Spy Training: A Step by Step guide

Story by Nyastella on SoFurry

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Commission for Cainiam on FA: Featuring lots of steppies and trampling.

Clarissa Clarion belongs to Cainiam, Sasha Snow to SquashedFlat on FA. Story by me!

"Agent Snow, you are to train and monitor Agent Clarion through her training; she knows the basics, but we want someone experienced to show her the ropes, show her what real TIMBER feels like. She's been promising so far, but we want her ready faster- that's why we entrust her to you, the best of the best here."

The anthro husky saluted respectfully. "Copy that, boss," she replied, before heading out of the room.

Later in her personal quarters, the woman was looking carefully through the file of the vixen she was supposed to train: Agent Clarissa Clarion. Young, rising superstar of the TIMBER agency, acing assignment after assignment. She learned at an alarmingly fast rate, possessed surprising strength for her frame and lightning reflexes, was a genius capable of improvising and adapting through virtually any unexpected situation, and had a rack that drove all the male agents crazy.

"... Tche!" With a hiss, Snow angrily threw the file on her desk. "What a worthless twerp. So what if she's so good? I'm motherfucking Sasha Snow, dammit!"

With a roar, the husky slammed her desk so hard her own fist throbbed in pain, causing her to grit her teeth harder, pure rage seeping out from her fangs. She was the star around here. Anybody who joined TIMBER would learn about her within the first week. She was the strongest, the fastest, the smartest. The unbeatable prodigy, Agent Sasha Snow. And yet, there was this little twig, trying to steal her spotlight? Unforgivable! Unacceptable!

She growled, her digits angrily tapping her desk and her leg bouncing nervously while she tried to think of a way to deal with this recruit. She had to get rid of her, some way or another.

As she thought back on her superior's words, an idea crossed her mind. Her angry frown turned into a devious, mischievous smile; she knew just how to solve her problem, and for that, she was going to do exactly what she was asked to do: show the rookie how areal TIMBER agent works.

"Aha! Found you!"

With a victorious grin, the busty vixen reached for the keycard: maximum security clearance. With that, she was going to be able to head down to the underground testing area, which was the last step in the training course she had been going through. With her heart racing, Clarissa jumped into the vents, leaving the way she came from. She still couldn't believe this was happening; out of the blue, her superiors had told her she would be trained by Sasha Snow, the TIMBER legend herself. The fox had almost fainted from the surprise when she was told; it was a literal dream come true. Sasha Snow was one of the very reasons she worked so hard- she was a role model, an icon, the embodiment of perfection she wished to reach. She was giving it her all, sometimes pulling all-nighters to work and improve her performance, constantly looking out for her own mistakes and ways to get better at her job. Knowing that she was going to be trained by the hero she idolized for her whole career had her ecstatic, but now that she was actually in the course she could feel anxiety almost crippling her. She had done her best to keep calm, but hearing Sasha's voice on the other end of the comms' device she was carrying prevented her from truly relaxing; she had to ace this. She had to pass whatever test this was with such flying colors that even Agent Snow would be impressed.

And that was Clarissa's exact problem: what could possibly impress a veteran like Sasha? She had to have done it all, seen it all. Could she even be surprised anymore?

Sasha's ears perked up as she heard footsteps from the other side of the locked door to the room she had been waiting in. Checking her stopwatch, she huffed: the stories about Clarissa were true, and the time she took to reach this place was spectacular.

"Oh my god," came the voice of the vixen, the second she opened the door and spotted the husky on the other side, next to a desk with a few supplies messily arranged on it.

"You're here. Fifteen minutes and twenty-three seconds; impressive."

Clarissa's tail shot up with excitement, the fox barely believing her idol had praised her.

"S-So, what now, Miss Snow?"

"Well, so far your field training's been going great, but I really want to make sure of one thing..."

Sasha threw the watch onto the desk, taking a few steps closer to Clarissa while cracking her knuckles.

"And that's how good of a fighter you are. We're going to spar, right here, right now, rookie."

"What?!! Seriously?"

Clarissa couldn't believe her ears: she was about to fight Sasha Snow. Like, immediately. She felt like she was being unexpectedly shoved into the most difficult test of her entire existence. When she saw the husky take a fighting stance, she realized Sasha wasn't kidding- and, trembling with excitement, she took a stance as well, her tail furiously flicking behind her.

"Oh gosh-- I can't believe-- I'm so excited, oh my god," she squeaked, her heart pounding like it was trying to tear its way out of her melon-sized tits.

"Don't think that just because you're a rookie I'll go easy on you," warned the husky, slowly analyzing her opponent's body language, "I always give it my all; that's how I crush the opposition, and complete the mission."

Her eyes widened as she engaged, dashing towards the vixen at lightning speed. Clarissa yelped, barely able to dodge a roundhouse kick that would've ripped her head clean off by ducking at the last second. She thanked her blessed reflexes for this, attempting to grab the husky's legs, to which Sasha replied by pulling her leg away using the momentum of her attack, before hopping out of the vixen's reach.

