Cortex Manipulator Repair for the Cockpit Tinkerer: A Troubleshooting Guide for Dummy Thicc Himbos, Bimbos, and Femboys

Story by danath on SoFurry

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Tatsky the raccoon, Basil the rabbit, and Ferry the bluebird are three friends with a slow-freighter spacefaring shipping business. After Ferry buys a junk cortex manipulator at a shop on a station, Basil and Tatsky can't help but notice a change in the bluebird's demeanor - and size!

Cortex Manipulator Repair for the Cockpit Tinkerer: A Troubleshooting Guide for Dummy Thicc Himbos, Bimbos, and Femboys

By Danath

Characters © Tatsky

Written during Freebies Vol. 85: Mind Control Edition

* * *

"Coming out of warp... all hands prepare for normal space..."

Tatsky, hearing Ferry's voice over the intercom, gritted his teeth and stuck out a brown-furred paw. Holding on to the side of one of the many thousands of shipping containers in the back of the freighter for support as the shift from hyperspace to normal space happened in a disorienting flash.

"All hands, normal space clear. Approaching the space station... docking eta... 45 minutes."

Tatsky rolled his eyes. "All hands," yeah right. More like all three people on the entire ship. Despite the size, the huge freighter was painfully slow. Almost entirely automated, the entire thing was basically a shell with a big engine behind it. For most of the journey, life support wasn't even turned on in the cargo section, just the living and work quarters in the midsection. Ferry liked to go by the book though, so "all hands" it was.

Tatsky returned to his work of preparing the cargo bay for unloading. He waved his wrist at a few more of the huge stacks of crates towering all around him.Other than a straight path through the middle for getting equipment through, the boxes were moved by cranes dangling from the ceiling. Best practices said someone had to run down to the cargo bay to check moorings after every jump to or from warp, though, and Ferry was a stickler, so here was the raccoon peering at nuts and bolts for signs of weakness. As if hot-welded Martian steel would ever break so easily.

Tatsky kept strolling through the bay waving his wrist to activate the scanners that looked for micro-deformations in the metals. There were none, of course - the junky old freighter couldn't run fast enough for any stress damage to occur.

The raccoon opened comms by tapping on his wrist.

"Basil, I'm done on this end."

"Yeah, same here."

Ferry's voice broke in.

"All hands, keep comms clear during landing."

There was a beep, signaling someone was about to speak, but then after a moment nothing, as though they'd decided not to pick a fight today. Tatsky grinned. He didn't really mind doing things Ferry's way, but the bluebird was only the de-facto captain. None of the three of them had any real rank. The "all hands" stuff was from Ferry's days working for some military outfit back before he inherited the freighter and started the shipping business. So he was "in charge" inasmuch as Tatsky didn't much care and Basil was more of a silent seether.

Regardless, the business was boring, but decent. They specialized in heavy minerals lately, like this load. A modern ship wouldn't have been able to shift a third of what was in the cargo bays, so despite outward appearances, their ancient freighter still could serve a purpose. And who knew, with all the small upgrades they'd been installing over the past few trips, it was actually a pretty good job.

But again, desperately slow. Tatsky headed back through the cargo bay. As he walked across the steel floors and down the curved corridors towards the crew quarters, he tried to remember the space station they were docking at. From here, the on-board materials would be sent planetside, whatever planet this one was. Tatsky lost count a long time ago. They didn't have a regular route - for anyone who needed a ship that much, it was cheaper to buy and operate their own. They specialized in heavy long-haul loads that some of the newer freighters struggled with. At a certain point, density mattered to the special warp engines, and staying within tolerance was something even Tatsky paid a close eye to. Nobody wanted to be blown into literal space dust because some mine owner wanted to squeeze a few extra tons on board.

So a big, heavy, slow engine in the back, and a massive reinforced shell in the front. Crew quarters occupied the small space in between. Six identical floors contained pods of small rooms with built-in bunk beds, a throwback to when spacefaring vessels required dozens of crew to operate around the clock. Tatsky, Basil, and Ferry shared a pod on the upper level. With only three of them, they each occupied one of the small rooms and shared the facilities. Saved the trouble and cost of opening the other decks.

Basil was already in the common area. The busty silver rabbit nodded at the raccoon as he entered. A pale gray jumpsuit wrapped around her large chest and hung loosely around her sides, hiding the severe hourglass figure, before filling out and then some around her wide hips and rear. A wispy, wide tail - silver on top, with soft white fuzz on the bottom - flicked as she glanced his way.

"Have we ever been here before?"

"I was just wondering that myself," Tatsky said. He headed for his wardrobe - really just a locker built into the bulkhead - and got out some street clothes. Basil wore a jumpsuit regardless, but he liked to dress up a bit when he was off the ship.

