
Story by guardian-hawk on SoFurry

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#3 of Caged Pony

At long last, the dragoness Gwen and Kerreth had been waiting for arrives, which means it's finally time to let the dragon meet the wizard who might be able to release him from his chastity cage. Gwewn seems confident that he can succeed where others have failed, but for that to happen Kerreth will need to successfully plead his case to the grouchy old man who seems far more accustomed to seeing dragons punished rather than rewarded. But Kerreth has been in quite the unique predicament, and maybe his need will win through in the end?

They were almost home from market day when they heard the roar.

It was a friendly roar, the sort of greeting a dragon would use to announce their presence, and Kerreth arched his neck and huffed, unable to fulfill the call-and-response etiquette thanks to the bridle around his jaws. Instead he lifted his snout, head turning briefly side to side to try to see more of the sky past the blinders that narrowed his vision, before a couple firm yanks on the reins by the gryphon sitting in his saddle forcibly reminded him to keep proper posture.

Despite the correction, Gwen's voice was cheerful as she said, "that must be Barrassa! Let's hurry home so we can get you stabled before she has a good look at you. I want to get her into chastity too before you meet--fair's fair, right?" Though he couldn't look back to see her smirk, he could easily imagine it thanks to the giggle in her tone, and he picked up the pace as best he could. Though sometimes she took off a few of his restraints while they did things around her property--and after the day's 'working' she typically let him relax in only the latex and hoof boots--she never took him into town in anything less than his full kit, which meant the cuffs and chains limited him to a brisk, compact trot. He huffed and grunted, breaths misting in the cool air, hoofs thumping on the dirt of the road, the anthro bouncing herself up and down in time with his gait as he brought them around the last corner of the road to her home.

"Ah! There she is. We should beat her home, just barely! I'm sure she'll be very excited to meet you, but I'll try to keep her from getting too pushy. She's a brat, but she'll do what I tell her, don't worry." More giggles, and Kerreth tried to ignore the tightening of his chastity cage--at least the pace he was pushing and the need to concentrate on his footing kept things from getting too achingly cramped for the moment--but only until she added, "besides, her snout and paws can't be much worse than my hands, right?"

Of course the last thing the chaste pony-dragon wanted to think about when trying to keep his mind on where he was going was imagine a dragoness's snout nuzzling between his hind legs, and that's exactly the fantasy she put into his head! Here at least all the weeks of training she'd administered could save him: if he could pace himself with one of her vibrators thrumming against his cage, he could manage while distracted merely by thoughts of more teasing stimulation, and though his sheath throbbed in protest within its prison he was able to keep up his trot without stumbling or slowing, through the yard, around her house, and at last when they reached the little stable and she hopped down he could lift his head to look around properly.

He finally found her, flying in from the northeast: yellow and blue wings were all he could see from this distance, but he saw her, and she saw him, roaring again, higher and excited. Again he couldn't respond, only able to "hhnnff," at Gwen, and she chuckled before pushing open the door and leading him inside. Once there, though, the only thing she took off was his bridle, no matter how he stamped his hoofs.

"I'm not gonna take off your tack just to dress you back up again--I want to let her see how you look in the full set! I'm sure she'll love it. Just give me a minute to lock her up," she said, and grabbing the chastity belt from the corner she went outside, closing the door behind her.

Kerreth couldn't help but be more than a little antsy as he waited. Also chaste or otherwise, he'd met plenty of dragonesses since getting locked in his cage, and he knew how it went: the nuzzling, the stroking, the delighting in calling him cute and seeing how tense and frustrated he got when they made him strain against the chastity--just thinking about it brought the steady futile throbbing of his dick right back to the front of his mind, and he groaned to himself as he heard a flurry of flapping wings, thumping steps, and at last, an excited voice.

"Gwen! Gwen! You didn't tell me you had another pony! I would have been here weeks ago! Let me meet him!" The dragoness evidently went so far as to thump something against the closed door a couple of times, and he huffed resentfully: that would have been weeks of teasing and training he might not have been put through! True, he hadn't hated it--the gryphon had been quite friendly and kind, if excessively eager to get him all wound up--but it was the principle of the thing. Six weeks of acting as her mount hadn't totally buried his pride as a dragon!

"Just a minute, just a minute! He's locked up, which means you're not meeting him until you're locked up too. Just hold still!" A plaintive, impatient noise followed, but the dragoness must have behaved, because hardly a moment later the door slid open to let the two dragons meet.

The dragoness gasped, and her bright blue eyes swept up and down. He blushed in response, but at least he finally got his own look at her: right about his own size, golden-yellow scales cut by jagged blue markings down her neck, sides, and wings, with only the polished metal of the chastity belt around her hips to disrupt her graceful lines. "Oooh," she murmured, and then straightened up for a formal greeting. "I'm Barrassa. And who might you be?"

"My name's Kerreth," he said, and hesitated for a beat, but her excitement must have been contagious enough for him to not want to sound too curt or cold towards her. "I hope you don't mind Gwen had me borrow your gear for the last few weeks..."

Barrassa made a soft groaning noise, wriggling snout to tail and pulling her head back to take in the sight of him once again, her tail already beginning to lift in desire. "Mmm, Kerreth. I don't mind at all! You are a... you make such a sexy pony. Gwen, do I always look this good? Even with that mirror of yours, it's just so hard to appreciate a view of yourself!"

The compliment deepened his blush, thank his ancestors for the dark red of his scales. At least plentiful compliments from his host had helped get him more used to both hearing and appreciating such words--though they only seemed to further tighten his cage! "Thank you," he said, managing not to groan, and spotting her gaze drifting towards his hindquarters more and more frequently he tried to twist the conversation around on her. "But I'm thinking soon I'll get to see it on the dragoness it was all made for, and I'm sure you'll look quite good in it too!"

