It's Just So Immersive!

Story by Pizza Tiger on SoFurry

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#3 of Vore

Simple premise, the fox Sweets comes home from a long day of work to have a social meetup on VR with a group and finds himself elsewhere!

Warning the following story contains : Vore, Digestion, Master/Servant, Micro/Macro, and Stomping

This was a commission I took on from a friend of mine

oweets comes home from a long day of work to have a social meetup on VR with a group and finds himself elsewhere!

It's Just So Immersive!

The cafe screams and bustles with energy throughout the night as the fox works hard on serving the customers. A tireless night of constant stress and yelling.

"Sweets! You gave them mayo instead of mustard!" The boss screamed at the fox as his red flushed face bubbled and boiled with anger.

"Sorry, sir! I will go fix it, sir!" Sweets bolting off to fix another order as he gets worked into the ground by both his customers and his demanding job. After a long night, he lets out a groan of dejected agony. "I'm not paid nearly enough to deal with this shit." He grumbles in the safety of his car as he heads back home from a night of stress.

The fox collapsed into his comfy beanbag as he looked at his computer with dull eyes. Staring at his headset, he needed his fix as he tiredly flicked on the power to his computer. After logging on to his computer, he checked for when the meetup was starting using Vorecord. His eyes widened as he hurried to setup his headset! Scurring to put on the headset, he didn't notice who was hosting it but was pretty sure he already had added the person as a contact. Huffing and panting already have been worn out, he hurried into the virtual world as his eyes adjust to the space filled with friends he knew. However, something was off. A massive goat was sitting on a throne but, nobody seemingly paid much attention to him. It was like he wasn't even sitting there or was just a part of the world. He walks up to it and realizes it's a giant statue, far taller than his model. The detail on this statue seemed out of place. Especially for the fact, everything else in the world was pretty much an expanse. There was nothing else in this world except his chatting friends and this statue.

The busy chatter in the world had gone dead silent within what seemed like seconds or minutes. Sweets looked around and noticed everyone was gone. It was just him and the statue. The real fox was confused as he removed his headset and rubbed his eyes. Did people migrate to another world that quickly without telling me? He shrugged it off, putting his headset back on and noticing that he had an invite to a world from unknown contact. He assumed that the host left and that this new contact was the host. The fox joined without thinking twice about that statue or what had just happened.

This world was far more detailed than any virtual world sweets had ever seen. Sweets could hear the wet drips, a low rumbling hum of the air, the wind that he seemingly felt in real life. The fox behind the headset's body trembled as what he saw through his headset as he looked up was the same goat. However, he wasn't a statue this time. The world was a brick room. These bricks were tan and in a degraded state as if its been ages since someone stepped foot in the room. A red hue surrounded the room, and these glowing lights seemingly had no origin, just a red glow that lit up every last inch.

The goat's body was massive. The figure was at least the same height as a skyscraper, his throne at least twice his size. Pitch black fur, each strand tangled within itself, two massive hoofs for feet, a muscular toned chest he at least had a six-pack from what the fox could see. The goat was also buck naked, and his thick ebony cock glistened in the red lights that illuminated the room. The fox stared at that impressive girth for a moment as he shook it off and looked higher, seeing that perfectly chiseled chest and arms. Inevitably the eyes of the fox met up with the eyes of the goat, six red glaring black upside-down crosses for pupils and red irises. A toothy grin flashes on the goat's face as he looks at Sweets. His sharp dagger-like teeth were glistening like pristine pearls.

"Hello Sweets, I am Alzarious. I've been watching you for some time now. I've been patiently waiting, aching, hungering, seeing if you'd finally come to me. It seems I finally got my chance when you weren't paying too much attention to where you could join the world. I've tried before, and it seems you'd be cruel enough to ignore me no matter how persistent I was." The goat's voice boomed with a deep baritone that shook the very foundation bits of rubble crumbling from the ceiling. His eyes glared with a bit of resentment towards the seemingly ignorant fox. His face seems to relax as he presses his massive hoof against the smaller male. It was odd. The scent, the pressure, the weight all of it felt so real to the fox behind the headset like he was actually in the same room. Maybe it was all the incredible detail put into this single room, but the fox felt every second of it. "Enough about what happened in the past. I know what you're into, Sweets. I know what your soul desires. You want me to eat you! And you know I am more than happy to indulge!" The goat hoists up the fox with little effort towards his maw. His hot breath washing over the fox as he heaves with each action as the fox behind the screen believes the goat is merely teasing him.

