Paraskepite- Epilog

Story by Furry Sith Lord on SoFurry

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#21 of Paraskepite


Life returned to normal and a new topic for the media to exploit fill in now that they no longer promoted Mad Cow Disease. The parasite vaccine was quickly distributed and no one knew what it was really used for or what it was made of. The only thing that was known was that it was a cure to the disease that was later called, The Mad Biting Disease.

Shortly after the vaccine, which was just a short term acting insulin, lawyers began advertising that if the new vaccine caused you complications you might be entitled to compensation. This drew a strange assortment of people claiming the vaccine caused their 'new' ailments yet throughout all the recent years insulin had been produced there had been no side effects except for low blood sugar if taken in excess.

A video that was circulated had an elderly woman that was dancing and she claimed to be a nurse and had taken the vaccine and she could not stop. She claimed her doctors said that they were muscle spasms from the vaccine yet numerous tests have revealed the so-called spasms were not a side effect of the insulin. Supporters for and against picked sides and ignited the controversy. Some claimed she was faking it, while others were convinced she was telling the truth.

Several doctors and other healthcare organizations warned that a fake version of the vaccine was being circulated and this fake product was causing numerous side effects. This too was a reason why it was said the elderly woman could not stop dancing. If this was true, or not, was left up to conspiracy theorists.

The real truth behind the parasites became a heavily guarded secret and anyone with knowledge was encouraged to remain quiet about them.... Or else. The city officials were more than happy to keep the Mad Cow Disease story as the cover for the truth.

A certain aid, that worked at the nursing home where Silvia lived and the security guard was murdered at, came forward and claimed the governor had impregnated her. Lucy suddenly became the star she always wanted to be with reporters hounding her everywhere she went and her phone had never stopped ringing.

The media was eating up the scandal and Lucy was broadcasted everywhere. She was approached for book deals and studios wanted the movie rights. Karma, if such a thing actually exists, soon intervene and the mayor invited Lucy to speak to them. Oddly enough off to the side as if he were one of the assistants the governor was stationed and Lucy seemed to have no idea who he was. A secret camera recorded the event and the reputation of the governor was restored while Lucy was publicly shown to be the liar she was.

She tried a few more lies but by now her reputation was null and void and she was soon forgotten and tossed aside like yesterday's garbage. Of course no formal apology was made to the governor by the media because they were far too busy with their latest stories that they could use to capitalize on.

The night before he was scheduled to meet with Ned; Joseph had George stop by and play a game of clue. Marms was up to his usual tricks of picking on George and George was accusing the kitty of cheating.

"OK, I think," Joseph started to say and he stopped when he heard a crash from his kitchen. They had left out some condiments and others bits of food for the sandwiches they were eating. Marms invited himself to jump on the counter and knock off anything that happened to get in his way. He just knocked off a plastic bottle of mustard.

"Ah Colonel Mustard did it with," Marms knocked a knife off the counter and watched it with interest as it fell to the floor. "With the knife in," Marms meows loudly at them as if bragging that he had knocked the knife and mustard off the counter. George's face was getting red and Joseph had to try and suppress his laughter.

"OK Colonel Mustard did it with the knife in the kitchen." Joseph said and George grabbed a small package labeled 'confidential' and looked at the cards inside. His face became more angry and he threw the cards on the game board.

"Cheater!!! Marms you are a furry little cheater!" George yelled and Joseph began to laugh uncontrollably.

"Yeah Marms, bad kitty; bad kitty you don't knock stuff off the counter." Joseph said, still trying to suppress his laughter. Marms jumped off the counter and ran up to him and jumped on Joseph's lap then rubbed his face against him.

"Kitty kisses make everything better." Joseph said and George sighed and shook his head.

"You Marms are a big cheater! And I don't mean the kind of cheetah that runs very fast." Marms looked at George and meowed at him.

"Say George, you know that if anything should happen to me I leave Marms in your hands to take care of, right?!" Joseph said as the merriment had finally calmed down. George's face suddenly became solemn and he looked at Joseph in confusion.

"Something you need to tell me about?" he asked and Joseph tried to laugh it off.

"No just want to be certain he'll be taken care of should something unfortunate happen. You know every officer's worst nightmare." he said and George remained silent and watched him then finally agreed. Joseph smiled and tried to get another game started. By this time Marms was walking on the game board knocking over the pieces.

The next day before he went to the nursing home, Lee Ann stopped by to try and convince Joseph to join them. She was the last person he wanted to see and he tried to remain polite even though he had other errands to take care of and this visit was eating up his time.

"Wait so then how did the terrorists get the parasites into the United States in the first place?" Joseph asked.

"Infected mosquitos were the first to infect others. They were the ones to transfer them to the hosts they bit from there they kept multiplying and creating more and more hosts." she said.

"So who made them?"

"That's classified." she replied.

"Ah, of course."

"So are you gonna join us?" she asked.

"I really haven't made up my mind yet." he said.

"What's the alternative? Death!"

"After everyone that died, I think their memory deserves to have the truth known. I just don't know if I could dishonor them by keeping silent or working for the group that is suppressing the truth. Besides I may just get labeled as a conspiracy theorist and dismissed no matter what I say."

"Or Ned will kill you to get you out of the way." she said bitterly.

"Maybe but I don't think anyone wants me turned into a martyr."

"You play a dangerous game my friend. I hope you make the right choice.

"We will see."

"And what about your cat?" She asked as Marms suddenly jumped on her lap and turned over to reveal his belly. Joseph tried not to laugh because Marms was definitely a flirt and the ladies loved him for it.

"My buddy George will take care of him should anything happen to me. Trust me I made sure everything would be covered should I die as a police officer so this is no different." Joseph replied. Lee Ann rubbed Marms' belly and Joseph heard how loud he was purring and saw her melt under the weight of his charm.

He wished he could get women to fall instantly in love with him the way Marms could. He would look at women and blink his eyes and they would be kissing him all over his face. Had he been at a bar and winked at a girl she would give him a dirty look and walk away.

Joseph heard a knock at his door and when he answered, Ned was standing there grinning his famous grin.

"Hi buddy and may I add you are an ugly bastard." he said and Joseph sighed and let him in.

"Starting trouble early today huh Neddy boy."

"What can I say Jo Jo, I've taught the best." Ned saw Marms looking at him from across the room and he smiled and walked over and picked him up. Marms struggled to get free as Ned pet him.

"Aren't you a wee little bugger... ooh and you like purring too." Ned said and Joseph could see he was enjoying the attention. although Marms was pretending to struggle.

"Kitties," they both said at the same time. Ned let Marms wriggle free and Marms began to rub himself against his legs.

"Guess he likes you." Joseph said and briefly grinned but then became serious.

"So... have you made a decision yet?"

"I have. The most difficult thing I've ever had to decide but I finally chose what I need to do." Joseph said but he kept his gaze on Marms and held back from picking him up even though he desperately wanted to.

"Then what have you decided?" Ned asked.

"I choose............."

Paraskepite- Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty Joseph arrived at the address and saw what looked like an abandoned house. He stood there watching it expecting the wind to knock it over at any minute. The boards were rotten and the paint had long since peeled off. The grass...

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Paraskepite- Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Nineteen Joseph parked on the street as he arrived at Tracey's home and exited his vehicle. Her home was a tri story one that was painted an eggshell white color. The frames around her windows were grey and they really stood out to look...

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Paraskepite- Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Eighteen Lee Ann arrived at city hall where the mayor and council had agreed to meet with them. Although she still had her hair was still dyed purple she dressed as a scientist would and even Joseph was impressed. She struggled as she...

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