It worked: she blushed herself, but then paused, blinked, and cocked her head towards Gwen. "So that is my tack--Gwen, are we changing plans this winter? Or..."

"Don't worry, you'll get to dress up tomorrow or the day after," she said, lifting a hand to stroke the dragoness's neck until she leaned into it, rumbling. "Kerreth here met me a month or so ago, seeking a favor from Matthias, and he's been my pony to prove his intentions."

To his surprise the dragoness lashed her tail and snorted, full of scorn, ruffling up her wings and stamping a paw. "Matthias! Whyever would you want help from that old windbag?"

"Matthias advocates for particularly stern punishments whenever I take Barrassa along for one of my visits and she acts up. Which she always does, because she's a brat," Gwen told him, as if to explain the dragoness's dislike, finishing with a thump of a hand against her shoulder and a laugh.

"He's just mean," she muttered, but Gwen patted her soothingly again, and looked towards Kerreth to let him explain why he was there.

He settled onto his haunches with his fore and hind legs both spread as far as he could in the chains: might as well make it a bit easier to see what he was talking about, and he glanced down at his tight chastity cage before responding--and squirmed, a little, seeing both pairs of eyes snap right down to admire the sealed device. "Right. So, plainly, there's one part of this gear that I didn't borrow from you, and that's the chastity cage. A witch sealed me in it, and I'm hoping his magic can finally get me back out."

"Your chastity is magic?" Barrassa yelped, and leaned forward to give it a closer look; already seated near the corner of the stable, he didn't have anywhere to retreat from her, and he didn't want to try to bat her snout away with a fore-hoof, wary of hurting her with the hard material of the hoof or the chain that'd swing along with it! Her snout drew closer, closer, and finally she said, "so you can't get it off at all? How long have you been locked up?"

He'd already told Gwen, so once again he had to reluctantly say, "no, I can't, not unless Matthias can help. It's been... a couple of years."

"Oh, wow," she breathed, and he blushed hotter still, sheath pulsing. He'd thought he'd seen it all from dragonesses before: arousal, amusement, even pity when they learned his plight, but this was the first time he'd seen a dragoness react with envy. Again she writhed, her hind legs spreading and her tail standing nearly straight up, and she prowled still closer, cornering him, and giving his sheath and balls a gentle nuzzle, then another, despite his low groan of protest. "That's such a long time! You must be so pent up in there," she purred.

His sheath strained eagerly towards the touch of her snout, right there outside his cage. "I am," he said through clenched teeth, "and it has been." He almost didn't dare put hope to words, he'd been disappointed enough times before, but in the end he said, "hopefully tomorrow..."

Again Barrassa surprised him, cutting him off with a growl and a lash of her raised tail. "What? That is so not fair! I finally meet such a sexy dragon wearing a gorgeous chastity cage, who's been locked up for a really long time, and as soon as I meet him he's going to get unlocked? I don't get to enjoy being around such a hot pent-up guy for any longer than a day?" She pouted, and he flinched when one of her paws leapt forward to fondle his cage, tracing the shape of the bars, tips of her claws teasing at his sheath where it increasingly bulged between them as his arousal tried to grow, and making sure to give his balls a grope firm enough to leave them gently aching!

He gasped and writhed, but also began to drool from the tip of his length thanks to all the handling, and his hips jerked a couple of times while Gwen said, "Barrassa, take it easy..."

She thumped her tail on the floor, directing her pout at the gryphon for a moment. "It's not fair! At least you got to play with him and tease him for a while... I just got to meet him and I'm going to miss all the fun! I mean--" She took a breath, blinked, and looked up at Kerreth, her expression softening. "I understand if you want out, and I'm sorry you're not locked up in there willingly, but... I love chastity and I've never had a chance to do anything fun with a locked dragon and now that I met you I feel like I've missed such an opportunity!"

The repetition and the intensity of her compliments made Kerreth blush, and his hindquarters were still squirming thanks to the deep, needy ache she'd stirred--to say nothing of her own passion. Her scent was hot and thick on the air, her own chastity belt doing nothing to hide that at least, and as he hesitated and tried to think of what to say their mingling desire only further clouded his mind, making it harder to determine what she wanted to hear or what he wanted himself, aside from that desperately pent-up desire to cum! "I... nngh!" He squirmed, his chains softly rattling. "I don't know what to say..."

"Can I play with you tonight?" She jumped into the gap, wriggling there before him. "I want to see you squirm and hear you moan, I want to feel you in my paws and watch how bad your body wants it and hear you tell me all about how it feels to be worked up and caged! Just let me find out what it's like to be with a chaste dragon while you still are. Please?"

Poor Kerreth's snout flushed even hotter. It wasn't just her eagerness, it was how she was so easily able to articulate what she wanted, and how he could hear how much it would mean to her if only she could do it. The dragoness had plainly been fantasizing for some time about having a chaste dragon to be intimate with--likely fantasizing while she herself was chaste, as now--and the way she talked about it and asked for his permission somehow felt so encouraging. His body was certainly plenty eager, throbbing so strongly against his cage, though that wasn't helped by the fact that she'd never retracted her paw, and even while her blue eyes remained locked on his hazel ones she continued to gently, almost unconsciously fondle him, so that he kept quivering, and slowly dripping, and suppressing soft, needy groans...

"Please, Kerreth?" she said quietly. "I promise when you're free tomorrow I'll help make sure your orgasm is amazing!"

When you're free tomorrow. Oh gods, he hoped, he hoped, he hoped... The thought that it could really be so close only made him ache even harder, and he couldn't stop himself from thrusting into her grip, gritting his teeth, his mind still badly fogged. Fuck, he wanted to get hard, he yearned for it so desperately, he couldn't get it...

