Jayce’s Turn Part 1

Story by ImpFox on SoFurry

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Part 1 of the continuation of Izzy and Jayce's escapades. This part gets emotional and deals with the topic of consent. Ends before the real debauchery begins. Part 2 soon to follow.


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"So how we doin so far?"

"Excited!" Jayce's pitch rises an octave or two too high. The gray blue wolf tries to smile the nerves away. "And ok a little nervous still, hehe"

Izzy checks the knot one more time to make sure it will hold. Pulling away and sitting at the end of the bed, the fox gets a good look at his wolf. Jayce's back is against the headboard, arms are spread wide with a small rope wrapped around each wrist cuffing them to the corners. The wolf continues to flex his arms and pull, testing the restraints. This gives Izzy a wonderful show as his eyes trace along the wolf's arms. The darker fur of his forearm transitions to the light gray on his bicep, accentuating his muscles with each flex. Izzy continues his sightseeing tour over to the wolf's chest. While not bulging, the Jayce's pecs are well defined. The site brings a hungry grin to the fox's face. Falling down, this particular position highlights the wolf's abs quite well. Izzy traces his eyes along each crest and valley of muscle, morphing his grin into a bite of his lower lip. The fox's eyebrows raise as he reaches his final stop. He absorbs the sight of Jayce's sheath, from the furry balls up to the slightest bit of red poking out the tip.

"Z. Z. Hey Z... IZZY!"

"Eh, what?" Shaking his head, Izzy snaps back to attention. "Sorry, did you say something?"

"I asked if we can keep going." Jayce just looks at his fox pensively.

"Yes, yes. Sorry. It's just," Izzy pauses to collect himself and takes one last quick scan over the wolf's body. "God. You know how fucking hot you are right?" The wolf's only response is a red cheeked smile and the sound of his tail thumping into the bed. "And while you are like this," wearing a mischievous smirk, the fox begins to slowly crawl over the wolf, never breaking eye contact. "I can do anything," His butt now rests in Jayce's lap. Bringing his hands up, Izzy grabs the wolf's head and brings their noses together. "I want to". Tilting his head to the side he settles them in one long passionate kiss. Breaking away, the fox carefully removes the wolf's glasses and sets them on the end table. On his way back he grabs the pair of blindfolds laying on the bed. He takes one last gaze into his lover's jade eyes before covering them.

"The blindfold seems like overkill, no? I already really can't see very far without my glasses." Jayce emits a slight chuckle.

"Yeah, but you aren't totally blind and I want the full sense gone." Izzy slowly traces both hands across the wolf's chest, nails combing through the fur and lightly scratching the skin. He can feel his partner shutter a little beneath him. "This way everything you feel is just a bit, more". Content to stay like this for a while, the fox runs his fingers along Jayce's chest and just listens to the slow breaths that escape through his nose.

"Now before we really start," Izzy's hands continue to scratch and pet, "At any point if I'm going too fast or you're uncomfortable and want me to stop, you say so, ok?"

"I know, I know." Jayce is sure the fox is giving him a doubtful look even though he can't see it."I promise to tell you if it's too much or you are going too fast. But, but I trust you and I want to do this." He looks up to where he assumes the fox's face is. "I love you Z"

It's Izzy's turn to blush. He leans in again for another peck on the lips. "I love you too babe" His hands finally stop their scratching and come to rest on the wolf's shoulders. The fox leans real close to whisper "And i think," Izzy keeps his face as close to Jayce as possible, his nose brushing along the wolf's cheek. The warmth and tickle of his breath allows Jayce to feel the presence of the fox slide from one ear over to the other. "You're going to love what I have planned for you."

Their muzzles meet again as Izzy leans more into the wolf. Lips lock for only a second before breaking apart to allow their tongues to meet. Entwining, dancing and wrestling, the two explore each other with determined purpose. Only coming up for air or to change angles, they continue to make out as their internal embers spark to life. Seconds go by and their excitement is evident now, Izzy's erect cock nestling between two of them while Jayce's member run's through the fox's cheeks and bumps into the underside of his tail. Both dampen their fur, arousal slowly leaking out. Izzy finally breaks the kiss for good and smiles as he brings their foreheads together.

"I'm glad you are excited", the fox pauses to rock and grind his ass against the wolf's dick, "but that part is for later." Jayce can't hold back a low growl in protest. "Hush" Izzy lightly bops the wolf's nose with a finger and climbs off the wolf. "Doggy will get to bury his bone later" He can't help but chuckle, a little bit at his own cheesy joke, but mostly because the wolf looked up, pursed his lips together, and let out one long breath. Apparently the fox's teasing was having its desired effect.

