The Body in the Kitchen P2 (SSBBW, crushing, BBW, stuffing)

Story by whatsonsecond on SoFurry

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#6 of Dining in the Lylat System

The prime minister has been murdered. The murder weapon? Fat. In a foreign land, surrounded by lardy, obese politicians, Krystal and Fox hope to unravel a murder most fat.




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"Feeder's log, addendum. Krystal and I are on Fortuna for a state visit. She was supposed to discuss policy with the prime minister, Addy Pose, but Addy... has been murdered.

"We were sleeping in a guest room at the prime minister's mansion. I found out the prime minister was dead in the middle of the night."

* * * * *

Fox was laying in bed, eyes closed, when he felt a tickle at his nose. He wriggled it and turned over. In a few moments, the tickling came back. He sneezed. Now fully awake, he opened his eyes and realized a hawk's feathers had stroked his nose.

He stared at an immense hawk standing next to the bed. She was K'ool K'ah, one of the prime minister's personal guard. Her waist was wider than her height, and her belly protruded far from her frame and down past her knees. Her mighty breasts, easily twice the size of her head each, could only look small on a woman of K'ool's proportions. She wore a uniform with a button-up shirt (buttoned all the way down her stomach, even as it drooped below her knees), accommodatingly thick-legged pants, and a suit jacket that was lucky to hold so much as her bulging arms. Her sharp hawk's beak was buffered by plump cheeks to its sides and a double chin underneath.

Fox spoke groggily. "What's the big idea? And do you normally wake guests up by tickling them?"

"You need to get up, Mr. McCloud," K'ool said simply. Her voice was husky and authoritative.

Then Fox realized Krystal was there, too. She stood in her nightie, sheer and loose. Its lace shoulder straps ran down to bra cups holding her full, rounded breasts. From there, the fabric hung against her body. Through it, Fox could see the deep curve of her developing belly and the luscious sweep of her thickened hips. Her gut was big enough that he could only see a sliver of her panties. But now was not the time to get turned on, he thought to himself.

Krystal spoke. "Fox, something terrible has happened. We're gathering the other guests and going to the drawing room."

Fox yawned. "Okay." Clad in boxers, he got up, slipped on slippers, and trudged along with K'ool and Krystal.

First was Panther Caroso. His frame was husky and masculine. He rose from bed in cotton pants and a sleeveless white shirt that didn't cover half his stomach. Fox thought thas his belly was bigger than earlier--but maybe it was just a trick of the eye, different clothing or something.

Next was Gisele the gazelle. She answered the door wearing a hot pink bra. Her breasts were massive, sprawling almost a full arm's length before her. Her nipples were just barely contained, although her areolas did peek out. Her right hand gripped her chunky hip. Her hips were brimming with adipose and over a meter wide. Between her globular gut and hefty hips, Fox couldn't see her panties. They were only visible from the back. At her sides, the panties were hidden under folds of waist pudge; as her panties spanned around to her backside, they escaped folds and creases under her fluffy tail; but then they ran downward, lost in her deep ass crack.

Then the group woke Tobias the tiger, whose body formed an ocean of fat atop his bed. His bed was motorized with a remote control, which he could use to turn over his enormously fattened, bed-bound body. Presently, he used it to shift into his hovering mobile chair and join the group. He wore sweat pants.

Finally, they arrived at the door to Zora the zebra's guest room. She answered in a silk robe. It tied around her stomach and mostly covered her tits, although a thin opening ran from top to bottom, showing her fatty cleavage and blubbery navel. It draped along the slope of her waist down to her massive hips, which were even wider than Gisele's. The robe was just long enough to reach her ass. It draped off the sides of her haunches and the back of her rump.

Together, the seven of them moved into the drawing room. There were two couches and a huge chair, but everyone stood around anxiously.