"Barrassa, let go of the poor dragon, give him a breath to--"

"It's okay," he gasped out. "We-- We can play. I mean... Whatever you want to do can't be any worse than Gwen's training methods, right?" he said with a rueful smile, managing to steady his voice a little more, after one long, low moan of frustration. "Just-- Be careful. There's an extra spell on the cage, and the witch said that if I cum while wearing it, even she wouldn't be able to take it off. So-- so be gentle..."

Her eyes went wide. "I didn't realize-- You haven't cum even once this whole time?" When he shyly nodded, she pushed her thighs together and squirmed all over, making a few useless thrusts herself as his admission somehow turned her on even more. "Nnnhh that's so hot..."

Gwen giggled at her reaction, while Kerreth blinked at the dragoness in flustered astonishment. "You do know I could do something to your keys if you really wanted, right?"

Her snout snapped around and she shivered dramatically, blushing so strongly that Kerreth could see the bridge of her snout darken. "You wouldn't!"

"I'm just saying! You're the one who seems to like the idea so much," she winked and swatted her on her still-swaying rump. "But no, not unless you were very, very sure. Do either of you want tea? I was going to put the kettle on." When both dragons shook their head no--they both plainly had other things on their mind--she giggled again and headed for the door into her house proper. "I'll let you two get better acquainted then."

Barrassa slowly straightened back up, her grin getting toothier as she looked him up and down once again. "So Kerreth," she purred, leaning forward to rub her snout and cheek against his neck, just above the collar of his harness. "How have you been liking my tack?"

He blushed and huffed softly as she pressed herself in closer still, her shoulder against his chest and a playful little growl rumbling in her throat; his first instinct was to give her a bit of an embrace with a front paw, and his second was to use his wing, but the hobbles and the wing straps foiled both of those, so the best he could do to reciprocate was to nose at the top of her neck. Again he groaned when his sheath pulsed, and then he said, "it's been... an adjustment. It's interesting, though--maybe it's because people here are used to you and Gwen, but somehow I don't feel as embarrassed about the chastity cage when I'm dressed up like this. If I went into a town before, I know everyone would just be staring at my cage, wondering about it, whispering about me, but when I have all this stuff on, it's like it's just a part of the pony outfit."

"Mmmm, how cute," she smirked at him, and it was her tail that found his cage this time, slithering along the side of it and his sack together, her body leaning on his to feel how her touch made him quiver and wriggle. "It does really fit into the look though. Such a sexy caged stud!" The end of her tail curled neatly around his balls and gave them a gentle tug, prompting an involuntary thrust from him. "But as good as that is to hear, it's not quite what I asked. Do you like being strapped up? Like feeling trapped in the hooves and the chains and the bridle? Do you like doing as you're told?"

The mix of humiliating praise, direct questions, and continued fondlings from her tail made for a potent mixture that left him flustered and stammering--and aching madly in his cage. "I--! Nnnh. Do you?" he gasped, the only thing he could think of to try to stall for a bit of time to collect himself, and not a great question considering the gear he wore had been made for her in the first place!

Besides, she wasn't going to give him the chance to deflect. She just nibbled along his chin and giggled, "ah ah... You're the one wearing the gear, you're the one answering the questions."

Kerreth groaned and squirmed, a fore-hoof starting to lift to try to ward off her tail before he just gave in and thrust a couple more times. "Ngh, I-- It's not fair to ask me when you're doing that!" he said, half a whine, but she only gave him an innocent smile, leaving him to try to put his thoughts to words with those sensations still teasing him. "Like I said, it's been an adjustment. Maybe the only reason I chose it is because she said she wouldn't introduce me to Matthias unless I let her put me in this stuff, and I... really want to meet him to hopefully get me out of chastity, but... Mnnhhg. I-- This has been... fun," he finally admitted, panting, his claws pressed to the resilient inner surface of the boots.

"Awww! What a good pony," she said, seeming to particularly relish those last two words; doubtless she'd been on the receiving end of them many times--or then again perhaps not, considering what Gwen had said about her tendency to act up. "Had you been tied up much, before coming here?"

He huffed, half from memories of being mercilessly teased, and half because of how much her touch was teasing him now. Her scent was only getting hotter, and her hip kept bumping against his during her own squirms of desire, though he was only distantly aware of it as so much of his attention focused on his sheath straining desperately against his chastity cage, and her tail pressed so close to coil and rub and gently squeeze... Of course he was now gently and steadily grinding against it, but he managed to keep up conversation for at least a little longer. "Never before I got caged, but since then... It seems like the thing gives a lot of dragonesses the idea that they must tie me up and tease me half to death. I let a few of them do it, and it was... Well, that's as intimate as I can get, obviously! It was maddening but if they were nice about it--and they weren't always--then it could be enjoyable, if frustrating. Rrhhnn. Sometimes it feels like there's a spell on it that makes people want to tease me," he said, and looked down between his hind legs pointedly.

She only turned around and switched back to using her paw, with perfect shamelessness, rolling his orbs gently with her digits and letting him hump against her foreleg while she did. "Kerreth, people want to play with you because you look very sexy. Trust me, you don't need a spell to help with that. You look so attractive in chastity..." She leaned her shoulder on his for balance so she could fondle him with both paws. "I know how big a dragon can get, and knowing all that is pent up in this tight little cage is just... Mmmmm!" With her pressed against him, he could feel her shiver perfectly well even with his suit and harness between them. "How could anyone resist you?"

All this praise could have easily gone to his head, if not for that exceedingly cramped cage keeping his ego and his furiously throbbing dragonhood very much in check. Getting so much attention, it was hard to keep forming words, and he took a few ragged breaths as he pressed the cage against her paws, aching, yearning, growling in frustration. "I know I certainly can't resist," she purred.

"Rrrrhhhg... At least I know you can't cum either! Nnnh. Having to watch... other dragonesses get themselves off--or having to get them off myself... Even more maddening!"

