The Field Trip

Story by Cinos on SoFurry

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Kaz, a young dragon, goes on a field trip with his school to see the mythical hippogryphs. What he doesn't know is that they and their enticing musk have some peculiar effects on male dragons. One of my favorite stories to write recently, commissioned by TheGrandPuppeteer

Field trip day! Kaz shot up from under his covers, leisurely stretching his feral, draconic form back into shape after a long and restful night spent curled up. Even as an adult - if admittedly a young one - field trips excited him. Then again, who wouldn't be excited by a break in the routine? Especially when their routine consisted of withering away slowly at school, studying the most boring of standardized classes far beneath their actual capacity?

Growing up as a dragon in a society built for anthropomorphic animals was a bit of a mismatch. Kaz, and others of his kin, matured far faster the others, and then _kept_maturing. It made interactions with his "age group" rather awkward, which was why dragons usually had their own schools. Well-funded ones, of course, thanks to draconic riches. A lot of it felt like wasted time, what with standardization, meaning that Kaz was still in high school despite being at least college age both physically and mentally, if not past it, and that in turn meant he didn't learn a lot of new things.

That meant that any day that bucked that routine was wonderfully exciting. Today, he seemed to remember, as the oneiric fog slowly lifted from his mind, they were going to see gryphons. No, hippo_gryphs, that was it! Like gryphons, but with the back half of a horse rather than a feline. A rather exotic species, rarely seen and mostly surviving in nature reserves kept specifically for them. They had some _interesting biological implications too, or so the teachers had promised them! Kaz had purposefully avoided looking anything up so that precious day would retain some excitement for him. Surprises were fun, after all.

After giving his scales some quick polish, just on the off chance that he happened to meet some handsome dragon, maybe even a dragoness, he was out the door and headed towards his school to meet up with his classmates before the trip began.

Most of them seemed just as excited as him. Even their teacher - Mr. Scaleshimmer - was excited, which was interesting, when he'd no doubt seen the hippogryphs at least once with each class he'd taught. Scaleshimmer's first name was Savion, Sav for short, but he insisted that they follow protocol and refer to him by his last name. The only who less than enthused was his assistant, a goldenscale who was grumpy as always. Grumpy but willing to play along to do his academic duty.

"Maybe I'll just eat one," one of his classmates, a blackscale named Val grumbled. "Already getting hungry."

"What, did you skip breakfast?" Kaz replied. With him being a redscale, there was a certain rivalry between them. They took every chance they could to make fun to each other, jockeying to be the more dominant drake.

The blackscales were, of course, known for their hunger. The teacher was showing off that, having gained quite a few pounds of weight and gotten a fair bit rounder only in the last few months. The redscales' vice was curiosity, in comparison. Each breed of dragon had one, and they never hesitated to make fun of each other for them. Like when Val had caught him spying on the other males after flight class. It'd taken him a year to stop bringing that up.

"Quiet, you two," the teacher groaned. "The hippogryphs are quite the majestic beasts, and their strange and fascinating relationship with dragons is a subject we've still not fully explored the depths of. You're expected to write an essay on them just like everyone else, Val. Hungry or not."

After a little bit more bantering between them all, it was time to set off. Thanks to the rise of air traffic, they had to call in their flight paths well before taking off, which the dragons in the government were still protesting, but at least it was better than not getting to use their natural wings at all. How the earthbound species managed, Kaz would never really know. Then again, at least for them, they could all relax while one person drove one of those transport vehicles of theirs.

Kaz, though, enjoyed the cold wind beneath his wings, even if it sometimes made him shiver this early in the morning. The hippogryph reserve was roughly an hour's flight away, which gave him some time to think. The theory was that those beasts had some particular relationship with dragons, but he hadn't looked up the details of it to preserve some excitement for today. Still, he couldn't help but speculate. Maybe they provided some essential nutrients when eaten. His classmates had suggested much worse ideas, like that _they_were the ones doing the eating.

Upon landing, Kaz's wings were pleasantly sore. He'd never been to this area before, but it was a beautiful valley surrounded by mountains, lush fields of grass separated by a deep blue outlet flowing towards the ocean. The ideal habitat for hippogryphs, he figured, since they preferred a life of fishing and grazing, and preferred to do so in solitude with no competition from other creatures. Dragons were, oddly enough, one of the few other species that they seemed to welcome. The rest, they tolerated, though only from a safe distance.

