Mortality Chapter 6

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#6 of Jason Wolfe: Mortality

Chapter 6: It's the Family Business

Day 15

Despite having airborne sex with his son, Jason was deemed by the doctors 'unfit to return to regular duties'. Which meant he wasn't about to go returning to his supervillain ass-kicking any time soon. Brett and some of the other supers were going to pick up the slack. There would be a new gravity-defying super hitting the streets soon enough but the paperwork would take an entire day to process and then Sam - or rather Force Wolf - would be free to punish the wicked.

There was also the need for a 'professional assessment' to take place by a psychologist to ensure that Sam wasn't going to break down in the middle of a battle and suddenly become evil.

No one in the Wolfe family doubted Sam would turn on them but they had to convince some person with a professional degree. Being a psychologist himself - and having had to go through the same tests - Brett coached Sam on exactly what he had to say though it wasn't hard since Sam believed in most of the ideals anyway.

Several learning accommodations had to be made as well.

While being a Professional Super would be good for Sam - providing that stable income that Jason wanted him to have - he still had to have a cover-job just like Brett. Sam still had a chance at a normal life - of sorts - and Jason wasn't about to let him pass that up. Since his son didn't want to go through with the Limitless Sky Program, he insisted Sam return to Newroads High and finish his high school career. Even if Sam was going to be a professional writer, Jason would sleep better knowing his son at least finished high school.

Genius level or not, Sam had to go back to school.

That made his son whine a little but eventually, Sam relented.

Father new best after all.

Father... Still sounds funny, Jason thought mildly as he watched Sam filling out the forms in the lounge room while Brett looked over their son's shoulder.

Sam looked so different from the innocent, peppy, kid he had met two years ago... Then again, it was stupid to expect a person to stay the same for all eternity. His son was definitely more mature now; no longer looking like a giant fluff-ball of gold and black but definitely a young man.

A sexy young man...

Jason grinned in anticipation. He had a big night planned. Today was Sam's assessment period and that meant they'd be having the psychologist come over to make sure Sam was superhero material. They would be having dinner with the shrink and after that, Jason had planned to take his son and his mate up to the bluff overlooking Newroads where he and Brett had gotten married to celebrate.

He was sure Sam would pass.

"He sure has grown up."

Jason glanced over his shoulder to where Dan stood, smiling at Sam - his grandson. Mirroring that smile, Jason turned his attention back at Sam who was just asking Brett a question about the form. "Yeah... he has..."

"I just can't believe that he's really your son, Jason," Dan choked slightly. "I mean... Wow..." His father sobbed a little. "Jason... You have a family now."

A stab of fear struck Jason's heart and he turned around to regard his father. "Dad, you're part of that family too. Don't go yet."

"Go?" Dan replied, blinking away the tears. "Where would I go?" He moved forward and wrapped those huge, muscular arms around Jason's chest, holding them together tightly. "I don't ever want to leave."

Not sure about that, dad...

Slowly, Jason prised his father's arms off him and guided a confused Dan back to the kitchen. The voices from the lounge room faded as he held both his father's hands in his and stared at that thick, muscular chest for a long moment. Uncertainty boiled inside him mixed with a hint of fear and a dash of hopelessness.

"Dad..." he whispered softly. "Legion... he's..."

"Wait,"_Reason interrupted. _"Ease into it. You don't want to lose him. See first what he thinks."


"Dad," Jason began firmly. "If you knew someone you cared about was a supervillain... what would you do?"

Dan's eyes went wide like saucers. "No... You're telling me...? Sam is Legion too!? Jason... I..." There were only few instances when his father was left speechless. Granted most of those were early on when Jason wanted sex with him but these days, they were more serious.

"We... We have to come clean," Dan said firmly. "At the assessment tonight. We have to tell them who Sam is. We can't have this coming out when Sam is already an established super. You have farther to fall when you're higher up."

"Right..." Jason broke into a grin. "Well, you'll be happy to know that Sam isn't Legion. Chris is!"


Every possible subconscious hit him at that moment. From the Flaming Frying Pan of Doom, to the Flying Frozen Tuna of Destruction and even the Infinite Bukkake Cannon. Reason was bashing him relentlessly with his Epic Broom of Ass Kicking and there were comical 'Thwack' bubbles appearing with each impact.

"What the hell are you doing!?"_Pessimist shouted. _"You don't reveal it like that!"

"Could you be_anymore inconsiderate!?"_ Optimist cried, kicking his head violently.

Horndog let out other blast from his Bukkake Cannon. "You might as well just have stuck your dick in his ear and fucked his brain!"

"I swear,"_Reason growled, _"why do I even exist if you're going to do something as stupid_as this!?"_

Jason just waited for his father's reaction. It seemed like his dad had just suffered a stroke and those lupine features had just sagged into numbness.

Maybe this wasn't the best way to reveal Legion's true identity...


Dan pulled away from Jason and to support himself on the kitchen counter, his eyes gazing into the floor, fighting for comprehension.

"Are you... Are you sure?" Dan whispered.

"He took his helmet right in front of me," he answered grimly. "And he was the one that broke Genesis..."

Which reminds me... I'm unarmed now...

Another little problem in his fantasy of being a superhero family was that now, he technically wasn't a superhero anymore. Genesis remained broken. Dan's explanation was that when Jason reformed his soul with R3's help, he pulled away from Genesis being a physical manifestation of his being. However, Jason didn't possess the ability to make a weapon like Genesis so right now, he was just a guy with supernatural strength, speed, endurance and agility.

