Night Shift

Story by UmiTheUmbreon on SoFurry

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#14 of A Night She Couldn't Resist

Brooke has never been happier. She recently committed to her first genuine relationship while in her teen years, but once her boyfriend brings home a new pokémon-- a rather dominant midnight lycanroc that takes a certain liking to Brooke upon first sight, it quickly becomes a risky situation she has to make quick and constant decisions on.


Set a month later.

Follows Brooke's job at the Sushi High Roller and her relation with Vix.


Existing; complete stories: 'Midnight.' (Male umbreon x fem trainer.) 'Cassidy's Journey.' (Male braixen x fem trainer.) 'All They Knew.' (Male alolan ninetales x fem trainer.)'Hidden Lifestyle.'(Fem human x fem human.)

^ Excluding 'Midnight,' all three existing works take place in the same universe.


All NSFW scenes: Chapter 3: Brooke & Vix.

M lycan x F human.

Chapter 7: Brooke & Vix.

M lycan x F human.

Chapter 12: Brooke & Vix.

M lycan x F human.

~ Non-canon: Chapter ?: Pyro & Luma.

M torracat x F alolan vulpy.

Chapter ?: Brooke & Vix & Pyro.

M lycan x M torracat x F human.

Brooke pushed a shopping cart down an aisle of boxed goods one Wednesday evening while Luma sat in its seat. She was going shopping for a few items her parents needed. "What else? We got the spearow, mago berry juice..." Brooke stopped the cart and pulled out her phone to consult her parents' list.

Luma had been busy looking at all of the different food items the store had in stock while being pushed around meanwhile. She wished she could have accessed food this easily in the wild. Being human was a gift.

Then again, Luma had a luxurious life now and got to eat delicious meals she'd never have had access to without being owned-- and she was able to lie around all day.

"Oh, just some seasonings, then we're done." Brooke put her phone back in her pocket and grinned at Luma. "And a carton of berries to hold you off for the night."

"Vul." Luma swished her tail. She hoped Brooke would bring home more sushi from work as well. It was Luma's favorite food and had yet to be topped.

See? Luma would surely end up a lazy and spoiled ninetales someday, but it'd be worth it as long as nothing changed. She watched others shop around while Brooke headed toward the cold section and could smell the berries already. She didn't notice that she was practically leaning into its fragrance.

But Brooke did. "Maybe two. I know you've been eating a lot lately." Luma was growing fast, and Brooke was here to support it. She steered around a few other shoppers and stopped at a stand holding various berry cartons. "Uh, I'll point, and you make a cute noise when I'm on one you like."

Luma could do that. She watched Brooke's finger hover over the cartons and move slowly. She passed rabuta, babiri, passho-- "pi pix!" Luma stopped her at magost berries. They were a pink tangy, sweet berry she adored eating.

"That's one down." Brooke grabbed and set it in the cart, then continued.

Luma let her pass belue berries, which she despised even looking at after her experience with them in the wild. They were a tad spicy and utterly sour.

She saw them on a bush one day while out with her parents and pulled one off, and after a few bites, Luma spat it out and had to run to a nearby pond to wash its pungent flavor away.

It was why she was anxious to try new berries nowadays.

She'd stick with what she knew.

"What, you want me to sleep there tonight?" Brooke had the phone pressed to her ear against her shoulder while putting on black pants and a matching button-up shirt for work twenty minutes before 6 p.m.

Luma was on the bed, meanwhile, eating at her carton of micle berries, dry and sweet.

"Sure, but no sex. I'm gonna be exhausted." Brooke almost fell asleep during the last time he tried. "Let me hang up, Parker. I'll see you at twelve. Love you." She slipped her phone in her pocket and sighed, patting Luma's head.

She looked up at Brooke while chewing. "Vpm." Luma would miss her during the hours she was gone and would most definitely grow bored.

She sometimes wished to have company. She and Pyro had talked more over the last couple of weeks, and she was beginning to like him. Vix? Not so much. He hadn't so much as greeted her. He was quite rude, and she didn't enjoy being around him.

"Try to make those last, Luma. Mom'll come check on you in a bit and give you the other." Brooke leaned over and scratched her neck, ensuring her bowl of water on the floor was filled before heading downstairs and out the door into a warm climate.

She'd be early but still found herself pacing across the pavement to the High Roller, which was only minutes away.

After waiting tables for over a year, Brooke thought about applying for full time, which would mean dealing with disgruntled customers misdirecting their anger toward her for more hours than she had to already, but she and Parker had been discussing the idea of her moving in with him, and Brooke would need to make more money if that were the case. She had a lot saved as is.

She was about ready to move out and start a life with Parker-- no kids, of course. She had Luma, and it was enough to wash and brush her coat, feed, and water her as is. A child would require a lot more work to raise.

Brooke shortly arrived at the High Roller's doors and entered, looking at a full house with people standing in the waiting area for available tables. Tonight would be a long one.

She went to the back where the kitchen was and checked in on a labeled paper atop a counter with a pen. Brooke didn't have much to do before her shift started. She sometimes helped clean the kitchen to pass the time but wasn't up for it now.

"Yo, Brooke, you wanna take my shift fifteen minutes early?"

She turned and grinned. "What is it this time?" It was a co-worker with a small bowl of ice cream in hand. He was a year younger with blonde hair and could be quite the complainer when it came to working.

He sighed. "Have to go give some kid free ice cream and sing happy birthday. Don't get paid enough for it, and I wanna go home."

"Ah, just go make their night, Liam. It only comes once a year." Brooke watched him mumble and walk into the restaurant.

She wasn't at the point where she hated her job and didn't think she would ever get there. She hadn't been working here for as long as Liam, but if Brooke despised her hours like that, she'd start applying elsewhere as soon as possible.

Speaking of hours, it had been a while since Brooke had put something in her stomach, and she was a week overdue for sushi. She'd have to order a serving on break.

Añu & Violet

It was an hour after midnight, and Violet couldn't even attempt to sleep. She was on her side at the foot of Cassidy's bed in deep discomfort since her heat cycle started days ago, so she wasn't at all in a good mood. There wasn't a single pokémon...

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Near midnight, as employees worked overtime to hasten the progress of the coming raid, Kenjo entered the weapons room in his usual black outfit after being out for hours, where employees worked over tables. He approached one of his supervisors watching...

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