The teacher excused himself, leaving them with the assistant, who grumpily introduced them to a few basic rules; do not approach the hippogryphs, do not feed the hippogryphs, do not eat the hippogryphs, and so on. All in all, it was rather self-explanatory, but the rules required every visitor to be reminded of them. The beasts were supposedly rather docile unless provoked, which allowed for rather up-close observations, but dragons specifically were warned to stand at a more respectable distance, for reasons that he'd explain later. For now, they'd simply wait and watch until the hippogryphs showed up to hunt. It didn't make a lot of sense; if the hippogryphs like the company of dragons, why did they have to stand further back than others? It was almost implied that there was a danger to them, but how would a mere hybrid species challenge a mighty drake?

Val emphasized that point. "If it wasn't for the rest of you, I'd just go eat one," he laughed, with masculine bravado. "Stay away, my ass. One of these days I'll hunt whatever I want."

Socializing dragons into civilization wasn't an easy task, but eventually, they'd find a good balance between their own instincts and what society expected them to be like that. It worked, of course, because here they were, at the same point of interest as earthbound students and studying the same thing, and nobody was being eaten. Not yet, anyway, though a greenscale from Kaz's class was certainly eyeing a vixen from a nearby college rather hungrily.

He overheard another pair of dragons talking about the hippogryphs, and listened in. They were laughing about what they'd heard about the beasts, which was that they specifically liked mating with dragons, and that some dragons even allowed that to happen. With youthful bravado, the two drakes then reassured each other that they had no idea why anyone would degrade themselves like that, and that neither of them at least, being the epitome of draconic masculinity, would ever even think about.

It was often tedious to listen to. Kaz couldn't really empathize with the bragging. If anything, he was very curious about the rumours, if they were true. What would dragons gain out of mating with the hippogryphs? Their motivations sparked Kaz's curiosity. He would've asked Mr. Scaleshimmer, but he was nowhere to be seen. That by itself was rather interesting, he was usually very happy to teach the class, to the point his assistant barely had to do any work at all.

He stood there, overlooking the coastal fields, wondering about it, when the assistant called for silence. The banter and murmuring among the dragons died down as their attentions were focused on a flock of hippogryphs flying in from the mountainside, landing right next to the water's edge. To Kaz's surprise, they were rather majestic beasts, with the front half of an eagle and the back half of a horse. One of many hybrid species that had, at some point, been created by wild magic. Some even suggested dragons were originally a hybrid species, though no proof of such had been found.

Either way, watching them fly in formation was beautiful, and the grace with which they landed to catch their daily meals was almost breathtaking. The assistant cautioned the class to move backwards if any of them approached, which was met by derisive snorts and chuckles from a good half of it. The question on Kaz's mind was why. Even though they were rather large, and the talons on their avian front limbs seemed menacing, even a flock of them wouldn't be much of a threat against dragons. Realistically, they'd struggle to cut through their scales, whereas the hippogryphs themselves had no such protection. They didn't seem to be acting hostile in the slightest, either. A few looked at the crowd gathered to watch them, almost as if they were on a field trip too, some preening themselves leisurely.

And then Val jabbed Kaz right in the ribs, uncomfortably hard. "That one seems like he's getting pretty horny," the blackscale laughed, pointing at one of the grazing hippogryphs.

It was male, obviously, and equally clearly it was rather horny for no apparent reason, with a massive cock dangling out of its sheath, bouncing now and then as it kept looking back at the dragons.

"Probably wants to fuck you," he added, before being silenced by a murderous look from the assistant, though that didn't silence the chorus of little giggles and murmurs from the crowd.

Kaz couldn't look away, though. The hippogryph was pretty well hung, and it seemed restless to boot, continually staring at the dragons who in turn were staring at it. Between the muscular, equine hindquarters and the enormous cock - not to mention the pendulous balls that seemed to swing freely as it moved - it was certainly an excellent specimen of pure, bestial masculinity. The avian half lent it a certain cuteness and elegance too, and though Kaz couldn't see it clearly from this far away, he had to imagine to that its eyes carried that eagle-like sharpness.

He felt his own cock stir in sympathy, and that was enough to force him to look away. If he got visibly erect he'd never hear the end of it. Sometimes, he was terribly jealous of the two-legged people with both fur and clothes to hide any unwanted excitement.