Maybe it's a sign that Sam is stepping out there now...

He's going to take my place...

Rotten luck that I don't have an actual job_..._

"Chris..." Dan whispered, confusion in his voice. "What...? Why...?"

"He said he came back to 'repent'," Jason replied.

The words 'came back' haunted him. He imagined that Chris - after becoming a creature of true colour and obtaining great power - had managed to pull himself together much like Jason had. Chris did mention that the two of them were similar. Two parts of R3's ploy to reintroduce colour into the world.

Chris was to be the darkness embracing light to enter colour and Jason was meant to be the light immersing himself in darkness to shine in colour.

Of course... there was the thought that someone else could have allowed him to return...


But R3 was 'missing'...

"Dad," he began softly. "Do you think R3...?"

Dan shook his head vehemently. "No. R3 can be a downright bastard sometimes but he wouldn't do something this reckless. I know he seems heartless but I know him. He has a heart, Jason. Though..." His father's eyes turned away. "Recently... It seems like he's lost it..."

Jason inclined his head to the side. "What was R3 like before?"

A soft smile crossed Dan's features. "Kinda like he was half-serious at times and half-joking the rest. He'd be all serious one second and then he'd add a little joke at the end to make light of the situation. I kinda figured that with him, if he makes a joke, the situation is bad. The worse the joke, the worse the situation.

"He's a really good guy. This one time, I was in a reality and I was really down because I screwed up. I ended up getting the reality destroyed. My actions led to him calling the Apocalypse Protocol."

The Apocalypse Protocol was a decree of the No Ones indicating that a reality was a threat to all other realities and must be destroyed. At that point, every No One would enter the reality and seek to pull it apart.

Several times, Jason feared that the Protocol would be called on Enria... and now that he thought about it, it was only through R3's hard actions that the Protocol was stayed. D8 the Derelict, the No One of Energy, was actively seeking to initiate the Protocol on Enria. Somewhere, in the wings, Jason knew D8 was just looming there waiting for an opportunity to bring the wrath of the No Ones down on Enria.

"What happened?" Jason asked.

"Saved one girl from destruction by taking her to another reality," Dan answered. "Someone saw me do it, analysed my actions and found out how to get to other realities. R3 called the Apocalypse Protocol because everyone in that reality wanted to conquer other realities. Enslave them and rule them with an iron fist. We had to destroy the existence of countless people because of my screw-up."

Oddly enough, Dan was smiling. "When it was all done, R3 led me to a huge room piled with stacks and stacks of books. Each book was a person, of course. I thought he wanted me to destroy them all. Then he handed me a pen and told me to 'start editing'." Dan threw back his head and laughed. "Now, I thought he was making me the new Writer of Reality. Turns out, he came up with this system where he makes the reality I destroyed encompass multiple realities while not leaving its own boundaries as reality."


Jason's brain fizzled out of existence. "Huh?"

His dad grinned and held up a finger. "Just within the books I was given, I was to make it so that each person's choice made an alternate reality. So say that you came to a crossroads that led to the same place. If you went right, that made a reality where you went right. If you went left, that made another reality. I was to make sure that every choice made a new reality and tied them all together.

"At first, I thought he was just punishing me but it turns out, he found a little loophole in our existence." Dan was grinning broadly. "Because I made all those links and all those little realities at his behest, it turns out that there were just a few instances of that reality which was destroyed by the No Ones but the others weren't. So, in a way, the reality continued to exist.

"Took me millennia to sort it all out, though..." Dan's mood darkened. "And... I feel sorry for Jacob because of my mistake."

Jason's restarted his brain. "Jacob? Who's Jacob?"

Dan blinked at him. "You don't know? R3's real name is 'Jacob Reaper'."

For some reason, Jason had the horrible image that his brain would melt or explode because he had just learned the name of the Writer of Reality. Much like all those movies where the villains see the true face of a deity or open a sacred box and they got punished for it.

On another train of thought, he wondered why someone as powerful as R3 would have such an ordinary name as 'Jacob'.

'Reaper' was pretty awesome though.

"What do you mean you feel sorry for him?" he asked, leaning against the counter beside his dad.

"Not sure how it works," Dan admitted. "But apparently, EX is existence itself and there are meant to be two ways all existence is meant to end." He held up two fingers. "Either EX dies and we all die. Or R3 ends up giving everyone in existence their own reality and they all become the rulers of their own realities without creating more. Then, EX is freed from his obligations as existence and Jacob hands him his own book."

There were a lot of questions swimming around in Jason's head.

If EX was existence itself, how could he be freed of being existence?

And was it possible that everyone could have their own reality without creating more...?

Apparently, R3 hoped so...

"That sounds like a long way off..." Jason murmured.

"It's why he has us No Ones helping him," Dan chuckled, crossing his arms. "But the fact is, R3 wouldn't do something like this, Jason. I know it... He's changed recently... But I think that's just him reacting to this situation. Hell, you're my son. Nothing like that has happened before and I don't think he was expecting it. He did what any mortal would've done in the situation. He just started thinking with his head so that the world can be saved. Sometimes following your heart just makes things worse..."

Jason saw where this conversation was going.

"Dad, don't ever think that what you did was wrong," he said, reaching over and wrapping a hand over his father's. "You loved and trusted mom. If you didn't, I'd never have been born. Sure, things became a little crazy but we're working through it, right? I mean, right now, we're happy! And I know you trusted Chris too but it wasn't your fault."

