Mental Regression Weekend [1]

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#3 of Roommates

A household of college students is put under a stupefying enchantment to combat the overwhelming stress they all face. In the middle of the night, a few strangers enter the house perhaps to take advantage of the kids in their regressed state.

The stress pervading the household had transfigured into anxiety.

After weeks of stress had hit a threshold and made member of the house snap and drop into a feralistic haze, therapy was needed. After everyone had came out of that haze, it was predicted that it would happen again if they didn't find a way to cut out the stress. Ironically, what was suggested was that everyone in the household be put under a stupifying trance for a weekend.

The idea was mortifying to think about for most members of the household. Being reduced to a state of mental simplicity was hard to imagine for them, although they all had experience and most had witnessed others having their minds regressed. A perpetual discomfort hung over them. It was something that they felt should not happen.

Milrew, the wolverine that moved in with them and the one navigating them through the world of magic and demons, was the one who suggested it. He was running the house so it was pretty much decided. Who else in the house had a knowledge of this sort of thing? There was no intellectual high-ground for them to protest.

It was on that afternoon that everyone would be gathered in the living room to be introduced to their caretakers and go over how the process works. Every look that the roommates shared with each other was a look of mutual embarrassment. It was a look of dread that they gave each other; an acknowledgement of their collective degradation.

All of them filtered into the living room, not talking to each other and not even looking at each other. Everyone found a space on the walls or the floor to stare at. Kate was the odd one out; in a room full of myumans she was a lizard. Her transformation a couple weeks ago hadn't worn off yet. That didn't make the idea of going dumb any easier to swallow. She was just as uncomfortable as the rest of them.

Milrew entered the room followed by two strange humanoid figures. They looked like they were made of colored glass. They had faces like they had been painted on their heads' surfaces. Nobody could help being unnerved with their presence. What were these strange creatures? One of them was carrying a pyramid-shaped object with a purple hue.

Milrew got started, "Ok, is everyone here?" There were more than a dozen people living in that house. It functioned more like a dorm than a simple house for college students, but that's due part to Milrew ordering the house to be expanded- with construction and magical means. On the outside the house looked like a normal suburban home that was built a couple decades earlier but on the inside the house was much larger. The non-euclidean physics were only daunting to those who paid close attention to them.

Everyone was present. Milrew begin, "Very well. Tomorrow at 10 o'clock in the morning I will activate this device." He motioned at the purple pyramid one of the strange transculent figures was holding, "In a matter of a few minutes, everyone in this house will be reduced to debilitated intelligence." He reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a large ring device. It was white with blue stripes around the edges, "Anyone who enters this house who doesn't want their minds melting out of their ears will have to wear one of these," he looked over at the two figures standing beside him, "Uh, most anyone. Some creatures are immune to the pyramid's effects."

Sharon was seated towards the kitchen, right in front of Milrew and his strange friends. She looked at the creatures. There was an unsettling contentness to them. "What are they?" she asked.

"We are clearers," said the one of the left not holding the pyramid, "We are meant to assist people in taking care of themselves."

Milrew gave a side-eye to the myumans of the room, "What it means is they're going to help us change if we mess our drawers."

The other clearer lit up, "It's true. We enjoy cleaning people up!" it looked around the room, "Care for an example? Does anyone need a change?"

A nervous Trey was seated beside Angie. Angie gave him a sideways glance and nudged Trey, "I think Trey here needs a change." Trey scowled at Angie, "No, I don't!"

Milrew addressed the clearers, "We don't need a demonstration, thank you."

There was the sound of a door closing. Heavy steps came from the hallway and what should appear around the corner than a panda bear, a human-shaped one. She had a motherly look to her and wore eyeglasses on her face with an afternoon jacket and skirt on her body.

"Eustice!" said Milrew, "Eustice will also be taking care of you."

She was over six feet tall and had a large build so many roommates were intimidated by her stature, except for Dawson. The young myuman looked up at Eustice with adoration. Eustice looked back and smiled warmly.

"Greetings, children," said Eustice, "I am Eustice, a caretaker of sorts."

"While the clearers work mostly in hygiene," said Milrew, "Eustice will handle a lot of other duties, including food prep."

"I know I might be big and bearish," said Eustice, "but I promise that I'll only provide the sweetest care!"

Her voice was so soothing, at least to Dawson. How could anyone be scared of her? Her eyes and grin were heartwarming.

"Will it brain damage us?" said Cardi.

Milrew shook his head, "No, at least not for the amount of time we'll be under its spell. Stay dumbed down for over a year, like my friend Clover, and it will have some long-lasting effects."

Darryl squirmed in his seat, "I can't believe we're going to shit ourselves..."

Milrew chuckled, "I'll likely mess myself as much as yous."