It begged the question of why, though. Maybe it really did want to mate with a dragon, or more likely, dragon_ess,_ but of course it was hesitant to approach a crowd like that. Too much risk, no matter how strong and firm it was, and that beautiful equine erection wouldn't be of much help in _that_kind of situation.

The other question was why Kaz was enjoying the sight so much. He was into other males, he'd known that for a while already, but other species, and especially on the receiving end?

The wind shifted, and with it, carried a delicate but strong, spicy musk that filled Kaz's nostrils. He closed his eyes, enjoying the way it tickled in his sinuses, rather agreeable and sensual. He could almost imagine it; himself, on all fours, raising his tail as the hippogryph squawked with approval behind him, accepting his invitation and mounting him-

-he felt his slit swell a little, mortified by the realization that his cock was about to peek out, when he was thankfully saved by the assistant reacting as well.

"That's it, class, let's head back. We'll discuss the hippogryphs more tomorrow morning; until then, enjoy some free time."

Had he noticed the scent too? Was that why the dragons were told to not get too close? Kaz glanced around him and noticed several of his classmates, the males in particular, shifting uncomfortably. If he hadn't felt that surge of desire himself, he would've thought nothing of it, but now it seemed obvious that they were all affected by that scent. Though his arousal quickly faded as he moved away, he found his curiosity - and something more carnal - pulling him towards the hippogryphs again, and so he lagged behind a little. This was free time, after all, wasn't it? So if he wanted to spend it watching the beasts a little longer there'd be no issue with that. After losing the rest of his group, Kaz turned around, his heart suddenly beating rapidly, feeling like he was about to discover something forbidden or do something he wasn't supposed to.

Before he could actually get to where his group had been, though, he heard a pained moan from the bushes not too far away. At least, he thought it sounded pained, at first. When it repeated, it was a little different. Exertion, maybe? With how nervous the assistant had been, and with how his teacher had seemingly disappeared, he was a little anxious about approaching the source of the sound directly, but driven by that curiosity, he circled around the bushes from what he thought was a safe distance. And soon, he saw something that almost made his rapidly beating heart stop.

It certainly took a while to process it all. Behind the bushes was a hippogryph nest, which was normal enough. In the nest, though, Mr. Scaleshimmer was squatting. He was laying eggs, and Kaz caught him just as one egg slipped out of his distinctly_feminine_ sex - not that there was much difference between the slits of males and females, but there was no way the male one would get so wet, and... Kaz struggled to understand what he was seeing. Had their teacher been female all along, then? And not putting on weight, but pregnant? Behind him, a hippogryph stood proudly, chirping as it rubbed its beak against him, as if encouraging him. The realization that it must be the father of those eggs struck Kaz like a bolt of lightning.

Then, Scaleshimmer looked up and saw him, and Kaz's cheeks blushed an even deeper red as he tried to act as if he'd just walked over rather than having been watching the show for several minutes.

"F-fuck," his teacher moaned, and then his face twisted into an expression of pleasure as another egg pushed its way out of him, to the happy chirping of the hippogryph behind him. "I... I can explain, ngh- just stay there, don't c-come any closer, please."

Kaz wasn't about to, and he still couldn't look away. Not only was his teacher something different than he'd thought, but he seemed to be enjoying it. A lot. Kaz watched as Mr. Scaleshimmer stiffened with the third, and seemingly last egg, a wet gush of his arousal splattering on top of the eggs as his entire body quivered in what he could only assume was an orgasm. "G-gods..."

The young redscale watched the entire show as if hypnotized. The hippogryph looked at him, but it didn't seem to care much, deeming the young dragon to not be a threat, prey, or even... a partner? Again, the wind carried a whiff of that musky scent of the herd, or flock, towards him, and he felt the same foggy sensation that he had before. Seductive and strange.

"Okay, stud, just... stand back a moment and watch over the eggs, please," Mr. Scaleshimmer told the hippogryph, which let out another happy chirp in response. "I need to talk to him."

The dragon got up, though his legs were still visibly trembling, as he approached Kaz, who stood there like a deer in the headlights. His "mate" dutifully watched over the freshly laid eggs, continuing to show no interest in Kaz at all.

"Well, this is awkward," his teacher spoke, his voice a little hoarse from the moaning. "Basically, the rumours you've probably heard, the hippogryphs can breed with us, and it's... well, they're very good at it," he huffed. Kaz saw him shiver again. "Impossible to resist, really, with-" he paused. "I really shouldn't be discussing it like this but you already saw everything."