K'ool, the wider-than-tall hawk guard, spoke. "Good. You're all here. Now, you aren't leaving." She made eye contact with Krystal, piercing her eyes. Then she moved to Fox's eyes, then Zora's, then Tobias's, then Gisele's, and finally Panther's. "Not on my watch."

Zora, the hippy zebra, said, "We've waited long enough. You dragged us out of bed in the middle of the night. What's going on? Where's the prime minister?"

"We're staying put is what's going on," K'ool responded curtly.

Krystal looked at Zora the zebra when she talked. Something bothered her about Zora's ears. Then she remembered, a small golden piece was on Prime Minister Adelaide's neck. Some kind of decoration that had fallen off, it looked like.

The guard stood at the entrance to the drawing room, stone-faced. Krystal turned to her. "You saw the prime minister, right? She had a gold earring on her neck, right?"

K'ool remained silent a moment. Then, she said, "It was a small, circular golden object with a hole in the middle. It could have been an earring."

"What could have been an earring?" Zora asked impatiently.

"Nothing," the hawk responded. But it was too late to take back her slip of the tongue.

Krystal said, "They deserve to know." She turned to Zora. "The prime minister has been murdered."

Shock settled over everyone.

"Impossible," Panther remarked.

K'ool explained, "The authorities are on their way. Everyone is staying put in this room until they arrive. They'll take our statements and preserve a three-dimensional scan of the crime scene."

Tobias, the chair-bound tiger, asked, "And you two had the horrific privilege of uncovering our fair prime minister slain?"

Krystal replied. "Yes. There were no markings on her, no signs of a weapon being used. Or, more accurately, the weapon used was too soft to leave a mark."

Zora huffed. "So you think that was my earring you found?"

"You were wearing them at dinner, but I don't--"

Zora snapped, "You think I did it, is that it? A weapon too soft--what, like I killed her with my ass?" She slapped it for emphasis, and its undulating ripples worked their way through her entire body. "Do you want me to prove I didn't do it?" As she spoke, her chin wobbled furiously. She put her chubby hands on the soft rolls of her hips in a defiant stance.

"No, that's not it at all," Krystal said. "Besides, how could you prove it? It's not like we can recreate the scene, none of us are similar to Adelaide's build."

Tobias piped up. "Except for your mate there," he said, "the scrawny little fox."

Fox said, "Hey, I don't like where this is going!"

"You want me to sit on him?" Zora asked.

Panther spoke, "Let's be reasonable and let the authorities handle this."

"Thank you, for once I agree with you!" Fox said, exasperated.

"Fine, I'll sit on him!" Zora declared.

"Wait--" Fox said. But it was too late. She backed up to his chest and rammed her ass into his torso. Its massive expanse glanced off of him and set to wobbling. He fell back, the wind knocked out of him. Then, she lowered her rump right onto his face. Her robe wasn't long enough to reach the floor, so his head was enveloped in layers of naked, dense, cellulite-textured zebra butt cheek. Its jiggling adipose sprawled along the floor. It pinned his biceps to the ground, and he could barely lift his forearms and claw at her derriere. He kicked his legs and pushed his back off the ground, but to no avail--she didn't budge.

Tobias chortled. "You can get up now, dear," he said.

"Th-this proves nothing!" Zora said, flustered.

"Alright, but the gentleman is about to perish under you. Let's not have two murders in the same night," Tobias responded.

She leaned forward, rolling her belly over Fox's torso, and pulled her knees up as she planted her hooves on the ground. She fought to pull her legs up, but her gut was in the way, and she couldn't get proper leverage to stand up. "I, um..." she said. She rocked forward, lifting her hips a ways, but her fat ass sagged and never parted from the ground.

Krystal and Panther leaned down, and Zora held both hands up. Krystal and Panther each clasped one of Zora's hands, then pulled back to help her get up. Slowly, she ascended from the ground, and the heavy padding of Zora's ass left Fox's face.

"Sweet mother nature!" Fox wheezed. "What is wrong with you?!" He laid on the ground and panted desperately.