"Probably not then. Ferry will know."

"Better not ask him now, we gotta keep the comms clear."

"Does everyone else know too?"

After a few more jokes at Ferry's expense, they met the bluebird at the main hatch after docking. The tall and thin jay nodded at them both.

"I'm going to handle unloading since it's my turn, but you two need to be back here by tomorrow morning. I have a lead on a contract that might put us enough into the black that we can take a vacation."

"Hey, that's great news!" Tatsky said, beaming. The raccoon's blue jeans and shirt didn't seem very fancy, but he enjoyed the feeling of the cotton more than the synthetics in the jumpsuits. Blue jeans wouldn't stop him being burned in a chemical fire, though, so on ship he begrudgingly wore them. Unlike Basil, though, the jumpsuits didn't do much for his rump. Now, he could show off a bit. Short, soft, and well-padded, the stocky raccoon filled his clothes well, though half the thickness was due to his soft and long fur. On ship during a long journey, everyone needed a hobby, and Tatsky found fur care to be relaxing. And showy.

"I could use a break, too. Someplace with trees for a change," Basil said. The rabbit grinned and shifted her weight from foot to foot. Her thick thighs squeezed together as she nearly rubbed her hands together with anticipation. "I'm just dying to find out if they have a restaurant on this station. Unprocessed food please!"

"Just remember, back by tomorrow morning, ship-time."

Tatsky swung a paw up to his forehead and came to attention. "Aye aye!"

Ferry rolled his eyes as the hatch opened. Basil waved and walked out with her untypically short gait - despite her long feet and wide thighs, she kept her footsteps short to avoid causing too much wiggling in the rear. Tatsky followed by marching out behind her. Ferry, also wearing a jumpsuit but in a way that made him seem like it was part of his body rather than a fashion choice, closed the hatch on the way through the clear tube connecting the ship to the station. Like spokes extruding from the center of a wheel, dozens of ships positioned at the station, which was large and flat like a pancake. Both sides were covered in solar panels and broadcasting equipment. There were upwards of 10,000 people on the station at any given moment, though only a tenth of that number lived there full-time. The rest, like Tatsky and the others, were spacers.

The tube through which they walked opened into a security center. After check-in, they all went their separate ways. Tatsky looked for shops that sold fur care accessories, Basil looked for a restaurant with real food, and Ferry headed for the business department to follow up on his lead.

Ordering the unloading and delivery went surprisingly easy, though Ferry had enough experience with small station bureaucracy to know when to apply a little charm, a few smiles, a compliment or three about this or that around the station. So the bluebird had a little free time for once.

Unsure of what to do with himself, he wandered through the station to the main concourse in the center, off of which the other levels rose on all sides, connected by powered elevators and walkways. There were a few information screens nearby, so he glanced at the available services when one caught his eye - a used components store.

The freighter was old, so things were breaking down. Though he had a healthy supply of second hand parts for most systems already, it wouldn't hurt to stock up in case they took a really long contract at some point. The shop was located at the end of one of the arms that came off the main concourse, a poorly lit little box that probably used to be a storage closet for another business elsewhere on the station. The walls were lined from floor to ceiling with shelves full of parts, some in the box, some not, others complete and others obviously melted or broken. There was a small counter near the front where an old tiger sat, scrolling through a screen sat perfunctorily in front of him on a bed of seemingly random motherboard components. The feline didn't bother looking up as Ferry entered.

"You break it, you buy it."

Ferry nodded and picked his way through the aisle, being careful not to step on the metallic and plastic parts littered around. The cramped little shop was amazing, Ferry thought. Shabby, crabby, and potentially stabby. There were piles of sensors of different types, plug-in modules, valves, electronics, panels, and more. Ferry found one or two things he recognized as potentially useful while making his way through, but he got excited about a discovery at the back of the business. It wasn't anything dramatic looking on the outside, but Ferry grabbed the black box and tucked it under his arm.

The old tiger glanced at the parts Ferry set on the counter.

"Everything is sold as-is. No returns," the tiger said, before pointing a finger at the black box. "Especially that thing. I know what it's worth, so don't think you're getting a deal on it. It's busted. I spent two months trying to fix the damn thing."

"What's wrong with it?"

"If I knew that, the price would be higher, wouldn't it? These things can improve shipboard efficiency by up to sixty percent!"

With that, the haggling ensued, and Ferry left feeling as though he'd come out with a fair price as-is, but if he could fix the box, he could stand to make a tidy profit. Or keep it and have a new toy for the journeys.

Not that the cortex manipulator was a toy. Far from it. The cortex manipulator allowed the pilot direct access to a ship's operations by just thinking about it. Just by thinking! Ferry liked that idea ever since he'd heard about these things a few years ago. There was absolutely no reason to get one for the freighter, which was dead simple to operate as it was already. But like Tatsky's fur care and Basil's cooking, Ferry needed his own hobbies to occupy him.