"It is important to not let your emotions take control of your movement," began Sasha, blocking a right hook.

She followed up by grabbing the vixen's arm, throwing her over her shoulder and kicking her in the gut, sending her rolling into the floor with a groan.

"Being too emotional prevents you from leveling your senses; you'll be unable to properly analyze your opponent and their moveset, and every second you lose fighting them is one more second during which they have a chance to win. Now get up!"

With a slightly pained sigh, the vixen slowly got up. She shook her head, taking a deep breath; that hit was exactly what she needed to break her out of her fan-crazed stupor.

"You're right. I let my excitement get the better of me," replied Clarissa. "But there is one thing I don't agree with. Your idea implies it's better to get rid of your emotions..."

A confident grin appeared on the busty girl's face as her muscles tensed up.

"... But I think it's better to use them."

With renewed vigor, Clarissa charged the husky, surprising the more experienced agent with her increased speed. She was a fox after all, quick and nimble, and she was going to prove it to Sasha in this battle. She remembered how hard she had been training all this time, her muscles straining, her body sweating, her brain crying for a break- she had pushed past her limits, both physical and mental, honed her skills and technique to a brilliant perfection, and reached an absurdly high level all for this very moment: to prove everyone- to prove Sasha Snow that Clarissa Clarion was going to be the next legend of TIMBER.

The husky noticed the clear change in behavior; the vixen had stopped playing defensive, switching to an almost overwhelmingly aggressive style, unleashing a flurry of attacks, never letting her even half a second to rest. Sasha was kept on her toes by the younger agent, her own attacks starting to slow down, the vixen dodging - and anticipating - her moves more easily.

The canine could barely believe it. The way her opponent moved, the way she attacked; she had already understood how she fought, and she was adapting, looking for the correct strategy and the techniques that could strike her down. Sasha gritted her teeth in anger when she realized how cruelly she had underestimated the trainee; within such a short time her fighting style had been analyzed and understood. That could only mean she would be at a disadvantage when Clarissa would find just the right way to counter her...

And find it she did. The fight, which had been looking fairly balanced so far, became progressively more and more one-sided; Sasha struggled to land hits, her attacks being blocked whenever her blows actually made contact with the vixen. On the other hand, Clarissa's strikes only seemed to grow swifter with each hit, the punches and kicks slowly chipping away at the husky's stamina as she avoided less and less, feeling the pain of the ones she couldn't block shooting up her spine.

As both opponents jumped away from each other, a short stalemate started; both agents were panting, profusely sweating due to the sparring room being terribly ventilated, the area growing stuffy with the smell of exercising anthros. While they both were tired, anybody stumbling on the scene would see Sasha Snow was at a clear disadvantage; even at a fairly young thirty-five years old, she could feel the weight of her age on her shoulders, and Clarissa, who was barely in her early twenties, was filled with much more energy than the husky could ever be.

Despite all of this, a smug grin appeared on Sasha's face.

"Impressive, rookie. I think it's time for me to go all out."


The vixen tensed up, barely believing that her star had been holding back all this time- she had to be bluffing, right? But when the husky kneeled down, reaching for her thick boots, Clarissa raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Sasha began slowly tugging at her footwear, the leathery shoe letting out a sickening *SCCHLLLRRRWHOHP!* as she yanked it off her paws, grunting from the effort. The boots had been swimming in her sweat and were practically glued to her feet, which made the husky almost regret having picked a particularly hot place to fight in to begin with.

But eventually, the chunky boots clattered onto the floor a few meters away from the husky, and Sasha stood back up, looking just as confident as Sasha had been a short while ago. Clarissa was still trying to figure out what was her opponent's plan, if she was bluffing, or if she had secret, hidden weights in her shoes... And then the smell hit her.

She barely held back a "Hrk!" of disgust when the horrid stench of steaming footpaws reached her sensitive nostrils. Only then did she realize the noticeable green fog that had formed around the thrownaway boots- and the stink fumes radiating off of the husky's feet.


The shout of the older agent brought the vixen out of her shock, just in time to see another roundhouse kick coming her way. She didn't duck again, this time opting to simply throw herself backwards- only realizing what a terrible mistake she had made when she saw the thick drops of sweat flying off of Sasha's toes, hitting her right in the face. The feel of those grimy, chunky, hot fluids on her fur made her shiver- and threw her off balance long enough for the husky to trip her with a sweeping kick. Clarissa yelped as she collapsed face first on the floor. She barely had the time to put her hands against it to try and get up when she felt a heavy weight crash onto her back as Sasha grabbed her arms, yanking them backwards and binding them along with her legs, in some sort of frogtie position.

"What's wrong, rookie? Those melons of yours starting to slow you down?" taunted the husky, snorting at her own joke. "Melons". That was actually a brilliant nickname for the vixen. How hadn't she thought of that one earlier?