That got her to squirm so badly that one of her paws dove between her own hinds, where all she could do was tap her claws against her chastity belt. She made a few frustrated noises herself, but a moment later she was right back to giggling, and she nibbled his neck playfully. "True! I'll be just as denied as you are. And trust me, I am getting very worked up... Fffhhnn."

Even though he knew that perfectly well from her scent, hearing her say it made him shudder. That if not for his cage, and her belt, she might be fondling his shaft, or suckling on him, or letting him mount her... He throbbed hard against the cage, a large droplet of pre drooling from the tip of his sheath only to be wiped away by her paws as she rubbed and fondled and squeezed, and when he lifted a hoof this time it was she who stopped him, coiling her tail around the chain and yanking it right back to the floor so he couldn't interrupt her attentions. Instead he could only grit his bared fangs and growl, hunching forward a little against her, thrusting harder, as fruitless as it was. "Rrrrrrh!"

Barrassa shuddered more dramatically at the sound, her neck arching beneath his almost as if she wanted it to be bitten. "Aa-aahhh... I should have Gwen... put your bridle back on!"

At least he wasn't to blame for losing track of the conversation, with what her paws were doing, and the talk of making him be quiet on top of that! He writhed, and thumped a hoof on the floor, and groaned, "what for?"

"Because listen to yourself, stud... Feel these thrusts of yours..." She wriggled herself, and lifted one paw to stroke his chest instead, sliding along the latex, feeling over the straps, the buckles, the padlocks of his harness. "You are a big, strong, eager dragon, and if you were free for but a moment to pin me down... take my neck in your fangs..." She shivered, and so did he, as both of them imagined him mounting her. Gods that would feel so so so good... "Those growls of yours just make me melt... Keeping you strapped up and chained and caged is the only way to protect me from you!" she cried as she stroked that cage, though she bumped him playfully with her hips as she said it. "Got to keep you under lock and key to keep dragonesses like me safe!"

Another desperate ache radiating from his groin made him growl again, and he flinched violently: she was getting him closer than he'd realized. "Considering-- what you're doing... You'd deserve to get overpowered!" His hips jerked and more pre drooled and as badly as he wanted her to keep going her forced himself to whine, "please-- ah, stop--!"

To his relief and his body's bitter disappointment she stopped at once; his own hoofs lifted to try to fill the gap, but again she tugged them back to the floor and used her paws to hold both chains down, and though he snarled and pulled on his cuffs and snapped his jaws in the air she stayed close, nuzzling him apologetically. "I'm sorry! I should have realized you wouldn't need much! Are you all right?"

Kerreth needed half a minute to catch his breath, and stop his limbs from shaking, but even then his sheath still strained powerfully against the chastity cage, that ache and that feeling of being so very, very close lingering for far too long before even beginning to recede. "I... Rrrrhhh... Nnnngh. It's... all right... I've been edged before."

She shuddered, her hips swaying back and forth, and only after a long moment bobbed her head. "Good... Nnnh. I'd love to edge you a bunch more, but I don't want to even risk setting you off! Especially when you've made it so long, I'd hate to spoil it for you when you're this close to finally getting free. Let's..." She shook again, and looked towards the open door to the house. "Let's take a breather."

"I wish you could keep going too," he said, and his shaft throbbed again, though he couldn't say if it was from the thought of being edged and denied, or the thought of finally getting to cum--still caged or otherwise. "That actually felt, very, exciting. Rrrrrgh!" She quivered and looked up at him, and he said, "let's say... those taunts of yours weren't far off... I really wish I could mount you right now..."

She only trembled more violently, her rump lifting and tail flagging, twitching, hindquarters rocking forward and back--and thankfully facing away from him, after she'd sprung to her paws to pin down his chains. "Me too-- nnnnhhh... You know... It usually takes a day or few after I get here each year to get this worked up! You're a very... inspiring companion."

"And you're an evil tease," he huffed--though he nuzzled her reassuringly when she gave him that look again. "The fun kind of evil! I mean-- I'm really, really pent up, but I enjoyed that, Barrassa."

The dragoness gave him a relieved smile--and then just like that, her snout darted down and she licked him, from his balls all the way along the underside of the cage to its tip! He writhed and lashed his tail and moaned, instantly desperately cramped once again, but when she treated him to a mischievous giggle he could only smile, nipping at her snout. "A very evil tease."

Once Gwen realized her guests were no longer occupied she sent Barrassa off to hunt the dragons some dinner, relieved Kerreth of his harness and saddle and cuffs, and after the dragoness returned and the three of them had eaten they had the evening to settle down and chat: to get to know one another, to trade stories, and to give each other plenty of verbal teasing. Poor Kerreth hardly got a break from his sheath steadily straining against his chastity, and even when it came time to get some sleep there was little relief: of course Barrassa snuggled right on in, wriggling up belly to belly so she could purr, and nuzzle him, and grind her belt against his cage just enough to leave them both groaning and panting and a bit too worked up to fall asleep right away.

But sleep they did, and then it was time to dress him back up for the trip to Matthias's home.

"He doesn't let a dragon in who isn't 'appropriately dressed," Gwen said, fitting the numerous padlocks onto his harness, and flicked her tail in Barrassa's direction. "For which you can thank this brat over here."

She pouted. "I knocked over one bookshelf!"

"And a chest, and a lamp, and broke one of his chairs. And that pretty tea set! Each of which was on a different occasion, and the last two while you were in the full kit! You're lucky he still lets you into the house at all. Open up," she added to Kerreth, holding the top of his bridle to pull over his snout, which he did without hesitation--she'd certainly geared him up enough times by now for it to be a familiar routine. "We can take the bridle off and let you tell him what you need after I've made introductions. Barrassa, a little help?"

The dragoness offered a paw and boosted Gwen up onto his back, where she settled easily into the saddle and scooped the reins up off his neck. "Shall we? Barrassa, you can come along if you want, but you'll have to wait outside."