Ferry spent the rest of the evening back on the ship arranging for their next contract - a relatively short jaunt to a major planetary system with five planets and a few dozen stations. They'd spend two months ferrying crew and equipment back and forth to a construction job on one of the planet's moons. Easy money, a couple hours of warp each way, and in a populated system for once. Forget a vacation - this job sounded like one already. Not to mention the paycheck was above average thanks to the bluebird's negotiating skills.

The next morning, after leaving the station and heading for their new assignment, the ship made the jump to warp. While Basil spent time in a makeshift kitchen trying out some new recipes with ingredients she found at the station, Tatsky retreated to his private room with a few new games found at one of the shops. The ship was on autopilot so Ferry didn't need to stay in the cockpit, but he did in order to try and diagnose the problems with the cortex manipulator. He made sure to download the unit's operating manual from the station library before they left port, so he had that open on one screen while going through a list of possible issues.

There was power, but the little box simply refused to communicate with the ship. Or possibly the ship was refusing the connection with the box. Either way, Ferry spent the whole morning puzzling over it.

The afternoon, too. And the next day. And the next. There wasn't really much else to do during the silent warp journey to the planet a few galaxies away.

It wasn't until near the very end of the trip that Ferry finally made a breakthrough. Unable to figure out if there was a mechanical issue with the cortex manipulator, he resorted to the hardcode and went through line by line looking for anything amiss. He was no programmer, but he knew enough to be dangerous. The bluebird's eyes flicked across the puzzling jumbles of commands and variables and integers and all that other stuff that somehow went into making the machine work. The cortex manipulator was apparently the product of eight or ten different iterations of AI coding, so nobody really knew how it worked, exactly. They could only describe what it did.

For almost a week straight, barely taking breaks to eat and sleep, Ferry obsessed over the code. He created copies of libraries, went through mountains of functions, tested dozens of iterations, until... there it was.

All of a sudden, Ferry found it. The AI's programming language was complicated and the hardcode convoluted, but the unmistakable mistake looked the bird straight in the beak. Down near the end of a long sequence that Ferry assumed at this point controlled the manipulator-ship connection, he saw a missing character meant to mark the end of a line, causing an error in timing that essentially made it so that the little black box couldn't connect even to itself. No wonder the diagnostics recommended in the manual found nothing wrong. The bluebird fixed it, rebooted the machine, and suddenly the shipboard computer lit up with a notification about the new connection and control schemes available.

Ferry had done it! He made it work! He beat the machines!

The bluebird grinned with triumph and immediately set to work pairing the shipboard computer to himself. He also set it to give access to Basil and Tatsky as well. Couldn't hurt, and it would be useful in an emergency. There were no errors, no warnings, nothing at all. And they were just coming up on the end of the warp, which was the perfect opportunity to try the cortex manipulator out.

According to the manual, the machine would pick up on his brain patterns, scan them, and recognize commands. Somehow. Again, nobody really knew what was going on with all that code.

'Leave warp and return to normal space,' Ferry thought.

Lights lit up around the control panels in the cockpit, signaling the command was received and being implemented. There was a flash and the disorientation that accompanied a return to normal space.

"Hey, Ferry! A little warning next time, huh?" Tatsky said, sounding a little indignant over the comms.

"All hands, normal space clear," Ferry said in response, still grinning. "Sorry about that."

It worked! The cortex manipulator worked! He could sell it today and make twenty times his money, which would go a long way to funding a brand new ship... or...

Ferry took in a deep breath. He could keep it, he thought.

Yes, he could keep it. Enjoy it, use it, learn more about how it worked. Then, once he got his new fancy ship, he'd simply bring it with and install it on a machine worthy of having his brain power guiding it. Yes, that was the right thing to do. It was a fancy piece of equipment, anyways. Very expensive. Hard to replace. Better to keep it than risk never finding one he could afford ever again.

The bluebird blinked and shook his head. He'd been staring into nothing in a daze for a few minutes already. He quickly set a course to the station and queued for docking, gleeful as merely thinking about it with some pointedness made it happen thanks to the lovely little box. They'd be moving heavy equipment for the next few days - short warps from here to a moon at a planet on the other side of the system. And he'd control the ship the whole while with his mind! The bluebird was starting to feel like a real captain for once as he relaxed into the cockpit chair with a smirk on his beak.

The small, industrial station didn't offer any tourist services, so Tatsky and Basil stayed on ship while Ferry took care of business. After a few hours of loading, they were off, carting massive low-grav earthworks equipment in the cargo bays. They'd be landing on the planet and then the construction crews would simply drive the huge equipment off the ramps of the cargo bays.

