The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 9 - I Choose You, Gomamon!

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#26 of The Twelve Talismans

All right here is the next series of the Twelve Talismans. This is semi based on the cartoon show.

Circeus was here! :p


The Twelve Talismans:

Dimensional Travels

Chapter 9 -- I Choose You, Gomamon!



"Okay, where are we now??" Gomamon looked around as the throbbing in his skull slowly died down. "Where" seemed to be a forest again, but this time everything seemed bright and cheerful at least.

"How should I know?" Gabumon answered, looking up at some rather strange birds flying overhead. "Seems as peaceful as the last place." He grabbed another cookie from Swift Heart's bag to munch on.

"I know this world!" Vulpix perked up as she sniffed the air. "This is my world!"

"Really, this is the Pokemon world?" Gomamon blinked twice at her, still recovering from the dimension hop. He paused for a second. "One sec, Vulpix?"

"Yes?" The Pokemon asked as she turned toward him.

"You can speak, now?" Gabumon was just as surprised.

"You mean you can understand me?" She blinked her black eyes twice.


"Gatomon? Ga-Gato."

"Gabumon, Gabugabu."

"Go-Goma... mon Goma?"


The boy hid in the tall grass. He had a mop of brownish-red hair and a bunch of red and white balls attached to his belt. He brought up a small orange computer which he pointed at the four Pokemon. It beeped once and emitted an electronic voice.

"Gatomon. Type Fighting/Psychic. Its power is greatly increased by the golden ring on its tail."

"Gabumon. Type Normal/Fire. It never takes off his pelt for any reason."

"Gomamon. Type Water. It is one of the best known swimmers, and can even control minor sea life."

"Wow!" Gary smiled as he reached down and replaced his computer. "Three never before seen Pokemon before!" He reached for his belt and grabbed a ball. This was not a normal pokeball, but an Ultra ball: it could catch any Pokemon without weakening it, and he had been saving it for just such an occasion. Here were three Pokemon he wanted, and he didn't want any of them to escape. He chose his target carefully before leaping up and throwing the ball at one of the creatures.


"Weird." Gatomon looked at Vulpix. "Maybe when we arrived here, we took on some of this word's traits?" The feline scratched the back of her head as she thought it over, when-- "Ouch!" Something hit her in the head. "Who is throwi--" That was all she managed before she suddenly turned into a red light, which the now open pokeball absorbed before clamping shut and falling to the ground.

"What the fuck?" Gomamon stared at the ball as it rolled to a stop. "Did that thing just eat her?!" He ran up to the ball and grabbed it between his flippers.

"It's a trainer!" Vulpix shouted in warning as the human jumped out of the bushes.

"All right, that's one!" Gary held out a pokeball and threw it out. "Golem, go!" The ball opened, and a new creature suddenly appeared in a red flash. It was like some sort of ugly-looking, spherical Gotsumon made of brown stone with muscular arms and legs sticking out of its body. "Tackle the Gomamon!" Gomamon was a water type, and Gary wanted him out of the way before he could use a water attack!

What Gomamon called the trainer is unfit for repeating, and thus it is for the better that all Gary heard was "Goma, Gomamon Goma!"

The seal moved to tap the flipper, hoping to activate the pig power. "Come on lasers! LASERS DAMMIT!" All to no avail. Obviously he had not absorbed the power from the last world, and it just now he realised! The digimon, still woozy from the portal jump, did not have the agility to dodge the incoming attack and was smashed into head on. "Gommmma!" Gomamon went out like a light. A ball came forward and hit him in the side doing to him the same thing that had already happened to Gatomon.

"Blue Blaster!" Gabumon called.

"Flamethrower!" Vulpix added her own fire attack.

Their attacker was enveloped in a swarm of fire, but being a rock type of Pokemon, it barely stung him as it turned him into a spinning ball of rock on fire, and turned towards the remaining two. "Aim for the Gabumon!" Gary shouted his order.

The creature turned on a dime and rolled towards Gabumon full force, leaving behind a trail of scorched earth. Fortunately for Gabumon, Vulpix tackled him out of the way. "Uhhh!" He grunted as they both fell to the side. Golem's attack was not without victims, however, for the Pokemon went over the bag of care Bear treats with a loud crunching noise.

"Hey! Those were mine!" The lizard protested angrily.

Vulpix got up quickly. "We need to get out of here!"

"But, Gatomon, and Gomamon!" Gabumon protested, firing another fire blast at the Golem.