Izzy moves his focus to the next step of his plans and rests his head on Jayce's lap with his muzzle dangerously close to the wolf's crotch. A quick sniff to fill his head with the wolf's smell, he looks up the erect member. The bright red canid cock stands at full attention, all seven inches, with the beginning of the knot inflated at the base. A band of pre runs down the shaft until gravity drags it off one side and falls to the fur underneath. Izzy reaches out and grabs the top, placing his thumb directly on the tip. A quiet moan escapes the wolf as the fox buries his face into the fuzzy sheath. Izzy uses his other hand to cup Jayce's balls and bring them up for one long drag of his tongue.

"Ohhhh Z", the wolf lets out in a hoarse whisper.

This brings a smile to the fox as he begins to pump one hand at a leisurely pace while the other caresses and rolls the half of Jayce's package that isn't in Izzy's mouth. The fox continues for a while, savoring one orb while fondling the other. Occasionally he stops his jerking motion of his other hand to thumb circles across the head of the wolf's erection. Izzy can feel his partner's quickening heartbeat, the fox's ears twitching along to each of the wolf's erratic grunts. Stopping the attention on the wolf's balls, Izzy swallows one of his fingers and gives it several swirls of his tongue to apply a thick coating of saliva. With a small pop he removes his finger while a connected strand of spit follows it down underneath the wolf's package.

"Ahhh!" Jayce whimpers, bouncing his waist as a slight groan emanates from the headboard from the tension against his restraints.

"Hey, hey, relax. Relax." Izzy's earlier smug grin now changed into a deeply concerned frown. "Hey are you ok? I thought you said you wanted to finally try stuff down there?"

"I do, I do. Just..." Jayce lets out a sad sigh. He curls his hands into a tight ball and there is visual strain in his shoulders. "Just wasn't expecting to get to that part so soon."

"Hey, hey, it's ok." Izzy sat up right and brought his knees to his chest. "It's ok." He reaches out and slightly lifts the blindfold so he can look into his partner's eyes. "If I'm going too fast I'll slow down. Hey, look at me. I'm glad you said something. I mean it." He reaches up to run his thumb over Jayce's cheek, but the wolf recoils just a bit. An instant later the shock fades from the wolf's eyes and he leans back into Izzy's hand but averted his gaze.

"I'm sorry I'm ruining our fun time, hehe" Jayce closes his eyes and lets out a soft laugh through his artificial smile. Suddenly his head is whipped towards the fox as both of Izzy's hands are on his face and directs him to stare in his partner's heterochromic eyes. Instead of disgust, he only sees concern.

"No." The word came out firmly, but there was no hint of malice in Izzy's voice.

"No? N-no what" Jayce couldn't help but stammer a little.

"No you are not ruining our fun time. If you aren't comfortable then we stop, period. We can always have fun later or in some other way."

With his face held in place, Jayce can only scan Izzy's eyes. He examines them for any sign of lies, anger, or disgust. But the harder he looks he can only see more and more empathy.

"Listen, I know we have never done stuff down there with you together." The fox softens his hold of the wolf's face and starts to run his thumbs through fur on his cheeks. "The few times I mentioned it you sort of brushed it off and never brought it up yourself so I just thought you weren't interested. Which is totally fine with me since I mostly prefer being on bottom anyway. But clearly there is something more to this." Izzy drops his hands and rests his chin on his knees. Gently he asks the wolf, "Do you want to talk about it?"

Jayce turns his head up and closes his eyes. Izzy reaches his hand down and delicately places it on the wolf's stomach. He jumps a bit again, but settles down as the fox just begins to slowly pet the fur on his abdomen. Focusing on his partner's hand, Jayce takes in slow deep breaths until he finally feels his shoulders drop a little. Then, somehow, the absurdity of the situation dawns on him. While he appreciates the focus and attention on his issue from his partner, his wrists are still tied to the bed and arms splayed out. He isn't sure if the response is correct or healthy, but his only reaction to his current predicament is a slight chuckle that squeezes through the tightness in his throat. With one last loud exhale, the wolf brings his eyes back to Izzy and discreetly nods.

"I've thought about asking you to do, stuff, to me down there a lot actually. But I always get too scared and just... never say anything." Anxiety stretching to even attack his limbs, Jayce grimaces and looks away.

The wolf lets the silence linger a little too long. Izzy isn't sure, but thinks Jayce might need a little encouragement to continue. He continues to lightly scratch away at the wolf's belly and takes a warm tone before asking, "Have you ever done anything down there? And babe, it's totally fine if you haven't."