"You still can't help but wonder..." Dan said with a sigh. The older wolf shook his head. "Anyway, we'll have to deal with Chris somehow. But first, we have to get you some new weapons."

Jason raised his eyebrows. "Erm... No offence, dad, but I'd like to not risk the stability of my soul, if that's okay."

Laughing, Dan patted his shoulder. "No problem, Jason. We'll work something out." A glance at the clock shot some panic into the older wolf's face. "Oh damn... Is that the time? We gotta get this dinner ready!"

It was already well past noon. Panic bolted through Jason as he realised he had yet to prepare anything for the dinner!

"Lock off the kitchen!" he ordered. "I'm going to start on dessert."

He was planning to make a croquembouche which was basically lots and lots of profiteroles - those being pastries filled with cream - stacked on top of one another in the shape of a cone bound by caramel and chocolate. Using chocolate was a suicide mission, he knew, but he hoped that Brett would be suitably distracted not to pounce him. He was hoping to get the tower to be at least a metre high and decorate it with threads of caramel, sugared almonds and sugar-coated flower petals. If he had time, he'd add some small pastries consisting of two layers with ganache stuck between them, a tasty cookie-like treat known as a macaroon.

Of course, he had to get the chicken and ham as well, the spring rolls and the salad. Then he had to make his own pasta for the ravioli plus the sauce. The lamb shanks were also in that list as well as the mint sauce that would go with it. There was also the swordfish that had to be cooked, the lobster to be boiled and the crabs!


So many things to do!

The rest of the day went by in a blur as he scrambled from station to station, getting things done. At one point, Brett poked his head through the door and asked if he needed help. Dan slammed the door on his muzzle and went back to marinating the shanks. Sam appeared a second later and him Jason could use.

His son's gravitational control was a blessing.

"Sam! Cleaver!" he shouted. A second later, a cleaver would fly into his hand while Sam was on the other side of the kitchen controlling several knives at the same moment as they sliced through the vegetables for the soup.

Of course, because Sam was using his powers constantly, he was growing. At one point, he had to take off his shirt to compensate for his bulging muscles. Jason was distracted and cut his finger. Thankfully, his regeneration took care of that. Sam figured out a way to expel his energy, however.

Occasionally, Brett would try to sneak in.

Sam would rip a hole through space and time using his gravitational powers and throw his father through it. That got rid of a few pounds of muscle. Apparently, it took more energy to use his pushes than it did to manipulate gravity.

The hours ticked by to 6:30 when their guest was due to arrive.

Brett knocked on the kitchen door which Sam had barricaded with the fridge.

"Jase! Come on! At least let me help somehow!"

"Set up the table!" Jason shouted as he hurried to make the perfect caramel for his dessert. To his horror, it was becoming too thick and too brown.

Crap! I burned it!

"The dishes are in the kitchen!"


He's right...

"I got this, dad," Sam replied with a smirk.

That word still sent shivers down Jason's spine and stirred his cock. He shook his head free of the thought, fearing he might just chop his own member off in his haste to get things cooked. A bit of him wondered if his regeneration would take care of that but he decided he didn't want to find out.

Sam grabbed four of the finest dishes from the cupboard.

_"Maybe you should set up another two places,"_Reason suggested.

Jason regarded his subconscious curiously.

What? Why?

"One for your Guardian Angel and the other for the people who have passed on."

What!? Where did you hear that!?

"I dunno. I'm your_subconscious. You tell me."_


Stupid know-it-all subconscious entity...

"Sam, put on another two plates," he said.

His son looked puzzled. "Huh? Why?"

I can't believe I'm saying this...

"One for our Guardian Angel and another for the people who have passed on."

Everyone in the kitchen was giving him a strange look. It was one of those, 'Someone call the men in the white jackets' look. Despite that, Sam was already reaching for two more plates.

"Um... Shouldn't we try to be honest about the way we live?" Sam asked tentatively. "I mean, I know we wanna give off a good impression but faking we're a traditional Alderonian Family when we're all guys isn't really right either..."

Oh... That's_where I heard it from!_

Traditional Alderonian Families were the stereotypical 'white-picket-fence' families that consisted of a loving, homemaker mother, a successful busy father with a pipe and two children - one boy and one girl. They would all sit around the table at dinner, say prayers and set out two extra plates, one for their Guardian Angel and one for the people that had died that they remember during their meal.

And the Wolfe Family was anything but traditional.

"Whatever helps, right?" Jason offered meekly.

"I suppose..." Sam murmured. Once he had placed a stack of plates, glasses and cutlery on the kitchen counter, he created a gravitational portal with a wave of his hand.

Through it, Jason could see Brett who was pouting against the kitchen door. His mate perked up when he saw them.

"Here you go, daddy," Sam said, taking the plates and pushing them through the portal.

Brett took them with a grin. "Thanks, Sam." His Rottweiler reached through the portal and gently cupped their son's cheek, pulling Sam closer into the portal. Jason coughed loudly as he felt his loins stirring as his mate kissed their son. Both seemed a little lost in the moment and Sam's shorts looked like they were about to break.

"Guys," Dan reminded, pointing at the clock, "the guests."

Brett chuckled and pecked their son's nose before disappearing through the portal. Sam closed the gateway and returned to his chopping.

Jason regarded his son curiously. "Hey Sam... Why do you call me 'dad' and Brett 'daddy'?"