Ferry leaned back in the cockpit seat, once again smirking as he guided the ship out of the dock and into warp position all with his mind. The ship acknowledged his every command - not that there were all that many of them, but still, how cool? With a few more directed thoughts - and a cautionary message to the passengers - they were off in warp.

The bluebird grinned even wider. He exulted in the feeling of control. Owning and operating his own ship had always been his dream, and now things were starting to finally go his way. The cortex manipulator was just the thing to brighten his whole year. Ferry grunted as he shifted his tail feathers into a more comfortable position beneath him in the chair. He looked down at his belly and wondered if perhaps it was time to diet - or just get a new chair. This one was starting to feel a little tight around the hips. Though he didn't look any bigger, he thought.

While the construction crews unloaded their equipment on the moon, Basil, Tatsky, and Ferry ate together in the crew quarters.

"Hey, why did I get a computer voice warning me about the last hyperspace jump? It sounded like it came from inside my own head," Basil asked. "Is this some new ship system, Ferry?"

"Oh, yeah, I never told you, did I? I got us a cortex manipulator!"

Ferry's beak turned down in a bit of a disappointed frown at Tatsky and Basil's blank expressions.

"You know? A cortex manipulator? This is a good one, too. A SynTech XDR-4500. Top of the line gear, only a generation old."

Still seeing no reaction, Ferry kept trying.

"They allow you to control the ship with your mind? Improve shipboard efficiency by sixty percent?"

"Okay, how about this - it's worth a few million credits at least."

"Okay, now that I understand!" Tatsky said. "Is that how we're getting our vacation?"

"Oh, no, no way, I'm not selling it!" Ferry said, in a bit more heated tone than he intended. "We can't get rid of it!"

"Fine, fine, that's fine, dude," Tatsky said, holding up his paws placatingly. "I just figured if it's worth that much... I mean, come on, this ship probably doesn't need it, right?"

Basil spoke up.

"If it's worth that much, Ferry must have got a good deal on it, right?"

There was a note of hope in her voice as she fully expected Ferry to explain how their vacation was a bust because of it.

The bluebird's eyes lit up. "Yeah, a great deal because it was broken, but I fixed it! Not even a dent in the petty cash."

Basil relaxed. "So that's why you were in the cockpit the entire trip?"

"Yup, managed to troubleshoot it with just a bit of effort."

"Nice job, Ferry. But how do I make it not talk to my head?" Tatsky asked.

After explaining how to adjust the settings - by thinking about them - Ferry extolled the virtues of the system until the other two were sick of hearing - or thinking - about it.

* * *

They were on their afternoon run - by ship-time, anyways - a few days later. Ferry rarely left the cockpit, even during the long stretches of loading and unloading. Tatsky and Basil didn't think too much about it considering how excited the bluebird was about the cortex manipulator thingamajig. As Basil and Tatsky sat at the table in crew quarters, they both turned to watch as Ferry walked through the doorway. Simultaneously their jaws dropped.

Ferry was different. Very different. The bluebird's lean shoulders had filled out, wider and fuller from back to front. The thin feathers coating him had thickened as well into deep layers of fluff. His arms were wider with clearly bulky biceps. His chest narrowed slightly into his hard, flat stomach, before expanding into a huge pair of thighs and calves, big enough to almost make the tall bluebird appear short and stocky. The jumpsuit stretching around his torso and legs contoured to the shifting muscles, showing off just how big he'd somehow grown over the past week.

"Ferry? Is that you?" Tatsky asked, eyes wide.

"What? Yeah, it's me. Who else would it be?" the bluebird said. He strode across the room to the shared fridge and pulled out a few snacks. "Anyways, we're dropping out of warp soon, so you two sluts better get your butts ready. Hah!"

The bluebird bit into one of his snacks with a crunch as he walked out of the room, his gait confident and long and completely unlike the Ferry they'd known for so many years.

Computerized voices sounded inside Tatsky and Basil's heads. The rabbit's eye twitched as she listened to the announcement about the upcoming drop from warp.

"Oh, come on, I turned that off!" the rabbit complained. "I mean... I think I did. Didn't I?"

"Yeah, I did too. And do you think Ferry looked... different?"

"Yeah, he... he did? I mean... did he?"

Basil trailed off, then shrugged and grinned.

"What were we talking about? Sorry, I totally spaced out there."

Tatsky blinked. "Uh... I don't know. Was Ferry here?"

The rabbit bit her plump lower lip and squeezed her thighs together under the table as an uncharacteristic flash of lust at the thought of the big, beefy bluebird.

"Mmph! I mean, yeah, he was getting a snack."

"I could be his sna- I mean, I could... uh... be going to the bathroom quick. I'll be back!"