"They'll be fine. If we get caught, we won't be have a chance to help them!" She warned him right as Golem rolled out of its ball. The twin fire attack caught him right in the face the second it was exposed, and he fell over on his back, enough attack getting through to take him down. "Run!" Vulpix shouted. She knew they had only a few seconds before Gary summoned a new Pokemon.

Gabumon looked back for a split second before he decided to bow to the Pokemon's advice. This was her world after all. "All right, let's go!" They took off across the field as Gary readied another pokeball. His Blastoise, a six foot blue turtle with two cannon, emerging from his shell in the middle of the field. He aimed his cannons at the fleeing Pokemon, but they were already out of his range.

"Dang!" Gary snapped his fingers. He wanted to chase after that Gabumon, but first he had to get the other two pokeballs back: it would be dumb to leave them behind because he went chasing after a third pokemon. He rushed over and grabbed them, but that cost him even more time. "Bah... I wish I'd gotten that Gabumon... but I have another appointment." He sighed as he placed the two newest members of his team on his belt. He pulled out another ball and threw it on the ground, where it expulsed a giant metal bird with red wings appeared, a Skarmory. He jumped on the bird's back and pointed dramatically. "To the Rogue Arena! It's time for another victory!"


"They're getting away!" Gabumon shouted angrily as he watched that kid fly away.

"We can't go after them." Vulpix held on to his yellow hand. "If we get taken in a pokeball, we'll never escape!"

Gabumon just tugged harder. "I've got to go after them! Gomamon is the only one who can get us back to our world!"

"But Gabumon..." The pokemon looked at her pelted friend and saw the determination in his eyes. She relented with a sigh. "I'm sure, we will think of something." She smiled weakly.

Gabumon looked down at his friend, and nodded as well. "Thanks Vulpix... you're a true friend..." He reached under the pelt and pulled out the tracking statue once more. Two of the four heads were glowing. One facing the direction the boy went, and the other directly behind. Obviously Gomamon was the one ahead. "Well... let's get walking."


"Welcome to the Rogue league!" The announcer shouted. The arena was packed with spectators ready to watch Pokemon battle it out. Gary stood on a platform at one end of the arena, whereas a purple haired girl trainer was on the other platform. "And welcome to the first round! Facing off on this match are Violet on the north end of the field, and Gary to the south. This promises to be a truly epic standoff! And it will be a two-Pokemon battle!"

Gary moved first to grab a ball from his belt. "Well, hold on to your hats, I have something new for you all to see!" He threw the ball, and a lightning ball of red light appeared. He was disturbingly eager to show off his new rare Pokemon. When the light cleared, a white furred seal with a red mohawk stood there.

"What the FUCK was that?!" Gomamon shook his head. Jumping out of the pokeball gave him a rush for a second, but the next one he was too busy worrying about just what was in front of him to wonder about that. And as it happens, what was in front of him was a giant red dragon, easily five times his size, with an orange belly; giant wings stretched from his back and his orange tail's tip was on fire. "Oh fuck me! A Charizard!"

The Charizard grinned down at the tiny little Pokemon. "Boy is this a mismatch." He'd never seen or heard of such a pokemon, but it didn't concern him one bit.

"Charizard, use Tail Whip!" Violet shouted to her Pokemon with a dramatic pose.

"She's going easy on you." The dragon turned around and brought his tail down. "Guess my trainer feels bad!"

Gomamon rolled out of the way, the strike missing him by barely an inch. "Hey buddy, what's this about?!" He shouted as he rolled back on his belly.

"We're Pokemon. We fight." He swung his tail again, catching the digimon in the face this time. "Duh."

"Uhhh!" Gomamon went flying and rolled across the arena floor. "Son of a bitch!" He shook his head, feeling the fur of his cheek singed.

"Gomamon!" Gary shouted from his platform. "Use Water Gun!"

"What?!" The seal looked back to the human yelling at him. "What the HELL is a water gun?!"

"You don't even have the most basic water attack?" His opponent snorted. "Worst. Match up. Ever." Then the next command came from his trainer, ordering him to use Flamethrower. "Sorry, runt!" He inhaled, than sent out a jet of fire, strafing the area with the attack.

"Gomamon! Use a water attack already!" Gary shouted out angrily from his platform.

The digimon rolled out of the way again. At least that was something he was good at: dodging. Never lacked practice at it. He could feel the heat from the attack. "I don't HAVE a water attack you stupid fucker!" He shouted back.