He heard Sam chuckle nervously before replying. "Well... I don't really know... It was kinda my 'pet name' for you guys... and I guess it stuck." Sam went rigid. "I mean, I don't want it to lessen how much you guys mean to me, or anything. If you wanted, I can start calling you 'papa' or something?"

Somehow, 'papa' made Jason feel old. "Nah, 'dad' is good."

He returned to his cooking, checking the time every now and then. After he got the swordfish nice and cooked - not too cooked since it would have to rest for a while before dinner - he headed over to Sam's station to pick up the vegetables he was chopping. As he passed, however, he detected a distinct, crystal-like, clear aroma... One that was mixed with male musk and the scent of well-seasoned steak. Despite all the other aromas in the kitchen, that was one he couldn't mistake or miss.

Sam obviously sensed it too... and he was rigid, eyes planted firmly forward, afraid to look at Jason in the eye.

"Sam... How's your tutoring been going?"

"Good. Great. Lots of fun."

"Brett has been teaching you a lot?"

His son's lips twitched slightly into a smirk. "Oh yeah. A lot."

"What kind of things?"

"Erm..." Sam caved pretty quickly. "Okay! Okay! So he hasn't really been teaching me things! I mean, it started out like that but... I wanted to get to know him better and then one thing led to another and..." Sam's puppy-dog-eyes were heart-melting. "The sex just meant something else, you know! It wasn't just as your roomie and all the 'daddy-son' stuff wasn't just pet names! It was the real thing!"

Sam glanced off to the side. "Plus he's really very flexible and the way he takes your cock in his muzzle... wow..."

Yeah... He does do the deep throat thing pretty well...

Wait a second...

If they've been having sex all this time...

... that means...

"You have no idea what to say, do you!?"

Sam grinned sheepishly. "If it's any consolation, I don't know what not to say too."


This is a disaster!

They were running out of time to prepare the meal, his son had been having sex with his husband instead of getting proper tutoring and to make matters worse, he had burned the caramel!

"Crap!" he cried.

"Dad, I don't have to be a Professional Super," Sam said. "It was a nice thought but, come on, just because I have superpowers doesn't make me cut out to be a superhero."

Despite the world crushing down around him, Jason was never one to give up. The odds had been against him so many times before like during Descent and then the Malefactors. This was just like one of those situations.

The clock was ticking, enemies all around and disaster on the horizon.

It was time to push forward and win the day.

"Good god,"_Reason sighed, _"you've become one of those horribly adjusted war veterans that uses their experiences during their tours of duty as analogies for everything."

Shut up.

"Don't you think you should at least_calm down a bit and take stock of your situation? Maybe take out is a better option?"_

No! No take out!

"But -"

No buts either!

"You're going to march in there and get a crash course in what to say and do," Jason growled at Sam, pointing at the door to the dining room. "Then, this evening is going to be perfect and magical and you're going to be a Professional Superhero so we can fight villains together, come home, lick each other's wounds and then have steamy hot, superhero sex afterwards!"


That didn't come out right...

Sam grinned broadly. "Okay!"

"At least it got him motivated,"_Reason murmured. _"Though you should probably warn him to take a shower before dinner and_not to have sex with Brett before then."_

"And no sex before dinner!" Jason snapped. "And take a shower!"

"Aw..." Sam whined, pushing the refrigerator away from the kitchen door. "That's no fun..."

Jason huffed loudly as his son left. His eyes flicked over to Dan who was sniggering away. "What are you giggling at?"

"Just a mother reprimanding his child."

He bristled and returned to his cooking.

By some miracle, he managed to get all the dishes ready and out onto the dining room table. There was an amazing spread of food that filled the dining room with a myriad of smells and sensations that had mouths watering, even his.

The psychologist meant to assess Sam arrived at exactly 6:30.

The doorbell rang and Jason straightened as he headed to greet their guest. Sam was right next to him, dressed in a pristine suit that Dan used to wear. It looked a little big on him but with a few uses of his powers, he'd fit in it perfectly. Brett and Dan stood behind them, closer to Jason and Dan closer to Sam.

Taking a deep breath, Jason put on his brightest smile and opened the door.

Four surprises hit him like four differently sized meteors hurtling through space and colliding in midair just where his head was.

First Surprise: There were three guests. Not just one.

Second Surprise: The psychologist... was a woman he knew. A cobra with gleaming yellow eyes that had attempted to sabotage his high school career nearly five years ago...

Nora Le'Tombe.

Third Surprise: She didn't come alone. There were two others with her.

Fourth Surprise: Those two that she came with... were both people he knew as well. One was a slightly portly lion with a silver whistle around his neck and the other was a gruff, hair human who was principal of Newroads High School...

Oh no...

_"Aren't you glad we set up two extra plates?"_Reason asked.

This can_not_be happening!

"Good evening, Jassson," Nora Le'Tombe, began with a soft hiss. "I hope you do not mind but my fiancé and Lessster insssisssted on coming."

"Lester?" Sam snickered softly.

Jason shot him a withering look and he quickly fell silent. "Not at all," he said, trying to force a grin. "Please, come in."

'Disaster' was now an understatement.

Two of his greatest high school enemies were now under the same room and were responsible for the future of his son! If that wasn't terrible, then he didn't know what was.

Okay... just calm yourself.

Everything will be fine.

They have to act professionally... right?

Just take a deep breath... and take it one step at a time...