Tatsky suddenly stood up, ears back, tail tucked against the inside of his thighs as both of his paws covered the front of his jumpsuit.

Basil stared after him, then rested her chin in the palm of her paw. As her long ears draped down her shoulders, the bulge inside her jumpsuit thickened substantially, and a dreamy expression crossed her silver and white muzzle as her eyes glazed over.

"Mmmhhhhhh... Ferry..."

Another week passed before Basil and Tatsky saw the bluebird again. They were hanging out in the observatory deck of the cargo bay by the manual crane controls. Tatsky leaned over the railing on his elbows, grinning and checking out the people on the construction crew.

"Mmmh... I think... I'd have him," the raccoon said. "The one in the orange vest and the black pants."

Tatsky's hips shifted side to side behind him. The plump raccoon's body was fuller and plumper than ever. His jumpsuit pulled taut across wide hips on the sides and a gropably plush chest in the front. His belly, mostly flat with a bit of a pudge, shifted as he turned his attention to someone else.

"Oh, and him. And him, and her, and that one."

Basil leaned against the crane control panel, arms crossed under her chest. Her oversized bosoms piled up on her forearms as she grinned at Tatsky and shook her head, sending a jiggling ripple through her own well-filled jumpsuit. The front was unzipped a foot or so at the top, allowing thick tufts of white chest fur to push through. The zippers pulled to the sides at angles across her impressive rack, supporting and squeezing together the two massive jugs. A lewd bulge ran down the upper part of her thigh from her hips, while a large, wide blue belt fashioned from some scrap fabric cinched the jumpsuit around her belly to make her narrow hourglass figure more apparent. Blue lipstick coated her plump lips.

"You are -such- a slut, Tatsky!" she said before giggling. "Though I do agree with you. Mmmhhhh... that one's nice and big, isn't he?"

Tatsky turned around and leaned his rump against the railing, giving anyone on the construction crew on the floor below who chanced a look up an impressive show.

"Ugh, yes, total beefcake. But you know who I'd really have..."

"Yeah, yeah, I know."

"What's with him? He's in that cockpit all day, every day, barely comes out, won't talk when he does..."

Basil brushed her ears back and smirked. "Well, we could just go and talk to him."

"Maybe he'd listen if we tried to talk through the cortex manipulator," Tatsky said sarcastically. "Only thing he's interested in, the big dumb stud."

"Actually, that's not a bad idea," Basil said thoughtfully.


"Yeah, if we use it more than we have been, maybe he'll take the hint?"

"Oh, right! Let's do it!"

Tatsky grinned and stared ahead into nothing as he activated the thought-controlled device to send Ferry a question about the schedule, just to use it.

The raccoon's legs trembled and his eyes closed. The front of his jumpsuit bulged with the thickness of his arousal as he got the bluebird's reply.

A few weeks later...

Basil grinned as she leaned over the railing of the observatory deck. Her half-unzipped jumpsuit allowed plenty of silky, silver-furred rabbit cleavage to spill out for the viewing pleasure of the final departing construction crew. The rabbit's pursed lips smiled brightly as she waved and bounced, causing her enormous jugs to twitch and jiggle. Her wide hips and enormous rump did the same behind as she giggled and waved to the departing construction workers. Next to her, Tatsky did the same. The pudgy, cute raccoon even blew some kisses and waggled his fingers near his ear in the "call me" gesture. His long ringed tail flicked behind him, above the big round orbs of his rump that were filling a jumpsuit two sizes too big for him otherwise.

As Basil closed the bay doors, Tatsky used the cortex manipulator to communicate with Ferry.

All done down here!

Good. I'll meet you two in the crew quarters. I've got our next contract. You two sluts are gonna icon_inlove.gif this one.

It was almost natural to use it now. The more he used it over the past few weeks, the more useful it seemed to the raccoon, who quickly fell in line with Ferry's desires to keep it around. Basil was the same - in fact, the sultry rabbit probably used it more than any of them, even just to turn the lights on or off in the room she was in.

Tatsky shivered. Ferry was coming. He was going to talk to them. They'd seen him only a few times over the past month, always in passing. The huge, hulking bird would pass them in the corridors, leaving them with only his deep and intoxicating scent. The big bluebird probably weighed three hundred pounds and was seven feet tall at least. Tatsky and Basil spent many hours over the past few weeks trying to guess just how big the bluebird's cock was based on the shifting bulge in his jumpsuit.

And that bulge was the first thing Tatsky focused on when Ferry came into the crew quarters later. The ship was floating in free space, engines off, so nobody was needed on the bridge.

