Cave Raid (Vore Story)

Story by mzmm on SoFurry

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This story was released 3 days early for my Patrons! Wanna see all my stories early, see WIPs and play early versions of my games, along with other cool benefits? Check out my Patreon!Like my writing? Want to support my work? Buy me a snack! | Want to get a notification whenever I upload?  Join my Telegram channel! - 

A commission for PrairieGoblins. Your kobold cave has been raided by a monstrous kobold named Kerbal, and he's hunting you down...

"Come on, come on! We can't look back, he's gaining on us..."

You yelled this to your friend as you reached out for their hand, trying your best to drag them through this alleyway as quickly as possible. You were a small, urban kobold, and your cave was currently under attack from a barbaric, monstrous creature known only as Kerbal. Kerbal might have looked somewhere close to a kobold in stature, but he was a beastly fellow, almost like a caveman in manner and appearance. His gray body was covered with black, scaly patches, and he towered over the rest of his purported kin...even though he only came in at about four-and-a-half feet tall! Kerbal and his insatiable appetite had thoroughly raided the entire settlement, swallowing up any kobold that he could find to satiate an ever-growing hunger. You and your friend Tassle had escaped from your complex together, and along the journey to find some sort of hole or corner safe from the monster you had also met up with another survivor. Though, they were lagging a bit behind, and in the moment, you couldn't really slow down to allow them to keep up...

You did manage to grab your friend's flailing hand after a few swipes, pulling them around a corner and into a small alley while you peeked around to usher the other kobold towards you. "Run! Run for your fucking LIFE!" you yelled to them, keeping your eyes trained over their shoulder to watch out for Kerbal rounding the corner in full chase mode. That didn't happen, thankfully, but even as they ran over and slipped behind the corner with you, it was still quite obvious that you all needed to find a hiding spot, and fast. "Okay. I think we lost him, for the time being. Does anyone know of a place that would be too small for that...thing to fit in?" you asked as the three of you settled up against the cold, brick wall, taking these few precious moments to catch your breath before you would inevitably have to start running once more.

"I-I'm not sure. I remember playing in this little tunnel in the market district when I was a hatchling, but that was so long ago. Don't even know if it's still around..." Tassle offered; you took a second to think it over, before the plodding noise of rapid, frantic foot travel behind you made the decision for you. "It's a start. Let's go."

The three of you slipped around the corner as fast as you could, sticking to as many dark alleyways and side paths as you possibly could to keep the beast off your trail. Along the way, you didn't run into a single other kobold, only reinforcing the thought in your mind that everyone who hadn't been snatched up was secreted away in a safe place and that the three of you were the only ones left for Kerbal to devour. That realization only juiced up your navigation towards the market district, trying your best to keep close enough to the straggler that you had picked up while also keeping an eye out for the tunnel that Tassle had mentioned...

"Here! Here!" the kobold said in the middle of your frantic search through abandoned market stalls and half-eaten produce, pulling the two of you over to a crack in the side of the wall. "I remember now. If you can crawl through here, then there's a little opening on the inside. It should be a big enough for the three of us to hide in..."

You took a moment to inspect the crevice. It would be a tight fit for sure, but it was relatively inconspicuous and was far better than any other candidate, that was for sure. "A-alright. You go through first. I'll keep watch out here, but try to hurry..." you said as Tassle immediately got down on all fours, sticking his head into the opening and quickly starting to worm his way inside. The two of you got as low to the ground as you possibly could, keeping it quiet and trying to pay attention to your environment while Tassle slipped into the opening, the small kobold disappearing up to his chest in just a matter of a minute or so. It was a good pace, but not fast enough for how quick Kerbal could move; and there was no doubt that the monster could smell the three of you in the air and was heading in your direction right now. So you had to speed the process up a little bit.

You put both of your hands on the base of Tassle's tail, pushing on your friend's butt as hard as you could to help them wiggle their way inside! The kobold let out a loud, startled squeak at first, clearly not expecting something back there, but eventually, the two of you did manage to make some headway. Enough for you to start crawling in after him...once you made sure that the other kobold hadn't wandered off, and that Kerbal wasn't in the immediate vicinity. Well. As sure as you could be about that.

"Nngh...damn shoulders..." Tassle mumbled ahead of you as your head started to enter the crack, the kobold wiggling and contorting his body until you heard a sharp *pop* from ahead of you. His body started moving forward quite a lot faster afterwards, and you were able to get nearly waist-deep inside of the tunnel by the time Tassle slipped all the way inside and was able to turn around to help you inside. "Oh yeah. There's definitely enough room in here for the three of us." he said before reaching a hand out for you; though at this depth, that hand looked like it was emerging straight out of a void of darkness, something that unsettled you more than a little bit for a second until you got your bearings again! With Tassle helping you, the process became quite a bit faster, though you did end up having pebbles scraping against your belly scales more than a few times as you were pulled inside the crevice. A far better fate than what lay outside, though, that was for sure!