"Of course I want to come along! Got to take every chance to appreciate seeing your other pony in action," she said with a giggle, and thanks to his blinders Kerreth had to swing his whole head around to huff at her--until a gentle pull on the reins corrected him, which changed her giggle to an eager purr. "Don't mind me, I'll be right behind you."

"Of course you will." Gwen gave his shoulders a little squeeze with her thighs, and Kerreth stepped forward, out into the cool sunlight; he could hear Barrassa padding along behind him. "Just stick to enjoying the view, all right? Let the poor dragon have a clear head."

Another nudge, and he hopped forward into a trot, letting her guide him towards the road. "Of course! I'll just get to watch your good pony in his element. Being a good boy, looking handsome in the gear, and staying all pent up."

"Are you already asking not to get that belt off until spring? Because you're sounding even more enthusiastic about chastity, this year." Once at the road, she steered him away from town, and off he went, huffing softly to himself and trying to ignore their banter. Barrassa may have been keeping her limbs to herself, but her words were picking up the slack, and so were Gwen's whether she realized it or not! Extensive training not to try to speak through his bridle kept him quiet for a little while, but as she notably had brought neither the vibrator to attach to his cage nor the riding crop, eventually he dared speak up.

"Hhw ffrr?"

"Oh Kerreth, you know better!" she chided, but only gently--indeed, she stroked his neck instead of slapping it or jerking on the reins. "But not far at all. Just a few minutes' ride, really! But he keeps his home very well protected and very well camouflaged, you'd never find it unless you knew where to look--and how to knock on the door once you did. He's very private."

"He's very cranky."

"You deliberately riled him up by misbehaving. You brat. I know your ways well by now!"

Kerreth carried her up and down a couple of low hills, trotting smoothly with nary a stumble despite the chains and the hoof boots. "Wow. Look at him go!" Barrassa said, and he heard her bound up beside him--not far enough to see past the blinders, when he had to keep his snout forward. "He really moves well, doesn't he?"

"Much better than you did, your first winter," Gwen said, and rubbed his neck a few more times. "He's a natural! It'll almost be a shame to let you out, Kerreth; you've been an excellent pony." This time he did indeed know better than to respond, except by huffing again, and that the praise made his sheath throb against the cage only deepened his blush. If he was allowed to speak, he might have said it would have been tempting to do it again sometime. The gryphon had been friendly, entertaining, and while it certainly didn't feel like proper draconic behavior, what had since he'd been locked? The restraint, the obedience, the teasing and chaste denial, he'd grown acclimated to them all by now and 'gaining her trust' had proved to be far less a sacrifice than he'd first thought--in fact, he'd certainly call her friend by now, and what friend would he be if he never came back to see her?

But that was for later. She pulled gently on the reins, murmuring, and he shuffled to a stop. "Whoa, whoa. We're here!"

Kerreth turned his head, looking in one direction, then the other: to the left, a rolling meadow, and to the right, a dense forest, with no buildings, no trails, no signs of biped habitation that he could see. His plain confusion made Barrassa giggle, and a moment later Gwen hopped down. "Like I said, he conceals his home well. Observe!"

She sauntered up to one of the trees, a tall ash, and after tapping it in a few different places perked up, nodded, and then knocked on it five times in a brief pattern.

For a few long moments nothing happened; then abruptly a section of forest lifted away, like some god reaching down from the sky to lift away a blanket from the earth and reveal what lay beneath. In place of woodland, there now stood a two-story house, complete with a broad manicured lawn leading to a small garden and then up a few steps to a covered porch and a wide red-painted front door not too far off in color from Kerreth's own scales. The door swung inward, and a human stepped out: fat and gray-bearded, pulling on a coat as he came. "Gwen!" he cried, his voice deep and gravelly. "Where did you find another dragon?"

"He found me, actually!" She laughed, and waved to him. "May we come in?"

His eyes narrowed, and as she'd predicted he said, "you may bring your new friend if you must, seeing as you've dressed him up properly. The troublemaker, however, shall wait outside."

"Nice to see you too," huffed the dragoness, who lifted her snout and stuck out her tongue; Matthias only snorted in response, and beckoned them forward, Barrassa just onto the grass to make herself comfortable while Gwen took her mount's reins in hand and led him up to the door. Kerreth paused at the base of the porch, eyeing his hoofs and the stairs uncertainly, but after a moment he figured if Barrassa had made it inside in the past--both geared up and otherwise--then he could, too, without having to worry about the boots scuffing anything! The main challenge in the end was clearing the steps despite his chains, but he managed, and ducked his snout to be sure his horns cleared the door as he came inside.

"How do you find them, anyway? One, sure, I figure one dragon might be an anomaly. But two?" He looked Kerreth up and down, before leading them into a sitting room: two plush, comfortable armchairs, a table and lamp next to each, and the walls paneled with bookshelves, artwork, and maps. "Quite the specimen this one is, yet just as eager to get himself locked up as Barrassa. Does that make two exceptions? Or is the great secret of dragons that you all crave to be put in your place?"

This last he directed to Kerreth, who remained stuck in his bridle and thus perfectly unable to defend his pride, if any defense might have been believed to begin with in his harnessed, bound state! All he could do was grumble to himself and kick against his cuffs, which made the human chuckle as he eased himself into one of the chairs. "I'm beginning to wonder that myself," Gwen said, stroking her pony-dragon on the nose as she stopped at the other chair, but didn't sit down. "But I suppose until I've got a dozen dragons all lined up hoping I'll put them through their paces, best to assume they're not representative of their kind!"

"Yes, well, so long as he's well bound and well behaved, he's welcome along on your visits. You say he came to you? Has your other pony been recommending you to her friends after all?"

"Not that I know of, though I wouldn't past her. No, Kerreth actually came to me because he was hoping he could meet you!"

The man frowned, fixing Kerreth with a glare. "Is that so?"

