Never Forgets - Adult Dumbo Series - 3/5

Story by Randomsquidborn13 on SoFurry

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No one can predict how Dumbo will treat the next girl but certainly, Prissy is expecting the worst... she might be surprised...

Three: Prissy Madam

The rumours spread amongst the humans and from them, amongst every animal that was in the region, making all of them rather startled to think of an elephant doing something a lowly as to... well, it insulted the herd. When Catty had been amongst the females and none of them had first known, they'd all been curious to know how it could have taken so long to get done, but she'd explained how there had been chaos, all thanks to the humans getting Dumbo to perform for their entertainment first, distracting him. The others had seemed to accept it, but Eloise had become rather more alive afterwards and when the news had reached them, the Matriarch had awoken from her stupor.

To everyone's great surprise within the herd, hearing the news that a member of their family would have done something so rude, made them all trumpet and snort in fury. Eloise held a look of fury none had seen in a long time when she'd given out the most painful sounding trumpeting and then grabbed one of the sticks from the ground. She'd then given Catty a few whacks on the rump, telling her off from being foolish and doing something so dirty! For some of the cows watching it, if not for all of them, it was rather amusing to say the very least and Prissy had to admit it was rather funny. Catty had never been so quiet in so very long, but she knew it would be Prissy's turn next and who could say what would happen with her turn.

Prissy was eating rather calmly from the grassy field with the herd where they had been moved, where she spotted Mrs Jumbo being moved into the field to join them. Curiously, Mrs Jumbo was content and greeted with friendship from the herd although Catty and Eloise were rather uncomfortable in that matter. Prissy noticed though that Mrs Jumbo still settled and ate alone within the field, which saddened Prissy when they had both been friends once. But steadily, she decided to stroll over to Mrs Jumbo's side, giving a low rumble of greeting before standing beside her with a low rumble of pleasure before Mrs Jumbo turned to her.

"Its been a long time since we've shared grass, Prissy... is there something on your mind, friend?" Mrs Jumbo always spoke sweetly and kindly, even if she was thinking bad things about others, they were thoughts she kept for herself and never expressed... being chained up had taught her that. But Prissy just felt oddly embarrassed, bringing the tip of her trunk to her mouth and giving an awkward expression as if she were not sure what she wanted to say. Mrs Jumbo could think, but she thought it might be more polite to let her say what was on her mind.

Prissy was awkward, she felt utterly terrified over the thought that she wanted to apologise to Mrs Jumbo for everything she'd said before, if only because she wanted her to make sure Dumbo was kind to her. She was fearful too that the older female may ridicule her because of her desire to still have a calf and how it had not been fulfilled through Dumbo's own father. She was nervous, fearful and then Mrs Jumbo gave a soft sight as she then lifted her hand to gently stroke at her friend's ears, rubbing them softly to soothe her as she looked embarrassed all the more.

"Prissy... is this about my little Jumbo Junior? Only I can't imagine what may happen next when he's requested to be with you. All I know is that the humans want you all to have babies and all I can think is, maybe this is your chance to finally know the joy of motherhood! All I can do is say how excited I am for you to be given this chance!" Mrs Jumbo stated with the sweetest expression upon her face that made Prissy suddenly unsure if her friend was being sincere or not. She thanked her all the same and continued grazing with a slightly nervous edge....

"Well, she was very rude about it all when I was pregnant and she was not, but it was her first time and she was desperate to have a child. You have to understand my son, its all part of the way of the herd... the matriarch, her daughter, her granddaughter and her great-granddaughter should form the basis of the herd. The herd revolves around the link to the Matriarch and her wisdom. A herd stuck in two generations only is not a healthy herd, so its vitally important for the herd that Prissy should have a calf and so far she's been unsuccessful..." Mrs Jumbo stated as she gently took the brush from the bucket left by the humans and gently brushed the dead skin and dirt from her son's body. She was looking incredibly proud, especially to know that Prissy was indeed the next target.

Dumbo listened to his mother carefully, he was not exactly sure that he liked the idea of giving any of those females the smooth ride they'd been enjoying now, but he had an idea too. His mother seemed to still be attached to the friendship she used to have with Prissy and at times, it was hard to tell where Prissy was speaking and not her mother. The only time she ever seemed to be herself was when she was arguing with Catty and that could be very amusing! Dumbo considered how it would be for both Catty and the Matriarch to know that Dumbo had been very different with Prissy... would it muddle the set up of the herd completely?