Jason stepped aside and gestured that his guests make their way into the dining room. However, the instant that breath filled his nostrils, he caught the odour of male sex mixed with crystals and steak. His eyes drifted back towards Sam who was smiling innocently at Le'Tombe and the rest of their guests.

Oh no... He didn't...

Thankfully, Le'Tombe didn't seem to register the smell as she stepped into the house. Given that humans didn't have such a sensitive sense of smell as most Animarians, neither did Norwood. But when Townes passed, he stopped for the just briefest of moments and sniffed the air.


Once their guests and adjourned to the dining room, Dan quickly followed them in what Jason could only consider a very wise move. Brett and Sam tried to do the same but he quickly snatched their collars and slammed them softly against the wall.

"You didn't take a shower did you?" he growled.

Sam grinned sheepishly. "Erm... Would you believe I was busy?"

"Doing what?"

His son exchanged glances with his husband. "Would you believe 'working out'?"

Jason groaned and gazed viciously at Brett. "You had sex with him when minutes before it was time for our guest to arrive!?"

"Not minutes," Brett answered meekly with the same grin Sam had. "More like an hour or so... And don't you give me that look!" His Rottweiler gave him an accusing stare and jab of a finger. "Would've done the same! He asked for help with the suit, he was half-undressed and bulking with muscles from using his powers with your cooking!"

Unfortunately, that was horribly true.

It was already too much for him when Sam took off his shirt while they were cooking.

What chance did he have against Sam fully naked?

Why must my son be so goddamn attractive!?

"Just... please," he begged. "Don't do anything stupid. You need this Sam."

His son gave him a wry smile and nodded firmly. "Alright, dad. I promise I won't let you down." With those words, Sam turned and headed towards the dining room where the other guests and Dan were chatting idly.

"Are you absolutely sure he needs this?" Brett asked softly. "Are you sure you're just not trying to live through him now that you don't have Genesis anymore?"

That seemed to ignite a room full of powder kegs in Jason's mind and he whirled around to growl at his mate. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Brett was undeterred and just folded his arms, regarding Jason with an expectant look. Jason's anger faded, replaced by a feeling of terrible inferiority like a little kid being reprimanded by an adult.

"I just want a good life for my son..." he whispered.

"And getting him to become a superhero, fight psychopathic supervillains and foil world-destroying plots is a 'good life'?" Before Jason could respond, Brett continued. "You should talk to your son, Jason. See what he wants."

What he wants?

He wants to be a superhero!

Or... am I just making a dangerous assumption again...?

It seemed natural that his son, who possessed superpowers, would become a superhero.

'Natural' but not what Sam confirmed he wanted.

A blast of guilt hit Jason as he realised that his attempts to get his son to become a superhero was just to fulfil his silly fantasy that he, Brett and Sam would save the day over and over again and then come home and bond as a family.

It was a completely and utterly selfish demand... especially one that would compromise his son's future...

"Huh... You'd think I'd pick up on that being your 'reasonable' side..." Reason murmured. "Maybe I need to hit Subconscious Boot Camp again..."

A hand rested on Reason's shoulder. Behind him, Optimist, Pessimist and Horndog stood armed with their weapons and with devilish looks on their faces.

"We'd be happy to help there."

"Yeah. Gotta get a lot_of 'booting' in_ our_camp."_

"Speaking of which, nice booty."

Reason shook his head and shrugged, bringing out his Epic Broom of Ass Kicking. "I'll be out in just a second."

While the Titanic Showdown of the Subconscious raged deep inside his brain, Jason made a sour face and turned to his mate.

"I've been a real ass, haven't I?"

"No, just a concerned parent," Brett replied, reaching over and kissing him tenderly. As he pulled away, he said, "Sam loves you very much. More so now that you two finally know who the other is. However, you have to remember that he's not just your son. He's a living person too. He's allowed to make his own choices. You don't have to make them for him."

Just as Sam said... everyone had their choices... their doors to open. As R3 supplemented, sometimes those doors needed someone else to help open them... But there had to be a line.

I have to learn when to back off and let my son open his doors...

... because they're not my doors to open.

"Thanks," he whispered, wrapping his arms around Brett tenderly. "I was just worried about him... I mean... He wants to be a writer... I was just unsure if he'd be able to survive like that..."

"If not, we'll always be here for him," Brett said, licking his neck lightly. "Besides, you have to ask him. I know he'd be proud to fight villains by yourself but I know it's not his only goal in life. You really should read his books. They're really quite good. Bestseller-good."

Jason pulled away and grinned. "You know what? I think I'll do just that."

With a renewed sense of understanding, he nodded towards the dining room and marched alongside his mate to greet their guests. Everyone sat around the large table, Le'Tombe and Norwood sitting alongside each other. Townes sat opposite to her next to Sam with Dan flanking him. It seemed like Le'Tombe was already at work, asking Sam about some events in his life and giving him some scenarios to work with. She was taking notes throughout the entire session.

Jason really didn't care what the results were anymore.

If this was what Sam wanted, he would have put more effort into it. Obviously, it wasn't something he truly desired. As his father, Jason had to respect that.

"Everyone okay here?" he asked, taking a seat beside his son. Brett took up the seat next to Le'Tombe, glancing over her shoulder. By the look of surprise on his face, it seemed that whatever Le'Tombe was writing was either very good or very bad.

"Jussst finisssshing up," Le'Tombe answered with that slimy smile of hers that set Jason's spine shivering like a reed in the winter breeze.

"Well, we can do that later," Dan said, gesturing with a knife at the food. "Right now, let's all eat this wonderful meal that Jason prepared!"