Plenty of talk about Matthias's grumpiness had warned Kerreth he'd need to be patient and calm with the human, and he just stared back levelly, not making a sound. "It is!" Gwen said, far more cheerfully, and rubbed his snout again. "But I couldn't just lead him right over, of course, or even dress him up first. I said I needed to get to know him first, before bringing him to see you, so he agreed to be my pony for the last month and a half to prove he didn't have anything unwelcome in mind. He's told me what he wants, and considering he's been very well-behaved, I think he's worthy of your assistance. Will you let him speak?"

He arched an eyebrow. "He's put up with that getup for that long just for a chance to meet me? Well I suppose I owe it to him to at least hear his request, but I'm a bit more concerned that he knew to go to you in the first place."

"From what I understand, that rumor came from other dragons. Not many may have access to that line of gossip." Reaching up, she unlocked the main strap of his bridle, then opened up the buckles and eased it off his head. "For now though, Matthias, this is Kerreth, and Kerreth, this is my good friend Matthias."

"Well met," he said, bobbing his head as he worked his jaws a little to loosen them back up.

"We'll see. So, what do you want from me?"

The harsh bluntness of his question made Kerreth wince, but he could get straight to the point if the man wanted. "A witch sealed me in this chastity cage, then disappeared. I have been trying to find someone who could take it off for me, and I was hoping you could help."

Up went the eyebrow again, as he took a long look at the sturdy metal locked over Kerreth's sheath. "I see. And you are entirely blameless for this turn of events, are you? She just appeared to you out of the blue, locked you up, and vanished again?"

"I... may not be entirely innocent," he said, trying to hold his tail still. "But I didn't try to antagonize her, either! I was hunting one day, and my prey ran into a field where she was growing some plants, so of course I followed it, and my pursuit and the killing strike wound up trampling most of her crop."

"Gwen," he said, snorting in dry amusement, "I am beginning to think you are performing a public service. Between her knack for breaking things and his destructive rampaging, it seems to me that keeping dragons locked up is in everyone's best interest. Keeps them out of trouble, and they like it."

"I wasn't rampaging!" Kerreth objected with a little stamp of a hoof. "It was an accident. I was just trying to catch my dinner. My dinner that was a wild animal, by the way, not some farmer's beast."

"See, you say accident, but surely you chose to tear up those plants when you could have chosen to end your pursuit instead," he said, and Kerreth sighed, his snout drooping a little.

"I know. I have been regretting that for some time now." Gwen reached over to give him a few reassuring rubs on the neck.

"At least when you face consequences you can learn a little, I suppose. Anyway. It sounds as if you deserved to be punished or made to compensate this poor witch, and that chance was plainly offered to you. Are you too impatient to wait for her to change her mind? Although I suppose considering what she took from you..."

"That's the problem!" he huffed. "She said to me that if I wanted it off, I had to serve her for the five years it would take for her to grow a crop to replace the one that I ruined."

"As she should have," he interrupted once again, and Kerreth ground his teeth. "So you said no--although considering what you agreed to in order to see me, I can't imagine why--and now you want me to help you cheat your way out early. Is that it?"

Kerreth had to fight to keep an angry growl out of his voice; the old man's attitude was not helpful, especially when he kept poking at all the sorest spots in his memories of the decisions he'd made, and hesitated to make! "That's not it. She gave me a couple of days to think about it, so I did, but before I could agree she just... disappeared. Her, her house, all her crops, when I flew back to say I'd do it she was just gone. No one knew where she'd went, and I haven't been able to find any trace of her, and trust me, I've been searching for anyone who can help me with this. And I can't give her what she asked for when I don't know where she is!"

"Ah. Unfortunate." He sat back in his chair and steepled his fingers under his chin.

After he'd been quiet for a little while--Kerreth couldn't bring himself to speak, he was afraid of only digging himself deeper in the wizard's eyes--Gwen said, "however he might have acted back then, it's clear to me from the time we've spent together that he's a much more considerate dragon now. And it's not fair to him that he has to keep paying for it indefinitely, and give him no credit for how he might have improved himself since."

Matthias pondered this for a few moments longer. "Hm. Well, troublemaker the second, how long have you been locked up?"

Unlike the vagueness he'd given Gwen and Barrassa, this time he told the truth: "four years, three months, 12 days."

Gwen made a startled little gasp. She hadn't realized just how vague his estimate had been, while Matthias's brows raised; the man seeming impressed, if only a little. "I see. Longer than I'd thought! But not the five years you owed, either. Well, as you proved yourself humbled enough to make a deal with Gwen, I can offer you a deal too: keep playing her pony until you've hit five years, and then if you've managed to keep yourself out of trouble, I can see about helping you out."

Kerreth hung his head and sighed, though disappointing as it was, it didn't sting as badly as he'd expected. Gwen still tried to come to his defense: "Matthias, have a little heart, would you? You know Barrassa will drive him mad if we can't let him out of there."

He shook his head. "I think I'm being quite kind! Even if he found his witch tomorrow, she might still expect him to give the five full years, starting then. My offer is far easier by comparison."


"Gwen," said Kerreth, "he's right. And I... don't mind, honestly. At least I'll have something I can look forward to." At this point, even knowing freedom was only nine months away was enough to tighten his cage. "There were times when I didn't even have that, and those times could be... difficult."

"A disaster you may be, but that's the right outlook. What was the plant, anyway? The crop you destroyed."

The name was burned in his memory. "Spinetail. The witch said it was called Spinetail."

Matthias sucked in a breath, sitting up in his chair. "Spinetail? You're sure?" When he nodded, he said, "the witch. What was her name?"

Not a chance he'd forgotten that, either. "Kira."

"Kira?" He leapt from his chair, dashing over to one of the maps on the wall faster than he thought a man that size could move. "Where did this happen?"