The next day came and nobody was happy for it. Some had trouble sleeping the night before. Everyone was pretty isolative early on in the day, trying to keep the dumbening out of mind. Darryl thought about going outside his room, to ask Milrew if he had activated the device yet, but he knew that if he did it might send him into a panic attack.

Milrew had stuffed the device away in the basement. He took Eustice down into the boiler room with him and found a small closet. After clearing away some dust and cobwebs, he placed the device on a shelf and slid a padded finger across a line on its base. The pyramid glowed and emitted a murmur.

He looked back at Eustice and smiled weakly, "Here goes nothing."

"Everything will be alright," said Eustice .

Milrew took a thumb behind him, "In case something goes wrong you know where the pyramid is." He looked around, "Guess I'll go to my room and play with a brush or the like."

Milrew and Eustice went back upstairs, the pyramid's effects building inside the house.

Sharon was in her room reading a novel- nothing difficult but a casual romance novel. She laid on her bed, back hoisted against the wall, reading quietly. The words started getting too hard to understand and then sentence structure became a struggle.

"Stupid book!" she said as she tossed it to the ground.

Was there something else to do? She got up off her bed and walked to the door. A few attempts were had turning the doorkob before she tried the other direction and succeeded. Outside in the hall, there was Darryl.

"Goo' morning," said Sharon.

Darryl grunted, "Good... morn..." he couldn't be bothered to finish the sentence.

Eustice made her rounds around the house to make sure everyone was alright. It was a house with over a dozen intelligence-subverted college kids so even with two clearers to help, she would have her clawed hands full.

At least that afternoon was easy. The kids didn't seem aggrivated by anything. They were timid but didn't misbehave. Some of them played video games, others colored with crayons. Angie, Hank and Kate the lizard sat down to watch a movie. Hank was always laid back but now it looked like he had no lights on. Angie was loud but was too transfixed my the movie to say anything.

They sat there quietly. One of the clearers was walking by when it noticed that Angie was sitting in a puddle. The insides of her pants were wet and there were streams going down her legs. The clearer offered her a hand and she took it without knowing why. When she got up she realized the warm damp feeling.

She looked down and peeled out her crotch, "Oops..."

The clearer looked at the other one across the room by the screen door. It spoke, "Could you clean this up while I take care of her?"

The other clearer turned and saw what was going on. It nodded, "I will do that."

The other clearer walked over and examined the puddle. It was just a puddle. It reached out its plexiglass hand and waved it over the liquid. The liquid seemingly drained out til all that was left was a wet spot and then the wet spot shrunk towards the clearer's hand and it was gone too.

"Wow..." said Hank, "The pee's disa... dis..." he had forgotten the word.

"Disappeared," said the clearer.

"Disa... dispee..." Hank was having trouble saying such a large word.

The day went pretty uneventfully. The kids were mostly behaved, ate the supper prepared by Eustice when it was time, and seemed to enjoy their state of reduced intelligence. The big fears they once had didn't manifest in that state. They were too dumb to dwell on the dark truths of the universe. As long as the pyramid in the basement get ticking, they would be comfortable.

Night rolled around and they were sent off to sleep including Eustice but the panda wasn't going to be too upset if the dumbed down myumans stayed up in their rooms a little bit. Emma was sitting on her bed with the lamp light on and the door closed. She was passing the time until she was sleepy by playing on her GameBoy.

Meanwhile in the house's backyard, a shadowy figure crept around. Up close to the screendoor and the patio light illuminated the beast. It was Edelgard, the panther man that visited the household earlier that week before stress got too much for its myuman residents and all beast people who would trigger anxiety were told to stay away. The panther fellow was wearing a pair of pleated pants and not much else except a collar around his neck: white with blue stripes.

Behind him were two smaller critters: one a rabbit and the other a quail. Benson the rabbit was wearing a pair of shorts and a hoody. Fiora the quail was wearing pleated shorts on her short legs and a waist coat on her body. She had a ring on her leg, white with blue stripes.

"This where they live?" asked Benson, looked up at the humanoid panther.

Edelgard looked down at his feral-sized friend, "Yes. I've not been here in a couple weeks because they've been dealing with things. Right now they have a Imbecile Device active, turning all of them into halfwits."

Benson pulled up the sleeve of his hoody and showed a white ring on his arm, like the ones his friends had, "This is why we gotta keep these on, then?"

Edelgard nodded, "Yes. Unless you want to forget how to use an oven." He took a careful hand to the screendoor and slid it open. Unlocked. He opened it quietly and walked inside with his friends. No one was around, it seemed, but he could hear the quiet murmur of activity. Maybe it was a television.

"Where's her room?" asked Fiora.

"Emma?" said Edelgard, "I do not know offhand. I am hoping to sniff around and catch her scent."