"Haha, very funny, surely this VR world doesn't have the vore system fully working. I feel like it would fall apart if you tried to use it. I heard bugs were going on with it that made it unusable." The fox scoffed at the teasing, but he was already aroused by the idea of this demonic goat gulping him down in real life. It was hard to deny what he was feeling towards all this foreplay. The goat took notice and tilted his head upward and placed the fox on top of his closed teeth that were just an inch away from spreading open and bringing the fox down into the slimy depths.

"Ummm, are you sure you want to eat me, Alzarious? I mean, I uhhh mmfff you are pretty hot, but uh, will I even be filling to you? I'm so small I..."His words were cut off by those teeth spreading open as the broad tongue grabbed his form. The inside of the goat's maw was filled with the same bright red light, the moody contour of shadows and flesh intertwined as the fox saw every minute detail, the ridges of the maw, the strands of saliva. The humid breath made sweets shiver in pleasure as he felt like he was nothing more than food to the mighty goat.

"Mmm, you taste so wonderful. I can't imagine how you must taste how the real Sweets must be so succulent and tasty in real life. I would love to get a good taste of the real you. To feel you squirm inside my maw, to feel every inch of my tongue. To vanish into my slimy abyss." His voice boomed like rolling thunder as it seeped into the fox's mind like an intoxicating poison. Those sultry words, the promise of something so taboo in the real world, the thought made him bounce and bob while in his headset, unable to contain such an alluring idea. That fantasy of being tucked away within a belly always had eaten into the thoughts of the fox.

Sweets hesitated in the words he wanted to say to Alazarious. his voice, his lips quivered at the thought. "I-I don't think I would mind if you ate me in real long as you spat me out!" A deep rumble that sounded like a dark chuckle filled the fox's ears. It made his body shiver as his body in VR was being swished around violently in that maw. He was toyed around with so casually, every inch of his foxy avatar getting pushed around against those ridges teasingly brought up to the teeth.

The tidal waves of saliva washed over the fox's form as the real one began to feel the dampness even more so. This was starting to get a little weird, even for the fox. Sweets tried to remove the headset but just ended up touching his face in the drooling maw. The horror rushing through his mind was cut short by a long wet gulp as he plunged into the throat. The slimy, gunky goo coated his form as the tight walls of the gullet kneaded on his small stature. Sweets' movement was growing increasingly more panicked as he tried to keep himself from sliding deeper. It was impossible he had nothing to grip onto the wetness was far too slick to hold onto anything. The sphincter to the stomach opened up as he dived face-first into the ghastly acidic chyme of the goat's stomach.

His eyes were clamped shut as he desperately swam to the surface, gasping for air as he clutched to a lump of digesting meat. That grotesque suffocating air wafted in like a stale horrid reminder of the fox's position. Sweets felt his very strength sap away from the suffocating sphere that bubbled and groaned, aching for its fresh meal. Those sounds of yearning nearly a siren call to the fox's mind slowly being bewildered by the toxic air. The glowing insides were making this situation all the worse as he saw the sloppy remains of food slowly vanishing to the waves of enzymes gnawing away at what was in that gut. In the remnants of his strength and desperation, he did his best to shout to the goat. "I would give my very soul to you, sir, if you let me live. I would give whatever it would take to see another day! I don't want to die here!" There was silence in the air as the goat must've heard that offer.

"How about a contract? You become my slave for the rest of eternity, and I won't kill you." The goat's smug disposition could practically be heard from his jovial tone.