"Talley's Hollow." When Matthias only stared blankly at his map, Kerreth hobbled over to peer at it over his shoulder, took a few moments to orient himself, and with the chains stopping him from lifting his paws far enough to point at it, he extended his snout to carefully bump the spot on the map with his nose. "Here."

"What is it?" Gwen asked, trailing behind. "What's the matter?"

"Kira is perhaps the most notorious practitioner of dark magic currently alive. As for Spinetail, there are only a few spells which make use of that as a magical ingredient, and all of them are bad news." He glared at the map for a few moments. "Awfully far from the nearest tower, I suppose it makes sense she managed to evade detection there. Perhaps she thought the presence of local dragons would keep other magic users away. I just wish the trail wasn't this cold!"

His intensity made a little shiver run down Kerreth's spine. Of course he'd always thought of her as evil in his mind, considering what she'd done to him, but to hear it with such certainty from another... "I had no idea she was so dangerous."

"As big as understatement gets." He looked up at him. "Not entering her service was the right choice; from what I know of her, she'd have had you so wrapped around her finger that she could have decided to never release you, and you wouldn't have even had the will left to complain. And to think how much more dangerous she could be with someone like you in her power!"

"I--" He shook himself all over. For years he'd regretted not doing as she'd told him, for years he'd wondered how much more easily all this time could have been if he'd just served her, and wished he had that light at the end of the tunnel to look forward to--and now to hear he'd made the right choice after all? It was enough to make his head spin. "I never knew," was all he managed to say, faintly.

"And you foiled her plans. How much Spinetail were we talking, here? How big was the field?"

That was a detail he didn't remember quite so well, but he made his best estimate. "It was in rows, maybe... Three or four lengths, square."

"I guess it'd be asking a bit much for dragons to use proper units of measure," he grumbled. "Do you measure lengths snout to tail?" At his nod, he whistled. "That's a small fortune in Spinetail. The only place it grows naturally is a remote, uninhabited island, far away in the Southern ocean. The menace she could have wrought with all that... I'm glad to know you destroyed so much of it." He gave him a smack on the shoulder, but his tone was far more good-natured now.

"You said it was used for bad spells?" Gwen asked. "What sort of menace are we talking, here?"

"If we were lucky, she might have just conjured a miasma that reduced everyone within 30 miles or so to being her thoughtless lackeys. If we were unlucky, she might have spawned a poison that sickened or killed them instead. But Kerreth here stopped her."

That was too much for the poor dragon. Dazed, he stumbled backward and tripped on his cuffs for the first time in weeks, flopping down clumsily onto his rump in a daze. That fateful day, all the time he'd spent agonizing over it and wishing it had never happened, that anything could have intervened to stop him--and it had been a good thing? He felt lightheaded, like it was all some desperate dream, until Gwen leapt over to him and wrapped up his snout in a hug. "Did you hear that? Kerreth! You're a hero!"

His snout bobbed slowly; it sounded absurd, unbelievable, like surely he was being mocked or played a prank upon in some way. How could something he'd regretted for so long actually be so important and so good?

"For the moment." Matthias went back to staring at the map. "She plainly meant to do something with that crop, and while you surely dealt her quite a setback, I doubt she would have abandoned her plans just because of one little rampage. If she managed to sow a new field the following spring, then that crop is only a year away from maturity, and she has an awfully big world to hide in. I'm going to need to call the council together for a search. It's been an awfully long time since this disappearance you mentioned, but maybe some evidence lingered that we can find..." he trailed off, mumbling to himself, tracing different routes along the map with a finger.

Gwen clicked her beak. "And I think you owe someone an apology, for not being a disaster after all. Maybe you owe him something else, too."

The wizard turned around with a sigh. "You're right. Kerreth, inadvertent as it may have been, your actions were no disaster--you surely saved thousands of lives, from bewitchment if not death. And to be told to wait for assistance is not what you deserve. However." He took a deep breath. "I'm good, but so is Kira, and the spells keeping you locked up may take weeks to decipher and untangle. Meanwhile Kira is still out there, and my first priority must be helping to track her down to stop her for good, before any plans of hers come to fruition. And saving perhaps the very world comes before saving a dragon's sex life, no matter how heroic he's been."

"I dunno, I think his sex life's doing pretty well. Maybe he just deserves the chance to get a little relief, every now and then."

Kerreth fought not to groan, or squirm, but he could feel the cage tightening up a little once again, and if anything the joke helped him recover his voice. "Gwen-- You and Barrassa driving me crazy all day while I'm stuck in this thing is not 'doing pretty well!'"

"Oh hush, pony, you've been having fun."

Matthias cocked an eyebrow. "Is that so?"

He could hardly deny it when he'd said as much to Barrassa and to Gwen herself not long ago, and indeed she was grinning up at him already, knowing how he'd have to respond. "Okay, yes, I've been having fun while staying with her. But I still want to get the cage off! It's so... cramped sometimes..."

"I'd call you a horrible influence, Gwen, except that your dedication to keeping dragons locked up is good for them and is good for me. Speaking of which, if the brat outside is feeling particularly contrite at some point, you may tell her that I managed to repair my tea service so it looks just like new. Anyway--Kerreth, in light of your accidentally heroic acts, let me take a look at that spell."

"Of course." He lifted one of his hind legs as far as the cuffs would let him, and tried to hold still as Matthias plucked a small box up off a shelf, then knelt next to him and extended his hand, fingers beginning to glow as they neared his cage.

Nothing happened for a minute or two; he held still, and Gwen stayed quiet, letting the wizard work. Eventually he lifted his eyebrows and said, "well. Kira certainly did a number on you, didn't she? Quite the dense spell she's woven. This is going to be quite a bit of work to figure out... She's far too clever with her runes and labyrinths. But I'll try to work on it when I've got a bit of downtime, and hopefully I'll have a counterspell for you eventually." He snapped his fingers and made a flicking motion, and a duplicate of his chastity cage appeared in the air; he quickly maneuvered the box up beneath it and snapped the lid shut to seal the copy inside, careful not to touch the device himself.