The bird swept his gaze from Basil to Tatsky and back again. A predatory grin played on his beak as he clapped his large hands together. The outlines of his pecs through the front of his jumpsuit twitched and jumped as he moved his arms around, showing off just how packed and jacked the big male was. The fabric of his jumpsuit clung to his thighs and calves, barely containing the enormous muscles bulgings from within.

Tatsky's backside wiggled as the frontside tightened up with the clear outline of his fat arousal, but he was all ears for the burly bluebird.

"Listen up, sluts... new job is good to go," Ferry said. "I'm gonna finally put this ship to some good use and you two along with it. We're getting out of the shipping business!"

"Ugh, finally! It's so boring!" Basil said, grinning. "So, what are we doing instead? Something more fun, yeah?"

The studly bluebird grinned. "You know it, baby. Gonna start making our money the old-fashioned way. I already put out the signal and we got clients incoming. But before they get here, I'm gonna make sure you two whores know how to properly put out."

Deep in the back of his mind, somewhere almost forgotten, Tatsky watched what was happening and wondered why he was going along with it. Something was here. Something to do with the cortex manipulator. It was... changing them. Changing him. But he... he couldn't stop it. Even if he wanted to. Which he didn't. Not now. Not as the big bird strutted towards him, already sporting a half-chub in his jumpsuit that stretched almost to his knee... not as Basil's top dropped, letting out her enormous bosoms...

The raccoon's muzzle opened wide as Ferry grabbed him around the back of the head and dragged him in close. His paw quickly moved down lower, grasping thick handfuls of plump raccoon rump. The bluebird's other hand stretched towards Basil, and the rabbit let out an excited groan as he palmed one of her nipples, groping and squeezing. All the while, the bird's tongue forced its way down Tatsky's muzzle. The raccoon wiggled, rubbing his plump and soft belly against the himbo's growing maleness. It was so warm, even through the two layers of insulating jumpsuit fabric, that Tatsky could feel his cock already dripping with need.

"Mmhh... yeah... this is gonna be great," Ferry grunted, pulling his beak away from the gasping raccoon. "You two are gonna make me so much money..."

Basil's eyes widened as she felt the bluebird's tongue invade her muzzle next. Her jaws stretched as she squeezed in close, gasping as his eager fingers dove around her fat rear end, hauling on it until Basil had to stand on tiptoes with her full weight squeezing her chest into the muscular himbo.

"I'll be working too, don't worry. I'm very fair like," Ferry said, grunting. "First thing I'm gonna do is work you two over, though. Need to make sure you can handle the rough stuff before those asteroid miners get here. They're not too gentle, you know?"

Basil gasped and moaned, arching her back as Ferry's beak teased around each of her nipples, licking and then biting and tugging, pulling on her heavy bosoms until his beak slipped away and her chest bounced back into resting position. Tatsky, meanwhile, was turned around and facing the wall, paws up and rump hiked, as Ferry rudely grabbed and squeezed every square inch of nice, soft raccoon butt.

"Lose the jumpsuits, sluts," Ferry said with another grunt. The front of his jumpsuit swayed, bulging outwards with the growing maleness inside, like a log stretching against the fabric of a tent. He grabbed the zipper and carefully tugged it down. The huge pink erection tipped forward gracefully, falling forward until it pointed at Basil's chest.

The rabbit let out a squawk as Ferry wrapped his hand around her ears and tugged her down onto the floor where he could kneel over her belly. Her nude silver pelt wriggled as she felt his thighs squeeze around either side of her heavy breasts, pushing them together above her head.The big, studly bird's heavy nuts draped over her narrow belly, just above where the rabbit's own thick pink shaft throbbed with arousal.

As Ferry shoved his thickness between the rabbit's generous cleavage, his other hand reached out and grabbed the raccoon by the back of his neck. There was a bit of grunting and rustline before Ferry was satisfied, but eventually he got the raccoon on his back, face up, beneath the huge blue sac. Basil's cock rubbed between Tatsky's shoulder blades as the small raccoon eagerly went to work worshiping Ferry's balls, tonguing and lipping them, massaging them with his paws. Satisfied with the raccoon's position, the buff bird humped forward, smacking his thighs and hips into the undersides of Basil's breasts. His hands wrapped tightly around her nipples, dragging them back and forth as he ground his hips forward, stretching her enormous orbs until she was gasping and squealing with lust. The rabbit's shiny white and silver fur glimmered in the light as her muzzle opened in a small "O" with her painted blue lips. Her upper torso was shoved back and forth, bouncing lewdly around the thickness shoved between. On the downstroke, the tip of the bluebird's enormous pink shaft just managed to reach all the way through Basil's valley, and left a thick streak of clear pre-cum as it went. The rabbit's chin ended up a dripping mess within minutes as the bluebird's huge arms tensed and flexed, holding both toys in place as he got properly warmed up.