"But I thought you were male?" Kaz blurted out. Being able to breed with another species wasn't that unusual, even dragons could do it, but being able to breed with a male was something else entirely. Then again, "Mr." Scaleshimmer both looked and smelled like a female.

"I am, dear," he replied with a sigh. "It's just that the... hippogryphs induce some wonderful changes in us."

He kept pausing, as if he was hesitating, but talking about it was clearly getting him a little excited. Kaz had never even thought of his teacher as a sexual being, but his need was evident enough now, and not only because he'd just laid three eggs and apparently climaxed from doing so. He looked conflicted, though.

"I guess I should tell you everything?" he finally asked, rhetorical more than anything. "Well... it's a little hard to explain."

Kaz didn't reply, but he was listening, his mouth feeling a little dry.

"Well, it's this quirk of biology we dragons have, and the hippogryphs exploit it, in away. That's why I didn't want you to get too close. Their musk has an effect on us, you might've noticed it," Scaleshimmer huffed. He sat down, and Kaz sat down too, listening to him.

"It kinda lures us in. And if we then get exposed to it, directly from the source," he paused again, his breath stuttering surely in remembrance of how it'd happen. "Nghh, I really shouldn't be telling you any of this. But if you press your nose right against them and just breathe in, it primes you. You have the best orgasm you could ever dream of and you just cum, and cum, and cum until there's nothing left."

"And- and then?" Kaz asked. His cock was stirring again, swelling, probably peeking out of his slit, but he was entranced by both the story and the faint scent of _that_musk that lingered in the air.

"Then you go soft, and shrink. And you won't be able to resist letting those handsome beasts mount you. Your slit, I mean. And once they cum, that's it. You have a pussy now. A womb, too. They sculpt you to be a perfect mother for them. The worst part is how incredibly good it feels. Almost like it was meant to be," Scaleshimmer added. Hearing him use such vulgar words was jarring, but he was_off duty at the moment. "Like we're _meant to surrender our masculinities and worship theirs instead, letting them breed us."

"How'd it happen?" Kaz asked, breathlessly. "I mean, why did you do it to begin with?"

"It was just like with you. I got a little too close to one when I was here with another class. One of them - my wonderful mate over there - noticed it affecting me, so it rolled over and let me come closer. I couldn't resist, and... well, here I am, now. Laying their eggs. Waiting for my partner to mount me again."

"Didn't you like being male?" the younger dragon kept prodding. He could scarcely believe what he was hearing, and yet, the thought of it was getting incredibly excited, a tingly kind of heat building up in his loins. He told himself that it was just because of the scent, though. There was no way he would ever surrender his masculinity like that. He was destinated to be a mighty, ancient drake one day. Maybe with a whole harem of dragonesses.

"I did. And I mean, I still am, really, just with a, ahem, a vagina," Scaleshimmer replied. "And it's so much better."

"Oh," was everything Kaz could muster. They sat there in silence a little, the hippogryph apparently trusting its draconic mate to handle the situation. All the onlookers had gone home, already.

Then Mr. Scaleshimmer spoke again. What he said made Kaz blush so hard he almost felt like he had a fever. "I can see the thought excites you, too."

Kaz quickly covered his groin with his front legs, feeling his length rubbing up against his scale. This was what mortification felt like, he realized. He wanted to sink into the ground and never be seen by anyone again.

"I- I don't- it wouldn't work on- I don't want to-" he stuttered, feeling incredibly uncomfortable, enough so for his cock to slowly began to soften again.

"it would. It happens to every male dragon. All you'd have to do is approach one of them, calmly. He'll let you. Then you just stick your nose against the muskiest part of his body, usually the balls, and breathe in deeply, and have the best, life-changing orgasm of your life," Scaleshimmer laughed. "It's okay if it turns you on, but it really is our natural place. Surrendering to these beasts and worshipping them, worshipping those huge cocks you've probably already seen. And letting them make our bellies swell with their young."

Kaz's head was swimming. He still couldn't believe what he was hearing. The thought was intrusive, demanding, pictures of doing just what his teach told him forming in his head. His cock shot back to full hardness again, and he felt wetness oozing from the tip. It wasn't what he wanted, clearly. He'd still have to go back to school, and his classmates would make fun of him forever_if they found out, and they'd probably want to _mount him, which was a terrifying thought. With all that in mind, why was it turning him on so much?