Kerreth shivered: that was a vague promise, but it was a promise, which was even more hope than he'd had this morning. Please let him not take too long... He'd come so, so, so close! "I... rrhh. Thank you."

"The least I could do, my good dragon. Unfortunately, you've given me quite a bit to do, and I don't have time to waste, so the two of you are going need to get going. If I do have any breakthroughs, I'll let you know."

"I understand! I'm sorry our visit added so much stress to your life after all," Gwen said with a rueful smile. "But it was good to see you, as always, and good luck."

"I fear I may need it. Gwen, thank you for introducing me to your new friend. Added worries or no, I'm glad you brought him here today; now I know about a threat I would not have otherwise, and I can work with the rest of the council to find her, and stop her." Waiting for Kerreth to struggle back to his hooves, he guided them back to the front door, all smiles and friendliness for a change, and then when they made it to the porch he added, "here: so you can make sure both of these troublemakers don't go on any more rampages."

With a grin, he raised his hands towards the dragon, made a few complex gestures until all the gear he wore save the cage--even the bridle still in Gwen's hands--seemed to glow, vibrating with energy against his scales, then the wizard snapped his fingers and flung them out towards his front yard. Ghostly copies of the latex suit, the harness, the hoof boots and cuffs and bridle and even all the padlocks raced away across the grass, where they accosted a visibly startled Barrassa: one moment she was free, and the next, the pony tack broke over her like some kinky wave--and the moment after that it became perfectly solid, and the dragoness found herself fully geared up and locked in!

"Oh-- Matthias!"

"Take good care of them, Gwen." He winked at her and shut the door.

She leapt down the stairs to dash out to the wriggling, whining dragoness at once, leaving Kerreth to carefully hop down and trot out into the grass behind her. Along the way he got his first proper look at another dragon in pony tack: he couldn't deny that he saw the appeal, and his sheath throbbed once more against his still-sealed chastity cage as he took in the sight of her bound snout, the way the light reflected off her suit as she wriggled, how the chains kept rattling taut and kept her hoof-covered paws just as restrained as his own, and how the latex had maneuvered itself beneath her chastity belt so it still gleamed quite visibly where it was locked around her hindquarters. She really was quite the pretty pony!

Only when Kerreth approached did she settle down, her gaze snapping right between his hind legs, and when she saw her fellow pony still locked in chastity as well she made a little whimper that was probably supposed to sound apologetic, but was hardly convincing when she shivered and writhed so dramatically at the sight. "It seems I'm not unlocked after all," he said, perhaps not sounding as disappointed as he could have so he added, "yet. Matthias is going to give it a try, but it will take some time."

Gwen reached up to hug the base of his neck. "It also turns out this handsome pony dragon is a hero! The plants he stomped belonged to an evil witch, and by destroying them, he might have saved a lot of people! Can you believe it?"

"I still can hardly believe it myself," he said, shaking his head, while Barrassa looked up at him with wide eyes. But given a moment to reflect on it, it felt as if a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders: as much as they might have brought personal torment, his actions had been good for the world as a whole, and the decisions he'd agonized over and regretted for so long had proved to be the correct decisions after all. The chastity cage wasn't much of a reward for his trouble, but even that felt like less a concern for the moment, and he took a slow, deep breath of relief.

"I'm sorry he wasn't able to get you out today, I really thought he'd be able to take that cage right off! So much for the rest of today's plans. Ah well--he gave me a gift too, now I have enough gear for both of you!" When Kerreth twitched, she said hurriedly, "I mean-- I know we had an agreement, Kerreth, and if you want me to let you out right now, I will. But if you're willing to stick around for a while, I'm sure we could have all sorts of fun with two pony dragons to train! What do you say?"

Gwen gave her a hopeful smile, and of course Barrassa joined in at once; something about the way the blinders framed her puppy eyes made his chastity ache even harder, and he groaned softly. It had been fun spending time with Gwen--and his limited time with Barrassa so far--and even if he'd surely be teased far more heavily here than if he went home, he'd also have companions who wouldn't mock him or scorn him as less of a dragon for being in chastity. He'd been comfortable, cared for, appreciated, had a good time... He'd have to keep being restrained and submissive, but at this point he hardly even saw that as a downside, with Gwen, Barrassa, and anyone they met in town having treated it as perfectly normal for the past several weeks. Even all the teasing had felt more fun than torment, at times!

"I suppose I'll be easier for Matthias to find, if I'm still hanging around here," he said at last; Gwen beamed at him, and Barrassa let out a muffled squeal of glee. "All right, sure. Let's keep the fun going."

"Such a good pony! Well then, we've got a lot of work ahead of us to train my locked stallion and mare to work as a team. Open," she said with a familiar smirk, and he obeyed at once, cock straining against his chastity in eager anticipation as she put his bridle back on to complete his pony kit, ready for more training, and teasing, and denial. His freedom would surely come eventually... Until then, his heart lightened, he could learn to enjoy himself plenty in his pent-up restraint.


"Yes! F-fuck-- _Yes..."_ Adhara could hardly gasp out the words, but she still wanted to say them, to moan, to curl her claws and shut her eyes tight because _gods_ this felt so good! A dragon beneath her, a dragon atop her, one...

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Caged Pony

"Hey there, cutie." The anthro gryphon smirked at him, leaning casually over the rail of her porch, and he could _feel_ her gaze roving over him. Kerreth growled. Prior to being caged, nobody would have dared call him cute--well, maybe...

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Know Yourself

As soon as Marie found out that Adhara had a big form, of course she wanted to tie it up; and as soon as Adhara gave cautious, grudging acceptance, of course she wanted to do it _properly,_ which meant ordering all sorts of dragon-strength and...

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