As soon as you clambered through the hole and re-ascertained yourself, you turned back to the entrance, watching the sliver of light that shone into your hiding place disappear as the third kobold dropped down and started to maneuver their way inside. Though, they seemed to be having quite a bit more trouble with it than you or Tassle, and to make matters even could hear those footfalls again, in the distance. Like a death knell, they rang for you, only quickening as things started to get frantic in your shelter.

"Hurry!! Grab onto my hand!" you shouted as you reached into the tunnel, Kerbal getting close enough to the point where you could practically hear the creature's fervent, frantic breathing. "I-I can't! My shoulder..." the kobold cried out in response as you tugged and pulled on their arm as hard as you could, to the point where you would potentially end up dislocating the shoulder that they were complaining about. But time was up. The lizard let out a frantic scream as Kerbal grabbed onto the tail sticking out of the crevice, casually YANKing the lizard with far more strength than either of you could muster. Those screams were quickly muffled as you heard Kerbal grumble in delight before stuffing half of the lizard into his mouth, treating you to the wet, slurping noises of his messy devouring. All while you slumped to the cave floor in defeat, slowly wiggling back into the crevice as quietly as you could.

You started to say something, your heart pounding out of your chest due to what you had just witnessed, but Tassle immediately placed a hand over your muzzle to shush you before leaning in and whispering into your ear. "He doesn't know we're here yet...maybe. Don't make a sound, and maybe he'll fuck off..."

The next few minutes of your life were racked with terror as the two of you sat in silence, hoping and begging for the monster outside your hiding place to not follow up on the place he had dragged a kobold out of earlier. But, outside, Kerbal himself was not silent at all. Loudly slurping his fingers, sniffing around and trying to peek into the hole, and perhaps the most startling moment of all...a rude, raucous *UUUuuuaaaAAaarrrppp* that bounced off the walls of the empty cave that close to 100 kobolds had once called a home, complete with the splattering of bits of the lizard's clothing onto the cave floor, right in front of the he was warning the two of you of what would happen if you got discovered. As if you needed a reminder.

Things would quiet down every now and again, and the two of you would hesitantly breathe a sigh of relief; but then, you would hear a shifting or a noise from outside, and the conniptions would start once more. Yet, for all the little noises and movements that Kerbal made outside, he never actually seemed interested in peeking all the way in to see if there were any more snacks inside. Perhaps he was resting outside? You didn't dare crawl to the center of your little hovel and try to check, though. The two of you oriented yourself as far away from the opening as possible...or, at least, what you thought was as far away from that hole as possible. Despite the crack of light shining into your hidey-hole, it was still very dark in here, leading to a few bumped heads and stubbed claws. At least it was preferable to the alternative.

During one of those shifting, noisy moments, things started to get a little bit too close for comfort. Kerbal had gotten back down on his feet to explore the hole a bit more, reaching in with a hand and casually feeling around, like he was checking just how deep the hole was or something; but, just the fact that he still had an interest in your hiding spot was more than enough to send the two of you back into a full-on panic. You both huddled in close, finding it impossible to keep your breaths down to the point where Kerbal couldn't hear them. At this point, there was nothing you could do but hope.

"AHA!" Kerbal exclaimed as his hand suddenly dove into the crevice, finding purchase on the tip of Tassle's tail and immediately yanking on it, pulling the kobold halfway back through the opening with just a twitch of his forearm. "NO! Tassle!" you immediately cried out, grabbing on to your friend's hand and pulling on it as hard as you could...but your strength was absolutely no match for the brute's. Claw marks dug into the rock as Tassle used all of his energy to keep himself from being pulled away, but it was all in vain. It took just one more tug to fully pull Tassle out of his hole, your friend completely disappearing from your view. Kerbal lifted the kobold up into the air with one hand, dangling Tassle above his mouth as his beady, black eyes and red sclera stared right into his meal's own, terrified eyes.

"P-please! Don't - " was all Tassle could say before Kerbal let go, the kobold face-planting right onto the flat tongue that had been rolled out like the world's worst red carpet for his inevitable arrival, just narrowly missing the two yellowed fangs that jutted out of either side of Kerbal's mouth. The greedy, barbaric kobold already had half of Tassle in his mouth while the kobold he had scarfed down earlier was still wiggling around inside of least Tassle would have some company once he plopped down into the guts that had digested countless of his kind before. The only thing you could do as you sat alone in the hole was plug your ears so you didn't hear the glucks and gulps of Kerbal devouring your friend, but as it all happened, the thought in the back of your head became "did he know you were in here too?".