"I'd recommend coming here after everyone else is asleep," Scaleshimmer added with a chuckle, as if he already knew what Kaz was going to decide. "It's a little taboo, but that's just because people don't realize how good it feels. Once you really smell that musk, I know you won't regret it."

He then stood up, making no effort to hide the fact that his slit was practically drooling with arousal, wetness dangling from it. "You should probably head back your class for now," he said, turning around and returning to his hippogryph mate. It didn't take a genius to figure out what was going to happen, and Kaz finally snapped out of his trancelike statue, circling back the way he came. Not before seeing Scaleshimmer present himself to the hippogryph, though, and at the same time seeing that massive cock flop out of his sheath.

He guessed that their teacher would start "putting on weight" again over the next few months, almost stumbling as he then imagined the same happening to him. How would it feel to let his belly swell with eggs like a female's? The humiliation would be overwhelming. Then again, maybe it really did feel as good as Mr. Scaleshimmer told him.

His cock, thankfully, softened and retreated back into his body again as he gained some distance on the hippogryph flock, but the intrusive thoughts of surrendering to the beasts did not. Would it really be so bad? They weren't dumb. Most likely, they were just as smart as dragons, only incapable of speech. Scaleshimmer had told him that any of them would accept him, or maybe even lure him in, and he couldn't stop replaying that scenario in his head over and over. Would he actually lose control? It sounded so far-fetched. There was no way a mighty drake could change like that, was there?

Even as he found his classmates again in the building where they'd sleep, he was considering it. He was confident enough in his maleness, proud even. That was how he began to convince himself to give it a go. Not as any kind of surrender or loss, but to prove to himself that it didn't work on him. It was a ridiculous thought and he'd show Mr. Scaleshimmer exactly what a real_male would do if some half-horse beast tried to dominate him, and on _their_turf. Maybe he'd _eat one. He spent most of the evening psyching himself up for that, getting himself sufficiently angry to show everyone who truly was the alpha here. At least, that was his excuse for doing what he'd been told, the very real urges that scent had burned into him buried deep within the recesses of his subconscious mind. He was so preoccupied with those thoughts that he ignored Val entirely when the blackscale said something to him, only offering absent-minded grunts in response, and then snapped when prodded.

"Thinking about the hippogryphs, are you? We all saw you go back to look at them. Maybe you want to mate with one," Val mocked him, and that settled it. Kaz would bring one of their heads over and rub it into Val's face, prove him wrong, and if nothing else, showing himself the superior male of the two. He wouldn't say anything about it, though, choosing to endure the blackscale's jabs until he got bored. After tonight, there'd be no more rivalry.

Eventually it was time for them all to sleep, and Kaz pretended to do so as well, rolling around on his pillow while waiting for friend after friend to doze off. Then, he waited a little longer, incredibly nervous, and yet finding himself rather aroused again, though thankfully not visibly so. Clearly, he had made the right choice in choosing to confront the source of that scent that still seemed to cling to his nostrils. If he didn't, he'd never get rid of that pesky urge to smell it again, and again, an again. Somehow, the young drake's body was already yearning for it, even if his mind was fully set on purging himself of that need.

In the dark of night, after everyone around him was snoring merrily, Kaz snuck out, making sure to not so much as let his talons tap against the floor. Outside, everything was silent, and it took him a brief moment to reorient himself in the dark, mapping the nocturnal world to the one he'd previously seen in daylight.

The more he pursued that confrontative train of thought, the more certain he became that it was exactly the right thing to do. Proving to himself that he wasn't as weak as his teacher. Sure, thinking about it had his ridged shaft slipping out of its sheath again, but he was only half excited now. A sure sign that he was overcoming it. Confronting what scared him head-on was what his parents had always told him he should do.

A short walk through the darkness later, he arrived at the vantage point. The hippogryphs hadn't gone to sleep yet, though they probably would soon. Kaz had no real idea of what kind of schedule they followed, or what time it even was, but they'd arrived here in the evening, so they'd probably sleep through the morning.

He approached the flock - or herd, whatever a group of hippogryphs was called - slowly. The wind from earlier had died down entirely, so the smell wasn't reaching him yet. Knowing that he was closer than he was supposed to be, now, hopping over the fence, was exhilarating. So was the theoretical risk that he'd be losing his masculinity soon, had he been a lesser male. He wondered how many had succumbed to it over the years. There was also the chance that Mr. Scaleshimmer had been lying to him to cover for having been female this entire time. There was no shame in being transgendered, though.