Krystal spoke. "Zora, it looks like you couldn't have gotten up, even if you wanted to."

"What are you getting at?" Panther asked.

"It's just that," Krystal said, "this would have to be someone who could murder Addy and get away with it."

Tobias said, "Such as Gisele, you mean? You were talking about golden decorations, and her dress did have those golden clasps along the bust."

"Stop!!" Fox yelled.

"Are *you* accusing *me*?" Gisele demanded. She put a hand to her grandiose chest. Her hand, plump as it was, was miniscule next to her voluminous boobs.

Tobias replied, "No such thing. I'm just saying, you appear more mobile than Zora, and it is coincidental that your attire also featured small, golden, metallic bits."

"I see what you're up to," Gisele retorted. "Fine, I'll prove it, too."

Gisele kneeled over Fox, who was still on the ground after just having caught his breath. Her belly hung thick enough that it rest on his abs. Her breasts were so wide, full, and round that he couldn't see her head past them.

She leaned forward, and her breasts bore down on Fox. He started, "There's no need for this. Everyone believes--" And he was cut off as his muzzle became lost in her deep cleavage. Her fat boobs splayed along the ground on either side of his head, covering him as far down as his shoulders. She put her hands on the ground to either side of her breasts, pushing them together with her flabby arms and effectively sealing them together over Fox's face. Below, her thick stomach pushed down on his chest and midsection, then rolled over to the sides of his torso and met the floor on either side of Fox's body. On all fours like this, her posterior hung behind her, formed of dense rolls that plopped against her calves.

Fox wriggled his head back and forth, up and down, trying to free himself, but the pliant flesh of her breasts muted every move. Rather than escaping her overgrown chest, he found himself digging into it one way or another. Finally, he wormed his arms to the crease between her belly and tits, gripped her waist, and rolled her off of him. Her ass slapped the floor, and her entire body vibrated for a few seconds as the impact of the landing rippled back and forth through every soft layer of her girth. The jostling started from her rump, moved up through her belly and breasts, and reverberated back down and through her thighs.

"Maybe..." Tobias judged. "But something is missing. A certain poise."

Fox coughed and hacked, then spoke in a raspy voice. "Don't tell me you want to try."

* * * * *

Their arguing continued while Krystal and Panther stood aside. K'ool stepped in to mediate, leaving the two on their own.

Krystal said, "If you don't mind my saying, your stomach seems fuller than earlier." She had a hunch she didn't want to believe.

"I would say my space rose has blossomed herself," Panther replied. Krystal had always had a curvy, shapely figure, but her weight gain in the past few years had deepened her curves and granted her a profound womanhood. The outward bend of her midsection was plush but graceful.

And it was hungry. Her belly rumbled, loud and angry.

Panther smirked. "Hungry again, so soon after that feast, eh?"

Ticked, she responded, "Panther, I hardly ate anything during that 'feast.' The dishes were nearly empty by the time they reached Fox and I." Krystal also recalled that the fridge had been empty when she discovered Adelaide's body, but she kept that to herself.

He shot bedroom eyes at her. "Perhaps a midnight snack is in order?"

Her tone took a 180 degree change. "I'd like that," she said with coquettish cadence. She was genuinely hungry, but she also hoped to disprove the suspicious thoughts that nagged her. Panther didn't do it, she knew.

While the others were distracted in their argument, Panther led Krystal away to his room. They stepped inside. He said "light," an overhead light came on, and he shut the door.

His room was tidy, aside from the bed covers, which he had tossed aside in his rush after K'ool awakened him. There was a writing desk with a chair, and a corset was thrown over the chair.

Krystal smiled. "Now I see. You had a corset on the whole time. Your stomach looked big in it, but out of it--it's quite a bulge."

Panther sighed. "Yes, it's true. But one of the threads snapped--a casualty of gluttony, as is common in my wardrobe. I had to rip out the threading." He turned to a mini fridge next to the desk. "And this would be your midnight snack," he said as he opened it.