"I had help," Jason replied, standing up and picking up a cleaver. He went to work serving everyone.

It was odd...

On the one hand, it felt like he was having dinner with his enemies but none of his former high school teachers were being hostile. All of them seemed genuinely pleased to be there and the compliments they gave him on the food were sincere.

"So Sam," Townes grunted through a mouthful of mashed potatoes. "What're your powers?"

"Gravity manipulation," Sam answered, ducking his head slightly. "Nothing really that special."

"You mean like Negative-X?"

Jason choked on his lemonade soda, feeling the carbonated drink run up his muzzle and spurt through his nostrils, giving him that terrible, stinging-fizzing sensation in the one place he couldn't really get it. He saw that both Norwood and Le'Tombe were horrified at Townes' question. Norwood looked like he was choking on a piece of lamb while his partner barely hid a gasp.

Sam's reply was shaky and unsure. "Erm... I guess so..."

Negative-X was one of the most powerful supers in history. His powers had managed to lift a huge chunk of land off Enria's face and pulled it into space. That chunk became Reprieve, the superhero's main base of operations.

"Neat," was all Townes said.

Norwood suddenly knocked his fork to the ground and blushed faintly. "My apologies."

"I'll get you a new one," Jason responded, getting up and wiggling his nose to get the excess soda out.

"No, no. I can fetch it myself."

They headed towards the kitchen at the same time.

"Seriously, you don't know where to get them," Jason retorted.

"Perhaps," Norwood whispered softly. "But I'm not only after the fork."


They stepped into the kitchen and Jason got a terrible image of Norwood raping him there and then on the kitchen counter. Revenge for not only defying him during high school but also for denying him Sam's support in Limitless Sky.

Oh crap...

Norwood reached into his expensive suit...

A gun!

And me without my sword...

Jason tensed...

... Norwood pulled out a folder.

"Your friend, Jennifer Rose told me to give them to you," Norwood said softly.

That was a surprise and a half... Jen worked for people helping to repair the world after the Malefactor Invasion... if Norwood had contact with her...

Does that mean Limitless Sky is an honest organisation...?

"A word of warning," Norwood said, handing the folder to Jason, "don't let your son take Limitless Sky."

Mixed messages were something Jason truly hated. After living with the No Ones for so long, he got nothing but mixed messages and it annoyed him to no end.


"It's just a poorly disguised attempt for the government to control all supers again," Norwood said, grunting as Jason took the folder from him. "I was obliged to try and convince you to take it because they're watching me. They want Sam in the program because they have that being so greatly connected to you will bolster their support. Don't do it."

Trust was something Jason never readily handed to anyone especially someone who had tried to make his life a living hell for so long. However, Norwood did seem sincere... though he seemed sincere during his apparent attempt to convince Jason to sign up Sam.

Again, more mixed messages.

"Sorry if I find it hard to trust you..." Jason growled softly.

"I understand," the principal answered. "But Jennifer's message should be enough to trust you." He folded his arms, brow furrowed in concern. "Why are you interested in Legion anyway?"

That's right...

During the picnic when Robin had revealed to him her big secret, Jason had asked Jen to give him the reports on Legion's activities. It was only arriving now...

"Research," he answered shortly.

"One last question," Norwood said, holding up a hand. "I came along to convince Nora to let Sam become a Professional Super or not regardless of what his psychological profile is. I know she'll agree. She owes you a lot. Just tell me what you want and I'll make it happen."

For a second, Jason was horrified that Norwood would even suggest playing with the results just to twist in their favour. In the next second, his brain screamed, 'Whoooo! Free Ride!' But, in the second after that, he just shook his head and dismissed the thought.

"The decision is ultimately Sam's," he said. "If he wanted to be a Professional Super, it's up to him. I'm not going to force him into something he doesn't want to."

A small smile crossed the principal's face. "That's admirable. I wish you the best, Jason."

Jason handed him a spare fork and he returned to the dining table.

Temptation beckoned Jason to open the folder there and then and look at its contents. But he decided against it. Whatever Jen had to say could wait for now. He placed the folder on the refrigerator and returned to the dining room, taking his seat beside Sam.

"Sorry we took so long," he said with a broad, easy grin. "Anything we missed?"

Idle conversation started as they ate. Brett let them into a riveting conversation about the mortal mind that Nora actively participated in. Someone else would add their little bit of insight here and there but they'd always get shot down by the two. Having two trained psychologists on the panel was clearly overwhelming.

So everyone else just opted to remain silent.

Dan and Norwood were laughing it up about some paternal issues particularly because Norwood was planning to have a kid with Le'Tombe. It was both strange and very creepy thinking that his former nemesis during high school was actually a decent person. Jason fought with the image in his mind of Norwood being this evil ogre that gobbled up kids who were naughty and Le'Tombe was his slithering side-kick that hypnotised said children with her gaze so they'd jump willingly into Norwood's gullet.

I guess it is true...

We are all mortals... and we can all change...

Suddenly, Sam went terribly rigid, his eyes wide like saucers.

"D - D - Dad...?" he stammered in a whisper.

"What is it, Sam?" Jason asked. "Need more lemonade?" He picked up the pitcher of lemonade and made to pour it into his son's glass when he spied what was on Sam's lap.

Or rather, what was wrapped around Sam's cock.

It was a paw... a big, tan paw that belonged to the other person sitting next to Sam...

Coach Townes...