Kaz stopped when he noticed the hippogryphs all freeze for a moment when he stepped on some dry grass, hearing it crunching beneath his feet. At first some of them beat their wings and squawked in his direction, but soon they calmed down. On recognizing he was a dragon, probably. Unluckily for them, he wasn't just some weakling. His body was already tensing up as he stalked closer, preparing the pounce one of the majestic beasts the moment he was in range. They really _were_majestic, almost regal in stature, with the elegant plumage and the strong hindquarters. A few of them were getting visibly erect as he approached, chirping and cawing to each other as if deciding something. Probably thinking of Kaz as easy prey. He'd show them what being prey looked like.

Then, in a few more steps, Kaz was suddenly enveloped by their scent. That rich, spicy musk. The instant he inhaled it, he remembered how good it'd felt in vivid detail. His eyes fluttered and his cock sprung eagerly into full hardness as the pheromones reached his head, and he found himself panting with excitement. It was almost too much, but he could handle it. He wasn't some weak drakelet, after all. And braving it, pushing closer and closer to those sexy beasts was proving that, even as the scent grew stronger and stronger until it left his head feeling pleasantly empty, the remaining thoughts hazy and warm.

Just like Mr. Scaleshimmer had predicted, eventually the hippogryphs seemed to decide which one of them should handle the approaching dragon. They saw his erection, too, and so didn't register him as a threat. To them, he was just another dragon about to submit. That realization, sluggish as it was, excited Kaz even further, knowing that they were all staring at his cock, expecting to mount him soon, putting him in his rightful place.

A particularly large specimen approached him. It let out a playful chirp, and then rolled over, splaying its legs wide and giving Kaz a clear view of its own, much bigger cock, and the heavy balls, big enough to almost cover its pucker.

The best orgasm of his life. Wait, that isn't-

Kaz closed the distance, realizing only slowly that he was drooling, from both his mouth and achingly hard cock, his precum dripping into the cold grass. Suddenly, there was a sense of panic. What if he wasn't in control? Yet the increasingly intense scent was too enticing to resist, and on some level the young drake knew that if he just pressed his nose right against those balls and inhaled, it'd wash all his worries away, along with his masculinity. Suddenly it seemed like a liberating, desirable thought. Of course that was what he should do. No, it isn't. I'm only here to prove that I can handle it. Just a quick sniff to satisfy my curiosity, and then tear into him.

The hippogryph didn't move, but Kaz saw his cock throb in anticipation, spitting out a splatter of clear precum over his belly. He was close enough to touch him, now, and those massive, virile orbs were right there, luring him in. This was it. The drake's entire body was tingling with excitement as he took a deep breath, knelt in the grass next to the equally excited hybrid, and briefly nuzzled his thigh before pushing his snout right under his sack, guided by long-forgotten instincts. It felt damp against his muzzle, and yet warm and so alive. So hot.

Slowly, slowly, he let his breath puff out against the hiippogryph's taint. He had to be careful. Just a quick sniff. You can do this. You can-

Kaz inhaled through his nose, and the musk was so potent that it made him cough, causing him to breathe in more. A rather wonderful, warm wave of lust washed over him, and with it, a rush of intense arousal that seemed to shoot right to his already rock-hard cock. All the doubt in his mind suddenly went silent, and all that mattered was smelling more of the hippogryph's musk. He nudged his nose firmly against the beast's damp balls and inhaled again, greedily, feeling that same rush again, his cock throbbing in response as the pheromones fully took hold of him. In some recess of his mind, Kaz realized he might've been in trouble, but the surging, cresting pleasure his body was rewarding him with for his submission was overwhelming.

With each breath, his mind grew foggier with lust, need and pleasure, his cock drooling merrily as he reached a kind of plateau without ever once moving his hips. He was so, so very close. Just a little more and, god, he'd cum so very, very hard.

Of course, reaching that wonderful orgasm already tickling at the periphery of his senses would leave him limp and receptive for the obviously superior male's seed. He didn't care, though, not right now. Kaz's tongue snuck out to caress those hefty balls, feeling their sheer power in such intimate detail that it made him whimper, the young drake rubbing his snout against the hippogryph's musk like a cat in heat. The pleasure grew to absolutely unmanageable levels, his own lesser balls feeling like they might explode, until at the very end he couldn't think at all, existing only to worship the beast's enormous sheath and then provide a wet, eager home for his amazing, dominant cock, and a thirsty womb for his seed. The mere idea of receiving the blessing of that hippogryph's seed was what finally pushed him over the edge.