Clarissa groaned, struggling to break free. However, Sasha didn't leave her any time before stretching out her legs, then clapping both her paws against the vixen's face, the sopping wet feet causing the impact to let out a loud *SCHPLAP!* echoing in the small room.

With the husky pressing her feet hard against Clarion's snout, the younger agent had no choice but to take a full, deep breath of their odor: the raw, stomach-churning, unfiltered stench of fuzzy, sweaty husky paws having stewed in chunky leather boots for over an hour. The vixen could only let out a choked shriek, gagging uncontrollably at the fetid reek seeping into her nostrils.

"Aw, don't be so dramatic, 'Melons'. I've only worn these boots for a couple hours today! Though I guess I do get particularly sweaty when exercising... Oh well!"

Shrugging it off, the husky began wiggling her toes against Clarissa's face, the vixen getting an "up close and personal" look at how unbelievably vile the grimy jam between those rank toes was. It dripped and oozed down her face, tainting her fur with their filth. The vixen coughed and gagged, each breath clogged with pure stink, the noxious fumes scrambling her mind. She couldn't think properly, every single thought focused on how to survive the olfactory assault without fainting.

"Let that be another lesson to you, rookie; an agent has to do whatever it takes to accomplish their mission," said Sasha, rubbing her paws on the trainee's head, using her fur like a sweat rag, causing Clarissa's facial fur to gradually turn from shining orange to a dirty, discolored green.

Sasha firmly held the younger agent, until the writhing and struggling devolved into nothing more than weak, asphyxiated twitches. Finally she released the vixen and stood up, her paws squelching against the floor as Clarissa coughed violently, gasping for the first breaths of - relatively - fresh air she had taken in half an hour. Her vision was blurry, her limbs were trembling; she was powerless, and she could only widen her eyes in horror when she saw her idol grab her leather boots, before walking back to her with a malicious grin on her face.

"Though, let me teach you one last thing, 'Agent Clarion'," hissed the canine menacingly, grabbing the vixen by the neck, "I am the star here. Nobody gets to steal the spotlight from Agent Sasha Snow. No matter how talented you are, no matter how popular you get, no matter how sexy you look- when people join TIMBER, they talk about me!"

With a vengeful roar the husky shoved her boot against Clarissa's face. With a grunt and a disturbing *SCHHQUERLTCH!* The vixen's head went in the footwear- but Sasha was not done, clearly attempting to further shove the trainee into her boot.

In there, Clarissa could feel herself wither from how bad the smell was. She had thought the stench from Sasha's feet was bad, but inside her boot, it was a whole other level, the unbearable reek of stale foot sweat, filthy and dirty husky feet and grimy toe-jam left to mix and stew in the stuffy footwear creating the most hellish odor she had ever smelled in her entire life.

She squirmed and thrashed, trying to break free from Sasha's grip, but the husky's stench had made her too weak. She could feel the canine shove her deeper into her boot, her body feeling more and more uncomfortably squeezed and flattened into itself.

After having shoved the vixen past her tits it had been a smooth ride, up until Clarissa's butt. Sasha groaned from the exertion, wiping sweat from her brow- that girl had to be annoying until the very end, hadn't she?

"I brought you here on purpose," she began, lifting her foot and starting to press her weight into the vixen's buttcheek. "I had to get rid of you, and I couldn't have any witnesses. Thankfully, you were so eager to train with me that you couldn't possibly have seen that coming... Hup!"

The husky began literally stomping the trainee into her boot, her sweaty feet squelching against the vixen's bountiful flesh one *SCHSPLARTCH!* at a time. The imprint of her foot was already visible on Clarissa's ass, and it only took a few minutes before the rookie disappeared into her idol's footwear. She had been forced face first into the insole, made to kiss the reeking leather and feel it against her tongue- it got worse when Sasha slotted her rancid paw back into her boot, the vixen-turned-putty almost immediately molding to the shape of the husky's foot, the ungodly amounts of sweat making sure she was glued tightly against it. She could feel Sasha's slightest movement, especially when she started wiggling her toes, testing out her new insole, the sweat and grime dripping down the squashed fox's shape, clogging her every breath, the fetid taste plaguing her tongue.

"My, you feel delightful, Melons. I think I'm gonna keep you in there! And hey, look at the bright side; you'll come along with me on every single one of my assignments," taunted Sasha Snow.

Then, she looked down at her other boot, pressing on it harder, earning a sickening *schplrtch, schlrrtch* from it.

"See? I told you I would find you a companion, Spots. I always keep my promises!"

With a victorious grin, the husky headed out: she had a busy day ahead of her after all, considering she'd have to announce the most promising TIMBER recruit, Clarissa Clarion, had resigned after her encounter with her, just like her predecessor, Chia Flax. Little did the agency know, both recruits were as close to their mentor as they could ever be- and they'll remain by her side, every single step of the way.

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