Tassle's muzzle immediately splattered right into Kerbal's greasy gullet from the drop, not even giving the kobold a chance to offer even the most token resistance to his predator before the cavernous throat got a hold of him and GLUCKed half of his body right down. The quivering throat flush all around him wasted no time in starting to pull Tassle down further, thick sloshing and gurgling starting to enter his ears as he was plunged into the depths of Kerbal, only getting louder with each passing second. But, another sound started to barge its way into the cacophony that was assaulting Tassle's ears with every swallow: the muffled, mostly-whimpery protests of the kobold that Kerbal had devoured just a few minutes ago! Sharing a stomach with with the kobold that you had attempted to help escape from your predator was just a bit of insult to the injury of being devoured in the first place, and that seemed to be the reality that Tassle was heading towards with every swallow.

Kerbal played around with Tassle's spiny tail in his mouth for a few moments, before tipping his head back and finalizing his second snack with one last *glk*. At the same time, a huge weight fell into his already-packed stomach, his gut bouncing and slorshing as Tassel was dumped inside, right on top of the stomach sludge and mostly solid, weakly-kicking kobold he had devoured earlier. The successful predator let another deep, rumbling belch rip, so loud that you were unable to escape it even with your ears plugged as tight as you possibly could plug them, so intense that it shook the cold ground beneath you a little bit...guh. You didn't want to think about what was happening out there at all, but everything Kerbal did just roped you back into it. At least he would be satisfied now? Maybe he would at the very least leave you alone, long enough to process what had just happened to you...

Of course, Kerbal was still hungry, and he knew that there was at least one more kobold in the hole he had pulled two delicious snacks out of. He let you know that just a minute or so later, reaching in with his hand and poking around as deep as he could. But, maybe you were much farther back than Tassle was, or maybe the kobold's giant stomach was starting to get in the way; either way, he just couldn't reach you. The kobold was stumped for a few moments, problem solving clearly not the greatest strength of his; but he soon realized that he had something else that might be able to reach a bit deeper than his arm...

It had been stirred up by all the wonderful movement inside of Kerbal's stomach: the creature's long, gray shaft, complete with a white tip and its own set of black scales along the balls that hung between Kerbal's legs. At full mast, it was easily longer than either of his arms, and it was quickly growing to that size with how full and wiggly his stomach was. After a few more moments, where the kobold let his cock grow to its full size, he started to straddle the side of the wall in preparation for literally fucking the hole that you were hiding in! His gut pressed up against the wall, the two kobolds inside being squished and squeezed between a rock and a hard place as Kerbal struggled to align his cock just right, especially with a giant bulge in front of him to maneuver around.

You heard all this commotion in front of you, seeing the small sliver of light being plugged up by the kobold cock, though you didn't know that's what it was yet. Trembling in fear, you pressed all of your body up against the back wall of the cave, spreading your arms out as wide as possible and bunching your tail up behind you to make it as difficult as possible for Kerbal to grab a hold of you. It was all you could really do at this point, make it difficult enough that the kobold might consider just giving up...

That wouldn't work with Kerbal, unfortunately. He knew you were hiding in there, and he was far too stubborn to give up, especially after the concept of filling up his balls appeared in his mind! His shaft started to poke deeper into the opening, Kerbal groaning just a little bit as he put everything into these thrusts. If his white cock head grabbed a hold of even a toe or the tip of your tail, it was curtains...soon enough, the shaft slid right into your enclosure, poking around like a snake in the darkness for anything it could latch onto. It was so hard for you to discern where it was as well, and you didn't much feel like moving around to try and ascertain its location. You just hoped you would never feel the thing...

And then it happened. First, a quick brush along your toes, then a more pointed thrust as you heard a grunt of approval from Kerbal outside. Oh god. Your whole foot slid right into the cock head in one quick movement, all the way down to the ankle...a wet *shlk* accompanied the movement as your foot was engulfed by hot, slimy flesh, Kerbal immediately yanking his hips backwards and pulling you onto the floor of your little hiding spot. You yelled out as the hungry flesh tugged on your leg, its grip so tight that you couldn't even flip over to try and grab out the ground without risking a twisted ankle or worse. God, the musk, filled your entire enclosure, choking you up a little bit as your leg was both sucked deeper into Kerbal's cock with a wet *shllLLP* and as it was pulled back the way you came, back the way everyone before you had gone.