Kaz came. It was, indeed, the best orgasm of his life, a sweet and intense convulsion robbing him of all muscle control as he slumped against the majestic beast, nose slipping to his taint. His hips bucked on their own accord as his cock throbbed so hard he could see little stars dancing on the edge of his vision. The first thick rope of his cum spilled onto the grass, sacrificed so that he could embrace his new role, and the hippogryph curled up to nuzzle at him, chirping encouragingly. Not that Kaz could stop, even if he'd wanted to; so intense was his orgasm that it felt like it'd never end. A normal climax for a male only produced a small amount of cum. This one drained all of it, until not a single drop remained inside him.

He whimpered, growled and thrashed, grinding against the grass and getting himself sticky with his own wasted seed, mind blanked out by waves of pleasure that washed every coherent thought away, and he never wanted it to end. But end it did, and it was accompanied by a chilling realization that his cock was softening. He was barely aware of it, but it felt almost fateful, in a way. A brief spell of clarity had him terrified at what he'd just done, but there was no going back. The hippogryph still needed to be satisfied too, and soon he'd be ready. Those instincts had him in their steely grip, and he could do nothing but obey, rolling onto his back when his muscles allowed, letting the hippogryph see the results of his work.

Kaz saw those results too. His cock slowly shrinking, retreating into his body, now redundant. Breeders didn't need cocks, after all. Soon, the tapered head disappeared into his slit and left behind only a wet, puffy slit that might as well have belonged to a female. And soon, it would. His body was primed to receive the stud's seed, and once it did, he'd remain like this forever. He'd grow a womb that'd eagerly drink down the hippogryph's cum and...

...he'd get pregnant.

Kaz found himself hyperventilating. This was what he was meant for, but yet, he couldn't stop shivering as his new mate stood up and nudged him onto all fours. That thick, equine cock bounced as he mounted the dragon, demanding a warm, fertile body to sink into. Kaz needed it too; it felt so incredibly hot against is scales, almost scalding, and every drop of precum it drooled out was wasted. It all belonged inside him. He nudged his rump upwards, trying to help the beast - already thrusting, jabbing, trying to find that promised _cunt_with his enormous cock - hit his mark. Soon enough those feral instincts guided him right, and the blunt tip caught on Kaz's slit. A dominant, possessive squawk resonated in the hippogryph's chest, he bucked again, and it slipped inside.

Kaz's eyes went wide. His own cock offered no resistance, not with how small it'd shrunk. Soon it'd be totally gone. He felt himself clench around the intruder as it stretched him to his very limits, a feeling of warm, tingly heat growing in his lower belly as it throbbed, spilling that wonderfully slick precum into his depths. Was his womb already forming, in anticipation? He didn't know and didn't care. He'd let the hippogryph do whatever it wanted to him. Everything it deserved. Everything he deserved.

In a frenzy of lust, Kaz found himself humping back against the equine cock. It was all automatic; he was barely able to think with how good it felt. He couldn't take all of that beautiful shaft - not yet - but he desperately wanted to. Kaz wanted, more than anything else, to feel it reach orgasm inside him, cementing his submission and new role. Yes. If it didn't, he'd eventually recover and remain male, and in the orgasmic haze of his orgasm, he didn't think of himself as one anymore. At least not completely. No, if having a pussy felt like this, sending waves and shivers of pleasure all the way to his curling toes, he never wanted to have a cock again.

The hippogryph's cock thumped into him wetly and firmly. There was this intoxicating, wonderfully masculine confidence to his thrusts, as if he knew Kaz had fully surrendered. A steady rhythm, the beast taking his time working towards the completion of his duty; fully claiming and breeding the dragon. Kaz was trying his hardest to make it happen faster. The musk had pushed him into a state where he could feel nothing else. He'd had the best orgasm of his life, and yet he could sense, just from the warm squelching of precum slowly changing his body, that being seeded and bred could be even better. Maybe not as explosive, no, but more like a dissolution. A soothing, floaty, _beautiful_release from the chains of his maleness.