Inside was a treasure trove of leftovers, filling the fridge to the brim. The weird cabbage things, the pterodactyl, the stuffing. Even the dodora was there, sliced and ready for eating. Panther plucked a slice himself and ate it.

Krystal was astounded. "But how? I saw everything devoured!"

"My lovely, they cooked a few extra servings of dinner just in case we weren't satisfied. Take a seat and I'll pull out something for you." She sat on the chair, and he took out a foil pan full of stuffing, then handed it to her. "Bon appetit!"

Her stomach roared, as if to say, "You can say that again."

Panther considered offering her silverware, but she didn't seem to need it. Instead, she dug in with her face. She chomped and chewed through the stuffing. It was bliss, filling her stomach. Krystal had the amazing sensation that her stomach was bottomless. Fox had to be hungry, too. She'd let him know after having her fill.

For now, though, she sat in the chair holding the pan to her face. Her rump and thighs splayed along the chair cushion, their blue-furred fat forming a comfortably padded seat. And yet, she took up a fraction of the chair's space. It was built for larger figures, like Zora or K'ool. As she leaned forward over the pan, her belly scrunched up in her lap, and Panther could see its folds through her translucent nightwear. It took up a little less than half of her lap.

When she had mowed through half of the stuffing, she put it on the desk. A small hunger still gnawed within her, egging her on. With a personal buffet at her disposal, her hunger no longer annoyed her. It invigorated her.

Excited to gorge herself further, she leaned towards the fridge. Panther, standing nearby, gripped the fridge doorhandle first. He wagged his finger playfully. Then, he pulled out a pan holding an entire leftover roast pterodactyl and handed it to her.

She sat its pan on the desk. Then, she gripped the roast and tore off a breast. It must have been a pound of meat right there. She put her teeth around the top quarter of it, then clenched them shut and ripped the hunk of breast off into her mouth. She chewed madly. Its flavor added to her voracity, and she felt exhilarated chewing the meat to scraps in her mouth. She swallowed eagerly, proud to claim yet more food for her adept stomach. She scarfed down the rest of the breast similarly, shredding it expertly with her vixen's teeth and stuffing her face. Even after sitting in a fridge, these dishes were exquisite.

Her stomach welcomed more food greedily. After snaring the pterodactyl breast, it was satiated, resting plump and happy in her thick lap. Her negligee also felt smaller, not hanging so loose anymore. She patted her belly, revelling in the filling of her gluttonous gut, and out came a cute burp.

Her eating habits these past few months had groomed a well-fed dome of pudge. Its round curves grew more generous by the day, complemented by her bubble butt, thick thighs, and bouncing breasts. She'd passed a muffin top long ago. When she stood, her gut's plump expanse hung from her frame, abundantly bulbous. And sitting like this, its weight crowded her thighs, especially while she devoured a meal like she was tonight.

Even her navel was changing shape these days. Her blubber surrounded and weighed down on it, and it grew wider by the week.

She had to have more, this was too good to pass up. Panther handed her a pan of cabbage balls next. She picked them up one by one and popped them between her lips, gobbling more and more. Her cheeks bulged with the bite-size vegetables, and she chewed through them vigorously. Each swallow was thick and gratifying. Panther heard her throat go "galunk" each time she passed something from mouth to stomach. She could feel herself grow fuller and fuller, and the swell of her middle drove her on. By now, her belly was bloating to the point that it tensed against her see-through clothing.

Panther marvelled at the beauty before him. "I've never seen someone your size eat with such... passion."

Krystal hiccupped, wobbling her belly in her lap and her breasts in their cups. "Thish fooj woul' make anyone passionate," she replied through a full mouth. Speaking of passion, she started to wish Fox were there. A need was growing between her abounding thighs that started to distract her hands from her food. Maybe after she'd had some dodora, she could sneak Fox off to their room.