Edelgard took his squarish nose into the air and let in the scents. There was a lot of aromatic information to decipher. He could smell cornchips, someone who had just left a shower, and urine- urine released casually in the midst of slumber. Someone had wet the bed. If it was Emma he would have to deal with that but he ventured deeper into the house to find her.

The halls were long with lots of doors. They were clearly bedrooms but which one was Emma's? Edelgard got her scent, he recognized it like a morning cup of coffee. She wasn't close, that's what he knew.

With his two friends following behind him closely, he turned the corner to another hall full of doors. Some of them were bedrooms, he knew. Emma's scent was getting closer when the door opened nearby.

Darryl was leaving his room to get a snack and there was Edelgard, a rabbit and a quail. In his compromised state, he was a little startled but he still knew what anthros were.

Edelgard stared at Darryl, "Uh... greetings, myuman."

"Who're you?" Darryl said.

"I am Edelgard," said he, "I am visiting a roommate of yours."

"Roommate?" the word didn't mean anything to Darryl.

Benson and Fiora looked at each other and nodded.

Benson walked up to Darryl's feet, "Hey there kid. This your room?" pointing inside the door.

"Yeah," said Darryl.

Benson walked inside and Fiora strutted quickly behind him. She looked up at Darryl and said, "This is your room, huh? You simply _must_show us around then!"

Darryl looked down confused, "I must show you...?"

"Come back inside," said the quail, "Show us around."

Darryl was uncertain what was going on but he stepped back inside and closed the door. Edelgard was left in the dark with the insects chirping into the night. He followed the smell. He turned another corner to a third wing of bedrooms. Emma's scent was getting closer.

Emma was in her room, idly playing her GameBoy, eyes glazed over like she was hypnotized. There was a knock at the door which startled Emma a bit. A voice spoke from the other side, "Emma?"

"Y-yeah," said Emma.

"It's me, Edelgard," said Edelgard, "Can I come in?"

"Eddie... gard," the name wasn't familiar to her.

Not waiting for a response, Edelgard opened the door. When Emma saw his face, the face of a panther, she recognized him, even in her disadvantaged state. She put down the GameBoy, not turning it off. Edelgard closed the door behind him.

"How are you this evening, Emma?" said Edelgard, looking down with a teethy smile and a tail swaying behind him.

"I am ok..." said Emma, looking away and feeling uncomfortable by his visit.

"Do you remember me?" said Edelgard.

Emma nodded, "Yeah. You are Ed... Eddiegard. You are panzer."

Edelgard chuckled, "Close enough. I hear that the house is put under a spell. Have you been enjoying it?"

To answer that question Emma had to think about what it was like to _not_be under the spell of a dumbening device, which she couldn't remember. She scowled nervously and turned away. She shook her head, "I don't know..."

"May I sit down," said Edelgard.

Emma turned back his way and nodded, "Yeah, you can sit down." Emma looked at him. He wasn't wearing a shirt, leaving his chiseled body for anyone to see. His pecs were handsome, as was his abs and shoulders. When she was at normal intelligence, a part of her didn't want to be attracted to a panther, but that part is gone.

"You're... pretty," said Emma.

Edelgard blushed, "Why thank you! You are very pretty as well, Emma."

"Are you... myuman?" asked Emma.

Edelgard shook his head, "No, I am not myuman. Never was."

Emma reached over and placed a hand on his abs. The hard abs underneath the soft fur felt so good. She giggled, "Sec-guh-zee guy!"

Edelgard chuckled and took Emma's hand sensually, "I like you Emma and I'm wondering if you would like to do some romance with me?"

"Like what?" said Emma, "S... sex?"

Edelgard nodded, "Yes, Emma. Sex."

Emma looked away embarrassed. She took her hand, "But we can't do that. We are different."

"Sure we can," said Edelgard, "There's no danger. No harm to worry about. And we'll both love it!"

Without her prompt, Edelgard got up and slid his pants down. Underneath he wore a leopard-skin pair of close-fitting underwear. His package caught Emma's eye. The bulge on the front of him, she knew what it was and smiled toothily. Edelgard dropped his pants to the floor and kicked them off his panther feet.

Emma looked at her shirt and pulled it up clumsily. She got caught on a sleeve but Edelgard helped her get the thing off. After that, it was the bra. Emma had trouble with the straps but a prompt to turn her back to Edelgard allowed him to get the thing off. Emma was topless.

Edelgard took a hand to one of her breasts, "Looking nice."

Emma stroked his arm, "Take off your underwears."

Edelgard smiled warmly then took two thumbs to the top of his underwear. He lowered it revealing a hefty schlong and two large balls. It was 6 inches but that was flaccid and just a sign of the things potential.