"Once, sort of. Back when I was fourteen. I got curious just like anyone else. But I didn't really know anything and was worried about a mess or getting caught. So I tried it in the shower. Except I didn't want to use my finger cos I thought it might get dirty. So the only thing I could think to use was my brush handle. It, uh, was probably too big for my first try and I definitely didn't prepare myself right. So instead of feeling good it just hurt."

"Oh, babe." Izzy can't stand the frown on Jayce's face. He brings his other hand up to the wolf's face. His head collapses into it. "I'm sorry your first experience hurt and turned you off from it. It's ok though. We can-"

"That's... that's not the main reason though." Having abruptly cut the fox off, Jayce starts apologizing "Sorry. Sorry I didn't mean to" before he feels the hand on his face squeeze against his cheek and he falls silent. Locking eyes again with Izzy, the wolf is just met with a smile and a small nod.

Their brief interaction returns a quick matching smile to Jayce's face but it quickly fades again once he continues. "The last few partners I had before you wanted to try doing stuff too. But I was even more nervous about this back then. They would pester me about it and I would give half answers until they kept pushing until I would snap at them. We would fight for a bit, ruin the moment and be mad at each other for days." Each word extracts more of the self made poison he feels running through his veins. Finally, he squeezes out the last drop with a heavy sigh.

"Thank you". Izzy drops his hand from the wolf's face and moves his other to slowly rub and reassuringly squeeze along his partner's thigh.

"For what?"

"For telling me. I could tell that wasn't easy." Izzy allows a few more seconds to let the moment settle before continuing. "And for those other guys," the fox's earlier warmth turning ice cold, "they can fuck right off. What kind dick do you have to be to behave like that, huh?" The fox's volume and disgust rising. "Trying to get your boyfriend do shit he doesn't want. What a bunch of pricks."

"Hey, relax Z. It's-"

"Hmph," Izzy cuts off the wolf with a faux pout, crossing his arms and turning his head away. "Well their loss. Now this super smart and sexy wolf is all mine. Humph!" Keeping up his fake posture, the fox manages to peek one eye back over to Jayce to gauge his reaction. The wolf smiles before a chuckle rolls into a little laughter.

"Well i think you're pretty smart and sexy too Z". Jayce continues to laugh as he watches Izzy's face beam back at him. The laughter lasts too long though, confusing the fox.

"I'm glad you're smiling again babe, but I didn't think I was that funny."

"I know, I know it's just that," Jayce pauses to let out one last giggle, "It's just that this whole thing is weird right now."

"What do you mean?" Izzy can only scrunch his eyebrows and tilt his head.

"It's just, things started out pretty spicy, then I went and stopped everything over a fear that turned out to be really silly because I'm dating a super awesome fox. I got all emotional and you were super sweet and understanding and caring. Then you put on your cute little pouty act.Meanwhile this whole time we've been having this discussion, I'm still tied to the bed."

Izzy's eyes snap over to the corners of the headboard as Jayce flexes his hands as if to confirm, 'yes, i'm still tied up here'. "Oh my god I'm so sorry. I got so focused when we stopped I didn't even realize. God i'm so sorry." He springs to his knees and reaches over to begin untying the wolf. "Let's get you out of these."

"Wait, why?"

Izzy stopps. "What do you mean why?"

Jayce's blood rushes to his face, chin dropping to his chest, and his voice becomes a bit docile. "I was kind of hoping um, I was kind of hoping you could pick up where you left off."

"Are you sure?" Sitting back down, Izzy ducks his head into the wolf's vision. "We can try another night. Or never and that would be ok too."

"No. No I, I want to." Jayce smiles back at Izzy before his building confidence morphs it into a sly smirk. "Besides, I remember someone saying something corny about burying a bone. Wouldn't want to miss that."

"Pssh, please you liked it in the moment. And if you're sure, I'll gladly get back to it. And I'm beyond happy to be your first babe. Just tell me if it's too much or I'm going too fast."

"I will. I promise."

Izzy lays back down and slathers up one finger again.

"Uh, Z aren't you forgetting something?"

"It's just a finger. I promise saliva is more than enough"

"No, not that."

Looking back up, Izzy sees Jayce flexing his brow, drawing his attention to the bouncing blindfolds still resting on his forehead. The fox just laughs and reaches up to pull them down over his eyes.

"Now, where were we?"

Jayce’s Turn Part 2

Jayce shudders as Izzy's finger presses up against his rear entrance. Slowly the fox massages around the wolf's pucker, lubricating and attempting to massage his partner before taking the next step. "Remember, just breathe and relax." Izzy...

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Trying New Things

The credits rolled accompanied by a haunting orchestral score as Izzy's favorite horror movie finished. It wasn't the brown and orange fox's scariest choice, but it was campy in all the best ways. The music fades into the background as the fox snuggles...

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