"Wow, you are the Worst. Pokemon. Ever!" The orange dragon laughed at the little white seal as he readied another attack.

"Oh fuck this." Gomamon tapped his flipper once. "You know what?" The dragon picture began to glow brightly for a second. "You're right, I am no Pokemon."

"What?" Charizard stomped forward.

"I'm a digimon!" Gomamon flung out his flippers, calling on the dragon power in what was probably the most powerful attack the audience had even seen, let alone that Charizard had ever felt. The lizard went flying back and struck the wall, making it crack, then sliding down and collapsing in a heat.

"Whoa..." Gary's eyes went wide. "A dragon attack. Man, that is awesome!"

Silence fell over the arena. Everybody could tell now that this was no usual pokemon match, and this was no normal pokemon.

Gomamon trudged over toward the trainer, saying something Gary couldn't understand about his mother and what Gomamon had done with her last night. The human held out the pokeball.

"Gomamon, return!"

Gomamon looked up and felt his body start to glow crimson. "Hey wait!" He shouted as he was sucked into the pokeball. "Son of a..."

Violet grimaced a bit as she called for Charizard to return. "All right, I wasn't expecting that... but let's try on something else for size!" She shouted as she flung out yet another ball.

"Gatomon, I choose you!" Gary threw his second newest Pokemon, completely confident in his abilities to control and use any Pokemon for a victory.

There was a flash of light, and the small white feline was there. the audience calmed a bit, mistaking her for a Meowth. "Where am I?" Gatomon looked around, and spotted Gary on top of a platform. "Hey! You're the..." Gary stared down at her. Obviously he didn't understand a word.

"Gatomon, turn around!" He suddenly shouted. This one might turn out to be a bit harder to control.

"Hey!" Gatomon shouted up at the young boy. "You are not my digidestined, and..." She sensed something move behind her and jumped to the side just in time before a large red claw slammed into the ground where she was. "What now?"

"What" turned out to be a miniature, red Snimon with red carapace and crab-like claws, a Scizor. "Well, aren't you quick on your feet." He noted.

Gatomon did a little back flip, landing on all fours. "What was that about?" Scizor charged again as his trainer shouted for him to use the metal claw attack. Scizor's arms began to glow with light as he began to swipe with even more power. "Hey! Quit it!" Gatomon dodged the attacks with her usual skill.

"New to this aren't you?" Scizor pressed his attack. "I'll try and knock you out gently, if you'll just stay still..."

"Gatomon, use Rock Smash!" Gary shouted from his platform.

"What, "rock smash"?! Are you insane?!" Gatomon shouted back. "What rock?" He was fast getting annoying.

"Hey, you're fighting me!" Scizor leapt forward and swung his claws wide. "I don't want you to whine about how cheap it was hitting you when you weren't paying attention." Another swipe followed, with his left claw.

Gatomon sighed a bit and held out her paw, catching the metallic claw with barely any effort. "Oh for pity's sake."She held out her other paw and did the same with the second claw. "Would you just stop already?"

"You know the rules." Scizor strained... This Gatomon was stronger-. Much stronger than she looked.

"What rules?" The feline pushed back, her back paws pushing into the ground: this guy was no slouch either.

"We fight till one of is knocked out." Standstill.

"So let me... get this straight." Gatomon panted as her "trainer" shouted out some orders, which she pointedly ignored. "We are kidnapped, kept in those balls, and only let out to fight until we beat one another to a pulp?"

"Yeah, that's basically it." Scizor felt himself being pushed back a bit.

"That is just sick!" Gatomon spat. But she knew the rules of the game now, and if that was the game. "Sorry..."

"For?" Came the confused response.

"This." The feline pulled down hard on the metal claws, slamming them into the ground with force. In the same movement she did a front flip, her tail coming down so the metal ring on it collided right on Scizor's forehead. The sharp sound of metal on metal sound seemed to fill the entire arena. Scizor just stood there for a moment before falling forward. He did not stir.

"Yeah, I did it!" Gary shouted up on the platform, pumping his fist.

"You!?" Gatomon turned around. The fighting didn't anger her much, but hearing that? "Why you arrogant, self-righteous..." She stomped back toward the human, waving her clawed paw angrily.

Gary looked down as his pokemon shouted up at him. Probably a cheer for his awesome coaching. He held out his ball. "Gatomon, return!"