"That's a thought though... if you do sire calves then I will be the one with more generations in the herd, not the Matriarch. If you have a calf with Prissy, then there's no way that the next Matriarch won't be ours and therefore, there won't be another old stuffy brute as Eloise. What do you think my boy?" Mrs Jumbo stated sweetly, stretching out her trunk to hold onto her son's, squeezing it gently as he squeezed back and then gently nodded his ears to her. He had a good idea on what to do and gently he stroked his mother's face with his trunk and she could see exactly what her son was thinking... Dumbo wanted to make his mother the top member of the herd, so he would do what he needed to do!

The humans then arrived, insisting it was time for their favourite stud to get to work... but there was a mating rumble from another male elsewhere and Dumbo looked to his mother thoughtfully. Timothy though hopped down from the rafters and onto Dumbo's back, scuttling to his ears and then hiding behind their big form, settling as the big bull elephant followed the humans on. There was no mistaking the sensation of mating rumbles from another tent further off but the female make noise back was one of the younger girls... in fact he was sure it was that one that used to be little and stand at the top of the pyramid of eight elephants. He could hear too that some of the other younger females were rumbling in excitement, but Timothy patted his head with a chuckle.

"Hey, don't you worry there, lover boy... those are the unproven girls who've not had a calf before... they always pair them with one of the big males that works to move equipment... not a star like you. Once they know the girls will have calves, they put them to big studs, but the calves they have tend to be sold on as less important... but I know you've got the five best girls to be with... Prissy, Giddy and then Sassy. They're all the one's to insult your mother, though Sassy not so much... she just took your mother's position as the fifth cow of rank in the herd... so still a problem." Timothy stated, though to be fair after everything those girls had done when his mother had been put away, all twelve of the cows needed to be treated roughly! He wondered if the other bull felt the same way, after-all that bull had recently befriended Dumbo, teaching him how to push box cars and lift heavy equipment. "Besides, old Bruiser's yer friend, he'd love to have a break from those annoying girls I'm sure, probably why he always lives away from them! Haha!"

Dumbo gave a soft snort, not sure if he understood completely, but he was willing to accept what Timothy told him. To be fair, he felt all the cows should be dealt with by himself, especially after everything they'd put him through as a calf and shooting peanuts at them had not been enough to teach them what they deserved. So calmly, he followed the humans towards the mating tent and was looking rather cautious as he stepped inside to see Prissy standing there, water near her ears to show her stress and her body trembling slightly. He was curious as to why she was being so nervous and reacting so fearfully towards him?

He stepped over to her gently as she greeted him with a nervous tremor in her voice, he stretched out his trunk and then wrapped it about hers. She sighed in relief, only to feel suddenly a little giddy as his trunk coiled around hers and gently began to stroke up and down. His ears flapped gently, trying to encourage her to relax with a slow rumble of interest that seemed to make the female look almost hypnotised. Dumbo then lifted his trunk, stretching it over her shoulder and then stroking behind her ears gently as he might do to a calf. She seemed to lean into it, graciously accepting it although she felt awkward all the same and Dumbo was amused by her.

Then, when he was quite sure she was relaxed, he stretched his trunk out to stroke along her back, moving closer to her and then stepping behind her. Prissy still seemed rather nervous, but Dumbo pressed his head, trunk and tusks against her hips, letting her feel his weight so she knew what to expect and she still gave a slow trumpet of anxiety over the attention. Dumbo then did something unusual, he brought his trunk down to her groin, gently sniffing at her and curling his trunk to gently rub at the opening. Immediately, Prissy got worried she might be hurt like her mother and bolted forward, only to give a grunt of shock when she felt the chains the humans had put on her legs.

Dumbo was amused by her panic, he brought his trunk to gently tug at her tail, stroking around her backside, only to make her panic more and try to pull away. She gave out a trumpet to the humans, desperate that they should help her out as Dumbo stroked around her backside, making it twitch in fear as she tried to escape him again. He was amused by her fear, seeing her react in the same manner his mother must have when she'd been put in the box away from her darling son and none of them had dared to help her out! Instead, Dumbo then stretched out, snatching her trunk and pulling it back towards his belly, making her think of what Catty had done and Prissy gave out a violent trumpet of total terror, trying to pull herself free as the humans then got panicked and started to move as if to deal with her.