His mate picked up the pace. His cock, with each hump, plunged as deep into Kaz's body as it could, and the dragon felt him shiver. One of his talons clutched tightly at his chest as they raced towards a mutual climax, the natural final note of their primal song of pleasure. Kaz was moaning, but he didn't care, and neither did his lover, chirping excitedly as it began to get close to the point of no return. The dragon clenched down as hard as he could around the equine cock when he felt it throb and buck, and it throbbed again with excitement. It'd only be a second or two before he felt it, but it felt like an eternity of yearning, that fateful moment stretching on and on into dazed, gooey pleasure.

Then, his cock jerked harder. It felt like it was straining against the walls of Kaz's slit, trying to swell even bigger but being constricted by his lusty tightness. This was it. The hippogryph let out a strange squawking growl, choked with triumph and pleasure, hilting inside Kaz. He was going to cum. The dragon's heart skipped a beat, his throat tightening to the point he could barely breathe as he recognized what was happening. The unmistakable possessive tightening of his grip around Kaz's chest, the powerful tensing and flexing of his muscles and the snorts and grunts of a male reaching his orgasm. This is actually it. God, he's going to- I'm going to-

Twitch. He felt a warm tickling sensation deep inside him. The hippogryph's cock bucked inside him. The sensation was faint, barely noticeable, but Kaz could feel his shaft pumping. A viscous heat followed each pump. He was-

Then, he _wasn't._Kaz was swept away somewhere else entirely. Somewhere warm and happy. In reality, his body was reacting to the seed it was now receiving, but his mind was far away in a blissful realm of clouds, where all stress left him. This was good. He let the warmth swallow him, dissolve him, and remake him, as if he'd reached some kind of heaven, as if he'd finally found his place in the world. The hippogryph's cum put him in heat and instantly sated that heat, flooding his womb the moment it formed and soaking even deeper as his cock shrank into a mere clit. Exploring all of that would have to wait, though. At some point, Kaz passed out.

He awoke again cradled by to his hippogryph lover - no, mate - and a very sticky, sloppy, and wonderful feeling between his legs. Slowly, he began to remember. And then, he also remembered that he was meant to be with his class in the morning. The sun was just starting to rise.

The hippogryph understood his urgency. So it was with all their draconic mates; they'd return only to lay and breed. Soon enough, Kaz would return too. For now, a loving nuzzle was enough as a farewell, while the young dragon - dragoness now, perhaps - wiped the excess cum from his slit, almost getting horny against as he felt the warm heat still stuck inside him, and ran off to rejoin his classmates before they woke up.

The following day's lecture was when they officially learned what the hippogryphs could do to dragons. None of it was presented in quite the amazing erotic light that it'd been in real life. Kaz could scarcely believe it when his classmates scoffed, though, at the very idea. At the same time, he definitely _did_get horny, the naughty secret of his now female sex being stuffed full of virile hippogryph-seed, probably busy fertilizing his eggs, while both Mr. Scaleshimmer and his assistant present the subject in the most academic way possible. The former, though, did offer a knowing smirk and a wink to Kaz, who could only blush in response.

Apparently male dragons who had been subjected to this transformation were called broodfathers._Not mothers, because they rarely lost their _identity as a male, though that had been documented too, but rather only their physical masculinity. The term, though relatively innocent all things considered, sent a another thrilling tingle through Kaz's reshaped form. So he was a broodfather, then. A good term to remember for when he let anyone know about this, which would be never.

Of course, even if he didn't let anyone know, it didn't mean that others didn't find out anyway. On the way home, just before they took flight, though, Val - who Kaz had completely forgotten existed in his reverent state - nudged him.

"I really liked watching you last," he grinned. A vicious, cunning, but lusty smile. "Don't worry though. Your secret is safe with me as long as you'll let me mount you, too."

He whispered those last three words into Kaz's ear, and Kaz's new cunt quivered in anticipation, even as his mind protested at the sheer degradation letting _that_dragon rut him would entail.

It wasn't like he really had a choice, though. Nor would his body offer any resistance if the blackscale tried. But as long as he was always bred only by his bestial mate, it'd surely be alright.

A whole new and exciting life awaited him, and while he was initially hesitant to embrace this aspect of it, he couldn't really blame Val. He'd done this to himself, and if it'd been someone else, the once-male him might've wanted a turn too. As males did. At least, once the rest of his pride melted away and drooled out with his feminine lust, he'd feel a lot better about it.

Winter's Consequences

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Another Birthday to Remember

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