The two travelers trudged through the swamp. The boy they were chasing had that giant metal flying bird... thing of his. He could be miles and miles away by now. "I'm starting to wonder if we'll catch up..." Gabumon sighed as he waded waist-deep in water.

Vulpix trudged next to him, the water coming up to her neck and practically dog-paddling her way through the deeper parts. "We'll catch up to them, eventually... But do you have a plan?" She asked.

Gabumon let out a little sigh. Truth be told, he had no idea what would happen when (if!) they managed to catch up. He was in his least powerful form, which was apparently about equal to the average Pokemon. That kid could very well have dozens of Pokemon, and more powerful ones; and there might be dozens of trainers like him. "We err... we'll see when we get there..." He suddenly tripped into a dip, dunking his head underwater before he surfaced back, sputtering madly and dog-paddling to the edge of the swamp. He pulled a big piece of algae off his face and flung it to the side. "Ugghhh..."

Vulpix stepped onto the shoreline behind him. She shook her entire body, sending flying. "I don't like water at all." She hissed a bit before closing her eyes. Her entire body began to heat up and steam rose like mist from it. Within moments she was nice and dry. "Ah, much better."

"That's a neat trick." Gabumon shook a bit, but his pelt was still thoroughly soggy. He took part of it between his hands and began to wring the water out.

"You know, I could dry it for you." The pokemon offered. She began to gather some wood in her muzzle and placed it on a bare patch of rock.

Gabumon's yellow cheeks turned red. "I... never take off my pelt... It's... embarrassing."

She gave him a bemused look before using her fire attack to ignite the dead wood for fire. "I sucked your cock and licked your asshole, but being without your pelt is embarrassing?" She giggled a bit as the lizard blushed ever harder. "Am I embarrassing you, Gabumon?"

"Well... um... a bit..." Gabumon continued to wring the blue and white fur as he moved closer to the fire.

"You never had a problem before." The fox sat down on the other side of the fire. "I mean, we've mated. A lot."

"Ummm... yeah... but, um..." He tried his best to explain but only managed to bumble away senselessly.

"You are so silly sometimes." As she was snickering, her hears perked up. "Listen."

"Huh?" The digimon listened intently, but his hearing wasn't as acute as Vulpix's, and he didn't hear anything. "Is there trouble?" He tensed up.

"Nope." The multitailed suddenly walked away toward a grove of trees. Those she had heard turned out to be plant-type pokemon. One was the small quadruped creature with a green bulb on its back known as Bulbasaur. The other was a larger version of it, a red flowering beginning to poke to of its bulb: an Ivysaur. Specifically, a male Ivysaur busy with pounding the female Bulbasaur doggystyle.

Gabumon felt his face get bright red, but watched anyway. He was a voyeur at heart, and got a bit aroused at the display that he completely missed Vulpix walking up to the pair. "Vulpix!" He finally hissed at the fox, but she ignored him.

The pokemon walked right up to the mating couple. "Excuse me?"

The Bulbasaur grunted a bit as she looked up; the Ivysaur didn't seem to notice the newcomer. "Uhhh, can I... help you?"

"Yes, we lost a couple of our friends to a trainer..." Vulpix regaled the pair with a short version of what had happened to them.

"They're lost you know." Ivysaur slowed down a touch without actually stopping so he could grunt his answer. "It's best to forget about them."

"There are... err... special reasons we can't." Vulpix glanced back to Gabumon, who was still hiding in the bushes. "Can you just help us out of the swamp? Preferably a dry way?"

Bulbasaur nodded with a little lustful groan. "Ummm sure... Just... give me a sec..." She groaned, and as she spoke, vines from her larger mate's half-opened flower began to extend. "If you aren't in a hurry..."

"Oh sure." Vulpix sat back down on her haunches, letting the couple finish their job., patiently waiting as Ivysaur increased his tempo. His vines began to wrap around the smaller female, one of the thick tendrils sliding into her mouth and prompting her to eagerly suck. Two other encircled and snaked over her chest to rub against her nipples. All six of them. Soon they were erect and firm like little raisins.

"You like that?" The male plant creature smiled as he moved his vines with great precision. They were like hands for these pokemon type and they could usually control four or more vines with ease.

The female moaned, her speech slurred by the large vine sliding in and out of her maw. "Mmm yeah, just like... zat" She moaned some more as she went back to sucking appendage, getting stimulated everywhere at once. "Uhm.. Mind rubbing my asshole a bit too?"