Panther handed her a pan with the roast dodora. Here it was, finally. The dish she'd craved the most, the one you would hear about all the way from Corneria to Venom. Krystal sat the pan on the desk, took a glorious slice in her hands, tore off a bite, and--it wasn't dodora. She'd had wild dodora before. She chewed slowly. It had an unfamiliar sweetness.

"Is this the roast dodora?" she asked cautiously while finishing her first slice.

"Absolutely," he said.

"It tastes different from what I expected." But she kept going, starting a second slice. Although the slices were cold now, they were still easy to tear with her teeth. The satisfying sensation of dodora meat sundering between her jaws was there, but not the taste.

"You might have had farm-raised dodora. Or if you have had wild dodora, it probably wasn't this fresh. People usually say it's more sweet than they expected."

Krystal chewed a third slice. "I know what they mean," she said.

She kept eating and thinking. Numerous possibilities entered her mind, but none clicked. She lost herself in thought, suddenly inattentive to the primal, physical urges that drove her to stuffing. All the while, she crammed more dodora down her gullet, and her stomach took on more food. It squelched as it processed its new burden. Outside, the forward push of her bloat stretched her negligee tight around her midsection, and it dug into her lovehandles. The front of her belly became flatter as it pressed up against the now-cramped fabric. It hugged her tighter and tighter, struggling to contain her swelling form. She ate and ate until she heard a rip. She felt a release of tension, and her belly jiggled into her lap. A tear had formed in the side of her negligee. "Oh my!" she exclaimed. "I hadn't realized how much I was eating!" She suddenly realized how heavy her belly felt, so stuffed and taut. It groaned, hard at work on its stockpile. A belch escaped her.

She got off the chair to put the rest of the roast back, stumbling a moment as she found her balance. Her loaded belly sloshed as she moved. Panther tried to stop her, but he didn't reach her in time. She opened the fridge. Inside, at the back of the top shelf, she spotted a pile of gold studs.

Just like the ones...

She calmly put the dodora pan in and backed up clumsily onto the bed. Her rump plopped onto it, and her weighty gut dragged down her body. Its cumbersome mass filled up about half of her lap.

"Ma cherie..." Panther said, approaching the bed, "You wouldn't be here for more than food, would you?"

* * * * *

The game was up, Krystal thought. He acted like he was making a pass, but he knew what she had seen. Her chances now depended on making him believe that she didn't know that.

She gently put a hand to his stomach. "There is another (HICurrp) dish I'm craving," she said. She traced her palm along his rotund belly down to its underside. She leaned back, eventually laying supine on the bed as her gut gurgled. It sloshed into place atop her frame. Panther followed, leaning forward over her. Their tension was a strange, sickening swirl of lust and peril. Their carnal selves pined for each other, while their thinking selves waited for the other to make their move.

Once Panther was over her on all fours, she slid down along the bed, scraping her stuffed midsection against his. His belly weighed down on hers, adding pressure to an already stuffed middle. "Let me (urrrp) taste you," she said. The suggestive sentence gave her an excuse to slide down, as if she would put her lips between his legs. In fact, her plan was to pass her head under his stomach to tempt his next move.

Panther took the bait. Once her face was beneath his belly, he forced his pelvis downward onto her, encasing her head in the blubber of his heavy abdomen.

His power struck her, both in his heft and the way he wielded it. Krystal knew this must be what Adelaide's final moments felt like.

But, even after years of easy living, a warrior's instinct resided in her core. She gripped his gut in her arms, kicked her right foot against the bed, and thrust upward with her right shoulder. Panther was flabbergasted as his stance faltered and she forced him to roll off the bed. His back slammed the floor next to the bed with a colossal thud, shaking the furniture.

Krystal remained on the bed. "How do you plan to escape now? After that racket, everyone's on (hic) their way to this room." She lay on her side, letting her overpacked belly lean on the bed in front of her. Nervous, she realized her glutted middle would make it hard to escape or move anywhere quickly.