"Come ON! You already ate everyone else, what do you need me for!?" you yelled incredulously as the kobold's shaft quickly gulped your leg up to your knee, your other flailing leg soon pressing against that hungry slit and getting SLURPed up in one quick clench to complete the pair. Rhythmic, throbbing pressure squeezed all over your body, creating an almost vacuum-like suction that slurped your body up at a frightening pace. The kobold's meaty, hungry urethra soon chugged you down all the way up to your waist, the precise predation of Kerbal's shaft not expected from the creature's wasn't like you had a chance to escape, anyway, but you thought you would at least be able to put up a little bit of a fight! Instead, though, you were halfway inside of the world's hottest, tightest sleeping bag, being pulled out kicking and screaming from the tiny hidey-hole that you had called home for the past hour or so. The last member of a tribe that had either been reduced to fat, jizz, or shadows of their former selves, hidden in nooks and crannies throughout the cave, hopefully enough to potentially repopulate at some point...though, really, that would just be more food for Kerbal in the future if today was any indication.

You squinted as torchlight once again entered your eyes, your head being pulled back into the market district by Kerbal's thick, veiny dick as it continued to swallow you whole. The victorious, fed kobold loomed over you, his gut still full of squirming friends, the large bulge in his stomach still twitching every now and again while the couple's cock clenched tightly around your form. The urethra was cleanly up to your armpits now, pushing your limp arms up into the air as you heard the 'bold's broken, rudimentary Draconic taunting you about your fate. "Mmm, kobold make good nut sludge. Say bye-bye~"

Those were the last coherent words you heard from Kerbal, the monstrous kobold waving goodbye to you over his gravid stomach as your arms continued to be raised up over your head. Your neck was now firmly inside of Kerbal's cock, the lips of the shaft threatening to engulf your head in just a few more gulps...! And there was nothing you could do about it. You couldn't even squeak out a few curse words with how much pressure was being put on your chest; even breathing was becoming a bit difficult, and not just because of the incredibly thick musk that was clouding your mind and your lungs. Swallowed whole by a kobold cock, what a way to go...


In one powerful muscular contraction, your neck and the entirety of your head was pulled into Kerbal's cock, plunging you fully into the hot, suffocating darkness that the rest of your body had been basting in for the past few minutes. All that was left of you was a bulge traveling down Kerbal's gray shaft, and a pair of arms sticking out of his drooling urethra...though even those were not long for this world, just due to the inertia of how much of you was inside of Kerbal. Your feet had been pushed through into the kobold's bubbling, boiling balls by that same motion as well, dunked into the searing-hot, musky liquid that sloshed around inside, a preview of what would happen to the rest of you once your journey down this slick tunnel was finished. A journey that was being helped along by the horny lizard, Kerbal jerking himself off and humping his shaft up against his gravid stomach to get you down into his balls faster...and to help his digestion along, as well~

The kobold didn't even wait for you to be fully inside of his sack before he trotted away from the hole and into the market district, finally, fully satisfied with his raid on this camp of delicious kobolds. You were jostled around inside Kerbal's shaft with every step he took, more of you slipping out into his balls and starting to bump against the rocky ground as he walked. Finally, Kerbal arrived at what would be a suitable spot to retire for the time being: a bale of hay, out of which he had dug a kobold earlier, behind one of the ruined market stalls. A suitable place for him to digest his latest catches, that was for sure.

Right as Kerbal flopped down in the spot he wouldn't be moving from for at least a few hours, the last of you slid out into the kobold's churning balls. It was like a waterslide, momentum taking you forward and dumping you down into the churning, bubbling sauna that Kerbal had between his legs. Laying on his side, the kobold's balls sort of splayed out on the ground, showing off his gravid, virile well as his groaning, sloshing stomach! The kobolds inside were entirely sludge at this point, a bit of foreshadowing of what was about to happen to you if you didn't manage to get out...and that was pretty much impossible with how little energy you had left. It was so sweltering in here, and sinking into the hot, thick liquid that surrounded you was really starting to sound better by the minute. Wasn't like you had a choice...

The kobold's sack continued to bubble and broil into the night, Kerbal eventually falling asleep surrounded by the belched-up bones, scraps of digested clothing, and jizz puddles of all the kobolds he had snarfed on. His cock twitched every now and again, burping up globs of melted you from his gravid, sloshing orbs...tomorrow, certainly, the kobold would blow a fat load all over this cave, marking the territory as truly his before waddling out proud and full. But, for And digestion.

Next Session (Vore Story)

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