oops..." Dietrich's voice sounded in Gameboys ear again, just as a missile streaked up from the Caldera floor and sped towards the fleeing chopper.

"Deet...did you just..." The Commander asked, trying not to burst into laughter as the chopper burst into a ball of flame and debris before it could deploy any countermeasures.

"Me? Never, that was just a conveniently well-timed weapons malfunction..." Dietrich replied earnestly, but Gameboy knew him well enough to know the bastard was grinning ear to ear right then.

"Yeah, you know how unreliable the old Soviet stuff is..." Crowe agreed with a grin at his Commander, "Besides...I think it's fitting that asshole goes out with something exploding in his rear."

"Anyone know how to pick a lock?" Hudson groaned as he held the front of is skirt aloft to reveal the cage still secured in place.

"So nice of you to join us Miss Hudson, might I say that's a lovely skirt you're wearing" Drake teased, wincing as he walked a little stiffly over to kneel before a rather unimpressed looking pony and starting to work on the lock.

"Oi need a shower...and a pint or two, my ass is killin me" Gaelic snorted as he stood beside the Commander.

"Welcome to the team..." was Gameboy's only response.


"Varvara's chopper went down in flames and he's confirmed KIA, unfortunately it's been confirmed the good doctor Armfeldt was not aboard. What's worse is he made off with his research, his Super Pheromone compound is out in the world now..." the CIA liaison grumbled, rubbing at his temples as he stared at the report in front of him. "But we at least caught or eliminated almost a dozen URSIS operatives targeting US citizens."

"What about Alexeyevich?" Gameboy asked.

"Unconfirmed, but unlikely he made it out of that facility given the description of events" The old mastiff General grumbled. "But...and this is a big one, that facility has been scrapped. Whatever your boys did to disable it proved too costly for the Soviets to even attempt retrieving any assets from there let alone get it up and running again. You boys took a very dangerous enemy installation off the board and you eliminated the leader of URSIS, that's a win in my book."

Sky Hunters

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual...

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This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual...

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Predator becomes Prey - Fanservice

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual...

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