Panther rose and bared his fangs. "I haven't decided, but it will be easier with you out of the way."

With a bang, the door to the room swung open violently. Instants later, a ZOT erupted as a laser bolt flew into Panther. Unconscious, he fell forward against the bed with a grunt.

Krystal looked to the doorway and saw Fox. "Fox..." Her capacity for speech took a few short moments to return. "Fox, where did you get the gun? Did you sneak that past security?"

K'ool ran up behind Fox, panting. Fox thumbed to her. "Nope, I swiped hers." He turned his head to her. "You can have it back, by the way," he said, handing it back. "Don't worry, I just used the stun bolt."

* * * * *

While Panther remained unconscious, K'ool restrained him by hauling him into the chair in his room and cuffing his hands to it. The others crowded into the room, as well. Their blubbery bodies, all in the same room, made Fox feel cramped. The side of Zora's ass butted into K'ool's belly, and the arm of Tobias' chair poked into K'ool's rump and Gisele's left hip.

Fox and Krystal sat on the bed together, but he had to lean into Krystal to avoid brushing his muzzle against Gisele's waist. He put his arm around Krystal. She rubbed her distended stomach as she told what happened.

"...And that's when--(urp)--I saw the gold studs in the fridge. His corset wasn't held together by thread, like he had said. It was latched using studs. If you compare the fridge's studs (hic) with the corset, I'm certain they'll match. And I'm also certain they'll match the gold stud left behind on Prime Minister Adelaide Pose's neck.

"Panther must have held Adelaide to the floor, that was the thud I heard last night. Then, he ripped open his corset, scattering its studs. After that, he applied the murder weapon, his stomach, to her face. His abdominal fat blocked both her nose and mouth. Without a passage to breathe, she suffocated. He picked up most of the studs afterwards, those are the studs in the fridge. But he left one behind on her neck."

There was some amount of disbelief amongst the group. In time, detectives arrived. They gathered evidence, and black fur within Adelaide's mouth confirmed Krystal's story. Panther would be tried for his crime. But it remained unclear why he would murder the prime minister.

* * * *

"Feeder's log, starweight 265.07. It seemed like there would never be an answer for why Panther killed Addy Pose. But there were some rumblings that the Office of Cornerian Intelligence uncovered a hidden plot between Panther and Addy. Apparently they had been stealing government secrets from Corneria. In particular, they had snatched a project to raise bio-weapons as livestock, impractical as it sounds. Maybe Addy knew she was found out and wanted to pin it on Panther--who knows.

"Krystal put on several spacepounds just from that night alone. She's convinced something was up with the dodora meat. Then I recalled Andross had developed a so-called 'monarch dodora'--a bioweapon mutation of the natural dodora dragon. Wouldn't it be strange if that's what Panther had served...?"

The Body in the Kitchen P1 (SSBBW, stuffing, hunger)

DINING IN THE LYLAT SYSTEM Episode 5: THE BODY IN THE KITCHEN (PART 1) or FOUR LITTLE PIGS Written by: MISS JANE MAPLE \* \* \* \* \* "Feeder's log, starweight 256.80. Krystal and I are on our way to a boring state dinner on Fortuna. "The...

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Turgid Espionage Action Part 2 (BBW, Inflation, Burping)

DINING IN THE LYLAT SYSTEM Episode 4: TURGID ESPIONAGE ACTION (PART 2) Written by: ARTHUR C. SNARK \* \* \* \* \* "Feeder's log, addendum. Krystal and I were at the University of Corneria to visit Lucy Hare. To make a long story...

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Turgid Espionage Action Part 1 (BBW, Exercise, Bondage)

DINING IN THE LYLAT SYSTEM Episode 3: TURGID ESPIONAGE ACTION (PART 1) Written by: ARTHUR C. SNARK \* \* \* \* \* "Feeder's log, starweight 232.87. We were on our way to Corneria to get the Great Fox her annual checkup. She's my pride and joy, so I...

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