But when Prissy realised what the humans were thinking, how Mrs Jumbo had acted and that Dumbo had done nothing to her but stuff her, she froze. Suddenly, she took in deep, calming breaths and pulled backward slightly, looking miserable at the realisation she'd just been making a mountain out of a molehill. She'd made herself look like a mad elephant and if that were the case, they might never allow her to have a calf at all! Her mother would be so disappointed in her and she was disappointed in herself as she stepped back and swung her trunk around to grab Dumbo's, stroking along his trunk as he stroked along hers as she then gave a low rumble of worry.

"I'm... I'm sorry... just... just anxious." Prissy stated, but she was rather surprised to feel is trunk climb up to her cheek and gently stroke at her cheek tenderly. The motion was so soft and gentle that she had to give a wheeze of disbelief before the stroking his trunk with her own. With that, the humans seemed to relax and Dumbo was quite sure he'd gotten her attention, bringing his trunk away and back to her groin. He gently stroked her slit, feeling it get sticky and wet, sniffing and being astonished at how erect he became the moment he sniffed her!

Dumbo was surprised, it would seem that he'd hit the jackpot with Prissy and she was certainly in heat. Prissy gave a soft rumble of anxiety, but Dumbo stroked at her pussy gently with his trunk, nosing it, glazing the tip of his trunk with it. The more he touched her, the wetter it seemed to get, almost as if she were getting more excited by his touch and his cock was starting to reach out, thicken and strain within his legs. He was getting very excited before her and gently he began to slip his trunk into her opening more, touching her and making Prissy give out low squeaking rumbles of both pleasure but also anxiety.

The humans were sudden looking a little flustered, almost as if they could see exactly how important this moment was and were finding it a little erotic themselves. Prissy then spread her hind legs a little, taking a stance that she felt would be more comfortable to bear the weight of this bull as Dumbo gave a rumble of pleasure. He reared up, leaning is forelegs onto her hips as she adjusted position to hold him. He threw his trunk up with a trumpet of pleasure to time with his cock lifting and slipping its tip into her entrance.

The sudden pressure around her opening made Prissy give out a shriek of shock, bearing the sensation as best she could as Dumbo thought to enjoy this moment and moved his cock in and out of her in gently but shallow pumps. He liked the feel of her pussy grease around his length, the way the smell grew very strong and he stretched his trunk around her side, trying to drink in and savour that scent some more. There was no wonder that stories of wild elephants would say that the huge bulls would gather from all around to fight over that sweet smell and unlike the other two, her insides felt better than ever before.

Prissy was rumbling low in pleasure, her eyes watery and her expression filled with bliss. She could not explain it but it was starting to feel shockingly good. She began to give funny sounds of pleasure, straining forward with heavy pants as the cock slid in and then probed back. It seemed to try and press in deeper, just constantly teasing her as she snorted low in pleasure and gave out that mating rumble of her own. Dumbo was enjoying it, he then pushed himself in quite deep, making her give out a shriek of surprise to feel his long length stuff straight up into her body. The motion caused a sudden splash of wet to hit the floor beneath and the humans remained startled as they watched Dumbo take his time to slowly push in and out of her as Prissy continued to enjoy his actions.

Even Timothy had to blush... it was almost as if Dumbo and Prissy were in the act of 'love making'.

Never Forgets - Adult Dumbo Series - 4/5

# Four: Giddy Girl The herd were shocked, Prissy had spent several hours with Dumbo and the mating rumbles had been constant. None of them could have expected that she and he would have actually enjoyed their time together and the humans had...

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Family Matters P2 - Chapter 4

# Four: Broody Sister "Oh come on Eisley... you're in a new home, it's a bigger place and you're both feeling more relaxed about your work... why aren't you thinking of having another baby? It would put the pressure off me!" Mercedes was still as...

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Wolford's Unveiling - Part Twenty-Five

# Twenty-Five: Finnick's Thoughts # "Hello! Come on now foxy... no going under the table here!" Fangmeyer was grinning as she grasped hold of Nick Wilde and pulled him back onto his seat and leant him against the table. It seemed the fox...

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