Eaten by Cryotix

Story by ookitsu on SoFurry

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#67 of Quickies

Been a while since we had something involving my dragon. Anyways here's a story where you offer yourself to the big fluffy blue ice dragon and become his.

Cryotix, a large light blue fluff dragon laid on his side as he stared down at you and asked, "Are you ready to give yourself over to me completely?"

The ice cold air escaping his jaws washed over your form, making you shiver from just how cold it was but at least it smelled minty. You hesitated to bid initially as the permanence of the decision weighed heavily on your mind. His shining blue eyes were locked into your own and you found it hard to not stare into his gaze. Despite how cold he was physically, you felt nothing but warmth from how kind and gentle he had been with you so far. Your heart pounding as you thought hard about your decision before nodding in confirmation.

A smirk appeared on his muzzle upon seeing your reply. "Good, I would have hated to lose you." The slender tip of his long tail then curled around your waist and lifted you into the air. "Now what should I do with you first? Oh I know just the thing."

You watched his jaws open, revealing the darker blue insides as his tongue extended out over his teeth. While you tried to grip into his tail with your finger grasping as much of his fur as possible, you wouldn't be able to hold on as his tail uncurled itself. Dropping straight down into the massive dragon's jaws before they snapped shut around you.

The inside of his jaws were dark for the most part aside from the few strands of light that passed through between his teeth. Things were also much colder now with the ice dragon's insides radiating the freezing cold all around you. It was hard not to think about just how much colder the inside of his stomach must be. There was no turning back now that you were within his jaws even if part of you regretted your decision.

Cryotix's tongue was large enough for you to use as a bed and softer than any you had slept on in recent memory. Your fingers sank into the blue flesh of his tongue while you sat upright. His ice cold saliva slowly started to pool around your body, soaking into your fur. It was far too cold inside of the dragon and part of you wondered if his stomach or the cold would do you in first. The cold only got worse when he exhaled, with the icy mist enveloping your body before leaving his jaws. There was something quite soothing and embracing about the dragon's cold inside though you weren't sure if it was the increasing numbness or a magical effect.

After a couple minutes of letting you settle into his jaws, the saliva had built up quite a bit all around you. His tongue then pressed you against the top of his muzzle as he tilted his head back. Hearing a loud gulp as he emptied his jaws of the saliva and reminding you of where you were going. The jaws then opened, allowing more light inside as he relaxed his tongue, no longer pinning you with it. Suddenly finding yourself slipping head first towards his throat as the light helped you see deep inside his throat. Your head pressed right up against the back of his throat before he pinned your body once more with his tongue. Another teasing gulp squeezed around your head and nearly pulled your entire body down into it.

Once his throat released your head and his own head leveled out, allowing you to pull yourself back onto the safety of his tongue, you could hear the large dragon chuckle for a split second. Cryotix seemed to be amused with himself as he toyed with you. His tongue almost seemed to purposefully go between your legs as he played with your crotch. The massive tongue as a result grinded along the front of your body, smearing his saliva into your fur.

After a couple of minutes he'd stop and open his jaws, and at first you thought he might be letting you go. Instead you looked back and saw the tip of his shaft quickly approaching. The tip quickly entered his jaws and pressed up against your paws and tail. Initially you were getting pushed deeper into his jaws but then you felt your paw slip into the opening. You'd try to tug your paw free only to feel it get pulled deeper inside the shaft. Using your other paw to try and free the first only resulted in both getting stuck. It was then you realized even if you did free yourself you'd be pushed down his throat.

Despite agreeing to give yourself to the dragon and knowing what would happen as a result, your instincts desperately wanted you to survive. Truthfully nothing would make you happier than to give yourself to him but you also wanted to spend more time with him. The fact that his shaft was now gradually consuming you while he sucked himself off only further added to the excitement. It was hard to fight your instincts off fully though as your body squirmed and tried to fight for its survival. Not that Cryotix seemed to mind as his throbbing shaft claimed half of your body.

Unlike his jaws, the inside of the shaft was tight and you could barely move your legs and tail with how much the throbbing fleshed squeezed over you. Moving your hands down to the tip, you'd feel the cold oozing pre leak out around your hips and soak into you. The pre made it hard to grab hold of the shaft at all as your hands along with his shaft became extra slick. You were only able to fully grab hold when you got your thumbs in his urethra alongside your hips. That however got you in the perfect position for his shaft to claim your arms with the next throb seemingly gulping your body.

With the shaft having now consumed your stomach, very little of your body remained outside of the tip. The oozing pre even enveloped your head with how close it was to the tip now. All you could do now was wiggle as you felt his shaft throb around your entire body, completely bound by his flesh. You weren't entirely sure which would come first, his shaft swallowing your body completely or him getting off and swallowing you with his massive load.

It wouldn't be long until you'd get your answer as you felt the dragon's large squishy tongue push against your head and ease you inside. Tasting his own pre along with your fur as his tongue moved along and pushed on you. Feeling the tip quickly envelop your shoulders as it closes in along your neck temporarily before pushing over your head. The faint amount of light allowed you to watch the tongue pull away and the tip envelop your field of view. Watching as the tip sealed shut when your muzzle slipped inside and sealed you in the darkness of his flesh.

You could feel your body was sliding deeper down his shaft as it squeezed and throbbed around you. Even the flow of pre pushing up and around your body wasn't enough to slow your descent. Sometimes you could feel what you assumed to be his tongue pushing against the bulge you made in his shaft, helping guide you deeper still. Your body started to feel weak both from how much it was getting squeezed and how much energy you had spent trying to squirm.