"Mmmmhhh... oh, fuck," Ferry groaned above the sound of his thighs slapping along Basil's bosoms. "That's the stuff right there... we're gonna charge extra for this!"

Tatsky wriggled and moaned as the heat and musk surrounding his head became almost unbearable. His cock ached and throbbed, squirting and dribbling, but his paws remained where he knew they should be - the bluebird's fat balls. He didn't touch himself even though he desperately wanted to.

Soon, thick rivulets of pre-cum rolled down the bluebird's stalk. Some of it rubbed into Basil's thick fur and the rest trickled down the fat shaft to the base and balls, where the musky seed smeared across Tatsky's greedy muzzle.

"All hands, tits are go. Repeat, tits are clear for go," Ferry said, a wicket smile on his beak as he sloppily pumped forward. Regularly timed ropes of pre-cum splattered across the gasping rabbit's neck and shoulders before the bluebird's hand shifted to the rabbit's ears again.

Both ears stood on end as the bird leaned his hips forward, past the swells of her chest, so that the fat head of his massive cock pushed into her plump lips. Beneath, Tatsky took a few gasping breaths of fresh air as the huge sac lifted away from his head. Basil's eyes widened as the bluebird's body tensed, bulging and flexing, showing off the power in his core. She watched him leering down at her and opened her muzzle all the way, tongue out, a pleading look in her eyes.

"Heh... look at you... can't wait to taste it, can you?" Ferry grunted. His free hand grabbed the base of his cock and rubbed the tip across the rabbit's chest. Dribbles of pre ran down her muzzle as well.

"Nnnffff... mmmhh, oh, yes, please!" Basil groaned. "Ooh, Ferry, yes! I need it!"

Basil's muzzle opened again. Ferry didn't tease her this time. Her eyes closed as the fat bluebird cock dove inside, stretching her jaw and throat in equal measure as he sunk deeper and deeper, using small and hard thrusts to force her open to him.

The big bird leaned backwards, pulling her into a half-sitting position. Pre-cum dripped from Basil's nostrils as she swallowed furiously around the veiny monster, though her half-lidded expression was nothing but need for more. Able to push himself back again, the muscular bird's glutes flexed as they dropped over top of Tatsky's head, smoothing him once more in feathers and balls.

"Yeah... mmmhhffff... fuck yeah, just like that! All the way to the balls, you hot bitch!"

Both of Ferry's hands wrapped around Basil's ears, one a piece, so that he could jerk her face down until his fat maleness disappeared entirely in the hot, slick throat. She choked a few times, but didn't stop trying to throat him the whole while, even resisting his hands when he tried to pull her off for another thrust.

"Yeah... that's the spirit... fuck, you're good at that!"

With Ferry's liberal praise ringing in her aching ears, and her huge, swollen teats dripping with hot, oozing seed, Basil felt like she was in paradise. The huge bird's pleasure was her only focus as she did her best to swallow him again and again, eager for his flavor, his scent, his powerful body doing as it pleased with her own...

Beneath the bluebird's backside, Tatsky was twitching and grunting as he struggled to wrap both paws around just one of Ferry's massive balls. Though not small himself, Tatsky felt a lustful envy for Ferry that made him willing to do anything - anything! - the big bluebird demanded. The raccoon's plump, leaking fat shaft dripped all the more as he wiggled and moaned and huffed between Ferry's thighs.

Basil's eyes suddenly opened wide. Her fingers clenched against Ferry's thighs as a blast of thick white cum suddenly erupted from her muzzle and nostrils, spilling over her huge breasts in a wave.


"Ha ha, sorry for not warning ya, slut."

Ferry's pace didn't slow even as Basil jerked and gagged on the massive volume of hot, potent jizz flooding her muzzle and belly. The rabbit's arms fell from Ferry's thighs as she ragdolled, unable to control her own body under the avalanche of powerful seed getting into every part of her body. The bluebird's fingers dug in around her ears, dragging her down until her lips stretched tight and thin, sealing around the base of his magnificent arousal.

"Oooh... yes! First test successful," Ferry groaned. "Alright, slut, that's enough for now."

Basil fell away with a shuddering moan when the massive bluebird's thickness dragged free of her throat. She slumped backwards and sprawled out, chest heaving, still gurgling up seed as her belly bulged with the sheer amount she'd been forced to endure. A silly smile spread across her lips as she stared unevenly at the ceiling above.

Tatsky felt the weight lift from his face, only for a huge paw to wrap around his muzzle and haul him around.

"I'm tired of blowjobs. Time to test this ass!"

Tatsky let out a cute yelp as the big paw smacked across his rump. He was so well padded down there that it didn't really hurt, but Ferry seemed to like the noises, so he kept going, gasping and moaning and crying out and begging and pleading until Ferry stuck his feathered fingers in the raccoon's muzzle.