"Fine! Fine! Just please let me live!" The fox was not thinking twice about the offer in the hellish pit of a stomach. Those acidic waves were crashing into his form, being one hell of a motivator.

A searing pain enters the fox's chest like a labeling smoldering iron was being burned into his very soul! A mark wrapped around the fox's soul, and a tattoo with the goat's face appeared on the fox's chest. "You now belong to me, for the rest of eternity, and for you, that means you can no longer die." Those acids are still chewing away at the fox's shape despite what the goat had just said to him. The fox was forced to watch in horror as his body became mere nutrients for the hungry goat. Eventually, his consciousness and body would fade into the soupy mixture of chyme and bile. He was just like any other meal, only a hardy, rich, pound-packer.

Sweet's eyes opened to see the ginormous goat before him. Alzarious had the face of a gleeful devil as those teeth went from ear to ear. "Well, it seems like the mark carries through with you in your new body. Good to know, the contract seal survives through digestion. I may have forgotten to mention this to you, Sweets, but in the contract, if you ever defy me, you will surely regret it." His hooves clack and clatter on the stone ground as the amusement never left his eyes.

The fox sighs and seems like he's just awaiting a command from the impressively large goat, the words servant bouncing through the fox's mind like a rubber ball. He had to come to accept that he agreed to a contract without reading the fine print. The goat casually splayed out a large hoof. He motioned to the fox towards that massive hoof as the smaller male grimaced. His body moved toward that massive hoof and his face revolted at the intense aroma of masculine musk. Yet as he continued to smell, the scent was like a sickening toxin to the mind. Licking across the vast surface, he began to clean that hoof with his tongue.

Dragging his tongue repeatedly, trying to get every last crevice with diligence as he felt pressure push against him. The hoof moved every so often before it shined like a polished floor. Sweets moved towards the other hoof without being asked and began to give it the same treatment. The fox's body was hoisted towards the goat's ballsac as Alzarious gave a sly grin holding him by the scruff of his neck. As he was put down between those thick thighs, Sweets was left bewildered by the big ballsac.

Slowly snapping out of it, the fox walked up to the hefty and musky sac and began to use his tiny tongue to give it a lick. His licking was growing more eager with each stroke of his tongue. The little globs of fox drool were barely painting that sac. Alzarious hoisted up his heavy orbs and dropped them down on the small fox. The massive balls nearly crushed the fox, but with the might he had, the sac was almost smothering him instead of fully smushing him. His hands were kneading against those thick walls of flesh as he tried his best to please his master. The weight was making his arms weary with each creak and each rub. It was getting harder to manage that strength as the musk was continuing to fume into his nose. Soon his arms gave way as that heavy sac covered the fox's body. It was like being hugged by a bristly pillow. Sweets could feel every minute strand of fur. His tongue continued to lick that heavy sac as he hoped his master wouldn't forget about him. Then he felt it, and the sac was grinding into him, crushing his form into the hard stone throne.

His eyes would open once more to see the goat grinning once more as a hoof came down on him. It wasn't very long that Sweets was already on the ground as the mighty hoof planted into his back. The poor fox could barely process what was going on as that mighty hoof grinds into his back. That incredible weight, that power, the fox wanted it all so much. Alzarious was just what the fox needed a master who loved to toy with him. As he was being crushed into the stone floor, he couldn't help but let his thoughts run free with naughtiness. He wondered what kinds of naughty things the cruel and powerful goat had in store for him. His thoughts soon cut short as the hoof came crashing down on him.


The following story was made for my good friend Scherzo because he won a raffle on my Twitter: PizzaTiger\_AD CONTENT WARNING: Gore, bone-breaking, digestion, oral vore, M/M, cruel predator, Somnophillia, Heavy alcohol usage, object...

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Sticky and Wet

The lush, vibrant forest rests calmly in the bright daylight, a serene, gentle warmth that stretches onward for miles. The mighty green trees are standing proudly, the flowers blooming with iridescent radiance, receiving their blessings from the loving...

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