Thankfully for you it wouldn't be long until you felt your paws and tail tip leave his shaft and enter a new chamber. You were now able to wiggle them freely in the more open space and even stretch your toes out for the first time in well you weren't sure how long. The rest of your body quickly followed as you were emptied out into the new space. You'd realized it must have been his balls once you were half way in as your paws and tails dipped into a pool of a thick and sticky substance. Only for your entire body to drop into the freezing cold pool of cum moments later.

Not having the energy to do anything other than relax once you got yourself back to the surface of his seed. Floating in his cum, going with the flow as it sloshed around from the movements he was making. Your body even seemed to start to grow used to his icy cold body the longer you were submerged in his cum. It was only after you were pushed into the flesh inside and you tried pushing back against it that you realized your body was in fact melting. No wonder you weren't feeling as cold anymore, you were turning into the very seed you were bathing in.

Your body had only half way turned into his cum when you noticed the movement was starting to slow and things seemed to tense up. Seconds later his orgasm hit and you were rocketed back up the shaft along with the large pool of cum you had been bathing in. Whining at first as the tight shaft squeezed over your softened body before being shot out. Immediately feeling his throat open up before you as he swallowed you down in a single gulp. The rippling flesh of his esophagus quickly pulled you down his long neck and past his chest before pressing up against the entrance to his stomach.

The way inside opened as you landed with a plop at the bottom of his stomach followed by what felt like a waterfall of cum pouring down on you. When the climax came to a close you floated your way back to the surface of his seed now mixed with his stomach acids and saliva. Listening to the gurgling groans of his belly, his heart beating fast in the distance but slowing down overtime as he winded down from his orgasm and the faint sound of his breathing. This was it however, even if he coughed you up, you were in no condition to go on with your body having been mostly converted into his cum. Closing your eyes, you were ready to drift into your final slumber as you became a part of Cryotix.

You opened your eyes once more as you felt an icy mist envelop your body just like it had earlier. Almost falling over as you came to and realized you were standing before the great ice dragon once more. Did all of that actually happen or was it a dream? When you looked down at your hands, instead of seeing your fur color you saw the same light blue as the dragon's own fur.

"Welcome back, I see you're confused. Like I said I would hate to lose you and we can have more fun this way. I will however give you one last chance to back out before the effect becomes permanent," Cryotix said as he stared down at you with a toothy grin on his muzzle.

He really planned to keep you, possibly forever and even now he was giving you a chance to leave. After having experienced both his lust and his hunger, part of you wanted to serve yourself up to him once more. The desire to belong to a dragon like him was all you could think about and the change to your body made his cold body all the more alluring. Unlike before there was no hesitation when you nodded and could even feel a smile on your face.

Rather than say anything, Cryotix's jaws opened and swiftly went over your body with the tongue tucking between your legs. Pulling you into his jaws as he tilted his head back and swallowed without a second thought. Unlike before he wasn't toying with you at all, rather he was treating you like a snack. Not that you minded but part of you would have liked to have played with him a bit more before being food once more.

While you were pulled down his throat you realized his body didn't feel nearly as cold as before. When he brought you back he changed not only your fur but gave you some cold resistance as well. No longer did your body shiver from the intense cold but rather you felt the urge to rub your now cold body against his own.

Upon landing in his stomach, you leaned up against the flesh holding you and embraced it. The cold flesh seemed so soothing to your body now and you couldn't imagine wanting the heat again. The sounds of his body seemed so relaxing and with the soothing cold of his flesh, you found yourself quickly starting to doze off. You'd try to fight it as you wanted to feel the embrace of his body as long as possible. Before long however you felt yourself succumb to your sleep and stayed that way all while his stomach digested you.

Unlike last time however when you came to you were still in his stomach, only you didn't have your body. Rather you were just a wisp of a soul now and as you looked around you'd notice several other souls nestled in against his stomach walls. There was nothing to worry about however, you weren't sure why but you knew you were safe since the greedy dragon didn't want to lose you. Your soul lacked the energy to stay conscious for too long however and you soon found yourself passing out once more.

This time when you woke up, instead of seeing the dragon standing before you there was an arctic wolf. He was nearly twice your height and wore a suit, his white fur had a small blue sheen to it from the tiny pieces of ice on the tips of it. You looked around for the dragon, thinking you came back turned away from him only for there to be no sign of the dragon anywhere.

"Ko-4 help this one get used to their new life here," the wolf said and upon hearing his words you knew it was the dragon's voice. Looking at his eyes only confirmed it as they were the exact same blue eyes that you couldn't look away from. He then walked away leaving you with the kobold who was a fair bit taller than you and shared the dragon's light blue color.

"Welcome new packmate! Ko-4 is here to help show you around," the kobold said as they wrapped an arm around your shoulders. "Hurry now we have much to do." They then pushed you along into another room and closed the door behind them before running off to find something.

Looking over, you saw a mirror and rather than seeing yourself, you saw a kobold staring back at you. Going over to the mirror, you reached out in disbelief as you came to terms with your new self. Having to look down at your hands and paws to confirm the mirror was playing tricks on you. Feeling over your muzzle as you looked in the mirror and cane to terms with the fact you were a fluffy kobold now. The dragon really did make you belong to him as he turned you into one of his lesser draconic brethren.

Ko-4 then walked up behind you and you realized that you were basically a smaller version of them. "Why are you new bloods always so surprised? Ko-4 realized what was going to happen when they offered themself to the great one." The kobold then flicked their ear and looked up proudly. "You should be honored to have been chosen." They then placed a phone on top of your head and dropped a uniform in your arms. " Try not to have that on you if you get eaten, Cryotix may be able to bring you back but not the phone. Now let's see, it's been a while since I looked at the ranks. Ko-4 has only had to worry about the top ten for a while now. Ah looks like you are Ko-2854, I'm sure you can become a higher rank in no time though." They then turned you around and squinted as they stared into your eyes. "Just not 4, that is my number. Ko-4 worked hard for that."

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