"Sure thing babe." The Ivysaur began to run another vine up and down the smooth ass crack of his mate, getting happy moans out of her at it went over her hole. As a Bulbasaur He would have pushed it in without a second thought, but he was much bigger now and didn't want to take the risk of hurting her: he had been almost done already when the Vulpix had interrupted them anyway.

The fox pokemon just sat there on her furry rump, watching patiently. She didn't get anywhere near as turned on by it as Gabumon did, but it was always fun to watch. There was no TV or radio out here in the woods, and one took their entertainment where they could find it. "He looks like he is pretty good with the vines." She eventually remarked.

"Oh yeah, very good. Once you get the vines one, nothing compares..." Bulbasaur panted. Her orgasm was building up fast, but her mate came first. Ivysaur let out a series of deep grunts before he started to shoot. His vines squeezed tighter around her, setting off the female as well. Bulbasaur let out a low groan as she too had a nice orgasm, her fluids mixing with the plant seed flooding her insides and leaking onto the mossy ground below.

"MMmm yeah..." She panted approvingly as Ivysaur withdrew, first bringing his vines back, then pulling his massive cock. "I needed that." She cooed a bit. "Sometimes your own vines just don't cut it."

"Same here." Ivysaur grunted in agreement as his penis slowly slipped back into its hidden little between his legs. "It was nice to meet you." He added casually as he turned and started towards the bushes. He stopped halfway, though, looking over to the Vulpix. "Hey, you want to mate in a bit? Fire Pokemon are pretty rare around here."

"He is pretty good." Bulbasaur offered her own opinion, still a little weak in the knees--all four of them.

Vulpix considered it for a second. To be perfectly honest, she was really horny by now. Normally she'd have taken up the offer with a smile, but her thoughts went back to Gabumon was, hiding in the bushes with his dick out, and she realized she actually wanted him more than some random stranger. "Ahhh... Thank you, but I'm good right now."

"All right, maybe I'll see you around." He told the smaller pokemon. And with that the flower backed Pokemon headed into the bushes and out of sight.

"Same." Bulbasaur smiled, waving at him a bit. Now sated, she turned to Vulpix. "There I was, thinking how I could use a nice screw, and I met this nice hung Ivysaur." She joked with a grin. "Anyway, about the swamp..." She started, but interrupted herself, looking over Vulpix's shoulder at the strange creature in the bushes. "And your friend, why is he hiding?" She had noticed some sort of Pokemon watching, but hadn't cared enough to ask until then.

"Oh, he is kinda shy." She turned around a bit. "You know, Gabumon... It's fine to come out."

"Uh... not right now." Gabumon's suddenly pulled his paw away from his cock. He had been whacking off to the show, but now he was flushing red from shame.

Bulbasaur cocked her head to the side. "Why is he hiding like that?" She whispered to the fire fox.

"He's really shy. Actually he's kinda like humans when it comes to mating." Vulpix whispered back. "He thinks sex should be private."

"Really? Why?" The other pokemon looked even more confused.

"I don't have the slightest idea." She answered back. "I don't really get it myself."

"Shame, really. He looks kinda cute. Hey, you sure you don't want some help with that? I could totally go another round." Bulbasaur called out to the bushes.

"Uh, err... no, I'm okay." Gabumon squeaked out. He still had a raging hard on, but was now too ashamed to either come out or get some relief on his own.

This just confused the plant girl more. She thought herself pretty cute. Now an obviously horny male was refusing her; that was definitely a first. "Really weird." She shook her head before going back to Vulpix. She began to give directions for the most expedient way out of the swamp, including where to get some berries and fresh water for a small meal.

Vulpix thanked her for the advice and headed back to Gabumon. "You ready now?"

"Uhhh, hmm, sure..." Gabumon had his back turned. He was trying to push his still not soft member back into his pouch.

"Gabumon, you can just jerk off if you want, or use me..." Vulpix offered. "I mean, it has been a while."

"No, no, I am good." The chubby digimon insisted, wincing as he forced his penis in the too tight space. He had been feeling pretty guilty. About using Vulpix for his own pleasure, about fooling around with random girls behind her back... He knew he should say no, but he just couldn't. And now he didn't want to just... use her again, even if he knew she didn't mind.

"Fine then." Vulpix sighed in disappointment. Soon the two of them were off trudging through the swamp.


And this one is going to be a two-parter at least. Maybe three. My stories are at and

Feel free to post comments and so on. Or contact me at [email protected] I am still thinking of worlds for the digimon to go to!

The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 10 - How to Breed Your Digimon

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