"Noisy slut," the bluebird grunted as he lined his thickness up under the smaller male's tail. "Gonna have to work on that. You're not nearly loud enough!"


The raccoon's stomach bloated with the shape of Ferry's cock as the powerful male's arms tensed, roughly forcing the smaller male down, down, down, right to the root of the beastly thickness. Tatsky's eyes opened wide and his own arousal erupted, painting the deck in front of him in stripes of thick white seed. As the powerful bluebird's arms clenched tight around the raccoon's upper chest, they squeezed into the dazzlingly soft fur and pudge, dimpling inwards. Tatsky moaned long and loud and non-stop as he felt his legs fly forward, only to be suddenly jerked back for a second round with the bluebird's massive shaft.

Soon, the well-lubed raccoon was gliding back and forth from tip to base. His rump cheeks clenched and jiggled as they smacked off Ferry's iron thighs, while his stomach stretched well past his head. Even on the outstroke the sheer amount of thick birdseed flooding his belly meant his stomach hung further and further past his knees.

"Nnnffff... ooooh, fuuuuuuck, yesssss!" Ferry hissed. "This ass is gonna make us so much... nnfffffff... cash!"

Tatsky grunted as he felt his upper body shoved forward. Flat against a bulkhead, arms spread wide, he could only cry out with lust and need when Ferry's hands groped at his wide, pillowy hips. The bluebird's fingers sunk in up to his wrists as he tugged the smaller male's hips backwards, bouncing the fat-rumped raccoon again and again off of his impressively powerful lower body.

"Yeah, that's that kind of noise you'll need to make for our clients, slut," Ferry groaned. His body rocked back and forth, steady and powerful and relentless. "Just like that!"


Tatsky's belly slumped outwards, suddenly bloated three times as big as before. The outline of the bluebird's arousal disappeared as Tatsky's groans turned into gurgles. Columns of thick whtite spooge flew from his muzzle and nostrils, while even more shot back out his rump around the invading maleness. His whole body fattened up as the bird's pectorals shoved him from behind, wrapping around his head and pushing him tighter and tighter into the bulkhead.

"Yeah, milk it, bitch... every... fuckin... drop!"

Waves of spooge rolled across the deck two inches deep, washing around the gasping, still aroused Basil before splashing off the walls and down the built-in drains. Normally meant to trap and protect the ship from toxic chemical spills, they now served another purpose altogether as the flood of sticky white jizz continued.

Ferry groaned and leaned back, sitting down with a heavy thud on his spread tailfeathers next to Basil. Tatsky, still impaled, shuddered and gurgled even more with the aftershock. His huge belly wrapped forward and around the bluebird's huge balls, applying a nice, satisfying pressure as Ferry unleashed his full load, even grabbing Tatsky a few times just to sleeve the little male up and down his massive, fat, throbbing cock.

"Mmmmhhh... yeah, Tatsky, that's the stuff," Ferry groaned. "I mean, Basil here with the tits is gonna be popular, and I'm gonna get more pussy and ass to destroy than I'll know what to do with... but damn, Tatsky, I think you're gonna be the big earner on this ship!"

The bloated, cum-filled raccoon tipped forward as the bird's arousal softened somewhat, though gallons of powerful spooge continued to pump deep into the ring-tailed male's jiggling body.

The silver-furred rabbit grinned as she draped herself across Ferry's powerful chest, teasing his massive, slab-like pecs as her heavy breasts draped over one of his massive biceps.

"Mmmhhh... oooh, Ferry, promise me you'll fill me like that next!" she gasped, giggling as she felt the warm flood soak her twitching, trembling ankles. She still couldn't stand, and all she'd done was throat the massive monster! Her loins ached with need as she watched the raccoon with greed in her eyes.

"You got it, slut. Heh... oh, by the way, did I mention these asteroid miners we're taking on as clients were all exposed to a type of radiation that swelled their cocks?"

The clenching and wriggling around Ferry's shaft intensified.

"Yeah, it's true," the bluebird drawled. His free arm reached over and tweaked one of the rabbit's plump nipples. "They're all even more hung than me and haven't been able to fuck anyone for some years now."

Even more clenching and wriggling.

"I can tell you're even more excited than Basil here, Tatsky. Don't worry, I made sure they know you're a two-at-a-time only trick. Nnnfffff... knew you'd... oooh... like that... n... news!"

The end

Nature’s Servant

**_Nature's Servant_** _Characters © Spheal_ _Written during Freebies Vol. 85: Mind Control Edition!_ \* \* \* Spheal dug his fingers into the grass lining the edge of the river and hauled himself out of the clear, cold water. He stood up and let...

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Parvati's Fortune

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