"What are -" He froze.

If he said anything, Sam's chances of becoming a Professional Super would be ruined. Sure, Sam may not want to do it but it was still good to have that option. Plus, Norwood and Le'Tombe may owe Jason but there was certainly nothing stopping them from freaking out if they realise that Coach Townes had his paw wrapped around Sam's cock and was stroking him off!

Jason lashed out with his other hand, seizing Sam's member just above Townes.

The lion smirked faintly and tugged the cock back towards him.

Jason growled and pulled it back.

Sam whimpered softly but no one else seemed to notice. Conversation was quite loud and their attention was elsewhere.

"Dad... Help..." Sam whispered.

"Get your hand off my son's cock," Jason snarled at Townes.

"Come on, Wolfe," Townes sniggered. "Your son is very talented. You should share it with the world."


Suddenly, a perverted version of tug-of-war ensued as Jason and Townes struggled to yank the other's paw off Sam. With each pull, however, Sam just got harder and harder. He quickly began panting, his claws digging into the dining table. Some part of Jason considered just hitting Townes but for some reason, that part didn't have much say in the matter.

There was another problem.

Sam's cock was a foot long.

So eventually, its bulbous head began poking out from underneath the table, huge drops of precum dropping onto the table. Thankfully, Brett was the first to spy it and he was well trained in keeping his emotions in check. He quickly livened up the conversation with Le'Tombe, keeping her attention on him. Dan saw it too and started something inane about lawnmowers to keep Norwood interested.

Jason growled fiercely and Townes took that as a challenge. With his other hand, the lion began stroking Sam's legs, gently caressing them.

"You can't believe how long I've wanted a piece of that meat," Townes sniggered. "Watching your boy in the showers every day is a major turn on. It's why I just had to come today."

"You perverted sicko," Jason sneered. "Was that the same when I was at school? Were you just looking for a reason to screw me!?"

"You bet. You have a nice ass. Especially after you bulked up."

"Jason! Shouldn't you get dessert!?" Dan exclaimed loudly while keeping his eyes on Norwood.

"Little busy right now," he growled back, attempting to cut a lamb shank with one hand just to keep up appearances. With his hand out of commission, he was seriously having trouble fighting off Townes!

Sam looked about ready to cum too!

And Sam came hard.

Le'Tombe was also directly in the firing line.

A thought crossed his mind.

If a new dish was put up, Townes would be forced to both his paws off and eat!

"Brett, babe, can you get dessert?" he asked.

"Erm... You sure I can hold it?" Brett replied, grinning crookedly at Le'Tombe.

"Yeah. It's in the fridge."

"Alright... Just hold down the fort, okay?"

"I got this." Jason pushed Sam's cock down under the table, causing his son to whimper. Sam's precum was getting thicker and thicker and his member was pulsing with need.

Brett quickly got up and hurried back into the kitchen to get the croquembouche...

... the dessert...

... which consisted of several profiteroles... covered in caramel... and chocolate!

Oh crap!

Jason suddenly let go of Sam's cock and bolted for the kitchen.

"Dad!" Sam cried in desperation.

Sorry, Sam but this is to prevent chocogeddon!

But, he was too late...

Brett was at the refrigerator, eyes wide and drooling profusely... There stood Jason's greatest accomplishment as an amateur chef. A metre-tall croquembouche. A golden pyramid of pastry, cream, caramel, chocolate and sugar-coated rose petals that was arranged to look like a breathtaking testament to all that was holy and sweet.

And Brett was standing right in front of it.

"NO!" Jason cried.


Jason charged and crash-tackled Brett to the ground with a deafening WHAM!

Lightning fast, he scrambled to his feet, seized the stand the croquembouche stood on and dashed for the dining room.


Jason surged right through the kitchen doors...

Just as Brett tackled him to the ground.


Time slowed down as Jason tipped forward and the croquembouche flew out of his hands, sailing through the air and spinning once... twice... three times before it came crashing down right in the middle of the dining table, smashing into a hundreds of pieces. Rock-hard profiteroles scattered in all directions accompanied by sweet macaroons and bits of caramel and sugar.

One particularly large shard ended up landing directly on Townes' plate while several others smashed into Norwood and Le'Tombe's faces. Dan looked like the world had just ended and buried his face in his hands.

Jason felt his heart sink just like the one profiterole that fell into the lemonade, splashing everyone with the carbonated drink.

Then something worse happened.

Brett leapt over him, screaming 'chocolate' and sailed through the air at the dining room table.

Everyone knew what would happen.

Everyone knew it would be a horrible sight.

And yet... no one could look away.

Brett bellyflopped onto the dining table, smashing against the leftover food, scattering cutlery and bits of the fantastic meal Jason had prepared in all directions. Pasta splattered against the window. The skeleton of the chicken soared through the air like some gruesome testament to the flightless bird, landing squarely on Norwood's head as if to crown him the 'King of Chickens'. A lobster claw flung out and managed to clamp right onto Le'Tombe's muzzle, making her go cross-eyed before she screamed in pain. The bowl of mashed potatoes hit Dan's face but he just sank lower and lower into his seat, as if he was trying to disappear.

All the while, Brett was lavishing in the mess, snapping up all the chocolate covered profiteroles and moaning in pleasure.

And to top it all off...

Sam came.


Jason watched his son's cock explode, blasting a long, stream of sticky, white cum straight into Le'Tombe's face, making her jerk back in shock and forget about the lobster claw that had hit her. Townes aimed Sam's cock straight at the profiteroles on his plate, forcing Sam's seed to cover his dessert.