"So big!" Emma's mind was compromised but most people couldn't look at Edelgard's penis without losing a bit of themselves to lust and awe.

Edelgard kicked off his underpants and held his dick in his hand. As he thought of what was going to happen with Emma, it got hard and began to expand. Thicker, veinier, and longer. He held out the sausage in front of him, the room's dim lit reflect off of its dark skin. Emma took a few fingers to it and giggled.

It took a minute to get Emma's pants off but she wasted no time mounting her panther friend. She climbed aboard and the too got thrusting. Edelgard holding as she hung over his lap, giant cock inside her. She rose and fell. She gripped at Edelgard's waist while she kicked her feet out and moaned passionately. Emma might have been in a dumbed down state, but she knew how to get fucked.

Edelgard held her from behind, holding his head into her shoulder. His stone-like nose rubbed into her skin. A tail whipped behind him.

They couldn't get enough of each other. After having her in his lap, Edelgard had her laid down and gave her the missionary. Then they did it doggy style on the floor. It didn't matter how much noise they made. The house was built for privacy and had sound proof walls. the kids could fuck all they wanted and not wake the people beside them.

Meanwhile, back in Darryl's room, Darryll the myuman was showing his new animal-sized friends his room. There wasn't a lot to show them except things that Darryl understood and cared about in his un-dumbed state, but in his dumbed state he had nothing to say. They were artifacts of his former intelligence.

Benson looked around and spotted a plastic cup on an entable. He walked up to the edge of the bed and hopped up on the table, tapping the cup, "Hey what's this?"

"A cup," said Darryl.

Fiora was up to have some fun with the myuman. She leans out from the bed's edge and tapped Darryl's jeans, "Sit down Darryl for a second, would you?"

Darryl said nothing. Fiora got out of the way so Darryl could take a seat.

Fiora hopped onto Darryl's lap and walked over to his belt. Darryl giggled at the quail's light steps. With wide wings, Fiora took the buckle of Darryl's belt and undid it. She unstrapped the belt and tossed it over on the bed.

"Fiora, what are you doing?" asked Benson.

"I'm going to masturbate him," said Fiora.

Darryl giggled, "Mast-uh-bate?"

Fiora looked up and grinned with her triangular beak, "Yes. Do you masturbate, Darryl?"

Darryl turned away shyly, "Some... sometimes..."

"It's all well," said Fiora reaching into his underwear to pull out his cock. It was a chubby thing, although still in its sleepy state. Benson sighed and walked across the bed over to Darryl and Fiora.

Fiora undid the buttons on her vest, opened it, and slipped it off her body. Barechested, she took Darryl's penis. He giggled and smiled dumbly, a strand of drool hanging from his mouth. Fiora looked up and gave Darryl a sultry look, "Got quite the equipment here."

She took her wings around it and pushed herself into it like hugging a post, tucking her head around the shaft. She raised and lowered to jerk it off. Darryl got into it. The member started to stiffen and raise upward. It grew, the tip rising up Fiora's torso and up to her chin. At almost outtalling Fiora, Darryl must have had an erect cock of over 7 inches.

"You got a big myumanhood, Darryl!" said Fiora.

Darryl giggled uncontrollably and closed his eyes while Fiora cranked him. She took a second to pull down her pants and kick them off. Now she was as naked as Darryl's cock. She stroked it, riding it like a stripper pole. Darryl clenched his bedsheets and the cumming began. Whips of jizz shot from his tip and slang around the roof, getting onto the floor, his lap, and even on Fiora. He moaned.

Fiora giggled when she got his seed in her feathers. She wasn't going to stop though. She kept on stroking him. He was flaccid for a minute but then the engine got burning again. His cock got hard again and he let himself be consumed by Fiora's attention. Another burst. Cum dripped down his shaft, got on his pants, and spat on the bed.

Fiora and Benson helped Darryl cleaned up and then said their goodbyes. Fiora put her things back and met Edelgard in the hall; pants back on. The three visitors quietly left the house and the myuman weekend of dumb continued.

Mental Regression Weekend [2]

The house was still under the enchantment of a dumbening device hiding the basement. All college students living in the house were walking around with a fraction of their usual intelligence. The college students and the wolverine that guided them-...

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Into the Dean's Heart, Through Her Panties [CLEAN]

Randal slept in his new room for the first time that night. It was nice having a mattress but he had to consider how used to the ground he was. He had been sleeping in the grass for weeks and he hadn't any back problems and if he surrendered to the...

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Into the Dean's Heart, Through Her Panties

Randal slept in his new room for the first time that night. It was nice having a mattress but he had to consider how used to the ground he was. He had been sleeping in the grass for weeks and he hadn't any back problems and if he surrendered to the...

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