Townes let go of Sam's cock, picked up a fork and bit into his cum-covered dessert.

"I like it!" he announced.

It was the dinner with Chris and Kevin all over again...


Jason saw stars... but not enough stars....


A dull throbbing filled his forehead and he vaguely wondered if it was safe to have a coma-recovery patient slamming his head against the floor...

Oh well...


Why doesn't this ever work!?

Then he heard the strangest thing...

... laughter...


He looked up to find Le'Tombe bright with cheer. Oddly enough, the gesture was infectious. Norwood began laughing... followed by Dan... then Townes and Sam...

Jason couldn't help it. He felt the giggled running up his diaphragm, working up into a snigger in his chest, becoming a guffaw in his throat before erupting as full-blown laughter from his muzzle. Tears were forming in his eyes as he staggered to his feet and collapsed back down again next to his son, his arm around Sam's shoulder and his head pressed against Sam's shoulder. He felt Sam's laughter as well and it just made him laugh harder.

"Hmmm... Chocolate..." Brett moaned.

That only made them laugh even more.


Cleaning up was a mess but Le'Tombe, Norwood and Townes helped - especially since it was Townes' fault. It was easier because Brett just ate all the chocolate-covered bits. The barrier between teacher and student or friend and foe had been well and truly broken down.

They were suddenly all friends and conversation was much easier.

Finally, when everything was cleaned up, Jason and Sam saw their guests to the door.

"We all had a lovely time, Jassson," Le'Tombe said, beaming. "I hope we can do it again sssssometime."

"Hopefully I'll be smart enough not to make something with chocolate in it," Jason sniggered.

"Then we'll just have to bring something," Norwood laughed. "I heard there was this amazing cake called 'Death by Chocolate'. I wonder how your mate would react to that."

"We'll have to see! But it'll have to be at your house! And maybe next time, Townes can paw off your son!"

The lovely couple turned to each other, sharing a loving stare. "We can only hope," Norwood responded.

"We bessst be off," Le'Tombe said. Her reptilian eyes turned towards Sam then back to Jason. "However, I do find that your sssson is well sssuited to be a superhero. More sssuited than any othersss I've met, in fact. He issss compassionate, kind and very underssstanding."

Jason wrapped an arm around Sam, pulling his son tightly against his chest and grinning proudly. "Yep. He got all the qualities of both his dads without all the craziness."

While Le'Tombe, Norwood or Townes didn't know the real reason Sam was their son, it was still a valid statement.

Turning to Sam, Jason said, "But if you don't want to be a superhero, Sam, I won't force you."

For a second, his son seemed to ponder that thought. Then a big, broad grin crossed his features and he turned towards Nora Le'Tombe. "Ms. Le'Tombe! I'd be honoured if you'd recommend me to be a Professional Superhero!"


Heart filled with both pride and shock, Jason was left utterly speechless.

"You will receive your licence tomorrow," Le'Tombe replied, beaming happily. "Enjoy your night. Both of you. Becaussse after tomorrow, your life assss a sssuper beginssss."

"And don't think you're excused from school, young man," Norwood said, giving Sam a mock stern expression. "I still expect you to graduate."

With those words, the two headed to their car, waving at Jason and Sam as they went. That left Townes and had his hands in his pockets and looked quite proud.

"Sorry for the trouble, Wolfe," the lion said. "Just that you and your son are goddamn hot. It was unprofessional of me, I know, and I'll probably cop hell for it when I get back but it was worth it."

Jason exchanged glances with his son...

It was weird... Even though they truly didn't care what the results of Le'Tombe's assessment were, it was nice to know that Sam was cut out to be a superhero after all. Somehow, Jason doubted that if Townes hadn't caused the enormous disaster that their dinner had been, she would never have come to that conclusion.

So... in a weird way...

"Don't worry about it, Townes," Jason said. "I think we should actually thank you. You helped us break down a few old barriers... So... Thanks."

Townes sniggered and turned his back to them. "Well, I'll see you two around. Don't be strangers!"

As the lion left, Jason turned to regard his son one more time, smiling proudly.

"So you mean it?"

Sam beamed. "Of course!" The black and gold wolf wrapped his arms around Jason. "Dad, we haven't known each other for that long but I feel like I've known you all my life. All I want is for us to spend more time together so that when you or I open the door to the end of our stories, we'll both be there to see it through."

Jason's heart soared...

He embraced his son tightly, feeling Sam merge with his heart and settle there permanently.

"I don't think I want to see the end of my story if you're already here with me."

He bent down and kissed Sam's forehead.

"You're my happy ending, Sam."

Mortality Chapter 7

**Chapter 7: The Family that Stays Together...** **Day 18** _"That's right, folks, Newroads has a_ new_hero in town."_ The newsfeed flipped to a video of a black and gold wolf dressed in similarly coloured armour soaring...

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Mortality Chapter 5

**Chapter 5: Growing Together Forever** **Day 4** Jason wasn't sure how to feel... Part of him wanted to scream in rage and charge at Chris there an then, driving _Genesis_ through the Malefactor's chest and disposing of the villain...

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The Game Chapter 6

**\*\*\*\*Sam\*\*\*\*** Sam's eyes slowly peeled open, feeling the warm afternoon sun against his back. The window was wide open and the summer breeze blew in, brushing against the white patches of fur against his back. Part of him was a little...

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